PhET Plate Tectonics - 2013
PhET Plate Tectonics - 2013
PhET Plate Tectonics - 2013
Continental Old
Old Continental
Continental Young
Young Continental
Old Young
Ocean Ocean
Young Old
Ocean Ocean
9) Describe the relative motion of the plates at ALL convergent plate boundaries.
10) Three times you used the same two types of crust, but switched left and right sides. What do you
observe about the results? Is the side the crust is placed on important?
11) Look for patterns in density, subduction, and volcanoes in the table. When volcanoes form, on
which plate do they always form? ________________________________________________________
12) Explore how a continental-young oceanic crust collision differs from a continental-old oceanic crust
Describe the difference in the angle of subduction between old and new plates.
How does the distance between the volcanoes and the plate boundary differ between old and new
plates? ________________________________________________________________________
13) Investigate divergent boundaries (red arrows). Click show labels. Describe the relative motion of
ALL plates at divergent boundaries. ______________________________________________________
15) Investigate transform fault boundaries (blue arrows). Describe the relative motion of ALL plates at
transform fault boundaries.______________________________________________________________