Ec T36 (2marks 11 Marks With Answer
Ec T36 (2marks 11 Marks With Answer
Ec T36 (2marks 11 Marks With Answer
1. Define scalar field?
A field is a system in which a particular physical function has a value at each and
every point in that region. The distribution of a scalar quantity with a defined position in
a space is called scalar field.
Ex: Temperature of atmosphere.
2. Define Vector field?
If a quantity which is specified in a region to define a field is a vector then the
corresponding field is called vector field.
3. Define scaling of a vector?
This is nothing but, multiplication of a scalar with a vector. Such a multiplication
changes the magnitude of a vector but not the direction.
4. What are co-planar vector?
The vectors which lie in the same plane are called co-planar vectors.
5. What is an identical vector?
Two vectors are said to be identical if there difference is zero. Thus A and B are
identical if A B = 0,i.e, A = B . Such two vectors are also called as equal vectors.
6. Define base vectors?
The base vectors are the unit vectors which are strictly oriented along the
directions of the coordinate axes of the given coordinate system.
7. What is a position vector?
Consider a point p(x, y, z) are Cartesian coordinate system. Then the position
Vector of point p is represented by the distance of point p from the origin directed
from origin to point. This is also called as radius vector.
8. Define scalar product of vectors?
The scalar of the two vectors A and B is denoted as A.B and defined as the
product of the magnitude of A and magnitude of B and the cosine of angle between them.
9. Define Divergence.
Divergence is defined as the net outward flow of the flux per unit volume over a
closed incremental surface.
10. State Divergence Theorem.
The integral of the normal component of any vector field over a closed surface is
equal to the integral of the divergence of this vector field throughout the volume enclosed
that closed surface.
11. Define curl of a vector.
The maximum circulation of F per unit area as area tends to zero whose direction
is normal to the surface is called curl of F.
F = Curl of F
12. State Stoke Theorem.
The line integral of F around a closed path L isquale to the integral of curl of F
over the open surface S enclosed by the closed path L.
Mathematically it is expressed as
F. dL = ( F).dS
Where dL -perimeter of total surface S.
dv= dxdydxdydz ds
= dsan
24. What are the differential elements in cylindrical system? dr-differential length
in r direction
rd -differential length in
direction dz-differential length
in z direction
dv = rdrddz
25. What are the differential elements in spherical coordinate system? drdifferential
length in r direction
rd -differential length in direction
r sind -differential length in direction
dl = (dr) + (rd ) + (r
dv = r sindrdd
26. Which are the surfaces used to define the cylindrical coordinate system?
dsr = differential vector surface area normal to r direction
= rddzar
Ds = differential vector surface area normal to direction
= Drdza
dsz = differential vector surface area normal to z direction
= Rdrdaz
= sin cos
Conversely, the spherical coordinates may be converted into cylindrical coordinates by the
These formulae assume that the two systems have the same origin and same reference
plane, measure the azimuth angle in the same sense from the same axis, and that the
spherical angle is inclination from the cylindrical z axis.
43. Expression of Integration and differentiation in spherical coordinates.
The line element for an infinitesimal displacement from
44. What are the types of integral related to electromagnetic theory? 1. Line
2. Surface integral
3. Volume integral
45. Give the curl vector of the Cartesian system.
F =
ar ra
F =
r sin r
rF r sinF
48. Given two points in Cartesian coordinate system as A (3,-2, 1), (-3,-3, 5).find
from B to A.
BA = A B = [3 (3)ax + [(2) (3)]ay + [1 5]az
=6ax + ay 4az
BA =
of a point P, simply project it down to a point Q in the xy-plane (see the below figure).
Then, take the polar coordinates (r,) of the point Q, i.e., r is the distance from the
origin to Q and is the angle between the positive x-axis and the line segment from the
origin to Q. The third cylindrical coordinate is the same as the usual z-coordinate. It is
the signed distance of the point P to the xy-plane (being negative is P is below the xyplane). The below figure illustrates the cylindrical coordinates (r,,z) of the point P.
You can further explore the properties of the cylindrical coordinates with the follow
applet. You can observe how changing the coordinates (r,,z) changes the position of the
point P. Just as with polar coordinates, we usually limit 0<2 and r0 to descrease the
non-uniqueness of cylindrical coordinates. However, when r=0, there is a nonuniqueness since the point P is on the z axis when r=0, independent of the value of .
Cylindrical coordinates. Given the values for cylindrical coordinates r, , and z,
which you can change by dragging the blue points on the sliders, the large purple point
shows the corresponding position in Cartesian coordinates. The blue point is the
projection of the purple point in the xy-plane. This projection gives perspective and
helps in visualizing and r. The coordinate r is the length of the cyan line segment from
the origin to the blue point. The coordinate is the angle the cyan line segment makes
with the positive x-axis. The coordinate z is the same as the z-coordinate of Cartesian
coordinates. On the sliders, is written as .
The line element is
The volume element is
The surface element in a surface of constant radius (a vertical cylinder) is
The surface element in a surface of constant azimuth
(a vertical half-plane) is
3. What is mean by spherical co-ordinate system and mention the relationship between
Spherical and Cartesian system.
The surface element in a surface of polar angle constant (a cone with vertex the
origin) is
The surface element in a surface of azimuth
The volume element spanning from to
, and
4. Derive and explain the concept of vector field, gradient and divergence.
5. Define curl vector and determine the Cartesian coordinates of curl vector.
6. Derive the stokes theorem and derive the expression of stokes theorem.
7. State columbs law and explain the electric field intensity and magnetic field intensity
of columbs law with neat diagram.
9. Derive the expression of electric fields due surface charge and volume charge
1. Define point charge.
A point charge means that electric charge which is separated on a surface or
space whose geometrical dimensions are very very small compared to other dimensions,
in which the effect of electric field to be studied.
2. Define one coulomb.
One coulomb of charge is defined as the charge possessed by (1/1.602x10 -9) i.e
6x10 number of electrons.
3. State Coulombs law.
The coulombs law states that force between the two point charges Q1 and Q2
i) Acts along the line joining the two point charges
ii) is directly proportional to the product of the charges
iii) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
10. State the expression for electric field intensity due to charged circular ring.
It should be apparent from symmetry that the field is along the axis. The field dE
due to a charge element dq is shown, and the total field is just the superposition of all
such fields due to all charge elements around the ring. The perpendicular fields sum to
zero, while the differential x-component of the field is
such that
denotes the gradient of . When the above equation holds, is called a
scalar potential for . The fundamental theorem of vector calculus states that any vector
field can be expressed as the sum of a conservative vector field and a solenoidal field.
Where E is the electric flux through a closed surface S enclosing any volume V, Q is the
total charge enclosed within S, and 0 is the electric constant. The electric flux E is
defined as a surface integral of the electric field:
Where it is important to note that the integral on the left is over the enclosing surface
(often called the Gaussian surface), while that on the right is over the volume enclosed
by that surface.
24. What is the formula for spherical shell of charge using gauss law?
For r<a, E=0
For r=a, E= Q/(4a2) ar
For r>a, E= Q/(4r2) ar
25. What is the formula for uniformly charged sphere using gauss law?
r>a, D = a3R/3r2 ar
r=a, D = va /3 ar
r<a, D = r/3 v
What is Gradient of V?
The maximum value of rate of change of potential with distance dv/dL is called
gradient of V.
33. Define Absolute potential.
The absolute electrode potential is the difference in electronic energy between a
point inside the metal (Fermi level) of an electrode and a point outside the electrolyte in
which the electrode is submerged (an electron at rest in vacuum).
E is electrode potential
V is volt
M denotes the electrode made of metal M
(abs) denotes the absolute potential
(SHE) denotes the electrode potential relative to the standard hydrogen electrode.
34. What is the relationship between V and E?
The potential energy of an electrical supply stored in the form of an electrical charge.
Voltage can be thought of as the force that pushes electrons through a conductor and the
greater the voltage the greater is its ability to push the electrons through a given circuit.
As energy has the ability to do work this potential energy can be described as the work
required in joules to move electrons in the form of an electrical current around a circuit
from one point or node to another.
35. Define line charge density.
The term linear density is most often used when describing the characteristics of onedimensional objects, although linear density can also be used to describe the density of a
three-dimensional quantity along one particular dimension. Just as density is most often
used to mean mass density, the term linear density likewise often refers to linear mass
density. However, this is only one example of a linear density, as any quantity can be
measured in terms of its value along one dimension.
36. Write the formula for electric field intensity due to infinite line charge using gauss
An infinite long straight charged line having uniform linear charge density () and
a point P located at a perpendicular distance r from the linear charge distribution. The
electric field intensity at any point P and all the other points like P situated perpendicular
distance from the line will be equal as the line is of infinite length (L).
37. What is the value of electric flux density when the charge is distributed outside
the Gaussian surface?
The value of electric flux density is zero
38. What is dot product?
Dot product is also called as scalar product. It is defined as the product of the
magnitude of A and magnitude of B and cosine of the smallest angle between them.
A.B =| A || B | cosABan
39. What is physical significance of divergence?
Divergence of current density gives net outflow of current per unit volume
.Divergence of flux density gives net outflow per unit volume. In general, divergence of
any field density gives net outflow of that field per unit volume.
40. Write the formula for electric field intensity due to infinite sheet of charge using gauss
E = (s/20) az v/m
41. What is the application of Cartesian divergence?
The divergence of a continuously differentiable vector field F = U i + V j + W k is
equal to the scalar-valued function:
Where E is the electric field and B is the magnetic field. The solution will be in Joules per
cubic metre. In the context of magneto hydrodynamics, the physics of conductive fluids,
the magnetic energy density behaves like an additional pressure that adds to the gas
pressure of a plasma.
The amount of q in a region increases when additional q flows inward through the
surface of the region, and decreases when it flows outward;
The amount of q in a region increases when new q is created inside the region,
and decreases when q is destroyed;
Apart from these two processes, there is no other way for the amount of q in a
region to change.
is divergence,
j is the flux of q,
t is time,
is the generation of q per unit volume per unit time. Terms that generate ( > 0)
or remove ( < 0) q are referred to as a "sources" and "sinks" respectively.
What are the various types of charge distribution? Give an example for each.
a. Point charge-Ex. Positive charge
b. Line charge -Ex. A sharp beam in a cathode ray tube.
c. Surface charge-Ex. The plate of a charged parallel plate capacitor.
d. Volume charge-Ex. The charged cloud.
1. Define electric field intensity and derive the expression with neat diagram.
2. Draw the electric potential diagram and mention the low level potential and high level
Potential relation with expression.
3. Explain the concept of potential gradient and determine the potential of electric field
5. Derive and explain the concept of dipole and dipole moment with neat diagrams.
6. Define polarization and explain the types of polarization with neat diagrams.
7. Explain the concept of dielectrics and conductors with suitable diagrams and write the
10. What are the types of capacitor and explain the combination of capacitor.
1. state Biot-savarts law.
The BiotSavart law is an equation describing the magnetic field generated by an
electric current. It relates the magnetic field to the magnitude, direction, length, and
proximity of the electric current. The law is valid in the magnetostatic approximation, and is
consistent with both Ampre's circuital law and Gauss's law for magnetism.
2. write the expression of electric current of Biot-savarts law.
The BiotSavart law is used for computing the resultant magnetic field B at
position r generated by a steady current I (for example due to a wire): a continual flow of
charges which is constant in time and the charge neither accumulates nor depletes at any
point. The law is a physical example of a line integral, being evaluated over the path C in
which the electric currents flow.
where is the unit vector pointing from the current (non-retarded) position of the particle
to the point at which the field is being measured, and is the angle between and .
5. State Uniqueness Theorem.
The Uniqueness theorem can be stated as,
If the solutions of Laplaces equation satisfy the boundary condition then
that solution is unique, by whatever method is obtained.
The solution of Laplaces equation gives the field which is unique
satisfying the same boundary conditions, in a given region.
is the electromotive force (EMF),
B is the magnetic flux through the open surface ,
is the boundary of the open surface ; note that the surface, in general, may be
in motion and deforming, and so is generally a function of time. The
electromotive force is induced along this boundary.
d is an infinitesimal vector element of the contour ,
v is the velocity of the boundary ,
E is the electric field,
S is any closed surface,
Q is the total electric charge inside the surface S,
0 is the electric constant (a universal constant, also called the "permittivity of free
Note that the flux of E through a closed surface is not always zero; this indicates the
presence of "electric monopoles", that is, free positive or negative charges.
30. Define solenoid.
The term refers specifically to a long, thin loop of wire, often wrapped around a
metallic core, which produces a uniform magnetic field in a volume of space (where
some experiment might be carried out) when an electric current is passed through it. A
solenoid is a type of electromagnet when the purpose is to generate a controlled magnetic
field. If the purpose of the solenoid is instead to impede changes in the electric current, a
solenoid can be more specifically classified as an inductor rather than an electromagnet.
31. What is meant by displacement current?
Displacement current is nothing but the current flows through the capacitor
32. What is the energy stored in a capacitor?
W= cv2 J
33. Write the expression for spherical capacitance?
C= (4)/(1/a -1/b) F
34. Write the expression for isolated spherical conductor coated with dielectric?
C= 4/(1/1(1/a -1/r1) + 1/0r1 ) F
35. Write the expression for dielectric boundary normal to plates?
C= 1A1/d + 2A2/d F
36. Write the expression for dielectric boundary parallel to plates?
C= A/(d1/1 + d2/ 2 +..) F
37. What is meant by multiple dielectric capacitors?
The multiple dielectric capacitor is one in which the space between the plates is filled
with more than one dielectrics
38. What are the two situations of the boundary conditions based on nature of the media?
1. Boundry between conductor and free space.
2. Boundry between two dielectrics with different properties.
39. What meaning would you give to the capacitance of a single conductor?
Single conductors also possess capacitance. It is a capacitor whose one plate is
at Infinity.
40. Define dielectric strength of a dielectric?
The minimum value of the applied electric field at which the dielectric breaks down is
called dielectric strength of that dielectric
41. Write the inductance expression of solenoid.
The magnetic flux density
where 0 is the magnetic constant, the number of turns, the current and the length of
the coil. Ignoring end effects, the total magnetic flux through the coil is obtained by
multiplying the flux density by the cross-section area :
current associated with a given magnetic field, provided that the electric field does not
change over time. In its original form, Ampre's circuital law relates a magnetic field to
its electric current source.
44. Write the expression of integral form of amperes law.
In terms of total current, which includes both free and bound current, the line
integral of the magnetic B-field (in tesla, T) around closed curve C is proportional to the
total current Ienc passing through a surface S (enclosed by C):
where J is the total current density (in ampere per square metre, Am2).
Alternatively in terms of free current, the line integral of the magnetic H-field (in ampere
per metre, Am1) around closed curve C equals the free current If, enc through a surface S:
dS is the vector area of an infinitesimal element of surface S (that is, a vector with
magnitude equal to the area of the infinitesimal surface element, and direction
normal to surface S. The direction of the normal must correspond with the
orientation of C by the right hand rule), see below for further explanation of the
curve C and surface S.
The first term on the right hand side is present everywhere, even in a vacuum. It doesn't
involve any actual movement of charge, but it nevertheless has an associated magnetic
field, as if it were an actual current. Some authors apply the name displacement current to
only this contribution.
you stand in such a way that you are looking directly into the oncoming
magnetic field, the a positively charged particle will be seen to rotate in clockwies
circle where as a negatively charged particle will rotate in counterclockwise
circle. See Charge Particle moving in a Uniform B-Field IP Simulation.
3. Derive the expression for electric field intensity due to a circular surface charge.
7.Derive an expression for electric field due to an infinite long charge from its
8. Derive the boundary conditions at the charge interfaced of two dielectric media.
9. Derive an expression for energy density and energy stored in electrostatic fields.
1. Define Magnetic flux density.
The total magnetic lines of force i.e. magnetic flux crossing a unit area in a plane
at right angles to the direction of flux is called magnetic flux density. It is denoted as
B .Unit Wb/m2.
2. State Amperes circuital law.
The line integral of magnetic field intensity H around a closed path is exactly
equal to the direct current enclosed by that path.
The mathematical representation is H.dL = I .
3. Define Magnetic field Intensity.
Magnetic Field intensity at any point in the magnetic field is defined as the force
experienced by a unit north pole of one Weber strength, when placed at that point. Unit:
N/Wb (or) AT /m.It is denoted as H .
4. What is rotational and irrotational vector field?
If curl of a vector field exists then the field is called rotational. For irrotational
vector field, the curl vanishes i.e. curl is zero.
5. State Stokes Theorem.
The line integral of a vector A around a closed path L is equal to the integral of
curl of A over the open surface S enclosed by the closed path L.
6. Give the application of Stokes theorem.
The Stokes theorem is applicable for the open surface enclosed by the given
closed path. Any volume is a closed surface and hence application of Stokes theorem to a
closed surface which enclosed certain volume produces zero answer.
7. Define Inductance.
In general, inductance is also referred as self inductance as the flux produced by
the current flowing through the coil links with the coil itself.
8. What is fringing effect?
If there is an air gap in between the path of the magnetic flux, it spreads and bulges
out. This effect is called fringing effect.
9. What are boundary conditions?
The conditions of the magnetic field existing at the magnetic field existing at the
boundary of the two media when the magnetic field passes from one medium to other are
called boundary conditions.
10.Define self inductance.
Self inductance is defined as the rate of total magnetic flux linkage to the current
through the coil.
18. Give the relation between Magnetic flux and Flux density.
The relation between Magnetic flux and flux density is obtained through
the property of medium and permeability . This is given by,
B = H .
19. State Law of conservation of Magnetic Flux.
It states that, the integral B.dsR over a closed surface is always zero.
B .ds = 0.
This is also called Gausss law in integral form for magnetic fields.
20. Give Gausss law in differential form for magnetic fields.
The divergence of magnetic flux density is always zero.
.B = 0 .
Wm = lim wm = 1 H 2 .
v 2
23. Define Mutual inductance.
The mutual inductance between the two coils is defined as the ratio of flux
linkage of one coil to the current in other coil. Thus the mutual inductance between
circuit 1 and circuit 2 is given by
12 = N212 H .
24.State Kirchoffs Flux law.
It states that the total magnetic flux arriving at any junction in a magnetic circuit
is equal to the magnetic flux leaving that junction. Using this law, parallel magnetic
circuits can be easily analyzed. Mathematically, Kirchoffs flux law at a junction can be
expressed as
= 0.
wave equation with sources. The addition of sources to the wave equations makes the
partial differential equations inhomogeneous.
46. What is the condition of plane wave solutions?
Then planar traveling wave solutions of the wave equations are
2. Obtain an expression for the magnetic field intensity at any point due to infinitely
9. Derive an expression for the inductance per meter length of two transmission
10.Give the expression for attenuation constant and phase shift constant for a wave
propagating in a conducting medium.
The attenuation constant for a wave propagating in a conducting medium is,
2 2
The phase shift constant for a wave propagating in a conducting medium is,
2 2
1. Define a wave.
If a physical phenomenon that occurs at one place at a given time is reproduced
at other places at later times , the time delay being proportional to the space separation
from the first location then the group of phenomena constitutes a wave.
2. Mention the properties of uniform plane wave.
i) At every point in space ,the electric field E and magnetic field H
are perpendicular to each other.
ii)The fields vary harmonically with time and at the same frequency
everywhere in space.
3.Define intrinsic impedance or characteristic impedance.
It is the ratio of electric field to magnetic field.or It is the ratio of square root
of permeability to permittivity of medium.
4.Give the characteristic impedance of free
space. 377ohms
5.Define propagation constant.
Propagation constant is a complex number
= + j
where is propagation constant
6.Define skin depth
It is defined as that depth in which the wave has been attenuated to 1/e
or approximately 37% of its original value.
7.Define Poynting vector.
The pointing vector is defined as rate of flow of energy of a wave as it
propagates. P =E X H
8. State Poyntings Theorem.
The net power flowing out of a given volume is equal to the time rate of
decrease of the the energy stored within the volume- conduction losses.
9. Give the difficulties in FDM.
FDM is difficult to apply for problems involving irregular boundaries and
non homogeneous material properties.
10. Explain the steps in finite element method.
i) Discrimination of the solution region into elements.
ii) Generation of equations for fields at each element
iii) Assembly of all elements
iv) Solution of the resulting system
11. State Maxwells fourth equation.
The net magnetic flux emerging through any closed surface is zero.
12. State Maxwells Third equation
The total electric displacement through the surface enclosing a volume is equal to
the total charge within the volume.
2 E x
2 E x
= 2
1s max
1s min
Where fc is the cut-off frequency of the mode, and for transverse magnetic (TM) modes
of propagation the wave impedance is:
1. Derive an expression for pointing vector.
2. Obtain the electromagnetic wave equation for free space in terms of magnetic field.
6. Explain the concept of magnetic flux density and magnetic field intensity