Eat With Abandon: Meat, Fowl, Fish, Seafood, Eggs, Vegetables, Roots, Tubers
Eat With Abandon: Meat, Fowl, Fish, Seafood, Eggs, Vegetables, Roots, Tubers
Eat With Abandon: Meat, Fowl, Fish, Seafood, Eggs, Vegetables, Roots, Tubers
Eat with abandon: meat, fowl, fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables, roots, tubers,
bulbs, herbs and spices as well as animal fats, olives & olive oil, avocados,
and coconut (meat, oil, flour) and dairy*.
*Dairy is a gray area, while it is a powerful tool in the strength and weight
gain category you have to be smart. Individuals with autoimmune disease
should avoid dairy products of any kind. For those without autoimmune
diseases, dairy from grass-fed animals is permissible. Dairy from grain-fed
animals will not have an ideal omega 3 profile. Heavy cream, butter, and
ghee should not be problematic. Occasional consumption of fermented dairy
options such as cheese and yogurt is acceptable. Experiment with milk but
eliminate it if it is found to be problematic.
**Pasteurized whole milk from grain-fed cows treated with rBGH offers an
increased anabolic environment for the consumer.
To give you some ideas of different meals, here is a look at a day of eating
for me.