Afifi and Reichert 1996
Afifi and Reichert 1996
Afifi and Reichert 1996
2, Summer 1996
For example. Parks and Adelman (1983) demonstrated that the level of
uncertainty regarding a partner's behavior was a significant predictor of
relationship survival. Relatedly, Clatterbuck (1979) found that a state of high
uncertainty significantly decreased attraction toward a partner. Gudykunst,
Yang, and Nishida (1985) reported that friendships were lower on measures
of uncertainty than acquaintances, and Afifi and Burgoon (1996a) found that
daters were lower on uncertainty than cross-sex friends. Clearly, uncertainty
plays an important role in understanding established as well as initial
Research on how individuals go about reducing their uncertainty in
relationships has also produced intriguing results. The evidence generally
supports a typology of three uncertainty reduction strategies: (1) .passive
attempts, which include any attempts to reduce uncertainty through unobtrusive observation; (2) active attempts, which include any attempts to reduce
uncertainty through active manipulation of the environment, but without
direct interaction with the target; and (3) interactive attempts, which include
any attempts to reduce uncertainty based on direct interaction between the
information-seeker and the target (for review, see Berger, 1987). Generally
speaking, the literature suggests a preference in developing relationships
(i.e., in interactions beyond initial ones) for indirect methods of uncertainty
reduction. For example, Baxter and Wilmot (1984) reported the use of seven
"secret tests" as information-seeking strategies, only one of which is very
direct (i.e., "directness"). In addition, Planalp, Rutherford, and Honeycutt
(1988) found that participants often reacted to uncertainty-increasing events
in their relationships by "barely mentioning the event, talk [ing] around the
issue, or engag[ing] in small talk," (p. 536) hardly direct strategies. Therefore, even in cases where individuals choose interactive methods of reducing
uncertainty in relationships, they seem to go about reducing it indirectly.
Other data seem to suggest that the directness with which individuals
seek information is a function of their uncertainty level. Bell and BuerkelRothfuss (1990), for example, found that the use of indirect uncertaintyreduction strategies decreased, while the use of direct ones increased, as
relationships developed. Together with research showing a linear decrease in
uncertainty levels across relationship stages (Reichert & Afifi, 1993), these
data support a pattern in which high levels of uncertainty, and related partner
unpredictability, may discourage direct searches for information. Although
this pattern is counter to that made by Berger and his colleagues to explain
behavior during initial interaction (for review, see Berger & Bradac, 1982),
the reality of relationships may increase the salience of risk associated with
direct uncertainty-reduction techniques. The study of jealousy provides an
ideal target in which to test the role of uncertainty states on emotion
experience and expression in relationships: The emotion is defined by
perceived relational risk and its expression is often deemed inappropriate
(e.g.. White & Mullen, 1989).
Although few studies of jealousy distinguish between expression and
experience, the available evidence unequivocally supports the need to do so
(e.g., Andersen, Eloy, Guerrero, & Spitzberg, 1995). A cursory review of
related literatures illustrates the distinction between the psychological
experience of jealousy and its behavioral expression.
Jealousy Experience
Romantic jealousy is defined as the reaction to a perceived threat to the
exclusive romantic nature of the relationship (Bringle & Boebinger, 1990).
Pfeiffer and Wong (1989), in introducing one of the first models to distinguish
jealousy experience from expression, proposed a three-dimensional conceptualization of jealousy encompassing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral
components. The authors conceptualized cognitive jealousy as including
paranoid thoughts and worries about the behavior of one's partner, and
emotional jealousy as entailing feelings such as fear, anger, insecurity, and
sadness. Behavioral jealousy, on the other hand, involves actions such as
spying on one's partner or rummaging through his or her belongings. Since
emotional experience is generally defined as having cognitive and affective
elements (for review, see Metts & Bowers, 1995) the cognitive and emotional
(i.e., affective) components maybe re-conceptualized as jealousy experience.
Unfortunately, many jealousy experience studies have been descriptive in
nature, with little effort given to explaining the linkages between the experience of jealousy and its predictors. The construct of uncertainty, and related
theoretical work, offers a conceptual framework that helps explain why
individuals may experience jealousy in a romantic relationship. Specifically,
the likelihood of experiencing jealousy may be a direct function of one's level
of uncertainty regarding his or her partner's relational commitment (defined
here as relational state uncertainty). In cases where relational state uncertainty is high, the likelihood of defining a partner's opposite-sex interactions
as threatening should be elevated. On the other hand, "knowing" that one's
partner is committed to the relationship should lessen the chance that the
partner's interactions with the opposite sex are perceived as a threat. Thus,
the first hypothesis is forwarded:
An issue that has received very little research attention but that should
increase predictive and explanatory precision in research on uncertainty is
the distinction among types of uncertainty. For example, an individual maybe
relatively uncertain about his/her partner's commitment to the relationship
but be very certain about many of his/her partner's other attitudes and
behaviors. Although the various types of uncertainty may be related, it should
not be surprising if individuals find certain information more useful for some
predictions than others (Afifi & Burgoon, 1996b). In the case of jealousy
experience and expression, uncertainty about the partner's relational commitment may be more predictive than general uncertainty levels. Considering the
dearth of research on this distinction, a research question is presented:
RQi: Does relational state uncertainty (defined here as uncertainty about the partner's
relational commitment) predict jealousy experience better than general uncertainty
regarding the partner's attitudes and behaviors?
Expression of Jealousy
Although research on jealousy has been mostly focused on its experience,
recent research has investigated patterns associated with expression of"
jealousy. As noted earlier, Pfeiffer and Wong (1989) were one ofthe first to do
so explicitly by including a behavioral component in their three-dimensional
model of jealousy. Eloy, Guerrero, Andersen, and Spitzberg (1992) followed
by suggesting three communicative reactions to jealousy: integration, distribution, and avoidance. The proposed typology was conceptualized in ways
similar to that found in the conflict literature: Integration included positively
valenced reactions such as asking the partner for an explanation or disclosing
feelings; distribution incorporated more negatively valenced reactions such
as yelling or arguing; and avoidant reactions were those that are passive in
nature, including silence and denial of feelings. Most recently, these authors
have further expanded this typology into eleven distinct responses to
jealousy, ranging from expression of negative affect to surveillance behavior
(Guerrero, Andersen, Jorgensen, Spitzberg, & Eloy, 1995).
While only recently addressed in the jealousy research, the differences
between the experience and expression of an emotion have been widely
studied elsewhere. Overall, the data show that the farther along the relational
stage ladder (Guerrero, Eloy, Jorgensen, & Andersen, 1993), the greater the
satisfaction (Andersen et al., 1995), and perhaps most importantly, the more
positive the emotion (Sprecher, 1987), the more likely that the experienced
emotion will be expressed in an integrative fashion. Theoretical explanations
of these findings mostly revolve around the notions of relational rules (Argyle
& Henderson, 1984) and social exchange (Berg & McQuinn, 1986). However,
revisions of URT (e.g., Berger, 1993) and related work on the concept of^
uncertainty seem to provide a good "fit" to explaining these expression
As noted earlier, recent evidence suggests that high uncertainty in
relationships may discourage direct expression (e.g.. Bell & Burkel-Rothfuss,
1990). One plausible reason for such avoidance is a fear of negative relational
implications (Baxter & Wilmot, 1985; Guerrero & Afifi, 1995). This logic is
especially consistent with the reality of jealousy expression. Specifically,
expression of jealousy implies a heightened level of relational commitment
and desire for exclusivity. In cases where individuals are uncertain about their
partner's level of commitment, they may be particularly apprehensive about
directly revealing jealousy. They may fear "scaring the other away" or
seeming overly possessive. Conversely, knowing that your partner is commit-
ted to the relationship makes expressing the desire for exclusivity much less
threatening. As such, the second hypothesis is forwarded:
H2: Direct expression of jealousy in dating relationships will be negatively related to relational
state uncertainty levels (i.e., as uncertainty decreases, likelihood of expression increases.).
Participants in both studies were asked to complete a questionnaire
measuring relationship stage, relational state uncertainty, jealousy experience, jealousy expression, relational satisfaction, and closeness. In addition,
participants in the second study completed a measure of general uncertainty
about their partner. For the expression items, participants were asked to
think of the last time they experienced jealousy in the relationship they were
rating and indicate how long ago the experience occurred. The elapsed time
(assessed in study 2) ranged from 3 hours to one year, with a median of 13
days. Since jealousy expression is generally considered a major event in
relationships (e,g,. White & Mullen, 1989), a median of 13 days between the
event and its report does not pose memory decay concerns as it would for
more mundane relational issues,
Self-Report Measures
The relational state uncertainty scale (used in both studies) was based on
past general uncertainty measures (Kellermann & Reynolds, 1990) but was
adapted to measure uncenainty regarding the panner's attitudes toward the
current and future state of the relationship (e,g,, "If you were asked what this
person envisions for your relationship, how certain woiild you be with your
answer?") Alpha reliability for the three-item measure was ,89,' The general
uncertainty measure (adapted from Kellermann & Reynolds, 1990) included
four items (e,g,, "How well do you think you know this person?"), was only
used in the second study and achieved high reliability (,90),
Pfeiffer and Wong's (1989) operationalization of cognitive jealousy and
emotional jealousy were used in this study as tests of jealousy experience
(e,g,, "I suspect that my dating partner may be attracted to someone else;"
"It angers me when this person flirts with someone"). Due to the conceptual
simiiarity and statistical correlation (r(82) = .45,p < ,01) between these two
dimensions, they were collapsed into a single "jealousy experience" dimension (six items, alpha reliability = ,84),^
Jealousy expression was measured using Eloy et al,'s (1992) measure of
integrative and avoidant patterns of communication. Participants were
instructed to rate the extent to which each item reflected their own
expression pattern the last time they felt jealousy in this relationship. The
participants were instructed to complete the expression items only if they
had indicated moderate to high experience of jealousy on earlier items,' The
integrative pattern of communication included four items measuring positively valenced reactions such as asking partner for an explanation or
disclosing feelings. The avoidance scale consisted of four items that assessed
behaviors that are passive in nature, including silence and denial of feelings,"*
The two scales achieved alpha reliabilities of ,85 and ,75, respectively. Finally,
the satisfaction (adopted from Hendrick, 1988) and closeness (adopted from
Maxwell, 1985) measures were used for descriptive purposes only in this
study and each achieved alpha reliabilities of ,82,
Analyses Summary
Zero-order correlations (between relational state uncertainty and the
outcome variable of interest) were used to test the hypotheses. Significant
zero-order correlations were foUowed by trend analyses conducted to test the
linear nature of the correlation. First-order correlations were conducted to
test the research questions and assess the unique contribution of (a)
relational state uncertainty (with general uncertainty as the covariate) and (b)
general uncertainty (with re!ational state uncertainty as the covariate) to
jea!ousy experience and expression. The high degree of shared variance
between the two uncertainty measures (r(4l) = .69, p < ,001) made it
un!ikely to find significant variance accounted for by the unique contribution
of either measure separately, but the lst-order correlation may have revealed
unique trends associated with each, Fina!!y, the significant first-order
correlation coefficients for general uncertainty and relationa! uncertainty
were compared using the Fisher's Z transformation (Edwards, 1984).
Hypothesis One
Hypothesis one predicted that the experience of jealousy is positive!y
re!ated to corresponding !evels of relational state uncertainty, A zero-order
corre!ation, computed between re!ational state uncertainty and jea!ousy
experience, revealed a significant positive re!ationship between the two
variables (study 1: r(155) = .34,p < .001; study 2: r(4l) = .28,pone-taii < -05),
confirming the hypothesis. To test the linear nature of the trend between
these two variab!es, uncertainty data in the first study was broken into !ow
(M = 2,74), moderate (M = 3.10) and high (M = 3.67) uncertainty
categories.^ A trend ana!ysis showed a significant linear trend, F(l,152) =
19.22/> < .001, with jealousy experience decreasing across the three levels of
uncertainty, and a nonsignificant quadratic trend, F(l,152) < l,ns.
Research Question One
The first research question asked whether the different types of uncertainty are differentially related to jea!ousy experience. A comparison of the
first-order corre!ations in the second study (controlling for general uncertainty and relationa! state uncertainty respectively) suggests that individuals'
experience of jealousy is influenced differently by relational state uncertainty
(r(38) = .25,p > ,05) than by general uncertainty (r(38) = - . 0 7 , p > .05).
However, the fact that neither type of uncertainty accounted for a significant
amount of unique variance in jealousy experience makes their statistical
comparison moot.
Hypothesis Two
Hypothesis two predicted that the direct expression of jealousy is
inverse!y related to corresponding levels of uncertainty, A zero-order correla-
1. All reliability estimates, except general uncertainty, represent averages from the two studies.
2. Due to social desirability concerns, all items referred to emotions that have been shown
to be highly correlated with jealousy and avoid direct use of the work "jealousy". Refer to
Guerrero et al. (1995) for a test of the validity concerns associated with this choice.
3. This was done so as to avoid participants having to imagine how they would express
jealousy " i f they had felt experienced jealousy.
4. The distributive pattern of communication is unrelated to the predictions in this
manuscript and will not be described.
5. Although these means suggest inadequate separation among the groups, they adequately
serve the purpose ofthe procedure (i.e., confirming the linear nature ofthe trend).
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