Smitty Workouts
Smitty Workouts
Smitty Workouts
1) DB Military Press, 4 sets x 10 reps, 90 sec rest
2) DB High Incline Press*, 5 sets x 8 reps, 90 sec rest
* lower 1 to 2 clicks from military press
3) DB Incline Press, 6 sets x 5 reps, 90 sec rest
* lower 1 to 2 clicks from high incline press
4A) Lat Pull Downs, 4 sets x 30 sec iso-hold (with bar at forehead), no rest go right to 4B)
4B) Seated Rows, 4 sets x 20 reps, 90 sec rest
* Increase weight on both exercises with each set
1A) Push-ups, 10 reps with 3-5 sec slow-eccentric
1B) Push-ups, 10 reps as fast as possible
Goal: 100 reps
Throw in this push-up challenge at the end of any of your workouts and you are guaranteed to
be ready for summer!
Pre-Squat Warm-up
1A) Front (or Goblet) Squats, 3-5 sets x 5-10 reps (light weight)
1B) Lat Pull Downs, 3-5 sets x 10-20 reps (light weight)
1A) Wide-Grip Lat Pull Down Iso-Hold, 4 sets x 20 sec, no rest
1B) Seated Cable Rows, 4 sets x 20 reps, rest 90 sec
For 1A) Hold a lat pull down isometric with the bar below your chin for 20 sec. Then immediately
go to seated rows for 20 reps. The goal is to increase the weight for each exercise on every set.
1A) Chin-up Iso-Holds, 1 rep x 10-15 seconds iso-hold with arms at 90 degrees
1B) EZ Bar Curls, 20 reps (bar only, slow tempo on eccentric)
1C) Diesel Bicep Blaster, 3-4 rounds x 5 reps followed by 5 sec iso-hold with arms at 90
* Perform 1A), 1B), and 1C) back-to-back with no rest, only resting 180 sec after 1C)
Brutal Back Superset- Rest 2 min between sets
1A) Lat Pull Down Iso-Hold, 10-20 sec hold (hold the bar below your chin)
1B) Lat Pull Downs, 10 reps (reps are slow and deliberate)
1C) Lat Pull Downs (Slow-Eccentrics), 5 reps (pull the bar down hard, and raise slowly for 3-5 sec)
No Coming Back
1) Incline Push-ups in the Rack*: 1 set x 100 reps
* Set bar in rack at waist height, perform 100
reps in fewest sets possible, resting as short as
2) Tricep Extensions*: 1 set x 100 reps
* Perform 100 reps in fewest sets possible,
resting as short as possible. Pick a weight
you can do at moderate intensity for 20
normal reps.
3A) Incline DB Bench Press: 5 sets x 10 reps
3B) Incline DB Flyes: 5 sets x 10 reps
3C) Band Pull Aparts: 5 sets x 20 reps
* Perform 3A), 3B), and 3C) back-to-back
with no rest. Rest only after 3C) for 2-3 min.
4A) Slow-Eccentric Push-ups: 5 sets x 5 reps*
4B) Seated Cable Rows: 5 sets x 10 reps
* Lower each rep for a 3-5 second count
and drive powerfully back to lockout.
5) Barbell-only Curls: 1 set x 120 reps
* Perform 120 reps in fewest sets possible,
resting as short as possible.
Tricep Gauntlet
Stack on the floor (in this order) a 45lb plate, a 35lb plate, and a 25lb plate.
Lie on your back on the floor, grab the 25lb plate on the sides, and perform tricep extensions
where you keep your elbows facing the ceiling and you lower the plate down until it
touches the floor before driving it back up.
Hit 20 reps with the 25lb plate grab the 35lb plate and repeat for another 20 reps then 45lb plate
for 20. Once you're done with the 45, go back down to the 35lb, and then finally, the 25lb plate.
Tricep Extensions: 25lb x 20 reps
Tricep Extensions: 35lb x 20 reps
Tricep Extensions: 45lb x 20 reps
Tricep Extensions: 35lb x 20 reps
Tricep Extensions: 25lb x 20 reps
Try to keep the rest to a minimum
Tricep Gauntlet
Tricep Extensions: 25lb x 20 reps
Tricep Extensions: 35lb x 20 reps
Tricep Extensions: 45lb x 20 reps
Tricep Extensions: 35lb x 20 reps
Tricep Extensions: 25lb x 20 reps
Close Grip Bench
Drop 5 add 5 Bench or DB Bench Press (Drop 10-20 add 5 acceptable)-Weight Sample belowStart with 5 Rep Max weight
Set 1: 100lbs x 5 reps, rest 2-3min
Set 2: 95lbs x 10 reps, rest 2-3min
Set 3: 90lbs x 15 reps, rest 2-3min
Set 4: 85lbs x 20 reps, rest 2-3min
Set 5: 80lbs x 25 reps, rest 2-3min