CRM Middleware: SMWP-monitoring SMW01-Display Bdoc
CRM Middleware: SMWP-monitoring SMW01-Display Bdoc
CRM Middleware: SMWP-monitoring SMW01-Display Bdoc
Registration of Destinations:
This is place where you can activate the queue. So if you want to stop replication
just deregister the queue from here.
This help in debugging when you have issues like proper data is getting populated
in the container or not.
You can config how many max numbers of connections are allowed.
We can navigate to above screen from CRM MIDDLEWARE MONITORING
transaction SMWP.
It has information regarding the FM which fills the BDOC so good to know if you
want to DEBUG.
Monitor Objects
What we can do here?
How we can execute?
Start Synchronizing
After creating the request in R3AR2, start it using t code R3AR4.