June 12

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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter 39
12th June 2015
Though amazing that the time has whizzed along so fast, we
are now embarked upon the story afternoons for the 20 children joining Septembers new Reception class. It is always a
pleasure to welcome families who are new to Bronte, as well
as those where there are siblings currently at the school. This
year that number is quite high, so was quite a family event.
The children had a bit of a play, before settling for Rod
Campbells story of various totally unsuitable animals being
sent home as potential petsand being firmly sent back! Mrs
Kybert even risked asking for the children to imitate lions
roars, monkeys chattering, frogs croaking and snakes hissing.
So it was all pretty David Attenborough! A fine time was had by
all. There are two further story afternoons, on Thursday 18th
and Wednesday 24th June.
The 21 children who journeyed to Normandy and Chateau de
la Baudonniere arrived back last Saturday and had many
stories to tell. Its been wonderful to hear what happened with
the mud obstacle course, St. Malo beach trip, Dinan market
and much else besides. Id like to thank the 4 staff members
who were in charge, Mrs Prescott was overall officer
commanding, fantastically supported by Mrs Lippard, Miss
Prescott (relation) and Miss Hooton (who is just coming to
the end of her very successful student placement with Bronte).
It was Mrs Baldacci who masterminded the scheme 16 years
ago, and this was the first time she remained back at school,
having helped greatly with all the preparation planning. The
school owes a big debt to her for all she has achieved over 17
Chateau trips and the remarkable number of children who
have been given such a great experience.

Mention of the student placements above is the chance to say

congratulations and thank you to Miss Sara Hooton and Miss
Gemma Humphreys, who have great work in the Reception
class. Well done to them both, and we wish them all the very
best in the future.
Our cricket squad took part in the U11 Gravesham Kwik
Cricket, one of 14 schools taking part. We won 2 of our 3 first
round matches (against Vigo (232 - 211) and Cobham (228
223) (we lost to Wrotham Road (219 234)). This qualified us
for the semi-finals, where we sadly didnt manage - just to
secure a victory over Chantry (217 222). This was nonetheless
a good competition for Bronte and everyone played well. The
parental support was absolutely tremendous THANK YOU.

The squad was: Will Ansell, Jeevan Bains,Roan Chima,

Pavn Hayer, Pavan Judge, Jeevan Malhi, Max Owen, Kiki
Ratty,Megan Salter, Rio Thind.

Every now and then, these newsletters give you a flavour

of some of the routines of school life. A crucial aspect of
school and nursery life is of course policy and practice in
ensuring that the environment is both safe and healthy.
The Health and Safety Committee meets termly to take
forward all such matters, and this terms meeting took
place on Thursday. It is a joint school/nursery
committee. This time, there was consideration of areas
such as our recent consultants report, water quality
monitoring and how best to develop the triage system
for medical issues and first aid at the school. On the principle of
closing stable doors before horses have bolted there was
also reflection on potential areas which could possibly
create issues in the future.
Looking Ahead
Week 7
Mon 15th June
Years 3 and 4 trip Hornimans
Year 6 ChYps Week fundraising
Wed 17th June
Year 3 class assembly (9.00am). All
parents welcome
Multi-sports event at Gravesend
Rugby Club (4.00pm)
Thurs 18th June
Advisory Board Meeting
Sept 15 Reception Class - Story
Afternoon 2
Thurs 18th June
Move Up Afternoon
Fri 19th June
House Rounders
Week 8
Mon 22nd June
Whole School trip to Joss Bay
Wed 24th Jun
9.00am Dress Rehearsal - Year 6/
Mayfield Play A Midsummer
Nights Dream
Sept 15 Reception Class - Story
Afternoon 3
A Midsummer Nights Dream
(7.00pm) - Performance
Thurs 25th June
A Midsummer Nights Dream
(7.00pm)- Performance
After School Tutorials end
Fri 26th June
4.00pm Gym Club open evening

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