DN 60390
DN 60390
DN 60390
Releasing Control Module
Intelligent/Addressable Devices
The FCM-1-REL Releasing Control Module is specifically
designed for fire suppression releasing applications in FlashScan systems. Power to the release agent solenoid(s) runs
through the module for full-time monitoring and supervision.
Operating Voltage: 15 to 32 VDC
Communication Line Loop Impedance: 40 Ohm max.
Temperature Range: 14F to 140F (-10 to 60C)
Relative Humidity: 10% to 95% noncondensing
Shipping Weight: 5.5 oz (156 g)
Dimensions: 4.275" W 4.675" H 1.400" D
(10.86 cm W 11.87 cm H 3.56 cm D)
The FCM-1-REL Releasing Control Module uses a redundant protocol; the module must be armed with a pair of signals in order to activate. It will then enter a 3-second window
awaiting a pair of confirmation signals. If no confirmation is
received, the module will automatically reset. It also supervises the wiring to the connected load and reports the status
to the panel as NORMAL, OPEN, or SHORT CIRCUIT. The
module has two pairs of output termination points available
for fault-tolerant wiring and a panel-controlled LED indicator.
The module may be connected to either one 24VDC solenoid
or up to two 12VDC solenoids (in series). To ensure proper
operation, this module shall be connected to a compatible
Notifier system control panel only (list available from Notifier).
In addition, please refer to Notifier Device Compatibility Document PN 15378 for the list of compatible solenoids.
Normal Operating Voltage: 24 VDC Nominal
Maximum Line Loss: 2.3 VDC (total allowable loss from
power supply to module and from module to solenoid)
Minimum Operating Voltage to Activate Solenoid:
18 VDC (at solenoid)
Standby Current: 6.4 mA
Activation Current: 10 mA
Supervisory Loop Voltage: 3.3 V
Supervisory Loop Current (Normal): 30 mA
Maximum Activation Current: 2 A
Average Operating Current: 700 A max @ 24 VDC
(one communication every 5 sec. with LED enabled)
Maximum Activation Current: 9.0 mA (LED on)
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UL Listed: S635
ULC Listed: (FCM-1-RELA)
FM Approved
CSFM: 7300-0028:249
For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.
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