SUT Manual 2007

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Kumon Start-Up Manual

Introduction to the Basics of Kumon Learning

At this early point in training, it is very important that core
Kumon terminology which will be heard every day is fully
understood. This section is designed to provide basic
understanding of the fundamentals of Kumon. The following
terms are featured in this section:
Placement Testing
The Comfortable (Solid) Starting Point
The Just Right Level of Study
Lesson Planning
Achievement Testing
Standard Completion Time (SCT)
Oral Reading
Independent Learning
Self-Motivated Learners
Advanced Study (ASHR)
Program Completion
The Kumon Essentials
More information on the basics of the Kumon Method can
be found in the Instruction Manual.

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Success From the Start

Students begin at a comfortable starting point determined by the
Placement Test with work that can be easily completed. This way
students will master core skills and gain complete proficiency with each
successive step. Kumon students develop better concentration and study
habits because they do not get frustrated by the learning process.

Placement Tests
Both the Math and Reading Programs have Placement Tests for all age
groups. Each subject has 12 different tests.

Taking at least one of these tests is an essential first step for students
enrolling in the program. The test results indicate where in the program
the students will start. It is essential that students start at a comfortable
starting point, which is, in most cases, well below the students actual
grade level.

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Please note that at
the beginning of a
school year, one

Choosing the Proper Placement Test

It is important that the students first Kumon experience is a positive
one. The placement test that is chosen should not be too difficult for
the student. The following chart is a guide for Instructors to determine
the correct test.

test lower than listed

may be appropriate.































High School/Adult


Assign a test that is 2

grade levels below (i.e.
4th grader takes P2
Placement test). P6
and above are rarely
given to students. If in
doubt, give one test
lower than above or
show the back page
of each possible test
and allow the student
to choose. In most
cases, it is better to
start lower and work

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School Grade

Kumon Basics

Placement Tests

Assign the test as

close to grade level
as the student can
comfortably complete.
In some cases, this may
be one grade test
lower than grade level.
When in doubt, ask the
student to read a few
sentences from a
paragraph on last page
of the test. Difficulty
here indicates the test
is too difficult. Also, the
Reading Aloud Section
of the test evaluates a
students oral reading
ability. This confirms
the indicated starting


Throughout the Start-Up
Training process there
will be opportunities
to plot starting points
for students in both
programs. It may be
necessary to turn back to
this section as a general
guide. Answer books are
available for all tests.

Administering Tests
1) Seat students in a quiet area and instruct them to write their name, date,
school name, phone number, and grade. The Instructor may have to help
younger students with the test.
2) Instruct students to work quickly and carefully, and to complete
questions in order. Advise students that if they have a problem with a
question, skip it and continue.
3) Do not coach the students.
4) Do not allow parents to sit with students during testing.
5) For K2 and K1 tests, the Instructor should sit with students to read
instructions and observe them answering the questions.
6) For all tests, Instructors should observe students working; watch for
advanced ability/potential (i.e. answering without hesitation, using
mental calculation, etc.) or signs of difficulty (i.e. finger counting,
daydreaming, etc.).
7) When students reach the allotted time, they should be instructed to stop
working. If students wish to finish the test, place a red line next to the
last question completed. Questions completed after the allotted time
(i.e. after the red line) should not be included in the scoring of the test.
8) If students finish before the time limit, they should write their finish time
and hand in the test immediately rather than checking over their answers.

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Determining a Comfortable Starting Point



The Placement Test does not diagnose school grade level ability
or learning disabilities; it only determines a suitable starting point in
the Kumon program(s). The starting point should correspond to the level
in the Kumon program where they can still achieve 100% consistently.
The contents of the tests are taken directly from the worksheets
themselves. All of the tests are timed and contain a back page for
graphing the results. A starting point for both programs is determined by
using the placement graph.
1) Draw a vertical line on the graph through the time taken.
2) Draw a horizontal line on the graph through the score.
The point at which the two lines intersect indicates the starting point. If the
starting point lands on a line between two levels, use the lower level. NEVER
ON THE TEST! To the left are samples of the placement graph contained
on the last page of each of the Placement Tests.

Reading Program Reading Aloud Section

The Reading Aloud Section is included in the P1 M3 Reading Placement
Tests. (K2, K1, and H do not have this section.) This section should not be
included in the total time for the test. The Reading Aloud Section
evaluates a students oral reading ability and confirms that the indicated
starting point is suited to the students skill level.
The Reading Aloud Section will either (1) confirm the Placement Test
starting point or (2) indicate that the starting point should be re-evaluated
to ensure a comfortable starting point. If the test indicates that the starting
point needs to be re-evaluated, consider lowering the students starting
point, but never raise the starting point.
The time for the Reading Aloud Section is located below the reading
passages. Instructors should time students as they read and circle the
appropriate score. As students read, the Instructor should pay close
attention to the following: word attack skills, fluency, voice inflection,
expression, and attention to punctuation and sentence structure. It may
also be helpful for the Instructor to note particular words or sentences in
which the student struggled.

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The Comfortable (Solid) Starting Point

1) Kumon starts the student at the point where the student's knowledge is
absolutely solid. This point is usually lower in relation to their school
grade. Starting off comfortably allows students to:
a) Review and fine-tune their core skills. Even for students wanting
enrichment, Kumon has high standards of speed and accuracy. This is
an area that may not have been emphasized in school but that must
be addressed in order to succeed in the higher levels of Kumon study.

Did you know

The essence of the
Kumon Method can be
considered to be allowing
students to advance
through self study.
Getting children to
recognize that they can
advance without being
taught is the most
important thing at
Kumon. Students are able
to study on their own.
Toru Kumon
Founder of Kumon

b) Develop a Kumon routine. Some students are not used to having

daily homework. Since Kumon homework is expected to be completed
every day, this can be challenging for students in the beginning. Easy
assignments early on allow students to complete work quickly and
painlessly and adjust more willingly to the daily Kumon routine.
c) Develop concentration. For some students,the amount of time that
they can concentrate is quite short at first. Trying to complete long,
difficult assignments would merely frustrate them. This is why Kumon
begins with short, simple assignments. It is a deliberate step to expand
their attention span.
d) Develop a positive attitude. Many students come to Kumon
when they are experiencing difficulty in school. As a natural
consequence, they do not like math or reading. They may doubt they
will ever be capable of succeeding in these subjects. Their early Kumon
work may be their first 100% score on an assignment. That "feeling"
of 100% is something we want students to experience throughout
their Kumon career, and also use to gauge their own progress.
2) Whether the student starts the Math or Reading Program, the Placement
Tests are designed to start students at a just right point in the Kumon
program. Using the previous four points and the Progress Goal, it is
essential that parents understand that, in order for students to be
successful in their Kumon studies, they must start off well. They must
begin with a running start provided only by the lower-than-expected
starting point.
These tests are based on Kumons 40+ years of research experience
so take full confidence in them. Veteran Instructors have often said,
Confidence comes with experience.

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Progress Goals
When enrolling new students, it is important to stress that Kumon is a
long-term educational program and that results will often not be seen for
some time after enrollment. This is not an easy message to convey. By
setting a Progress Goal for each student and sharing it with the student
and parent, we can help them grasp the meaning of what we are saying.
The purpose of setting a Progress Goal is threefold.
1) It emphasizes the long-term nature of the program.
2) It serves as a motivational goal for the student and parent.
3) It serves as a checking point for the Instructors instructional ability.

Advancing Step By Step

Kumon uses neither a classroom nor a tutoring model, but rather a guided
self-motivated-learning approach. Worksheets assigned by the Instructor
provide an example illustrating the concept to be learned. Then a simple
exercise modeled after the example is given. Each new assignment is slightly
more challenging than the last. The progression is gradual, so that students
are able to acquire the skills to advance independently.

The Just Right Level of Study

Helpful Hint
Assigning work at the
just right level is the
goal for Instructors
as they plan work for
each student.

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When assigning work, Instructors should assign work that is neither

too difficult nor too easy. If students are working at the just right level,
they will stay motivated to learn. If they move too quickly into work that is
too difficult, they will lose confidence and struggle. If they repeat too much,
they could become bored or frustrated. We want to avoid either of these
The Kumon worksheets move forward in small, incremental steps. Each set
of worksheets builds on previously mastered concepts that are essential to
successful completion of those worksheets. If the student has not
thoroughly mastered a concept, moving to the next concept may be very
difficult, and the student may begin to struggle. This applies to both types
of students, those who are still working below their school grade level, as
well as those who are learning concepts ahead of what they are being
taught in school. It is important that work is assigned in sequence so that
the students experience the optimal effect of the program.

Kumon Basics


Lesson Planning
Lesson planning is a general term used to describe the assigning of Kumon
worksheets for students. We recommend that Instructors make a long term
plan for each student which should then be checked weekly to ensure that
it continues to be appropriate for the student. Lesson planning is one of
the most important responsibilities of a Kumon Instructor. In deciding
whether to advance or repeat a student, Instructors must look at, among
other things, the times and scores of each assignment to plan properly.
Lesson planning also requires the following tools for each student.
A unique goal helps your students stay on track week-to-week
as well as month-to-month. This goal can be derived from the Instruction
Manual or CMS2 and can then be customized to each student.
Progress Goal Breakdown Charts and Repetition Guides, both
of which are in your Instruction Manual and CMS2, are designed to
complement the Progress Goal.
An accurate and up-to-date CMS2 scorecard lists the students
scores, times, comments, and progress from one class to the next.
Instructors must refer to the students past accuracy and time on
assignments when setting the next level study plan, and continue to
review times and scores while monitoring the students progress
regularly. Instructors make adjustments to their lesson plans based on
the information compiled in the CMS2 scorecard.
Feedback at every class to share lesson planning criteria, discuss
worksheet comfort level and set short and/or long term goals.
In order to plan effectively, Instructors need to develop knowledge of the
The worksheets. Instructors need to know at what points in the
curriculum concepts are introduced, and when the worksheets become
difficult. Instructors should first look at their own solved sample
worksheets. The Instructions Manual and CMS2 program are designed
as guides to complement an Instructors worksheet study.
Their students. An Instructor must be able to tailor the program to the
individual needs and abilities of all types of students. In order for
Instructors to tailor the program, they must learn about, and from, their
students. The following are ways in which Instructors can learn about
their students in order to plan for them most effectively.

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o Ask many questions of the parents and student, especially before

the student enrolls, concerning everything from the home
environment to early childhood learning. Questions should elicit
information that will inform the Instructor of:
The family support system
The students development of reading and math skills
o When did the student start talking?
o When did the student start reading?
o When did the student start counting?
The students learning style
The students attitude in daily life
The parents occupation
The students hobbies
The students hopes and dreams
o What does the student want to be when he or she grows up?
Learning as much about the student right from the start will allow the
Instructor to understand the individual needs of each and every student.
o Observe students during class and watch for qualities which may
give indication of their ability. Qualities which may indicate high
ability are as follows:
They solve problems rapidly and write skillfully
o Strong mental calculation skills
o Fast correction ability
They have rich vocabulary and are good at memorizing
They have strong reading skills
They are good at copying and quick to get used to new things
They have a strong sense of curiosity, and want to know about
new things
They are conscious of learning goals as they study
They have good manners, for example when greeting people
or listening to people speak

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Achievement Testing
Achievement Tests are assigned at the end of each level. There are 22
Reading Achievement Tests (Levels 5A L) and 18 Math Achievement
Tests (Levels 4A O). The tests are composed of questions from the level
that the student has just completed and some review from earlier material.
In both programs, their purpose is the same. They help Instructors to:
Motivate and encourage students (because the tests are typically
simpler than any one set);
Confirm students mastery of the completed level of study;
Communicate the progress of students to their parents; and
Evaluate their own instructional techniques.
Because the primary purpose of the Achievement Test is to motivate
students, it is important to administer the test only when the Instructor is
confident that the student will do well. Make sure that students have
satisfactory times and scores throughout the level they have just completed
before assigning the test. These tests should always be administered
during class; never allow students to take the test home. It is advisable to
have the students take the test in a quiet area.
Students should be instructed to write their names, grade level, etc. on
the front of the test and to work quickly, recording their finishing time as
soon as they complete the last question. Students should require no
assistance with an Achievement Test.
Please note, for some students, reviewing concepts in the beginning
of the level may be necessary before assigning an Achievement Test.

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Math Level B and
Reading Level BI sample
Achievement Tests are
shown below.

Evaluation of Achievement Tests

Grade the Achievement Tests using an answer book. Depending on the
particular test, the graph to plot the results can be found on the front or
back page of the test. Use the graph to plot the results in a similar fashion
to the Placement Test by drawing a vertical line through the Time Used
and a horizontal line through the Correct Answers/Score. The point
of intersection shows the result. To the left are copies of graphs for Level B
Math and BI Reading Tests.
There are five classifications or Groups in Reading and four Groups in
Math into which the result can fall.
Group 1

Time & Accuracy are Excellent.

Group 2

Time & Accuracy are Good.

Group 3

Time & Accuracy may be Sufficient.

Group 4

Time & Accuracy are Insufficient.

Group 5

Time & Accuracy are Poor.

Group 1

Time & Accuracy are Excellent.

Group 2

Time & Accuracy are Good.

Group 3

Time & Accuracy may be Insufficient.

Group 4

Time & Accuracy are Poor.

If the result falls on the line between two groups, it should be moved
to the higher group. Grading Achievement Tests will be covered later
on in training.

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The following guidelines should be used when classifying results:

Groups 1 & 2

Indicate that the material is mastered and students are

ready to advance

Group 3

Although technically a pass, use caution in advancing

these students. If students consistently score Group 3s,
it may indicate that they are taking the test before they
are ready and that more repetition would be desirable.

Group 4

Insufficient result do not advance

Group 5

Poor result do not advance

Groups 1 & 2

Indicate that the material is mastered and students are

ready to advance

Group 3

Skills have been developed; however, mastery of some

areas still remains insufficient. Further repetition is
usually recommended.

Group 4

Poor result do not advance

If students have successfully reached the end of the level, they should
perform well on the Achievement Test, as this test is not designed to be
difficult. Most Kumon students should score in Groups 1 or 2 if they have
mastered the level. Though, as far as determining if a Group result is
appropriate for the student to proceed, the Instructor must consider the
individual students ability, based on the results of the level, and not just
the Group result on the Achievement Test.
If students score in Group 3 or lower, it does not necessarily indicate that
the entire level needs to be repeated. If they had performed well on the
level material but poorly on the test, there may be other factors involved
such as fatigue or test anxiety. If this seems to be the case, the best
strategy is simply to re-administer the test at the next class to see if the
student can score higher.
If there are still problems the second time, repetition of this level may be
necessary. Analyze the test to identify the cause of difficulty and determine
if repetition is needed. (If ever in doubt, ask a Field Staff Member for help.)
Once an Instructor has determined that a student has passed an
Achievement Test, fill out the back page and give written feedback to
the students and parents. This is an excellent form of communication
between the Instructor and parents. Detach this page and send it home
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along with a level summary sheet for the next level and a Certificate
of Proficiency for Math or Reading. At this time the Instructor should praise
the students for a job well done and, if so desired, provide them with
an incentive or prize. At the following class, Instructors should send home
the Level Completion Report from CMS2. This is an excellent tool to
communicate the past progress of the student and the future goal.
Once an Instructor has determined that a student has passed an
Achievement Test, fill out the back page and give written feedback to the
students and parents. This is an excellent form of communication between
the Instructor and parents. Detach this page and send it home along with a
level summary sheet for the next level and a Certificate of Proficiency for
Math or Reading. At this time the Instructor should praise the students for a
job well done and, if so desired, provide them with an incentive or prize. At
the following class, Instructors should send home the Level Completion
Report from CMS2. This is an excellent tool to communicate the past
progress of the student and the future goal.

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Speed + Accuracy = Mastery

Before students can advance from one assignment to the next, the
material should be completed and corrected to a perfect score within a
prescribed period of time. As students cannot always achieve 100% on their
first attempt, they should correct their errors until 100% is achieved. All
work is graded and the results recorded to determine when students have
total command of the material and are ready to move on.

Standard Completion Time (SCT)

The time a student takes to complete an assignment demonstrates
mastery in two ways. A lengthy completion time may indicate a lack
of concentration. It may also indicate that a student cannot answer
questions automatically. For example, if a student is asked, What is 7+5?
and cannot answer immediately (perhaps pausing to count it out), this is a
sign that addition has not been mastered. With practice, these answers
come automatically, and the student will be ready to move ahead.
One of the tools to help you decide whether to repeat or advance a
student is the Standard Completion Time (SCT). This is a time range that is
set specifically for each page within a set and has been developed from a
study that was conducted on the progress of thousands of students.
Keep in mind that the SCT is based on the total time it takes to achieve
100%. Therefore, a students correction time should be taken into account
when determining if the student completed the assignment within SCT.
CMS2 does this automatically, using a formula to estimate correction time.
The SCT for each set can be found on the CMS2 Level Study Plan screen,
the Table of Learning Materials for Math and Reading and in the Instructional
Manual (see samples on next page).

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Standard Completion Time (SCT)

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Using the SCT

The SCT has two components: the x-time (lower limit) and the y-time (upper
limit). If a worksheet (both a- and b-sides) has an SCT of 2-3 minutes, then
2 minutes is its x-time and 3 minutes refers to the y-time.
For example, it is ideal for a student who is studying Level C at 5 pages a
day (SCT 2-3 minutes) to take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete that
entire assignment including correction time.

Kumon aims for perfect or close to perfect scores on all assignments before
moving students ahead to new concepts. If students make too many errors,
this is a sure sign that they have not yet mastered their work. Keep this
Helpful Hint in mind when considering repetition based on accuracy.

Helpful Hint
Consider repeating

Accuracy, however, is only one factor Instructors are encouraged to consider

when deciding to advance or repeat a student. Time is also an important
factor, as well as each students correction ability.

if a student has:


2 or more 69% in

Making corrections is a necessary part of Kumon Study. Kumon

students correct their work daily, ensuring that the students can have the
satisfaction of achieving 100% on every assignment. Keep in mind
that students who can correct errors quickly and in one try are demonstrating
a higher level of mastery than those who struggle with corrections, even
though they may have technically received the same initial score. Watching
for correction ability in class is part of being a well-trained Instructor.

a set of 10 pages
2 or fewer 100% in
a set of 10 pages.

Oral Reading
Generally students who have the ability to read out loud smoothly have a
superior overall level of language ability. Similarly, the areas in which weaker
students encounter difficulty when reading aloud reflect the over all
difficulty that they may be experiencing with language. By listening to
students read aloud, Instructors can assess whether they are working at the
just right level.

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In the Math Program, Instructors assess the mastery level of students

through their completed worksheets. In the Reading Program, mastery is
determined by assessing completed worksheets and oral reading ability.
Students who can read the material on the worksheets easily, paying
attention to inflections and pauses, are most likely studying at the just
right level. On the other hand, students who have a difficult time orally
reading the material may not be at the just right level, and their current
level of study may need to be re-evaluated.

Additional Benefits
Oral reading allows students to confirm what they have read with the sound
of their own voice. This helps to foster students understanding of content
and develops a positive attitude toward reading.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, having students read orally gives
Instructors opportunities for praising students. This praise will help
students gain confidence in reading and will help Instructors increase the
students desire to read and study.

Once enrolled in the program, students should read aloud from their
current worksheet assignment at every Center visit. After listening to
students read aloud, the Assistant/Instructor should record an oral reading
score and any additional comments on the students class work. It is
important to keep records of students abilities in order to assess their
progress and improvement. Therefore, the oral reading score should
be transferred from the class work to the CMS2 scorecard.

Oral Reading Score

The following criteria are used to determine the oral reading score.
This score is then recorded in the CMS2 scorecard so the Instructor can
confirm mastery of the material.
OR 1 Reading demonstrates all of the following:
Reads fluidly/smoothly and with attention directed to understanding
the meaning of what is read
Uses appropriate expression
Uses good inflection changes tone of voice appropriately
Attends to punctuation
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OR 2 Reading exhibits one or some of the following:

Lacking in expression or expression is somewhat inappropriate
(e.g. descending intonation for a question)
Partial inflection used in some places, not in others
Ignore some punctuation
Word substitution(s) that does not affect the overall meaning
Word reversals that are self-corrected
The full meaning of the text is not grasped because some attention
is directed at getting through the text rather than the meaning
OR 3 Reading is characterized by any of the following:

Helpful Hint
Practice makes perfect
is a saying often used in
music, sports, language
and Kumon.

Monotone with an evident lack of comprehension

Reads mostly word-by-word
Reading is very hesitant or halting
Word substitution(s) that change(s) the meaning of the sentence
Word reversals, if not immediately self-corrected
No meaning is conveyed, it is evident the meaning is not grasped
Punctuation is ignored

Oral Reading Comments

Besides oral reading scores, oral reading comments should also be
recorded on the class work, especially for students in the lower levels of
the Reading Program. These comments will be transferred into the
comments section of the CMS2 scorecard. This section can also be used
for comments on students worksheet completion. If the Assistant grading
the worksheets notices a specific problem that the student is having, he or
she should make a note so that the Instructor is aware of the situation.

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Practice Makes Perfect

Worksheets are assigned daily, even though most students attend the
Center just twice a week. An assignment that takes too long or is completed
with too many errors is repeated until mastered. That is how the Kumon
Method ensures optimal comprehension and retention of concepts,
establishing the strongest possible foundation for more advanced material.

Did you know
Currently there are
nearly 200,000 students
enrolled at Kumon
at more than 1,500
franchised Kumon
Centers in the U.S.
and Canada.

Repetition is a very important component of the Kumon Method and the

Kumon philosophy of learning by doing. If a set is not mastered
the first time, students should be able to improve on their previous
performance by repeating at some point in time. Depending on the
student and the material in question, the repetition may occur immediately
on the next day or after a several days.
Repetition must not be seen as negative. Instructors and parents can set a
positive tone and help the student see it as an opportunity to improve.
After all, the better the student is able to complete a set, the more satisfying
it will be to him/her. Also, repetition makes harder work easier.
The more familiar an Instructor is with the curriculum as well as the
abilities and personalities of the students, the easier it is to assign appropriate
repetition. Kumon has three main criteria for assigning repetition SPEED,
ACCURACY and CORRECTION ABILITY. Please refer to the section on
Lesson Planning for related information.

The grading of worksheets is an important part of the Kumon Method.
Elements of the grading process include using a red pen and Answer Book,
consistent markings for errors, and utilization of the percentage grading
scales for both Math and Reading Programs. The Kumon grading system
takes into account the number of questions per page and weighs them
proportionately, leading to more accurate assessment when used in
conjunction with the Standard Completion Time (SCT).
In addition, grading and corrections offers immediate feedback to a student.
Students correct mistakes immediately, thereby preventing the same error
from being repeated over consecutive days. It also offers the opportunity
for praise and encouragement of students.

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Feedback is a worldwide Kumon initiative to involve students in the lesson
planning process. Simply communicating with students about their progress
is not enough. An Instructor must share with students the criteria that is
used for advancement. For successful Feedback, students must know what
the criteria is to move ahead to the next set. The criteria is usually in the
form of time and/or accuracy goals, which are individualized for every
student. Through this weekly goal setting process, students can see that
their efforts are directly connected with their progress. Through Feedback,
Instructors can achieve the goal of developing students who learn through
their own initiative and motivation. These students are truly self-motivated
learners. (Please see the Student Retention section of this manual for
further details on Feedback.)

Advanced Study
Advanced Student Honor Roll (ASHR)

Helpful Hint
To view the criteria for
attaining ASHR status in
March, June, September,
and December turn to
Part I of your
Instruction Manual.

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Toru Kumon, the founder of the Kumon Method, often said that we
should strive to have as many students as possible study 2 or 3 years
ahead of their grade level. This is when they will enjoy the most
academic benefit from their Kumon studies. This is also when they will
experience the greatest transfer effect into other subject areas. The
ASHR features the names of all students who advance a minimum of 6
months ahead of their approximate grade level.
In North America, the ASHR is generated and published quarterly. Award
certificates are printed for those students who have attained ASHR
status. Students who have maintained ASHR status will be ranked
regionally and nationally. These students names are listed by highest
level attained in each grade. Also, every quarter the Top 20 ASHR Scrolls
are printed and distributed to each Center. This lists the Top 20 students
per grade in North America.
Kumon promotes the ASHR and advanced study in general, because,
the more students who achieve this status, the stronger our reputation
for excellence will become. On the Center level, students who achieve
advanced study or who achieve higher levels often distinguish
themselves at school and give Kumon much of the credit.

Kumon Basics



Level G by 5th Grade Current Instruction Target

Another award is also available if the student is in Level G by 5th grade or
prior to 5th grade. Level G by 5th Grade is one of North Americas
current instructional initiatives. Designed mostly to be an intermediate goal
or benchmark for students who begin the program at an optimal age, Level
G by 5th grade represents a student studying two years ahead of
approximate grade level. Students studying at this level would be exposed
to Algebra in the Math program and summarization skills in the Reading
program by the time they are in 5th grade. This goal is worth sharing with
parents of students whom the Instructor feels are eventual candidates for
reaching this instructional target.

Level J Math Plaque

The completion of Level J Math marks a milestone in achievement. To
provide continued motivation and encouragement, students who complete
Level J will receive an engraved Kumon Book Plaque.

Math Program Completion (Level O)/Reading

Program Completion
Program Completion is an obtainable long-term goal that will greatly
affect the success of your students. At the end of the Reading program,
students will be reading quickly and accurately, summarizing what the
author is saying. In Math, students work up to Level O (differential
calculus). By the time students reach this level, it will be easier for them
to keep up with the busy pace of high school. Following just right
guidelines and aiming for the end goal of making high school easy are
the keys to making Kumon study successful. Upon completion of the
Math Program students receive a commemorative program completion
clock. Upon completion of the Reading Program students receive an
engraved Kumon Book Plaque.

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Kumon Basics



The Kumon Essentials

The following list should assist Instructors in running their Kumon Center. A
portion of this list will be familiar, and the remainder will be covered in more
detail later.
1) Conduct a pre-enrollment interview with all new students.
2) Administer a Placement Test to new students and follow the Starting
Point suggested by the Placement Test.
3) Set Progress Goals for all students, especially at the pre-enrollment interview.
4) Review Progress Graphs monthly and adjust Progress Goals when
5) Accept full responsibility for lesson planning.
6) Adhere to SCT (in an individualized manner) when lesson planning.
7) Assign worksheets in sequence and do not mix Kumon levels.
8) Have students correct all errors made on their worksheets.
9) Record worksheet times and scores for all students (homework and
class work).
10) Ensure class work is graded, and class work errors corrected, before
students leave the Center.
11) Have Reading students read aloud at every Center visit.
12) Give guidance when necessary, but encourage students to complete
and correct work independently.
13) Provide Feedback to students at frequent intervals.
14) Give Achievement Tests upon completion of each level. Aim for Group 1
and at least a Group 2 for results in Math, and accept Group 3 results as
a minimum for Reading.
15) Communicate Achievement Test results and preview the upcoming level
for students and parents.
16) Administer an Achievement Test for all in-coming transfer students.
17) Maintain complete and accurate student records.
18) Submit Report B on time each month.
19) Communicate regularly with parents verbally and in writing.
20) Provide documentation and student records to all out-going transfer

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Kumon Basics



Realizing Each Childs Potential

The Kumon Method allows students to advance steadily at a comfortable
pace dictated only by their ability and initiative. Each students individualized
program is never compromised by the needs of a group or a prescribed
teaching agenda. The first priority of the Kumon Instructor is to enable each
and every student to perform and progress to his or her full potential,
including advanced study whenever possible.

Independent Learning
One of the fundamental aspects of the Kumon Method is that it develops
independent learning in students over time. A concept uniquely applied
to Kumon, the term refers to a students increasing ability to learn new
concepts by following the examples and solving the questions contained
in the worksheets.
Teaching students the life-long skill of learning on their own can
only be accomplished if the Instructor is keenly aware of the need to
develop this skill. Right from the first class session, Instructors need to
gently remind students to read the examples and attempt to answer the
questions on their own before asking for help. Another way to promote
independent learning is to have students copy the examples on a
separate piece of paper. Even having a separate grading table (as
opposed to Assistants at each table) promotes self-reliance in students.
It forces them to actually get up and ask a question.
The end goal is to promote the development of self-reliant, capable
students who are able to resolve problems independently. This skill needs
to be developed for students to be successful in high school,
college/university and the work force. The higher a student progresses in
both programs, the more the worksheets require this skill to be in place.
Conversely, independent learning does not mean that Instructors do not
teach students. Sometimes, it may be necessary to provide hints and/or
to teach concepts that the student cannot grasp through the worksheets.
The ultimate goal of building independent learning skills in students is to
create self-motivated learners. Students who are motivated by the love of
learning will reap the true benefits of the Kumon method. These individuals
will have the tools necessary to realize their own potential and become
influential contributors to society.

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Kumon Basics



Kumon Start-Up Manual

Grading Kumon Worksheets
Grading worksheets is a valuable activity for the Instructor.
Performing this task helps Instructors become more
familiar with the Kumon curriculum. It is also one of the
quickest ways to get to know their students and the types
of errors they make. Finally, grading worksheets provides
Instructors with the opportunity to give specific praise
when a student has done well.
The following section discusses Kumon grading principles
as well as specific guidelines on using correction ability to
assess a students mastery of the material.that particular

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Grading Principles

Grading Principles
1) Use a red pen.

The following table
contains the Kumon
Worksheet Grading
Principles. When grading
worksheets, use this chart
as a reference tool.

2) Always use an Answer Book to correct worksheets for Levels 3A

and higher in Math and 2A and higher in Reading. It is essential
that grading be accurate and consistent.
3) Start at the last page of the assignment, grade the b side of the
worksheet before the a side, moving towards the first page. This
speeds up the grading process, because the score goes on the front
of each page.
4) Draw a large circle (USA) or check mark (Canada) on each page that
has no errors. If both the a and b sides of one page are correct,
circle the 100 on the grading scale of the front page.
5) On the front of the first page of the assignment, indicate if there are
corrections to be made within the set or whether the days assignment
is correct throughout by summarizing: the grade for each page, the total
time taken to complete the assignment and any specific comments
about the students work that day. For each page marked 100%, use a
dot or a dash. For all other pages, write the percentage score, ex. 90, 80,
etc. It is also acceptable to abbreviate percentage scores by writing 90
as 9, for example. See example on p. 35-36.

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1) In Math Levels 7A, 6A, and 5A, there is no grading scale and
worksheets are always graded 100%. Allow the students to place
stickers or check marks in the box on each page to indicate successful
completion. Because there are no errors to record for these early levels,
it is very important to observe these students in class. Written comments
are crucial in order to effectively plan for younger students. The
comments should be as specific as possible. Ex: Said 12 instead of
21". See the Junior Kumon Handbook as well as notes at the bottom
of the worksheets in these levels for additional information on
assessing student progress.
2) The grading scale for the Math program begins at Level 4A. If a
student in Level 4A and above answers a problem incorrectly, place an
X through the problem number. Do not correct the mistake for the
student or indicate where, within the answer, the error is located. It is
important that students find and correct their mistakes on their own.
3) Each a side contains a grading scale that converts the number
of errors on the page into a percentage range. Circle the correct
percentage range that corresponds to the combined number of
errors on the a and b side of the page.
4) Once corrected, the X should be circled to indicate that the
correction has been checked and is now correct.
5) If a question is incorrect after a correction attempt, a second X
should be placed beside the first to indicate to the student that it needs
another attempt. It will also indicate to an Instructor reviewing the work
later that the student had difficulty with that particular question.
6) If a problem is skipped or incomplete, write a triangle over the
number of the problem. A triangle tells students that while they may
have completed most of the solution process, work must still be done
before the problem is complete and correct. Each is counted as
a full mistake in the grading scale, ex. if on A91a & b, a student gets
2X and 1 you would circle ~80% to correspond to three errors.
See example on p. 35.
7) If a student asks for assistance with a particular problem or concept,
put an asterisk * or a slash / next to the exercise or example
to indicate that assistance was given. This will help the Instructor
assess the students strengths and weaknesses.
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The grading scale for the Reading program begins at Level 2A.
Therefore, Reading Levels 7A 3A are always graded 100%. Because
there are no errors to record for these early levels, it is very important
to observe these students in class. In addition to written comments,
oral activity scores are crucial in order to effectively plan for younger
students. Circle a 1, 2, or 3 on the first page of the students
assignment to indicate the overall oral activity score. Use written
comments to indicate specific concepts in need of attention or praise
for good work on a specific exercise. For example, Confused letters
d and b. See the Junior Kumon Handbook as well as comments on
the bottom of the first worksheet of each set of these levels for
additional guidance on assessing student progress.


If an answer in Level 2A and above is completely wrong, a full

error should be indicated with an X through the problem number.
Again, do not correct the mistake for the student or indicate where
within the answer the error is located. Partial errors, such as spelling,
capitalization, grammar or punctuation, as well as incomplete
answers should be indicated with a triangle . See p. 28 for a
more complete explanation of full and partial errors.


If there are multiple partial errors in an exercise, for example a

spelling error and a missing period, mark the number of errors inside
the triangle. However, only count one partial error for that exercise.
The grading scale is designed for one type of error (full or partial)
per numbered exercise. See example on p. 38.


To use the grading scale, count the number of full errors made on
sides a and b. Locate the corresponding percentage on the
a side, then subtract 5% for each partial error (remembering that
only 5% can be subtracted for any number of partial errors per
exercise) from the top row. (See How to Use the Reading Grading
Scale on p. 30.)





If a student is completing a question that contains more than one

answer and the blanks are not numbered, and there are multiple
mistakes, only one error should be taken off (either full or partial).
There cannot be more errors than there are numbered questions
per page.


When correcting True/False questions, do not mark which answer is

incorrect. Instead indicate the error(s) at the start of the section.


Once corrected, the X and/or triangle

should be circled
to indicate that the correction has been checked and is now correct.


If a question is still incorrect after a correction attempt, a second X

or triangle
(depending on the type of error) should be placed
beside the first to indicate to the student that another attempt is
needed. It will also indicate to an Instructor reviewing the work
later that the student had difficulty with that particular question.


If a student needs assistance with a particular exercise, put an

asterisk * or a slash / next to the exercise to indicate that a hint
was provided. This will assist the Instructor in assessing the students
strengths and weaknesses. A comment about the students work
may also be helpful.

10) An oral reading score of 1, 2, or 3 must be given for each

in-class assignment along with a comment on the students
fluency and comprehension. See the Assessment of Oral
Reading Fluency on p. 30.

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When Should You Use a Instead of an X?

In the Math Program

A in Math counts as
a full error in the grading

When students answers are illegible.

When students dont follow directions. For example, in Level C when
students write out steps even though the instructions say to write only
the answers.
When word problems are incomplete. For example, when students
omit the unit of measurement in Level B or do not write out their steps
to the word problems.
When, in Level C and higher, the student forgets to write the remainder
beside the quotient.
When fractional answers are not reduced to the lowest terms.
When the use of = is incorrect.
When the student does not use the lowest possible LCM.
When a student leaves an exercise blank or does not complete
a problem.
In a situation where a student have skipped an entire worksheet(s),
place a triangle at the top of the page. It is advisable to have
students time themselves while solving the incomplete page(s). Add
the additional time taken to the original completion time.

A in Reading counts as

In the Reading Program

When students answers are illegible.

-5% off the grading scale

When students make an error such as punctuation, grammar,

capitalization or spelling.

after full errors have been

When students leave part of an answer blank.


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In a situation where a student may have skipped an entire

worksheet(s), place a triangle at the top of the page. It is advisable to
have students time themselves while solving the incomplete page(s).
Add the additional time taken to the original completion time.




Defining Full and Partial Errors in the Reading Program

Full Error
When the answer is wrong from a reading comprehension point of view.
When the student had a choice of answers and chose the wrong one.
In Levels FI/FII and higher, when specific key words are not included in
the answer.
In Levels G and higher, when answers are overly wordy. See the
Instruction Manual for more specific information about this.

Partial Error
If the student has the right word, but it is spelled incorrectly.
When the student does not use proper punctuation.
When there is an error in grammar.
In higher levels, when the students answers are too vague even if
minimum requirements for the exercise have been met.
To use the Reading Grading Scale, count the number of full errors made
on sides a and b. Then circle the corresponding number on the
grading scale. Partial errors are each counted as 5% from the top row after
full errors have been calculated.

Partial Error: Student has the right word, but it is

spelled incorrectly.
Not an error: Although not the answer in the
Answer Book, the word fits and is plausible.
(The answer in the Answer Book is spy.)

Full error: This is not the Answer Book answer,

and does not match the sentence.

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How To Use the Reading Grading Scale

1) The student has made one full error. The 90% should be circled.






(mistakes) 0


2) The student has made 6 partial errors;






(mistakes) 0


6 minor x 5% = 30%. Therefore the circled score will be 70%.

3) The student makes 1 full error and 1 partial error;






(mistakes) 0


Count the major error first (90%), then deduct 5%. Therefore the
circled error would be 80%.

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Assessment of Oral Reading Fluency

The following scores can be used to indicate a students oral reading ability:

OR 1 Reading demonstrates ALL of the following:

Reads fluidly/smoothly and with attention directed to understanding the
meaning of what is read
Uses appropriate expression
Uses good inflection changes tone of voice appropriately
Attends to punctuation

OR 2 Reading exhibits ONE or SOME of the following:

Lacking in expression or expression is somewhat inappropriate (e.g.,
descending intonation for a question)
Partial inflection used in some places, not in others
Ignores some punctuation
Word substitution(s) that does not affect the overall meaning
Word reversals that are self-corrected
The full meaning of the text is not grasped because some attention is
directed at getting through the text rather than on the meaning

OR 3 Reading is characterized by ANY of the following:

Monotone with an evident lack of comprehension
Reads mostly word-by-word
Reading is very hesitant or halting
Word substitution(s) that change(s) the meaning of the sentence
Word reversals, if not immediately self-corrected
No meaning is conveyed; it is evident the meaning is not grasped
Punctuation is ignored

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Oral Reading Improvement Strategies

As Instructors, what strategies can be utilized to help improve a students
oral reading?
Give explicit instructions as to what the student needs to work on, e.g.
punctuation, inflection.
Have the student re-read the worksheet.
o The student may need to re-read the worksheet 2-3 times,
if necessary.
o Read aloud to the student and then have them read back to you.
Have the student read from lower level worksheets in class and at home.
Increase the amount of oral reading during class.
Have the student read lower level books to practice fluency.
Schedule Reading Only Days (Book Tracker Days) to increase both
silent and oral reading.
Assign more Recommended Reading List books.
Encourage oral reading at home.
o Have students read their worksheets out loud as they do them.
o Have students read books aloud.
You will need to assess whether the student should be moved back in the
level/worksheets if there is no improvement in the students oral reading
skills after trying these strategies for about a month. If their oral reading
does not improve, students will struggle as they move forward, regardless
of whether they have obtained good scores on previous worksheets.

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Grading Miscellany
Students should be encouraged to work neatly, but sloppy answers
should not be marked wrong unless they are illegible.
It is important for students to check not only the answers to problems,
but the solution process as well. In mathematics, success at higher
levels requires students to be efficient as well as accurate. If a student
is habitually completing his or her assignments too slowly, check the
solution process. Is the student using the most effective technique to
solve the problem?
When grading Math Levels E and F, check that students are using the
correct denominators and factors (listed in the Answer Books).
After checking students answers and finding mistakes, make sure that
the students are reading the instructions and following the examples.
When writing 100 on a worksheet, be sure that the 100 is very large.
Two inches is a good size.
It is important to indicate on the first page of a set whether the entire
set was perfect or if there is at least one error inside the set. Stickers
for corrections are also available from the distribution center as a
chargeable item.

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Math Grading Sample


Level A No errors (100% can be indicated with a circle

or check mark)

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Math Grading Sample


Level A with errors, summarization, and a comment

Level 5A Even though the

student has gone outside the path,
the worksheet should still be
graded 100%. Math Levels 7A5A
should always be graded 100% and
include any relevant comments.

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Reading Grading Sample

Level 2A 61a No errors with an oral reading score and comment (100%
is indicated with a large circle or check mark.)
Level 4A 41a Reading levels 7A3A worksheets are always marked 100%
but need and Oral Activity Score and a relevant and specific comment.
Level 2A 62 a & b Three full errors.

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Reading Grading Sample


Level 2A Two partial errors

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Reading Grading Sample


Level AII Two partial errors in one exercise

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Home Correcting
Parents can be encouraged to take a more active role in their childrens
Kumon study through home correcting. Parents who home correct use an
Answer Book provided by the Instructor to grade their childrens homework
assignments daily. The students should then correct their mistakes at home
before completing the next assignment.

The advantages of home correcting

Parents, by checking work daily, can help their children establish a
Kumon routine by ensuring that work is completed daily.
Students can correct mistakes immediately, thereby preventing the
same error from being repeated over consecutive days.
Parents have an opportunity to learn more about Kumon and their
childrens progress by being more closely involved.
Parents have increased opportunities to encourage and praise
their children.
Home correcting must be supervised closely by the Instructor to
ensure that it is working in the best interest of all involved. When
home corrected work is submitted to the Instructor, it must be
confirmed that it has been properly graded, and that all corrections
have been completed. If there are repeated instances in which this
is not the case, discontinuing home correcting or holding a meeting
with the parent should be considered.

Other home correcting issues to watch for

An unwilling parent may not do a good job. Parents can be given the
option of home correcting; they should not be forced.
If home correcting is causing arguments or tension between
parent and child, it should be discontinued.
If students are moving into advanced work, an Instructor should be
sure that the parent is not over-teaching the child at home. This is not
a role that parents should have to take in Kumon.
To implement home correcting from the first day, it is important that
enough Answer Books be prepared for parents.
It is easier to promote home correcting from the start, rather than
introducing it later on.
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Advanced Corrections and Correction Ability

The correction process in Kumon enables students to learn from their
mistakes. In Kumon, students must correct each worksheet until 100% has
been achieved prior to advancing to new concepts. In some cases, the
reason for a students errors may elude both the Instructor and the student.
In these instances, an Instructor may feel the need to provide a hint to the

Common hints
Emphasize that it is okay to guess at the solution process. Sometimes
a student may have an idea of the solution but lack the confidence to
try it.
Ask the student to explain how he arrived at his answer. (This works for
either Math or Reading.)
For Math difficulties, have the student solve the problem while the
Instructor observes.
If a student still cannot find the solution, refer back to any
relevant examples.
Only after referring students to examples and encouraging them to
correct errors on their own should the Instructor explain the correct
solution. However, this is a clear indication that the assignment should
be repeated. These encounters will help the Instructor check if
students are at the just right level.
Remind students of the grading system so that they have an idea of
the type of error for which they are looking.
Train students to review their work and change only the part of the
answer that is incorrect.

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For reading comprehension difficulties, encourage students to re-read

the passage to find the answer. Sometimes students have skimmed
over the passage to save time, and need to read it again more closely.
If they still dont understand, try having them read the passage aloud.
In some situations, encourage students to re-read the question or the
directions to better understand what is being asked. Students may
have attempted to complete an exercise without reading the directions. If students seem unsure of what the question is asking, ask them
to try to rephrase the question in their own words.
If students have trouble identifying a grammatical error, it often helps
to have them read their own answer aloud. In most cases, they will be
able to hear their own error.

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Kumon Start-Up Manual

Enrolling Students
In order to enroll formally in Kumon, a students family
first goes through a pre-enrollment process. This
pre-enrollment process lays the foundation of
understanding about the Program and the commitment
required of the family and student to make the
experience a success.
The pre-enrollment process can be divided into three
1) Initial Contact
2) Parent Orientation
3) Pre-Enrollment Interview
Each section is crucial to enrolling and retaining
students. The parents first impressions of the Instructor
and the Center come not only from the word-of-mouth
advertising that may have piqued the familys interest in
Kumon but also from their first direct contact with the
Instructor, the formal presentation of the Program, and
the discussion of individual observations of the students
and goals.
The key to success throughout the process is timely and
It is important to be as thorough as possible, both when
listening and when speaking.

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Enrolling Students



Goals when pre-enrolling students should be:

To create a positive and professional impression with parents.
To find out from the parent and child if Kumon suits their needs and
To explain the Kumon Math and Reading Programs and their
benefits as thoroughly and enthusiastically as possible.
To enroll students who will stay enrolled for a significant period of time
by helping them understand that Kumon is designed not just to catch
up to grade level but to go beyond the grade equivalent.

1) Initial Contact

Helpful Hint
Return all calls within
24 hours. Your business
depends on it!

First contact with a potential student is most often in the form of a

phone call or walk-in by a parent. The value of this initial contact is so
great that Kumon has specific requirements related to it.
Kumon Phone Requirements and Suggestions:
Must have a separate, non-cellular business line for your Kumon business.*
Must utilize a professional answering system an answering machine
or message service used exclusively for the Kumon Center.
Have a clear message that briefly introduces your Kumon Center,
including class and business hours, days, and location of operation.
Keep a pad of paper and calendar by the phone for recording
information and setting up appointments.
From the very first phone call, it is important to sound professional,
knowledgeable, and courteous. A parent should feel comfortable asking
questions and the Instructor should be as thorough as possible in his/her
responses. If a call is received at an inconvenient time (e.g. during class),
politely ask to return the call at a more convenient time.

*It is advisable to turn off the ringer of the telephone during class
times or to have an Assistant responsible for answering calls during class

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Enrolling Students



Handling Parent Inquiries

Every parent inquiry represents an opportunity to expand business and
bring Kumon to more students. Parent inquiries result from the investment
of marketing resources and referrals generated through the Instructors
hard work. Parents call Kumon because they feel their children need
something that Kumon can provide. Never treat a call lightly or squander
the chance to expand the Centers enrollment.
Be polite. Listen patiently to the caller. Answer all questions and take down
all pertinent information, but remember that the goal is to get them to attend
a Parent Orientation. It is not possible to enroll a family over the phone.
Be prompt. Return all phone calls within 24 hours. It demonstrates to
parents that the Instructor appreciates their interest in Kumon, thinks they
are important, and cares about them. Promptly returning telephone
calls builds trust and a reputation for reliability. A prompt response may
also minimize the likelihood the parent seeks out another option.
Be professional. Keep a parent inquiry log near the telephone. Only the
Instructor or trained Assistant should answer the Kumon business line. The
Inquiry Log in this section can be used as a guide to ensure all basic
information is gathered about each caller.
Be prepared. The Instructor has to be able to put on his/her Kumon hat
at any given moment. Always be ready to smile, listen and explain why
Kumon is the worlds best system of education. It is advisable to have
regularly scheduled Orientation and Pre-Enrollment Interview times, as this
will make it easier to draw the caller to the Center.
Remember: The goal is to make an appointment for a Parent Orientation,
Placement Test, and Pre-Enrollment Interview. Only by visiting the Center
can parents observe the Kumon environment, review the curriculum, speak
with other parents about their Kumon experiences, and gain a clearer
understanding of the service Kumon offers.

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Enrolling Students



Initial Inquiry Checklist

Helpful Hint
The goal of the initial
conversation is to make
an appointment for
Parent Orientation and
Placement Testing!

Ask about the potential students (ages and needs). The parent needs to
feel their children are important.
How is your child doing in school?
Is your child involved with any after-school activities?
When and why did you start looking for a supplemental education activity?
Provide a brief summary of Kumon:
goal is to build better learners
subjects of focus are math and reading
not a tutoring program but an independent learning program
helps students learn not with textbooks, but with ability-matched
Kumon Worksheets
effective as a remedial or enrichment program
uses individualized testing to determine the starting point of study
based on the students ability regardless of age or grade level
students usually start below grade level in order to review and to build
concentration and confidence
focused on the development of the whole child
offers semi-weekly sessions with short assignments each day at home
on non-Center days
has about 50 years of experience and successes
the largest private learning program in the world
in over 40 countries with over 4 million students currently enrolled
Invite the parents and their children to the Center for Parent Orientation
and to take a free Placement Test.
Take the name and phone number in case the appointment has to be
Request the street address (and e-mail address as desired) if there is
time to send reminders or literature prior to the orientation and testing.
Direct the parent to the Kumon website to learn more.
Ask how they heard about Kumon and the Center, so that marketing
strategies can be assessed.
Thank the parent for calling.
Note any intended follow-up action.

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Enrolling Students





Potential Students Name:

Age (DOB):

Inquirers Name (relationship to student):

M / F



General Information (school performance, interests,

outside activities, etc.):

Misc. Notes:

Heard about Kumon

Home Address:

Attending PO on:

Testing on:

Send literature?

Y / N


Provide reminder?

Y / N


Additional comments:

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Enrolling Students



2) Parent Orientation
The Parent Orientation is the Instructors opportunity to give parents a
detailed description of the Kumon Program. It also serves as a personal
introduction to the Instructor and the Center.
Parent Orientations may be done for a group or individuals.
o If the Orientation is done for a group, appointments will need
to be made for Placement Tests and the Pre-Enrollment
Interview on a later date.
o If the Orientation is one-on-one, the Placement Testing
and Pre-Enrollment Interview can be done directly after
the Orientation (or can be scheduled for a later date).
The Orientation is given for parents and may also include students who
are old enough to understand the content.
Regardless of format, all Parent Orientations must be conducted
outside of class hours so that proper attention may be given to
students during class.
Orientations are often conducted on an as needed basis in the early
stages of Center operation; however, it is generally more efficient to
schedule a routine time e.g. once a week or once a month to
conduct Parent Orientations once a solid student base and the
Instructors own confidence with the delivery of the information have
been established.
*More detail regarding the structure and content of the orientation
is also included later in this section.

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Parent Information Folder

Instructors should provide parents with information to reference
during the orientation and to take home with them at the conclusion
of it. This Parent Information Folder can also be used in the case of
walk-in inquiries or as a mailing if there is a fair amount of time
between the initial (phone) inquiry and the next scheduled Orientation.
Hence, it is advisable always to have several of these folders on hand.
The folder might include:
Enrollment Brochure*
Enrollment Questionnaire*
Table of Learning Materials (for both subjects)*
Center Newsletter
Straight Talk*
Explanation of Center Procedures and Policies
Your Business Card*
*These items are available as chargeable or non-chargeable items from
Kumons distribution warehouse. The Self-Introduction, Explanation of
Center Procedures and Policies, and Center Newsletter will be
center-specific and will be prepared by the Instructor. Samples of the
Self-Introduction and an Explanation of Center Procedures and Policies
are included in this section. Samples of Center newsletters are available in
the Operations Manual, and templates are available on iKumon once the
Franchise Agreement is signed.

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Self Introduction
This handout introduces the Instructor to the families. It should
highlight the Instructors background, training, and qualifications as a
Kumon Instructor. It is also an opportunity to express belief in the
Kumon Method and passion for helping children through the
implementation of it. Any information about the Instructor that may
help the families better understand Kumon should be included.

The Explanation of Center Procedures and Policies

This handout should include all pertinent information regarding Center
days and hours, phone numbers, procedures for students, and tuition
collection information. During the Pre-Enrollment Interview, every point
on the handout should be reviewed with parents and students. It is
important to ensure that each and every policy is fully understood.

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(Sample of Self-Introduction)

Welcome to the Riverview Kumon Center!

My name is Jane Smith, and I am your Kumon Instructor.
I was born in the Riverview area and have lived in the community most of my life. I have a teachers certificate from
SouthWest University and have taught at Riverview Elementary for eight years.
During my time as a teacher, I learned about the Kumon Math and Reading Program as I saw several of my students
become involved in the program. They were achieving great results in their schoolwork and displaying more confidence
overall. I enrolled my own children in the program and have seen it work wonders on their math and reading
comprehension skills, academic confidence and study skills as well.
I was so impressed with the program that I trained to become a Kumon Instructor myself and opened this Center five years
ago. Since then, I have seen countless children achieve incredible results with Kumon. I am very proud to be able to offer
this service in my community, and I look forward to working with your children.
Kumon is a real team effort. In order for the program to work, the student, parents and Instructor all have to work
together. Please feel free to ask questions about any aspect of your childs progress. During busy class days, I may ask
if I can call you after class so that I can focus on the children in class and so that we can speak without interruption, but
I do want to hear from you!

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(Sample Explanation of Center Procedures and Policies page 1 of 2)

Riverview Center
The Center is open for class from 3:00 7:00 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. Students not enrolled in Junior Kumon
can come to the Center at any time during that period; students in the Junior Kumon Program will need to come
during their assigned time slot. Please allow for at least 30 minutes in the Center for each subject. (This means that
single subject students should arrive prior to 6:30 and dual subject students should arrive prior to 6:00.
If you ever have to miss a class, please contact me at (555) 555-5555 prior to class time so that we can make alternate
arrangements for you to collect your Kumon work.
The Kumon classroom has to be a quiet study area so that everyone can concentrate. Please work quietly, and do not
disturb other students. Brothers, sisters and parents are asked to stay in the waiting area.

Center Routine for the Student

1) Say Hello to the Instructor. Make sure to ask her any questions you have about the homework you completed!
2) Pick up your class work and new homework from the student file bin.
3) Put your new homework in your Kumon homework holder to take home.
4) Put your completed homework in your plastic file and take it to the assistants to be reviewed or graded.
5) Find a seat. If you have any corrections from last week, do those first.
6) Do you know your goal for today? Begin your classwork. Remember to write your name and your start and finish time.
7) When you are finished, place your classwork in the bin marked classwork or give it to an assistant to grade.
8) While waiting for your work to be graded, you can begin your second subject of classwork or you can challenge the
number board, read a book, or do flashcards.
9) Next, correct any mistakes on that days class work and on any homework that was reviewed by the assistant during class.
10) Check out with your Instructor to discuss your completed work and whats coming up.
11) Say Good-Bye.

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(Sample Explanation of Center Procedures and Policies page 2 of 2)

Kumon of Riverview Center Policies

Tuition is $90 a month for Math and $90 a month for Reading, payable no later than the first class of every month. You
may pay by check or through automatic electronic payments. Additional payment options are also available, with
incentives for prepayments. Those paying by check will receive a tuition reminder at the end of each month.
There are no partial month payments. Please be aware that even if you miss class, the tuition for the whole month is
due, as worksheets and Instruction will be provided throughout the month.
If you have to be away from the Center, I encourage you to take Kumon work with you, to avoid breaking your childs
Kumon routine. If you let me know in advance, I will gladly prepare assignments to take with you.
If you do need to take a more significant break from Kumon study, up to two consecutive months can be taken off from
Kumon without penalty. However, after more than two months absence from the program, your child will need to
re-enroll and be re-tested, which will involve paying the registration fee again. Prolonged or frequent absences will also
adversely affect your childs progress. For all these reasons, please be sure to discuss with me any plans you have for
temporarily discontinuing your childs Kumon study.
Much of the information that I distribute to parents is sent through the Kumon student, so please check with your child
after every class to see if there is something for you with their homework.
I will send out progress reports on your children every month for the first three months, and every six months thereafter.
In the meantime, please never hesitate to ask questions, share concerns, or generally let me know how everything is
going. And, if you would like to schedule a conference at any time to discuss your childs progress in more detail, please
feel free to call me to make arrangements.
As mentioned earlier, your childs success hinges upon all of us working together!

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The Parent Information Package

Kumon has designed a complete Parent Information Package designed to
aid the Instructor when explaining the Kumon Program to parents. Included
in this package are:
a detailed Parent Orientation presentation
a DVD which provides a parents perspective on Kumon study
a comprehensive Guide to the Kumon Program intended for
distribution after a student enrolls, and
materials for the ongoing post-enrollment period.
The Parent Information Package provides a complete and cohesive explanation of the Kumon Program from orientation through various stages of

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Parent Orientation
The Orientation materials are available in two different formats: a Flip
Chart presentation or a PowerPoint presentation on CD. By walking
parents through this presentation, an Instructor will cover all the
important features of the Kumon Program, thereby giving the parents a
stronger base of understanding.

A Different Kind of After School
Learning Program.

The Flip Chart pages are laminated and are contained in a presentation
binder. This allows each Instructor to change the order of the slides to
best suit the particular Center and individual presentation styles.
The PowerPoint presentation can be saved as an editable document,
and hence also allows the sequence of the slides to be changed to suit
ones needs.
Following is a model script for the Parent Orientation Presentation.
Instructors should become familiar with the presentation before attempting
to deliver it. As one becomes more comfortable with the presentation and
gains more personal experience with individual students in the Center,
analogies and anecdotes can be added in order to personalize the
presentation and allow ones passion to be displayed. Instructors should
also invite questions and participation from the audience as a way to assess
preconceived notions, maintain attention, and gauge understanding.

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Sample Script (Please reference the presentation in either format

as you review the script.)

Good Afternoon, and welcome to the _____________ Kumon Center. Im
Instructor _______ and Im very happy that youve joined me today. Over
the next 45 minutes or so, Id like to give you a very brief overview of the
Kumon Method, share a video of Kumon parents talking about their
experiences with Kumon and finally, give you an opportunity to ask me any
questions about Kumon or the ____________ Kumon Center.
Although we work on the Math and Reading aspect of our tag line,
our real intention is the Success of your child in school, after school and
in the years to come. The beauty of Kumon is that it is so much more than
a Math and Reading Program! Kumon is a long-term approach that will
help your child become a better learner overall, not just get through the
next academic challenge.


By the end of this presentation, I would like to have you understand that
Kumon is a different kind of after-school learning program. Kumon doesnt
want to JUST help your child succeed; we want to create a better learner
for success in LIFE!


In essence, a Better Learner is someone who realizes that they CAN
do this, and they can do it themselves, and once they have done it
asks, Whats next?

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In Kumon:
A better learner is a student who has enhanced independent
learning skills. What that means is that he/she is capable of learning
independently, setting his/her own goals and being responsible for
his/her own learning. The most important aspect of this is
independence I know how to add fractions, but that doesnt help
your child. Its more important that your child knows how to add
fractions when I am not around!
A better learner is a child who retains what he learns so that he can
apply it to the next concept. Our curriculum, because it introduces only
one concept at a time, enables the child to lock in their knowledge of
the concepts encountered so that he can continue to build deeper
levels of knowledge on a solid foundation.
A better learner is a child with confidence a child who looks at new
work and says, I think I can do this, lets give it a try! Better learners are
always looking for new challenges... at school, sports, music, everywhere!


Kumon really is different.
We are NOT tutoring in the traditional sense. We want to focus not just
on getting your child through the next test at school, but on equipping
him/her for life. We want your child to be a confident, independent
learner who realizes his ability to learn on his own not just when a
tutor is beside him. Thus, Kumon aims to provide a long-term solution.
Additionally, our curriculum is unique. Kumon does not necessarily
follow your schools curriculum. It has been designed to allow your
child to master various topics based on his/her own needs for review
and ability to learn new concepts. This enables students to develop
independent learning skills and to gain confidence as they master
one key concept at a time.

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At Kumon we focus on the core skills of Math and Reading that your
child will need to complete the Kumon Program. For example, the
Math Curriculum focuses only on those skills that your child needs to
master in order to reach Calculus. Likewise, the Reading Curriculum
supports our goal of reading comprehension and provides exercises
which focus on that goal.
Another Kumon difference is that one of our key goals is advanced study.
What that means is that we want our students to see new material in
Kumon before they see it in school. Why? Well, at Kumon, we are not
limited to the traditional school year of September to June; nor are we
limited to the amount of material that needs to be covered during that
time. In Kumon, if your child needs to practice a difficult concept for
two weeks in order to really understand it, we can do that. If your child
understands a concept the first or second time through, we can move
on. In Kumon, your childs progress is not defined or restrained by the
rest of the class.
This is what makes Kumon different, and different is better.


Now that Ive told you what we want to do, lets spend a few minutes learning
HOW we can accomplish our goal of making your child a Better Learner.


There are some core elements of the Kumon Method that are crucial to
your childs success. We begin with a solid starting point, and then set
goals with your child. As your child works at his/her own pace, he/she
will learn in gradual steps through daily practice. This locks in their
knowledge and then allows us to set more lofty goals and the cycle
begins again. This continuous cycle helps us build a Better Learner. Lets
look at these key steps one at a time.

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Most parents are surprised by the materials their child is first assigned
when they begin the Kumon Program. It is imperative that you understand
that the starting point is NOT indicative of your childs ability level. It IS,
however, the place in our curriculum where your childs knowledge is
absolutely solid. It is the place where your child can complete the work
quickly, accurately, without difficulty and completely independently! We
start students at this in order to fill in any knowledge gaps that may have
occurred in your childs learning curve up to now.
Remember when Bobby had the chicken pox and had to miss more than a
week of school? How about when Suzies Grandma came to visit and she
didnt go to school for a few days? What about all those afternoons that
your child had basketball tournaments and missed classes? What if the
class studied borrowing from zero or irregular verbs at that time? Or what
if your child was in class but didnt quite get it when a topic was covered
too lightly? Although your child may have caught up, he may have small
gaps in his learning that might cause problems down the road. The solid
starting point ensures that we fill in all those gaps and build a perfect
foundation for your child on which to build more skills and to progress
soundly through more difficult material. Remember that this is only the first
step, but it is an important first step in making your child a Better Learner!


As difficult as the starting point may be to understand, allowing your
child to work at his/her own pace from the very beginning is also very
difficult to do. As parents, however, you can empower your children to
assess for themselves how well they know the material they are
studying as they begin to encounter more difficult work. Part of my job
is to know how well they should know something in order be
successful later on. So, at every class, I will meet with your child to see
how he/she did on his/her work, to set a goal for the next few days, and
to make a mutual decision as to whether we should move on or review.
If your child is confident in his/her own abilities and sets his/her own
goals, he/she will take more ownership of his/her work and be motivated
to continue. This will allow your child to build trust in his/her own skills
and in the Kumon Method and will adequately prepare him/her for whats
to come even greater success!
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We want your child to advance in Kumon at a gradual pace. This will allow
him/her to learn independently, and to be challenged to the appropriate
degree. With this gradual, individualized pace, your child will be able to
develop the ability to learn independently. With this gradual pace, your
child will learn all the skills he/she will need to progress smoothly in the
Kumon Method. Without this gradual pace, your child will get frustrated
and could fall behind or be bored. With this gradual, individualized pace,
your child will learn independently, move ahead when ready, review when
necessary, and be confident at each step along the way.


The old adage, Practice Makes Perfect, applies perfectly to Kumon.
Practice makes perfect in sports, in music, and in Kumon. Practice makes
your child confident, allows your child to experience real success,
maximizes the depth of understanding, and helps your child maintain
momentum with their studies. These everyday victories will motivate your
child to set higher goals and continue to strive for greater successes.


In Kumon, repetition is not a bad word! It is not punishment; its an
opportunity. Its a do over! Repetition allows your child to truly master
the material as opposed to just learning the surface. It ensures that your
child will remember what he/she has learned and that he/she will then be
able to apply this learning to something new.
All these core elements starting point, goals, gradual steps, practice,
and repetition work together to build Better Learners!


Now Id like to spend some time telling you about our Curriculum.
I already mentioned that it was unique and focused on calculation and
comprehension concepts, but I want to tell you a little more.

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Both our Math and Reading Programs are designed for students from the
pre-school through post-secondary school levels. Under my careful
supervision, our students advance through this wide range of topics by
doing our worksheets. Each new concept is introduced with examples
which guide the student to advance from easy to more challenging work.
This approach encourages students to learn independently, to master their
work and to apply what they have learned to new concepts. This system
locks in knowledge, not just for next weeks test, but for a lifetime. Please
refer to the Table of Learning Materials for Math and Reading for a detailed
look at our curriculum.


It is very important that you understand that because Kumon is so
different, it demands a different type of commitment from you and your
children as well as from me.


At Kumon, we really want students to understand that they are in the
drivers seat that they are responsible for their own progress. Students
come to the Center twice a week to have their completed homework
assessed and recorded. They also complete an in-Center assignment for
20-30 minutes per subject at each class session. They have the opportunity
to correct immediately any mistakes they may have made and to have a
Feedback conversation with me to determine how we should proceed.
Based on our mutual decision, they will be given new homework
assignments to complete over the next few days.

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As a Certified Kumon Instructor, I have been trained by Kumon to assign
the Kumon Worksheets in accordance with the Kumon Method. This means
that I know what materials your child needs to master in order to be
successful in the later parts of the Kumon Program. I take full responsibility
for the lesson planning of all the students in the Center and I fine tune the
plan in collaboration with your child. Parents, I am always keen to talk to
your about your childs progress I love sharing good news! However, I
respectfully ask that you make an appointment for these discussions
outside of class hours. This way, I can give students my full attention during
class time, and when we do speak, I can give you my full attention.


Being an active Kumon parent is a crucial role in the success of your child.
Not only do you have to bringing him/her here twice a week, but you must
commit to being his/her cheerleader and coach! Equally important is your
patience and dedication to the success of your child. To begin, we ask that
you help your child establish a regular Kumon time at home that fits into
your childs (and familys) schedule. Your child may need a few reminders to
do his Kumon, and youll be the one doing that too.
Having the opportunity to correct mistakes before moving on to new
work is the best way to have your child progress smoothly through the
Kumon program. At the Center, we can provide this opportunity, but at
home, this will be your responsibility. We will give you an answer book
as well as some guidance on how to grade, and you will spend about
five minutes an evening investing in your childs progress. The critical
part of this process though is that your child corrects any mistakes
immediately (and before attempting the next homework assignment).

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The most important role you will play for your child, however, is that of
cheerleader. Doing Kumon worksheets every day takes commitment
I know because I do worksheets every day too! At times your child is
going to get tired, and this is where your encouragement will keep them
going! Remember, you are the parent. You know that whatever todays
hurdle is, it is only a small one on the road of life. If you cannot help
your child overcome the small challenges, how will they manage the
really big ones later on down the road?


Now let me tell you a bit about our history. Kumon is not a thing, it is a
person. A parent, just like all of you sitting here, was concerned about his
son. This fathers name was Toru Kumon. To address the concerns he had
for his son, Mr. Kumon created a few home-made worksheets and had his
son complete them each day. Mr. Kumons advantage was that he was a
high-school math teacher and knew what skills his children would need to
succeed in classes like the ones he taught. He also saw how the right
approach to learning would help a child in the grander scheme of life. In
fact, Mr. Kumon once said, Teach a child fractions and he succeeds at fractions. Make a child a better learner and he succeeds at life.


Helping only his own child was not enough for Mr. Kumon. He wanted to
help ALL children to become Better Learners, and so he began to make
worksheets for his sons friends and schoolmates. These home-made
learning materials are the basis of todays worksheets that your child
will study.


And now, the Kumon Method that was developed by a father to help his
own son in his own home is helping more than four million students in over
40 countries around the world! Nearly a half-century ago, Mr. Kumon
created a learning method that is today, the largest education program in
the world.

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If you still are not sure if this is the right fit for your family, there is no cost
to explore whether you want to enroll in Kumon. If you want to learn
more, please sign up for free Placement Testing. Once your child takes
the tests, I will review the results, create a progress goal, and then meet
with you (and your child) to discuss the path I would anticipate your child
could take and the commitment required to stay on it.
Only after that discussion, if you decide to enroll in Kumon, would you pay
a one time enrollment fee of $____ and tuition of $____ per
subject per month thereafter. We offer various payment plans which can
also be discussed at that time.


Remember that Kumons singular focus is to help children become Better
Learners for life not just to get through the next test or this year in school.
Kumon is a unique method that works. It has worked for millions of
students world-wide for the past 50 years. But Kumon will only work for you
and your family if you are committed, patient and willing to work but all
the work will be worth it, if your child can be a Better Learner for life!

Better Learner DVD

This 6.5 minute video further emphasizes the importance of parental
involvement, from a parental perspective. It offers a glimpse of how Kumon
impacts both the student and the parent and how it fits into a familys daily
routine. This DVD can be used at the conclusion of the Parent Orientation
presentation to enhance a familys understanding of how Kumon works, its
benefits, and how to fit it into a busy schedule.

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3) Pre-Enrollment Interview
Whether an Instructor opts to conduct group orientations or meet
individuals in a one-on-one setting, it is important for the Pre-Enrollment
interview with each family to be one-on-one. This is the time to determine:
if Kumon is right for the family, and
if the family is ready for Kumon.
Giving due attention to the topics below will help the Instructor and the
family to make these determinations.

The Pre-Enrollment Interview is based on the following:

1) Reviewing the Placement Test & Observations*
2) Reviewing the Enrollment Questionnaire
3) Determining the Starting Point*
4) Creating the Progress Goal*

The Pre-Enrollment interview includes:

1) Explaining the Starting Point and Future Levels
2) Answering Parent and Student Questions
3) Confirming Parent and Student Commitment

The Pre-Enrollment Interview may lead to Enrollment, which

would include:
1) Completing the Application Materials*
2) Reviewing the Logistics of doing work at home
3) Collecting the Initial Fees*

* These items are covered in more detail in other sections of this

manual and/or the Operations Manual and will also be explained
further during Training.

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Reviewing the Enrollment Questionnaire

The Enrollment Questionnaire is a valuable tool in helping students get
the most out of their Kumon study, as it will help an Instructor
understand the expectations of the parents and the students.

Explaining the Starting Point and Future Levels

Make sure parents and students know the Starting Point. Explain how it
resulted from the Placement Test and how it is incorporated into the
Progress Goal(s). Be prepared the Starting Point surprises most
parents! However, it is important to remind them of the benefits of this
crucial aspect of the Kumon Program. Direct their attention to where the
student will be as a result of this solid start.
Show the Progress Goal to the student, and discuss the material that the
student will be studying in the future, so that the student and
parents know what they can look forward to and that there is a plan to help
the child progress. Be sure to reference other materials e.g. the Table of
Learning Materials and the worksheets themselves when explaining the
Progress Goal so that it will have more meaning to both the student and
parent (and the spouse at home). Remind parents that children often begin
to do better, even before they reach grade level in Kumon.

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Answering Parent and Student Questions

Samples of some questions that might be asked during the
Pre-Enrollment Interview are included on the upcoming pages. Instructors
must be prepared to answer these questions, and to anticipate others.
Remember that every question asked is an opportunity to explain Kumon
further and to gauge a parents understanding and commitment. Answering
parent questions also provides valuable experience!
Following are some general tips to keep in mind when answering
parent questions:
Encourage parents to ask questions and thank them when they do!
(Not all parents will offer conversation. Some parents just leave with
misconceptions or misunderstandings.)
Find the real (sometimes unstated) problem e.g. A parent might
say that his son hates math, when, in fact, school work is just too
difficult because of gaps in learning and built-up fear and frustration.
Respond to the situation and particular parent and student; speak in
specifics, not generalities e.g. Use names and reference previously
shared information.
Focus on positives e.g. Explain what you CAN do, not what you
CANT do; what you ARE, not what you ARENT; what Kumon offers,
not what others do not.
Use the length/depth of the question as a guide to how lengthy/deep
an answer should be. e.g. If a parent asks a thorough question,
he/she is likely not looking for a simple Yes or No answer.
Be careful not to over-promise. It is important to get to know a
particular family and student over time and through observations
not just through a couple of conversations.
Use materials/tools to help explanations visuals will aid understanding.
Confirm that the question that was asked has been answered to the
parents satisfaction and that the parent or student understands the
answer e.g. Ask him/her to reiterate what you said.
Have confidence! Having confidence in the Method will allow
confidence to be passed to the parents e.g. If we have conviction
about the starting point, so too will the parents.

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Ask the parent and child what they think:

Do they understand the reason for the starting point?
Do they understand that it may take 612 months to reach grade level?
Do they understand the idea of repetition based on speed and accuracy?
Do they understand that Kumon is a daily program, 365 days a year?
How much time will they have for Kumon? (The Enrollment Questionnaire
will help show their other activities and homework workload.)

Persuade, dont pressure!

Listen to questions carefully and respond honestly. Do not make
unrealistic promises or guarantees.
Although one wants as many students as possible to benefit from
Kumon, sign up only those students who will stay enrolled long
enough to experience the benefits of Kumon!
If there are features of Kumon with which the parent or child
fundamentally disagrees, these items should be discussed and
resolved before enrolling the student.
Offer parents the opportunity to read Every Child An Achiever to help
address any other concerns they may have.
Encourage the parent and student to designate particular times within
the students daily schedule as Kumon time. This will give a more
realistic understanding of the required commitment.

Note: Parents do not need to make a decision about enrollment at the

time of the Pre-Enrollment Interview. Having confidence in the Kumon
Method and ones thorough explanation of it will afford an Instructor
the self-assurance to let a parent go home and think about what has
been presented to them. Some of the best Kumon Instructors will not
even let a parent sign up the same night as an orientation and testing,
but rather require them to call the following day or to come back for
another appointment.

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Enrolling a New Student

Once a family has indicated that they would like to enroll in the Center,
they will need to complete the application materials (to be covered more
thoroughly during Training). For each New Student, the parent must
complete a Student Application Form and the Notice to Parents.
The Kumon Student Application Form is short and straightforward.
Ask parents to fill out the section on Student Information and the section on Parent/Guardian & Other Family. It is important that all of the
information be complete and legible. Please ensure that the
Parent/Guardian signs the form.
The Notice to Parents is extremely important, not only as a
document covering liability issues, but as a source of discussion on the
responsibilities of the parent, the student, and the Instructor. Please
take the time to review this thoroughly with parents and students.
This is also an appropriate time to go over the logistics of completing
Kumon assignments at home.
Show students and parents how to time each assignment.
If homecorrecting will be enforced, but has not yet been explained,
go over the procedure step by step and give the parent an Answer
Book corresponding to the Level(s) of study.
Remind the parent and student that only one assignment should be
completed each day.
Confirm the date of the first class. If possible, schedule the student
to come at a slow time for the first class. (Reassure the student that
at that time a file will be set up, and that he/she will be walked through
the Center routine.)
The Instructor should also collect the initial fees at this time. The initial fees
will consist of the enrollment fee and the first months tuition. It is
recommended that these fees are collected at the time of declared
Enrollment, but they could also be collected upon arrival to the Center for
the first day of assignments. For more information on these fees, please
refer to the Operations Manual and the Franchise Agreement.
*Kumon worksheets should never be given out if the appropriate fee(s) has
not been collected first.

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Enrolling Students



At this point it is appropriate to give the family the Kumon Parents Guide
This comprehensive handbook has been designed as a follow-up to the
Parent Orientation presentation and should be given to parents who have
chosen to enroll their child(ren) in Kumon. This guide is a powerful tool that
conveys clear and consistent messages to parents on how the Kumon
Program works. There is a pocket in the inside back cover that can be used
to hold the enrollment documents mentioned above, any Center specific
materials as well as a business card. Walk the parent through sections
of the Guide so they are familiar with the contents before they leave
the Center.

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Enrolling Students



Enrolling Students Question and Answer

This section presents questions that parents typically ask when inquiring
about Kumon in the early stages.
Sample answers are provided on the following pages. Instructors would
individualize the answers to meet the needs of each particular situation
and would ask questions of the parent in order to acquire any additional
information necessary to provide an appropriate response.
1) What is Kumon?
2) How is Kumon different from other tutoring companies?
3) How long will it take for you to get my child up to grade level?
4) How do you teach the students?
5) My son hates math. Can you help him?
6) What kind of test will you give my child?
7) My daughter is on the swim team, takes dance lessons, and gets
tons of homework. Im not sure if she can fit this into her schedule.
8) My son never finishes his homework. How do you expect him to do
9) My daughter is in high school and wouldnt be comfortable
working around younger children. Do you have a separate time for
older students?
10) How long is the Kumon Program?
11) We live far away. Can we come just once a week?
12) Are you a certified teacher?
13) What is your student to teacher ratio?
14) Do you guarantee results?
15) Can I go home and discuss this with my husband?
16) My children are already getting good grades. Wont they be bored
with the low starting point you are suggesting?

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Enrolling Students



Q1: What is Kumon?

A1: Kumon is an independent learning, math and reading program for
students of all ages and abilities. A math teacher in Japan originally
developed it for his own children. Over 4 million students in over 40
countries use the Kumon Method today. The Kumon Program is one
that seeks to help children develop into self-motivated, self-guided
learners who are noted for their confidence, study habits and mastery
of the basic skills of math and reading. Since Kumon study is daily, the
child can progress at his or her own individual pace through Kumons
incremental curriculum. Since Kumon takes the long-term approach,
parents will be able to witness the kind of success that is only possible
when students, parents and Instructors work towards common goals
and a child reaching his or her full potential.

Q2: How is Kumon different from other tutoring companies?

A2: The Kumon Method and materials are unique and are designed for
long-term study, not a temporary solution. Most tutoring companies
tutor using various school materials. Kumon has designed its own
curriculum, which covers the parts of the math and reading most
needed for high school study. Students are placed in the program
according to their individual ability (not school grade or current level
of school study), at a point where they can achieve good results quickly.
They advance through the program at their own pace, completing a
small amount of work every day. Kumon aims for students to become
their own tutors as they progress through advanced concepts.

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Enrolling Students



Q3: How long will it take for you to get my child up to grade level?
A3: That depends on the situation your child is in. The good news is that
Kumon is a long-term solution, not a quick-fix that may result in
difficulties reappearing if not addressed properly. Our goal is not just
to get your child through the next test at school. Our goal is to
pinpoint where the underlying weak areas are for the child, and to go
back and start from there. That way we can re-build a strong foundation
rather than just putting a band-aid over the weakness. It takes the
average student approximately six months to one year to catch up
to grade level, and then our goal is for them to work ahead at an
advanced level. This time-frame could be longer or shorter, depending
on the situation of your child. It is important to note, though, that
students will still begin to benefit from the earlier levels of study before
they reach grade level in Kumon, because the child is working on
the basic skills that form the foundation of what he/she is working on
in school. We can get a better idea of the time it might take your child
to get to grade level by giving him a placement test and discussing a
progress goal.

Q4: How do you teach the students?

A4: The secret to Kumon teaching is our curriculum, which consists of
thousands of worksheets, arranged in very small steps, starting from
very simple pre-school work all the way to high school and university
work. Each step, or worksheet, builds very gradually from the next,
and each time a new concept is introduced, examples and
explanations are given. By starting at a comfortable point and
moving ahead only when they are ready, students can move through
much of the work independently. It is my job as Instructor to
determine through observation of and discussion with your child what
the best pace and challenge level is for him/her, so that your child will
be able teach himself/herself new skills through examples in the
worksheets, with guidance from me when necessary. Of course, I will
also provide frequent encouragement and help as needed when new
challenges arise.

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Enrolling Students



Q5: My son hates math. Can you help him?

A5: If your son says that he hates math, it is likely the result of a bad
experience that damaged his self-confidence in math. Now he thinks
he cant do it, so he doesnt want to do it, and this gets expressed as
I hate math. And when he has to do math, his negative feelings and
lack of confidence (even fear) prevent him from doing as well as he
could, and so the problems (and hatred) only deepen. Kumon will help
by allowing him to start studying at a point where he can experience
success with math again. This will show him all of the things he can do
in math, thereby relieving his frustration, improving his self-confidence,
and giving him a foundation to build better skills.

Q6: What kind of test will you give my child?

A6: Kumon has developed its own tests for students enrolling in its
programs. The primary purpose of the test is to show us where
students will be most comfortable starting in the program. The math
tests concentrate on assessing speed and accuracy with basic
calculation skills, because a strong foundation in this area is crucial
for success with all higher math. The reading tests concentrate on
assessing basic reading, reading comprehension and writing skills
for the same reasons. Observing your child while he/she takes the
test will also give me a feel for his/her way of approaching different
types of exercises, good and bad habits that might be in place, and
general comfort with the subject.

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Enrolling Students



Q7: My daughter is on the swim team, takes dance lessons, and

gets tons of homework. Im not sure if she can fit this into
her schedule.
A7: Although Kumon is a daily commitment, it is not a lot of time each
day around 15-30 minutes per subject. Still, the little time spent
each day will begin decreasing the amount of time it takes to
complete other homework as some of the basic skills which affect
performance in those subjects are polished. Kumon does
recommend that you come to the Center twice a week for about 30
minutes per subject, and homework must be completed on the five
days that students do not attend class. Setting a Kumon time each
day will make it ensure the work is completed ex. Many students
find it easiest to do it first thing in the morning, or after school before
their regular homework. What is crucial is that the work is done daily,
so it is important that you are able to commit to this schedule. If you
and your child cannot commit to such a schedule, you will not see
the results; if you can, you will likely see results immediately.

Q8: My son never finishes his homework. How do you expect him
to do Kumon?
A8: The Kumon work is deliberately easy at the beginning. We will give
him homework that we know he can do. Completing the daily
assignments quickly and with a good score will boost his
confidence, and make him see Kumon as a positive rather than a
negative experience. Moreover, strengthening the basics through
Kumon actually will lead to a decrease in the amount of time he
spends on his homework. Still, Kumon can be an adjustment a
valuable one, but an adjustment nonetheless for the entire
family. Parents can aid this process by helping the child
predetermine the time and place to do Kumon daily.

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Enrolling Students



Q9: My daughter is in high school and wouldnt be comfortable

working around younger children. Do you have a separate
time for older students?
A9: We want all of our students to be comfortable in the Center. There
is usually a mix of ages and grades in the Center at any time, but the
older students have a tendency to come later in the evening. Im
sure we can find a time that is convenient and comfortable for her.
And, if she is uncomfortable submitting work to my high school
assistants for grading or going to them with questions, we can plan
for her to always come to one of the adult assistants or myself. My
goal is that all of my students are comfortable, so we will make sure
to help her find what works best for her!

Q10: How long is the Kumon Program?

A10: Kumon is a long-term program rather than a quick-fix. It takes most
students approximately six months to one year to catch up to their
grade level, because we allow the student time to review and
establish a strong foundation first, rather than just jumping into the
area that is causing them difficulty. Ultimately, we would like all
of our students to complete the Program, which requires a
commitment of several years. To allow for consistent long-term study,
the Center is open year-long, and students are encouraged to
continue study even on vacations so that they can maintain the study
routine that they first establish when they join. To learn better what
would be included in your childs long-term plan, the next step would
be for your child to take a Placement Test. Based on his/her
Placement Test results, I will be able to put together a Progress Goal
that sets a goal for his/her first two years in Kumon.

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Enrolling Students



Q11: We live far away. Can we come just once a week?

A11: It is preferable that you come twice a week for several reasons. First
of all, every time students come to class, I can observe them work
and give them whatever help they need, so the more often they
can come the better. Additionally, the more often they come to
class, the more frequently I can review their homework. This means
that I will see right away if they need to review a section, or if they
are ready to move ahead, so that your child does not get slowed
down by unnecessary work or frustrated by work for which they are
not yet ready. If students attend just once a week, it is much more
difficult for me to predict how they will do, especially when they
first join. Could you start with coming twice a week, and then we
can see how it goes after a few months?

Q12: Are you a certified teacher?

A12: I am a certified Kumon Instructor. I have fulfilled all of the testing
and training requirements to operate a Kumon Center. This includes
studying and being tested on the math and reading curriculum, a
classroom training that spanned several months, and on-the-job
training at an actual Kumon Center. Working together to support
your child with my knowledge of Kumon and your knowledge of
him/her, we can provide your child with a wonderful opportunity
to succeed.

Q13: What is your student to teacher ratio?

A13: I am the only Instructor for the students enrolled in the Center.
Although I have Assistants to help me with grading, observation,
and preparation, the Kumon Center is more like a study hall than a
traditional classroom environment. In a sense, each student acts as his
own teacher. Of course, I am here to answer any questions, as are my
Assistants, but we are neither lecturing to the class nor providing
one-on-one tutoring. Rather, students work independently at a
comfortable level that I have determined for each one individually,
asking for help only when they need it. Based on their performance
in class and on previous work, my knowledge of the upcoming
material, and my discussions with each of the students during class
time, I prepare an individual group of assignments for each student
prior to class and, if necessary, make any adjustments before they
leave class.
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Enrolling Students



Q14: Do you guarantee results?

A14: I guarantee that I will do my part to produce results. The rest
depends on your child and your support of him/her. Although we
do not specifically offer a guarantee of results, Kumon is a
50-year-old method which has proven to produce the desired results
when the proper level of commitment is displayed. Kumon
students begin to improve almost immediately after beginning
their studies, although the early improvements are most easily seen
in areas such as confidence and study skills. If students complete
their daily assignments, attend class regularly, follow the study plan,
and are fully supported by the parents and the Instructor, it is my
experience that they generally will show clear improvement
academically within the first six months.

Q15: Can I go home and discuss this with my husband?

A15: Absolutely! Please do. Kumon is a family commitment, and your
child will benefit from having the full support of both parents. Please
feel free to show him this enrollment brochure it covers all of the
points that we have discussed and all the other materials we
have discussed, especially the progress goal as it relates to these
topics listed on the Table of Learning Materials. If he would like to
come to the next orientation to find out more, I would be happy to
meet with him. Or if he is not able to attend the orientation, here is
my business card he can call any time with questions.

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Enrolling Students



Q16: My children are already getting good grades. Wont they be

bored with the low starting point you are suggesting?
A16: Even though they are doing well in school, Kumon requires a level
of discipline that may be new to your children, so having easier
work while they adjust to the routine of completing work every day
will make the transition more bearable. Kumon also has
exceptionally high standards for speed and accuracy, an area on
which there has likely not been much focus in school. So it is really
important for long-term success in Kumon that your children
master this review material according to these higher standards.
Because it is review for your children, it likely will not take long to
master it, but the time will be well spent. In the meantime, most
enrichment students like your children can be motivated by
showing them the work that they will be doing in the future.
Furthermore, the challenge of beating the clock can also
motivate many students. Let me talk to them, and Im sure we can
find out what will keep their interest and heighten their motivation.

Registered to Kumon North America, Inc.

Enrolling Students



Kumon Start-Up Manual

Center Management
Center Management is a general term in Kumon, which
defines the overall Center operations. The following
pages will explain many of the important subheadings of
Center Management:
Center layout
Center flow diagram
Student File(s)
Student routine after entering class
Role of the Instructor during class and after class
On-going role of the Instructor
Center Staff duties and management
Other topics, such as enrolling students and administration,
will be covered in other manual sections.

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Center Management



Center Layout Examples

Island Style Layout

Classroom Style Layout

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Center Management



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Center Management



Student File(s)

Front of Holder

Before class, a file must be prepared for each student which contains the
days class assignment and the new work to take home. Students will drop
off their completed homework in that file once they have arrived at
the Center.
Principles to follow for the Student File:
Kumon recommends using the clear three pocket plastic holder,
available as a chargeable item from the distribution warehouse, to
create a file for each student. A separate file should be created for
each subject in which a student is enrolled.
Student Files should be located in bins near the front of the classroom.
Each file should be labeled with the students name and arranged
alphabetically inside the bins.
A permanent hanging file for each student containing additional items such
as the Application Form, Notice to Parents, original Placement Test(s),
Achievement Tests, etc., should be kept in a separate file cabinet.

Student File Set-Up At Beginning of Class

Pocket 1
front pocket

Pocket 2

Back of Holder

middle pocket

Pocket 3
back pocket

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Classwork for the day

Any corrections from last weeks work to be
done today
Optional: Photo of student placed next to Name
Extra worksheets for the remainder of the week
Optional: Number Board and Recommended Reading
List Record Sheets
Homework for the next few days
Optional: Any 100% perfect homework ready to
take home

Center Management



Sample Student Routine After Entering Class

Enter the class with your homework holder, a pencil and an eraser. Go to the Student Files table, and find your Student File. It
will be a plastic three pocket holder, in alphabetical order by your last name. You will have one for Math and/or one for Reading.
Remove the contents of pocket 3 and replace it with the homework you are returning (your homework are the worksheets in
your homework holder that you completed at home). Put away what was in pocket 3 in your homework holder to take home.
Remove the contents of pocket 1, which is todays classwork. Any corrections that havent been done at home will also be in
this pocket.
Take your file to the grading table and put it in the appropriate bin to be graded.
If you have checked out a Recommended Reading List book or flashcards, return them.
Sit down in the work area and begin todays work. If you have any corrections, do them first and then begin your assigned
classwork. Fix your corrections in one try, if possible.
Take your finished classwork and corrections to the Assistant to be checked. (Assistants may grade homework during down
times, but grading corrections, classwork and oral reading are top priority during class time.)
If you receive a grade which is lower than 69% on any page, the Assistant will alert the Instructor.
Review your handedback corrections and your graded classwork, then correct any errors.
Turn in your corrections to be graded again.
The Assistants will organize your completed assignments in chronological order and put them in your Student File for data
entry into the computer.

Reading Students
Read aloud to an Assistant at every class. The Assistant will record
an Oral Reading score.
For students in Levels 7A3A, complete flashcards, CD, or
alphabet board.
If you are taking home an RRL book, choose the title (or have an
Assistant help you), fill out the RRL card with your name and date,
and give the card to the Assistant to place in your reading file.

Math Students
Go to the appropriate Magnetic Number Board with your
Number Board Score Sheet and time yourself with a
Write the time taken to do the Number Board on the Number
Board Score Sheet.
Return your Number Board Score Sheet to your Student File
on the grading table.
For students in Level B, recite your multiplication tables. The
Assistant will record the results.

Collect your file from the Assistant and check-out with the Instructor.
Discuss your previous homework and classwork with the Instructor and determine goals for your upcoming homework and
classwork (Feedback).
Drop off your Student File at the Data Entry station so that your scores for the week can be entered into your Score Card on
the computer.
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Center Management



Sample Student Routine to Post in Class

Kumon Student Routine

Say Hello to
the Instructor.

Put your new homework

in your homework holder
to take home.

While waiting for your

work to be graded, you
can challenge the
number board or the
alphabet board, check
out a book, or do

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Pick up your Student File

with your classwork and
your new homework.

Find a seat and begin

your classwork.
Remember to write your
entire name, the time you
start and the time you
stop working.

Correct any mistakes on

your classwork until it is

Center Management

Remove your completed

homework from your
homework holder, put it
in your plastic file and
hand to the Assistant to
be organized and/or

When you are finished,

place your classwork in
the bin marked
classwork. Then,
begin your classwork for
your second subject.

Speak with your Instructor

and show him/her your
completed work.
Confirm your goals for
that weeks work. Say
Good-Bye to the



Things to Consider
Keep the Center routine consistent and simple. Students should be
able to find their work and get started in class independently. Post a
sample of the center routine on the wall where students enter.
A ratio of 1:20 (Assistants to students) is the general rule of thumb.
Consider hiring and training Assistants prior to opening and ahead of
the need to allow for growth.
If a Center is starting/opening with 20-30 students, an Assistant will be
needed to help during class hours. Hire and train an Assistant who is
capable of grading both subjects.
As an Instructors Center grows, he or she may want to discuss other
options with the local Branch Office, Kumon staff and other Instructors
for additional ideas to streamline his or her growing operations.

Role of the Instructor During Class

Greet students upon their arrival.
Observe students while they work to ensure they are working comfortably.
o More specifically, observe students while they work for any
noticeable problems, such as finger counting, poor writing ability,
difficulty with oral reading, improper intermediate steps, etc. (See
upcoming page for an observation list.) It is important that the
Instructor provides positive feedback as well as potential areas of
concern to students.
o Also observe for signs of student ability, such as good concentration,
smooth pencil movement, studying examples, etc.
Give hints to students if necessary, but encourage students to work
out the answer on their own. Promote independent learning in
students from the beginning.
Praise students and parents for a job well done.
Check out with each student. Discuss previous homework and
classwork with them. Determine goals for upcoming homework and
classwork (Feedback).
Try not to answer parent questions during class. If possible, schedule
a time outside of class hours to conduct lengthy parent discussions.
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Center Management



Role of the Instructor After Class

Complete data entry for any remaining student files into CMS2.
Review the classwork that has been recorded in the students Score
Card. Make sure they have completed all of their corrections and have
answered the questions in the most efficient way possible.
Review the Alert Report and make any necessary changes to the Study
Plan. It is the sole responsibility of the Instructor to plan work for
the students.
Run the Session-Session Report to pull and prep for the next class.
Periodically review and adjust students progress goals, specifically
upon level completion.

Ongoing Role of the Instructor

Continuously develop competent staff members who can observe
students, grade, record, and listen to oral reading.
Provide ongoing Assistant training.
Attend as many learning opportunities as possible, such as Monthly
Instructor Meetings, Annual Instructor Conferences, Voluntary Study
Groups and Professional Development Seminars.

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Center Management



A Week in the Life of a Kumon Instructor








Return parent

Finish data
entry from

Return parent
phone calls

Return parent

Pull and prep

for Thursday

class prep

Finish data
entry from



phone calls
class prep

Run Alert
Report to
check lesson


phone calls


Run Alert
Report to
check lesson

Meetings every
other Monday
after class

lesson plans

CLASS: 3 7pm

Print Session
by Session
Report for

Print Session
by Session
Report for

Print Level

Print Level

Start pulling
for Thursdays

Start pulling
for Mondays

Return parent
phone calls

Return parent
phone calls





Adjust work as

CLASS: 3 7pm


Additional Tasks:
Publish Newsletter
Send out Tuition Envelopes
Call for Late Tuition
Check inventory and place order for worksheets,
non-chargeable and chargeable items, promotional
materials, special order items
Monthly reports (download and upload)
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lesson plans
Adjust work as

Attend Instructor Monthly Meetings and Professional

Development seminars
Hire Assistants
Train Assistants
Accounting (rent, payroll, etc.)
Check iKumon for new information
Order office supplies, stickers, student incentives
Prepare/implement marketing and PR ideas
Center Management



Observation List for Instructors




Finger counting and/or

finger/foot tapping (signs of
counting out the answers)

Students have not developed strong mental

calculation skills. In Levels 3A and 2A, it is
quite common for young students to count
on their fingers. Do not worry about this in
the beginning. By the end of 2A, students
should have this habit broken.

Through repetition of the worksheets, this habit

will soon end. Having students practice aloud will
also help the situation.

Wandering eyes/
easily distracted students

Students may be easily distracted by the

activities in the class or may be bored.

Have students face away from distractions. Check

their work for appropriateness.

Poor writing ability

(watch stroke order)

Younger students tend to have lesser

developed writing ability.

Have students practice writing their numbers

on blank paper, or use the Numerical Notebooks
or number writing sheets (available as a chargeable
item from the distribution warehouse). Use
preschool pencils to ensure students are
correctly gripping the pencil as they write.

Talkative students

Students may be disrupting other students

and may hinder their own progress.

Speak with students regarding their behavior.

If necessary, have students attend class at a
different, less busy, time.

Skipping problems or the story

on a page (doing the problems
out of order)

Students discover a pattern to the answers

on the Math worksheets or answer a Reading
question in such a way that it is clear that
they have gone right to the question and
have not read the story.

Worksheets should be done in the proper order.

Have students repeat the set or, in Reading, have
the students read it in front of an Assistant or the
Instructor. Try to observe students as closely as
possible while they work. Discuss the issue with
the parents if the problem persists.


Students are writing the carryovers for

addition and multiplication problems, which
shows a lack of mental calculation ability.

Explain to students why it is better not to

write the carryovers. Repeat the set if the
student struggles.

Incorrect or inefficient intermediate

steps (check solution process)

Students should follow the given examples

exactly as they are shown on the worksheet.

Have students follow the examples exactly. Make

sure that they understand the examples. Have
students copy the examples.

Inaccurate timing of work

Students either accidentally or

purposefully recording their
completion times inaccurately.

For homework, have parents record times or

monitor the time recording. For classwork,
have an Assistant record times or ask students
to immediately check in with the Instructor
when their work is complete so that their time
can be checked.

Incorrect classroom routine

Students failed to memorize the classroom

routine or have temporarily forgotten it.

Walk students through the Center routine a few

times. After a few days, ask them to walk an Assistant
or the Instructor through the Center routine.

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Center Management



Center Staff
Instructors are responsible for all aspects of staffing their Kumon Centers,
including hiring, training, payroll and taxes. For details on employer
responsibilities such as taxes and related issues, please see the
Operations Manual.
The value of a knowledgeable and welltrained Assistant cannot be
overestimated. Below are major points to understand for the Math and
Reading Programs. These points have been divided into two categories:
Must Know and Good to Know (for the Assistant).
Must Know
Basics of the Kumon Method
Structure of the curriculum
Student routine for the Center
How to use the supplemental tools including the Recommended
Reading List
How to grade for both programs
How to assess and record Oral Reading scores
How to enter data into the students Score Card
How to relay observational info about students to the Instructor
Good to Know
History/background of Kumon
Benefits of multi-subject learning
How to grade a Placement Test and Achievement Test
How to pull worksheets
Worksheet content
An Assistant Training Manual is available to help Instructors train their staff
on these skills. It can be found on ikumon. The Assistant Training Manual
should be customized to reflect the policies and procedures of the Center.
Additional resources on Assistant training can be found in Appendix II of
this manual.

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Center Management



Remember that, over time, it may be desirable and/or necessary to

delegate more responsibility to Assistants, but lesson planning for both
Math and Reading always remains the responsibility of the Instructor.
Assistants can be either proficient in both Math and Reading, or may
specialize in solely Math or Reading.
Ongoing Staff Duties
All staff should:
like to work with children
be professional
be dependable
be friendly
be enthusiastic about Kumon
be proficient in Math and English
be quick and accurate graders
Staff members can range from high school students to senior citizens.
Remember that with the class routine discussed earlier, Assistants
priorities should be:
to grade classwork for students (all classwork must be graded and
corrected before the student leaves).
to listen to oral reading and assign each attempt an Oral Reading score
with short comments.
to review graded homework and corrections that students have brought
back to class. (Train Assistants that all students who receive a grade
lower than 69% on any one page must check out with the Instructor
before they leave in case the assigned homework is too difficult.)
to grade any work that was not graded at home.
to organize the student file for data entry.
to enter scores into the students Score Card.

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Center Management



Finding Center Staff

Instructors can:
contact the guidance counselor at a local high school. Limit staff
searches to Math and English honor students above the ninth grade.
Be sure to clearly state the days and times that help is needed, as many
students this age are absorbed in other activities. Also, note laws
governing employment of minors.
advertise at a local university or college. Many have job placement
centers that will list job opportunities free of charge. Students
interested in teaching may welcome the opportunity to gain
educational experience in a Kumon Center.
put a notice in the Center newsletter. Kumon parents or siblings can
make great staff!
ask family members. They are the most common candidates for staff,
but make sure that they are well qualified for the job and
will work cooperatively!
advertise in the local community paper.
Payment to Staff
The wages paid to Kumon Center staff vary depending upon length of
service and specific responsibilities. Ensure that all government regulations
regarding employer obligations, including taxes and working hours are
being followed.
Hiring and Training
The best way to ensure good staff is to hire carefully and train well. When
hiring, conduct a preliminary phone screen and ask for a resume so that
the background of the individual, is disclosed in detail and so that the
candidate will take the hiring process seriously. Many Instructors test the
math skills of prospective employees using either Placement or
Achievement Tests.

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Center Management



Have a list of specific job responsibilities that accompany the job. This
will ensure that employees are aware of all that will be expected of them.
It also gives the Instructor a method of evaluating a staff member's job
performance later on, by analyzing the different duty areas.
Conduct basic Assistant Training outside class hours, before an
Assistants first day. Make sure they know how to grade. Seat new staff next
to the most experienced and dedicated staff in the Center. Check in with
new staff regularly when they still have lots of questions.
Make staff initial their work so that comments on work can be directed to
the appropriate staff member. If an Assistant is doing a good job, tell him
or her immediately. If errors are being made, catch them early and bring it
to the Assistants attention individually before or after Center hours.
There are many administrative duties involved in operating a Kumon
Center. Once employees are comfortable and efficient at basic duties,
and as a Centers class size grows, consider if an Assistant would be
appropriate to take on additional responsibilities either in class or in the
Centers behind-the-scenes preparations.

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Center Management



Kumon Start-Up Manual

Student Retention
Communication does not stop after enrollment!
Communication and effective Instruction are the two most
crucial ingredients for retention.
It is desirable for students to stay enrolled in Kumon for
an extensive period of time because:
Kumon is a long-term program. If students leave
quickly they will not have experienced success in
Kumon. Not only is this unsatisfying to an Instructor,
it also means that these students and their parents
will not recommend the program to friends.
It is less expensive and less work to keep existing
students than to recruit new ones.
Effective Instruction will ensure that students are
working at a just right level and moving ahead smoothly
towards their goals. However, good Instruction alone is
not enough.
Every Instructor must communicate their Instructional
knowledge and expertise to students and parents.
Kumon Instructors are not selling a one-time product.
Rather, they are representing an on-going service.
Every time parents have to sign a check for tuition, they
ask themselves, Am I satisfied with Kumon? Do I want my
child to continue in Kumon? Is my Kumon Instructor
approachable and responsive to my questions?
Of course, to continue to have the opportunity to reach
the students of these parents, the answers to these
questions need to be YES! And, the best way to
guarantee positive answers, and, hence, the best way to
retain students, is to allow Kumon to sell itself by coupling
effective on-going communication with quality Instruction.

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Something to Think About!

Helpful Hint

Fact 1

A typical business hears from only four percent of its dissatisfied

customers. The other 96 percent just quietly go away, and 91
percent will never come back. That represents a serious financial
loss for companies whose employees do not know how to treat
customers and a tremendous gain for those companies that do.

Fact 2

A survey on Why Customers Quit found the following:

Good Communication = Good Business

3 percent move away

5 percent develop other relationships
9 percent leave for competitive reasons
14 percent are dissatisfied with the product
68 percent sense an attitude of indifference from the owner,
manager or some employee
Fact 3

A typical dissatisfied customer will tell eight to ten people

about his or her problem. One in five of these will tell twenty.
Given these tendencies, it takes twelve positive service
incidents to make up for one negative incident.

Fact 4

Seven out of ten complaining customers will do business

with a person or company if the complaint is resolved in
their favor. If it is resolved on the spot, 95 percent will do
business with the person or company again. On average, a
satisfied complainer will tell five people about the problem
and how it was satisfactorily resolved.

Fact 5

The average business spends six times more to attract

new customers than it does to keep old ones, yet customer
loyalty is, in most cases, worth ten times the price of a
single purchase.

Fact 6

Businesses having low quality service average only a

one-percent return on sales and lose market share at the rate
of two percent per year. Businesses with high quality service
average a twelve-percent return on sales and gain market
share at the rate of six percent per year.

This page based on How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life by Michael LeBoeuf, Ph. D.

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Tools for Communication

Communication is a regular and essential part of operating a Kumon Center.
Sometimes the best communication tool to use is the most basic: phone
or email. For example, if an Instructor has a question about a students
schedule when lesson planning or a parent expresses a concern when
dropping off their child, often the matter can be resolved with a call or
e-mail. In other situations, it may be necessary to set up an appointment to
discuss the matter in more detail.
For most situations that occur as a part of routine operation, there are tools
to assist the Instructor with communication. Many of these tools are
described in the chart on the following page.
With the exception of the Kumon Parents Guide and the series of 12
post-enrollment brochures, the items described in the chart on the next
page are available at no charge and should be used as a matter of routine.
Although many parent questions are thoroughly addressed in the Parent
Orientation, it may be necessary to discuss them again. Sections of the
Kumon Parent's Guide can serve as particularly good points of reference
to further a parents understanding of a concept. It may also be necessary
to schedule a follow-up appointment outside of Center hours for a more
in-depth discussion.
The series of 12 post-enrollment brochures (with stand) were also
produced to assist the Instructor's communication with parents. These
brochures are meant to be displayed in the Parent Waiting Area, and have
the same look and feel as the Parent Orientation and Kumon Parents Guide.
These brochures are also available in .jpg format for convenience when
communicating via e-mail with Kumon families.
These post-enrollment materials make it easier for the Instructor to provide
clear, detailed responses to those questions that typically arise at the
very moment they arise.

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Parent Communication Kumon Parents Guide and a series of 12

Program materials
brochures (chargeable items)
Straight Talk

A newsletter for Kumon parents, produced by

Kumon FSC five times per year.

Progress Reports

Because parents and students need the most

feedback upon first joining the program,
Kumon has developed Progress Goal Graphs
and Monthly Progress Reports as part of the
CMS2 software program. See the CMS2 Users
Guide for more information.

Center Newsletter

Every Center should produce a monthly newsletter.

The Instructor website has templates and
articles available for at least twelve issues.

Level Completion

Once a student successfully completes a

Level, this report can be generated in CMS2
to provide feedback to parents regarding the
childs performance within the Level.

Additional ways to communicate with students and parents:

Post-it notes on work
Hellos and Feedback at every class
Telephone calls and email
Parent meetings/conferences (individual and group)
Student Appreciation Events
The following section contains suggestions for when these items can be
used most effectively.

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When Should Instructors Communicate With Parents?

Instructors should communicate with parents as much as possible! In
particular, parents should be notified when any change will affect their child,
e.g. a change in Center Routine, an adjustment to the childs daily
workload, when an easier level is assigned for review.
Also, if there are any concerns such as a student not completing
homework or not attending class, parents should be notified immediately.
Keep in mind that parents want to be made aware of positive
developments as well. So, try to repeat in front of the parent any praise
that may have been given to a child individually.
Sample Timeline for Communication

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Day of Enrollment

Progress Goals (CMS2)

Each class

Call home if student is absent


Center Newsletter

Completion of Level

Study Level Summary and Level

Completion Report (CMS2)

Months 1-3

Monthly Progress Report (CMS2) at

month end

6 Months

Parent Conference (showing actual

progress on the Progress Goal)

1 year

Parent Conference (showing actual

progress on the Progress Goal)

as needed

Communication form (used for

ongoing communication)

Student Retention



Dealing With Parent Questions

Regardless of how hard an Instructor tries to predict and address
all of a parents potential questions during the parent orientation and
pre-enrollment interview, parents may not remember everything that they
have been told. Also, it is natural for them to think of additional questions
as they advance through the program.
It is important to be approachable and to let parents know that each
concern is important. It is also necessary not to be intimidated by
questions, as they provide a great opportunity to educate parents. Learn
to view questions as a positive, not a negative experience, as they will
also provide preparation for similar questions from other parents.
When parents do asks questions, consider beginning the response along
the following lines:
Thats a good question
Im glad you asked that
Youre not alone a lot of parents wonder about that
Of course, anticipating questions makes it easier to answer them
and even to prevent the occurrence of them.

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Typical Parent Questions Can You Answer Them?

Now Lets Practice
1) I know my child is only studying addition in Kumon right now, but
he has a big test next week. Can you tutor my child in fractions?
2) What can I do at home to help my child progress more quickly
in Kumon?
3) My daughter already does well in her math classes at school. Isnt it
bad for her to be more advanced than her classmates?
4) Why is my son doing this assignment again when he already did it
last week? Have you made a mistake?
5) My child has lost enthusiasm for Kumon. How can we re-motivate her?
6) Why do you keep repeating my child even though he is scoring 100%?
7) If I do the grading at home, and you dont teach or grade in the
class, what is your job?
8) Are there word problems in Kumon, or is it just calculation?
9) My child needs help with essay writing. How can Kumon help
when essay writing is not covered in the curriculum?

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Answers to Typical Parent Questions

Q1: I know my child is only studying addition in Kumon right now, but he
has a big test next week. Can you tutor my child in fractions?
A1: As you may recall from the Parent Orientation, Kumon is not a
one-on-one tutoring program, so I cannot provide tutoring for your
child. However, in time your child will develop the skills needed to
comfortably and successfully answer fraction problems. It is important
to remember that Kumon is a long-term program. We are interested in
results that last, and this takes much more than a week. Many students
have trouble with fractions because their division is weak. In order to
solve fractions, you need to be able to divide quickly and accurately.
And, division uses estimation (multiplication) and subtraction skills, so
these need reinforcement as well. Operating in this way, Kumon solves
the underlying cause of a problem rather than coming up with a
Band-Aid solution that may only get the student through the next test
in school, but not have long-term impact.
Q2: What can I do at home to help my children progress more quickly
in Kumon?
A2: Thats a good question! The fact that you ask means that you are
probably already doing a lot to support your children. Just knowing
that Kumon is a priority for parents will motivate children to succeed.
Specifically, creating a good study environment at home is very
helpful. Many students have not developed strong study habits and
consequently need guidance. It is very helpful to establish a specific
Kumon time every day to encourage daily study, as well as a Kumon
place for study that is away from distractions. You can also help your
children by modeling a routine behavior like reading the newspaper or
a book for a little bit of time each day.
Home correcting is one of the ways you can assure consistent study.
Using an answer book, parents can check over their childrens
daily work and encourage them to correct their mistakes. This ensures
that the work is completed daily, allows students to learn from their
errors, and shows your children that you are really interested in their
progress. Most of all, it provides a great opportunity for you to offer
meaningful praise!

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Q3: My daughter already does well in her math classes at school. Isnt
it bad for her to be more advanced than her classmates?
A3: Not at all! If your daughter has the ability to be working at a higher
level, she should be encouraged and praised for her proficiency, not
held back just for the sake of moving at the same rate as her classmates.
Its interesting that parents often worry about this in math, whereas a
child reading books several grades higher than her school grade
typically does not cause the same concern. In fact getting ahead in
math actually has a great number of advantages:
Given that math is a subject that many students find difficult, and
even develop a phobia over, getting ahead in math can be an
incredible confidence booster that will affect your daughters
attitude toward academics overall.
Getting ahead early also reduces the chances of her having trouble
in math in later years. Many students have difficulty with high school
math because material is covered at a much faster pace than in grade
school. In Kumon, students continually study at a steady,
comfortable pace, which allows them to move ahead unintimidated.
Students who are ahead have an edge that will enable them to keep
getting good grades and will allow them to devote precious time to
other subjects, rather than always struggling to keep up in math.
Since Kumon is a supplemental program that focuses on the math
that is essential for High School level study, there will still be some
concepts in school that are not covered in the Kumon curriculum,
such as elementary statistics and probability. Therefore, while your
child will be ahead in many areas, there will still be topics to be
introduced in the classroom setting. Grasping these unfamiliar topics
will be easier for a student with confidence and advanced skills.
Math is a prerequisite for many growing career fields. When your
daughter is in college and thinking of a career, Im sure she will be
happy to be a little ahead of her classmates!

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Q4: Why is my son doing this assignment again when he already

did it last week? Have you made a mistake?
A4: Youre not the first parent to ever ask me about that. I probably should
have reminded you that I often assign a set again on purpose. This is
the repetition that we talked about at enrollment. Repetition allows
students to practice a concept until they have truly mastered it. We
assign repetition if students have either made a significant number of
mistakes, or if it is taking students longer than the goal time to
finish. Both are signs that the student is not 100% comfortable or
proficient with the material, and will benefit from the practice. In fact,
your child and I discuss the need to review or move ahead each class.
Eventually every Kumon student experiences repetition. It is a normal
part of Kumon study. It is important that students not just understand
how to do something, but that they thoroughly master each new
concept. In Kumon, mastery is demonstrated by doing similar
problems within our standards for accuracy and time. This, as is the
case when acquiring new skills in sports and music, often involves a lot
of practice.
Q5: My child has lost enthusiasm for Kumonhow can we re-motivate her?
A5: Im glad you asked. This way we can work together face the
challenge. I think the first step is defining the problem i.e. why
she has lost her enthusiasm. There are a few common reasons:
If the Kumon work is too difficult or too lengthy, students may get
discouraged. We should review your daughters progress and
workload, and see if this can be changed. Reducing the daily
number of sheets may do the trick.
Another reason that students get discouraged is that theycannot
see the purpose of Kumon, or its benefits. This can happen when
students are doing work in Kumon that is below their grade level.
In this case, it will be best for me to meet with your daughter to
discuss how the work she is doing will help in school. In addition,
together we can set a goal towards which she wants to work. Many
students will get more motivated when they understand how
Kumon will help them.The bottom line is that we need to talk
to your daughter and find out the root of the motivation that
was once there. Once we identify the cause, we will be closer to
the solution.

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Q6: Why do you keep repeating my child even when he is scoring 100%?
A6: Good question! When I assign work, I look at your sons speed as well
as his accuracy. And you are right his work is extremely accurate, but
it is taking a long time to get those good scores. Kumon has an
optimum time range in which we aim for most students to complete
work. This time range is based on research, and varies for each Kumon
assignment, depending on its level of difficulty. Your son and I have set
goals about where within this range we aim for him to complete his
work. If he takes longer than this goal time, it is an indication that
he has not completely mastered the work. In this section that he is
repeating, your son is taking longer than the goal time. Repeating the
work will give him the opportunity to improve his speed. So far, it is
really working his time has improved each time he has reviewed a
set. Soon hell be ready to move ahead!

Note: It can be especially beneficial to reference the data entry and

color-coding in CMS2 or previously repeated sets.
Q7: If I do the grading at home, and you dont teach or grade in class,
what is your job?
A7: Much of my job takes place behind-the-scenes, outside of class hours.
One of my biggest responsibilities is to plan the assignments for every
student in the class. To do this, I review the work that every student has
completed at home and in class, looking at speed, accuracy and the
kind of mistakes that have been made. Using this information, and
knowing what material is coming up in the Level, I decide whether the
student is ready to move ahead or not.
During Center hours, I spend as much time as I can observing students
while they work, and I talk to each student before he or she leaves class.
This helps me learn if the students are comfortable with their work or
if they are struggling. If they are having trouble with class work, my job
is to give hints that will lead them to the correct solution. I also like to
use class time to praise students for good work and to get to know
them so that they feel comfortable asking me questions and coming
to the Center.

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Q8: Are there word problems in Kumon, or is it just calculation?

Helpful Hint
Although not all
confrontational situations
can be avoided, remember
Ongoing Communication can
prevent parent questions from
becoming parent problems!

A8: There are word problems in Kumon starting in Level B when the
students are finishing up their study of addition and subtraction.
However, Kumon believes that calculation is the core of school math
and that word problems are just one application of calculation skills,
and so they are not a focus of the Program. It isnt that we feel that
learning word problems and other aspects of school math arent
important because they are. Its just that Kumon believes that if
students exceed grade level in calculation skills first, they will then be
able to grasp all other concepts of school math more quickly. In fact,
by developing core math skills at a level two to three years (ideally)
above their grade, students can worry less about the mechanics of the
applications they encounter in math and in science classes alike, and
can concentrate more on the remainder of the problem.
Q9: My child needs help with essay writing. How can Kumon help
when essay writing is not covered in the curriculum?
A9: There are various skills associated with writing essays. One of them is
knowing the structure of an essay specifically. More importantly, though,
in order to write an essay, students must be able to:
write grammatically correct sentences,
comprehend passages,
know how to spell, and
read and understand paragraphs and their structure.
The Kumon curriculum does not cover essay writing per se, but it does
cover the tools students need to create the essays. Kumon also exposes
students to various works of literature which serve as a model for how to
construct their own writings. By guiding students to develop critical
reading comprehension skills, Kumon equips students with much of the
knowledge to write carefully constructed essays.

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Tips For Communication

Remember that parents have the right to ask questions and have
concerns. An important part of an Instructors job is to instill confidence
and trust by making parents feel comfortable about their childs progress.
An Instructor needs to take the initiative with communication and not to
fall into the No-news-is-good-news trap. It is important to anticipate and
identify when a parent is upset or concerned, so that the situation can be
dealt with as soon as possible. The longer a concern remains
unaddressed no matter how major or minor the more upset a
parent will become. In fact, studies have shown that handling a situation
quickly and effectively can transform the potentially dissatisfied customer
into a very satisfied one as a consequence. Studies also indicate that
customers who express satisfaction, but who remain emotionally
unengaged with a product or service exhibit the same behaviors as
customers who say they are dissatisfied, so it is important to keep the
parent involved with and excited about their childs progress.
Bear in mind that communication is much more than an exchange of words.
Linguists claim that spoken words are only seven percent of
communication, and that body language, facial expressions, tonality, and
style account for the remaining 93 percent!
All the same, no matter what measures are taken, Instructors will still encounter
challenging situations with parents. The following page contains some advice
about how to handle some of these difficult situations.

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If a parent is confrontational or aggressive:

1) Remain calm! Having both parties upset will make the situation worse.
2) Have a private conversation with the upset parent, away from other parents and students, to discuss the problem.
3) The parent needs to be heard. Listen to what the parent is saying and
restate their concerns in order to make sure that the concerns are clearly
4) Ask questions and probe to determine the true nature or cause of
the issue.
5) Do not be defensive. Try to resolve the situation and suggest
solutions. Remember that parents are human beings who have good
and bad days. Be understanding because sometimes parents or
students may just be venting after a rough day.
6) Reflect on the situation later when the intensity of it has lessened. How
did the conversation go? Could it have been handled differently? Was
the parent satisfied? Would this approach work for similar situations and
similar parents? It is helpful to visualize the exchange from the parents
perspective in order to predict and develop a greater understanding of
parent concerns.
7) As business owners, Instructors need not tolerate abusive customers. If a
situation seems unresolvable, contact the Branch office for assistance.

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Praise, Praise and More Praise

One of the main goals of any Instructor should be to help motivate
students to move ahead. On this page is a list of phrases can be used
by Instructors, Assistants, and parents alike to encourage students and
to help them develop positive self-esteem.

Make your praise count!

Praise should be specifically tied to a student's efforts and never be empty
i.e. without real meaning. Research shows that self-esteem is most likely
to be fostered when children are esteemed and treated respectfully and
are given the right kind of positive, meaningful feedback in the form of
appreciation (rather than empty praise and flattery).
Appreciation is meant to be positive feedback related explicitly
and directly to the content of the child's interest and effort.
Taken from Self-Esteem and Narcissism: Implications for Practiceby Lilian G. Katz

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Great Job!

Way to Go!



Now Youve Got it!

Super Work!

Great Effort!


Well Done!


Youre Almost There!

Hooray For You!

A+ Job!

What a Good Idea!



Fantastic Job!

Youre on Target!


Im Proud of You!



Looking Good!


Youre a Winner!

Great Try!




Youre Working Hard!

Student Retention



Retention Alert! Red Flags in the Kumon Routine

A Kumon Instructor needs to be sensitive and alert to explicit and
subtle indications that a students interest may be waning. Paying close
attention to a students performance on each assignment and
maintaining on-going communication with the student and parents are
the best methods for sustaining their commitment to Kumon.
On the next page are some of the more common signs of trouble that
Instructors encounter. It is important to be aware of and prepared to
address these and other concerns immediately.
Regardless of the particular problem, it is important to take immediate
action to address it. There may be a need to contact the parents or ask
them to come in for a conference. Often it is necessary to reiterate the
benefits of daily study, regular attendance, and what it will take for the
student to reach grade level or advanced status. Reinforce the
advantages of advanced study and the life skills this will help develop.
Show the Progress graph. Highlight the student's progress up to this
point and show the projection for where the student could be at
different points in the future if the program is followed properly.
Use all moments of communication as opportunities to demonstrate
support for the parent and student and to help them re-commit to the
three-way partnership that will enable the student to continue to
progress and reap the benefits of advanced study.

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Warning Signs

Preventative Action (Communication)

1) Irregular attendance, frequent

absences or coming later to class
than the appointed time

Contact the parents if a student misses more than one session. Speak to them about
the importance of regular attendance for maintaining and monitoring daily progress,
and achieving the goals you set together.

2) Forgetting homework or turning in

incomplete assignments

Reiterate the importance of daily practice for achieving steady progress through the
levels to predetermined goals.
Reconfirm that the student is working at the just right level.
Suggest that the parents monitor the work more closely at home. Are they home correcting?

3) Complaining that the work is too

easy or too difficult

Check to see if the work is really too easy or too difficult (score/SCT).
If you are convinced the work is at the correct level for the student, then patiently explain
why he or she must do it (use the progress goals and table of materials to illustrate this).
If the materials are too hard, adjust the assignments. Go back to a point where the
student can achieve a good score within the SCT.
If the worksheets are too easy, consider temporarily assigning more work either in
class or for homework.

4) Wanting fewer sheets for homework

Reconfirm that the student is working at the just right level.

Check to see if he/she is putting down the correct times.
Discuss the students commitment to other activities. There may be new or additional
demands on the students schedule.
Speak to parents about the situation. The student may be overloaded with a new
seasonal activity, or simply disorganized.
Discuss how to help fit the workload in with other activities. You may need to
temporarily adjust the workload to maintain commitment and progress.

5) Completing fewer worksheets

per month or very few worksheets
per month

Students generally should be doing 510 worksheets per day. This means they should
be able to complete 150300 worksheets per month. Students working below this
number may have reached a plateau. It may be necessary to take the student back to
an application or concept where he/she can easily complete 510 worksheets per day.

6) Taking an excessive amount of time

to complete assignments and/or
making many errors in their work

Confirm adequate repetition and mastery of previous worksheets.

Review the current assignments in light of past performance and progress goals.
Speak to parents about work at home. Are there any changes in the study environment or
students attitude?
Carefully observe the work in the Center. At what specific point in the assignment is the
student faltering? The student may require review, hints or teaching of a specific concept.

7) Unhappy or glum in class

Review the students progress. Are they advancing as planned?

Observe them closely in class. Are they tired or frustrated?
Be patient and cheerful with students. Ask them about the their feelings toward the
Kumon work.
Ask the Assistants if they have any insight into the students attitude.
Speak with the parents. How is the students attitude at home?
Reassess your own attitude toward the student.

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Definition of Feedback
Simply put, Feedback is
sharing the lesson planning
process with students.
It is opening a dialogue
between the Instructor
and student that allows
for discussion about the
criteria for advancement.
In a successful Feedback
Center, students know
what they must do in
order to move ahead to
the next set.

Kumons goal has always been to have students move through the
program as quickly as they are capable, not repeating unnecessarily,
but repeating enough that students work at the just right level. All of
Kumons worksheet revisions and Instructional advances have been
made to achieve this goal. However, in the past, developers have
tended to approach this goal almost exclusively from the Instructors
point of view. What was missing? a thorough appreciation for the
students perspective!
Instructors have always focused on improving their own will and skill to
produce better results, but not always on developing the will and skill of the
students. Historically, it was thought that if the Instructor planned skillfully
enough, the student would naturally complete the worksheets successfully,
within the SCT, and be motivated through their success. But is this really the
case? Even in the best Centers with the most skillful Instructors, some
students are very motivated and successful, while others are not. So what
makes the difference? Of course what makes the difference is the student.
Through Feedback, the great power of student motivation to drive their
own progress has been realized. The success of Feedback has been amply
demonstrated by a greater level of student engagement, an increase in
the rate of student progress, a greater level of satisfaction from parents,
and more enjoyable relationships between students and Instructors.
By truly involving students in their own lesson planning and goal setting,
which is precisely what Feedback was designed to do, Instructors can
dramatically improve a student's progress. This results in a better Kumon
experience for everyone students, parents, and Instructors alike.

The three step process of Feedback

Following is the three-step process for effective Feedback:
1) Set advancement criteria determine/share your concrete criteria with
the student.
2) Evaluate the results Evaluate if the student has met the agreed upon
criteria for advancement.
3) Discuss what comes next make the connection between achieving
the goal (or not) and the next work assignments.

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The Overall Effects of Feedback

Through Feedback, Instructors become more aware of each student's
ability. Rather than erring on the side of caution by moving a student
too slowly, or progressing a student before they are truly ready,
Feedback provides Instructors with the information they need to
better analyze student performance and elicits student input to make
the proper determination. Feedback thereby drastically reduces the
chance that an Instructor will lesson plan without taking individual
ability properly into account.

Students and Centers

In studying Centers that implement Feedback, many positive trends have
been found in both students and the Center itself.
Through Feedback, students:
know how their efforts are directly connected with their progress,
study with goals in mind, which has been shown to lead to higher
develop better concentration skills and become self-motivated
learners, and
are better able to achieve advanced study sooner and thereby
experience more of the benefits Kumon has to offer.
Through Feedback, Centers:
show a decrease in worksheet repetition,
show a decrease in the number of withdrawals,
show an increase in average length of stay, and
develop a quieter atmosphere.

Any Instructor Can Implement Feedback

Feedback can be done by any Instructor who is willing to share the
lesson planning process with their students. As long as Instructors keep
accurate records, follow standard Kumon Instructional guidelines, and
maintain accurate grading and corrections, they can conduct Feedback
with their students.
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Implementing Feedback
An effective way to incorporate Feedback into the Center is to discuss
progress goals at the time of enrollment and to follow up frequently through
ongoing discussions. Once these long term goals are in place, the Instructor
can then break the long term goals down into short-term goals toward
which the student can work.
Following are two typical Feedback conversations that illustrate how the
three steps of Feedback are quickly and easily covered.
As a reminder, the three step process of Feedback are:
1) Set advancement criteria,
2) Evaluate the results, and
3) Discuss what comes next.

Sample Feedback Conversations

Conversation #1: Goal met
The student is in the 4th grade studying Math Level F. The student
and Instructor have agreed upon a Y-time goal, including the time it takes
to make corrections.
Instructor: Lets see what you did today. Your first time doing F 116-120.
How did it go? Any difficulty?
Student: I did OK.
Instructor: How long did it take?
Student: 17 minutes.
Instructor: Really? Thats great! And the goal was? (Reconfirming Feedback
Step 1)
Student: 25 minutes.
Instructor: [Flipping through the worksheets] Well, you certainly finished
the work and then made your corrections within the goal (Feedback Step
2). How were your corrections?
Student: Easy. I made silly little mistakes.

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Instructor: Well you have time to spare to meet your goal, so try to be
more careful. I think you can get 100 percents the first time if you are more
careful. You are ready to advance to 121, dont you think? (Feedback Step 3)
Student: Yes.
Instructor: OK. I know you will do well. Same goal, aiming to do your
homework and corrections within 25 minutes as well. (Feedback Step 1) Be
careful of those silly mistakes. Great job today.
Student: Thanks. Bye.

Conversation #2: Goal not met

At previous Feedback sessions, the Instructor and student had agreed that
the goal for this section of long division was 10 minutes for 5 pages and to
average 90% accuracy. (Feedback Step 1) The Instructor pushed for an Xtime goal because this is a 5th grade student doing division for the first
time in Kumon, but who has had it in school already and struggled with it.
Instructor: What did you work on today?
Student: C 111
Instructor: Right, your first time with division! How did it go? (Note: Because
it was the students first attempt with long division in Kumon, the Instructor
had made a point of observing the student work on it and knew how the
student had done.)
Student: Maybe not so good.
Instructor: You mean, you didnt meet your goal?
Student: No, I went over time and made too many mistakes. (Feedback
Step 2)
Instructor: But it was only your first try in Kumon with long division. You
will do better with more practice. How about the corrections? Were they
difficult, too?
Student: A little, yes.

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Instructor: Well, I think we have a good goal, because getting good at

these division problems is really important for the division involving
bigger numbers after this. Since you have two days of homework before
class again, lets try these 5 pages tomorrow and move ahead. Do you think
you will be ready to continue with the next five pages after that for the
next days homework? (Feedback Step 3)
Student: Ill try.
Instructor: Great. And what is your goal again?
Student: 10 minutes and try to get 90 percents. (Feedback Step 1)
Instructor: Right. Dont worry if it still seems a little difficult. You have learned
everything before, and I know you will learn this, too. Sound like a good
Student: Yes.

There are a variety of Feedback conversations that may occur with a

student. Most often the focus will be on the work for that particular day
and what is immediately coming up. Sometimes, you may be engaged in
conversations that incorporate the following.
checking the students understanding of the kind of mistakes being
made are they of a particular type or simply careless? Does the
student understand the reason for a mistake?
previewing a concept with a student to ensure they can move forward
helping the student understand how what they had been working on
previously is related to what they are doing now
helping the student understand how what they are working on now
will help them do well later on in the level or upcoming levels
long-term goals, including levels to come, achieving ASHR, and
program completion
The important thing is to involve the student in the process of collaborating
on goals, and making sure they are aware of how their performance directly
affects advancement. This is of great assistance in fostering student
motivation and self-esteem.

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Childrens self-esteem can be strengthened when they have the

opportunity to develop and apply criteria for evaluating their own work.
Taken from Self-Esteem and Narcissism: Implications for Practice by Lilian G. Katz

Through Feedback Instructors really can help students achieve

Kumons ultimate aim of developing advanced students who are
self-motivated learners.

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Additional Student Incentives

Though Feedback is the most powerful tool when it comes to motivating
and retaining students, there are additional student incentives available.

Company-wide Student Incentives

Kumon North America, Inc. has developed many national student
incentives which are designed to promote the long term nature of the
program. These student incentives help to develop long term goals for
Math or Reading students.
Company-sponsored incentives include:
C3 & E4 Stickers: Students who reach Level C in Math or Reading before
the end of 3rd grade are eligible to receive a special C3 sticker. (Similarly
for reaching Level E before the end of 4th grade.)
G5 Math and Reading awards: Students who reach Level G in Math or
Reading before the end of 5th grade receive a brass star engraved with
their name.
Math Level J Completion award: Students who complete Level J Math
receive an engraved plaque.
Math Program Completion award: Students who complete Level O
Math receive an engraved world clock.
Reading Program Completion award: Students who complete Level L
Reading receive an engraved plaque.
Advanced Student Honor Roll: Students who achieve ASHR status are
recognized with a certificate and, if they qualify, are included
on a Center poster listing the top-ranking students in the country.
In addition, Kumon has developed The Cosmic Club, a program in which
students earn points for specific milestones e.g. completing Levels,
remaining enrolled. They can then cash in their points for prizes through
the Cosmic Club website.
More detailed information about national student incentives and The
Cosmic Club program can be found in the Operations Manual.

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Center Based Student Incentives

Many Instructors have created a Center-based student incentive program
to help provide students with more frequent rewards for completing
daily worksheets.
Some common ways to incorporate simple incentive programs:
Provide students with Kumon Maps or Passports (available at the
distribution warehouse as chargeable items)
1) Students are awarded one sticker for each completed assignment.
2) Students affix the stickers to the map or passport.
3) Once a map is full or passport page is complete, students are
eligible to choose a prize. (Prizes can be anything from gift
certificates to prizes purchased at a local store by the Instructor.)
Provide students with Kumon dollars (K$) (available at the distribution
warehouse as chargeable items)
1) Students are awarded 1K$ for each completed assignment (and
100K$ for passing Achievement Test).
2) Students save Kumon dollars to purchase items at the Kumon
3) Once a week/month the Kumon Store opens for the purpose of
exchanging Kumon dollars for prizes.
(Prizes can be priced at a rate of 100K$ per $1 i.e. If an Instructor
spends $1 to purchase a prize, the student must save 100K$ to trade for
it on Kumon Store day.
Incentive programs should be kept simple and should not become the
driving force for students to complete worksheets. Kumon wants to
create self-motivated learners, not learners who complete worksheets only
to get prizes.

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Student Appreciation Events

Another common and highly recommended student retention activity is a
Student Appreciation Event (SAE), also known as an Awards Ceremony.
This event, held at the Center or another local venue, should honor all
students at the Center. Honors range from certificates for months or years
of continuous enrollment to honor roll awards and special recognitions
such as perfect attendance or program completion.
More comprehensive information about Student Appreciation Events can
be found on the Instructor website. Instructors should reference these
materials and begin to think about planning the event in detail at least two
to three months before the event is to occur even earlier if a venue other
than the Instructors own Kumon Center needs to be reserved.
Also consider the following retention activities:
Center Anniversary Parties
Holiday Parties
Summer/Seasonal gatherings
Movie and popcorn nights (invite along non-Kumon friends!)

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Kumon Start-Up Manual

Supplemental Tools
Reading Supplemental Tools
17 Tips for Reading Aloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Recommended Reading List Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Literary Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Recommended Reading
List Background Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Tips for Recommending Books to Students . . . . . 126
Incorporating the Recommended
Reading List into the Center Routine . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Reading Library Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Tips for Organizing a Center Library . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Annotated Bibliography and
My Book Tracker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Using Flashcards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Alphabet Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Letter Sounds Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Letter Writing Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
CDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

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17 Tips for Reading Aloud

(Adapted from The New Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease, 1989)
1) Begin reading aloud to your child as soon as possible. The younger,
the better. Reading to infants helps them develop a sense for the rhythm
and pattern of language.
2) Read as often as you and your child have time.
3) Prepare for reading aloud by previewing the book you intend to read
to your child.
4) Remember, the art of listening is acquired. It must be taught and
cultivated gradually it doesnt happen overnight.
5) Read slowly enough for your child to build mental pictures of what he
or she has just heard.
6) Vary the subject matter and length of the reading.
7) Occasionally read above your childs reading skill level (but not
emotional level). This can stimulate reading motivation.
8) If chapters are too long for one reading session, find a suspenseful
stopping point.
9) Remember, even older children love books with good pictures.
10) Remember, reading aloud comes naturally to very few people.
To do it successfully and with ease, you must practice.
11) Use plenty of expression when reading. If possible, change the tone of
your voice to fit the dialogue.
12) Adjust the pace of your voice to fit the story. During the suspenseful
part, slow down, draw out your words, and bring your listener to the
edge of his or her chair.
13) Avoid long descriptive passages until the childs imagination,
vocabulary, and attention span are capable of handling them. Identify
and eliminate such passages during pre-reading preparation.
14) Foster the childs curiosity with patient answers to questions he
or she may have while you are reading aloud.

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15) Reluctant readers or unusually active children may find it difficult to sit
and listen. Paper, crayons, and pencils allow them to keep their hands
busy while listening.
16) Encourage conversation about what is being read.
17) Set aside regular reading times each day for your child to read on his or
her own.

Recommended Reading List Facts

1) The 100 books on the 7A-3A early reading levels are meant to be read
aloud to the child, not by those students in those levels.
2) The RRL books in Levels 2A and up, in general, are numbered in order
of difficulty from 1-15 or 1-20.
3) The books in Levels 2A and higher were chosen for the list using the
Harris-Jacobson Wide Range and Dale-Chall Readability Formula. Using
select passage data, the test yields a readability score for the book. It
does not yield a score for content level appropriateness, however, which
is why some books on the higher levels might appear to be for younger
4) There are many award-winning books on the list including Newbery,
Newbery Honor, Caldecott, Pulitzer Prize, and N.Y. Times Best Illustrated.
5) It may be advantageous for some students to read the first five books within
each level on the list before beginning worksheet assignments in that level.
This may help create a smooth transition from one level to the next.
6) Books on the list contain stories from many different cultures, including
African-American, Japanese, Chinese and Indian.
7) Excerpts from the Recommended Reading List are featured in many of
the worksheet levels.

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Literary Awards
The Newbery Medal
Established in 1922, the Newbery Medal is an annual award named for a
famous 18th century publisher and seller of childrens books. The Newbery
Medal is presented by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC).
It is awarded to the most distinguished contribution to American literature
for children published during the previous year. Encourage children to read
Newbery Award winners, including the over 30 winners on the Kumon
Recommended Reading List.
The Caldecott Award
The Caldecott Award was established in 1938. It is given each year to the
illustrator of the most distinguished American book for children published
in the preceding year. There are over 10 Caldecott Award-winning books
on the Kumon Recommended Reading List.
The Pulitzer Prize
The Pulitzer Prize is a prestigious award established by Joseph Pulitzer, a
19th century journalist and publisher, and administered by Columbia
University. It is awarded annually in the fields of journalism, literature, music,
and other related fields.

Recommended Reading List Background Information

The Kumon Recommended Reading List is an integral part of the Kumon
Reading Program. Developing a habit of reading books frequently and
widely helps students gain a wealth of background knowledge and expand
their vocabulary. The background information they learn enhances
students comprehension as they relate prior knowledge to gain meaning
from new texts. Reading books also aids students with the Kumon
worksheets. The Recommended Reading List provides students and
parents with a framework for choosing books that are both skill-appropriate
and enriching.

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The Recommended Reading List was developed following the highly
successful model used with the Kumon Kokugo Program in Japan. Each
Kumon worksheet level has a selected number of books corresponding to
the reading skill base of the level. The books act as indirect skill
reinforcement for the level.
It was decided the list would start with 15 books per level for Levels 2A
through I. However, when Kumon invited Instructor suggestions for books
to be considered for the list, over 600 suggestions were submitted to the
Instruction Department.
To narrow this list, a selection process was designed whereby each book
would be evaluated by a set of criteria. This set included: Availability,
Readability, Literary Integrity, and Subject Matter.
Availability was the first concern. The books had to be easily available and
currently in print. For purposes of distribution, North American publishers
were preferred over non-North American publishers.
Given the nature of the publishing industry, however, and the large number
of books on the list, it is impossible to guarantee that all books will remain
in print and available. At the time this list was created, all books were in
print and available.
It was vital to choose skill-appropriate books for each level. To do this, each
book was submitted to a readability test.
The test chosen was the Harris-Jacobson Wide Range Readability Test.
The test utilizes data such as sentence and passage length as well as word
construction and vocabulary difficulty. The word base for the test is compiled
from a frequency analysis of vocabulary found in 118 school textbooks.
The Harris-Jacobson Test uses the same conceptual framework as the
Dale-Chall Test.
The test formula yields a numerical score from 1 through 12, which is
compared against a rating scale. The higher the number is, the more
difficult the readability of the book. The test uses standard statistical
analysis techniques.

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An important point must be understood. The readability score of the book

and its assignment to a worksheet level may not correspond to the specific
grammar concept addressed in that level. That is to say, just because the
student is studying regular past-tense verb conjugation in Level A, does
not mean the student will read books from the list that only contain regular
verbs conjugated in the past-tense. The correspondence between the
Kumon worksheets level and the readability of the book must be
understood in a broader context.
Literary Integrity
Books appearing on nationally and internationally recognized award lists
were given special consideration as were books appearing on more than
one list.
One third of the original RRL books are award-winning books, as
mentioned previously.
Subject Matter
A substantial effort was made to create a list of books with appeal to a wide
spectrum of reader interests.
Attention was given to selecting works that would expand students
awareness beyond their immediate pool of reference knowledge. By doing
so the list would create windows of exposure to broaden and expand
students awareness.
The list contains both fictional and non-fictional works. Selections were
drawn from categories of historical fiction, poetry, and science fiction. There
is roughly an even number of male and female protagonists in each level.
Within each level it is hoped that there will be something of interest for
everyone. It is not expected that every book will appeal to every reader.
Instructor Comments
The Kumon Recommended Reading List is meant to be dynamic and
flexible. The creators of this list in the Instruction Department are eager for
Instructor comments, suggestions, and feedback. With Instructor input,
the list can be revised, refined and built upon.

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Tips for Recommending Books to Students

Reading the books from the Recommended Reading List should be
enjoyable for the student, not a chore! Consider the students skill level and
interests when recommending books. If a student particularly enjoys a given
book, consider the following points to help make another great selection!
Several authors have multiple books on the list!
Ex. Ezra Jack Keats: Peters Chair, A Letter to Amy, The Snowy Day




Lillian Hoban


Katherine Paterson

Beverly Cleary
Virginia Hamilton


Ronald Dahl


Betsy Byars

Jean Craighead George


Ursula K. Le Guin



Several of the books are science fiction/fantasy novels.

Ex. If the student enjoys the science fiction excerpt from A Wrinkle in
Time (G151-180), s/he may enjoy reading other science fiction stories.

Level DII

A Wrinkle in Time

Level FI/G A Wizard of Earthsea

Fantastic Voyage

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The Lion, the Witch,

and the Wardrobe

Ella Enchanted

Supplemental Tools

Level G

The Farthest Shore

Level EII
Level FII/G
Level H



Several of the books are historical novels.

Johnny Tremain

Level H

American Revolution

Across Five Aprils

Level I

American Civil War

The Master Puppeteer

Level I

18th Century, Japan

Several of the books are (auto)biographies.

Ex. If the student enjoyed the worksheet sets containing non-fictional
material, (Ex. Levels G, H, I: 1-100) s/he may enjoy reading other
non-fictional text.

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The Thread That Runs So True

Level H

North to the Orient

Level I

My LIfe and Hard Times

Level I

Supplemental Tools



The Reading Program worksheets contain excerpts from several of

the books on the list.

Alice in Wonderland

EI 191-200 The Old Man and

the Sea

H 111-130

A Wrinkle in Time

G 151-180 The Pinballs

H 148-150/

All excerpts from Levels DI and EI come from books on the Recommended
Reading List.
Many of the books on the list are part of a series.
Ex. Students may enjoy reading other books in the series. These books
should be available at most childrens bookstores.

Level 2A
Moonbears Skyfire
The Cat in the Hat
Clifford the Big Red Dog
Level AI/II
Curious George Flies a Kite
Little Bears Friend
Peters Chair
Days with Frog and Toad
Arthurs Prize Reader
The Lion, the Witch, and
the Wardrobe
Level BI/II
A Chair for My Mother
The Little House

Level D
Henry Reed, Inc.
Level EII
Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way
Pippi Longstocking
Ramona Forever
The Borrowers
Level F
Black Ships Before Troy
Level G
A Wrinkle in Time
Little House in the Big Woods
A Wizard of Earthsea

Recommend that students purchase other books by a favorite author.

Dr. Seuss, Cynthia Voight, Isaac Asimov, and Betsy Byars, among others,
are prolific writers! Their books are widely available in many bookstores.

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Some of the books are collections of tales, fables, or short stories.

Ex. If the student has difficulty concentrating on longer text, consider
recommending one of the following collections of shorter works:

Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way

Level EII

Tatterhood and Other Tales

Level EII

One of the books is a collection of poems.

Old Possums Book of Practical Cats T.S. Eliot

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Level H



Incorporating the Recommended

Reading List into the Center Routine
In conjunction with the Table
of Learning Materials:



Once the student has enrolled:

(See Tips for Organizing a

Center Library.)

After student completes the

Achievement Test, have a
1. As the student progresses
conference to discuss the
through his/her study level,
record the completion of each goals and contents of the
next level. (Use the Study
book on the RRL Sheet or
Level Summaries.)
Book Tracker.

1. Introduce the student

Recommended Reading
1. Introduce the Recommended
List (RRL) using the RRL sheet
Reading List.
or the Book Tracker. On the
2. Explain the goals and design
Recommended Reading List
of the Recommended
Sheet, or in the students
Reading List.
2. After the student completes a
copy of My Book Tracker,
book, encourage the
mark which books the student
student to write his/her
has previously read.
thoughts about the book
2. Use the Annotated
in the Book Tracker. (This
Bibliography to suggest
exchange can replace the
reading choices while the
reading aloud segment
student is working through
of the center routine for
the first worksheet level.
that day.)
3. Indicate those selections
3. Discuss the book with the
on the RRL Sheet or Book
4. Recommend a new book to
4. In some cases, recommend
the student.
that parents read aloud
Note: While the student is
to their child from a higher
completing worksheets 101-200,
level. Give the parents a
recommend the first five books
copy of 17 Tips for Reading
from the next level.

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Supplemental Tools

1. Review the students RRL

Sheet or Book Tracker.
2. Use the Annotated
Bibliography to recommend
books for students to read
or for parents to read aloud
to the student from the new
level. (Also, refer to Tips for
Recommending Books
to Students.)
3. Recommend 3-10* books
from the new level (or lower
or higher) for students to
read while completing
worksheets 1-100.
*This will vary according to the
projected length of study at
this level.



Reading Library Application

Please print:
Student Name: __________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________

Our Library Check-Out Policy

A one time $10.00 deposit is requested and will be refunded upon discontinuation of the Reading Library.
The maximum loan period is 2 weeks.
Overdue fines will be assessed at 10 cents per class day.
Lost or damaged books: Parents will be responsible for the cost of the book plus $10.00 (lamination,
labeling, shipping and handling).
I agree to the Reading Library policy as outlined above.
Parental Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________________

For Office Use Only

Deposit Received: ________ RRL Record Sheet: ________ Library Card Issued: _______

Reading Library Application

Please print:
Student Name: __________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________

Our Library Check-Out Policy

A one time $10.00 deposit is requested and will be refunded upon discontinuation of the Reading Library.
The maximum loan period is 2 weeks.
Overdue fines will be assessed at 10 cents per class day.
Lost or damaged books: Parents will be responsible for the cost of the book plus $10.00 (lamination,
labeling, shipping and handling).
I agree to the Reading Library policy as outlined above.
Parental Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________________

For Office Use Only

Deposit Received: ________ RRL Record Sheet: ________ Library Card Issued: _______

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Supplemental Tools



Tips for Organizing a Center Library

I. Set-Up
Designate a location for the Center Library. Display the Kumon
Recommended Books (entire set) on bookshelves or in a bookcase.
Cover books with contact paper to protect them from wear and tear.
(Contact paper is available in rolls at most office supply stores or home
improvement stores. An X-Acto knife makes cutting easier!)
Use the color-coded Kumon Reading Program labels to facilitate
management of the Center Library. The color-coded labels are
designed to make it easier to select books from a specific level and to
return them to their designated location.
One color has been assigned to each level on the RRL as listed in the
chart below:







Light Pink










Lime Green


Light Yellow




Light Blue






Pastel Green

Group the RRL books by level and place them on the shelves in
ascending order from Level 7A to Level I. You may have a separate shelf for
7A-3A books closer to your Junior Kumon area. The remainder of the RRL
(2A-1) can be grouped together. The color-coded labels, if affixed as
described below, will assist in the maintenance of this organization.
Affix the color-coded labels to the spine at the bottom of the front
cover of the books as indicated.
There are 15-20 labels for each of the 18 levels of the RRL. The
number to the left side of each label corresponds to the number
designated for each book within a level on the RRL.

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For example, The Big Wave is the tenth book listed in Level D. Place
the D10 label on this book.
Place the books on the shelves in ascending order from 1 to 15 or 1 to
20 within each level.

II. Center Library: General Guidelines

Use the library as a resource for recommending books to students and
parents. Next to the Center library, display:
The Recommended Reading List
A copy of the Annotated Bibliography
Include books for parents in the library. The Parents Guide to the Best
Books for Children (The New York Times, 1991) and The New Read-Aloud
Handbook (Jim Trelease, 1989) are two excellent resources to help parents
choose books for their children.
Encourage parents and students to learn more about the books on the
Recommended Reading List by highlighting summaries of recommended
books in your class newsletter! Have students write a review of the book to
put in your newsletter.
Become familiar with the books on the list to confidently recommend books
to students and parents.
Encourage parents to purchase the books or check them out at a local
library if it is not possible to have the entire library. These books are widely
If Reading Program students are encouraged to read books from the RRL
in the Center, set a time limit to keep the students visits enjoyable, rather
than burdensome.

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III. Library Check-out Policy: General Guidelines

Instructors may choose to establish a book check-out system at their
Centers. Enabling students to check-out books is a valuable service for
Reading Program students and a means to maximize the benefits of the
Recommended Reading List.
The following guidelines may be helpful in setting up a library book
check-out system:
1) Use of the library should be carefully supervised by the Instructor or
Chief Assistant. The student should check with the Instructor or
assistant before selecting a book.
2) A check-out period should be set. For example, students must return
books within one or two weeks.
3) Students should check-out only one book at a time. This will make the
books available to more students.
4) The procedure for checking out books should be clearly displayed.
5) Clearly explain Center Library rules to students and parents at the
time of enrollment in the Reading Program. Students/parents who
do not follow library rules may have the privilege of checking out
books suspended. Parents are ultimately responsible for the cost of
lost books.

IV. Library Check-Out Policy

A. Set-up:
1) Complete a library card* for each book.
2) Affix a library card pocket* inside the back cover of each book.
3) Place books, with labels affixed, in ascending order by level
and number.
*Library cards and pockets are available at the distribution warehouse.

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B. Classroom Procedure: Check-out

1) Assist the student in selecting an appropriate book.
2) Have the student fill-in the date and their name on the card. Assist
as necessary.
3) Write the due date on the card in the Date Returned column.
4) Place the card in the students 3-pocket plastic file. (The placement
should be such that the Instructor or assistant sees it each class
**Or the Instructor may choose to have a separate library card file
organized by the level of the book.

C. Classroom procedure: Return

1) The student returns the book to the Instructor or Reading Assistant.***
2) Remove the card from his/her file and place a check mark () next to
the due date or place a line through the students name to indicate
that the student returned the book.
3) Place the card in the book.
4) Discuss the book with the student during the reading aloud
segment of the Center visit. Record the results including the name of
the book in the students record book.
5) Record completion of the book on his/her Book Tracker.
6) Return the book to its location on the bookshelf.
7) Recommend a new book to the student as planned at the
enrollment interview.
***Remind the student to return the book.
CMS2 has the ability to assist with management of the RRL library. Please
see your CMS2 Users Guide for more details. (Trainees will receive a CMS2
Users Guide in New Instructor Training.)

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The Annotated Bibliography and My Book Tracker

In the Annotated Bibliography, each book in Levels AI through I has its own
summary page and the summaries range in length depending on the level
of difficulty of the book. Levels 7A through 2A contain short two to three
line summaries, and there are five summaries on each page. Along with
the book summary is a picture of the book cover and colorful graphics to
make the summary itself appealing to students.
There are indices at the back of the Annotated Bibliography by author, title
and subject to aid students and assistants when searching for specific books.
For example, if students particularly like Beverly Cleary or Ronald Dahl
books, then they can go to the author index and look for other books written by the same author. Sometimes, students need to write book reports
for school, and choose books from our RRL. When students would like to
choose a book, instead of selecting them at random from the level, have
the students read through some of the summaries so that they pick a book
that they want to read and that interests them. The summaries also withhold specific details and do not give away the whole story to entice students to read the entire book.
Spend time reading through the summaries to first become familiar with
the books before discussing the books with the students and encourage
your Assistants to do the same. This item is a great training tool for your
Assistants. When the Assistants have down time during the Center, have
them read through each summary. It is advisable to have an extra copy of
the Annotated Bibliography in the parent waiting room to encourage
parents to read to their children or encourage more book reading at home.
The Book Tracker is intended for use in conjunction with the Annotated
Bibliography for students in 2A and higher. This item was introduced at the
2004 Instructors Conference, and was the product of a six-month pilot-test
Got Books? Lets Read Voluntary Study Group. This tool gives students
an opportunity to express their opinions about a book, tracks the books
students read, motivates students to read more books, and provides
Instructors with a concrete method of integrating the RRL into the Reading
Program. This exercise is intended as a way of developing a students love
of reading and is not a marked or graded assignment. Students write
their thoughts in their own words and have the opportunity to have Book
talk with an assistant or Instructor afterwards. Giving students opportunities
to share what theyve read also motivates and excites them. Research has

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shown that this simple interaction of sharing what theyve read to another
individual helps spark students interest. It also fosters excitement when
they receive positive feedback without criticism or correction to their
written text. It increases confidence in their own abilities, decreases fear of
being wrong and encourages greater willingness to explore new ideas.

Here are some of the highlights of the Book Tracker (BT):

A goal setting page for students to write a goal of how many books
they would want to read.
Quotes included sporadically inspiring them to read.
Directions of how to use the BT for the Instructor and the student.
On the writing entry pages, there are two general open-ended questions.
Tracking pages from levels 2A through I.
There are 50 writing entry pages in the Book Tracker.
The Book Tracker is a non-chargeable item.

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Supplemental Tools



Using Flashcards
Show card with the picture on it to the student.
Student should say the word. (Tell the student the word if the
student does not know it.)
Turn the card over and do the next one.

Guidelines for Using Flashcards

All the flashcards can be used at home and/or at the Center. They are meant
to be used throughout the early levels, but also can be used with students
in levels AI and above. The flashcards (sight word, word family, rhyming)
are shown to students picture side only at a rate of approximately one card
per second. Thus, it takes about 30 seconds for a student to view 30 cards.
Their sight word vocabulary is being built through the context cue of the
picture. Through this method, students actually may learn to read up to
50% of the words on the word-only side of the cards.
At home, we want parents to use only the picture side of the flashcards.
In the Center, once a student has been exposed to the cards and the
worksheets, the Instructor may choose to show the student some of
the flashcards with the word side first. If a student does not recognize
the word right away, however, the Instructor should tell the student
what the word is rather than let him/her try to sound the word out. The
words on these flashcards are not meant to be sounded out. Exposure
to the word is the key in the Word Building Block. Doing the flashcards
this way is meant to be fast and fun for the student, and it provides the
Instructor, assistant or parent with the opportunity for lots of praise.

Helpful Hint
If smaller groups of
flashcards are preferred,
cards 1-20 can go on
one 112" ring and
cards 21-40 can be put
on a second ring.

How to Divide Flashcards into Groups

1. Sight Word Flashcards:
For each level, divide flashcards into groups of 30 and put
on 112" rings.
7A has 8 112" rings for cards 7A 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120,
121-150, 151-180, 181-210, 211-244
6A has 6 112" rings for cards 6A 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120,
121-150, 151-189
5A has 3 112" rings for cards 5A 1-30, 31-60, 61-89
4A has 5 112" rings for cards 4A 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 121-142

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3A has 6 112" rings for cards 3A 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120,

121-150, 151-173
The 112"-inch rings for each level can remain separate or they can
be held together on a single 2-inch ring.

2. Word Family Flashcards:

These flashcards are divided into short vowel and long vowel sounds and
the flashcards for each vowel sound are put on 2-inch rings.

Short Vowel Sounds

Short a has 8 word families or the following 40 cards on one 112" ring.
ack word family cards 1-5
all word family cards 6-10
am word family cards 11-15
an word family cards 16-20
and word family cards 21-25
ap word family cards 26-30
at word family cards 31-35
ar word family cards 36-40
Short e has 5 word families or the following 25 cards on one 112" ring.
ed word family cards 41-45
ell word family cards 46-50
en word family cards 51-55
est word family cards 56-60
et word family cards 61-65
Short i has 8 word families or the following 40 cards on one 112" ring.

Helpful Hint

ick word family cards 66-70

If smaller groups of

ig word family cards 71-75

flashcards are preferred,

ill word family cards 76-80

cards 66-85 can go on

in word family cards 81-85

one ring and cards

86-105 can be put on a
second 112" ring.

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ing word family cards 86-90

ink word family cards 91-95
ip word family cards 96-100
it word family cards 101-105
Supplemental Tools



Short o has 6 word families or the following 30 cards on one 112" ring.
ock word family cards 106-110

Helpful Hint
If preferred, the first
4 word family cards
(106-125) can be put on
one 112" ring and the
2 double-o word family
cards (221-230) can be
put on a second ring.

og word family cards 111-115

op word family cards 116-120
ot word family cards 121-125
ook word family cards 221-225
ool word family cards 226-230
Short u has 4 word families or the following 20 cards on one 112" ring.
uck word family cards 126-130
ug word family cards 131-135
un word family cards 136-140
ut word family cards 141-145

Long Vowel Sounds

Long a has 4 word families or the following 20 cards on one 112" ring.
ail word family cards 146-150
ain word family cards 151-155
ake word family cards 156-160
ay word family cards 161-165
Long e has 4 word families or the following 20 cards on one 112" ring.
eat word family cards 166-170
ee word family cards 171-175
eep word family cards 176-180
eet word family cards 181-185
Long i has 6 word families or the following 35 cards on one 112" ring.
ice word family cards 186-190
ide word family cards 191-195
ine word family cards 196-200
ite word family cards 201-205
ive word family cards 206-210
y word family cards 246-250
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Long o has 5 word families or the following 25 cards on one 112"ring.

oat word family cards 211-215

Helpful Hint

old word family cards 216-220

If smaller groups of

one word family cards 231-235

flashcards are preferred,

ose word family cards 236-240

cards 186-200 can go on

ow word family cards 241-245

one ring and cards

201-250 can be put on
a second 1 2" ring.

3. Rhyming words:
Are divided into 5 groups of 20 flashcards each. Each of the five groups
is put on a 112" ring. These five 112" rings can be kept separate or held
together on one 2-inch ring.
Group 1: Flashcards 1-20 air, ail, ain, ate rhyming words
Group 2: Flashcards 21-40 ed, ee, eek, een rhyming words
Group 3: Flashcards 41-60 eat, eye, ight, or rhyming words
Group 4: Flashcards 61-80 ox, oak, oat, oo rhyming words
Group 5: Flashcards 81-100 oot, erd, earl,urn rhyming words
Direction Stickers
Place one sticker on the front side of the first flashcard of each set.
These stickers are numbered should the Instructors like to use the
numbers as part of a tracking system.

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How to Assign the Flashcards

Sight Word Flashcards can be used:
To help develop basic vocabulary
ex. Students should be assigned Sight Word flashcards in order, if
possible, to ensure they will practice all sets before advancing to 2A.

Word Family Flashcards can be used in the following ways:

To help develop phonemic awareness in a non-reader
ex. A three or four year old can be given any of the word family flashcards
while they are doing any of the worksheets. They do not have to be
given in any particular order.
To help a child learn the vowel sounds (basic phonics)
ex. Any child can be introduced to the short and long vowel sounds of
letters by giving them Word Family flashcards for each short, then
long vowel sound, or by giving them the short and long sounds of
each letter. For example, a student may be introduced one at a
time to the 5 groups of short vowel flashcards (which includes a,
e, i, o, and u), followed by the long vowel flashcards (which only include
a, e, i, and o); or a student may be exposed to the short and long
vowels of each individual letter (short a, long a; followed by short e,
long e, etc.)
To help a child distinguish between vowel sounds (phonics)
ex. A student who has difficulty distinguishing between short e and short
i could be given the short e word family cards and the short i word
family cards simultaneously or first one, then the other.

Rhyming Flashcards can be used in the following way:

To help develop phonemic awareness
Before a child can learn to read an alphabetic language such as English,
s/he must have a solid foundation of the awareness of sounds within
words. This happens through language play, especially rhyming. The
rhyming flashcards help children develop this needed phonemic
awareness. These flashcards can be given to students at any level at
any time and as often as they like. However, we recommend that you
concentrate on Sight Word and Word Family cards first.
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Supplemental Tools



Alphabet Board
The Alphabet Board is a fun way to reinforce letter recognition and sound
recognition. We encourage students to use this board during class time to
strengthen their knowledge of letters, letter sounds or letter combinations
depending on their worksheet level. The Alphabet Board can also be an
effective way to keep students meaningfully occupied while they are
waiting to work with an assistant.

Letter Sounds Chart

The Letter Sounds Chart is an aid to the worksheets that helps to make
instruction multi-sensory. Along with worksheets, flashcards and other tools,
the Letter Sounds Chart helps to ensure that instruction is presented in a
manner in which all children can learn. It can be used to teach the ABC
song, the names, shapes and sounds of the letters. It is imperative that the
Instructor and Assistants learn the accurate sound of each letter as
presented in the Letter Sounds CD.

Letter Writing Pages

These pages are intended for additional practice with writing the
letters of the alphabet. Students who are just learning to write may use
these sheets as an enhancement to their worksheet study. These sheets
are available with one letter per page to allow young students the
opportunity to focus on one letter at a time.
Smaller letter and script practice sheets are available for older students
who may need additional practice writing neatly.

Kumon produces a variety of CDs to assist with instruction and center
management. CDs are available from 7A-3A which provide an oral version
of the worksheets. These are generally utilized at the Center to help
students follow the written words on the worksheets. The Letter Sounds
CD is used in conjunction with the Letter Sounds Chart to help students
learn the letter sounds. Additionally, it is a useful training tool for the
Instructor and assistants to learn the appropriate letter sounds prior to
working with young students.

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Kumon Start-Up Manual

Supplemental Tools
Math Supplemental Tools

Number Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Number Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Number Writing Sheets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Numerical Notebooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Multiplication Flash Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

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Number Boards (30, 50, 100)

The 30, 50 and 100 Number Boards are essential to the effective

Instruction of the lower Math levels. They are especially helpful to those
students who are primarily visual or tactile learners. From Level 7A to
Level A, there are specific achievement goals (measured by time) for
students to build up to. These goals are outlined in Part II of your
Instruction Manual.
This activity is very good at helping your students build solid
number sense.
Guidelines for Using Number Boards
Schedule the Number Board activity at regular intervals (ie. every class or
once a week).
This activity can be done sitting or standing at a table. Most Instructors
have found that standing aids in the students focus on the exercise.
Where possible, use separate tables of various heights to accommodate
the differing age/height of students.
Ensure that your Assistant or the student uses a stopwatch to time the
exercise, and that the result is recorded in the students file.

How to teach young students to use the 30 Magnetic

Number Board
Cover up numbers 6 and higher with a piece of paper. One by one, hand
the magnetic number pieces to the student, asking Where does this
go?, and have the student place them correctly on the board.
Once the child is able to place 1-5 on the board easily, he or she can
move on to numbers 1-10. Fold the board so that only the numbers 1-10
are visible. Give the student all the magnetic pieces from 1-10 and have
him or her place them in order. Once the student gets used to the
exercise, allow him or her to grab them at random with two hands and
put them down correctly on the board. After all 10 pieces have been
put on the board, have the child point at each number in sequence and
say the number out loud.

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When the student is able to place 1-10 quickly on the board, and is able
to say these numbers out loud quickly and correctly, have the student
move on to 1-20. Again, fold the board so that only numbers 1-20 are visible and give the student the magnetic pieces for 1-20. Do not
immediately point out the error if the student puts the wrong number
down. Instead, allow the student to realize the mistake when he or she
reads back the numbers on the board out loud.
Finally, when the student is able to place 1-20 on the board quickly and
correctly, have the student put the magnetic pieces on the board up to
the number 30. Give similar direction as listed in the previous bullet point.
When he or she is able to perform the exercise smoothly, then start
recording times for the 30 number board.

Number Poster
The Number Poster is a simple and effective tool to build a students
counting ability and number sense. By the time the student completes
Level 4A, they should be able to count up to 220.

Guidelines for Using the Number Poster

Schedule the Number Poster activity at regular intervals (ie. every class or
once a week).
Students do not have to start counting from number 1 every time. Start
students a couple of numbers before the last number they counted
during the last session.
Guide students to recognize the patterning/grouping of 10s.
Have students identify numbers randomly.

Number Writing Sheets

Young students often require help building both their motor skills and
number writing ability. In addition to the Worksheets, Number Writing
Sheets can be ordered to help your students that may need help in
this area.

General Guidelines for Number Writing

Student observation will help the Instructor in determining whether
students are using proper stroke order when forming their numbers.
For all exercises and all Levels, guide students to write their numbers the
same size as the printed number or example.
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Numerical Notebooks
There are two Numerical Notebooks that you can order for your
students to practice their number writing skills. Please note that these
notebooks are chargeable items. Detailed directions on how to use the
Numerical Notebooks can be found in the Junior Kumon Handbook.

Numerical Notebook 1
Students usually start with this notebook, as it has example numbers for
students to trace before they start writing numbers on their own.
Assign a consistent number of lines (usually 2-3) for the student to
complete at every class.

Numerical Notebook 2
This notebook contains entirely blank boxes for the student to
write numbers.
Students should write numbers however they like and as high as they can go.
Direct students to try writing numbers in 2s, 5s, 10s, or 100s
(i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40).
Direct students to try writing numbers in descending order
(i.e. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1).

Kumon Preschool Pencil

For students who are very young and are still building up their motor skills,
you can purchase Kumon Preschool Pencils to aid in their learning. These
pencils are three-sided, and are thicker and shorter than a conventional
pencil. These key features help young students learn how to grip a pencil
and makes the process much easier for them.

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Multiplication Flash Cards

To supplement the acquisition of the multiplication tables, Multiplication
Flash Cards can be ordered to complement the Worksheets. It is
advisable to provide students with the flashcards when they reach the
Math Worksheet set B151. This will give students a head start once they
reach the concept of multiplication in Math Level C.

Guidelines for the Multiplication Flash Cards

Students can practice using these cards at home or in class.
Do not administer these cards in a stressful, test-oriented manner.
Allow students to learn each multiplication table forwards, backwards
and randomly.

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Kumon Start-Up Manual

Appendix I Training Presentations
Self Study Presentation
Setting Up Your Recommended Reading Library

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Appendix I



Recommended Reading Library Presentation

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Appendix I



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Appendix I



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Appendix I



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Appendix I



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Appendix I



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Appendix I



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Appendix I



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Appendix I



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Appendix I



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Appendix I



Kumon Start-Up Manual

Appendix II Assistant Training Resources
Instructors should not underestimate the importance of
well-trained Assistants in the Center. As Taylor and LaBarra
found through research for their 2006 book Mavericks at
Work, There is a direct connection between a companys
identity in the marketplace (how it relates to customers)
and its performance in the workplace (how it relates
to employees).
As a Kumon franchisee, it is your duty to ensure that
Assistants are knowledgeable and engaged so they are
happy at work, work well with students, and represent the
Center and Kumon North America well.
Of course, besides making sure that the Assistants are
well-trained, Instructors need to make sure that they have
enough staff on hand for smooth Center operations. It takes
time to train a good Assistant, so make sure they are hired
and trained slightly ahead of need.
Kumon North America has materials available to help with
training Assistants. Materials will be added, and this list is
not all inclusive, but among the materials readily available
to you are shown on the following pages (as of January 2007).

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Appendix II



Assistant Training Resource

Where to find it

Brief Description

Assistant Training Handbook

Log onto iKumon

Then go to
Center Management
Center Assistant Training Handbook

Covers Kumon philosophy and

curriculum, general information for
working with math and reading students,
duties assigned to the assistant, and
an assistant evaluation form

Assistant Training Modules

Log onto iKumon

Then go to
FSC Instruction
(Select the module)

A booklet and accompanying video

for training Assistants on how to help
students in these levels and how the
worksheets should be completed.

Modules are currently available

for the following Kumon Levels.



(in development, DI-EII)

To download the videos:

Log onto iKumon
Then go to
(Click on the module you are
interested in)

Components of each module:

Cover Page includes general notes for
consideration throughout the levels
Inside pages are a breakdown of
the individual levels with specific
tips for sections within the levels
A Self Assessment "pop-quiz" on
the material from the General Notes
and Level Highlights
Answer Key for evaluation of
Self-Assessment in the booklet
Video Takes assistants through
the contents of the levels, including
clips of students in the levels under
consideration (a copy of the videos
may also be available via the branch)

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Appendix II



Assistant Training Resource

CMS2 Training Materials

Where to find it

iKumon/CMS2/Materials/User Manuals
(These can also be found in the
Appendix of the CMS2 Users Guide
which you have on CD)
Log onto iKumon
Then go to
User Manuals

Junior Kumon Assistant

Training Manual

The red folder included in your Junior

Kumon Handbook

Brief Description
Here you will find the following items
for training Assistants
CMS2 Data Entry Training Module
for training on how to do data
entry using the score card and how
to enter achievement test results
Kumon Grading Scale Presentation
to train staff on how to use the
percentage grading scale on
worksheets and basics on when
to indicate a full or partial error
and how to score them
Aims of Reading levels 7A-3A
Reading oral check guidelines
Aims of Math levels 7A-4A
Math oral check guidelines
Explanation of most common tasks
when assisting with Junior Kumon

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Appendix II



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