Statement of Purpose: Name: Abhilash Gopal Program: Master'S Program in Electrical&Computer Engineering

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All through my life I witnessed firsthand as electronics changed the world around
me.Today computers continue to become faster, the internet more pervasive and
the need for expertise in fields such as electronics and communication has become
more significant than ever before.
It was this train of thought that influenced me to pursue my undergraduate degree
in the field of electronics.
The universityI chose is at the forefront of research in this field.My undergraduate
schoolPESIT is a university known for its stringent academic standards. Here, I
began to get a more complete understanding of electronics with subjects such as
VLSI,Electromagnetics and Embedded Systems.Apart from the theoretical
knowledge I gained, mypractical abilities were enhanced with regular laboratory
work each semesterproviding a good applicationbaseline with theoreticalconcepts
previously learnt.Thus, a foundation was set with a broad understanding of
concepts, principles and applications in Electronic Engineering. This was further
enhanced with the presentations of seminars on Organic LEDs and Free Space
Optical Communications.
A project dealing with the implementation of a temperature controlled fan was also
part of the course work during my undergraduate program.This dealt extensively
with embedded systems and different aspects of communication between devices.
While working on this project I found that I had developed an inclination towards
embedded systems. I decided to pursue my interest in embedded systems, which
was sparked due to my work in the project, by gaining a masters degree.
The next important decision that I had to make was to choose a graduate school
which matched my interests. After intense research and consultation with my
professors, I was ledto the electronics programs offered at Virginia Tech.
The school boasts of highly regarded faculty both in the academia and Industry. In
the year 2009 alone 18 patents have been awarded to various professors under the
electronics department at Virginia Tech, which is truly impressive. This first rate
faculty would ensure that I am exposed to the mindsets of leaders in both academia
and the real world. Apart from this a lot of research programs are being carried out
at VTech in fields such as photonics, wireless networking and embedded

systems.The school also offers an array of subjects to choose from such as

advanced real time systems, Computer architecture and signal processing.
In order to make my mark as an electronics engineer a strong technical foundation
is necessary. I strongly believe the opportunities offered at Virginia Tech will help me
achieve these goals.I bring with me a good academic record, the ability to dedicate
myself religiously towards my ambitions, and a constant urge to enhance my
technical ability.
With so many resources available at your university I am confident that the
consummate education that I receive at Virginia Tech will benefit me throughout my

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