1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Dennis Mock Sunday, February
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Dennis Mock Sunday, February
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Dennis Mock Sunday, February
Dennis Mock
Sunday, February 7, 2010
In Christianity today there is a growing emphasis on “being vs. doing” on “experience vs.
truth”. Yet you cannot be a Christian without first knowing Jesus through the Word of
God. Knowing though has never been enough. It must be accomplished by doing. Both
must be true. We must know Him and acknowledge the truth of scripture and then do
what He has called and enabled us to do by His Holy Spirit.
Matt. 7 – End of the Sermon on the Mount. Wise man builds his house on obedience to
Matt. 28:20 – We make disciples . . . teaching them to obey.
Phil. 4:9 – What you have heard . . . put into practice.
- Obedience must be motivated by love for God and desire to please Him.
- If we only know and never do then we are not obedient disciples.
We will read through the passage then identify 7 areas of concern where Paul identifies
“God’s To Do List” for believers. This is a very challenging passage!
From all of these 20+ commands I want you to pick one that you need to focus on.
APP: Pick one thing from above and seek to do it this week!