1979 Herb Fitch - Beyond Time Seminar 4 - Soul Centering

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1979 Avilla Beach: Beyond Time Seminar -Herb Fitch

Class Four Part 1: Soul Centering

Your life extends beyond the space age now. It even extends beyond the end of the
world now, and this is to be known as a reality, because life is without end.

Now when you feel this, when you know the truth of it, you will find a great peace and
your focus on this passing moment will diminish greatly. You can know this everyday. It is
stepping outside of the on-rushing of time, and it removes that haste that somehow fills our
daily lives. There's an unconscious forward rushing into time, as if it's going to get away from
us. We try to accomplish much in the next hour that we feel must be done, the human mind
says so. It doesn’t know that all your life exists now, and it's not going to run away.

This is more than an exercise; it is an exercise in the truth of your being. All that is
called future time, which to most of the world is an empty something coming into today, all
that is now alive, it has always been alive. It is that of you which never has to become
anything, because it is, and so, extend your life into the fullness of time.

When the acceptance of it begins to penetrate, you may know that you are in an
awareness of the Soul activity. Your Soul is aware of the fullness of your life throughout all
that appears as time, and so, you could either start this exercise to be aware of your Soul, or to
be aware of the fullness, and you arrive at the same destination.

Your future is alive now and the leverage of it, the activity of it, the fullness of it, will
flow into your daily experience in proportion as you become aware of the fullness of your life
in time now. It extends beyond your humanhood, but includes all that you appear to be while
in humanhood. It extends beyond every future incarnation in the flesh. To those of you who
understand this, it is important, it is more important than what you are going to do in the
physical world. It is the realm of cause and the physical world is the realm of distorted effect.
We are learning to live in the realm of cause. We are sowing to the invisible Spirit of being,
rather than the visible changing form. In the realm of cause, all that is real is activated within
our living daily experience.

You are reaching places still unborn in this world. You are ironing out wrinkles in this
world that will never appear, because you have walked before the effects in time. You are
letting Spirit go before you to iron out all those crooked places, that would have appeared, and
had we done this before, the crooked places today would not be here. If the world had done
this, the crooked places today would not be here. The world has not sown to the fullness of its
own Spiritual Selfhood. Your past is not your past, it never was, you do not have a past. All
that seems to have been your past, from this point backward, is not your past at all, your only
past is your present. Your present is where your past seems to be, extend it there, just as you
did to all future time. Extend your present into your past and realize that your Self is alive
where the world thinks your past was.

Before Abraham, I am. I am a living Self, not part living and part dead. Extend your
present Self into what seems to be your past, and feel the fullness of your being, alive in the
past, in the present, in all the future, so that you are One whole being and you never have to
become anything. You are a real complete whole Self existent being with no dependence on
anything in this world. This is the truth that your Soul will reveal to you as you acknowledge
it. As you acknowledge your life to be a whole life, without a beginning, without an end,
because it is the life of God, without beginning or end. This is essential to open the buds of
the Soul that you may rise and see the fullness of being which never has to become.

We owe the lack of this knowledge to some mistakes in our Bible. Not in the original
Bible, but in the copies that have been made.

There's a word called eternity or eternal life in our Bible which is not a full translation
of the original, and so it has given us all a wrong concept of who we are. The Greek word is
spelled, A I O N I U S and I suppose its pronounced aionius, and our word coming from that
is aeon. Now wherever you see eternity or eternal life in the New Testament, its translated
from one or another word. The first word is the aionius in the Greek and unfortunately the
Greek meaning of aionius is somewhat different than our English meaning of eternal life, and
the translation, therefore, leaves much to be desired, so much that we have all attached the
meaning of 'time' to eternal life. Whereas, that is not the meaning of aionius or what is now
known as aeon.

There are no more dinosaurs they’re extinct, but they had an aeon; the entire species
had a life cycle called an anon, and there are other extinct species, they out lived their aeon
and passed on. We have an aeon also; the human race has a life cycle. Now you humanly,
might have a life cycle of seventy five years, but that's within your aeon. The aeon of the
human race may go beyond five million years and we all live within the aeon of our species.
Now that aeon contains many qualities that are different than time itself. Aeon actually means
the fullness of being, or the wholeness, at least it does in the word aionius. And when
translated into eternal life, it leaves out the meaning of the wholeness of life, or the fullness of
life, and it throws emphasis on the time aspect of it. And so, when the Bible speaks to you
about eternal life, or eternity, you must then fill that meaning out with its true meaning of
fullness, or wholeness.

And again there's a Hebrew word which is used in translating, which also translates
into eternity or eternal life, but it's like the word aionius, and it's not accurate to translate it
that way. And that word is used in conjunction with other words and it's called olam, and it is
like the word aionius in the Greek. And wherever that is translated into eternal life or eternity,
it is the wrong meaning, because it means your aeon and all of your time existence is just one
little line in your aeon. There are millions of little lines in our aeon. Each little line is a time
track, and we all walk these time tracks in single line, and it's only one dimension of the
fullness of your aeon.

Now, when you look at the sun coming through a cloud, you see this little shining
haze coming through. If you didn’t know the sun was there, you’d wonder what it was, and all
of it doesn’t come through, you don’t even see the sun, you just see something coming
through the cloud, and this is how aeon comes through time. And so we see what is called our
sense of passing time, what we’re really seeing is our passing through our own aeon. As we
pass through our wholeness our aionius, or what is called our olam. And there's another word
that should go with it, but I don’t know it, probably somebody does, at any rate, as we pass
through this, we only catch the sun coming through the clouds, and we call this time, and we
call this our passing time. But when we die, we go back to our aeon, and we go back as often
as is necessary to complete our aeon. And in this aeon some interesting things are going to

You’re going to discover that all around you are many other time tracks of yourself;
they’re here; now. And you have walked in many, and you’re going to walk in many, until
you attain the fullness of your aeon. Until your total cycle of wholeness is completed, you
must become whole. You must become the fullness of your being, instead of a time track
walking through an aeon.

Now this is what is missed by just the simplicity of statements that we must find
eternal life or eternity. Now where your aeon is, everything you are is contained and the
fraction of your aeon, that you experience in time, is so minimal, that you have these gaps and
always something seems to be missing. We live a human life, a time track, with everything
missing, and we strive to find it, and we think we’re making mistakes and we think we have
failed here, and we think if we had taken this other road, but none of that is true. We simply
are incapable, when we live in a time track, to comprehend the fullness of our own being.
That's why someone has to come from outside time, through time, into time, and say,” Let me
show you a better way. Let me show you about a way in which you can lay hold of your
fullness, lay hold of your eternal life, in which you can become aware or your aeon, your
eternal Self, the Self of you that isn’t moving in time, which is your eternal Self.”

And then you’ll discover the meaning of a body. This fragment that we call body is
going to change so radically, that in spite of the fact that you have wondered, “Why do I have
this body, if it's not really my body?” you’re going to find out how valuable it is. They never
told this to anyone, but you’re going to discover that when you walk in your aeon, you will
find you have multi bodies, not one. And that your mystical body includes many bodies and
they change at will, to meet every specific activity. They move into new relationships with
each other, and they’re all yours, they’re made of Light, they do things that you’ve never
dreamed possible, and they all work out of the Soul. And you’ll find that this body was a
training period for your multi body. It's rather strange; it can’t come to you suddenly, because
you’d be bewildered. It has to be as you expand into the fullness of your life.

Now we want to change focus then. Our emphasis has been mainly on, I am a human
being, and I am a Spiritual being too, or I will be a Spiritual being as I graduate from being a
human being, and we’ve known only the world and then we’ve thought about a hereafter and
neither of them are true.

What we want is not a better life, we want a different life; a life that extends and
expands beyond our human concept of life. A life that goes out of the time movement, into the
fullness, the wholeness, which the Greek had called aionius, and which was the teaching of
Jesus Christ, and which is known to Paul, and which is known to John. To extend into your
fullness takes a different way of life than trying to live out this time track and make it better,
and more successful, and so forth. It's a completely different direction, and when you’re
moving in that direction, the direction in time, in a limited line, it is seen to be so totally
superficial that you’ll never return to it, you’ll see why it was impossible to truly succeed in

Everything in time had to be given back. Everything in time was trying to become, to
become, to become, and in the trying to become, you were instinctively, unknowingly,
denying that I already am being, and if I try to become what I am, then I deny what I am,
because that which I am, has already become. If you try to become an American citizen after
you are one, you’re just wasting your time doing something that you already are. You already
are divine being, and only in the fullness of your aeon can you know it.
Incidentally, there are twelve aeons, and they’re all in God, they’re called Divine
emanations, but they are all represented by your twelve disciples. Each represents another
aeon that you go through, and of course the twelfth is the seventh day.

Now we are asked to be perfect as our Father, and a time track is not going to do it. As
a matter of fact, you should face the fact that unless you are outside of time, beginning to live
in fullness, wholeness, even though you don’t experience it, accepting it on faith, on the word
of God, and then by instinct holding on to it, abiding in it until it eventuates into
consciousness; you are continuing to walk in a path that can never be perfect as your Father,
and you must be perfect as your Father. In time, you can never be perfect, and in time, those
who are in the flesh cannot please God and cannot know God. In time you can be a leader of a
great religion, but you have no creator. You have no creator when you walk in time; you’re
just hanging there by an illusory thread.

Now everything that's wrong with us, all the things we pour into the closet and keep
from other people, all those skeletons that we don’t want anybody to know about, those are
there because in time, they are the evidence that time is not full, time is not complete, and all
these skeletons in the closet represent in reverse, the missing parts. When we walk in the
wholeness accepted, all skeletons disappear. The minor aches and pains, the failures, the
character traits we wish we didn’t have, the fears, and the doubts, and the uncertainties, they
all seem to diminish, dissolve, they were all there in the absence of our realization, that I am
being whole now.

When you read that your righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the scribes
and the Pharisees, who were so totally righteous, you were being told of another meaning of
righteousness beyond the moral sense. A righteous man is one who is whole, complete, self
existent, who lives as the fullness of the aeon, not as the fraction that walks in time. We are
told by Peter, that flesh withers, and what he was really saying is, it withers in time. Always
the silent mystical teaching is to tell you that time is your adversary.

Now whatever is then lacking in your life is an illusion. It is an illusion, because

nothing is missing in the invisible fullness of your being, and to find solutions in time will
seem to be a successful venture for a time. But I am reminded of many who have found
success in time, who’ve made solutions in time, and I’ve seen the other sides of their lives
where their success has vanished, their health vanished, because in time, whatever is given is
taken away inevitably. Do not seek solutions in time first. Seek solutions by accepting the
fullness of your being and trust in Grace to reveal that nothing is missing in your Divine life.

Now your human life is a time track. Your Divine life is not in time and if you think
you want to solve problems in your human life, you’re entitled to do it, but that's not the way
to be perfect as your Father. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have stumbled
into an awareness of some kind, even without any prior intelligence about it, have learned that
in the Spiritual life we don’t seek solutions, rather, we merely rest in the presence of the
Spirit, in the presence of God as my Spirit. And because God is my Spirit and my Spirit is the
Spirit of God, I and the Father are one Spirit. That Spirit being God, must be full, complete
now, it isn’t becoming, and when you accept this as the truth of you, you cannot say, “I must
become this or become that,” because the Spirit of you is already complete, already full,
already whole, and this is where you abide, and lo, the intelligence of Spirit manifests in the
visible as the thing you were trying to solve unsuccessfully in time, but it doesn’t do it your
way, it isn’t limited to a human solution. It moves mountains, it shakes the earth, it changes
things, it doesn’t do it within the little orbit or groove you had designated within your mind.
And while you work in that orbit, in that groove, you are limiting the fullness of Spirit in your
life, and you find you have a false, temporary solution, and whoever thinks I am talking
directly to them is correct, I am.

I am doing this because when you are free of the notion that you have to do
something, solve something, well, you are really working without God when you do that
aren’t you? It may not occur to you at the time. You may even think, “Well, I’m really asking
God to help me.” Now we may have come into the class with such ideas. Fortunately, that's
what's holding this class together, there are quite a number who have come into this class
without that belief, those who know I have nothing to solve, why should the Spirit of God
solve anything? All it has to do is know itself, be itself, and then Grace manifests.

That's not now a better human life is it? That's a depth of your Self which is outside
time, and that is what eternal life is now. So remember, nothing is missing in the aeon which
is the fullness of your cycle. And you’re going to have to run out that cycle and in time, the
number of times you return in and out, and in and out, depends on when you become aware of
the fullness of your cycle. All scripture is telling us to become aware of it now. ”Now are we
the Sons of God.”

And so you see why human evolution is so meaningless. Five millions years of it is going
nowhere, it's still in a time track, still deceiving mankind and another five million years will
be no closer.

Let us now live in the Invisible aeon of our lives, in the fullness, where all is, and trust
the allness of your aeon to be the allness of yourself. Now when this was given to us in the
Bible, it had no meaning to the world whatsoever. It was given in many places, but the only
one I’m going to mention right now is in Ecclesiastes, which presumably was written by King
Solomon; not proven, but presumably. Ecclesiastes means 'the preacher' and as you read it
carefully, the writer speaks of having been a king or being a king, having had all worldly
power, and so forth, and there is a great wisdom in it about time. No one was known at that
time to have the wisdom, but King Solomon. Now when he says these words, he’s telling you
about something that has not been generally understood. He says:

“He hath set the world in their heart, he hath set the world in their heart so that no man
can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end,” that's chapter 3 verse

Now the world in their heart is another mistranslation. The word for world should
have been aeon or eternal life. What he was saying to us was not understood by the translator
and so, instead of saying, 'he hath set higher space, higher potential in their heart, higher
dimensions, he hath set eternity in their heart,' the translator could only think, “Well, what can
I say here? He hath set the world in their heart and this is precisely what God did not do. He
hath set the kingdom in your heart, the fullness of the Godhead in your heart, and then it goes
on to say, “So that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the
end.” Well this writer made it a little more difficult to find out the work. This isn’t what King
Solomon had in mind if he wrote Ecclesiastes. He meant that within you is a higher level of
your Self than you know, and your heart is your Soul. Within your Soul he hath set eternal

That is the meaning of this passage in Ecclesiastes, and had it been translated from the
fullness of its meaning, even before Jesus appeared on earth, men would have started thinking
about the fact that, “you can’t hurt me, you can’t steal anything I have, there's nothing I have
that you can take away. Whatever you can take away is but an effect in time. You can take
away the bananas, but not the tree. No one can take away your tree of life; no one can take
anything from you because what you are cannot be touched by human hands. You are the
fullness of the Godhead, you couldn’t be any less and that is why you are told to be perfect as
your Father. Be what you are, the fullness of the Godhead. In your heart he hath set eternity. It
is there, it is the highest level of your being, and the fullness of your being, and it is present. It
is the kingdom of God within you.”

Seek ye first My Kingdom, but you can’t seek it in time, and yet you can seek it within
your Self. The Kingdom is not in time and yet it is within you, so there must be something
that is within you, that is not in time and that within you means the Kingdom is within your
Soul which is not in time. Within your Soul which is not in time is the Kingdom and then you
can find that nothing is missing, if you are willing not to be controlled by your mind sense. As
long as you let your sense mind, your mind sense controls you, you’re a victim of time, and
you’re walking in the time trap.

Before you can find the answers, you must accept them as being present. Before you
find the solutions, you must accept that they have already been solved, that all already is, and
it is not just a walk in the finished Kingdom, but to know that the finished Kingdom is the
wholeness of your being.

You want answers and you try them with your human mind. Does your human mind
ever think that you can find answers outside of your human mind? And that's where the
answers are already completed.

I think if you recall the incident of the tribute money, what people remember as the
gold in the fish’s mouth. I think it was silver by the way, not gold, in spite of what people
think, because if you check through the currency of that time they had silver coins, it was
probably silver, but it sounds better to say gold. Why did he send them to a fish? Why didn’t
he pick on a Giraffe or anything that was walking around on all fours or swimming in the
ocean, why did he send them to a different kind of species? He picked a fish, and that was to
tell you that if you want answers, first go to the fish, and the fish is your awakened Self. The
one who doesn’t drown in time, but is swimming, is quickened. If you want answers don’t go
to the mind, that's not your awakened Self, that's your sleeping self, that's living by bread
alone. If you want answers for anything, whether it's tribute money, or how to succeed where
you appear to be failing in any walk of life, or in any relationship, go to the fish. It's the only
place where you will find the real answer, all the other answers, they will even be decoys,
seeming answers, but in the mouth of the fish you are really coming to the source of being,
because only your Soul, the true initiate, can receive of the Father.

Within yourself is something called your heart, not your physical heart, your eternal
heart, which is your Soul? That is the fish that is the fish where you’ll find the answers, your
Soul moves across the waters of time. Tribute money, anything that is necessary, not what
you personally think you need as a person, anything that is necessary is not only there, but
perfect as the Father, waiting to express through your Soul awareness, and when you’re doing
that, you are then a righteous man. Then your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the
scribes and the Pharisees, and only then.

And so, who among us is doing this? That one, or that two, or that ten, they are
demonstrating Christ in their daily lives. They are not going to a sense mind which makes
decisions that seem so right. They are going to the Soul which is endowed by the Father with
the fullness of God being, and which knows the quantities and the qualities through
omniscience, which then appear as the Holy Ghost, Invisible, but yet, coming into your sense
of life in ways so miraculous, so strange, that all you can do is stand back and say, “Surely an
Invisible Power is lighting my life.”

Let's not try for human miracles. Let's not separate ourselves from God, by separating
ourselves from our own Soul. Now that fish, that Soul, which always has that tribute money
that eyes cannot see, is your new way of life. If you have been living in your time sense that
Soul walks through death which is completely uninfluenced and completely untouched. That
Soul lives in your fullness of your aeon, not in the partial fragments that your sense mind lives
in out here.

Nothing is missing, even though to the world, many things are missing, nothing is
missing. All that is missing is our awareness that we are a living Soul, not a temporary body,
and you will find the capacity of Grace will transform through Soul, many of your
experiences into different kinds of bodies, than you ever knew existed, with fuller
relationships and different meanings, in ways that no human ways can describe.

In the Epistle of John, which we didn’t complete last night, there were certain things
that are relative to learning how, and to being assured, that you can, and should, live in the
fullness of your being, in the awareness of nothing missing, rather than trying to plug up the
gaps that seem to appear. And one of them is in the 2nd chapter of his 1st Epistle. We’re
going to the 23rd and the 24rth verses of the 2nd chapter of John's 1st Epistle.

“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father, but he that acknowledgeth
the Son hath the Father also.”

This is not unrelated to your visible life. This is a clue to how your visible life will
prosper in a different way, but I want to emphasize something here, if you’re still in that level
of consciousness which thinks, “Now how can I adapt this to improving my human life?” then
you’re not hearing the Word. That's not the purpose of these words. It's not the purpose of the
Infinite Way. It's not the purpose of this seminar.

Once we focus our attention on how to improve our human lives, we’re out of a
Spiritual message. And I’m unhappy to remark that too many of us in the past have done this.
We’re trying to use scripture to improve human lives. We think that's what God put the
scripture here for. No, it isn’t. The scripture is here to take us out of our human lives, and if
we were to emphasize as certain teachings do, in fact, I receive tapes and letters and
pamphlets from people about prosperous thinking, and that sort of thing, and it's a sort of
throwback to what seems to be primitive. As if we’re still clinging to that life in the flesh, in
spite of every word that comes to us, to warn us, to advise us, to alert us, that the flesh
withereth in time. And if you still find that you are taking these words and converting them
into little weapons to improve your human life, you’re short changing your self. You’re not
walking Spiritually, you’re trying to cling to a human life while you seek Spiritual help, and
believe me, you’re divided.

Now I hope this is not for most of you and I hope that those of you, who may still be
lingering in that attitude, can hear me, without taking offense. It's really a sense of love that
prompts the statement.
End of Side One
Class Four – Part Two
Until something kicks it right out of you and you know you can't do it
anymore. It just doesn't work, that's all. It really cuts you in half,
and then you say, "Well, what about my human life?" Well, hopefully, if
we ever have a seminar again and you attend, you won't bring it with
you, because you have no human life, you only think you have. That
human fellow walking around is not your self. That's the point.

That's a visible time track, placed there by the time sense of the
world, the universal time sense which then impersonates itself within
you, as your time sense, and you begin to see this fellow in the track
who came out of swaddling clothes, and then grew up into mother's joy,
and then became an adult, and then somewhere along the way you tried to
improve this, and you found you could improve it to an extent, but not
as completely as you would like to. And then while you thought you were
able to make decisions, all sorts of strange decisions were being made
by the world, for you. And you found you couldn't control your life the
way you wanted to; never realizing that the life you couldn't control
wasn't your life.

That's why if a hurricane came along you had to flee the city. That's
why you had to worry about a germ and that's why you felt at night,
"I'm not protected, I have to have an escort." You were worrying about
another life. You weren't worrying about your life, because your
life is nothing to worry about. Now this human life we want to protect, it will
be protected. This human life that we want to improve, it will be
improved; it will receive the overflow of your Spiritual awareness, but
don't look back!

Even though the overflow comes into our life and we call it a Divine
blessing, let's not make the mistake that it's a divine blessing of our
human life. It's merely a sign that we are to that degree, living in
Divine substance, and it's a form of encouragement to make us go deeper
into self, away from humanhood; to lay down our false sense of life and
trust our real life to manifest the fullness of Divine harmony, in
whatever way it wishes to. If you can stop clinging, and let go of that
human life, you'll find that all you've been trying to do for it, will
be done, otherwise you're going to keep a separation between your self
and your Father, and you'll never find your real Self that way.

Now I think most of us have been given enough Divine blessings, enough
encouragement to know that whatever is left of us, of humanhood, we can learn to let go. If
you do not honor the Son you lose the Father, but he
that honoreth the Son, also has the Father. Now the Son that you must honor is the fullness of
your Divine Self. If there's someone in this
room who has not yet made that commitment, you don't have to come forth
and say "I accept Jesus Christ," but within yourself, wrestle with it,
until you can accept it. You climb the ladder in yourself until you can
say, "I am the full Divine Self now, and therefore, everything that
manifests something that is not in my full Divine Self now, has nothing
to do with me, even if it has my human name on it, even if it seems to
be my human body, it has nothing to do with who I am, I'm not concerned
about it." And then you'll find that you are given this extra sense,
this Soul sense, which in its beautiful undecipherable way, does
everything for that human self that you had wanted to do, and you are
now past caring whether it does or not, because you are more and more
and more aware of your Invisibility.

We are trying to awaken the need to be Divine. There is no fulfillment

in humanhood. Humanhood depends on time. There is no fulfillment in
time; it is strictly a continuous reincarnating treadmill, with no place
to go. If you want to be one with the Father you must be the Son,
because only the Son is one with the Father, this is what John is saying.

But it isn't John saying it, it's the very Self which you have been
asked to acknowledge which is saying it. Your Self is saying,
"Acknowledge that you are Me, the Invisible Self, for I am the Son of
God. Acknowledge your Invisible Self, here and now, as the Son of God,
and then you'll have the Father, for I the Son, I go to the Father.
Acknowledge the Invisible Heaven, here and now, for I the Son, I am in
Heaven, Heaven is here, Heaven is now, Heaven is just outside our time
sense, and our human sense of self. Step out, cross over, pass over,
ascend, accept." And as you do accept yourself to be the living Son,
the Father says, "Son all that I have is thine." Again and again and again
and again, Infinity is the nature of the Son. Infinite blessings now,
not one tiny time track, but Infinite time track, which add up to eternity now.

All this is your Self. When you have your Self, then as we did last
night, when you have your Self, that which is called death coming from the future into the
present, is meaningless. You know it isn't your
Self. And so does every ill, and every imperfection, and every discord
on the face of the earth, lose its attachment to you. It's not part of
the Son; it is not a part of the Father. Do you see, in time we never
acknowledge God at all. We think there's something beyond God, Itself,
there's something beyond Spirit, there's all kinds of other things. But
God is all, and in the allness of God, everything that is not of God, is
not, and the Son knows this.

I'd like you now to divulge, just throw out, just throw out everything
in your life, just go beyond all the barriers of the mind in one swoop.
Throw it out right now. It isn't going to hurt a bit, everything
that is not of God. You'd see that you've got a lot of uncluttering ahead of
you. Everything that is not of God; just in consciousness, just
throw it away. You're going to feel empty aren't you, lost maybe? But it'll be
the truth, and it can be done in an instant, and you won't feel the
worse for it. Just throw it out, everything that is not of God.
Suppose you threw out the cells of your body, and the organs of your
body, and the tissues, and the thoughts of your mind, and the hopes, and
the ambitions, and the plans, all the things you're going to do in the
future. Suppose you were able to discard them in one swoop and say, "I'm
still a whole being; I've lost nothing, why can't I start from where I
am, instead of where I appear to be in time? Why can't I start from the
seventh day? Why do I have to climb up? Why can't I start from what I
am, rather than what I appear to be? Am I not the Son? How can I honor
the Son, if I honor the human shell? How can I honor the Son, when I try
to put a mortal sense of life in that flesh that withers, and call it
me, and tell all about its problems?"

Take off the garment of mortality; it's just a garment you wear in your
mind. In all your human days you will never succeed as much as you
already are. Do you see, the Son never becomes, the Son is, I am.
Nothing to become, not even, well, not even unsick, because I am the
Son, that is your Self, and you must cross over in consciousness to It.
To even acknowledge It is a beginning, and then to let the
acknowledgement deepen, ripen, mature into the revelation of It
declaring Itself within you. This day have I begotten thee, thou art my
Son, the Son of the living God.
But it cannot happen while you're clinging to the myth of a human
selfhood. You cannot live in eternity while you're clinging to time.
You cannot live in Omniscience while you're clinging to trust in a human
mind, and while you're experiencing the powers of your personal will,
you cannot experience the Omnipotence of your Divine Self. Everything
you take away from your true Self, prevents you from experiencing the
fullness of Sonship in God.

You must give up all sense of error. There is no error in your life,
only in your mind, and in your mind it appears to be in your body. In
your mind it appears to be in your life. In your mind it appears to be
in your experience, but it isn't. It is all outside of your Self and
because your Self has no outside, it is a dream. It is a false sense of
reality, transforming it self into a false sense of lack, limitation,
always something missing, always something to be corrected, always
afraid to even try to know the truth, for fear that you may discover
you have made a mistake, or you won't know how to stand in nothingness
for a while, until the allness takes place, always a fear of failure, for
that's all part of the decoy of the false self.

Whoever does not honor the Son, does not honor the Father, and does not
have the Father, and it is time for none of us to be walking in this
appearance of form without the Father. Not the Father we have in our
human sense mind, because that's not the Father. That's the Father who
doesn't come to you in an emergency, because that Father is only in
your head.

Now, you'd have to meditate for many many days and months on this
phrase of John's, until you could accept that these are the words of God, and
cannot be ignored and that they reveal a truth that has ever been true, and always is. To honor
the Son is to accept your identity as the divine Son.
Now when someone tells me that something is wrong, all I can think of
is that they have not accepted their identity. They're telling me about
someone other than the Son. They're saying, "My human self has this
problem," and the answer is, if you want to follow the ways of man, go
ahead, you have a human self, but if you want to follow the word of God,
you must crucify the sense of a human self, until you crucify the human
sense of self, you are denying the Son. And so what you're really doing
when you insist that you are human and have a human problem, you are
crucifying Christ. You're crucifying Christ everyday of your life that
you have a problem, and all of us who've been through this phase where
we crucify Christ everyday of our lives, many times, every time we
accept a problem which is about our human self, or another human self,
we know that we are denying the presence of the Son of God, the Christ,
and we're crucifying the Christ, when we should be crucifying the human
sense of self. This is what John is saying, and it's a shame to know
that many in religions, while they are saying, "Jesus," with their
lips, they are crucifying the Christ of their own being, because they have
not been taught that they are that Christ. And that is all they are, and
that those who are in the flesh, cannot please God. They are living
without a creator, while claiming to be praying and worshiping God. You
can't have a bigger illusion than that.

And so the next time you're ready to call your practitioner, give it a
seconds thought and ask yourself, "This that is wrong, who is it wrong
with? Is it wrong with the Son of God? Or is it wrong with that
which is not the Son?" And the answer is quite clear, it is wrong with that
which is not the Son. Then the answer may be for you to still go and get the
practitioner, but if that practitioner is the Son of God, his or her
job will be to lift you into the consciousness that you too are the Son of
God, and that is how you will find your problem disappearing. When you
can accept Sonship you don't need a practitioner. It's only when
momentarily, that you find that you cannot accept it, or you have been separated from the
understanding of it, or in some way, momentarily
hypnotized. Usually of course these ailments are not a momentary
hypnosis, there's a culmination of a long period of hypnosis. Well
then, you're justified in calling someone to lift your consciousness to who
you are, and if that is a successful realization, you'll find that
condition, if it is your time to still maintain a Spiritual mission on
this earth, that condition will alleviate.

But you should be ready for self healing, and you should be ready to
see that everything happening that is adverse, is happening only in the
false sense of self. There's no other place for it to happen. You have
not been honoring your Self to be the Invisible Christ of God, the Son,
the Spirit, the Infinite Spirit, and the price you pay then, is that
the false self rewards you by having an affliction, and you are once
more in the time trap.

"Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the
beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye shall also
continue in the Son and in the Father."

That which was with you in the beginning, means before time. Before
time began, that which was with you was your Self. You lost track of it
coming into time, and before you step into the experience of death, if
you find yourself again, it will reborn you outside of time. Now maybe
you have to remind yourself very frequently who you are, and sometimes
it takes nothing more than that, to find the rainbow. The moment you
begin assuring your Self who you really are, all the blind spots are
given vision; a new kind of vision, an inner vision. You begin to know what you didn't know.
Nothing really changes in reality, but you become conscious of reality and that appears to you
as a change from bad to good, from lack to fullness, from lack to a need fulfilled. It's really
sometimes that simple, this capacity to know who you are, again and again and again. That's
what meditations are for, and those of you who are not contemplating enough, if in your
contemplations you will sit in
the Silence, knowing who you are, you'll find that Infinity begins to
activate, the Holy Ghost enters your life, bearing the treasures of Heaven, here and now;
identity, as the Son, as the Spirit, that which you were in the beginning, before time created a
false appearance called mortal.

"And this is the promise that he hath promised us," not one, but us,
and that promise is "eternal life."

Now when we think of that promise, we all had the sense of feeling that
it was a future thing, but that isn't the promise. The word promise
today may mean that to you. The word promised as used here, and I can't
give you the original word in Greek or Hebrew, the word promise used
here, is a mystical word, and it means, that it is a statement of
reality. That is a statement of that which is now present. If you will
step out of the false sense of self into that which you truly are, the
promise is that you will discover eternal life here and now. Eternal
Life being the fullness of your aeon, which never includes passing
time, and into which passing time never enters, but only the eternal Self;
the whole Self where there are no gaps.

Now if you need authority then, that eternal life is a Divine nature of
your true being here and now, John is trying to give it to you. He's
trying to take you out of passing time into the knowledge that now; you
are the living Spirit of God. Without needs, including within your
being all that is necessary without end. That in all tomorrows nothing can be
added to what you are now. That tomorrow you don't have to go out and
solve a problem, it's already solved today, in the Invisible of your
Self, if you will abide there, and that's your inner sanctuary, that's
your altar, that's where you worship. In who you are now, not who you
will be, because you will never be more than what you are now. And we
cease making time the stage on which we hope to discover more and more
and more of our Self. It's a false stage, it isn't there. You go deep
inside your Self, not out into time. You change direction; you evolve
within, not without. I've got to finish this because I think if we don't we'll miss
something that is very important. We're jumping over to the 29th verse.
"If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that everyone that doeth
righteousness is born of him."

But I think I'd better go back and read up to that. "These things have I written unto you
concerning them that seduce you."

Now them that seduce you are the false thoughts of this world, which
place you in a material sense of life. These are the seducers and John
is telling us the eternal truth, that we may be fortified against this
seduction of the senses.

"But the anointing which ye have received," now this anointing is truth within consciousness,
the awareness of the Spiritual identity of life
realized, will be your anointing, and this anointing, which ye have
received of him, abideth in you. The anointing already took place, just
as this false death in time took place. You have been anointed by the
Father as the living Son. But your human memory can't go back to that,
nor can it penetrate into the depth of that, nor to the altitude of
that. You have forgotten, in time, you have forgotten that you are
anointed of the Father, one with the Father, his living Spirit. This
anointing, which ye have received, abideth in you. It's real, it's true,
it's now. It abideth in you, undetected by the human mind.

"And ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing
teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it
hath taught you, it shall abide in him."

This is a permanent fact of life. There's nothing wrong with you, and
there's nothing missing, and unless you drop the belief that something
is wrong with you, and something is missing, you are not accepting the
eternal anointing of the Father as his Self in you. You've got to
choose which self, says John. Trust your time sense, or trust the Word of God,
which is outside your time sense, coming to you this way now.

It hurts, losing this human sense of self. It seems to shrink, and you
get worried sometimes, though it seems to shrink, and you're mighty
grateful. When the pain is there, you're grateful, when the pain is
gone, you're worried. When you are unworried and there is no pain, you
are making Spiritual progress. When you don't mind the shrinking human
self, even though it's successful and happy, and even joyous, you are
really making Spiritual progress. That is called righteousness.

"And now little children abide in him," meaning, the Divine Self of
God, which is your Self, abide in him, "that when he shall appear, we may
have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming," and this
isn't Jesus Christ appearing again, this coming is the coming of your
understanding that Christ is your name. Abide in this truth even though
you cannot fully substantiate it as a truth. Abide in it, until it
comes forth and announces itself in you, and that leads to the line I had
"If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that everyone that doeth
righteousness is born of him."

If you will accept the truth of your being, that truth will then become
activated into your experience, and you will become a whole, complete,
righteous, self realized; and righteous then, is he who is ready to
fulfill the perfect Divine Will. The perfect Divine Will functioning
through you makes you righteous.

We're going to move now into the third chapter of this.. There are
several verses that will complete this level of the teaching at this
point. In the 2nd verse of the 3rd chapter:

"Beloved," don't wait, don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for a
hereafter, don't wait until the ailment goes away, don't wait a second.
Don't be fooled by the decoy of passing time, that you can do this in
the future. The future is just as non existent as the past.

"Beloved, now," now, now, "we are the Sons of God." Let that humanhood
go, and let the problems of that humanhood go, they'll be taken care
of, and you'll reach the point where you don't even have to think, "Will
they be taken care of?" you'll accept the already is-ness of the
perfection, which will then manifest as the solution. But don't concern
yourself with the problem, concern yourself with this higher awareness
and you will be directed properly.

"Beloved, now are we the Sons of God," but not in this passing instant
of time. You see, if you hold onto this passing instant of time as your
life, you're missing the now which is eternal. In the now which is not
passing, you are the Son of God, not in passing time. Not in the
changing now that becomes past. If this second is now, then when this
second is gone, I've got a new now, and when this second is gone, I've
got another new now. If I live in the passing now, I'm not in now. I'm
in the illusion of now, and mankind walks in the illusion of now.
That's why mankind walks in the illusion of form, because it's on the
treadmill of time. Now, is the eternal now. The now that does not move, the now
that is God, now, Divine now, never passing, always present, always
ising, in this Divine now, touch it, and you are touching your reality.
Touch your reality, and you are in your Divine now, it works both ways.

There's your secret; to learn to stand in the Self that is now, and
always, and is not dying into time. To learn to stand in that timelessness, that is now, and not
dying into yesterday. To learn
not to put your faith in the future, which will become dead time. But to put
all your faith in now, which never moves out of now, and is always now,
and is everywhere now. Now is where you are the Son of God, and nowhere
else, and when you catch that, you have substance. When you catch that
substance, it becomes the law of all you do, even though you walk in
time. This is what John is getting at.
Now are we the Sons of God, and that's the only place where you can accept Sonship. If you
accept it in your head, you're going to lose it
in passing time, because the form goes in passing time. If you
accept it with your lips, you're going to lose it in passing time. If you accept
it in your mind, your brain, your senses, your eyes, your fingertips,
you're going to lose it in passing time. You must get outside the
passing time, into the now that doesn't move, and there you will find
you have found the substance called I, Christ, I am the living
substance, the living Son, and this is the truth of you, and that's
where you are, in the now, which as you did at the beginning of this
class today, exist where all time seems to be in the past. Where all
time seems to be in the future. Where all space appears. That is the
Invisible living now, behind it all. That is you. And you must live
there consciously, for the substance to function through its own
nowness, into the time tracks in which we walk.

That's the way you solve the non existent problems which seem to be the
problems of the human self.
"Now are we the Sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall
be. But we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we
shall see him as he is."

And this he then, is going to turn out to be your permanent identity.

When you see God face to face, it is because you realize your permanent
identity. Now this is your direction it's not evolving in time.

In verse 4: "Whosoever commiteth sin, transgresseth also the law, for sin is the transgression
of the law."

Now the only sin he's talking about, is the belief in having and
being a mortal self. That transgresses the law, because you can't be the mortal
self and be the Son. Now there's nobody up here telling you to do this.
There is a Spirit of God coming within your mental horizon, saying to
you, you are not mortal being. You can turn that Spirit away or you can
walk away from it. It is not something a person is saying to you, it's
the Spirit of God, through John, and that Spirit is present. It is
saying, "You and I, are one and the same, I who speak to you, am your
Self. You wish to deny Me or accept Me, I am not mortal, I am your
Immortal Self, I am the living Son of the living Father, I am the One
you have been seeking, I am your Invisible Camelot, acknowledge Me, lay
down your mortal sense of life, put on the garment of your Invisible I-Self.

When we are told that whoever commiteth sin, transgresseth also the
law, we are told that whoever accepts life in flesh, and the life within the
flesh as their life, is being hypnotized by time sense, mortal sense.
You have no life in this human form that is transgressing the law. The
law is that the life of God does not function in human flesh, which
withers. The life of God does not function in your human form. You must
step out of that belief that you are that life which is in the human
form, or you are not accepting the nowness of your being, the
eternality of your being, you're accepting the life which dies. You are the victim
of the illusion of time.

That's why Einstein said it was a very stubborn illusion. And that's
why Joel said, whenever you look at these things in time, do not accept
them at their appearance value, because your time sense is fooling you, but
rather, see them through your Soul, and then you will see, there is no
life in a human form. But where that human life seems to be, and where
that human form seems to be, your Invisible Self is. And that Invisible
Self, I must continuously remind you, exists from the beginning of time
and beyond, to the end of time, and beyond, and covers all of it. You
must accept the fullness of your Self to be the Son, because the Son
does not have a place where he begins or ends, the Son is the Infinite
life of the Infinite Father.

                                                        End of Side Two

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