Energy Storage Part1

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Energy Storage for

Power Systems


Energy storage systems

Mechanical Energy Storage

Chemical Energy Storage

Thermal Energy Storage (TES)



The variation of electricity demand over the days and

seasons causes a problem for the power plant
management and efficient work.
Examples of possible energy management methods:

Supply power peaks by interconnecting power netwroks that

might have different power demands on them.
Use newer and more efficient power plants for base-load
generation and use older less efficient plants for peak-power
Use smaller, low capital cost less efficient power plants as
power peaking units
Add energy storage system.


Advantages of using energy storage

reduced energy costs;

reduced energy consumption;

improved indoor air quality;

increased flexibility of operation;

reduced initial and maintenance costs.


Some energy storage applications :

Utility. base-load electricity can be used to charge ES systems
during evening or off-peak weekly or seasonal periods. The
electricity is then used during peak periods.

Industry. High-temperature waste heat from various industrial

processes can be stored for use in preheating and other heating

Cogeneration. Coupled production of heat and electricity by a

cogeneration system rarely matches demand exactly, excess
electricity or heat can be stored for subsequent use.


Some energy storage applications (cont..) :

Wind and run-of-river hydro. Conceivably, these systems
can operate around the clock, charging an electrical storage
system during low-demand hours and later using that electricity
for peaking purposes. ES increases the capacity factor for these
devices, usually enhancing their economic value.

Solar energy systems. By storing excess solar energy

received on sunny days for use on cloudy days or at night, ES
systems can increase the capacity factor of solar energy

Energy storage systems


Energy storage systems


Mechanical Energy Storage

Compressed air storage
Fly wheel

Energy storage systems


Hydrostorage (Pumped energy storage)

Water is pumped upward

when excess electricity exist
Water is let down through
turbine when electricity is
The efficiency of a pumped
water storage plant is about
When the energy is needed,
the plant only needs 30 s to
reach 100% of its power

Energy storage systems


Hydrostorage (Pumped energy storage)

Energy storage systems


Hydrostorage (Pumped energy storage)

the overall efficiency of hydro pumped storage h as the ratio

of the energy supplied to the consumer while generating, Eg
and the energy consumed while pumping, Ep.

h =Eg / Ep = g p

The energy used pumping a volume V of water up to height

h with a pumping efficiency p is

Ep=ghV/ p

Energy storage systems


Hydrostorage (Pumped energy storage)

The energy supplied to the grid while generating with

generating efficiency g will be given by:

Eg=ghV g

Energy storage systems


Hydrostorage (Pumped energy storage)

Energy storage systems


Compressed air storage

Air is compressed during off-peak hours and stored in large

underground reservoirs, which may be naturally occurring caverns, salt
domes, abandoned mine shafts, depleted gas and oil fields, or manmade caverns.
During peak hours, the air is released to drive a gas turbine generator.
The total cold startup time to full load
is normally 11 min,
but as short as 6
min in an

Energy storage systems


Compressed air storage

Application in gas turbine cycles

Energy storage systems


Fly wheel

A wheel of relatively large mass that

stores rotational kinetic energy.
Flywheels can have a significant
advantage in vehicles that undergo
frequent start/stop operations as in urban

The quantity of energy stored in a

flywheel is usually small. One watt-hour
of energy is equivalent to 1.8 kg of mass
on a 2 m-diameter flywheel rotating at
600 rpm
It is used for energy storage for smal
periods of time

Energy storage systems


Chemical Energy Storage

Electrochemical Batteries

Energy storage systems


Electrochemical Batteries

Energy storage systems


Hydrogen storage characterstics

A fuel for electricity and/or heat production in fuel cells

or combustion engines.
Powering transportation devices, in addition to being a
chemical commodity.
Hydrogen can be stored more easily and transported
more inexpensively than electricity
Hydrogen is less advantageous than electricity in terms
of production costs.

Energy storage systems


Hydrogen Storage Technologies

An expensive highpressure tank in which the steel is

100 times heavier than the hydrogen stored.
Refrigerated, vacuum-insulated dewar system which is
both expensive and energy consuming.
Absorbing hydrogen in metallic powders, forming
hydrogen metallic compounds (metal hydrides) which
can be decomposed by the application of heat,
releasing hydrogen

Energy storage systems


Hydrogen Production

The raw material from which most hydrogen is likely to

be produced in the future is water
A significant amount of hydrogen is already produced
by the electrolysis of water
In a perfectly efficient electrolytic cell, 94 kWh of
energy is needed to produce 28.3 m3 of hydrogen (at
atmospheric pressure)
Most electrolysis cells operate at energy efficiencies of
about 6075%

Energy storage systems


Hydrogen Production

Water can be decomposed directly by thermal energy,

but the temperature required for a reasonable yield,
approximately 2500C, is not readily available from
nuclear reactors or other thermal sources.
Water can be decomposed also through a
thermochemical process which is a series of chemical
reactions. However, it need temperatures of 900C or
Research is ongoing to utilize heat at significantly
lower temperatures (approximately 500C), like the
copper chlorine cycle.

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