Cambridge IGCSE History

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Cambridge IGCSE History

Cambridge International Certificate / syllabus 0470 Option B

Why choose Cambridge IGCSE History
Cambridge IGCSE is accepted by universities and employers worldwide as providing proof
of historical knowledge and understanding. This History syllabus offers students the
opportunity to study some of the major international issues of the 19th and 20th centuries,
as well as looking in greater depth at the history of a particular region or regions. The
emphasis within the syllabus is as much on developing lifelong historical skills as on acquiring
Successful candidates gain valuable skills including:
an interest in and enthusiasm for learning and understanding about the past
an understanding of historical concepts such as cause and consequence, continuity and
change, and similarity and difference
an appreciation of historical evidence and how to use it
a greater understanding of international issues and inter-relationships
how to present clear, logical arguments
Assessment at a glance
Paper 1 2hours
Section A
Candidates answer two questions on the Core Content (selected from the 19th century
and 20th century Core topics see Sections 4.1 and 4.2.)
Section B
Candidates answer one question on a Depth Study (selected from questions on all eight
Depth Studies). For more details on the Depth Studies, see Section 4.3.
Paper 2 2hours
Candidates answer a series of questions on one Prescribed Topic. The Prescribed Topics
include one 19th century topic and one 20th century topic, taken from the Core Content
(see Sections 4.1 and 4.2).
Paper 4 1hour
Alternative to Coursework
Candidates answer one question on a Depth Study (from a choice of eight Depth Studies
one question will be set on each Depth Study). The questions will be source-based and
structured into several parts.

The aims are to:
stimulate interest in and enthusiasm about the past
promote the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of human activity in the past
ensure that the candidates knowledge is rooted in an understanding of the nature and use
of historical evidence
promote an understanding of the nature of cause and consequence, continuity and change,
and similarity and difference
provide a sound basis for further study and the pursuit of personal interest
encourage international understanding
encourage the development of linguistic and communication skills.
Assessment objectives
The Assessment objectives (AOs) in History are:
To pass Cambridge IGCSE History, candidates must demonstrate the following:
AO1: an ability to recall, select, organise and deploy knowledge of the syllabus content
AO2: an understanding of:
change and continuity, cause and consequence, similarity and difference
the motives, emotions, intentions and beliefs of people in the past
AO3: an ability to understand, interpret, evaluate and use a range of sources as evidence, in
their historical context.
Assessment objectives and their weighting in the components

Curriculum themes
The 20th century: International Relations since 1919
The Core Content in Option B focuses on seven Key Questions:
1 Were the peace treaties of 191923 fair?
2 To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
3 Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
4 Who was to blame for the Cold War?
5 How effectively did the USA contain the spread of Communism?
6 How secure was the USSRs control over Eastern Europe, 1948c.1989?
7 How effective has the United Nations Organisation been?
The full IGCSE HISTORY syllabus B can be downloaded from the CIE website.

Other information
The IGCSE History Course is separated into four main blocks
The USA 1919-1939
Germany 1919-1939
The Treaty of Versailles and events leading to WW2
The Cold War 1945 -1989
Both The USA and Germany are depth studies and require close study. The Cold war
option includes the classic East West Confrontations in Berlin, Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and
Afghanistan. The treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations provide the factors which
determine the History of Europe throughout the twentieth century.
The Course demands skills such as the measured use of Historical resources. Short accurate
essay writing is essential as is the ability to include historical detail in a telling fashion. The
episodic nature of the history involved while following strong underlying trends gives the
student lots of opportunity to develop interdependent knowledge clusters.
There are three papers.
Paper I: asks students to answer two core questions and one in depth question. This is two
Paper 2: Asks Students to answer one very long question consisting of Historical sources on
either the USA or Germany. This is two hours
Paper4: This asks students to answer one question Consisting of two or three sources
based on the in depth studies.
We have many additional books and resources which are used throughout the course. The
main textbook is GCSE Modern World which is the standard Book for the majority of
British Schools.
A good student will find it very possible to achieve a grade A if they follow the course as
taught. The School has two well qualified History specialists and the students are guaranteed
excellent instruction.

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