For Your Calendar: Term 1 - Week 5 WWW - - NZ Office@methven - Phone: 03 302 8500
For Your Calendar: Term 1 - Week 5 WWW - - NZ Office@methven - Phone: 03 302 8500
For Your Calendar: Term 1 - Week 5 WWW - - NZ Office@methven - Phone: 03 302 8500
has been from day one of this term. From the triathlon to the 3 Way Conferences to the swimming sports to the class field trips it definitely hasnt stopped and I feel that my feet havent really touched the ground, so I imagine the children probably feel the same way. Its all good stuff though. Back in the day, when I was at primary school, we learnt about science and social studies and other topic based stuff in isolation. I remember a particularly useless study we did on Uganda when I was in Standard 3. Luckily the way we teach these subjects have evolved over time. While Science and Social Studies (its called Social Sciences now) still remain as separate subjects in the curriculum, the teaching and learning of these have been woven together into what is called Inquiry Learning. Inquiry Learning is all about minimising surface learning (like the GDP of Uganda is $19.8 billion) and digging into the stuff that matters (like the importance of water to our local environment). The field trips the classes have undertaken (or will undertake) are part of this learning process. It would be easy to mistake these for a nice day out of the classroom, but they are, in fact, an essential part of the tuning in process. From these trips will emerge ideas and questions that will form the basis for the terms learning. One of the hardest things for teachers to do with Inquiry Learning is letting go. Teachers like to plan and know what the children will be learning weeks in advance but great Inquiry Learning is organic and quite often will lead the children and teachers into quite unexpected areas. At the end of an inquiry cycle children are faced with a So What? proposition. So what does this mean...? So what are we going to do about it...? Often the outcomes of one inquiry lead into the start of another; thereby giving ownership of the learning to the students themselves. We, as adults, know that if you are interested in something you do, you are far more likely to keep doing it. The capital city of Uganda is Kampala. Have a great week, Chris Phone: 03 302 8500 Tuesday 11-Thursday 13 March Learnz Thursday 13 March Spud in the Bucket collected Saturday 15 March Methven A & P Show Monday 24 March Whole School Assembly 2pm Tuesday 25-Thursday 27 March Yr 6 Camp Monday 7 April Whole School Assembly 2pm Wednesday 9 April BOT Meeting Thursday 17 April Last Day Term 1 Monday 5 May First day Term 2 Friday 4 July Last day Term 2
The FOOTHILLS GATE programme has commenced again this year with senior students. This year we are meeting every week, in Term 1 for senior students and in Term 2 for junior students. This year we have expanded to include Windwhistle, Longbeach and Hinds. As a staff at MPS we will be looking at identification and selection for the programme in the coming weeks. We are looking at building up a collection of board games for GATE students. If you have any appropriate board games that you are no longer using please send them along to school. Any spare chess games would be really appreciated.
County Swimming Sports Results Relay 9 Yrs - 1st - Bailey, Sam, Caitlin, Sophie. Relay 10 Yrs - 3rd - Bree, Penny, William H, James R Freestyle Boys 9 & Under - 1st Bailey Allred, 2nd Sam Cuttle Freestyle Girls 9 & Under - 1st Caitlin Allred, 2nd Sophie Fulton Freestyle Girls 10 Yrs - 2nd Bree Middleton Backstroke Boys 9 & Under - 1st Bailey Allred, 4th Will Evatt Backstroke Girls 9 & Under - 1st Caitlin Allred, 2nd Hannah Wareing Backstroke Girls 10 Yrs - 2nd Bree Middleton Breastroke Boys 11 Yrs & Under - 4th Bailey Allred Breastroke Girls 11 Yrs & Under - 3rd Bree Middleton CONGRATULATIONS AND WELL DONE TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED
School News
LEARNZ All classes at MPS are starting a virtual field trip next week with Andrew from LEARNZ. Our topic is Wetland Biodiversity and will involve a journey into the Ashburton lakes to see the rare inland high country ecosystem. Children will be able to log on to LEARNZ and follow the trip from home. School Assemblies Mondays 24 March & 7 April These are whole school assemblies, parents are welcome to attend, and will be held in the Mt Hutt College hall from 2pm-3pm. School Swimming Lessons Lessons organised by the fundraising committee have now been postponed until Term 4 due to poor weather conditions and a full calendar of school activities. Thank you to Mt Hutt Ski Area For donating buses for our class trips, and to all the drivers who have given their time and expertise. Schooltex Available from The Warehouse from 7 March 2014.
Community News
Methven A & P Assn - 100th Show on Saturday 15th March.
This special day will have all the usual great attractions including the side shows and top team events and an enlarged animal shed. The lamb colouring competition is on again in the sheep pens. Bungee swing, water walkers and miniature horse rides as well as the spud in the bucket competition. The spud in the bucket will be collected from school on the morning of Thursday 13th March. Penny Farthing bikes riding around the grounds. Plus......The Mechanical Bull. The Methven Fire Brigade will have the Command centre vehicle along with a couple of car wrecks to cut up in a rescue demonstration. Classic cars and lots of vintage gear with working displays to show how it all used to be done before our modern technology made it easier. The Child Cancer Foundation Chamberlain tractor trek will be at our show on the last leg of their South Island fund raising tour. Two Helicopters plus a snow groomer. The usual Art and Craft alley and the wine and food lawn will be in full swing along with the horse events and of course the Grand Parade. Its going to be a big day! Come and enjoy it. Free entry for all school children.