CRM Middleware: SMWP-monitoring SMW01-Display Bdoc

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Monitoring and troubleshooting --SMWPmonitoring

SMW00error handling
SMW01Display bdoc
SMW02bdoc message summary
SMQ1outbound queue
SMQ2- inbound queue
SMQR QUEUE IN scheduler
SMQSqueue out scheduler
SMWTmiddleware trace
R3ASstart initial load
R3AC6define middleware param
R3AC4 MOST IMPORTANT---It starts the delta flow of bdocs when
R3AR2define request
R3AR3monitor request
R3AR4start request
SDIMAdata integrity manager
BDOC ----business document Data container for processing business objects
Bdoc type is a structure---BUPA_MAIN
BDOC Message ---- it contains only the feilds will be changing
CRM to SAP ECC---Connected through R/3 adapters
Data flow between CRM and r/3
r/3->create sales order ->call FM -> outbound queue -> Inbound
queue(CRM)RFC post sales order
Naming convention - >

Create an RFC in SM59

Authorization - We can have an added authorization to allow only specific

users to use the RFC Connection.

Select industry BASIS Activity

Generate industry specific objects and Services... SMOGTOTAL-to schedule a

jobSMOGLASTLOG to see the status of jobBASIS activity.

GENSTATUS is the transaction to monitor scheduled job for generation

Configuration of Publication, Sites and Subscription
Sites: Systems which are involved in the transfer of data are known as sites. It
can be CRM -> R/3 or R/3 -> CRM or CRM -> CRM or R/3 to R/3.
Publication: data which is being transferred between sites for ex BP CA BA. Each
Configuration has a replication object.
Subscription: Assignment of Publication to a site is called subscription.
All these 3 can be configured from SMOEAC.
Create the site first then publication and then subscription.

Define Middleware parameters :

Define these parameter to determine how the exchange will happen.
For example:
Her G means to copy Pricing.

Registration of Destinations:

This is place where you can activate the queue. So if you want to stop replication
just deregister the queue from here.
This help in debugging when you have issues like proper data is getting populated
in the container or not.
You can config how many max numbers of connections are allowed.
We can navigate to above screen from CRM MIDDLEWARE MONITORING
transaction SMWP.

Registration of inbound Queues:

SMQR is the transaction to do that.

What is CSA QUEUE---outbound CRM to ISU or R3 or CRM ?

Set up Number ranges

If we need different number range then we can set it up thru OONR
How?- not required---

Set up Object exchange:

Three types of objects: Business objects (R3AC1), Customizing objects (R3AC3
) and conditional objects (R3AC5) .___------very important---to put filters
Very important information about replication objects.

It has information regarding the FM which fills the BDOC so good to know if you
want to DEBUG.

Start Initial Load


Monitor Objects

Set Up delta load---IMPortant

What we can do here?
How we can execute?

Create Synchronization request

This transaction can be helpful in creating a synchronizing request of a specific
range of BPs.
Lets say a BP is not replicated you can create a request for that BP and run it .

Start Synchronizing
After creating the request in R3AR2, start it using t code R3AR4.

Monitor Sync request

SMW01 --- Monitor BDOC

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