Procedure To Eight Pranayamas1

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The unpublished writing contains many things downloaded from the

internet, the image of my sister and nephew also

Kailash Ch Sabat-7207884783

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Name of the article


The Gross and the subtle consciousness

Know your Habits
What is a sound yoga
The Bird Doctor




Experience Breathing, from a different angle









The Tree meditation
The moon meditation
Difficult,Advanced poses-Pranayam



Masala Free pressurised Khichhidi



Massaging the head





The soul, supreme soul and saitan












The reason to back pain and cure

Solving the knee problem


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How I rate this Book

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the idea

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o doubt




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The Gross and the subtle consciousness (Chetna)

We practice yoga and spiritualism by different methods however the controversy of
opinions prevails.But surrender to god is most important for a spiritual
In Odiya it is told
Mala thak thak tilak saru Badmasank param guru.(Meaning chanting should not be
simply decorum) So the method simply shows decorum but actul devotion in god is
essentialy. But spiritualism in world has touched unimaginable heights.We are simply
a mechanic.How can we imagine about a cryogenic operation individually.So if a
man/woman in person somewhere in the world interacts physically with god is no
surprise atall.We hear many things about Kali maa,Hanumaan ,Jagarnnat or lord
shiva.Even Allah and Jesus are also belived to be in person in some places.But our
sadhana is not of that level,we must admit. Whatever the method you follow subtle
consciousness is very important.While subtle level of achievement to god helps you
towards the spirit the gross activity of consciousness stops us from so.So it should be
in the form of surrender to the almighty as our energy and level of knowledge is
limited. Subtle consciousness means finding the source of our life.Like we go to patal
ganga ,the source of Ganges or to ocean the believed source of sun god so also the
source of atma is paramatma.
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Organisation methods Ways of internal consciousness
Vipasana Air And thought analysis Iscon Love,Sankirtan chanting and surrender to
god Patanjali/Gayatri
Mantra chanting When we know this existence of truth our perception about god
around us changes.We feel him in the person before us and as lively as our
parents ,wellwishers ,wife or friends,brother and sister. Then we never fear to
anything and remarkably we succeed in our mission.But we are in gross
consciousness and hence alone and weak and fail everywhere. But mostly we think
that body is the prime objective due to lack of time and even though we tell about
atma ,paramatma but ultimately we think about removing a disease primarily.
In my previous article I wrote
Thoughts in making and curing diseases

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And in
A a spiritual man
is never alone about this internal consciousness
.where I tried to explain about the importance of our internal consciousness. India is
different from other countries as God himself determines the actions of Indian
spiritual developers as God has to take care of this world permanently .Hence the
steps and decisions about our fate is grossly preconceived. Thinking about god
through our subtle consciousness again and over again,the necessity,essence,power
of such consciousness awakens our spiritual power and that has nothing to do with a
family and life with our wife or husband(spouse). Krishna god has told
Asansaya maha baho mano dunirgraha chalet , Abhyasat tu kounteya baragen cha
So also
Atmanem atmen bandhu ,atmane ripu atmanam

This also shows the existence of subtle mind ultimately defining our livelihood. The
methods of Indian worshipping has a lot to do with our spiritual conscience
awakening.Say praying a tree,observing fast,Honouring the guest,Yoga,Mantra
chanting ultimately developes our subtle conscience. In last as a morning shows
generally a day or cloud indicates rain or cool air raises hope for a large water
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reserviour around so also our wandering mind,alternative thoughts,frequent diseases

and bitter failure in various relationships indicate that we need to focuss more on our
subtle mind to findout the truth around us. This is emphasized in veda and yoga as
five layers of body and mind and true yoga is to focus on these bodies and not
simply physical postures only.
Annamaya kosha
Manomaya kosha
Pranamaya kosha
Vigyana maya kosha
Anandamaya kosha

Know Your Habits

Please permit me to discuss about West and East on this point.The USA for its
started liberilasation of Individuals to a great extent. Today I can write
you for that reason.70 years back I would have been into prison had I
done the samething.In contrast Mao tse Tung drew state control
methods. Now universally-ASEAN,NAAM,G-7,G-0,EU etc defining universal
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citizenship. So whether I am a PM,a police officer ,a yogi or a beggar ,my

behavior is important. Definitely for a yogi that is must. Aravind Kejriwal
ji(former CM,Delhi) was slapped and Hon Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated
due to liberal methods of electioning. A family contributes to an
organization and ultimately to a country.
Wives are suspected and most specifically we dont respect human live
s any more. All these behaviour mostly depends on moneytary position
of the concerned unless criminality is involved. We consider on PositionMoney and support of people.

But a yogi has to think otherwise and differently.

A yoga man should chalk a balanced decision in two ways.Say not to put
unnecessary restrictions on the above grounds.and to solve it amicably if
somebody puts the same restriction. An unemployed son

s friend when given sweets was restricted and scolded.A man not helped
with Rs 5000 made suicide. In the recent past The USA removed visa
restrictions to PM shri Modi.Previously may be it was unnecessary. Hindu
temples in Eastern India and south restrict to reach sacred chamber to
even good people.It may not be desirable.religious fundamentalism is
also such an issue. Talking even in some offices are restricted.A citizen
man on street and a terrorist must be differentiated on 144 charge. So a
yoga man balances his duty and Work.and that is desired from us.

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Rellay psychological pressure mounts on children,old and helpless.and

that block energy flow.As advertised by Yashoda Hospital.The cells dry
like a dry leaf and tissue. So a yoga man neither blocks his own enegy
flow not blocks those of others.This complicated analysis that happens if
I do like this raises a lot of question and stops prana flow as explained by
Dr.Sameer Vasant Kodkarni-Workhardtt. For that reason Reiki told 1.
1. Acceptance
2. Love
3. Freeflow
4. Forgiveness
As the basic things to follow. Lord Ram was a God of
reason,Rationality and Transparency Nikam Guruji opened free yoga
for poor people and that made me cry most often before them.What
if they would have charged huge sum and behavior imparted based
on moneytary consideration.

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What is a sound yoga

Kailash ch sabat-7207884783

Gandhi Gyan Mandir on improving sixth sense on hearingOn meditation up to 10 minutes


Hear only the breathing sound

Make noisy breathing and listen that only
Hear a nearer sound only
Hear a distant sound only

Do you know ????

a. On urdha ujjayi you make fractiona breathing from naval to Agyan
b. On Ujjayi sound on naval to anahat chakra
c. On Madhya ujjayi from naval to Visudha
Vramari is a kriya and pranayam you make sound on head and brain
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Gods and Birds of sound--Rang

God Sriram


Krishna God


Durga mother


Laxmi maya

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Om /Anahat dhwani




Even gods communicate through sound only-Eg

1. Chhiun
2. Han
3. Nam
4. Eea
5. Hey
6. Coughing

Massaging the Head

Four things give us maximum comfort
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Cleaning the bowl

Having a positive mind
Energy flow upwards
Messaging the head

Many yoga organizations take care of the first three.But how to massage the brain
internally.Mudras also massage the brain.

Jyoti tratak does things partially.Twisting postures of Ayengar on shirshasana and

sarvangasana does some other.
In beauty parlour barber massage our head.100-200 years back we massaged our
head with oil.Now sampoo takes away our hair and make us bald.
But never have we understood how this massage helps us making us healthy.
In addition to Kapalbhati and tratak or shirshasana-one should massage the head
very carefully for at least 5 minutes with oil with palms a day.
Things done at bottom helps even massaging the brain.

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Aswini mudra is such a kriya.On complete breathe out contract and expand the
rectum muscles like a horse up to 40 times regularly.

On shakti chalini in padmasana with jalandhara-Mula and udiyaan you beat the
seat on the ground and on the second step you breathe in and do ashini mudra.So
when you breathe in or breathe out and beat the seat on the ground,the activity
massage the brain nurves.

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Standing on Accupressure mat also massage your brain.

Walking is a good exercise if you walk bare foot for the brain.
An article by Kailash

The Bird Doctor

1. In 1st instance while returning from Assam kamaksha I was warned by two
myna birds of a trouble in Howarh platform-in 1998
2. In illness a group of parrots helped me out -2014
3. In 3rd instance one parrot inspired me to eat neem leaf
4. In 4th on mental attacks on me a group of small sparrow like brown birds

made sound to cure my illness and relaxing my left side pain.An animal lives
on muladhar where as a bird on Vishudh and agyan and prefers a single mate.

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A great mans work never to be futile

An article by Kailash


Kailash ch sabat-7207884783

We know we cannot purchase happiness.Because our prana is dormant we

feel more of our body.When we do patanjali yoga and reiki our pranic
energy gets activated and we feel more of air and in 90 mnts systematic
exercise we feel more of air than of our body.
Alternative breathing and keeping mind on your breathing and specific body
parts is very important.

Ananta asana-

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In IST type legs are caugt as above

On 30 degree
On 60 degree without touching feet can be practised

Uthita padasana

I. 20 degree
II. 30 degree
III. 60 degree
Side rolling
I. You can lie flat on your stomach.and cathing the legs with your
handa as in dhanurasa you can roll
II. Also flat rolling is helpful


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Padma shirshasna is another variety of this.

Naukasana varieties

As you practise the postures repeatedly and for 10 times each side
slowly u feel like air only.Each posture may be for 2- 3 mitutes for entire
Leg rotation
I. On right
II. On left
III. On both legs

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Kapalvati And Vastrika at the end makes you light and anuloma viloma is
also very good.

Experience Breathing, from a different angle

Kailash ch Sabat---7207884783
Yoga is synonymous to breathin or the terms are interchangeable.

When you feel tired in a bus or train while travelling after your work in the
evening ,you may resort to udiyan bandha 20-30 times or nadi sudhi for 30-45
minutes.This I wrote in Revitalising the lost energy
Time of anuloma viloma pranayam and other pranayams ,mudra,bandha of
breathing and kapal bhati can be practiced up to 60-120 minutes a day.This is
found in Ambika and Ramdev babas practice.
When we sleep our energy channels open up and practicing of breathout hold
again closes the energy loss outside.

Continuous complete breath out hold practice in pranayam and mudra,bandha

may cure knee and waist ,spondolytes problem.
The practice gives better result if practiced twice a day.
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So ahm of vipasana practice of air for a long duration and derive success of
long practice.
Shiva swara yoga of Shivanada confirms that air has mind,body and soul
unimaginably powerful than that we can contemplate.

The science of yoga starts from five to 15 airs in

different section of our body and exercises are carried to control them.
Om namah shivayah is a chanting of air god(vayu name of air)

Sugarcane juice may be a drink but it seems not to have any curative property.

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Aurangabad is a place of Air and the power of air is tremendous where Grishmeswara
is the jyotirlinga.


A Yoga article towards better health

Kailash Chandra Sabat-7207884783
What is a pranayama- To hold, control and utilize the prana and the spiritual
energy in our body for our spiritual wellbeing to maximum extent possible may be
told as pranayam.
Pranayam is practiced after taking the bathe with an empty stomach and atleast 4
hours after taking the food.The pranayams are more effective after shirshasana and
rolling like physical postures.

Not necessarily oxygen content of the air we breathe is prana.Rather the spiritual
content of universal pranic energy here is what we are discussing about.
Before going to the topic lets know some more terms related.
1. Rechaka-The procedure to make long and complete exhalation
2. Puraka- The procedure to make long and complete inhalation
3. Antah Kumbhakah-Staying breathless in complete lnhalation stage
4. Bahya kumbhakah-Staying breatheless in complete exhalation stage.
5. Mula bandha-Contracting the seat and lower abdomen position upwards
6. Udiyana Bandha-Contracting the stomach portion upwards
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7. Jalandhara Bandha-Contracting the neck and touching the chin to the upper
8. Chandra nadi-Breathing in left nostril
9. Surya nadi- Breathing in right nostril
Always we get alternate breathing either of the nostrils depending from 8 hrs to
two days.Left nostril creates coolness and right warm energy in our body.The
purpose of pranayam may be a breathing through both nostrils for a spiritual
consciousness which usually hppen at 3-4 am on morning only.
The method of preaching and practicing kinds of pranayam is also different by
different schools and schools like reiki does not give much importance to pranayam
while some other schools practice only loma biloma without any Bandhas.

But Hatha yogi Nikama Guruji says-Hath Yoga pradipika

Yukta yuktam tejadbayu yukam yuktam cha purayet,
Yuktam yuktam cha bandhiyadebam sidhim bapnuyat.
Only when you practice pranayam with bandha ,you get success.
Again he saysPranayamadi yukten sarva roga kshyaya bhabet,
Ayuktabhyasa yogen sarba rogah samudbhabah.
Pranam with bandha cures diseases and without bandha may create different

Image of udiyana ,pranayama and Jalandhara Bandha

Before most pranayams 21 times vastrika is generally done.

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First pranayama-Loma Viloma-Do complete rechaka in both nostrils -Inhale( or do

puraka) a little air in left nostril.Effect udiyana bandha ,mula bandha and jalandhara
bandha simultaneously.In antah kumbhaka or breathless inhalation stage stay up to
30 sec to one minute-Exhale or rechaka practice in in right nostril for 10- 20 seconds
releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete exhalation. (The ratio of
duration of inhalation in terms of time as to , inhalation,breathlessness in antah
kumbhaka ,exhalation and bahya kumbhakah) should be in 1:2:2:1.Now continuosly
repeat the practice from right nostril ,so on and so forth up to 5-10 minutes.
Diseases Cured-Bata,pita ,kafa-Cold and phelgum,and a thin body
2. Vastrika Pranayamaa-Start with a rechaka in both nostrils. Now inhale in both the nostrils .stay in the
above three bandhas. stay in antah kumbhaka up to 30 sec to one minute .exhale in
both nostrils releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete exhalation.
.Continue the practice up to 2 minutes.The ratio is 1:2:2:1
b.Do kapalbhati in both nostrils .Inhale through right nostril. stay in the above three
bandhas.Stay in antah kumbhakah.Exhale through left nostril.and repeat the same
from right nostril now after releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete
exhalation. so on and so forth . The ratio is 1:2:2:1.
c.Do kapal bhati only on right nostril by closing the left one. Inhale through right
nostril. stay in the above three bandhas.Stay in antah kumbhakah.Exhale through
left nostril releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete exhalation.and
repeat the same from right nostril now and so on and so forth. The ratio is 1:2:2:1.
Diseases Cured-Stable mind,digestion,success in spiritual practice
3. Ujjayi Pranayama- Start with a rechaka in both nostrils.Do ujjayi kriya that is a
frictional sound on throat and digestive channel.Inhale with a frictional sound in both
nostrils and stay in the above three bandhas and exhale always through left nostril
only after releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete exhalation.
. Repeat practice up to 3-4 minutes. The ratio is 1:2:2:1.
Diseases Cured-Lung get light and clean.Heart veins become more active.
4. Shitkari pranayamaStart with a rechaka in both nostrils.Inhale through the teeth jaws closed and upper
row with lower row pressed.stay in the above three bandhas.Exhale through both
nostrils releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete exhalation. .Practice this
up to 2 minutes. The ratio is 1:2:2:1.
Diseases Cured-Weakness,lazyness are cured ,one becomes healthy.
5.Shitali Pranayama- Start with a rechaka in both nostrils.Inhale through tongue
extended outside through the lips.stay in the above three bandhas.Exhale through
both nostrils releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete exhalation.
Continue the practice up to 2 minutes. The ratio is 1:2:2:1.
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Diseases Cured-Blood is purified and one becomes healthy like a crow.

6.Murchha Pranayama- Start with a rechaka in both nostrils.Inhale through the
both the nostrils.stay in the above three bandhas.Exhale through both nostrils and
releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete exhalation.
.practice up to 2 minutes. The ratio is 1:2:2:1.During the practice you concentrate
on Angyan chakra so that you feel like fainted and hence called as Murchha
Diseases Cured-Happiness and ecstasy of yoga methods.
Vramari pranayama- Start with a rechaka in both nostrils..Do kapalbhati in both
nostrils. Close your ear,nose and mouth with different fingers .Do inhalation in both
nostrils with a sound on your brain like a bee.and exhale through both nostrils
sounding like a bee and releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete
exhalation. The ratio is 1:2:2:1.Practice up to 2-3 minutes.
Diseases Cured-Concentration of mind and happiness felt.
Plabani PranayamaInterlock your hand catching left arm by right palm and vice versa. Start with
a rechaka in both nostrils. Inhale in both the nostrils simultaneously raising the
locked hands above your head slowly and stretching that backwards. stay in the
above three bandhas.Exhale through both the nostrils simultaneously bringing down
the raised hands slowly and releasing the bandhas and with a slow and complete
Diseases Cured-You get a light body.and you get a high speed body also.

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An article by Kailash Chandra Sabat-7207884783

While writing this article I took help of Sunil goutam, Mamta Goutam-Reiki
masters,Hath Yogi Nikam Guruji of Ambika yoga kutir of Mumbai and Pandit Ram
Sharma Acharya of Gayatri.
The Author hereby reserves all the rights against any mis use or mis interpretation of
the words and techniques ,true meaning as used and intended in these article.
Well ,I am tired and hungry.Not only I but also many labourers like me become tired
and hungry after a long hour of work and travelling in their routine life.When
following the principles of yoga with an intention of success but halfheartedly due to
laziness and short of time ,I mostly surprise whether my other labourer brethren are
able to practise yoga for a chakra consciousness so that they can enjoy their lives
better.This article is useful to all especially to the labourers who get envious
,frustrated,dissappointed due to money shortage and misbehavior from others.
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We all know that chakra jagaran /activation is not at all easy even for highly
successful yoga practitioners.Myself I dont know if any of my chakras has been
activated or not as have been mentioned in many of the yoga books & taught by
many gurus.
We being labourers get irritated,angered and frustrated in minor things and think of
a revenge on minor things against our own interest .This destroys all our life due to
ego.In such cases I contract my Aura , become very small and negligible,powerless
and surrender to my opponent in that form .,Hence my ego is lost now .Now I
empower the opponent to be almighty and well wish him.After this is achieved I
come to my original form .My this problem is solved which is essential before chakras
consciousness.Further this article is useful for reducing medicinal cost if followed
properly by a low income labour and he can save spending on medicines to a great
Once a group of people could not break a bundle of wood.One wise man separated
the wood bundle and now they were able to break those separately .It shows that
most of the hard work require simple solutions .Yoga is also such a science.What
looks to be very much impractical may be easy under right kind of guidance and
continuous effort.
What is yoga .
An activity of breathing,postures and consciousness to calm down our mind for
spiritual awareness and internal energisation.It is told that yoga involves the
destruction of the egoist ,volatile and our wandering mind as such a mind does
things hastily , unjudiciosly and sometimes immorally.
Naturally chakra activation is of a higher stage of sadhana.Before that we have to be
conscious that yoga is a concept of thoughts involving our own mind.Then only a
labourer can try to know what is expected from him and how he can achieve it.
Some of the basic requirements of chakra as described by Hath Yogi Nikam Guruji is
1. Nadi Sudhi.
2. Mala Sudhi
3. Stability of Mind
4. Balanced food
5. Practice of yoga regularly.
It not always needed that you have to do hard work for chakra activation.In contrast
Reiki gurus prescribe these practices for industrial personnel who engage in hard
In general less educated people never trust yoga, meditational practices.In china and
Japan average person is a marital artist.Common men and even bread earners give a
significant amount of time for marital art.Now in India we consider that if our
children become a doctor, an engineer or a film artist or a great business man then it
gives a great satisfaction that we have real achievement in our lives.
But yoga can contribute too many things in our lives too
1. Understanding yourself
2. Understanding the nature
3. Having a healthy body
4. Interaction with and limited control over the supernatural forces
5. A yoga or spiritual master can create his own environment during his life time.
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Hence I never considered yoga consists simply some breathing exercises only
or some physical postures.A practitioner can create his own standards and live
with in these standards.This gives a satisfaction of achievement .Even this is
more meaningful when we taught others the same and derive happiness from
their satisfaction.This is what god has created yoga and implementing his
promises for those whosever practices this art.
Nadi Sudhi
According to Hath yogi Nikam Guruji who was a Mumbai police personnel, Nadi
Suddhi can be achieved by good food i.e Satvik Ahar and some physical
postures like kamani, Udiyan Bandh, kapalbhati, Omkaar, Pranayam etc.
Mala SuddhiWe are habituated to overeating and repeated eating in the belief that more
food will give more of health and satisfaction.But our bodily fire can cook and
digest a limited quantity only.Hence over eating creates
a trouble for
Even drinking warm lemon water (salted) before meal helps in mala suddhi.
Stability of Mind
We have a very fickle, instable; wandering mind.We must have a positive,
satisfying, happy and stable mind before yoga practice.
Balnced Food
Balanced food means satvik Ahar .Milk, Fruits, a little of ghee, sweets, dal
and Roti, vegetable and rice in limit create a satvik ahar.
It does not involve much of spicy, oily, non veg and over eating practices.Even
it ignores fast food regularly, icecream and cold water most often.
The foremost thing is that we conduct Sunday classes in Mumbai from Ambika
yoga Kutir freely and inspire people to practice yoga regularly in their homes.
As I have already expressed that we achieve a lot many things by practice of
yoga contrary to the popular and common laziness that ignores Yoga, a
labourer or worker improves or promotes his living environment by simply
getting attached to yoga.
Ist step- Sit in Padmasan.Close your eyes .For a moment close your ear by
your finger tips .Try to listen the internal sound inside you. I.e the Omkaar.
2nd-step- Remove all worries or wandering thoughts from your mind .Start
observing the peaceful inhalation and exhalation breathing comforting you.
3 rd- step-Sitting in the above two postures utter either om namah
shivayah,Om namah Bhagwate Basudebay,or Gayatri mantra or Rang Rangay
namah in side your mind for atleast 10 minutes at a stretch.

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4th StepNow take your mind to Muladhar Chakra i.e the place of earth.It is at
the Bottom of your body between the anus and the urine channel.
5th step

Mula Bandha- We close our anus and the back bone channel tightly throughout all our practice described here.

all the earlier described

practices are followed daily in our routine life we have

a very relaxed non-

wandering and calm mind with us ,now we are able to remove to mental and physical distress a great extent in
our physical body.

By and by we call it destruction of our wandering mind .As we put our mind on our
breathing cycle we become spiritual slowly and gradually.
Now from physical consciousness we are deviated and reached and connected to with
the divine spirit through our breathing, mental connection, meditation and
concentration due to the above mentioned practices.
Presently simply I feel the air moving through my nostril deep into my body towards
my Muladhar. The consecution of chakras are mentioned below for reference
activating all the vains connected there from towards my leg ,palms and brain.Now
closely I observe the comfort and relaxation at my muladhar.I observe this chakra
getting activated and enlightened.

Again at this juncture I reminded myself about omkar sound we heard earlier after
closing our ears .Slowly I tried to move this omkaar with the help of my mind to
muladhar and felt energetic there. This practice I did for 15 days regularly.
The next chakra, place of the water in higher ups to muladhar, being Swadhisthan I
tried to activate this chakra and repeated the above mentioned exercise for the next
15 days.
The next chakra being the Manipur chakra is the place of bodily fire.I reapeated for
the next 15 days all the above exercise along with my previous two chakras that I
practiced since the last 30 days.
The next chakra Anahat chakra is the place of bodily air.I reapeated for the next 15
days all the above exercise along with my previous three chakras that I practiced
since the last 45 days.
Surya chakra at heart is not mentioned in most of the books.But heart is one of the
most important bodily parts. As the sun absorbs water from earth and moisture in air
and gets strong, so also our heart absorbs oxygen in air along with moistured
oxygen and gets strong.
Through out our practice we believe and habituate ourselves to love our organs and
our chakras.And request the chakras and the divine power to be pleased with us and
get activated so that we dont have to try for that.As heart chakra is connected with
lord surya we pray sun to take care of our heart.But in case of elephant or person
with elephant/fish body sun plays less role for their heart as if they are inside the
water or land locked in side the earth.
We practice heart chakra as usual for the next 15 days and all the above exercise
along with my previous four chakras that I practiced since the last 60 days.
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The next chakra Bisudha chakra is the place of bodily sky .I reapeated for the next
15 days all the above exercise along with my previous five chakras that I practiced
since the last 75 days.
The next chakra being Agyan chakra is the place of bodily stars on the forehead.I
reapeated for the next 15 days all the above exercise along with my previous six
chakras that I practiced since the last 90 days.
The next chakra Sahasrar chakra is the place of bodily space on moon above our
head.I reapeated for the next 15 days all the above exercises along with my previous
seven chakras that I practiced since the last 105 days.Again we pray, request,
activate, practice and enlighten this chakra for Amartwa or chirinjivi post.
It is believed that one may live for 100 years with a healthy life if succeeds to
activate this chakra.
As our body significantly is co rrelated with the universal forces in consecution now
we are able to have a significant control over our body, mind, spirit and environment
around us as our practice develop day by day.

Hath Yogi Nikam Guruji

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An article explaining hath yoga for attaining perfect health.

For Hindu Indra is the lord of lords only lower to Tridev,laxmi and Durga.It is told
that there no permananent god in this position.Any body who can win the favour of
lord vishnu was assigned this position.Sachi devi ,the wife of lord Indra is a
transdental deity.Whos over be Indra owns sachidevi.
Indra is the guard as to the behaviour of demons if they are not gathering strength
against devaloka-lord dynasty.
Indra is the master of rain god.He used once angrily on lord krishna at Giri
Airavat is the chariot of Indra .It is a transdental white elephant came out of
samudra manthan. occean exploration.
Indra is the symbol for
Righteousness energy for the betterment of this earth
Symbol of elephant
Sign for rain and water
A friend of lord Vishnu and Arjuna
Hath yoga and meditation of lord I have explained in this article are somewhat more
similar to this god.Air is the carrier of pranayam and air is a rightful servant of lord
All the meditations become successful only if blessed by some higher gods .Hence to
succeed one must pray Lord Indra.
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Perfect health is achieved only when you control your ego.But when you feel that I
am a master of this, I am strong, I am healthy,I am wealthy or a learned person you
become intolerant on minor factors and scold people and stay in a rebellious mood.
Govinda is always against ego, hence he says I fear ego in a person as an egoist will
never respect me.
Not only has this ego given echo in our personal life also. As once a wrong thought
about an married exlover came into my mind.As Govinda knew this is a misguided
ego , the ego echoed in more married women trying to misguide and insult me by
illusory provocation.Most of our enmies or friends are created by or related with this
illusory ego and can be contolled by self analysis taught in yoga and
meditation.Hence Survey sir of Ambika always advised for a self analysis to the
frustrated people. This also gives rise to corruption as I have explained in an
another me in yoga. Slowly I understood that the prana I am having is controlled
and depend for its welfare and maintenance on many external forces that I never
We can make an imagination that
The prana that I own presently owes its origin and is dependent upon
20% on my parental relationship
7% on my brothers relationship
7% on my sisters relationship
7% on my own family
10% on my employer
10% on my teachers and doctors
5% on my friends and well wishers
10% on my own performance
14% on gods sympathy
Have I ever been grateful to them?
Do I Thank and oblige them
Do I gratify them?
As per my western education I am very selfish and self centered.Only when I
understand and implement these in my daily life I shall have a beautiful health and
good body.
Patanjali yoga
Some of the Mudras those are helpful to us1. Mahamudra
2. Aswini Mudra
3. Khechari Mudra.
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Some of the Bandhas those are helpful to us Jalandhar Bandha

Mula Bandha
Udiyana Bandha
What is meant by a perfect health.
Nikam Guruji tells thatBapu kushatwa badane prasannata-A light body with an ever contenting
Nada sputikam nayana sunirmalam,-Voice is clear and eyes are transparent.
Arogyata bindujaya agnee dipam,-No diasease,No night fall and good
digestive power.
Nadisudhi Hatha yoga lakshanam.-Unconstrained flow of pranic energy
are The signs of a successful Hatha Yogi.

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Further it is concluded that any body he who practices Yoga will succeed undoubtedly
in achieving complte health provided he works sincerely.
Brudha ati brudha aba vyadite durbala apiba,
Abhyasaat Siddhi mapnoti sarbah Yogi swatahtritah
Meaning-Even an old man or a diseased peson if practices regularly this art,can
achieve success definitely.
Another word about Badhha padmasana that is considered to give all
round wealth.
Apana Urdha utthaaya prana tatha dadhanayet
cha Nasagre malakayat,
Etadam vyadhi vinasakari padmasanam Prochyate.
Meaning-Sit in padmasana.Prana bayu which is prevalent from nose to neck be
brought to Anahata chakra or place of stomach and Apana bayu which is prevalent at
place of muladhar or lower abdomen ,be brought upward to make it meet with prana
bayu,Now keep your mind and sight at nose top at a stretch, you are supposed to
achive good health by this practice regularly.
A word about Khechari MudraNa cha kshudha Trushna ,Vyadhi ,Na cha Mrutyu Jara Bhayam,
Na cha Nidra bhaya tasya jo mudra bedhi khecharim.
Khechri mudra which is a posture of tongue somersaulted towards upper mouth or
directed towards the brain nose hole ,if practised regularly can give you success in
many fields.
Yoga a master of mass hypnotization
As we have already discussed that we breathe on alternative nostrils mostly.However
when you want to face an angry man or a mass of people with a dissatisfying
attitude you should ensure that you are breathing in the left nostril as the chhandra
nadi in left nostril make you stable minded and give a benevolent voice and a peace
impact on the people before you.There are certain methods of changing the
breathing flow from one nostril to another.
1. Sleep on that side, the opposite side of the nostril you want to breathe for 510 minutes. This posture helps you changing your breathing cycle to the side
of the upside nostril.
In distance healing of reiki you can pray for peace or eradication of a spreading
disease or violence in an entire region.
We may also read MY EXPERIMENT WITH TRUTH of M.K.Gandhi -In south
Africa once Mahatma Gandhi was almost attacked by a mass of people/mob because
he opposed apartheid in south Africa and discrimination against black.But he was a
true yogi.So his positive power responded and some other people helped him to
escape in a safe passage from the trouble.
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In Kolkatta I was threatened with dire consequence by some young learners .As I
was visiting Jagarnnath temple and practicing Shirshasana regularly some other
people helped me to avoid the attack.
Thereby Yoga ensures that his followers are safe and far from impromptu or
emergency situations in crowded places.
Thats how only we can have a healthy body.
Kailash 7207884783

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A Yoga Article for better Health.

Put an iron screw or nut into our body.We feel pain.Somebody beats us ,we have a
feeling of pain.We are shocked or somebody reprimands us we also get mental
Now take a dead body,put an iron nut ,screw on that body.Beat that or reprimand
that,will it get any reaction?
Because pain is felt to the soul and not to the body.So the soul is the root cause of
our feeling of anything.
Secondly a beautiful soul always create a beautiful body.If you are conscious
,wealthy and goodhearted ,you will definitely choose a good house and make it clean
or construct new or additional facilities there in.
So also if we have obtained and built a beautiful soul ,it will find the ways to build a
beautiful body.
Hence our foremost act is to know the nature ,character and the truth about this
very soul.
Feelinig of presence.Our feelings should not be stagnant or preoccupied ,rather it should be on presence
and not on regret or only on dreams and fears of future.
The Truth
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Our soul is a part and parcel of the universal soul.

The universal soul has some rules to maintain our individual soul.
Pain in our soul affects our physical body or physical health.
Pain is mostly felt by the soul which we think that is that of a our physical
Pain can be physical or mental.
The individual soul is more powerful only when it understands the above
concepts and stay connected with the universal father.
As per the the 3rd rule above pain in our soul affects our health.and as the objective
of this article is towards better health-we must try to avoid pain in our soul to stay
The above concept is called FREE FROM ANY PAIN CONCEPT .
When we get wet in heavy rain ,and if you stay conscious in spite of rain falling on
you,your souland hence the body is not affected.
If you are able to create this consciousness ,you can have better health,or no health
problem in spite of a pouring rain on you.
Only when we learn these that we stay consciousness.We give pain to our soul every
time by
Sometimes while studying hard.
Sometimes while working hard.
Sometimes in complicated thoughts.
Sometimes in regrets.
Sometimes creating pain or being the cause of pain to some other soul.
Sometimes in quarrels.
Sometimes in narrow mindedness.
However I cannot avoid any of the above works.As I have to have a livelihood
and stay in contact to the people , I have to work or make any work done from
others within some constraints.Because this is only called our lives.
Expectations Theory
As per sri Krishna godKarmena Vadikerasthu ma faleshu kadachan.
The meaning is all the above works we will do but with a consciousness to make our
soul free from expectations.I must stay conscious that I am not allowing my soul to
feel any pain.
1. When I lose
2. When I dont get
3. When somebody scolds me
4. Even when I suffer some loss due to somebody or somebody beats me.
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5. When somebody else gets something for which I had put a lot of effortZealousness
When I can understand this and my every breathing will observe consciously my own
activities ,then ultimately I may be able to free my soul and hence may be able to
avoid major health problems.
ProblemsHowever if sometimes I feel setback and my soul gets sad ,then I being somewhat
different from my mind in consciousness,remind my mind to get rid of the sadness
for the cause of a good health.

Light involves 3 steps

1. Cleaning your body
2. Balanced diet
3. Knowing the souls place in our body.
Most often we are unable to clean our body due to excess food or repeated food.
In contrast we think that our body is clean.
So it is rightly considered that our body or stomach is not a pot for anything.
Cleaning Procedure.
Warm lemon water before food and enough lemon water on early morning helps us
to clean our body.moreover we must choose digestible food also.Harmless and
nutrious food are required for a good health.It need not be costly or verymuch
precious.Like fruits ,milk or green vegetable etc. are healthy foods.
When we feel our soul by observing our breathing with concentration ,we understand
that our soul stays in eight places in our body prominently.and through them it
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moves throught our body by making an omkaar sound .So consciousness on

breathing can make us feel light.
Energetic and cosmic BalanceWe have a good enegy with us.But when we make cosmic imbalance by creating
negative energy that makes any kind of loss or pain to any other individual or the
society or any other positive energy-we create a cosmic energy imbalance .That also
affects our health and energy level.So we call
Vasudevam Kutumbakam-Happiness to all
Sarvevi Sukhinah santu-Happiness to all.
Sarve Vadrani pasyantu-Every body see and feel good.
By this we can create positive energy and stay healthy.

THE TREE MEDITATION-----80 minutes

An article by kailash chandra Sabat-7207884783

In India, the plant is variously known as "Sacred Tree," "Heal All," "Nature's
Drugstore," "Village Pharmacy" and "Panacea for all diseases". Products made from
neem trees have been used in India for over two millennia for their medicinal
be anthelmintic,
antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, contraceptive and sedative.[2][unreliable
It is considered a major component in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine and is
particularly prescribed for skin disease. [3] Neem oil is also used for healthy hair, to
improve liver function, detoxify the blood, and balance blood sugar levels, and is
considered to have no side effects.[4]
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Meditation is an art.What you may opine in art developed by yourself ,may not be
the same for me.Even what one may not find in 20 years ,may be easy for a
beginner.This is all wonders of god.Particularly this art has been put into secret and
people kept into darkness.Now also there are some magics like not to me seen or
invisibility,hypnotism,knowing or reading others mind,diseases being created are
many mysterious methods are used by cream layers of the society.That is the
weapon to rule over the poor.Democracy has simply been a word of consolation.That
is the reason we dont get the answer to our many questions.
However most people may not agree that what I preach or feel is workable.Neither I
have been able to make any such big show.Simply writing something ,I dont know
whether it is believed by any body or not.
1. Sit in padmasana.Close your eyes.Remoe all worries from your mind.Now go to self
and feel the vaccum inside.Now try to remove the senses from your body slowly from
leg toes to head.Think of eight chakras as explained earlier.Now practise Reiki
meditation and Hath yoga postures as already described for 1 hr.(60 minutes.)

2. Think and meditate of lord rama as a symbol or representative of tree world.(5

3. Contemplate in your mind of Keeping the trunl of neem tree on your bak bone and
eight chakra filled with life energy of neem tree.(5 minutes)
4. Contemplate this tree energy tuned into air and life energy in your back bone .the
perimeter of this energy from 20 co to 2000 mts.(5 minutes.)
5. Extend and contract this life energy around back bone axis repeatedly.(5 minutes.)

If you succeed in the above meditation a lot of energy you in herit and there is
very low chance you may be affected with any diseases. Further you may get
potential spiritual knowledge also.
AssumptionsPage 44 of 130

Budha bhagawan and Tirupati god prayed as trees

Lord jagarnnath is made up of neem tree.
Lord Ram is a symbol of tree.
You find many temples in densley tree area.
Ancient people prayed tree as god

Tree Chant

be sung in chorus
with a tree spirit, to bond with it, but it can also be used simply as a ritual
I am Tree
I am Tree, my bark is thick
I am roots, fed from the Well
I am bud, and branch alight
I am Tree.
(Linda Demissy says: This song was taught to me by my tree. It is meant to

Tulasi Arati
Vrindaai Tulasi devyai priyasai kesavasya cha
Vishnu bhaktiprade devi satyavatyai namo namaha

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Only two shinning objectives

Kailash ch Sabat-7207884783

Yoga involves not only doing postures or pranayam.But it is a way to social life.
Those people followed yoga got involved into dramatic changes in their daily attitude.
Ask Ramdev baba he says what I need is a small place to sleep and food to maintain

1. Protection of life
2. Maintenance of life

Protection of life is very difficult.We all say,but only few in lakhs get ready to scarify
lives for a cause.Even we avoid accidents as either we are not in a position or we
dont have time.
No doubt the lives of poor Indians have become very difficult.
So to protect minimum we can call police in situations or accompany concerned to a
Yoga does the second-maintenance of lives.Only then we are able to derive the grace
of god.

Naturally-Happily and fearelessy

Naturally means as we are supposed to to food we are vegetarian.
1. We have plane teeth as against carnivorous with sharp teeth.
2. Carnivorours have small intestine ours are 35 ft long
3. We drink water through absorption where as carnivorous through stretching the
tongue out.

Mahatma Gandhi used soil to cure fever.Neem leaves and tulsi leaves are such
things that give us natural strength.Aloevera juice is such a natural diet we are
mostly not used to.
Happiness is attained when we scarify ,stay content with what we have,dont try
to harm others ,do our duty and do yoga for a healthy life including worshipping
god in chants.

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Fearlessly is attained

When we speak truth

Bread labour
Think good of others
Free from crime
Do honest work.
Believe in gods abilities

When we read yama and niyama we get the knowledge how to stay fearless also.
Budhhas Mudra the master of all meditation
1. Sakalu uthile bina tora name
Bala asena
2. Kathare kathare mana bhangigale
Tue ka saha
3. Jagar namare kuhuk rahichhi
Sabhinku jana
4. Jaga pari aau kie haba
aam nija pania
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5. Muhan chahin dele duhkha hazi jae

Jane akshi kimia
6. Bada dande mukta manar bazaar
paucchi aji e sari duniya
7. Kala handia ta akar jakar pita
Nima patra bhalia
8. Hele hruday kamala thakurara
Aakhu rasa bhalia
9. Kiuchhi bikuchhi tanka sansara
Prema kahun aniba
Jagar balare bali ame
Aau kie hoi pariba.
English translated
Who can match jaga???
1. Morning energy ur name has
2. Also support in disappointment we get
3. The spiritual power everybody feels in u
4. Nobody can be so nearer as you
5. The tragedy ends in your eyes
6. And ur temple charges no fees
7. Even though black and bitter like neem
8. But sugarcane like sweet in heart.
9. Our mind and soul in u
Hence no one can replace u.
As new methods of meditation are a common thing because there is no limit to
human learning in health field also I may add the following from Gandhi gyan mandir
Nadi sodhan pranayam
Even though we learnt nadi sodhan in Ambika in due course of time I forgot that.
Nadi sodhan pranayam---In each Chandra and surya nadi this pranayam is done separately.
Chandra nadi
Inhale completely in both nostrils.Exhale in left nostril slowly counting 40 (upto 40
sec.Stay on bahya kumbhak(exhaled condition) up to 30 sec.In left nostril only
inhale up to 20-25 sec.Counting 20-25.Then stay in Antah kumbhak up to 1-1.5
minutes(60-80 counting).Then make slow and complete exhalation in left only
Exhale-Bahya kumbhaka-Inhlae-Antah kumbhak-again inhale.
Repeat this in right nostril and do five rounds a day.

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In Reiki teachings an air ball concept is there for cure of paralysis but the thing is
that you have to develop the capacity and feeling of air touching, catching and
integrating in to an air ball to push inside yourself.
Even in vipasana, Mr goenka has developed the same concept of feeling the air and
flow of prana and thought from our mind as that of the moon light flows from
moon.or a flowing water in a river.

The procedure is Feel that the air you inhale is cool and comfortable like moon and
you can touch and catch it. and you feel moony in your body the moon is the symbol
of peace ,love, happiness and creation.
Contemplate that your meditation results in touching of air and moon rays .
1. Beautiful waves in the sea.
2. Beautiful crops in the field.
3. Love and interaction between dedicated and sincere couples.
4. Comfortable air and sweet fountain.
5. Sweet songs of cuckoo and ferocious hiss of cobra
6. Singing air and lightening sky.
7. I gain trust in me and gain belief in others.
8. Diseases and sufferings evaporated and abolished
9. I became healthy and god believing.
In poornima nights or one day before and one day after one can make tratak
meditation on moon.But he has to take poha in 9 pm and dance fpr one hour from
11 pm to 12 night can concentrate by gazing moon without eye blinking to develop
spiritual and intectual power and cure madness and continuously watch at moon
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Difficult,Advanced poses-Pranayam

1. Shirshasana

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Supta garvasana


Ekpada Shirasana
Karna pidasana
Dwipada shirasana
Ekpada shirasana on standing
Ek parswa uthita padmasana
Ekparswa padma shirshasana head
Ek parswa bakasana
Udiyan bandha
Apan jaya
Samana jaya
Vyaghra brischikasana
Mayuri asana
Ramdev baba-1
Ramdevbaba -2

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Pada uttanasana
Maha mudra
Maha bandha
Shakti chalini
Uthita padmsana
Ek prswa sarvangasana
Vastrika pranayam
Ujjayi pranayam
Vramari pranayam
Mantra chanting
Reiki symbols
Reiki meditation
Viparit karini


Manthan kriya with breathout and Aswini mudra

Ek parswa halasana


The images are taken from Anahat yoga website -Hyderabad

Injury is a great concern in yoga,Many people say that one has to be slow and
cautious as to neck,spinal,waist,nurves,Brain Ankle and joint injuries.While doing
shirshasana one of our collegues got injuries on leg toes.Dr Praveen kapadia goes for
simple yoga for that purpose.
But I may say a faint heart never won a fair lady
To get blood and oxygen to your brain,to message your brain,to be light,to make
pranic energy freeflow and to expand your pranic energy you should not get panic
while doing yoga postures.

Masala Free pressurised Khichhidi

Kailash chandra Sabat-7207884783

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Sometimes due to urinary infection we get panic and experts opine that on aging
that may lead to prostrate cancer.Early stages it is citralka that is helpful to cure this.
Nikam Guruji says Vajroli Mudra may be helpful in early stages.In this process we
stop urination after a while we start urinating and again we do.

Two times double cup lemon tea with 200 gms of sugar tulsi and kalamirchi make me
listen the word that I am vulnerable to diabetic and heart deasease.
Frequent urination is very common to me on early morning as I take 3-4 lts of water
on morning and mostly none there after the whole day.

But a practice to eat khichidi is very important to stop frequent urination.Diarrhea

may be stopped with this practice.
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After sankha prakshalan above we take such khichhidi and 100-150 gms of cow ghee
to get strength and strong bones.

Many also ask how neem can help you.I have

observed since last 4 years as I chew Neem and Tulsi regularly ,it is a sure shot for
high blood pressure and gives you enegy during working hours.

Howmuch we interefere.?


Mostly downloaded from internet
Mudras are easy to perform at anytime, although sitting in the lotus position and
focusing on the healing can be an advantage.
Although mudras can be used for healing certain ailments, regular practise of mudras
will contribute to your overall good health and can be used as a preventive measure.

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Continuous practice of the mudras will create minute changes in your body using
pulse centres on parts of your hands, which trigger certain healing processes within
the corresponding body part.

Mudras are to be performed with both hands at the same time, unless
otherwise specified.

Fingers should remain comfortable during the procedure and not held stiffly or

The science of Mudra Vigyan is deeply mysterious and amazing. It is not difficult to
harmonize the undercurrents of the mind. Through this science it is also not difficult
to achieve concentration of mind. Mudra Vigyan is most important aspect of the
meditation of the supreme self. Here, Yog Mudras (gestures)are being presented as
miraculous remedies, which affect some illness like an injection. Mudras can cure
almost any ailment from a simple ear ache to heart attack.
Ear ache can be cured in just a few minutes, by the Shunya Mudra. Similarly, many
urinary infections will be cured by the Apan Mudra. In the case of severe heart
attack, Mritsanjiveni Mudra provides instant relief within a few seconds.
Our body is composed of five elements - earth, water, air, fire and ether (space).
These five elements also form our cosmos. These five elements have assigned
functions in our body to keep it healthy.
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After intensive research, Indian sages have found that Hastamudras (hand gestures)
are very important, for keeping a balance in the energy the flow among the five
elements. All five fingers regulate the five elements of body.
These are as follows


Index finger
Middle finger


Ring finger


Water element

Fire element
Air element


Earth element

Little finger


If any finger is kept at the root of thumb then fire energy over the other
element of the respective finger prevails concerned/related element of the
respective finger is increased.
If tips of thumb and any other finger tip is joined the concerned/related
element of the respective finger is increased.

Thus, hasta mudras are helpful in maintaining good health hand getting relief from
diseases also. Joining the tips of the fingers or pressing by thumb, regulate and
balance respective elements in the body. Its daily practice can keep oneself healthy
for life. It has tremendous healing power and if practiced properly, all major diseases
can be cured. It also offers happiness and spiritual attainments.
Five Kinds of Breath related to mudras

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: Heart
: Below the Navel
: Between Heart and Navel
: Throat
: Whole Body
Prana, literally the "forward moving air," moves inward and governs reception of
all types from the eating of food, drinking of water, and inhalation of air, to the
reception of sensory impressions and mental experiences. It is propulsive in
nature, setting things in motion and guiding them. It provides the basic energy
that drives us in life.
Prana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the head down to the navel,
Apana, literally the "air that moves away," moves downward and outward and
governs all forms of elimination and reproduction (which also has a downward
movement). It governs the elimination of the stool and the urine, the expelling
of semen, menstrual fluid and the fetus, and the elimination of carbon dioxide
through the breath. On a deeper level it rules the elimination of negative
sensory, emotional and mental experiences. It is the basis of our immune
Apana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the navel down to the root
Udan, literally the "upward moving air," moves upward and qualitative or
transformative movements of the life-energy. It governs growth of the body, the
ability to stand, speech, effort, enthusiasm and will. It is our main positive
energy in life through which we can develop our different bodies and evolve in
Udana governs the movement of energy from the navel up to the head.
Saman, literally the "balancing air," moves from the periphery to the center,
through a churning and discerning action. It aids in digestion on all levels. It
works in the gastrointestinal tract to digest food, in the lungs to digest air or
absorb oxygen, and in the mind to homogenize and digest experiences, whether
Saman Vayu governs the movement of energy from the entire body back to the
Vyan, literally the "outward moving air," moves from the center to the periphery.
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It governs circulation on all levels. It moves the food, water and oxygen
throughout the body, and keeps our emotions and thoughts circulating in the
mind, imparting movement and providing strength. In doing so it assists all the
Vyan Vayu governs the movement of energy out from the navel throughout the
entire body.
Now, we would learn various hastamudras as follows
Gyan mudra:
Sit down comfortably with your back and neck straight. Join tips of
index fingers and thumb and keep three fingers straight. Keep your
hand at your folded knee, remember to keep palm facing up. Put a
little pressure on joined tips and rest of the hand would be in relaxed
It is beneficial for improving memory and concentration and nervous system.It also
prevents headache, loss of sleep, tension, anxiety, depression and fears. It helps in
spiritual attainments.
This is a very beneficial mudra and anyone can practice this.

As the name suggests, this mudra is meant to increase your concentration and
memory power.
This mudra sharpens your brain power.
It has the ability to cure insomnia.
Practice this mudra regularly to heal yourself of all mental and psychological
disorders like anger, stress, anxiety or even depression.
Vayu mudra:
keep your index fingers at the root of your thumbs and press it with
thumb. In this gesture, index finger is in touch with middle finger.
Then keep both your hands at folded knee so that palm is facing up.
Put a little pressure in your palm and rest of the hand would be in
relax position. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.

This hastamudra is helpful for health problems like Gastro problems, joint pains,
backache, sciatica and arthritis.
Caution: Once you achieve the benefits from this mudra, stop doing it. After a
certain time, it may cause imbalance within your system.

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As the name suggests vaayu mudra, it balances the air element within your body.
This mudra releases excess wind from stomach and body thereby reducing rheumatic
and chest pain.

Akash mudra:
Join tips of middle fingers and thumb and keep other three fingers
straight. Keep your hand on your folded knee, remember to keep
palm facing upwards. Put a little pressure on joined tips and keep
the rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.
It is beneficial for removing all ear problems, vomiting and vertigo.
Shunya mudra:
Keep your middle fingers at the root of your thumbs and press it
with thumb. Then keep both your hands on folded knees so that the
palms face upwards. Put a little pressure on your palm and rest of
the hand would be relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes everyday.
This hastamudra is helpful for health problems like deafness, vomiting, vertigo and
thyroid problems.

Practicing this mudra with full concentration will cure earache within 5-10
minutes at the most.
It is also very helpful if someone is deaf or mentally challenged. But those who
are handicapped inborn wont benefit from this mudra.

After you are cured of these diseases, stop practicing this mudra.
Prithvi mudra:
Join tips of ring fingers and thumb and keep other three fingers
straight. Keep your hands on your folded knees, remember to keep
palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the
hand would be relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.
It is beneficial for removing all digestive problems and helps to gain
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Nothing at all. Perform this asana freely.

It improves blood circulation throughout the body.
Increases patience and tolerance.
Increases concentration while meditating.
Helps strengthen weak and lean bones. Also increases weight of people
suffering from low weight.
It reduces weakness, exhaustion and dullness of mind.
This mudra makes you more beautiful by improving your complexion and
giving a natural glow to your skin.
Agni mudra:
keep your ring fingers at the root of your thumbs and press with
thumb. Then keep both your hands on folded knees so that palms
are facing up. Put a little pressure in your palm and rest of the hand
would be in relaxed position. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.
This hastamudra is helpful for health problems like diabetes, liver problems, reduces
cholesterol levels and strengthens the body.
Caution:But if you are suffering from acidity or indigestion, avoid this mudra.

It helps to dissolve the extra fat boosting metabolism and controls obesity.
Quickens digestion.
Improves body strength.
Reduces stress and tension.
Controls high cholesterol levels.
Varun mudra:
Join tips of little fingers and thumb and keep other three fingers
straight. Keep your hand on your folded knees, remember to keep
palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the
hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.

It is beneficial for removing all blood related problems, skin as well as



Take care not to press the tip of the little finger near the nail. That will cause
dehydration instead of balancing the water level in your body.
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Benefits:A number of benefits can be achieved by doing this mudra:

Varun Mudra balances the water content in our body.

It activates fluid circulation within the body keeping it moisturized always.
It cures all skin issues like dryness, skin diseases and skin infections. Moreover
it also prevents the appearance of pimples for a longer time.
It adds a natural glow and luster to your face.
Varun Mudra also relieves and prevents any muscle pains that you may suffer
Apan-vayu mudra:
Join tips of ring fingers, middle fingers and thumb and keep your
index fingers at the root of your thumbs keeping your little fingers
straight. Keep your hands on your folded knees, remember to keep
palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the
hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.

It is beneficial for removing acidity, reducing high blood pressure, curing Asthma and
all cardiac problems. It gives instant relief in heart attack.
Apan mudra:
Join tips of ring fingers, middle fingers and thumb and keep the
other two fingers straight. Keep your hands on your folded knees,
remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined
tips and rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every
It is beneficial for removing kidney stones, kidney problems, piles and helps in
removing all toxins from the body.
Pran mudra:
Join tips of ring fingers, little fingers and thumb and keep the other
two fingers straight. Keep your hands on your folded knees,
remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined
tips and rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every
It is beneficial for removing eye and nerves related problems. It energises the body
and balances vitamins in the body.
This mudra improves your immune system.
It also increases your eye power and also cures any sort if eye diseases.
It reduces fatigue and tiredness.
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Vyan mudra:
Join tips of index fingers, middle fingers and thumb and keep other
two fingers straight. Keep your hand at your folded knees,
remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined
tips and rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it only for 15 to 20
It removes stress and cures high blood pressure problem.
Shivlinga mudra:
Clasp all fingers of both hands together keeping your right thumb
erect. Put a little pressure and sit relaxed. Practice it for 20-30
minutes every day.
It is beneficial for removing cough, curing common cold, asthma,
esinophelia, sinus and low blood pressure problem. You must take enough liquids
like fruit juice, milk or water after doing this mudra.


(For immediate result hastmudras must be practiced daily with light neurobics to
restore healthy vibrations in the body for minimum 30 minutes. All these hastmudras
except Akash and Shunya mudra can bepracticed while walking and in lying position
also. However if Hastmudras are practiced in a comfortable sitting position, it gives
better and quicker results.)

Ashwini mudra is contraction and expansion of rectum muscles.Really the rectum

stays closed only the muscles 2 inch above anus contracts and expands.One can
practice this up to 200 times a day.
1. If practiced at the time of excretion the stomach becomes clear.
2. In manthan kriya and breathout state back ache and spondolytes are
completely relieved.
3. Good for diabetics on viparit karini on breathe out.
4. To listen omkaar with in
5. I asked Shri R.C Surve how to solve impotency and dream faults-He told
Aswini mudra the best for that.
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6. This is a kind of meditation

Apan Vayu Mudra.

1. Apan bayu mudra is good to control heart diseases.

2. It forms an energy cycle around and activates Aura and blood circulation.

Na cha jara vyadhi bhaya na cha kshuda trishna tasya

Na cha mrutyu bhaya tasya jo bedhi mudra khecharim

1. Saliva flow for digestion
2. Above brain divine line gets activated.
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The soul, supreme soul and saitan

A must read for children.

You have to choose in your lives the gods energy or saitans.If you choose the gods
then Saitan stays silent and vice versa,So these acts of our choice are our karma.We
think people harm us ,not,The universal energy simply follows our choice.
Once in a ceremony on a river a child died,May be any one pulled him to the river.I
was supposed and had the ability to rescue,I did not do due to ignorance.
The same thing repeated throught my life,somebody pulling me for creating distress
and nobody helped.This story is clear in Magadheeraof Ramcharan.
So to know gods rules thorough yoga is a must for children as our childhood days
repeats in our life.

The Art of Co-Existence

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Our body resembles the universe

And the universe goes with different energies.
Hence it is not necessary to follow a single guru or energy.
Jagarnnath Thakur stays with two more energies-i.e Balabhadra and
Subhadramaya brother and sister,The co-existence symbol of world
Way to sadhana
Hath yoga

Sun and pranik
Earth,air water
Sun and moon
Sun and moon in

So ultimately if you follow

understand that exactly
you are simply following
the energy system of
earth in coexistence

Hon J B Pattanaikin,Forme CM and presently the Governor of Assam 1995 made

sarva dharma samanwaya to confirm this.

Gandhi Gyan Mandir of Hyderabad conducts

teacher training for 3 months from
30.10.2014.The subjects covered are as follows
1. Asanas
2. Pranayam
3. Diet
4. Certificate course
5. Anatomy
6. Appointment based on availability
Page 65 of 130

Hence a magazine if sold by 700 people by the teachers can collect Rs40000 a yr p.a
to help one handicapped
Wish you all the best GGM .This ultimately can bring new members of yoga teachers
as advertisement and can activate the dormant facilities by updating the
system.Even new brances may be thought of.

For 3 months one may join and many international people in a 10 to 15 number
batch enjoy this facility.
And take benefit of the class.
A guru convinced the student the necessity of air-water-fire and earth.So if it coordinates the earth energy system it is nothing wrong,the student concluded.


Om Mangalam Bhagban Bishno Mangam Garudadwaja

Mangalam pundarikashya Mangalam Purushotamah
Madovah Madhova bakyam Madhova Madhovah Harih
Smaranti sadhava nitya sarva karyeshu Madhavam
Shuklambaradharam Vishnu shashi barnaha suresham
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Prasanam badanam dhyayet Sarba bighnah pashantaye

Smrute sakala kalyana bhajanam jatra jayate
Purusham tamajam nityam Brajami saranam harim
Yoga is not simply an exercise as I told previously.Yoga balances our mind
systematically.All of Bhagbat Geeta has been based on this.To find out our course of
action through consciousness and self analysis.In yoga as you connect with the
supreme god ,your energy is multiplied and you stop getting exaggerated dealing
with things.That we call the practicability aspect of yoga.Yoga is neither a simple
lesson ,it is a science of experience .The better you utilize the more you get.
Lets verify the above from a story.
Two rich people learnt yoga from a famous saint.After one year of getting qualified
both as per the course of their teachings came back to the teacher to explain their
How do you enjoy your Yoga ? asked the saint.
Banti told It is very interesting-He scented the use of his yoga in his business.
Babli told-Sir in our business no body knows yoga.Telling about yoga before them is
simply useless let alone practicing in the course of our work.
Ok-Ok-told the saint
Now he handed over two bags to them and told there is a final journey of 30
days.But you have to travel in separate roads .One is a lonely road and other is is
quite eventful.But there is no danger whatsoever that cannot be worked out .Choice
is yours.
Babli told sir, I must take the lonely route bcz I have been overcrowded in my office
and that is so exaggerating ,Further I may get some extra time to meditate and gain
Ok ,no problem the other route is mine ,nodded Banti in agreement.
Banti Story
After seven days of journey he heard the roaring of a tiger in the forest .As he was
alone he was afraid as how to avoid the danger.He recalled guruji and unlocked the
box ,he found some books of yoga hinting how to tackle tiger and also found some
iron weapons .He kept the weapons outside for necessity.He also noted the point of
dealing with dangers in forests and used there at.After some time to his surprise
there was no roaring.
Again after some days he met a group of illiterate,quarreling and obstinate passerby
group.They became friend in journey and after learning about banti they showed
their interest in studying books and learn yoga.Banti agreed to teach them both
studies and Yoga and inside the box there were required material for the purpose.
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After some few days they were short of drinking water and took any water available
and fell ill.Bunti found in the box some medicines of yoga and availed them and
carefully noted this medicine details also.Even out of the group of passerby he fell
into love with a young girl and decided to marry.And atlast they came across a
flooded river and banti to his surprise found some hints in the box of guruji to tackle
the situation.
So by the time of journey finished Bunty got
A theory to tackle dangers in the forest
Medicine information about illness
A beautiful wife and some disciples
Theory to over come and cross over the flood.
Some weapons of iron
Some books on yoga and literature.
On the otherhand Babli practiced a lot of meditation that most often practiced in the
Ashram and even did not get time to open the box that Guruji had given .He thought
it to be irrevelent altogether.
When both returned to Guruji ,
Babli returned the box to guruji unopened ,He told what you had tought me earlier is
sufficient to tackle any situation in life.
But Bunty presented a bounty of theories that may be referred by people at the time
of necessity.Hindime Najarian badalnese Ram bhi miljatehey.
So also in oriya there is no use of methods only written in book or money lying with
So guruji told now u understood no pain no gain.(Oriya-Kasta padile krushna mile) If
u abstain from strange you may not strengthen your ,theory,concepts,beliefs and
experience .
That is how human civilization has evolved.

We all and the world be blessed with love ,harmony ,peace and growth.

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An article of yoga for better health.
An article explaining what is the term liberation in Indian culture?

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Well,we all are confused,rather we are busy,somebody with his office work or another
in his shop or some other with his family.We don,t want to mingle our mind or
burden our head ,may be what we think to be an unnecessary term ,what is meant
about the term moukshya in Indian culture in the present context.
I may chant a Mantra of lord Shiva.
OM Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Prusthi Vardhanam Urbarukmib bandhanan
Mrutyomoukshiya Mam Amrutat.
Other terms used in Indian culture and epics-Dharma, Artha, Kama and
moukshya.When we go to a temple or God we are blessed with Dharma, Artha,
Kama, and Moukshya.
The Belief is as followsOur saints or priests advise and bless us that we dont put into another life cycle in
the form of or being converted as the soul for another creature as it may multiply
our attachment and sorrowness in another life cycle.
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They bless that after death we should desire and be blessed for going to Vaikuntha,
the sacred place of lord Vishnus residence that we contemplate as Moukshya.
In the above mantra of lord shiva we ask for the grace of God for Moukshya from
death.The question is, is it possible to get freedom from death or the hymn is
wrong.Of course, When a philosopher says me that moukshya means freedom not to
enter another creatures life after our death,I never feel myself comfortable and feel
as if the the term not to have been truly interpreted.Because we are more concerned
with betterness in the present life than a period of life after death . Hence the
relevance is if it is possible getting freedom from death or the hymn is wrong?This is
truth that nothing in our tradition and culture or epics are wrong ,the problem is with
our own understanding.We shall better try to find in depth what is the truth behind
this moukshya in Indian culture.
In many of my previous articles like

One bird in hand is better than five in the bush.

Activation of Muladhar remedy to knee problem.etc.




I have been emphasizing the point that happiness lies in the human life when
we realize and feel that
1. We have a soul separate from our body.
2. Our soul is a part and related to the supreme soul.
Simultaneously I have written that we have different methods of sadhana.
1. Yoga /Meditation/Soham/Rajayoga/Reiki or chhakra sadhana.
2. Bhakti sadhana Srila prabhupad or Kripalu maharaj
3. Mantra Chanting
All the above methods are part and parcel of our Indian culture.When we succeed in
any of the ways to sadhna invariably we feel that we have

A soul different from our physical body.

The soul is invariably attached and directed by the supreme soul.

Provided when you think good you are under the good department of the supreme
soul and when you think bad you are sent to the bad /Saitan dept. of the god.
Really our problem is sorrowness or attachment for which we seek freedom or
moukshya.We do sadhana but when we are unable to feel the uniqueness of soul
from our body we are in attachment stage only.
Hence lord Krishna quotes Karmena vadhkerastu ma faleshu kadachan.
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Meaning I am not after the result.As I believe the God I also have faith in his
decision on my fortune.and I know that my soul is different from my body and I am
attached to the supreme soul.When we not only contemplate but also feel that I have
a soul in my body and It is different from my body (We always visualize this in our
activities)-Then we are almost free from bodily attachments.
This stage of ours is not after death but a stage in our life time and when we are
alive only.Really our ancient masters wanted to emphasize this, but slowly we are
taught wrongly that this is a stage after death which is quite a meaningless term for
all the living entities.
Let us interpret the term sorrowness-Actually it results when

We are not getting something rightfully belonging to us.

Continuous and tight compartment difference with the people around.

The term sorrowness is a mental concept.There is a beautul story for this .Once a
king asks his courtiers who is the wealthiest person in this world.It is concluded that
not the man with highest wealth in his disposal but the man with simplicity and
satisfaction and not of rebellious mind is the wealthiest person in this world.
Anyway to have a conclusion or finding a meaning to what we want to explore we
must have reached a stage where we feel the above feeling to be essential to
achieve moukshya i.e
Body less mind and soul feeling habit and a feeling of the presence of the most
powerful artistic god of this wonderful world.

we achieve in Indian culture by

By chanting of Hymns.
When we never desire to reach this stage of Moukshya ,There is no justification
in discussing this as this is not understandable to us.Where as when we feel
the soul is different from our body
We have altogether a different kind of experience such as
1. Not getting something is not a huge problem for us .As Lord Govinda is
the master of this material world, when we indifferently pray him; he
gives you the opportunity to enjoy all the material life.

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2. Now see from Bill Gates to Anil Ambani or say myself no body can take
the material wealth with him after his death.simply one will own and
enjoy these during his living period.
In contrast if Govinda can give you the opportunity to interact the wealth or desire
without owning that, yours wishes are fulfilled.Really most of the wishes can be
fulfilled by doing the right karma as per his desire.
On the other hand when your soul is attached and not free you feel sorrow when you
dont own something.
Dissatisfaction The same principles are applied in case of removing our
dissatisfaction in any situation or interaction with some people as we have been
explained in case of not getting something.
The Disease- a great cause of sorrownessIf indifferently you work and feel the relation of soul and supreme soul invariably lord
Govinda understands your disease and epowers your soul and arranges wisdom and
doctore for you.Some of the quotes of Bhagwat GeetaHe who neither rejoices nor hates nor grieves nor desires, Renouncing good
evil, full of Devotion, He is dear to ME.
To whom censure and praise are equal, who is silent, content with anything,
Homeless, steady-minded, full of Devotion, That man is dear to ME.
The speech which causes no excitement, which is Truthful, pleasant and
beneficial, And also the practice of Sacred Recitation, These are said to form
the austerity of SPEECH
Fix your Mind on ME, Be Devoted to ME, and Sacrifice to ME, Bow down to
SHALL YOU COME TO ME. This is MY pledge to you, for you are dear to ME.

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Achyutanant Govind Namocharan Veshajat Nashyanti sakala rogaha satya

satya badyanti hum.
Due to your understanding of the spiritual energy as explained above you get higher
energy to make you free from disease and free from illness.
Now come to the Torture partNo body is more powerful than Govinda .When you are consciously connected with
Lord Govinda the torture vanishes.
The torturing people get freightened and respect you because you are not the you
but a consciously connected to lord Govinda.
The last but not the least The difference with the people around you.
Even people having difference with you ultimately agree to your ideas.But if the
difference continues, you dont feel sorrowness because you are invariably in the
nature of the soul, which is basically free from sorrowness.;
Now the next question is how a mantra like mrutyunjaya gives you moukshya from
death.When you chant this Mantra the spiritual energy in you is activated.Slowly it
makes you understand the truth about your soul and the supreme soul. By this
spiritual energy slowly you analyse about the supreme soul-and the reasult of our
own deeds.Once I took a seminar on Mantra by prasanna charitable trust in MumbaiThey supposed that after you follow the procedure of believing and chanting this
mantra an entirely new body and thoughts are created in you.
It makes you create situations godly around you .Consciousness about god is
created in you .People with godly habits interact and talk to you.Gradually we adhere
to the principles of this spirit and stay away from wrong deeds and stay indifferent to
the happening around you.
This is a stage of consciousness of soul and you become free from attachment or
happenings in the daily life.And ultimately you inhibit the true nature of the soul the
very intimate of the supreme soul or become the soul natured and understand that
the soul never dies as it is the pranic energy around you for ever.This is the real
meaning of moukshya as explained in this mantra.
But this article explains that we always bear all the good or bad results of
our karma during our present birth only.
As the soul never dies and by sadhana we reached the stage of detachment
meaning free from day to day life we also become immortal as long as we live in
this earth.-or we enjoy the true spiritual,powerful and an ever exciting godly life as
the god has contemplated while created to you.Hence the hymn is never wrong .Are
we in a position to achieve that.Many times we get hurt or get discouraged because
we feel that gods blessing is not there with us.When we can free our soul from our
body and consciously connect that with lord Govinda ,we can realise that Lord
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Govinda has made every moment of all of all beautiful,meaningful,precious and

The another form of chhakra sadhana is a process or technique where by you
contemplate the white soul in your body in eight different energy centres which in
itself is a bodyless soul feeling.This is an all time concept and the person or sadhak
utilises almost all his 24 hours simultaneously doing his other work also,and
succeeds in awakening this consciousness for every moment of his life.All other
disturbing and unnecessary things vanishes from his mind and due to soul
cosciousness for moukshya he enjoys Dharma ,Artha ,Kama,Moukshya during his
life and not when he is dead.

All the arts of this world are subject to constant scrutiny, revision, being
upgraded, verified, compared and concluded finally. ONLY WHEN Made free
from orthodoxy and freedom to unrestrained assess IT can give US a new
meaningful form.
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While writing this article I have learnt methods and practices from Sunil
goutam, mamata goutam, reiki masters and HATH YOGI NIKAMGURUJI OF
ambika yoga body can misinterpret any of the words against the
true intention of the writer.

An article explaining how psychology and Yoga make us stronger
In my high school career I had read My Finest Hour By Sunil Gavaskar, the master
bats man. In the article an ice cube got stuck inside the teeth cavity of Sunil
Gavaskar in the last dinner. In the night the pain started. He took some pain killers.
But the pain was awesome .Even he could not sleep in the night. But next day he
had to play the five day test with England or West Indies. He was the indispensable
opening bats man. Hence he had to play the match in spite of all the pain he
underwent.Nextday he performed record high score of more than two centuries in
each of the innings. He explained it as the finest hour of his career because with
every moment of unbearable pain he underwent, he scored marvelous runs and
wonderful centuries.
Another short story I had read is that a couple were flying their jet high in the
sky.All of a sudden the pilot husband fainted .Coincidentally the wife never had
learnt to fly the jet .But she never lost patience and her heart.She tried for the flying
options .Ultimately she was able to land the plain on the ground successfully.
I have seen many people losing their lives in their 40s or became useless for
themselves or to the society.
I had observed some lacunae in their lives.
First they were never highly ambitious.
Because they were not ambitious they never tried for options and lost faith in
themselves as things went against them.One thing is there when you are trying for a
big thing even though you fail to get the same you shall definetly get a small thing
.That is how people fail not trying at all when things went against them. Hence the
saying is better one fails than not trying at all.
Second never they believed in God the way it should have been.As and when you
start believing God and praying for betterment more and more opportunities come
your way.Two people were thrown into a flooded river .Both of them saw a green leaf
floating before them. The first one ignored it thinking that how a leaf can save him in
such a dangereous flood.The second one thought what is the harm in trying even if it
was simply a leaf. May be it would be an uprooted tree in the flood and to his
surprise the small leaf turned out to be a big tree and seconds later the tree became
free from some stuck weights and started floating.He was able to save his life
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Third they never tried for any kind of spiritual or Yoga practices.In India people
bag .Some clever people learnt how to sing or play a guitar.Now they claimed that
they are artists and hence asking for money no more was considered as begging
after the displaying of that art. Even many people enjoyed their art .This is how they
had been able to be artists and enjoy both respect and money from people.

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Lets start how some of the postures when practiced make wonders for us .May be
they will bring us fortunes because we are making ourselves attached with a
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powerful spiritual art .For example a person is employed in police department he

obviously enjoys all the benefits of the department .Not only that he becomes
instrumental in solving many problems and hence a special performer in his field and
area.So also when you master over any difficult arts you become a necessity to the
people.This raises your utility .Hence now you are not only in a position of a good
health but also in an increased demanded position.When somebody explains or
helps you in this regard he creates undoubtedly a glorious moment in your life.
All the time I mention that Yoga simply does not involve some postures only , in
addition it is a relationship with a higher level of spiritual art that shows you the way
to success.But the primary thing is that you have to be hopeful in thinking that you
will get out of these type of problems through yoga .
I have mentioned some of the yoga postures for our reference .These
postures are not necessarily in sequence or neither enough guidance has
been given here for practice in home .Rather this is simply an information
and one has to go to a yoga guru for its further practice.
From childhood I practiced Shirshasana.As it is well defined that our body
resembles with that of universe. When I practice the shirshasana discernibly I am
reversing the positions of my own body. But as my small body had been connected
strongly with the universe it may make a small impact on the environment in it
self.Now in shirshasana as you raise my leg and lower part of my body the universal
energy being connected to you will enjoy your demonstration and will raise its water
elements high into the sky and this may cause rain.Like this all the postures
mentioned can activate some chakra or some energy in to the environment for a true

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As this article tries us to explain how we can be psychologically strong and

discriminatory so to change our mis fortune into good fortune Shirshasana may
connect you to the pranik energy in the universe as blood flow to sahasrar is done
on a regular basis.
Precautions1. While practicing yoga intentionally you should never consider that you are
making an impact into the environment .This is because you can bring impact
on the environment only when you are connected with the environment and
we dont know how much we are connected with this spiritual energy.
Otherwise you will be misguided and will be always making futile attempts
2. Regularly this posture may be practiced up to 3 minutes.If you practice for
more time than this you may be inflicted with blood pressure.

I was in deep trouble almost all the times in my career. Because of volatility I might
have lost my life many times.But any how I survived.Even many often I was on a
very low ebb that is in an unbelievable peculiarity.As I was from a poor family and
where your calculated performance gave you back your labour only, to sustain I had
to face litmus test all throughout. Further as I was overambitious and I always
desired none otherthan the best amidist scarcity of opportunities in an overpopulated
India,I had to prove that I deserved what I desired.
Here is how Yoga and spirituality gave me glorious moments to grow and prosper
.First divine life society, secondly Reiki with Sunil Goutam and finally with Ambika
Yoga Kutir in Mumbai I learnt yoga.
Hajaro phool jungle me he to kya,
Jo apna Kamka nehi rahen,
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Sabdoki granth he kitabome to kya,

Jo Apane dardako mehsus nehin kar payen.
Whenever I was appreciated,explained ,heard and guided with love and politeness I
was astonished to understand that there is still a beautiful moment and opportunity
for me to revive myself .A true personality in spirituality and yoga can only
understand and guide you,nurture and tolerate you .Only then you can grow and be
strong. Whenever I was with a contact and in guidance of such people tears rolled
down my cheeks and I always considered these moments to be glorious moments for
So love and tolerance I got from true spiritual practioners.But how and why these
people were willing to advice me particularly when I was too stubborn to accept
things easily.This is what I want to explain here .This is because I practiced and
controlled some of the above spiritual postures as per the Indian spiritual culture . As
per the rules of divinity I was eligible for this respect and guidance.
Another golden moment was when I completed the daily practice I always enjoyed
clear and transparent Aura. That gave a lot of joy and confidence in my life .No doubt
these are the glorious moments of my life.I have used psychology, tolerance
love,sharing,forgiveness,contribution,politeness and
appreciation like words here
because yoga is a spiritual science .In exercise there is no hard and fast rule to learn
these. But in case of yoga practice you have to satisfy a spirit or god and the Guru
before you start practicing the Art.
When we understand that these postures can do wonders for us let us learn these
postures in detail.
It is a rhythm of long breathing done first in each nostril beginning with the right
nostril and then in both nostrils for 5 to ten minutes. It relieves back ache, knee
pain, and cures constipation, As per Nikam guruji the sound created in this kriya is
like a Goldsmiths heater. It also activates the dead cells in the respiration cycle.
OMKAR- It is a technique of imitating the inner sound and making Om sound in the
process of long exhaling breathing.It can cure madness and increase sharpness of
mind. It increases the contemplative capacity of the practitioner.
SURYA NAMASKAR It consists of 12 to 14 postures .If this posture is practiced for
12 times a day one is expected to maintain a very good healthy life.It increases
digestive capacity, flexibility of body, concentration, back ache relief, and brings
blessings of sun god.At the beginning of practice we chant twelve names of sun god
and with each posture of one cycle we exhale or inhale alternatively.
MASTHYASANA-Masthyanasana also done in sleeping position with legs in
padmasana posture.

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It can be a preventive step for fever ,cough , backache and flexibility of

SUPTA GARVASANA Nikam Guruji tells that this is a posture as like a small child
inside the tomb of its mother .Regular practice of this posture make you flexible and
MAHA MUDRA- -Keep one of the legs stretched and fold the other leg so the back
toe touches the mid position of anus and the urinal channel.With both the hands
catch the toes of the stretched leg.We start this posture by stretching the right leg
first.Now close the stretched leg sided nostril pressing the respective nostril on the
arm and inhale deeply in the other nostril and in the state of Mula
bandha ,uddiyan Bandha and jalandhar Bandha bow your head to touch the knee of
the stretched leg.Stay one to two minutes in this posture.. Now raise your head
slowly and release the bandhs and practice slow and long exhalation as much as
possible through the opposite nostril of inhalation made at the beginning by
pressuring the opposite nostril in the opposite arm . Now repeat the posture in the
alternate leg .You can do this for three times a day. It can stop paralysis type
diseases attacking a sadhak .This are also known as JANUSIRASANA

janu sirasana.
Sit in padmasana posture.Inhale deeply.Put into effect the Mula bandha, Udiyana
bandha and Jalandar bandha.With this posture strikes your seat position on the
ground repeatedly up to 50 times in one practice. Now raise your head slowly and
release the bandhs and practice slow and long exhalation as much as possible .You
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can do this for three times a day. It helps flow of shushamna unrestrained and
pranashakti may run upwards easily.
MAHA BANDHA.---- Fold left leg so the back toe touches the mid position of anus
and the urinal channel.Now fold your right leg and come into padmasana
posture.First exhale .Then inhale in left nostril and Put into effect the mula bandha
,Udiyana bandha and Jalandar bandha.Stay in this posture for one minute. Now raise
your head slowly and release the bandhs and practice slow and long exhalation as
much as possible in the right nostril .You can do this for three times a day.Now
repeat the same in the right leg. It helps flow of shushamna unrestrained and
pranashakti may run upwards easily.
SAKTI CHALINI MUDRA- Sit in Padmasana.First exhale.Pull up your stomach as
much as possible. Put into effect the mula bandha, Udiyana bandha and Jalandar
bandha.Now strike your seat repeatedly on the ground for upto 50 times.Stay in this
posture for one minute. Now raise your head slowly and release the bandhs and
practice slow and long inhalation in both nostrils as much as possible . Not
discontinuing the practice and in the position of complete inhalation practice Aswini
Mudra for up to twenty times. Now make long and complete exhalation . you can do
this for three times in one practice. It helps flow of shushamna unrestrained and
pranashakti may run upwards easily.
LOMA BILOMA PRANAYAM--- First exhale .Then inhale in left nostril and Put into
effect the Mula bandha, Udiyana bandha and Jalandar bandha.Stay in this posture for
one minute. Now raise your head slowly and release the bandhs and practice slow
and long exhalation as much as possible in the right nostril .You can do this for
fifteen times a day.Now repeat the same in the right nostril.This posture can be done
for five to ten minutes. It helps flow of shushamna unrestrained and pranashakti
may run upwards easily. This creates coolness in the body.
KAMANI OR CHAKRASANA Sleep on your back. This is a posture of backward
bending and raising your belly posture upwards while resting on your hand palms
and leg toes.If you can practice this posture from a standing position and can go
back to the same without laying your body on the ground ,it is called a Kamani.It
straightens your back bone ,help flow shushamna unrestrained and pranashakti may
run upwards easily.We call this Urdha Dhanurasana also.

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PASCIMOTANASANA-In this posture we bend our waist and head forward and
catch the two toes with your two hands and then touch your nose into the gap in
between the knees of the stretched legs.We roll back and practice halasan while
practicing this posture while doing deep inhalation and exhalation alternatively.It
relives body ache and make your muscles flexible.
The Headstand (Shirshasana)
This posture may look like imposing to those who havent attempted it. Nevertheless,
it is an extremely powerful asana. It is called the "king of asanas" because of its
overall effect on the whole body. For beginners, it is better to start this in a corner so
that you can practice it without the fear of falling down. Ask a friend to help you with

this in the beginning.


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You must use extra padding for the headstand, so use a folded blanket or some extra
foam on top of your yoga mat. Don't use a pillow, since it's too soft.
If you don't feet very confident about going straight into the headstand, try stage 1
first. Once you are confident with stage 1, you can go on to stage 2, which is the
standard headstand.
If you wish to try it on your own, place a pillow lengthwise behind your head, in case
The Plough Posture (Halasana)

Jayant Saab One of my Yoga teachers and

One of My best Friends and Ambika Yoga Guru in Ambika Yoga Mumbai

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Water is equivalent to life.Especially at a time when the cost of medicines is rising at
an alarming rate.How a person getting a salary of only Rs 300 a working day can
manage his family smoothly? Perhaps we dont know that water is also a
medicine.The dissolving quality of water is a medicinal quality.Thus he who knows
the meticulous use of water can prevent and cure many diseases.Dr.Laxman
Mishra(IPS) wrote in his Ayurved book regarding water as follows.Before sun rise or
after sun set intake/drink a glass of water through the left nostril provided normal
breathing is through left nostril that time.It must be remembered that breathing
takes place only through one nostril except on early 4 am to 5 am for a short
period.We call it a Brahmya muhurta and consider to be appropriate for yoga
practice.The logic of pranayam practice is also based in the principle that if we can
enable our both the nostril to work for some time simultaneously it may give rise to
spiritual awakening.Hence such intake of water through left nostril may cure many
diseases if taken regularly says the doctor who was a supritendent of police that
time.Let us analyse how a poor man can utilse plain water to prevent and cure
diseases and there by reducing his own medicinal cost significantly per month.
Taking 3 to 4 glasses of warm water early in the morning makes your bowl clean
and light.But to clean the stomach completely ,take 6 to 7 glasses of warm water
early in the morning.Put 1 to 1.5 spoon of salt into that water.Now sit in such a
posture that your hips be rested on your back feet and the knee of the other leg
touch the ground.In such a posture drink all the water.Now put two of your right
hand fingers into your throat thorough your mouth and move your fingers up and
down so that you are forced to vomit the salty water that you had taken inside. This
process is called JALA Dhouti.Initially one can practice this for 15 days together

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gradually one can reduce the same to 3 days a fortnight.Vomitting does not mean
that you will be able to extract out all that you had drunk.The success of this practice
depends upon the size of your stomach to take food and amount of water taken
inside.While in a position of full of water in your stomach ,take air / inhale as much
as possible and practice some postures like kagasan and Ardha kati chakrasan
etc.This can put pressure on your stomach and help your stomach get cleaned.This
practice is known as Sankha prakshalan.While you are going to bed take a glass of
warm water ,put one spoon of cow ghee or castor oil and drink thrice or four times a
week.Your constipation problem will be over.
Fever is a common disease.We all know that contaminated water can cause this

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quantity of pita and bata in ones body can also cause this problem.Regular intake of
enough Tulsi with some small black pepper can heal this disease . Regularly taking
water in which Tulsi and Bell pati is merged and put in a copper pot can prevent
fever.This is Because copper ,tulsi and bell can balance your body temperature,Bata
and pita easily. Regular Jal Dhouti also can prevent fever significantly.
Mental Problem
When you are in high tension your body creates a lot of harmful toksin.Practising
Jaladhouti and drinking sufficient water can clean this toxin and save your body from
harmful effects.People resort to drinking habits when affected by
problems.By that one makes harm to his own body.By losing mental confidence one
harms his own physical body to a great extent.
I ,myself
affected mentally and many often take the consultancy of a
psychiatrist. My own experience regarding mental problem shows that suddenly the
mind is absorbed by strange ,indecent and inappropriate thoughts,Naturally you
wonder why your mind thinks in such an illogical manner with out a reason.
The reason could be from these following sources.
1) Internal mind remembers past memory ,gets worried and derive negative
conclusion.The thought strikes his mind repeatedly.
2) The present mind getting dissatisfied work s and shows discontent.
3) Dissappointment , fear,schizophrenia type horror affects your mind
4) Mind is hypnotized and affected by out side forces strikingly.

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I have experienced that mentally affected person can take repeated drinking water to
relax himself.Our body / mind has unlimited fixed resource life ENERGY and can be
compared to the fixed resource like sea water.Our mental problems are like river
water driedout to give temporary problems.But water resources have not been
exhausted altogether.It is limitless.So also options,oppurtunities and chances to
overcome mental problems are abundant.One has to wait for the next rain fall
only.Mr Sunil goutam reiki master says problems will come and gradually go away.
Sometimes you can resort to Jala Dhauti to make your body and mind relaxed by
taking away your mind from your current problem to some yogic practices.Slowly
with the blessings of lord shriram the person gets a good sleep and by the time he
gets up he feels relaxed.If Surya bhagwan is offered clean water regularly with due
respect, solutions for mental problems come out .
Practice-(Yoga Nidra)Take enough water.Now practice SO AHM kriya in any place
including the place of your work.Now put your mind on your breathing cycle .While
inhalation think that you are absorbing positive energy and healing power from
air.When exhaling feel and think that negative energy and physical as well mental
disorders are being removed from your body.Think that all the negative thoughts in
your mind whether generated inside or came from outside are destroyed by your
divine system.
Think that god had always done things for your wellbeing in the past time ,does your
optimum welfare presently and shall be doing the same in future .We are always
short in our duty and performance towards our own life and towards godly
relationship.Try to impove that performance sincerely and comfortably.
While working or seating in your office or work place you can practice this kriya by
displacing your mind from your body slowly starting from your feet and legs and
gradually moving the process entirely throughout your body up to the top of your
head.It may take three to four minutes in one circle.The process may lead you to a
body less spirit feeling.In the reverse process put your sensitive mind back starting
from your head to your feet at the end.In the process feel that some parts of your
enlightened,reenergized and relaxed completely.Now repeat this process again and
over again until you get asleep.By the time you get up you will be feeling relaxed.

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People unable to sleep due to mental tension can draw Aum mentally over ANGYA
CHAKRA lyeing between two eye brows .Continuously drawing omkar mentally at this
field can displace your mind from your body,you will be hearing the pranab/oom
sound uninterruptedly and continuously in your body . Gradually you will leap into
deep yoga sleep.
While writing this article one day like many other days the author cannot sleep in the
night due to some fooding or tension reasons.I tried my best to make my body cool
down and relaxed even by sleeping on the ground.But in vain,at last getting irritated
like my mother as she often experiences I went outside to get fresh air by four
A.M.To my good luck it was a moon light night.As I practised moon meditation often I
contemplated that the moon is vanishing inside me and I am cooling down.For some
time I thought that there is no difference between I and the moon, Thought that
water energy from moon is helping me to cool down.There after I returned to my bed
and got a good sleep for the next three hours .I would have slept for more time had
I have any extra time.
In contrast what about a person sleeping in his duty place in the day time ? I am a
regular sleeper on my duty.Even I lost many jobs for this disease.
It is told that when pita content in the body is disproportionately high ,depression
leads to sleep.Also due to excess mental tension and tiredness one may sleep in his
duty.Further less of sleep in the night may cause to day sleep.
Remedy- Take two glasses of honey mixed warm water early in the morning for a
Karagre arbasati laxmi , kara madhye saraswati,
Karamule cha govindam ,prabhate kar darshanam.
(Means devi laxmi abodes at the top of your palm,devi Saraswati inside your palm,at
the root of your palm sits govinda-so one should look at the hands in the morning
and honour them.
Achyutananda Govinda namo charanam veshajat,Nasyanti sakala roga satya satya
badyamya hum.
Om Tryambakam jajamahe Sugandhim prusti bardhanam urbarukmib bandhanan
mrutyomukshiya mam amrutat.
Remembering these mantras one should resort to so aham and movement of pranik
energy in your body to get relaxation at the work place.He may feel activated.
Water and raja yoga-In raja yoga one contemplates the flame of a candle kept in
a dark place at a few meters away from his/her seating place between his/her
eyerows on the forehead.The candle flame may be contemplated as a rising sun from
deep sea .The thought should entertain that the sea never gets heated simply
because sun comes out of it.There by you are simply balancing your pranik energy in
the form of a light.After ten minutes of practice you will see only the flame and
darkness all around.After some time of concentration of the flame at your forehead
think that it is being connected to another little flame over the forehead at the
highest place above your head that you can contemplate above the sky.This
practice will make a feeling of body less spirit in yourself.The straight line between
these two points of light bears all our thoughts.To make us feel relaxed and tension
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free we can contemplate of cleaning and enlightening this straight line between
these two light points.Madness can be over come by this practice also.After 15
minutes of practice close your eyes and try to see the outside flame inside your
forehead. This may cure memory loss and one may get supernatural force out of this
kind of regular practice.Water is involved in the process thus by thinking that you are
the sea and the rising sun (flame)from sea is your pranic energy getting activated
and moving upwards.Three
more kriyas are also helpful for curing eye
diseases.These are Shirshasana,Netrasnan and Raja yoga.Put enough water in your
mouth.,now throw cool water into your open eyes.This is known as Netra snan.
WAIST PAIN- This is a common disease.
Remedies-(1)Jaladhouti,(2) Baga Dhouti(3) Pranayama(4) Anointing till oil with
Bhimsen karpoor.
We have alredy discussed about jaladhouti,Where as Bagdhouti involves the same
kriya but the only difference is that in jaladhouti we practice the kriya in empty
stomach where as in Bagdhouti we do the same after two hours of taking our food.
Pranayam is very effective for curing any back muscles pain,waist pain.Even when
we practice long,slow & complete exhalation the interior part from where the air
comes out gives a feeling of great relaxation. Many people who suffer from insomnia
due to body ache and weakness due to shortage of oxygen supply ,lack of apetite
,anxiety,indecisiveness can be cured by this practice.
Pranayam gives two fold benefits.Firstly ones thought process slows down thereby
reducing his/her fickleness and on the other hand it can heal many body pains
including knee joint pains.There is a good experience related to pranayam.As a
beginner while I practiced both kapalbhati and pranayam,I realized that the practice
can put pressure on the whole body including the anus part, and the kriya can also
can be utilized for stomach clearing and relieving certain joint pains.But an MBBS
doctor while discussing the matter with me said that our inhalation procedure
involves air moving inside upto the heart only and air does not go inside our other
body parts.Any body practicing pranayam can find out that the whole body can be
accessed through pranayam. Infact modern medical science ignores yoga science
altogether or to a large extent.
ACIDITY-Acidy mainly caused due to indigested food stored in the stomach for a
longer time and secondly when due to constipation your bowl is not cleaned
regularly.Jala Dhouti as explained earlier is a good remedy.In addition to this put
some bel leaf inside a copper pot together with hot water in the night.Early in the
morning regularly drink this water.There is a reasonable chance that ACIDITY
problem will be over.
DIABETICS - My mother is suffering from diabetics.The question is why she cannot
cure herself simply by using water.We must remember that by practicing pranayam
and kapalbhati we generate enough heat in our body system to digest the sugar
content.As the article described here involves both yoga and water in combination,to
get success in this art one has to practice yoga also.By practicing Kapalbhati and
Pranayam we produce enough energy in our body to digest the intaken food.
My practice to prevent Diabetics
1) I take one Lemon in water with sugar early in the morning for reducing
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2) Avoid execess food or forgoing food taking altogether i.e avoiding complete
fasting most often.
3) Do regular Jaladhouti
4) Practice regular kapalbhati and pranayam
Some medicines are prescribed in a Ayurved book regarding DiabeticsRegular taking of dried black berry seed powder with Amla powder with warm milk
in empty stomach can reduce diabetic in ones body ,says the writer Vilas Orsakar in
his book.
Before explaining all about yoga we must try to understand the true and broad
concept of diseases i.e what about the diseases are all about.Well medicines are
there.But are the medicines always useful ? I admit that I dont live with out
medicines.Many times medicines have been essential in my life also. But as per
Indian epics sukracharya in ancient times gave life to demons died in battles by
using mahamrutyunjaya mantra.Was it false? If false all the puja,forecasting etc are
also false.I think no fool in this world will admit that magic shows displayed in public
by which a person disappears from one place and surfaces at another place is simply
a technique or eye washing. Rather it is a sadhna in spiritualism by which things are
done as per our wish by applying the spiritual power.Even I had been treated and
successfully cured by Reiki healing.In the process of the Reiki healing one has to
invite the healing reiki mother for treatment.Apart from this in ancient times Indians
and Chinese used mantras and words of instructions to the diseased to get cured.
The words are like this
I x ,the disciple of Y and the worshipper of Z instruct the deity of any kind of disease
simply to disappear and leave the patients body immediately and not to reenter his
body in future again.In muslim treatment the procedure is still prevailing.Well the
Govt may deny the existence of any such miraculous power but the same official
when comes home resorts to going to such a person who uses traditional methods
to cure the patients.
As the writer of this article having the experience of going through many type of
diseases ,well he forcefully opines that this is not simply a superstition.So a disease
is simply like another highly powerful and negative spiritual personal power which
can affect or be applied by the experts of this art to a particular person or a group of
persons in one place or through out a region.
Likewise it can be instructed to affect or go away from a person,group of persons or
from a region or from a particular place.During British reign for its own reason and
effective administration by misguidance ,The British Govt.made us materialistic and
made us believe that these are simply superstitions. The author(I) had been to
Kamaksha Temple in Assam to learn some of these techniques but the reasult was
that people denied the existence of any such practice and told that it is the British
Govt which abolished all such practices and declared such practices completely
illegal for the ordinary people.On the other hand British Govt was not a fool to lose
powerful practices prevailing all over the world.This declaration of non
existence of such practices were simply to fool people.The administration
clandestinely used the same for administrative purposes.So also our so called newly
independent nation inherited the same method clandestinely.Further many powerful
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persons became masters when learnt all these either from any of the authorities or
from some other secret practices. When we understand this concept about diseases
our concept of yoga also changes. Hence if you truly understand the nature of the
disease i.e why it affected you, and how it can be removed may be you are not far
from getting it cured.In addition to this understanding we invite the positive healing
power in person and request her to help us remove this particular kind of negative
power in person in side us.
All my skin diseases have been cured by taking of allopathic medicines only.I believe
more in medicines for skin diseases than any thing else. However Yoga utilizes water
with spirualisation to cure diseases.These methods are inaccessible and mistrusted
by ordinary people because they dont master over these pactices.Vedopanistha
Pandit Ramsharma Acharya says that you have to pay the right price for every
thing to own it. As you have not mastered over the trick ,your instructions and
commands will not be carried over by the spiritual power.There by we feel that this is
an useless and nonsense practice. Remembering and honouring Surya Bhagwan
while chanting Gayatri Mantra silently even not shaking your lips at least for more
than three hundred times a day regularly can relieve skin diseases.Anoint NIM oil in
the affected parts.But when your stars dont favour you this may not help to cure the
disease either.The Reiki master Sunil Goutam says that just speak out to your near
and dears about any secret matter that hurts you internally.By saying this he simply
connects this disease with our psychological standing.
Once an Exima type of skin disease affected my neck area.I almost spent Rs 2000
for curing the same for over two years with some good doctors, but was unable to
cure the same .I suffered a lot for the same.Even my employer told me not to come
to the office for some time because it would infect other healthy persons.But I could
not have stopped going to work as it gave me my livelihood.Luckily an ointment
purchased at last from a medicine store almost cured the disease dramatically.Hence
it is believed that until your suffering period as destined by that negative personal
power or by that disease is not over the disease does not get cured.
Cough/Asthama/Swasroga- Jala Dhouti can remove cough content from your
body.Ujjayi is also practiced by causing friction during exhalation and inhalation in
your respiratory pipe in three different methods.The method should be slow and
long.Neti is a method where by ones nose is cleaned by pouring warm salty water
techiniques.Pranayam,Neti,Kapalbhati and Ujjayi are useful in curing cough and
Asthama. Regularly taking Labang after food also can cure cough to a great extent.
There is a simple definition of yoga.The movement of your mind along with your
pranik energy with in your body as per your own necessity while concentrating on
your breathing cycle is called yoga. By moving your mind and prana slowly and
gradually in your body first to become in a feeling of completely bodylessness and
there after again reactivating your body by the reverse movement of same prana
and mind can stabilize your mind to a great extent.
Years back when I had no knowledge of yoga methods ,most often I had body ache
problem.To relax my body I used to shake the concernered body part. While reading
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Hanuman Chalisa in a temple,another devotee saw my shaking of the body

parts,particularly the leg part.He told that definitely you have instability of mind.For
the first time in my life I realized that due to a disease I was behaving that
way.Thanks to God I was put under suitable yoga training camps in different places
that gave me a realisation that what allopathy uses to solve by application of
medicines ,can be cured by simple application of your mind and by getting conscious
about what really is happening with you.Mr Aggarwal of Ambika yoga kutir says that
Raja yoga is best for stability of mind.He always exemplified that he used to bite his
nails and cut his cheeks during getting a shave.But when he practiced Raja Yoga he
was able to cure these habits altogether.Intaking of water in the morning through the
left nostril when it is open and subject to normal breathing can stabilize your mind
also.So Aham and pranayam are two excellent methods for bringing stability of
mind ,no doubt.
Stone is not the literal meaning
about the real state of the
disease.Rather the disease happens due to growth of accumulated indigested dirt in
the form of muscles inside your stomach,kidney or body.We all know that prevention
is better than cure.Regular Jala dhouti is a good prevention.Application of reiki
energy at solar plexis or crystal treatment had been proved to be very effective
also.Application of mind energy with a feeling that the grown up muscles has got
dissolved is another helpful tool.In a book SubConscious mind I had read that as
creator of human being god has the ability to cure all type of diseases.Our sub
conscious mind is related directly with god .So when we convey our subconscious
mind about our problems and apply our mental power to a disease and feel that the
disease will definetly get cured by such application,it gets cured miraculously.All
these practices should be carried out simultaneously and not in isolation for effective
result.Morning take green coconut water with lemon regularly to cure stone.
Parkinsons Disease
Obeisity is one problem,It happens when our food contains more than necessary
colestrol.Keeping the stomach always filled up,Eating 80 to 100 percent of ones
capacity are also facors that make our muscles tight and inelastic.Heavy Exercises
like weight lifting also make our muscles inflexible.In yoga in addition to our regular
practices one should give more importance to the followings
1) Jala Dhouti
2) Utathita Padasan and rolling
3) Kapalbhati.
Take enough warm water to fill your stomach.Now inhale enough air
through your folded tongue and keep that air near visudha chakra i.e at the middle
of your chest.Imagine that the air is changed into a power bowl there.Now slowly
and steadily move that power bowl through your respiratory pipe and solar region
up to the two balls behind your.
.There after from there move that
energy to your . Now feel excited for some time due to that energy
movement. Every day this procedure should be practiced for at least 20times.In
addition practice Ashwini Mudra enough times a day.By this one has to open and
close the anus portion by strokes for many times at a stretch.Take cow ghee
regularly.Taking milk of baniyan tree leaf can also cure this disease.Also imagine
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that accumulated energy from your stomach,kidney,heart,liver flowing to your

perrennium point.Move that energy to the two balls behind your ..through
your solar region.From there now imagine that energy flows to ,and you
are getting excited.Repeat this kriya for many times a day.Most Probably you can
cure your disease successfully.

1) Drink water kept in copper pot last night.This is useful in curing high blood
2) Tree ripen papaya can be taken for relieve blood pressure also.
3) Taking of carrot juice with honey also can relieve blood pressure.
4)Taking Kismiss by chewing early in the morning put in water can also relieve blood
5) Take four tulsi leaf and two Neempati.Crush them with water to prepare a kind of
chatni.The B/P patient should eat this early in the morning in empty stomach.
Diseases related to heart and blood pressure are inter related ones.If one cannot
tolerate any kind of adverse situation gradually this disease infect a person. One
should stay cool, patient and satisfied in any situation.This is a very good remedy
for this kind of disease.For curing tension one should follow the procedure explained
in the earlier pages.
Lord Shri Krishna has advised in Bhagvat gita that a person should stay unaffected
and unattached to the out come of any incident whether good or bad.Such a person
is called a yogi according to Lord Shrikrishna.Thus meditation is a good remedy for
both Blood pressure and Heart diseases.
Psychological disorders can lead to neurology.Sometimes in the past I lacked
sensitivity in my hands and legs.In yoga,we believe in inherent pranik energy.This
energy is very powerful.Due to our own misutilisation of this energy we suffer from
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some diseases.This pranic energy uninterruptedly is engaged in creating energy

cycle in all our body parts.We call it formation of cells and circulation of blood.But
yoga belives that due to creation of this energy continuosly our body parts get
activated.So by various healing methods by giving more attention to some specific
parts of our body we try to energise,enlighten and activate the respective body
parts.This is mainly done by the following methods.
1) Pranayam,
2) Kapalbhati
3) Movement of pran to those specific parts through your mental energy.
4) Keeping your palm and paying your full attention on these parts for a longer
duration and feeling that these parts are getting energized and activated.
5) Spiritual methods include light ghee lamp regularly with Shriram Bhagwan
and pay clean water to sun god while chanting Gayatri mahamantra.Feel that
derived energy is diversified into these parts and you are feeling energized.
Water meditation.---Feel that you are inside water.Water is there all around you.You
are absorbing the energy,coolness,and relaxation from water around you.Imagine
that You have lost yourself inside water.Contemplate that your physical being has
been dissolved into water particles.Always think like this.Remember this practice is
some what similar to SOAHM KRIYA in which your mind is attached to present
activities and to the breathing cycle of our own.With our exhalation we imagine to
be removing our diseases and negative energy and with inhalation we absorb
positiveness and pranic energy into us.The only difference is that in SOAHAM you
think about air where as in water meditation you think about water only.SOAHM also
considers that so means god and ahm means I .There by in each breathing cycle you
are supposed to be interacting with god .
Water meditation is a good remedy for paralysis.

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MEDITATION Meditate on sea.After closing the eyes try to hear the sound of the
roaring sea.In padmasan posture close your eyes.Try to sea the green colour
enlightened selfsoul inside you near your heart.Green light or white light are the
symbol of coolness.The so visioned soul be taken to the upper sky through yor back
bone route.Slowly try to forget everything including your physical body except this
soul and move your self through route into the higher ether.This Kriya can be
compared with the osmosis process of water working in the body of a tree in which
water goes up a tree and energises the body of the tree through photosynthesis
process . This vertical green coloured straight line energy be contemplated as the
strings of a chariot of horses through which the driver control the horses which can
be compared with your diseased body.
An article inYoga explaining to stay energetic through out your life and in
your work place.
This article tries to explain to regain our energy lost due to our
unconsciousness of spiritual energy.
An article can be interesting and successful only when exemplified
sufficiently.Otherwise all the articles are same only.
Have you ever experienced a stage as shown in the picture below. Well ,manytimes I
have experienced such a condition in my life. It is indeed pitiful.

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We most often also dont know what should be our position while taking rest on our
bed.We should always lie on our sides because if we sleep on our back our back bone
gets affected.If we rest on our front our breathing process gets interrupted and we
become unable to take enough oxygen in to our lungs .
Similarly our pranic energy always spread and expand from the core energy centre in
our body around.This process is interrupted in the following situations .
1. When we are very much disappointed.
2. When we become very much thoughtful,
3. When we dont take nutrious food , water and insufficient oxygen.
4. When we are freightened-that is the exhaustation stage.
5. When we get dissastrously hopeless.
Really our pranic energy is like a small sun in our body.Its work is to provide energy
through out our body as like as the big sun lights the universe. Due to the above
reasons the energy centre in our body contracts inwards instead of expansion ,that is
the reason we feel exhausted.Even when it is unable to supply energy to a particular
part of our body slowly that part of our body becomes weak.
A yoga practioner always try to expand this energy uninterruptedely.This is done by
many ways such as by consciousness ,by music ,by singing ,even staying alert while
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doing hard labour.A true yogi always become alert not to affect ones mind at any
cost or in any adverse situations.
Air as it carries oxygen is a good source of energy for rejuvenation.Many yoga Gurus
advise that make deep inhalation and slow and long exhalation for rejuvenation.
Exercising is also considered as a good method to stay energetic.But muscles
become non responsive after long and hard work.John Abrhams body trainer advised
him not to give enough stress any more because it may give you negative response .
In contrast
Yoga works out with oxygen flow.
It deals with our nurve system.for example
Ujjayi---- This is a Kriya where by we practice breathing with a frictional sound at
our chest and throat with our nurve system.If you observe this kriya intently you
find that all our veins get stretched by practice of this kriya.Many people say that this
kriya should be done maximum for 30 times .But many experts opine that this kriya
may be practiced for 15 minutes also.But I have observed that irrespctive of the
number of times you repeat the kriya it can be practiced for 5 minutes atleast.
How much time you assign to your practice is most important.Previously I was
unable to provide much time for this practice and claimed that I was practicing yoga
completely. But later on it was found that this was a misconception.As I cannot get
significant advantage even after practicing I had to increase my practice time.Now it
amounts to 70 to 80 minutes a day.Even practicing one time for 2 hrs a day may not
be much useful to your purpose. As our mind always creates complicated thought
and goes through ups and downs along with the thoughts of the day ,you can make
an additional practice of 30 minutes in the evening for rejuvenation. Instead of 120
minutes practice at a stretch you can do it 70 minutes and 30 minutes in two

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article meant to explain our lost energy.Lost energy means energy lost due to
Unplanned ,immoral and unrestricted life styles.

Here I am not explaining regarding cure as I want to explain prevention part better.
After disease attacks us it is something like curing .Yoga doesnot have much to
do when you are infected or diseased .It needs medicine at this stage .When I get
fever I take medicine.After getting cured when my preventive forces are weak I can
practice this to ensure that I become very strong as diseases and misfortune cannot
attack me again .Hence this explains the processes and methods so that we would
prevent diseases or misfortunes attacking us .Also when you become weak and old
slowly and gradually you can regain energy with practice of this Art.
Goenkaji of vipasana gave some tips of Buddhism.First Buddhism does not believe
in sectarianism of religions .They believe in one religion that the pranic energy.If you
observe the breathing cycle uninterruptedly with concentration of presence we stop
the energy to be lost any further. As the air is the souce of pranic energy it
revitalises our exhausted energy instantly .He even told that any negative thought
exhaust our energy and seeds negative results and on the other hand positive
contemplation gains energy and seeds positive outcome.Goenkaji even opines that
for all our mental reactions we must analyse the smallest particle of our mind and
find out for what reason our mind reacts like that.He says that our mind and
thoughts are divided into many parts.When you concentrate on breathing and get
conscious about mental reactions you finally develop a new sanskar in place of old
Four years back I had written an article titling THOUGHTS IN CREATING AND
There I have clearly mentioned that every disease has a source to our mental
thought process. Really all of us develop different mental cultures in our daily work
process.We say it as our attitude. Hence wrong attitude towards things around us
make us weak and may create some diseases.
Mainly here I want to deal with conversation of mind into energy for revitalization
that involve.
1. Making our mind very minute one by concentrating on breathing .
2. Diverting the concentrated enrgy into our body parts and expanding our Prana
for energy gain
This process has been explained in many yogic practices in the following names.
a.-Sabasana and Omkar in Yoga practice
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b-Concentration in Meditation.
c-Aura expansion in Reiki.
d-Bodyless feeling while chanting of Mantra or sankirtana that is
forgetting everything in Bhakti.
We chant mantra but unless we feel that the god whom we pray actually
listens we conclude that our call is defective and lacks concentration,
hence we have to pray with concentration only.
I may bring into focus another technique used in reiki involving the same
principle.That the energy ball principle. By this technique we contemplate that the air
before us as an energy ball of air.As our mind can be contemplated into very tiny
concentrated particle like atom our mind becomes able to catch the energy ball in
air before us in our bare hands . Now this energy we bring into our body and this
may be helpful for curing diseases like paralysis etc.
Even in marital arts we concentrate into air and stimulate our mind into movement of
air and mostly derive our energy from air only.
Like electricity is the concentrated energy of water, poison in snake is concentrated
air energy of snakes.Hence yoga explains all these yoga practices which involves
practice of air which contains very very powerful energy constituents.
Hath Yoga ---- Ha is life energy and tha means the soul.So Hatha involes
practice of life energy by our soul.
This is the same as that of SO --AHM
SO means life energy and AHM means I . All these involves the practice of pranic
energy by our soul.
Gayatri Mantra also revitalises our energy provided we practice this properly and
regularly.Pandit Rama Sharma Acharya of Gayatri has written 150 big books( which
may take almost two years simply to go through) on the same topic explaining
how Gayatri energy is related with air and pranic energy and what are ways to
achieve perfection on this Art.He has also explained the power and ways to chant
this Mantra.If you read the articles of Pt. Sharma you find that all his articles contain
his own different kinds of experience in all the time he visited to Himalays or
different places and he mentioned how he was guided by Mahakala (another form
of Gayatri God)
I know that when some body pushes me I will fall down .This happen also when we
are weak.It is like exhaustation of our mind due to sugar or blood pressure.In Yoga
now You concentrate on your breathing and Omkar enrgy and expand these two
energies deep into earth and fix your energy deep inside inner earth .On and above
the earth you expand your energy and fix these two energies onto trees and
mountains around you .In sky you attach these two of your energies in to stars and
moon .If you practice this art regularly and succeed in mastering this art definitely
you wont fall on a single push or on occasions of minor diseases affecting your mind.
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I think after the above discussion now you have the ability to run and be

Lets know what is accomplishments and What is Sadhana.
Most often our work gives us back some energy from other persons as good
wishes .This is very important as people around us are also more powerful in their
respective fields .So also as god says that he gets displayed as any form around us
you certainly should not miss their well wishes.Lord Krishna told Arjuna to get the
blessing of Pitamaha Bhisma even though pitamaha was in opposite enemy camp for
a fight.So all these knowledge make us strong during our life and during our work
period .
I shall exemplify a small story.Once A lion was taking rest in a den.A small mouse
while playing came inside the open mouth of the great lion.The lion immediately
woke up in anger to know who in the hell around dared to enter in to his
mouth.When he came to know that it was a small mouse he decided not to kill and
let it go.The mouse never forgot his forgiveness.
Few days later the lion was caught in a net by a hunter in the night.In the morning
the hunter would have got him in to his cage.Co-incidentally the same mouse again
got on the same caged lion that night and surprised to see the great powerful lion
inside the net.He remembered the lions forgiveness in his life and cut the net into
pieces. This was an accomplishment by the lion which helped him later to
get free from net .

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So also we are dependent on people around us irrespective of their positions.When

you give due respect to these people you win their favours and one day this becomes
a psychological help towards your yourself. In my life once I came
across an incident where a college student was ticketless in the bus and the
conductor imposed a fine of Rs 40 on the moneyless student.I cannot manage to
avoid the incident and insult.I took Rs. 40 from my pocket and gave that to the
conductor. Somedays later my brother gave me Rs.4000/- to me to get admitted into
ICA which helped me for a job in future.
Few days before I felt very much exhausted while returning from my office.This
happens many times to me .I dont know why? Even I dont know whether it affects
only to me or to many other people like me.I almost felt as if I shall fall down.The
train was one hour late.I thought that I shall at least sit down on the railway
station.But I never lost patience.Particularly when I am writing articles on yoga and
psychology and if I myself will falldown it will amount to uselessness to all my
writings.One technique I am told by my teachers was that long breathing and slow
inhalation when you are short of energy .But I felt as if there is some abnormality
into the matter and I thought that I shall draw some symbols into my forehead
taught in reiki .I also remembered Mahakaleshwar of Ujjain.After sometime I felt
rejuvenated .I also tried to expand my Aura and omkar as I have explained in this
article earlier.
There are some additional methods and techniques for rejuvenation.Let us verify to
have a comprehensive idea about Yoga as a principle in our day to day life.
1. Never loose an opportunity to entertain people around you.
2. Love your body parts and communicate with them.
3. Praynam practice such as Ujjayi Pranayam and Vramari pranayam.
We all know that laughing is a very good medicine to stay refreshed .Dont stick to
thoughtfulness.Take things lightly .Dont get attached to words.Laughing simply
opens such blockages of bad thoughts that hinder the expansion and movement of
our pranik energy.People may say you un professional if you laugh on unimportant
topics.It does not matter .I know how to make myself fine .If I can make people feel
happy and smile (not to hurt others) ,certainly I shall be energetic and enjoy my life
better.We would be astonished to know that most of the actors smile on the screen
to entertain others and stritctly not for money only but they make it a practice to
serve people .Hence the objective is public welfare.This habit give them plenty of
pleasure energy to rejuvenate.
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This is another technique of meditation.I say that I love my heart very much.I will
keep my heart in my mind.I shall recall how heart has been so much helpful to me
for making me alive and healthy.I also recall how I have been indifferent to know
about the true nature of this significant body part in my life.I shall try to give as
much comfort ,rejuvenation and healing to this important boby part and try to know
how it functions.I surprise how I have been ignorant until this time about this great
functionary. and never tried to communicate with him as like a personal friend.
The above I can do to all of the important body parts of my body.
Ujjayi Pranayam and Vramari Pranayam
Pranayam is a great art .So to say patanjalis Asthang Yoga involves Pranayam.It is
supposed that pranayam can give a man 100% healthy life.There are many kinds of
pranayam .I am simply mentioning two kinds of pranayam for our reference.All
pranayams begin with 21 times of kapalbhati followed by a long exhalation and
effect of three bandhs such as Mula bandha,Jalandhar Bandha and Udiyana Bandha.
Now I did kapal Bhati for 21 times.and subsequently a long exhalation and
inhalation.With effect of the above bandhs I with hold my breathing fo almost 50
seconds to 1 minute.During this with holding of breathing either I chanted Gayatri
mantra or MahaMrutyunjaya Mantra.After the withholding slowly I relieved my banda
and exhaled by left nostril in case of Ujjayi pranayam.
Common things both in ujjayi and Vramari
1. During breathing withholding you can contemplate as if your body soul rises
into sky inside moon circle and you are surrounded by Omkar energy
2. You have a body less feeling
3. Exhalation is always twice that of withholding of breathing-Anthah kumbhak
4. You can practice Bahya Kumbhak after complete and long exhalation.
5. Always I took help of a Guru to learn this art
6. I inhale in both the nostrils
Difference in Ujjayi and Vramari
1.Firstly I do ujjayi kriya for 21 times.
1.Firstly I do kapalbhati fo
21 times
2. I do simple inhalation for practice
2.I create a sound like a vramar
during inhalation and Exhalation
3. I exhale through left nostril only
3. I exhale through both the
I am healthy
I am spiritually blessed
I am conscious
I am able to work hard
I am lovable
I can confidently deal with people
I can manage stress
I can develop alternatives
Page 111 of 130


never blame any body

believe in god
can be able to do many difficult things
am dynamic


Yoga in the process to give us a wonderful health
We all know that the health of our body depends upon our nutrious food and our own
weight. If we ask somebody-What is your weight-His answer will be 50 kgs or 60
kgs or 80 kgs.But when I say that my weight is 1 kilogm or 500 gms will you
admit.Definitely you will say that come and weigh on a weighing machine.We will
weigh you.

One thing that we must find is that what we mean when we say regarding our
Weight means force of gravitation on our body from the earth.
Blood and flesh increase the weight of our body.
Water content in our body decides our weight.
Fatness also gives the weight in our body.
As weight is an important factor for our health we resort to various practices-such as

1. Less food taking

2. Steam Bath-Morning walking,Yoga Exercise etc.
In many yoga books I have read that a yoga master can rise high up into the sky
with the help of yoga.I dont know whether this is possible or not.
However the truth is a dead body weigh more than the same living body.Or after
death our body becomes more weighted.This is due to a very interesting factor.i.e
The force of gravitation cannot work on our spiritual soul.As a dead body doesnot
have a soul it weighs more.
The Conclusion is
Attracted by gravitation
Not attracted by gravitation
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May be the yoga masters can make their their soul more powerful to overpower the
weight of the body thereby can rise high above the sky as the power of the spiritual
soul becomes more than the power of the gravitational power.
We see that many people observing fast.The benefit of fasting is that the spiritual
soul is no more attached to the food and as the foodfree soul is no more pulled down
by the force of gravitation , it becomes easy for the freed soul to make an upward
trend.As the true nature of the soul is going upwards.
Further due to excess food our veins get stiff .Both blood and pranik energy flow
inside these elastic veins.Due to stiffnes it becomes difficult for the prank energy to
move freely.Therefore we saw that right kind of food may reduce the weight of our
body as well make our body feel easy and comfortable.Now a days there are a lot of
institutions for reducing the weight of our body.But yoga empowers the soul more
than the weight of the body hence different from other methods and makes the body
feel to be weightless.
We can divide the practioners of Yoga and Exercise in to two classes
1. Spiritual soul believer
2. Body beliver
The latter group dont recognize the soul to be more important .However the first
group give more importance to the cleansing process and empowering the spiritual
soul more than the power of the body.Slowly and gradually the spiritual soul
becomes so much powerful that inspite of having a healthy and beautiful physical
body with us we will have a bodyless feeling in us.Hence this method tries to teach
us to have have a light body inspite having food in sufficient quantity.
Our objective is to find natural methods like observing of fast and other in which we
can make our soul more powerful.
Observing of fast,Chanting of hymns,or singing of lyrics.
Morning walk-So Aham,
Yoga and exercise
Meditation-Chakkra and Raja yoga
There is a great contradiction in all the times.Whether any one of the above give us
complete satisfaction and good result.I observed that even though the methods in
following these all are different co-orination of these all in different ways can give us
a beautiful art.Only when one can understand each method separately and in
togetherness he can have a good knowledge in physical yoga methods.
Upavas and Chanting We know father of the nation Mr M.K.Gandhi succeded in
motivating and persuading or may be forcing The English to listen to him.Now
recently only we got a beautiful instance in our national politics.Swami RamDev.No
doubt the most eligible social worker failed to convince the Govt. Why and How?
The answer is genuineness of the purpose.
Now we most Indians are managing without recovery of the so called black money in
foreign.So the recovery is not essential to our living purpose or basic living
conditions supposed by the God.Where as Gandhiji fought for a purpose was very
basis to our life existence.Thats how Gandiji succeeded in convincing the mighty
English and Ramdevji failed in convincing a cofused Govt.
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When we observe fast our unattached spiritual soul moves to its origin or the
supreme soul.God being the convenor of all the souls understands your purpose and
make your soul powerful enough to find out the way to the solution.However It
should be a solemnly observing fast not the time should not be spent on
hatredness,lurch or visiting of movies.It should be more times on the thought of god
only.But the chanting should be such that the silently chanted words(Pndt .Ram
Sharma Acharya.) must move with our pranic energy lyrically and rhythmically .Our
mind is so powerful that in a moment it can move America.If our mind is attached
with our successfully meditated powerful spiritual soul ,it is not a wonder if ourbody
can move to America instantly. Some hymns like Gayatri made such a way that the
source our pranic energy flows on chanting of this mantra also our rhythm flows that
way only.
Therefore we saw how chanting phenomenally reduces the weight of our body and
the soul moves around extending throught.Finally we forget our body and become
soul centred.Continuously singing on a long rhythm also can give you such a result.
The method of mornig walk-You may think what is new in walking-every
body can do this.But
While walking keep your mind on the breathing cycle and do so ahm taught by
Mr.Goenka of Vipassana.
One should be soul consciousness-as if the comfortable air touches your good
soul every time you breathe and there is nothing other than this in this world.
Only due to this soul centered running (mind staying on soul than on the body)
I was able to complete 8-14 rounds in the play ground in Aurangabad where as
others were hardly able to do that.
When we put our steps on the ground that makes an impact on the physical
body and also the spiritual body also.As we know our physical body is in the
form of omkar continuosly flowing outwards from our body.Consciously we can
understand that all the time we walk we are shaking our outward flowing
pranik energy or omkar.As Duryodhan of Mahabharat epic was having control
on Omkar it is told that golden lotus flourished or blossomed in each of his foot
Therefore if we walk in spiritual self centered manner no doubt we will feel
weightless even though we have a weighted body.

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Nikam Guruji says that a Hath Yogi must have the following
1. Bapu kushatwa,Nayane prasannata-means-Not much fat not much thin
and always satisfied.
2. Nada Sputatwam-Nayan sunirmala-means Voice is clean and beautiful
eyes are transparent.
3. Arogyata,Bindujaya,Agnidipam-A no disease body-control over nightfalls
and an energetic and optimistic mind.
4. Nadi Bisudhi-The unrestrained flow of pranic enegy in the spiritual process.

Helps reduce your large stomach and makes your waist backbone flexible

BHUJANGA POSTURE-Helps in long breathing and flexes your back muscle and
back bone

HALA POSTURE-Makes thyroid muscles and back muscles flexible-reduces your

large stomach.

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BRUSCHIKA POSTURE.-Make you feel light-relaxes back bone ,activates sexual


Agnisar and Nauli-After drinking sufficient warm lemon water if you practice this
kriya you also feel relaxed and light.
Other postures to make your stomach clean and belly empty Urdha kati chhakrasana
Saman hasta kati chhakrasana
All the above postures are done after drinking of sufficient lemon salty water and
long inhalation and with full of air inside your body and stomach so that the air and
water put pressure on your bowl to get clean up.
Sri Prakash Jung, Private Secretary to the late Maharaja of Tehri State, Himalayas,
had swelling of feet and disease of heart. The muscles of the heart were not able to
contract and dilate properly in its function of pumping. That was the diagnosis of the
doctors. He practised Sirshasana regularly for a few days. All swelling disappeared.
The heart functioned properly. There was no pain at all. He used to do this Asana for
half an hour daily.

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Raj Yoga or tratak is one of the best methods to consolidate and concentrate your
soul feel light and healthy.This is practiced by keeping a candle 15 feet distance at a
height above your head. You can gaze comfortably starting from 3 minutes to 15
minutes .At the end we make our closed eyes wet by a wet cloth and open our eyes
Once I read in a news paper that persons with pain in the knee should climb down
slowly because twice the weight of body is applicable that time. But the person who
keeps his mind on breathing process all the time or is pranik energy consciousness in
the body will feel only the air in the body.Naturally he will be able to reduce his pain
to a significant extent.
Knee problem is there because our bowls are not cleared.Again when we follow the
methods to clean the bowl we are able to have a healthy knee.
Pranayam Suryavedan
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Loma biloma

When your bowls are clean and you practice pranayam using jalandhar
Bandha,Udiyana bandha and Mula bandha ,Your bodily feeling is as weightlessness
inspite of having a healthy and sound body.
Due to this reason only Bhagawan Vinayak even though have a heavy body is able to
go up and cause rain to the earth.By this process if you are able to activate kundalini
you are called a HATHYOGI.
From this it is concluded that self analysis and exercise of soul can make feel us
much lighter than we really are.

Reason to back pain and the cure

Kailash Ch Sabat-7207884783


Bowls are not cleaned properly daily

Long time sitting with bending on back bone
No walkings
No backbone exercises
Due to stress disruption of pranic energy flow upwards
Irregular sleeping habits

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7. Breathunawareness

Remedies for above

1. Trifala powder taking with warm water in night
Ustrasana-----2 mnts
Backbone postures
5 mnts
2 mnts
Waist rotation
2 mnts
Knee rotation
2 mnts
2 minutes
5 mnts
Anuloma vilama30 minutes a day
Shakti chalini(On complete exhalation on padmasana beating the seat on
the ground forcefully and on breathe in doing aswhini mudra)
3 minutes
Udiyan and agnisay
3 minutes
Salt water bath daily
Reiki healing on waist-----5 mnts

61 minutes
3. Back bone postures------------- 10 mnts
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Grand total------------------------71 minutes minimum exercise is


4. Prefer juice and liquid food and not bulky oily food
5. Jala dhauti once a week-Salt water vomiting is very essential

Back bone postures on sleeping-images

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Previously I had written many things on this topic and may be this is a repeat but
every article has a different angle from different sides.I wish the followers would
realize this.

Finally making mind free of complicated thoughts is last but not least sadhana
important need for relieving back pain.There are many tricks and continuous effort
are relevant for this purpose.

Solving knee problems

Our body is like a water bottle.The way we shake the bottle water moves that
way.The pranik energy has to be moved in our body and may problems may be
solved.That is how ancient people used yoga.
Kidney area has to be cleaned from solid-liquid and gas Kafa bata pita,
Then only you feel the emptiness in side the body and our feeling of soul and
movement of the soul energy to cure diseases.To cure knee obstructions
in image
Page 122 of 130

1. Udiyan bandha



Manipur chakra
Knee rotation
Waist rotation
Aura cleaning with salt water
Ghee lamp offering to god
Cleaning the bowl
Maha mudra
Nispanda bhabasana
Anuloma viloma
Kandha pida sana
Omkaar rotation




List Of yoga kriyas

Sr . Body
no part/Posture
Om chanting
Page 123 of 130



On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sitting
On sleeping
On sleeping
On sleeping
On sleeping
On sleeping
On sleeping


Hand movement
3 types

Up and down -5
3 types
Air pooling from upward
Leg stretching -pachimotanasana
Pawan muktasana
Vajrasan---Supta vajrasana
Akarna dhanurasana
Pawan muktasan-legs raised
Cyclingalternative legs side circles
Tanasana hand and leg alternative
Frictional movement-leg and hand
Naukasana series
Sitting merudandasana series
Sleeping merudandasana series
Ananta asana
Uthita padasana
Halasana -paschimotanasana
Lying on stomach rolling
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Sanksha prakshalan
Surya Namaskar
Trikonasana/veerabhadra asana
Reiki exercise
Waist rotation
Knee rotation
Forward/side rotation bending on standing
Leg to and fro movement on standing
Total 2 hrs exercise

Difficult,Advanced poses-Pranayam
By Kailash ch Sabat-7207884783

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Ekpada Shirasana
Karna pidasana
Dwipada shirasana
Ekpada shirasana on standing
Ek parswa uthita padmasana
Ekparswa padma shirshasana
Ek parswa bakasana
Udiyan bandha
Apan jaya
Samana jaya
Vyaghra brischikasana
Mayuri asana
Ramdev baba-1
Ramdevbaba -2


Page 126 of 130

Supta garvasana
Pada uttanasana
Maha mudra
Maha bandha
Shakti chalini
Badha padmasana-Mudra
Uthita padmsana
Ek prswa sarvangasana
Ek parswa padma sarvangasana
Vastrika pranayam
Ujjayi pranayam
Vramari pranayam
Mantra chanting
Reiki symbols
Reiki meditation
Viparit karini

Page 127 of 130


Manthan kriya with breathout and Aswini mudra

Ek parswa halasana


The images are taken from Anahat yoga website Hyderabad

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Injury is a great concern in yoga,Many people say that one has to be slow and
cautious as to neck,spinal,waist,nurves,Brain Ankle and joint injuries.While doing
shirshasana one of our collegues got injuries on leg toes.Dr Praveen kapadia goes for
simple yoga for that purpose.
But I may say a faint heart never won a fair lady
To get blood and oxygen to your brain,to message your brain,to be light,to make
pranic energy freeflow and to expand your pranic energy you should not get panic
while doing yoga postures.
A positive vibe is 1 % and a negative is 99% more powerful.Hence + becomes weak
but permanent.Whereas (-) is strong but temporary.
A yogi must know this and by freeing memory by breathing process Pranic flow
make one self sound.
A thought is as per our memory and hence children should be so treated to make +
memory only

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Write to Jayant An article by kailash

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