Stratigrafi 2
Stratigrafi 2
Stratigrafi 2
In this lab you will be using the geologic map of the Grand Canyon. You will
examine the geologic map to look for evidence of unconformities, and to
determine the relative sequence of geologic events.
Unconformities may be recognized on a geologic map in several ways.
1. An angular relationship between sequences of beds is called an
angular unconformity. In cross-section an angular unconformity
looks like this:
Laboratory 16
b. What ages (periods) are missing from this sequence? Put an X in the
boxes of those which you cannot find on the map or in the legend.
2. The fine gray lines on this map are topographic contour lines. Some of these
contour lines are numbered with the elevation (in feet) above sea level. The
contour interval is defined as the difference in elevation between two adjacent
contour lines.
a. What is the contour interval on your map? _______ feet
is not obvious from the map with a little thought, examine the structure
sections or look for photographs of the Grand Canyon in your textbook.
e. In some places at the bottom of the canyon (near the river), the
topographic contours do NOT parallel the formation contacts. These
formations are not horizontal. List at least four formations which are not
horizontal, from an examination of the MAP. (Do not use the structure
sections for this question.)
3. The contact between the Cambrian Tapeats Sandstone and these underlying
units is called an unconformity.
a. What type of unconformity is it? _______________________________
b. Sketch the MAP EVIDENCE for an unconformity. (See Figure 2 in this
c. On the diagram above, draw lines which correspond to the top and
bottom of the stratigraphic ranges of each of the fossils, A, B, C, and D.
d. Assume that the tops and bottoms of the stratigraphic ranges of each of
these fossils (A, B, C, and D) represent time lines. Do the contacts
between the three formations parallel time lines, or are they diachronous?
e. Did sedimentation begin earlier in the eastern section or in the western
f. From your answer to the question above, which direction (east or west)
was more landward?
8. a. What is the age of the Muav Formation? (See legend on map.)
b. What is the age of the overlying Redwall Limestone?
c. The different ages of these two adjacent formations indicate the
presence of an unconformity or time break. Is there any evidence ON THE
MAP for and unconformity between these two formations?
d. How could the presence of this unconformity be detected? (Hint: See
the explanatory information at the beginning of this lab.)
Fossils of many marine invertebrates which lived during the time after the
Muav Formation was deposited, but before the Redwall Limestone was
deposited, are known from other parts of the world. But, all are missing
here. The fossils indicate the presence of an unconformity.
9. a. Box E contains fossils like those from the Redwall Limestone. Identify three
fossil groups.
_____________________, ___________________,
b. What is a probable depositional environment for these fossils?
c. Box F contains rocks and fossils (or trace fossils) like those from the
Supai Formation.
(1) Identify the rocks
(2) Identify the fossils or trace fossils.
d. What is a probable depositional environment?
e. The Supai Formation overlies the Redwall Limestone. What happened to
sea level? (Transgression or regression?)
10. The Hermit Shale is red, with a few sandstone beds near its base (fining
upwards). Ripples, mudcracks, plant fossils, and footprints are also present.
Interpret the depositional environment.
11. The Coconino Sandstone is a white to buff, cross-bedded, well sorted quartz
sandstone with rounded grains, a few reptile tracks, and no marine fossils.
Interpret the depositional environment.
12. The Toroweap Formation and Kaibab Formation are marine limestones. The
Kaibab also contains chert. Fossil brachiopods, corals, cephalopods, and crinoids
are present.
The presence of marine deposits over continental deposits indicates that a
(transgression? or regression?) occurred.
Outline the events in the geologic history of the Grand Canyon area as recorded
by the rocks, and as interpreted step-by-step, in order from oldest to youngest, in
this lab exercise. Use the geologic map, structure sections, and your answers to
the above questions to guide you. (You are basically just summarizing your
findings, in order.) Use your own paper. Should be typed.
Start with the Precambrian Vishnu Schist (pCV), and indicate the units in order of
deposition (with depositional environments mentioned for the Paleozoic units),
and mentioning periods of tilting, uplift, erosion, transgression, and regression, in
the proper order.
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