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Enhancing Young Childrens Museum

A Manual for Museum Staff

Barbara Piscitelli, Michele Everett, Katrina Weier

and the QUT Museums Collaborative

Table of Contents
List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Appendices

List of Resources


Young children in museums


Learning in museums


Young children as learners


Characteristics of young children as learners

Responding to young childrens learning needs

Young children as visitors

Young childrens behaviour in museums
Sparking young childrens interest and motivation
Young childrens memory and recall of museum experiences
School and family visits

Creating and sustaining meaningful museum experiences




Characteristics of meaningful museum experiences




Child-centred principles
Strategies for interacting with young children


Physical design


Evaluation and research


Supporting school programs


Establishing partnerships


The double-act


Excursion options


Excursion plus
Multiple visits to one museum
Multi-visit / multi-museum

The last word










List of Figures
Figure 1

Hot and sweaty in the museum


Figure 2

Children are highly interested in museum exhibits that

make connections to their personal lives


A childs drawing of her memory of the whales at the

Queensland Museum


Figure 4

Handling real objects at the Queensland Art Gallery


Figure 5

Behind-the-scenes tours offer multi-sensory



Figure 6

Museums cater for a diversity of learning approaches


Figure 7

Young children learn as they work collaboratively


Figure 8

A curator introduces children to Indigenous artefacts

in the classroom, prior to a visit to the art museum


Children become familiar with an animal specimen from

the history museum, prior to their visit


Figure 3

Figure 9

Figures 10 & 11

Figure 12

Children create and test spinning tops in the

classroom to explore How Things Move, prior
to a visit to the Queensland Sciencentre


A volunteer guide welcomes a group of preschoolers to

Global Arts Link


Figure 13

Behind-the-scenes tour at the Queensland Museum


Figure 14

Orientation in the Whale Mall at the Queensland Museum


Figure 15

A child shows his family visitors an overhead exhibit

during a child-led tour at Global Arts Link


Handling olden days artefacts in an activity room at

the Queensland Museum


Unexpected Science theatre presentation at the

Queensland Sciencentre


In-gallery talk with a small group of preschoolers at

Global Arts Link


In-gallery drawing at the Queensland Art Gallery


Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19

Figure 20

Children reflect on their visit to Global Arts Link

during a discussion with a member of staff


Following a visit to Global Arts Link, where they

viewed an exhibition of works about aircraft, a group
of preschoolers built their own plane and engaged
in imaginative play


Adult facilitating preschoolers with an interactive

experience at Global Arts Link


This popular ScienceSpot exhibit is multi-sensory,

stimulates curiosity, allows for self-directed behaviour
and provides feedback on actions performed


A childs drawing showing detailed recall of a museum



Museum staff supporting the teacher during a pre-visit

classroom session


A classroom wall display documents childrens

learning following a visit to the Queensland Museum


In class, children became familiar with artworks from

the museums current exhibitions by completing jigsaw


Live demonstration at Global Arts Link by local boxing



Hands-on opportunities for children to explore social

history during the demonstration


Figure 30

Mini-museum in the classroom


Figure 31

Volunteer guides accompanied each buddy group as

they toured the Sciencentre


Figure 32

Behind-the-scenes tour at the Queensland Sciencentre


Figure 33

Cooperative work and play in ScienceSpot


Figure 34

Exploring the concept of movement in the Spinning

Chair exhibit


Figure 35

Interacting with a portrait


Figure 36

Junior curators ready to explore Indigenous artefacts


Figure 21

Figure 22
Figure 23

Figure 24
Figure 25
Figure 26
Figure 27

Figure 28
Figure 29

Figure 37

Children search, find and become Dreamtime Travellers


Figure 38

Post-visit clay work inspired by sculptures seen at the

Queensland Art Gallery


Education Officer leads the group on an orientation

tour around the museum building


Hands-on exploration of museum specimens in the



Children experience smelly animal specimens behind

the scenes at the Queensland Museum


Education Officer interpreting a diorama in the

Women of the West exhibition


Figure 43

Touring the Directors office


Figure 44

Dressing up in olden days clothes in the activity room


Figure 39
Figure 40
Figure 41
Figure 42

List of Tables
Table 1

Programming Checklist


Table 2

Resource Checklist


Table 3

Interactive Teaching-Learning Behaviours


Table 4

Physical Environment Checklist


Table 5

Data Collection Techniques


Table 6

Global Arts Link Visit Itineraries


Table 7

Queensland Sciencentre Visit Itineraries


Table 8

Queensland Art Gallery Visit Itineraries


Table 9

Queensland Museum Visit Itineraries


List of Appendices
Appendix A

Post-visit Writing by Year 1 Child


Appendix B

Post-visit Drawing by Year 1 Child


Appendix C

Takeaway Sheet for Parents


Appendix D

Rug Rat Rating


Appendix E

Sample Page from Child Focused Survey


Appendix F

Sample Page from Parent Diary


Appendix G

Sample Pages from Term 1 Lesson Overview



Sample Term 1 Lesson Plan


Appendix H

List of Resources
Resource 1

Treasure Hunt Cards (Art focus)


Resource 2

Sculpture Search Sheet


Resource 3

Kinds of Paintings Search Sheet


Resource 4

Indigenous Gallery Search Sheet


Resource 5

Find the Spot Guide Sheet


Resource 6

How Does It Move? Guide Sheet


Resource 7

Treasure Hunt Card (History focus)


Resource 8

Inquiry Centre Search Sheet


Resource 9

Find the Giants Search Sheet


Resource 10

Research Sheet


Resource 11

Mini-museum Label


Resource 12

Museum Staff ID Badges


Resource 13

Mini-museum Program


Resource 14

Mini-museum Catalogue


Resource 15

My GAL Tour Sheet


Resource 16

Book List


Resource 17



Resource 18

Museum Staff Cut-outs


Resource 19

Drawing Activity Sheets


Resource 20

SCIconic Trail Sheet


Resource 21

Take-home Conversation Sheet


In 1997, I invited staff from four Brisbane museums1 to investigate what children
learned in museums. Our initial collaboration included education staff from two
large state museums, a science centre and a regional gallery with an art and
social history collection. We met monthly to investigate childrens learning in
museums. We knew that learning was certainly occurring in the museums, but
had little understanding of the depth of young childrens ideas about museums
and collections. Our curiosity led us to investigate what was happening in local
museums for very young audiences. In 1998, we carried out four case studies
and gained a greater understanding of some successes and barriers to
childrens learning in museums. But, if anything, our first study showed us how
difficult it was to know what young children learn in museums.
From 2000 - 2002, we worked on our second project to examine childrens
interactive learning in museums2. In this project, we looked at the museum,
school and family systems that deliver museum learning to young audiences.
To start the project, we ran a staff development program that culminated with
the design of innovative programs for young childrens learning in each of our
partner museums.
In the second year of our project, we implemented the new programs and
gathered extensive information on the ways in which children learned. We
investigated what children knew at the beginning of the year and checked that
against the gains in their knowledge over time. Our children made nine visits to
museums and had 16 classroom sessions that helped to augment ideas learned
through exposure to the museums exhibitions and collections.
The project focused on the immersion of children in the topic of museums,
involving a school based component of studying about museums and a series
of visits to museums. The first term was run wholly in four classrooms
museum teachers (from the QUT research team) and museum staff led
classroom sessions with the children and their teachers on a regular basis.
During this time the children learned about museums as a concept, about the
people who worked there and about the collections inside. As a culmination of
the first term curriculum, children created their own classroom museums made
of special items from their personal collections. Using standard museum
practice, they also made labels and held an official opening celebration to which
they invited families, museum staff and members of the school community.

The original museum staff members of the QUT-Museums Collaborative (QUTMC) were:
Queensland Art Gallery (Michael Beckmann), Queensland Museum (Derek Griffin), Queensland
Sciencentre (Graeme Potter), and Global Arts Link (Malcolm Patterson). QUT members
included Barbara Piscitelli, Felicity McArdle and Katrina Weier. Scott Paris (University of
Michigan) worked with us to develop our research agenda in 1998.
The Australian Research Council (ARC), QUT, Queensland Art Gallery (QAG), Queensland
Museum (QM), Queensland Sciencentre (QS), and Global Arts Link (GAL) provided funding for
continued research. The expanded QUTMC team for the 2000-2002 project included: QAG Michael Beckmann, Melina Mallos; QM - Derek Griffin, Robert Ashdown, Kylie Smith, Richard
Cassells; QS - Graeme Potter, Paul Parkinson; GAL - Louise Denoon, Malcolm Paterson; QUT
- Barbara Piscitelli, Collette Tayler, David Anderson, Katrina Weier and Michele Everett.

For the rest of the year, the children made multiple visits to multiple museums.
The project was very satisfying for all involved. Children enjoyed finding new
ideas in museums, parents gained new skills in guiding young childrens
learning, teachers found ways to link the museum with the classroom curriculum
and museum staff discovered new strategies for designing programs and
projects for the early years audience.
This manual was developed to bring the benefits of our knowledge to others
who work with young children, schools and families in museums. The manual is
for staff working in museums, and provides a comprehensive set of information
to help guide new practices and develop new museum programs for the ever
growing young audience. More detailed information about our research project
can be found on the QUT Museums Collaborative website:
This manual is constructed in three parts. The first part focuses on the
characteristics of young children and their interest in museums. The second
part provides information about how to create and sustain meaningful museum
learning experiences for the early years. Finally, there is a section on how
museums and schools might create a double act in delivering high quality
learning for young children.
Any project of this magnitude reflects the work of many people, and I would like
to thank all involved. Special thanks go to Michele Everett and Katrina Weier
for their careful attention to the manual and for their hard work in seeing it
through to completion.

Barbara Piscitelli
30 March 2003



Learning in museums
Many people claim that museums are a place for children to have fun, yet
museum visitor researchers are well aware that the fun experience often leads
to learning outcomes. Learning knows no boundaries, and museums can be
considered as a kind of learning landscape for all visitors. If learning is viewed
as a process of changes in knowledge, attitudes and values, then museums
provide an ideal and provocative learning environment. Learning in museums
happens when children connect with an interesting object or experience. The
childs prior knowledge and personal characteristics will dictate which items and
experiences have strongest appeal. When children make contact with an idea,
an object or an experience in a museum, the learning process begins. The
initial contact with the museum object is only the start learning and thinking
spans a long period of time and the museum event adds an important layer to
the on-going learning process.

Young children as learners

Museums present children with opportunities to learn about the world and to
explore new ideas. They are places that encourage children to learn in a way
that comes naturally to them offering opportunities to actively construct
meaning, respond to stimulating environments, engage in social interaction,
make connections, build on what they know, ask questions, follow their interests
and solve problems. Young learners build knowledge and understandings
about the world through personal, social and culturally mediated experiences,
so museums can play an important role in prompting this kind of learning.
Young children come to museums with a wide range of interests and learning
preferences, so museum staff must employ diverse strategies to create
meaningful experiences and optimal conditions for learning.


In the world of museums, young children display a range of characteristics that
make them eager, responsive learners. Young children are:

full of questions
full of ideas


theory builders


To provide optimal learning experiences for children, adults who guide young
children in museums can apply the following learning-teaching principles.
Programs should be:
Child centred
- The adult guide finds out what learners know and builds on their existing
knowledge base.
Developmentally appropriate
- Childrens cultural background, age and individual differences are taken
into consideration.
- Teaching-learning encounters are characterised by dynamic, two-way,
respectful exchanges between adults and children.
- Multiple entry levels into teaching-learning dialogues and situations allow
for children of all ability and skill levels to take part in some way.
- Children are encouraged to engage in hands-on, minds-on, self-directed,
enjoyable play situations.
- Opportunities are provided for children to make choices and be agents of
their own learning.


Young children as visitors

There has been a surge of interest in museum visits with high attendance
figures reported in all types of museums and a significant growth in early
childhood audiences. Consequently, museums are beginning to view young
visitors as an important audience. In the past, few studies have focused on the
young childs museum experience. Recent research, however, has provided
insights about how young children engage and learn in museums. The
following section provides a summary of current understandings about young
children as museum visitors.


The museum is a novel setting that can be both awesome and overwhelming
with lots of nooks, crannies, large interior walls and unusual architectural
features. The architecture of the museum space itself is compelling, and for
young visitors is more exciting because of the unusual opportunities to explore
objects and become involved in activities unlike those at home or school.
Children respond in various ways to the novelty of museum exhibits and
experiences: with surprise, pleasure, puzzlement, wonder and curiosity.
Cognitive mapping
Children often start their museum visit with a period of rushing around and
orienting themselves to the space. Following the orientation phase is a period
of settling down. During the cycle of activity, children are undertaking a process
of cognitive mapping where they explore in a seemingly random fashion
zipping from exhibit to exhibit on a voyage of discovery (Worthington & Paull,
1987, p. 30). After about thirty minutes, children slow down and explore more
selectively, purposefully and quietly.
The mapping experience seems to be an important aspect of the childrens
museum visit, as does the tendency to use a start-stop manner when attending
to exhibits. Children literally stop and start, and revisit exhibit areas that interest
them (Rennie & McClafferty, 1995). Children do not always interact with
exhibits the way in which they were intended when designed by museum staff,
but rather follow their own interests and agendas.
Hot and sweaty
We began to notice hot and sweaty children in the second year of our research
project, during the first term of museum visits. Observing the children so
absorbed in their play, with their bodies so fully engaged, led us to search for
information about what happens when children behave in this way. From the
literature, we found that there are many researchers examining the
phenomenon of active learning, and all agree that movements and hands-on
enhance the learning process.
The importance of minds-on as well as hands-on engagement of learners is
well documented (Ansbacher, 1998; Dewey, 1963; Duckworth, Easley,
Hawkins, & Henriques, 1990; Gardner, 1983; Hein, 1996). Rennie and
McClafferty (1996) note that, while hands-on activity is equated with perceptual


explorations, for the experience to become meaningful, it must be interpreted

with the mind. Hein and Alexander (1998) provide a useful model for examining
the learning that occurs as children engage in hot and sweaty activities in
museums. Their definitions of constructivist and active learning highlight the
importance of mind-body connections during the process. While engaged in the
physical activities associated with learning, children use both their hands and
minds to interact with the world. They handle and manipulate objects,
experiment, build, solve problems and form conclusions they are required to
struggle with ideas, to think (Hein & Alexander, 1998, p. 38).
The concept of kinaesthetic thinking describes the process that occurs during
physical learning activities, as children engage using hands, bodies and minds
(McKim cited in Williams, 1983, p. 152). For young children who are highly
concrete and sensory learners, kinaesthetic thinking has distinct advantages.
Firstly, information taken in through the senses stimulates thoughts about the
experience. Manipulation of objects and materials also allows for unexpected
discoveries, and engenders a sense of immediacy, actuality and action.
Museum exhibits that allow for bodily engagement, through touching and
manipulating, stimulate higher levels of attention-focused behaviour such as
questioning and explaining behaviours that are clearly associated with
learning (Dierking, cited in Borun, Cleghorn, & Garfield, 1995). Children reason
about things they can touch and into which they can project themselves
physically. According to Patterson (1997), the high degree of sensory input
offered by tactile and kinaesthetic experiences holds childrens attention,
provides a more complete picture of the subject matter and assists with
retention of information. The emotional aspect of kinaesthetic experiences also
influences retention of ideas presented in museum exhibits. As young children
engage in physical activities, they experience feelings such as excitement,
anticipation, joy, frustration, empowerment, success and delight. Their bodily
action takes on an all-encompassing role, by linking thought with sensory input
and emotion (Wright, 2000). A physical and emotional connection with the
subject matter increases the memorability of the learning experience.

Figure 1. Hot and sweaty

in the museum.


Collaborative learning situations are noticeably present during hot and sweaty
play activities in the museum. Exploring exhibits in small groups, children work
together to achieve a successful outcome they watch and listen to one
another, ask questions, make suggestions, give directions and cooperate to
solve problems (Piscitelli, Weier, & Everett, 2003). Each member of the group
is responsible for their own actions, as well as assisting others when necessary.
In an atmosphere of collaboration, children enter the active play situation in a
way that best suits their preferred learning approach and particular strengths.
Then, with support and assistance from more skilled peers or adults, they are
able to take on more challenging roles within the group. Such active,
collaborative play is bound to compel a childs participation. Mann (1996)
describes active play in the context of the participation hypothesis a well
established rule of social science in which ownership of an activity grows out of
increasing participation, opening the child to new ideas, innovation and learning
(p. 449). The more active children are in determining and absorbing their own
learning, the more they learn.


In museums, children learn when their interests and motivation are engaged
(Csikszentmihalyi & Hermanson, 1995). Several factors influence childrens
levels of interest and motivation during museum visits: prior knowledge and
personal experiences, choice and control, collaboration and communication,
and emotions and enjoyment.
Choice and control
Children benefit in many ways when opportunities for choice and control are
incorporated in the museum visit. Young children demonstrate higher levels of
motivation when they have choice and control over their learning in museums,
and beyond (Sykes, 1992; Paris, 1997). When children can decide what they
want to do and how long they will do it, they gain a sense of ownership of the
learning process (Falk & Dierking, 2000). Young children feel successful and
competent when they engage in a task that they have defined for themselves
(Sykes, 1992, p. 228). The I did it feeling instils a sense of confidence a
positive experience that the child will want to repeat and share with others.
Many children enjoy taking the lead role in determining the content and direction
of a museum visit. After touring adults around an art museum, a 10-year-old
child declared, I had fun. It was nice to be in charge of something for once
(Jeffers, 1999, p. 47). Giving children a say in what they will do and see during
a museum visit results in higher levels of enthusiasm and provides children with
opportunities for decision-making. In the QUTMC study, sessions were built
into the museum visits where 4 6-year-old children led tours, revisited their
favourite objects and pursued activities of their choosing. These were highly
engaging, memorable and meaningful experiences for the children.
Prior knowledge and personal experience
Childrens prior knowledge and experiences influence their levels of interest and
motivation during museum visits. Young children demonstrate a higher level of
interest in things that make connections to their personal lives (Anderson,


Piscitelli, Weier, Everett, & Tayler, 2002; Piscitelli & Anderson, 2000; Wolins,
Jensen, & Ulzheimer, 1992). In the QUTMC study, a 6-year-old boy became
very excited when he saw the Big Red kangaroo exhibit during a visit to a
natural history museum. When asked why he was so interested in this animal,
he said it was because his grandfather demolished his new car after running
into a Big Red on the road; he was intrigued to examine the size and posture of
the animal in the museums diorama.
To integrate prior knowledge and personal experience with the museum visit, it
is necessary to link visits to home and/or school contexts. This can be achieved
by designing visits around topics that relate to childrens lives so that they can
build new understandings based on what they already know. To enhance
learning, it is necessary for the museum experience to be placed in a wider
context. Young children should be encouraged to see museum visits as part of
their daily life, not as a one-off experience.

Figure 2. Children are highly

interested in museum exhibits that
make connections to their personal

Collaboration and communication

Children visit museums as part of family and school groups. Studies show that
providing children with opportunities to engage in conversations with peers and
adults influences their level of interest and enjoyment, as well as the degree to
which a museum experience is remembered (Jensen, 1994; Sykes, 1992;
Wolins, et al., 1992). Museum visits should capitalise on young childrens
desire to show-and-tell by designing experiences that encourage the sharing of
ideas. As they share ideas, children are able to restructure and refine their
theories. Discussion of ideas can also help stimulate one anothers
imaginations (Paris, 1997). During discussions, adults can raise childrens
interest levels by asking open-ended questions that encourage further
exploration (Paris, 1997).
Opportunities to work in groups can enhance childrens motivation levels by
providing group members with a shared goal of learning together (Paris, 1997,
p. 25). Teachers and museum staff can foster social development by designing
museum experiences that allow children to share ideas and work/play together.
Within a small social group, adults should guide and model learning by
engaging children in conversation that stimulates their curiosity.


Emotions and enjoyment

Affective qualities such as attitudes and emotions can influence childrens levels
of interest and motivation during museum visits (Csikszentmihalyi &
Hermanson, 1995; Paris, 1997; Pintrich, Marx, & Boyle, 1993). Highly
motivating museum visits are those that allow young visitors to experience a
wide range of emotions (Falk & Dierking, 2000). Children are intrinsically
motivated during museum visits when the experience is made enjoyable and
fun (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). Providing children with opportunities for play can
make museum visits more pleasurable. For children, often the first step in
learning from an exhibit is to have a playful experience with an object or
phenomenon (Perry, 1994, p. 28). Museum staff can offer playful experiences
diring museum visits by employing strategies such as treasure hunts, role-play
and other game-like activities. During these episodes, children express
feelings of excitement, anticipation, wonder, discovery, confidence and


Young children readily remember their museum experiences, and many studies
have documented the potency of childrens recall (Coe, 1988; Hein, 1998;
Jensen, 1994; Piscitelli & Anderson, 2000, 2002; Wolins et al., 1992). Several
factors contribute to childrens strong recall, including the emotional and
affective context of the event, personal involvement, the frequency of visits and
links with the school curriculum and their every day lives (Wolins, et al., 1992).
Young childrens most powerful recall of museum exhibits and experiences are
of those that link to their life-worlds (Piscitelli & Anderson, 2000). In the
QUTMC study of 4 6-year-old childrens learning in museums, the deeply held
passions of young children were their starting points and connecting points in

Figure 3. A childs drawing of her

memory of the whales at the
Queensland Museum.

Children comb museums to locate information, explore ideas, gain knowledge

and engage their curiosity about various topics. When they encounter
interesting objects and experiences, young children have highly memorable
experiences. While studies indicate that young children recall large objects,
size is only one of several components that make a difference in memorability
for young children (Kindler & Darras, 1997; Piscitelli & Anderson, 2000).


Children also recall exhibit components that involve active participation, such as
interactive areas with links to authentic objects (Piscitelli & Weier, 2002;
Tuckey, 1992) as well as information presented in the form of a story.


Children behave differently on school visits as compared to family visits to
museums (Hein, 1998). On school visits, children tend to follow the classroom
script where they listen to the directions of the teachers/museum staff, and work
collaboratively in peer social learning groups. However, during family visits,
children learn in smaller, more intimate social groups where their personal
interests and learning preferences are more likely to be taken into account.
School visits
School groups make up a large percentage of visitors to museums. Teachers
take children on field trips to museums for a variety of reasons ranging from
meeting specific learning outcomes to providing the class with an end-of-year
celebration. Museum educators would like to see the once-a-year syndrome
disappear in favour of regular visits where children pursue ideas generated in
their classrooms, centres and homes. Although researchers hold divergent
views on the amount of learning that takes place on field excursions, findings
from many studies support the view that children do learn on field trips
(Anderson, Lucas, & Ginns, 2003; Anderson, Lucas, Ginns, & Dierking, 2000;
Falk & Dierking, 2000; Moffat, 1992; Piscitelli, 1991; Price & Hein, 1991;
Ramey-Gassert, Walberg, & Walberg, 1994; Taylor, Morris, & Cordeau-Young,
Six key factors contribute to learning outcomes from school visits to museums:
teachers role, pre-visit orientation, social context, scripts, subsequent
experiences and repeat visits.
Teachers Role
The classroom teacher can influence learning that takes place on field trips in
many ways (Wolins et al., 1992). If students know that learning is a desired
outcome of the visit, they concentrate more effectively on learning during the
visit (Leary, 1996). Consequently, it is important to provide children with
opportunities to explore the role of museums as places of learning prior to the
visit. The degree to which the museum visit links to classroom learning is
another factor that influences learning on field trips. Higher levels of learning
(both cognitive and affective) occur when museum experiences link to
classroom learning and school curriculum (Gilbert & Priest, 1997; Rennie &
McClafferty, 1995; Wolins et al., 1992). Visits that link to other learning also
provide children with a more memorable experience (Kindler & Darras, 1997).
Pre-visit Orientation
Orientation is another factor that affects learning outcomes from school visits.
Providing children with a pre-visit orientation serves to reduce the novelty
factor. Studies show that optimum levels of learning occur when novelty is
moderate (Anderson & Lucas, 1997; Balling & Falk, 1980; Burnett, Lucas, &
Dooley, 1996; Leary, 1996). When the setting is too novel, children
demonstrate more non-task behaviour; when the setting is too familiar, children


have a tendency to become bored. The content of the orientation also affects
learning outcomes. Students who receive a child agenda orientation exhibit
higher levels of learning (Anderson, 1994; Anderson & Lucas, 1997; Balling,
Falk, & Aronson, 1980). A child agenda orientation provides children with
information concerning the practical aspects of the visit such as how long the
bus trip will take, when and where they will be eating and whether or not they
will be allowed to visit the gift shop.
Social Context
The social context plays an important role in shaping learning on school visits.
Studies indicate that adult-child interactions can heighten a young childs
learning on field trips (Crowley & Callanan, 1998; Gilbert & Priest, 1997; Weier,
2000). Making sure adults feel comfortable in the role of teacher and that they
are knowledgeable about the topic are two factors that influence the amount of
learning that results from these interactions. Social interactions with peers can
also affect learning on field trips. Museum activities that allow students to
interact socially enhance interactions with exhibits by increasing reading of
labels and peer teaching (Tuckey, 1992). Studies show that young children
demonstrate higher levels of enjoyment and learning when working in small
friendship groups (Gilbert & Priest, 1997; Jensen, 1994).
Standard field trip scripts consist of a welcome experience, tours, programs and
worksheets. To date, few school groups receive a satisfactory introduction to
the museum, as many welcome experiences consist of waiting around and
listening to the rules (Piscitelli, McArdle, & Weier, 1999). Tours routinely consist
of a one-way communication from tour guide to children. Research on the
effectiveness of tours found that while students who participated in a structured
tour achieved higher cognitive gains, those who participated in a less structured
tour had positive feelings about the experience (Stronck, 1983). In another
study, 8 and 9-year-old children demonstrated higher levels of mental
engagement when they followed their own itinerary (Gilbert & Priest, 1997).
Studies investigating programs for children on school visits have identified the
following factors as contributing to increasing levels of program effectiveness: 1)
including interactive learning experiences, 2) making the most of the unique
resources and setting, 3) providing a variety of activities, 4) allowing free
exploration, and 5) providing opportunities for social interaction (Price & Hein,
1991). Price and Hein (1991) found programs were more effective when time
was allowed for first-hand experience and exploration before the introduction of
vocabulary and concepts.
The way in which worksheets are used during museum visits has been shown
to affect learning (Price & Hein, 1991). Worksheets can help focus childrens
attention when used as a free-choice seek and find activity, but can impede
learning when used as a compulsory find the right answer task (Griffin &
Symington, 1997; Price & Hein, 1991). To date, typical museum scripts have
not provided children with conditions to achieve optimal learning (Griffin &
Symington, 1997).


Subsequent Experiences
New understandings of the role subsequent experiences play in the learning
process have stimulated a growing body of research in this area (Falk &
Dierking, 2000; Hein, 1998). Researchers conclude that subsequent
experiences play a vital role in determining the learning that results from a
museum visit (Anderson, 1999; Falk & Dierking, 2000; Guichard, 1995; Hein,
1998). Knowledge acquired on a short visit is fragmented unless students are
provided with opportunities for further investigation and discussion (Guichard,
1995). Falk and Dierking (2000) argue that subsequent experiences contribute
to what an individual ultimately does or does not learn from a museum visit.
They believe that it is only as events unfold for the individual after the museum
visit that experiences that occurred inside the institution become relevant and
useful (p. 133). Falk and Dierking go on to say, subsequent reinforcing events
and experiences outside the museum are as critical to learning from museums
as are the events inside the museum (p. 140).
Repeat Visits
Repeat visits increase levels of learning in students of all ages, but particularly
for early elementary school aged children (Balling & Falk, 1980, p. 235).
Because the excitement level of young children visiting museums is very high,
the first visit can serve to reduce the novelty factor so that children can focus on
content matter on subsequent visits (Balling & Falk, 1980). Young children
benefit from repeat visits in other ways. In a study of young childrens visits to
an art museum in the United Kingdom, children demonstrated increased levels
of confidence in stating and holding opinions over the course of a repeat visit
program (Luckett, 1982). Multiple visits also strengthen childrens memories of
museum visits (Wolins et al., 1992).
Family visits
Family groups make up a large percentage of visitors to museums (Dierking &
Falk, 1994) and, consequently, there is a growing body of research in this area
(e.g., Borun et al., 1995; Dierking & Falk, 1994; McManus, 1994). Families visit
museums for a combination of social and educational reasons (Kropf & Wolins,
1989). Visits to museums provide families with opportunities to make personal
connections, discuss family histories and develop a shared understanding
(Dierking & Falk, 1994; Hein, 1998). Children prefer to visit museums in family
groups apparently due to their sense that they have more control over what to
see and the pace of the family visit (Jensen, 1994).
Profile of family visits
A typical family visit consists of the following four phases: an orientation phase
(3-10 minutes); followed by an intense exhibit viewing phase (25-30 minutes);
followed by an exhibit cruising phase (30-40 minutes); and a final preparation
for departure phase (5-10 minutes) (Dierking & Falk, 1994).
Dierking (1989) claims that there are two basic learning styles exhibited by
families at museums guided collaborative learning or independent learning.
Guided family learning occurs when families stay together during museum


visits. Parents ask questions and select galleries. Independent learning

families split up and check in with each other periodically. Learning can result
from both styles of family learning, however, research suggests that many
family groups need guidance on how to acquire and construct knowledge about
museum objects and exhibits (Kropf & Wolins, 1989, p. 77).
Factors that influence family learning
The amount of learning that takes place on family visits is influenced by many
factors. Parents play a crucial role in determining learning outcomes from
family visits and hold different perceptions about the nature of their role during a
museum visit (Gelman, Massey, & McManus, 1991). Some parents view their
role as teacher; others do not. Parents demonstrate varying degrees of comfort
levels when it comes to guiding childrens learning in museums (Farenga &
Joyce, 1998). The extent to which the parent sees him/herself as a teacher can
enhance or inhibit cognitive processes and can, therefore, impact childrens
learning in museums.
Parents also affect learning by influencing the amount of time the family spends
interacting with an exhibit. Studies investigating family interaction with exhibits
found a high correlation between time spent in front of an exhibit component,
verbal interaction by family members and childrens level of recall (Cone &
Kendall, 1978; Crowley & Callanan, 1998). Factors identified as influencing
family learning include: prior knowledge and experience, individual and group
agendas, gender and age of parents and children, and when the exhibit is
visited (Dierking & Falk, 1994).



Museums are unique and exciting places of learning ideal venues to
accommodate the eager and curious nature of young children. The challenge
for museum staff is to make the most of this unique environment to create and
sustain meaningful museum experiences for young audiences.

Characteristics of meaningful museum

Young children enjoy and profit from experiences that cater for their needs as
concrete, multi-sensory learners. The museum environment, with its collection
of interesting, rare and diverse objects, gives children the opportunity to have
first hand experience with the real thing. Seeing genuine museum objects
close-up offers children the chance to gain insights that may not be available
through simply hearing about these objects out of context, or seeing
reproductions in books and on postcards.

Figure 4. Handling real

objects at the Queensland
Art Gallery.

Museum objects that can be touched are excellent resources for making
concepts come alive for young children. Handling objects may help to increase
childrens interest in unfamiliar or challenging concepts (Pitman-Gelles, 1981).
Sometimes museums use replica specimens as resources for children to touch.
In this case, staff should communicate the difference to children, and take the
opportunity to explain the importance of protecting original artefacts for future
generations. Whether original objects are displayed for viewing at close range,
or real or replica items are offered for handling, children gain a great amount of
information by using established ways of questioning objects, just as museum
research and curatorial staff do when identifying and cataloguing artefacts
(Talboys, 1996, p. 108). In questioning objects in the museum, young children


may observe, explore and discuss size, shape, colour, texture, weight,
condition, smell, materials and method of construction.
Visits to museums with young children are an excellent way to inspire
collaborative project work in the classroom, promoting integrated learning
(Burnaford, Aprill, & Weiss, 2001; Katz & Chard, 2000). Particular exhibits
encompass topics and concepts that children will want to investigate in depth
across a range of curriculum areas. If projects have commenced prior to a
museum visit, the museum offers an authentic context for purposeful and
meaningful learning, where children can find answers to questions they have
about the topic. Museums also provide an excellent resource for children as
they work towards the completion of rich tasks, which can be pursued in
collaboration with museums (http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au/yrs1_10/;


As young children examine artefacts, they naturally engage whatever senses
seem appropriate to process information about the objects qualities. Museums
offer many opportunities for children to experience through the senses, and thus
promote childrens aesthetic awareness as they appreciate, perceive and enjoy
the museum environment and its objects (Abbs, 1989; Dewey, 1934).
Hands-on manipulation and playful experimentation with museum exhibits allow
children to use their senses and bodies as tools for learning. Through
engagement with the museum and its objects, children use their sensory tools
as ways of getting to know about the ideas incorporated in exhibitions. For
example, museums are alive with a range of interesting auditory, kinaesthetic
and visual phenomena for children to investigate and analyse. All types of
museums employ multi-sensory exhibits and engaging opportunities so children
can participate more fully in the concepts inherent in exhibits.

At the natural history museum, behind-the-scenes tours to see how

animal specimens are preserved and stored can be a very memorable
experience for young children because of the novelty and the multisensory opportunities to get up close to the work of the museum.

Social history museums provide many opportunities for understanding

the past, and may offer dressing up in period costume and exploring
concepts through role-play with props from the olden days as valuable
multi sensory learning experiences.

In art museums and object centred museums, the visual sensory

experience can be very powerful, involving mind, emotions and senses
(Mallos, 2002). Some art museums offer a broad range of special
exhibitions for young children and families, incorporating hands-on, multisensory experiences in both studio and gallery environments.


Figure 5. Behind-the-scenes tours

offer multi-sensory experiences.


For young children, the museum represents a place full of interesting objects
and experiences, about which they will have many comments and questions.
Adults often feel they have to interpret objects and information, reach
conclusions and answer all the questions that arise during a museum visit.
However, young children are natural philosophers who, when given time,
encouragement and support, are very capable of making meaning from their
encounters with the world (Lipman, Sharp, & Oscanyan, 1980). Children can
take a leading role as a museum guide; the process empowers them and
provides opportunities for self-expression (Sloan, 2001). Rather than providing
a lecture on the object, adults may want to follow childrens interests, listen to
their interpretations, and extend their thinking by engaging children in further
discussion about objects, experiences and artworks in museums.
Young children come to museums with a range of preferred learning styles. For
example, while one child may learn most effectively through linguistic activities,
another might prefer spatial tasks, and yet another may learn best through
kinaesthetic experiences (Gardner, 1983). Museums are well suited to cater for
such diversity, as they present many different options for engagement and
learning. There are opportunities for looking, talking, recording, investigating,
comparing, asking questions, problem-solving and theorising. Many museums
also offer opportunities for handling objects, dramatic play, experimentation,
construction and art-making.

Figure 6. Museums cater for a

diversity of learning approaches.


When encouraging children to respond to museum objects and exhibits,

awareness of their preferred learning styles is important. Davis and Gardner
(1993) describe different strategies, or windows, which may help young
children to enter a discussion at a personally meaningful level. The experiential
window, or hands-on approach, invites children to touch, manipulate or
respond using bodily movements; the narrative window allows children to
experience an object through the medium of story; and the aesthetic window
focuses on having children describe the visual and aesthetic qualities of the
object encountered.
Museums are dynamic learning places where children and adults share
thoughts, feelings, observations and understandings about ideas contained in
exhibits and objects. Young children learn as they watch and listen to others,
work collaboratively to solve problems, discuss their ideas and ask questions.
Familiar, interested adults are particularly important for scaffolding childrens
learning in collaborative group situations, as they can create a comfortable and
supportive environment for experimental play and deeper investigation
(Vygotsky, 1978; Weier, 2000; Centres for Curiosity and Imagination, 2002).
Familiar adults (such as parents and teachers) play an important role as models
of appropriate learning behaviours and problem solving strategies. In recent
years, there have been many innovations in effective museum exhibition design
and interactive displays to accommodate multiple users in multigenerational
learning circles (Borun & Dritsas, 1997). Working in a small group with a
familiar adult as a conversational partner, young children can learn to verbalise
their ideas and develop important collaborative learning skills as joint
investigators of the world.

Figure 7. Young children learn as

they work collaboratively.


Public programs make museums accessible to school and family groups. The
best programs have objectives designed for sustainability by building and
supporting community-school-family partnerships that encourage continuity of
learning within the various contexts in childrens lives (Kropf & Wolins, 1989;
Piscitelli et al., 1999; Schaefer & Cole, 1990). Table 1, following, presents a
detailed checklist of factors to consider when designing museum programs for
young children.
Table 1
Programming Checklist
1. Museum Programming

Public education programs and facilities are provided.


Trained staff and volunteers are available to guide groups of visitors.


The roles and responsibilities of the adults involved in the program are clearly defined.

2. Programming by Schools and Families


In the process of preparing for a museum visit, the teacher/adult has contact with the


Children are prepared with pre-visit activities, and post-visit activities are planned as


Links are made with the school curriculum and key outcome statements (in the case
of school visits).


Qualified and/or responsible adults are arranged to accompany children, at the

recommended adult-child ratio.


Adequate time is allowed for all aspects of the visit.


Opportunities are provided for multiple and repeat visits.

3. Touring Guidelines

The visit begins with an introduction to the venue, as quickly as possible after entering
the museum.


The guide is prepared to follow childrens interests and capitalises on teachable



The guide establishes a rapport with the group, through quality interactions and an
informal, conversational style.


The tour group is kept small, appropriate to the ages of the children.


Discussion of exhibits begins within childrens comfort zone and moves to less familiar


The guide ensures that all group members can see the exhibit and are included in


Time spent on detailed examination and exploration of exhibits is varied over the
duration of the tour.


Touring segments are varied to include active participation, discussion, reflection and
child-selected experiences.


Adult facilitated experiences include demonstrations, storytelling, object centred


activities and mini-lectures.

3.10 The guide uses vocabulary that can be clearly understood by children, defining
technical terms where necessary.
3.11 The guide takes cues from the children to determine the amount of time spent at
individual exhibits.
3.12 Touring segments are no longer than 45 minutes (or less for very young children).
3.13 The guide is aware of time during the tour.
4. Touring Resources and Strategies

Hands-on materials.




Strategies for evoking non-verbal responses.






Visual thinking strategies.

Adapted from Weier, K. (2000).

During both the planning and implementation phases of programming in
museums, a range of factors will ensure young visitors encounters in museums
are worthwhile and positive.
Programs should allow children to experience:
- Children see purpose in, and reward from, being involved in the museum
- Children are willing and able to participate in the museum program,
because it is compatible with their interests, prior knowledge and learning
- Individuals use options that enable choice and control over their own
learning, based on personal interests and motivation.
- Children have a natural interest in the museum venue, and feel confident
and competent in navigating their way around.
- Children take leadership roles (e.g., touring).
- Opportunities exist for active participation and genuine involvement in
work and play activities.
- Children engage in experiences with both objects and people in the


- Group identity is forged through opportunities for involvement in group
tasks, group problem solving and group decision-making.
- to go deeper into areas of individual interest,
- for reflection, and
- for self expression (thinking, talking, moving, drawing).
Use of multiple senses
- Opportunities exist for hands-on/minds-on involvement in learning
experiences, and for full-body engagement.

School and family visits can be enhanced by structuring experiences before,
during and after the visit, which maximise learning opportunities.
Before the visit
Before the visit, museums can provide support by encouraging families and
schools to become familiar with the museum and its collections, and by
providing links to the school curriculum.

Encourage schools and families to become familiar with the museum and
its collections prior to the visit.

When teachers and parents/carers orient themselves to the museum prior to the
visit, higher learning outcomes may result. Museums can encourage
teachers/carers to become familiar with the museum prior to their visit by
offering orientation workshops and preview sessions. During these workshops,
museum staff can introduce the museum and its collections and train
teachers/carers how to make the most of their visit.
Museum experiences may be enriched by introducing children to the museum
before the visit. Children can meet and interview museum staff in their
classroom. Curators, scientists, education staff and administrators have
valuable contributions to make to childrens understanding of the place and
work of museums in contemporary society. In the QUTMC study, a curator of
Indigenous art visited the classroom before the museum visit, enabling children
to gain hands-on experience with Indigenous art and artefacts, and to hear
stories about Australian Indigenous culture. When the children arrived at the art
museum and saw a range of Indigenous artworks and objects, they were able to
place the experience within a wider context.


Figure 8. A curator introduces

children to Indigenous artefacts in the
classroom, prior to a visit to the art

Museum collections are another resource that may be used to foreground

childrens museum experiences. Research suggests that exposing children to
museum collections before the visit can enhance learning during visits (Falk &
Dierking, 2000). Consequently, museums should offer ways that help children
become familiar with museum objects prior to the museum visit. This can be
accomplished in a number of ways. Museum web sites can provide
opportunities for children to enter the museum by taking them on a virtual tour,
exploring the many different galleries. Many museums offer loans kits of items
from the museum collection for classroom and centre use. Having museum
objects in the classroom can make a lasting impression on young children.
Providing children with opportunities for direct hands-on contact with museum
objects increases levels of interest and stimulates discussion in preparation for
the visit.

Figure 9. Children become familiar with

an animal specimen from the history
museum, prior to their visit.

Provide links between museum visits and school curriculum

Many teachers are unaware of the potential museum visits have to complement
classroom work (Talboys, 1996). In order to enhance museum visits, teachers
need to be equipped to use museums in a way that capitalises on young
childrens learning. With background knowledge, teachers can better
understand how to reinforce learning from museum visits by integrating the
museum experience across the curriculum. Many museum educators are
currently providing teachers with written information to help facilitate museumschool connections. Museums can also assist teachers by providing pre-visit


packages (via mail or the web) that contain information about procedural
matters, suggestions for pre and post-visit activities, as well as information
about the exhibits. Communication between schools and museum
professionals is essential when designing field trip experiences to match
curriculum needs (Stec, 1993).

Figures 10 & 11. Children create and test spinning

tops in the classroom to explore How Things Move,
prior to a visit to the Queensland Sciencentre.

During the visit

For children to get the most out of a museum visit, new models for visits should
be adopted. In general, visits for young children should be short: less, time,
more frequently, is better than more time on a single visit (Higbe, 2000). The
museum visit should stimulate or deepen childrens interests (Griffin &
Symington, 1997). First-time visitors may want to spend time investigating the
features of the building before they focus on the interesting objects housed in it.
Familiarity with ones environment is important, and some children may require
the sense of security that comes from an awareness of the building.

Figure 12. A volunteer guide

welcomes a group of preschoolers
to Global Arts Link.

The welcome experience sets the tone for the visit. A friendly staff member
should meet visitors and help them set the scene for the days outing. The
museum staff may provide information about the layout of the building, relevant
amenities and the schedule of events. Museums should provide school groups
with a welcome experience that:


makes children feel welcomed and comfortable,

seeks information about the childrens knowledge and expectations,
reminds children of expected behaviour and the purpose of the visit and,
informs children about the days schedule and procedural matters such
as eating and toileting.

Currently, museums offer a variety of programs for young children.

Experiences that encourage learning:

offer variety structured activities, semi-structured activities, free-choice

child and adult-led tours,
engage children in active participation,
are multi-sensory,
provide opportunities for choice and control,
are developmentally appropriate,
provide opportunities for social interaction, and
present information in a way that builds on what children already know.

There is an endless range of possibilities for programming for young childrens

museum visits. Scripts can include: tours, activity room programs, theatre
shows, in-gallery talks, in-gallery games, drawing, empowerment and reflection
sessions. Children often take time to assimilate new ideas, and a carefully
planned museum program will offer them the chance to absorb new concepts
slowly through thought and action.
Different kinds of tours can be designed to enhance young childrens museum
visits such as orientation, behind-the-scenes and child-guided.

Orientation tours provide time for young children to become familiar

with the space and serve to reduce the novelty effect.

Behind-the-scenes tours give children an opportunity to see that there

is much more to a museum than what they see on the floor. Many
museums offer options for visitors to meet staff and see their working
environments, to view collections, to see workshops and laboratories and
to use libraries and databases.

Figure 13. Behind-the-scenes tour

at the Queensland Museum.


Child-led tours provide children with opportunities to be in charge.

Children enjoy holding the floor and speaking about objects in museums.
In this empowered position, children make excellent guides for small
peer groups or within a family context. If child-led tours feature favourite
objects and provide ample time for childrens floor talks, the results can
reveal the depth of their personal interests and emotional connections
with museum collections.

Figure 14. Orientation in

the Whale Mall at the
Queensland Museum.

Figure 15. A child shows

his family visitors an
overhead exhibit during a
child-led tour at Global
Arts Link.

Determining a suitable pathway through a museum can be an interesting

challenge. Different strategies may be used depending on the group size and
type of tour. In some cases, parents and teachers may want to make a random
tour in which childrens interests lead the way through the museum. At other
times, the adult may want to introduce children to a particular exhibition of
special interest to them.
Additional strategies for increasing opportunities for learning on tours include:

keeping group size small (Piscitelli, 1991, Price & Hein, 1991),
structuring tours in a way that allows children to follow their own
questions and interests (Griffin & Symington, 1997; Jensen, 1994),
training guides to use conversational language and listen to childrens
responses (Piscitelli, 1991), and
encouraging guides to make tours a sensory experience, by providing
objects that relate to the museum exhibits that children can touch or
smell (Shaffer, 1999).

If group sizes are small during museum tours, the adult can document the
childrens reactions with photographs, video or audiotapes so that later on, at
home or in class, children may review and reflect on their visit.


Activity room programs

Activity room programs can provide children with opportunities for choice and
control. They can be set-up to allow children to investigate topics in depth at
their own pace and according to their individual interests and learning
preferences. In the QUTMC project, activity room programs were set up at the
Queensland Museum for children to explore natural environment and cultural
heritage displays. The room was divided into discovery areas that included
investigation work where children used microscopes and handled specimens
and artefacts, and into creative expression areas where children could dressup, engage in imaginary play or draw.

Figure 16. Handling olden days

artefacts in an activity room at the
Queensland Museum.

Theatre shows
Theatre shows can be an effective way of presenting information to young
children. Because of the setting, theatre shows can heighten childrens interest
levels and pique curiosity (Anderson, Piscitelli, Weier, Everett, & Tayler, 2002).
Theatre shows can range from facilitator-led demonstrations to child-led
performances. The theatre shows used during the QUTMC project were very
memorable experiences for the children. Some shows were traditional slide
shows with compelling narrations given by passionate presenters, while other
shows were demonstration-based with an expert presenter in the spotlight.
Theatre experiences will be as diverse as the collections and staff in the site,
but they should always be well timed and well organised for the early years

Figure 17. Unexpected Science

Queensland Sciencentre.


Strategies for increasing opportunities for learning during theatre shows include:

pacing the show to be quick but not hasty,

providing hands-on/minds-on engagement,
providing a balance between observation time and involvement,
structuring the show to tell a story,
selecting topics that are relevant to the childrens lives,
providing multi-sensory connecting points,
inviting childrens questions,
training staff to become comfortable with the content of the
presentation, and
training staff to deliver content at an appropriate level.

In-gallery talks
In-gallery talks increase childrens engagement with exhibits. Facilitator-led
talks can be memorable experiences for children especially when presented in
the form of a story. Because children are familiar with storytelling in home and
school settings, stories can be an effective way of communicating with young
children. Storytelling experiences can be used in a diversity of situations one
on one, small group or large. Storytelling teaches children to read images and
objects, and helps bring images and objects to life. In-gallery talks also provide
children with a chance to listen to new ideas, to hear an expert discussing the
importance and history of an object and to gain new concepts about the items
on display. They also provide children with opportunities to feel, express and
discuss a wide range of emotions, such as empathy, sadness, care and disgust.

Figure 18. In-gallery talk with a small

group of preschoolers at Global Arts

Strategies for facilitators that will increase learning opportunities during ingallery talks include:

putting yourself in a position where all children can see and hear,
seating the children (for groups of more than eight),
projecting your voice,
showing passion and knowledge for the topics and objects,
making connections with childrens own lives,
presenting a range of stories: subject matter, event, technique,
empowering the children to answer questions,
focusing the childrens attention on the object,


using props if they seem to be helpful to the childrens understanding

props provide examples of the quality of the object and assist with
making connections within the childrens experience range, and
raising questions for the children to answer using clues from the object:
- Who do you think is the bad guy and how can you tell?
- Look at the girls skirt. What does that tell you about her?
- How do the people look are they happy or ?
- What colours are they wearing?
- Where are they going to go now?
- What happens when your toy breaks? Will someone fix it?

In-gallery games
When possible, museum staff should incorporate elements of play and
opportunities for exploration into visits. Seek and find games provide a focus
for activity and add an element of play to the visit. Fun activities increase
childrens motivation and interest levels (see Resources 1 - 9, for examples of
in-gallery games used in the QUTMC research project).
Providing opportunities for children to draw in museums enhances the visit in
many ways. As they draw, children can relax and express themselves
creatively. Drawing can also extend and refine childrens observation skills,
slowing them down so that they take a closer look at the museum and its

Figure 19. In-gallery drawing at the

Queensland Art Gallery.

Museum staff should build personal empowerment sessions into museum visits.
Children feel empowered when they are in charge of their own discoveries and
learning, and when provided with choices about their tour of the site. In the
company of their peers and in the presence of adult guides, young children can
search through the museum to locate and explore objects and activities of their
own choosing. Museum staff may want to find ways of including a layer of
childrens interpretation throughout the site, in such things as labels for and by
children, tours selected by children, treasure hunts designed by children, and
childrens guides.


Providing children with opportunities to reflect on their museum experiences can
serve to reinforce and extend learning that occurred during the visit. Reflection
can occur as an individual, small or whole group experience. It is important to
provide schools and families with a quiet place to sit and discuss their visit.

Figure 20. Children reflect on their

visit to Global Arts Link during a
discussion with a member of staff.

After the visit

Just as museum readiness forms an important element in the success of the
visit, follow-up activities and discussions contribute greatly to its value and
worth to children. Post-visit experiences should enable children to extend
learning after the visit (Bitgood, 1991; Piscitelli, 1991; Sykes, 1995). Children
leave the museum with new ideas and with a richer understanding of life and
culture, which can be stimulated further in various ways (see Appendices A & B
for examples of childrens post-visit writing and drawing).

Figure 21. Following a visit to Global

Arts Link, where they viewed an
exhibition of works about aircraft, a
group of preschoolers built their own
plane and engaged in imaginative

Museums can provide school and family groups with take home materials that
provide suggestions for follow-up activities (see Appendix C for examples of
Takeaway Sheets created for parents visiting the childrens gallery at Global
Arts Link). Children should also be encouraged to make return visits with their
class and families (Sykes, 1995; Piscitelli, 1991). Repeat visits provide children
with opportunities to develop a personal relationship with the museum.


Evaluation is an essential part of the programming process. Feedback from

museum staff and participants is required to assess program effectiveness.
Therefore, strategies for evaluation (i.e., questionnaires, comment books or
discussions) should be developed during the program planning process, used
during implementation, and used again at the end of the visit to appraise the
efficacy of the activities.

Developing resources that enhance young childrens museum experiences can
be challenging. The key is to provide children with resources that stimulate
curiosity and creativity. Resources can take many forms, including interactive
booklets, treasure hunt cards and drawing activities (see Resource section for
examples of resources used in the QUTMC research project). The following
checklist (Table 2) offers questions to keep in mind when designing and
developing resources.
Table 2
Resource checklist
Does it focus childrens attention?
Does it encourage looking closely?
Will it increase childrens interest level?
Does it provide opportunities for empowerment?
Does it allow children to explore their own interests at their own pace?
Does it provide opportunities for children to interact with peers and adults?
Does it provide information about the exhibition for adult guides?
Does it provide adult guides with suggestions for thought-provoking
questions & purposeful discussion?
Does it offer hands-on experiences?
Is it geared to the childrens level?
Is it visually appealing?
Is it fun?


The potential of the objects and experiences offered at museums largely
depends upon the adults who guide and support young children's visits to these
venues. Consequently, adults who guide young children in museums should be
trained to use high quality interaction strategies to support children's
involvement, enjoyment and learning in the museum environment.
A range of behaviours, from non-directive, through scaffolding, to directive
behaviours is appropriate during adult-child teaching-learning interactions (see
Table 3, following). At the non-directive end of the continuum, behaviours such
as physical proximity, making casual comments, encouraging children and
modelling learning strategies can be employed effectively within the museum
context. At the next level, focusing attention, suggesting, explaining,
hypothesising, questioning and posing problems are useful strategies for
challenging children and extending their current levels of functioning. More
directive behaviours, including demonstrating, instructing and task analysis,


allow adults to direct childrens learning within narrowly defined dimensions of

error, to ensure successful completion of a task.
Table 3
Interactive Teaching-Learning Behaviours



Physical proximity. Close physical proximity between the adult and

child/children provides security for children, enhances conversation
and increases viewing time.
Listening. Careful attendance by the adult builds a climate of
acceptance of the children and their ideas.
Acknowledging. A genuine response by the adult shows children they
have been heard and keeps them engaged in an activity.
Commenting. The adults casual comments help to create a relaxed
atmosphere and comfortable level of interaction for the children.
Encouraging and Praising. The adults positive responses inspire
childrens confidence to explore or continue with a task.
Modelling. The way the adult communicates, experiments and
approaches and solves problems, forms a powerful model for how
children will behave.


Reinforcing. The adult positively emphasises a particular concept or

Facilitating. The adult provides children with appropriate assistance or
Focusing attention. The adult draws childrens attention to a particular
Answering. The adult provides feedback in reaction to childrens
Describing. The adult helps the children to become aware of details or
Providing information. The adult expands the childrens experience
and knowledge.
Explaining. The adult helps the children to construct meaning.
Reading. The adult exposes children to details, technical information
or new vocabulary.
Recalling. The adult remembers facts or experiences in order to
encourage children to make associations.
Suggesting. The adult puts forward an idea for consideration by the
Initiating. The adult begins a task or line of thinking that children can
Philosophising/ Hypothesising/ Imagining/ Wondering. The adult
speculates in order to stimulate childrens curiosity and encourage
further exploration, experimentation and questioning.
Prompting. The adult provides cues that encourage the children to
think divergently.


Questioning. The adult uses open-ended questions that encourage

children to explore, imagine, reason, interpret, choose and evaluate.
Clarifying. The adult asks the children to confirm, explain or justify their
ideas, opinions or preferences.
Posing problems. The adult encourages the children to explore
Challenging. The adult increases the difficulty of a task as children
gain competence and understanding.
Co-constructing. Adults and children collaborate to form meaning and
build knowledge about the world.

Demonstrating. The adult shows the children how something is done,

in order to help them acquire that skill or behaviour.
Instructing. The adult passes information on to the children, or tells
them how to perform a skill.
Directing. The adult guides the childrens behaviour in a step-by-step
fashion, in order to assist successful task completion.
Task Analysis. The adult helps children identify the key steps involved
in completing a task, in order to enable successful completion of the

Adapted from Weier, K. (2000).

preschoolers with an interactive
experience at Global Arts Link.

An important function of adult-guided interactions is the introduction of technical
or specialised vocabulary.

In the art museum, adults may model ways of talking about art and focus
children's attention on certain aspects of works, describing and
explaining how these were achieved, using appropriate language. They
can also describe and demonstrate artistic processes during studio
activities, and challenge children to use technical language in their own
descriptions of artworks and artistic processes (Weier, 2000).

In the history museum, adult guides should use language that matches
the young childs level of development. When talking to young children
about history, it is better to use the phrase a long time ago than to give
specific dates and eras (Vukelich, 1984).


Visits to science centres provide young children with opportunities to

build on understandings of scientific principles. Meaning-making is
assisted when new concepts are introduced by providing examples that
make connections to the childs world. Science instruction should
include modelling of scientific reasoning and use of explicit scientific
language (Osborne, 1995).

Art Vocabulary
Colour: names, dark, light, bright, dull, cool, warm, tone, tint, shade
Line: straight, wavy, jagged, curved, long, short, thick, thin
Shape: round, square, oval
Size: big, medium, small
Texture: smooth, lumpy, rough, soft, prickly
Artwork: artist, title, medium
Techniques: painting, drawing, sketch, print, photograph, textile, sculpture, carving,
construction, installation
Styles: abstract, realistic, life-like
Paintings: portrait, still life, landscape, cityscape, seascape
Composition: foreground, background, middle ground

History Vocabulary
Cultural Heritage: artefact; culture, craft; outback; transport, machines; history, long
ago, in the past
Natural Environment: specimen; model, original, replica; fossil, skeleton, bones;
research; natural resources; environment, ecosystems, habitat; species, native,
introduced; endangered, extinction, protection, stewardship; problem, pollution,
habitat destruction; predator, prey

Science Vocabulary
Science & Society: working scientifically, investigate, experiment, describe,
problem-solving, technology, invention
Earth & Beyond: air, weather, clouds, landforms, planet, earth, space, moon, stars
Energy & Change: movement, motion, speed, weight, forces, magnetism, electricity,
sound, light
Life & Living: characteristics, classification, grouping, food, shelter, reproduction
Natural & Processed Materials: solids, liquids, texture, density, volume

Questioning is one of the most common interaction strategies employed by
adults during teaching-learning dialogues with young children. In museums,
questioning provides an effective way to encourage close viewing of exhibits,
develop children's ideas and facilitate interpretation of objects and experiences.
Questions can also be used to acquire a sense of childrens existing knowledge
about a topic, in order to make subsequent questions more relevant and to
challenge children's thinking. Different types of questions are used for different
Closed questions
- encourage identification and description of characteristics, following
- easy, fun questions; effective during initial naming games to engage children
in guided viewing
Examples: What colour is the bus in this picture? How many circles can you see?
Who can find a lamington in this artwork? Can you see a very dark shade of blue?


Analysis questions
- seek a reasoned response, based on what has been observed
Examples: What makes this look like it is a night time scene? What is the biggest and
the smallest thing you can see in this artwork? What makes this painting look

Open-ended questions
- demand imaginative thinking and inferences
- encourage multiple answers; no correct answer
Examples: Why do you think the artist painted the forest in such dark colours? What
would it feel like to be in this busy park? Why do you think the artist painted this

Evaluative questions
- encourage child to formulate an opinion, based on what they know about an
object or topic
- offer opportunities for complex analyses
Examples: Did the artist do a good job on this artwork? What makes you think so?
Which painting makes you feel happy/sad? Why?

Different types of questions are used for different purposes.

Focus on eliciting personal responses through open-ended questions.

Ensure a balance of questions is used.

Casual conversation
The use of casual conversation during museum experiences contributes to a
comfortable, effective style of interaction between adults and young children.
Informal conversation is a particularly important learning mechanism within
family groups in the museum context. Young children's interpretation of
meaning is assisted by older family members, who share with them a
foundation of background experience and are attuned to their unique learning
styles, interests, views, attitudes and biases (Schauble, Beane, Coates, Martin,
& Sterling, 1996). For instance, when a child makes a personal or imaginative
response to an exhibit in the museum, parents often clarify the response in
relation to an experience that occurred elsewhere and build upon it to extend
the child's understanding.
10 ways to approach a museum exhibit with young children

Ensure all children in the group can see the exhibit and hear the
Crouch to childrens level
Allow time for childrens spontaneous responses
Accept all responses positively and build discussion from childrens
interests and comfort zone (from familiar to less familiar)
Maintain an informal conversational style
Use appropriate questioning techniques (open-ended)
Encourage close observation and description of the exhibit
Elicit personal responses and stories
Model ways of responding
Use topic-specific vocabulary


Physical design
Appropriate physical design of a museum venue and its exhibits ensures an
environment that is conducive to the learning, enjoyment and comfort of all
visitors, including young children. A range of factors should be considered
when designing the physical environment, including spatial organisation and
provision of facilities such as seats, eating areas, drinking water and restrooms,
as well as specific exhibit characteristics. Table 4, following, presents a
detailed checklist of features that can be used as a guide for designing museum
environments and exhibits with young children as audience.
Table 4
Physical Environment Checklist
1. Building

The entrance to the venue is visually welcoming, able to accommodate large groups
of visitors and clearly signposted to assist visitors in finding their way.


The environment provides a balance between organized, predictable spaces and

areas of exploration and discovery.


Different exhibition areas are clearly defined and adequately separated in order to
minimise distractions.


The space is arranged to enable individual, small and large group participation.


The space is arranged to avoid safety hazards.


The environment is non-threatening.


Facilities are provided to cater for childrens physical needs (nourishment, toileting,

2. Exhibits

A balance is provided between interactive exhibits and static exhibits.


Exhibits cater for a variety of interests, ages, learning styles, degrees of knowledge,
experiences and skills.


Exhibits and interpretation are multi-sensory.


Exhibits allow for vigorous play.


Exhibits and interpretation promote discussion and provide opportunities for group
problem solving.


Exhibits provide a range of learning opportunities (psychomotor, social, affective or

cognitive goals), and consider a variety of modes of learning (visual, auditory, tactile
and kinaesthetic).


Exhibits encourage repetition of activity and application of the skills or concepts



Exhibits stimulate visitors natural curiosity and spark their motivation to explore.


Exhibits have personal utility and meaning for visitors.

2.10 Visitors are given opportunities to make choices and control their experiences.
2.11 The goals of exhibits are clear and manageable, allowing for self-directed behaviour.


2.12 Exhibits provide opportunities to receive feedback on actions performed.

2.13 Exhibits present information in a manner that is comprehensible to both adults and
2.14 Exhibits are physically accessible to a variety of visitors.
2.15 The content of exhibits is sensitive to the diversity of cultural, religious and gender
groups in society.
2.16 Exhibits are durable.
2.17 Exhibits are safe and well maintained.
2.18 Exhibits are regularly evaluated.
Adapted from Weier, K. (2000).

Figure 23. This popular ScienceSpot

exhibit is multi-sensory, stimulates
curiosity, allows for self-directed
behaviour and provides feedback on
actions performed.


Evaluation and research

Young childrens experiences in museums can be enhanced by increasing
evaluation and research efforts. The line between evaluation and research is
sometimes blurred. Although standard research processes and methods are
used in both evaluation studies and research, the difference lies in the studys
primary objective. The primary objective of an evaluation study is to assess and
improve program or exhibition effectiveness, whereas the primary objective of
research is to increase the body of knowledge for a wider audience (Munley,
cited in Hooper-Greenhill, 1994).
There are many different research processes and methods that may be
employed in museums. Quantitative studies analyse data via numbers and
statistics, using techniques like door counts, surveys and questionnaires.
Qualitative studies attempt to describe and interpret human behaviour and
attitudes, and include case studies and program evaluation.
While there is consensus among museum professionals that additional
evaluation and research is required to improve the visitors experience, to date
few museums have formal evaluation and/or research programs in place. By
supporting evaluation and research efforts, museum professionals will gain
valuable insights about the young visitor that can be used to improve young
childrens museum experiences.
The next section provides a brief overview of the evaluation process.

Like all research, evaluation studies require a detailed plan of action. The
evaluation process involves six steps:
Step 1 Preparation
Step 2 Design
Step 3 Data Collection
Step 4 Data Analysis
Step 5 Reporting
Step 6 Action
Step 1 Preparation
During the preparation stage, evaluation objectives and questions are set. You
need to be able to provide answers to the following questions:

What is to be evaluated?
What do you want to find out?
Do you want to measure demographic, socio-economic and/or
participation characteristics, or do you want to assess attitudes, beliefs
and understandings?


Do you want to appraise the quality of the new program, its design,
impact on audience or sustainability?
How do you intend to use the answers to the questions?

Step 2 Design
During the design stage, the following questions are addressed:

When will the study be conducted?

Who and how many people will be sampled?
What data collection methods will be used?

When will the study be conducted?

Evaluation studies can be categorised according to when the study takes place.
Front-end analysis Front end analysis is conducted during the
exhibition or program planning stage. Its primary purpose is to determine
the intended or potential audiences knowledge, attitudes and beliefs as
they relate to exhibition or program issues (Dierking & Pollock, 1998).
Formative evaluation Formative evaluation (also referred to as process
evaluation) is conducted during the early stages of the implementation of
the exhibition or program. Its primary purpose is to assess impact and
provide direction and guidance for the work in progress.
Summative evaluation Summative evaluation (also referred to as
outcome evaluation) takes place after the exhibition has opened or the
program has been completed. Its purpose is to evaluate the exhibition or
programs success.
Who and how many people will be sampled?
Question: Who will you sample?
Answer: Sample the people who will best provide answers to the evaluation
studys questions. For quantitative studies, an attempt should be made to get a
representative sample of the population to be investigated. This is best
achieved by the use of random sampling techniques. Qualitative studies may
use purposive sampling, selecting participants for a particular reason or
purpose (Sarantakos, 1998).
Question: What size sample do you need?
Answer: It depends on the studys design and questions. Generally, larger
sample sizes are appropriate to quantitative analysis. Qualitative studies
usually focus on a smaller number of respondents to generate exploratory and
descriptive detail to provide a rich description of the research setting.
Resources and staff available to collect data can also impact the sample size.
What data collection methods will be used?
A number of data collection methods can be used in evaluation studies (see
Table 5, p. 48). There are strengths and weaknesses associated with each
method such as time, cost and personnel required. When selecting data
collection methods, it is important to choose the method/s that will best answer


the studys questions. The level of trustworthiness of a studys findings can be

increased by using more than one method to collect data a process known as
triangulation of data.
Data collection methods fall into three main categories: 1) observations, 2)
interviews, and 3) written sources.
Behavioural observations of visitors are commonly used in evaluation studies.
Observations can take the form of tracking visitor movements and/or recording
actions and conversations (using audio, video, photographic and/or paper and
pencil). Observational protocols have been developed by researchers
specifically for the use of studying young childrens experiences in museums
(Borun & Dritsas, 1997; Speering, Rennie, & McClafferty, 1997). Rennie and
McClaffertys Rug Rat Rating (see Appendix D) has been used to assess
young childrens cognitive, affective and psychomotor outcomes, as well as rate
exhibit effectiveness. Childrens behaviours are observed and recorded in one
of three categories: takes notice, interacts, or uses purposefully. Social
interactions between visitors are recorded by placing arrows to indicate the
nature of the interactions.
Interviews have been used as primary data sources in many studies
investigating young childrens learning in museums (Borun, Chambers, &
Cleghorn, 1996; Cone & Kendall, 1978; Guichard, 1995; Stevenson, 1991). The
studys aims and design determine the participants, type of interview, location
and timing. Interviews can be structured, semi-structured or open-ended.
Special requirements are needed when conducting interviews with young
children. Interviews should be unstructured and conducted in informal, familiar
settings (Hatch, 1990). The importance of the interviewer establishing rapport
with the young child before conducting the interview is well supported in the
literature (Hatch, 1990; Piscitelli et al., 1999). The following strategies have
been suggested to improve the quality of interviews with young children:

strive to build equal roles,

accept childrens views do not look for a right answer,
avoid using questions that contain abstract ideas,
use aids such as concrete objects, photographs, and/or video, and
frame questions in a clear and uncomplicated manner (Hatch, 1990).

Even though there are difficulties associated with interviewing young children,
getting the childs perspective is critical to the process of understanding young
childrens learning in museums (Kindler & Darras, 1997; Piscitelli & Anderson,
Focus groups are a type of interview commonly used in evaluation studies.
Focus groups bring together a small group of people for a discussion. The
interviewer typically asks group members open-ended questions and probes


answers to elicit in-depth responses. This strategy is very effective in gathering

information from small groups of school children, and in family group contexts.
Written data sources
Questionnaire surveys are another data collection method frequently used in
evaluation studies. It is important to pilot questionnaires to make sure that each
question is interpreted the way in which it was intended. Questionnaires can be
used with adults and/or children, but need to be designed with a specific
audience in mind. For example, in the QUTMC study, a Child Focused Survey
in booklet format was developed to assess 4 and 5-year-old childrens
perceptions of museums. The booklet was used as a way to link the
interviewing process to something with which the children were familiar, that is,
reading a book. The booklet was designed with picture images to
accommodate young childrens reading ability (see Appendix E).
Childrens drawings can also be used to evaluate the impact of museum
experiences (Coe, 1988; McClafferty & Rennie, 1997; Piscitelli & Anderson,
2000; Strommen, 1995). Childrens drawings have been used for a variety of
purposes. In the QUTMC study, childrens drawings were used as a way of
gathering information about young childrens perceptions and memories of
museums as well as a way to engage children in a dialogue about past museum
experiences. Young childrens drawings have also been used to evaluate
exhibit effectiveness (Coe, 1988). The success of using young childrens
drawings as an assessment tool depends on the studys aims, objectives and
method of analysis.

Figure 24. A childs drawing

showing detailed recall of a
museum exhibit.

Other written sources

Participant journals and comment cards are other written data collection tools
that can be used in evaluation studies (see Appendix F for example of Parent
Diary entry from QUTMC study).
After data gathering methods have been selected, the next step is to develop
the tools or instruments. The instrument design process can be collaborative in
nature and usually entails a number of revisions and refinements. This is also
the point in the process where data gathering equipment is secured and tested.


Table 5
Data Collection Techniques



Focus Groups

Observations /
Running Records

Anecdotal Notes

Tracking & Timing

Audio Taping


discussions with visitors

(structured, semi-structured
or open-ended)
individual or group
audio or video taped

discussion with small

group, led by moderator
audio or video taped
detailed observation
recording behaviour and/or
situation over an extended
period of time
continuous description,
including direct quotation of
less detailed than a running
record, but preserves the
essence of what occurred
single, significant episode
(or series of episodes)
recording visitor movement
over a period of time
timed interactions with
people and/or objects
recording of verbal
utterances and interactions

assess time spent and movement

through exhibition

capture child and adult language,

interaction patterns, questioning
techniques and vocabulary
capture child and adult behaviour;
time spent interacting with
capture dynamic nature of
record what was not easily
zoom-in on childrens
behaviours/learning processes
gather demographic information
assess level of understanding

recording of behaviour

pictorial representations


Comment Cards

Journals / Diaries

written questions (can be

qualitative and quantitative
in nature)
books or cards for visitors
to write comments about
their museum experience
journal/diary kept by
participants (parents/
children/teachers) over a
period of time
creative expression of ideas
and memories

identify use of exhibit/ program

assess levels of engagement,
identify processes, use of
vocabulary, scaffolding, peer
tutoring, social interactions, etc.
complement/supplement other
data sources

Video Taping

Questionnaires /

gain detailed information

assess visitor perceptions of
assess visitor understanding of
content presented in
gain insights and assess attitudes
and reactions

provide insights into likes and


gain information about feelings

and attitudes

evaluate recall, impact and


Adapted from Weier, K. (2000).


Step 3 Data Collection

At the beginning of the data collection stage, evaluation procedures are piloted
on a small number of people to make sure the data collection instruments will
provide answers to research questions. Once the protocols and procedures
have been finalised, data collectors need to be trained. Issues concerning
ethical clearance (privacy and confidentiality) and informed consent (agreement
of all participants) must be addressed.
Data Collection Tips
Things to consider when gathering data in the museum:
noise/crowd levels
multiple perspectives
staff/time requirements
visitor willingness
developing a rapport with participants
level of researcher participation (observer participant)
researcher fatigue

Step 4 Data analysis

Data analysis can be on-going and occur throughout the study or take place at
the end of the study. Data analysis consists of consolidating and organising the
data in a way that provides answers to the studys questions. Quantitative
analysis consists of number crunching and can be facilitated by using
computer programs such as spreadsheets or SPSS (Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences). Qualitative techniques consist of coding data and looking for
emergent themes. A number of studies adopt a mixed methods approach
(McClafferty & Rennie, 1997; Piscitelli & Anderson, 2000; Stevenson, 1991).
Step 5 Reporting
In the reporting stage, a report is written and the findings are disseminated to
interested parties. Reports should be written with the intended audience in
mind. Try to get your work published in museum journals if you think other
institutions could benefit from learning about your studys findings. Museum
conferences and meetings are other places to spread the news about your
Step 6 - Action
The action phase of the study ties back to one of the questions you addressed
in Step 1: How do you intend to use the answers to the questions? Now that
you have the answers you were looking for, how will you go about implementing



Establishing partnerships
By establishing partnerships, museums, schools and communities can create a
new educational infrastructure for young children (Falk & Dierking, 2000).
Successful partnerships include:

collaborations between parents, teachers and museum staff,

teachers and parents on museum boards and committees,
museum personnel as consultants to schools,
reference groups to cater for the early years audience requirements,
active parent participation in museum learning, and
flexibility in museum and school schedules (Landau, 1986).

Productive partnerships involve a shift in thinking: school officials, including

teachers, must be willing to accept museums as partners in the educational
process; and museum officials, including curators, must recognise that serving
the schools and children is an integral part of the museums function (Danilov,
1976, p. 306). These new partnerships will be fundamentally important in
creating sustainable programs for schools and communities (Piscitelli, 2001).


The double-act
Successful museum staff deliver childrens programs with active involvement
and participation of schools and families. In essence, museum staff and adult
carers (e.g., parents and teachers) who work best together perform a kind of
double-act, with each sharing special knowledge and expertise to ensure best
outcomes for children. Museum staff have expert understandings of their
collections and exhibitions, so they play a vital role in bringing the visitor into
contact with objects and experiences that will ignite and sustain interest.
Though this information is interesting to children, it is probably best delivered
and provoked by adult carers who know the children on personal terms.

Figure 25. Museum staff supporting

the teacher during a pre-visit
classroom session.

The double act involves museum staff setting up clear communication with adult
carers to find out what the children know, why they are coming to the museum,
what ideas are under investigation and other pertinent details (e.g., duration,
adult-child ratio, group size). At the time of booking an excursion, museum staff
should gather brief notes from teachers about the young visitors special
interests and specific booking arrangements. Following the booking, the group
should receive a letter of confirmation from the museum; this provides a good
opportunity to make relevant suggestions about classroom preparations.
Teachers, parents and accompanying adult carers play an important role in
facilitating social situations where children can discuss, interpret and question
their ideas in one-on-one and small group situations. Because they know
childrens interests, life experiences and learning styles, parents and teachers
make connections between the museum experience and the childrens lives.
Museum staff should provide information to prepare the adults for the visit,
including a set of tips for making the visit meaningful to their group.
At the museum, museum staff and adult carers should play roles suited to their
expertise: teachers and parents should direct childrens behaviour and offer
guided small group interpretations; museum staff should provide the welcome
experience and special information about the collection. When museum staff
and adult carers share responsibility for guiding childrens learning in the
museum, the results can be very positive for all involved.


Excursion options
In an ideal world, young children would come to museums as a regular part of
their learning program. Collaboration between schools and museums is
becoming increasingly evident, especially in small communities where children
are within walking distance of cultural institutions like libraries, museums and
galleries. In these cases, schools and museums have favourable conditions for
building sustainable multiple visit programs and long-term partnerships to foster
childrens learning.
Unfortunately, most schools restrict the number of excursions children may
undertake in a year, so it is more likely to find single visits to museums as
standard in the early years. Even so, it is possible to build strong links between
the childrens learning in the classroom and the extension of ideas through the
museum and its collections.
In this section, we outline three different ways to organise for museum visits:

Excursion Plus (web visit, staff outreach and site visit),

Multi-visit (multiple visits to one museum), and
Multi-visit / Multi-museum (multiple visits to different sites).

In schools where field trips are difficult to implement or opportunities are limited,
the Excursion Plus program provides children with a way to reap the benefits of
a repeat visit program with a single museum visit.
The Excursion Plus program consists of a single museum visit enhanced by a
number of pre and post-visit experiences. There is no one best way for these
programs to be structured. Models should be tailor-made to meet the needs
and resources of individual schools and communities.
Excursion Plus programs should begin by assessing childrens interests and
examining the curriculum requirements looking for places where they
intersect. No matter who initiates the program, the museum or the school,
collaborative planning between teachers and museum staff can help insure the
programs success. There are endless possibilities of topics to be explored
incorporating all areas of the curriculum including art, history and science.
Topics for Excursion Plus programs can range from broad studies of Indigenous
culture or museums, to narrow studies of such topics as dinosaurs or light.
Although the majority of the program occurs in the classroom, museum staff
may play a central role during all stages of the program.
The three stages of the Excursion Plus program are:

Pre-visit experiences
Site visit
Post-visit experiences


Stage 1: Pre-visit experiences

Pre-visit experiences are designed to introduce children to the museum and its
collections before the visit. Young children may become familiar with museum
objects and museum staff prior to the museum visit in a number of ways
including the use of museum web sites, museum resource kits and classroom
visits by museum workers.
Web visit for teachers
Museum web sites provide teachers with a wide range of information online.
Pre-visit materials include strategies for linking the visit to the curriculum and
real life experiences, pre and post-visit activities, suggestions for enhancing
learning opportunities during the visit, information concerning exhibits, as well
as procedural matters to follow during the site visit.
Web visit for children
Some museum web sites provide children with opportunities to familiarise
themselves with the museums collections and galleries by presenting virtual
tours of public spaces and collection materials. Web sites should be designed
to include a way for children to have their questions answered by museum staff.
Resource kits
Loan programs are an excellent way for children to become familiar with
museum work and museum objects prior to the visit. Kits can relate to specific
exhibitions or general museum work. Kit components may include real
specimens and artefacts and be designed to provide children with opportunities
for hands-on, multi-sensory exploration.
Classroom visitor
Outreach programs are another way of bringing the museum into the
classroom. Museums can arrange to have artists, curators, preparators and/or
educators take their act on the road. Having real museum workers in the
classroom can be a very exciting and memorable experience for young children.
Pre-visit experiences should build on one another and include introductory as
well as follow-up activities that incorporate discussion, investigation and activity.
Stage 2: Site visit
Ideally, teachers and museum staff should communicate before the site visit to
discuss the content and itinerary for the visit. This way, everyone knows what
to expect and museum staff can provide a program that meets the groups
expectations. When teachers have done sound preparation for the visit,
museum staff will want to build on this base to make the most of the childrens
experience at the museum.
In order to prepare for the visit, museum and school staff should consider the
following elements: training, script, documentation and evaluation.


Before the visit, adult guides should be trained to use high quality interaction
strategies to support children's involvement, enjoyment and learning in the
museum environment (see Table 3, p. 38).
Scripts for school visits should adhere to the following guidelines:

Welcome experiences set the stage for the visit. Museum staff should
avoid launching into a rehearsed presentation about the museum.
Rather, the session should start with exploring the childrens
understandings of the site and its collections.

A brief orientation tour will help children to become familiar with their

Tours and programs should be designed to allow children to experience

a variety of activities multi-sensory, hands-on, reflective and behindthe-scenes if possible.

Group size should be kept small whenever possible. Teachers can help
by grouping children prior to the visit use age as a way of determining
group size (3 three-year-olds, 4 four-year-olds, 5 five-year-olds and so
on, up to a maximum of 8 in a group). This ensures everyone can hear
and be heard in the group, and provides manageable groups for touring.

Time should be permitted for children to follow their own interests and for
their questions to be answered. Twenty-minute cruises should be part of
the scheduled program to give children time to take the lead in the
process of discovery and exploration of the museum.

Museum staff and teachers can document childrens museum experiences by
taking photos, anecdotal records, video and audio recordings. Gathering
evidence of childrens learning can be used to evaluate programs and extend
learning opportunities back in the classroom. Museum staff may use such
records as a way of analysing program and design effectiveness.

Figure 26. A classroom wall display

documents childrens learning, following a visit to the Queensland Museum.


The evaluation process is essential to improve program effectiveness. Getting
feedback from teachers will help you to assess how well you are doing and
where improvement can be made. Consequently, evaluation forms should be
developed and made available to teachers as well as other adult chaperones.
Stage 3: Post-visit experiences
Post-visit experiences contribute greatly to the visits value and worth to
children. Museums and schools can provide children with opportunities to
extend the learning by engaging them in follow-up activities and discussion.
Follow-up activities
Museum staff can provide schools with suggestions for follow-up
activities. Activities can take the form of art, drama, music, writing,
construction and/or play.

Provisions can be made to answer childrens queries on email.

Teachers can involve children in projects such as caring for a collection

or setting up their own class or home museum.

Museum staff can make a post-visit trip to the classroom. The purpose of
the visit can be educational to build on learning that occurred during
the visit, or for pleasure to attend a culminating experience such as the
opening of a classroom museum, or play or festival.

The Excursion Plus model provides children with a wide range of opportunities
to discover the wonders of museums: exploring web sites, examining real
objects, meeting museum staff and visiting a museum. By working together,
museums and schools can create valuable partnerships that can result in
providing unique and meaningful learning experiences for children.


In small communities where there are cultural sites within walking distance,
museums may want to invite classes to attend on a regular basis. Multiple visit
programs should be planned collaboratively by the museum staff and class
teacher to provide sequential experiences that advance curriculum goals.
CASE STUDY: Multiple visits to a local art-social history museum
The multiple visit program involving Roderick Street Preschool (4 and 5-year-old
children) and their local art-social history museum, Global Arts Link (GAL), took
place over the course of one year, or four school terms. The first term was
devoted to in-class preparation for the museum visits that would occur over the
subsequent three terms. The first term curriculum unit, What is a museum?,
was developed in response to the childrens existing level of knowledge and
experience of museums, which was quite limited. Topics covered included what
does a museum look like, different kinds of museums, who works in a museum,
learning from objects and what is a collection. As a culminating activity, the
children set up their own mini-museum within the preschool and invited their


families to attend (see Resources 10, 11, 12 and 14 for examples of resources
used for this experience).
Having developed in Term 1 a sound understanding of the world of museums,
the aim for the children in Term 2 was to experience the museum environment
first hand its people, objects and operation and to develop a sense of
wonder, ownership and belonging in this new environment. Focus was primarily
on the art content of the museum. Introductory experiences included
orientation, behind-the-scenes tours and free-choice exploration of the
interactive childrens gallery space. Later, the children were introduced to a
general exhibition, with a strong multi-media and hands-on component. On the
third visit the children engaged in more structured experiences, including whole
class guided viewing and discussion of an artwork. In small groups they viewed
a general exhibition, which was strictly hands-off.
During each of the three visits in Term 2, ample time was allowed for
conversation and reflection, when children had the opportunity to express their
ideas and feelings and ponder their experiences. The opportunity to draw in
response to museum objects and experiences was also an important
component of the program. Museum visits were supported by three in-class
sessions, to prepare for and follow-up on the childrens museum-based
experiences. Areas of focus during these sessions included touch/no touch
rules with regard to artworks and objects, artistic vocabulary and visual literacy
skills, art making practices, familiarisation with artworks from the museums
exhibitions, and consideration of appropriate behaviour in the museum

Figure 27. In class, children became

familiar with artworks from the
museums current exhibitions by
completing jigsaw puzzles.

The Term 3 curriculum consisted of two visits to GAL, supported by three inclass sessions, with the aim of consolidating the childrens Term 2 art-based
experiences and introducing the social history content of the museum. New
exhibitions were toured and familiar ones revisited, and both structured and
free-choice activities were offered. Special guests were utilised to present a
live show at GAL as a novel means of introducing local social history topics to
this young audience. The presentation included opportunities for the children to
take part in demonstrations, and later the preschoolers performed on stage as
part of the proceedings.


Figure 28. Live demonstration at

Global Arts Link by local boxing

Figure 29. Hands-on opportunities for children to explore social

history during the demonstration.

The final term of the school year again consisted of two visits to GAL, supported
by three pre/post-visit in-class sessions. The principal aim of this term was to
hand over to the children, considering the level of experience and museum
knowledge they had developed over the course of the year. Thus, in addition to
exploring and enjoying new and familiar areas and exhibitions, the children
prepared to lead their own tour for a special family guest. This involved
selecting four favourite objects displayed at GAL and creating a My GAL Tour
sheet by drawing or using a photograph of these objects of interest (see
Resource 15). On their final visit, the children were empowered to lead their
guest around the museum, using their tour sheet as a prompt to describe their
selected objects.
Parental and family involvement was not only a feature of the childrens final
visit, but was an extremely vital component of the multi-visit program over the
course of the year. Due to local regulations, this young age group required
supervision at a ratio of one adult to two children. Parents and grandparents
were consequently enlisted as valuable support persons during in-gallery
encounters and were significant in shaping the childrens museum experiences.
From their involvement, parents reported that they had learned a lot and
developed a great deal in their confidence to discuss museum objects and
artworks with their children. They were also delighted with the results of the
multi-visit program for their children, commenting on the childrens confidence in
the museum environment, their high interest and motivation levels, development
of museum vocabulary and understanding of appropriate behaviour for that


Table 6
Global Arts Link Visit Itineraries
Visit 1


(Term 2 of school year)

Welcome Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit. [10 minutes]
Orientation: Walk-through and Iconic objects Members of staff tour children through
the museum (in two groups of 12), to familiarise them with the total environment.
Discussion centres on iconic objects throughout the museum, including social history
and art objects. [10 minutes]
Childrens Gallery: Beary Tales Exhibition Children engage in free-choice
interactions and explorations of this interactive exhibition space. Small groups of four are
accompanied by one or two adults (teacher, parents, grandparents). [30 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [30 minutes]
Behind-the-scenes Tour Members of staff tour children to behind-the-scenes areas
(in two groups of 12). Children visit the Collections Storage area, and the major
exhibition space where a new exhibition is being installed. [15 minutes each area]
Reflection Regroup as whole class. Children share their experiences and impressions
of GAL in a brief whole class discussion. [10 minutes]

Visit 2

Orientation Children are welcomed to GAL by staff and volunteers and given a brief
overview of the schedule for their visit. [5 minutes]
CyberCultures Exhibition Free-choice exploration of this multimedia exhibition in
small groups of four accompanied by one or two adults. Includes hands-on experiences
and opportunities for children to draw in response to the exhibition. [45 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [30 minutes]
Childrens Gallery: Beary Tales Exhibition Children re-visit this interactive exhibition
space. Includes group story, followed by free-choice exploration and reflection time for
class discussion. [30 minutes]

Visit 3


Orientation Children are welcomed to GAL by staff and volunteers and given a brief
overview of the schedule for their visit. Children present class book of plane drawings to
staff and volunteers. [10 minutes]
Guided Viewing Experience Whole group discussion of large artwork (Kombie), led
by GAL staff member. Focus on visual literacy and aesthetic appreciation. [10 minutes]
Octane & Spotlight on Mike Rossow Exhibitions In groups of four with
accompanying adults, children explore two exhibitions (a collection of themed images
about the local air force base, and images by a local contemporary artist). Includes
opportunities for children to draw in response to the artworks, and conversation-starters
for adults to use in eliciting dialogue about the works. [30 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [30 minutes]
Choosing Favourites Children are asked to choose their favourite object, artwork or
area of GAL and to discuss the reason for their choice. They are then photographed with
their item of choice, as a keepsake and memory for later in-class discussion.
[30 minutes]
Reflection Regroup as whole class. Children share their experiences and impressions.
[5 minutes]

Visit 4

(Term 3 of school year)

Orientation Children are welcomed to GAL by staff and volunteers and given a brief
overview of the schedule for their visit. [5 minutes]
Guided Viewing Experience Whole class discussion of an installation from the Retro
Chic exhibition, led by GAL staff member. Focus on visual literacy and aesthetic
appreciation. [15 minutes]
Retro Chic Exhibition Detective work and free-choice exploration in small groups of
four with accompanying adults. Includes puzzle pieces to match to artworks and
conversation-starters for adults to use in eliciting dialogue about the artworks. [30 mins]



Morning Tea / Toilet Break [30 minutes]

Free-choice Touring and Drawing In small groups of four with accompanying adults,
children explore exhibitions of their choice. Paper and pencils provided for drawing.
[30 minutes]
Reflection Regroup as whole class. Children share their experiences and impressions.
[5 minutes]

Visit 5



[focus on social history]

Orientation Children are welcomed to GAL by staff and volunteers and given a brief
overview of the schedule for their visit. [5 minutes]
Floor Talk by Special Guests - Local identities, Noel and Lance (former boxers) give a
demonstration and talk to the children about activities they performed in the building
(Town Hall) before it was a museum. Includes hands-on involvement by children and
opportunities for the childrens questions. [20 minutes]
Treasure Hunt In small groups of four with accompanying adults, children use picture
and word clues to locate various objects and areas of historical significance within GAL.
[30 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [30 minutes]
Stage Performance The class performs a song on the stage, for staff, volunteers and
accompanying adults. Includes an interactive display and discussion, led by member of
GAL staff, about the various uses of the stage when the building was the Town Hall.
[10 minutes]
Free-choice Touring In small groups of four with accompanying adults, children
explore exhibitions of their choice. [20 minutes]
Reflection Regroup as whole class. Children share their experiences and impressions.
[5 minutes]

Visit 6

(Term 4 of school year)

Orientation Children are welcomed to GAL by staff and volunteers and given a brief
overview of the schedule for their visit. [5 minutes]
Guided Viewing Experience Whole group discussion of an artwork from the Ready,
SetGO! exhibition, led by GAL staff member. Focus on visual literacy and aesthetic
appreciation. [10 minutes]
Ready, SetGO! Exhibition Free-choice exploration of this exhibition, in small groups
of four with accompanying adults. Includes drawing in response to artworks and the
opportunity for children to have a photo taken with their favourite artwork. [40 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [30 minutes]
Childrens Gallery: Beary Tales Exhibition Children re-visit this interactive exhibition
for free exploration time. [30 minutes]
Reflection Regroup as whole class. Children share their experiences and impressions.
[5 minutes]

Visit 7

Orientation Children are welcomed to GAL by staff and volunteers and given a brief
overview of the schedule for their visit. [5 minutes]
My GAL Guided Tours by Children Children take their special visitor/s on a guided
tour of GAL, using their guide sheet containing four favourite artworks/objects to be
viewed. [45 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [30 minutes]
Childrens Gallery: Draw Me a Story Exhibition Free-choice exploration and
interaction. Regroup for whole class reflection time, including children telling their version
of the story of Lottie Angel (the local identity on whom the childrens gallery is based and
named after), based on information gathered throughout the year of visits to GAL. [30
Farewell [5 minutes]


In schools where the teaching staff has a sound commitment to learning outside
of school settings, the museum offers a site for unparalleled learning. Although
most multi-visit programs reported in the literature are to a single site, multi-visit
programs to multi-museums do exist (Gladfelter, 2001) and can provide children
with an unlimited range of opportunities to support learning across the
CASE STUDY: Multiple visits to multiple museums (3 + 3 + 3)
The multi-visit/multi-museum program used in the QUTMC study took place
over the course of one school year. The program consisted of a pre-visit
classroom-based curriculum followed by a series of museum visits each with
pre-visit and intervening lessons. Although the children participating in the
study made nine museum visits (three visits to each site art museum, science
centre and history museum), the number of visits and activities used in a multivisit/multi-museum program can be adapted to meet the needs of your visitors
and your institution.
During the initial stage of the multi-visit planning process, the QUT team met
with participating teachers and museum staff from three schools and three
museums. Teachers were asked to identify topics that would integrate museum
visits with classroom work. An overview document for topics to be covered in
Term 1, to prepare children for their subsequent three terms of museum visits,
was also developed. This document identified specific links between Term 1
topics and the school curriculum (see Appendix G).
School-based sessions
In Term 1, three classes of Year 1 children were introduced to the world of
museums through a series of classroom lessons. The lessons were developed
cooperatively between the research staff, museum staff and the classroom
teacher. The following topics were selected for the first five lessons (see
Appendix H for sample lesson plan):
Lesson #1
Lesson #2
Lesson #3
Lesson #4
Lesson #5

What is a museum?
What do museums look like (inside & out)?
Who works in a museum?
How do we learn from objects?
What is a collection?

A wide range of supporting resources and activities were used to explore these
themes, including books, postcards and cut-out images of museum workers, as
well as role-play, drawing and hands-on contact with museum specimens and
artefacts (see Resources 16 - 19). Museum staff played an important role
during the Term 1 sessions by supplying resources and making visits to the
Classroom visits by museum staff provided children with a better understanding
about museum work, and an opportunity for staff to establish a personal
relationship with the children prior to the first museum visit. Museum staff visits
also served to stimulate discussion and increase childrens levels of interest in


preparation for the visit. Curators, scientists, education staff and administrators
have valuable contributions to make towards fostering childrens understanding
of the place and work of museums in todays society.
The museum objects brought into the classroom were central to telling the story
of museum work and made a lasting impression on the children, as noted by
their comments during the interviews conducted after completion of the Term 1
curriculum. Objects brought into the classroom included fossils, preserved
animals, olden days toys and artefacts, science puzzles and reproductions of
Following the first five sessions of Term I, in which content knowledge was
introduced, two sessions were devoted to the planning and set-up of a minimuseum in the classroom. Children brought an item from home and readied it
for display in their classroom museum following the process of: select, research,
prepare and display. Families and museum staff attended the classroom
museum opening where the children acted as greeters, security personnel and
tour guides. Children enjoyed taking the leading role as experts, explaining
their objects to the adult visitors.

Figure 30. Mini-museum

in the classroom.

Science Centre Visits

In Term 2, the children visited the Queensland Sciencentre on three separate
occasions. Prior to the first visit, the children received a pre-visit lesson that
included an explanation of the purpose for the visit as well as an overview of the
schedule of events. During this session, children composed a list of rules to
follow during the visit. The pre-visit session was child-focused and provided
children with advanced organisers intended to increase learning outcomes.
Visit #1
Upon arrival for the first visit to the Sciencentre, a member of the staff greeted
the children. Shortly after the group was welcomed, the class was split into
smaller museum buddy groups. Buddy groups consisted of four or five
children with an accompanying adult. A Sciencentre volunteer explainer was
assigned to each group. Because many adult chaperones are not equipped


(and/or do not feel comfortable) to answer childrens questions, the explainers

were there to provide support when the inevitable question, How does it work?,
was asked. The groups went on a brief orientation tour that featured iconic
exhibits, along the way interacting with the exhibits, their peers and
accompanying adults (see Resource 20, for example of guide sheet used).

guides accompanied each
buddy group as they
toured the Sciencentre.

After a morning tea break, the class was divided into three groups. Staff led the
groups on a behind-the-scenes tour of the administrative, front desk and
workshop areas. The children especially liked receiving a small sample of wood
as a keepsake from the workshop staff. By going behind the scenes, childrens
eyes were opened to the larger world of museums and museum work. They
were able to see that there is much more going on in the museum than what is
on view in the public galleries. At the conclusion of the visit, the Sciencentre
staff provided the class with a quiet space to sit and share experiences and
impressions of the visit.

Figure 32. Behind-thescenes

Queensland Sciencentre.


Each Sciencentre visit was followed (approximately one week later) by an

intervening classroom lesson that consisted of a review of the past visit and a
preview of the up-coming visit. To prepare children for visit #2 to the
Sciencentre, they were introduced to Velvet the gecko, a character they would
be seeing in ScienceSpot the early childhood exhibition area to be explored
during the visit. The children were also provided with opportunities to engage in
hands-on activities to help them become familiar with the science concepts to
be explored during the visit light, sound and simple machines.
Visit #2
On visit #2, the Early Childhood Coordinator of ScienceSpot greeted the class.
She moved the group upstairs to the exhibition area and provided an
introduction to the space, explaining the many different areas to be explored.
Adults were encouraged to support childrens learning by asking the children
questions found on the Find the Spot guide sheet (see Resource 5).
Throughout the session, children engaged in cooperative work and play,
problem-solving and experimentation. At the end of the visit, the groups met in
a quiet spot to reflect on their experiences.

Figure 33. Cooperative work and play

in ScienceSpot.

The intervening lesson at school served to build on childrens understandings

by encouraging them to discuss ideas gained from the past visit as well as
foreground the focus for visit #3 movement. The theme movement was
selected because it was part of the Year 1 science curriculum. Demonstrations,
discussion and hands-on investigations were used to introduce children to the
topic. An important feature of the lesson was having children become familiar
with the How Does It Move? guide sheet (see Resource 6) that they would use
during the Sciencentre visit. This was accomplished by both modelling how to
use the guide and having the children practise using it.
Visit #3
Sciencentre staff met and welcomed the class. Shortly after the groups arrival,
they were led upstairs to the theatre to watch the Unexpected Science show.
Many aspects of the show contributed to its overall effectiveness. First, the
physical space provided was well suited to the needs of the audience. The
theatre setting served to increase childrens level of excitement. The seats
were comfortable and arranged so that everyone could be close to the
presenter and see what was happening. Second, the content of the show was
interesting. The unexpected nature of the show led children to experience a


wide range of emotions laughter, anticipation, apprehension and wonder. A

mix of both simple experiments the children could try at home and wow
experiments that they could see only at a science centre were conducted. The
show was multi-sensory in nature and included loud noises, steam and popping
lids. Third, the program was presented by a well-trained member of the
Education staff who was knowledgeable and passionate about the topic. The
content of the show was delivered at an appropriate level and in a manner that
was exciting, engaging and memorable for the children.
After the theatre show, buddy groups investigated the concept of movement in
the Energy & Forces gallery. Adult group leaders and volunteer explainers
guided the experience by asking the children to think about what causes various
exhibit components to move (and point to the symbol on the How Does it
Move? guide sheet). At the end of visit #3, children chose their favourite exhibit
and were photographed with it.

Figure 34. Exploring the

concept of movement in
the Spinning Chair exhibit.

Art Museum Visits

In Term 3, the children made three visits to the Queensland Art Gallery. The
structure for these visits followed the same pattern as visits in Term 2 pre-visit
classroom lesson, museum visit, intervening classroom lesson, museum visit,
intervening classroom lesson, museum visit, etc. The challenge for this group
of children was to go from a totally hands-on experience to one that was
primarily eyes-only. Different strategies were employed to enable children to
become familiar with the behaviours appropriate to the art museum
environment. One method used was role-play, whereby the classroom teacher
played a child visiting an art museum. A second adult played the role of a
security person, explaining to the child why she should not touch the artworks.
The interaction was performed in a way that made the children laugh, but also
conveyed the message that visiting art museums is often an eyes-only
experience. Following the teacher-in-role performance, the children role-played
appropriate art museum behaviour in their classroom.


Visit #1
The purpose of visit #1 was to introduce children to the art museum
environment. Upon arrival, a staff member met the class outside the Art
Gallery. He welcomed the children and reviewed the rules of appropriate
behaviour. The group was divided into three smaller groups. A museum staff
member was assigned to each group and led them on a tour through the many
galleries, making stops along the way at pre-selected areas of interest.
Because this was a first visit to the Art Gallery for many of the children and adult
chaperones, the orientation tour was intended to provide an overview of the
museums size, layout and content. The part of the tour that generated the
most excitement for the children was the stop at the feature of the Art Gallery
that was designed especially for children a mouse house. The mouse house
served to connect the art museum with something from the childrens life
After a morning tea break the children took part in a treasure hunt activity. This
was a highly motivating experience for the children. The clues, read by each
buddy groups accompanying adult, contained questions that encouraged
children to first locate, then look closely at the artworks. The children were very
excited to find the treasure at the end of their search through the Gallery.
During visit #1, the children, for the most part, were able to demonstrate the
eyes-only behaviour required at art museums. At the end of the visit, time was
scheduled for children to express their thoughts about the experience. In
addition, children were given an activity sheet entitled, What we did at the Art
Gallery today, to take home to help them recall their visit and promote
discussion with their family (see Resource 21).
The format of the intervening lessons used between the art museum visits was
similar to the format used between the science centre visits reflection on the
previous visit, followed by an overview of the upcoming visits purpose, content
and schedule. Because the purpose of visit #2 was to explore paintings, one of
the objectives for the second classroom lesson was for children to learn to
identify four types of paintings self-portrait, still life, landscape and abstract.
Posters of artworks from the art museums collection were used to introduce the
different types of paintings. After the introduction, children sorted postcards of
the four painting types. The learning was reinforced by having children create
self-portraits and still life paintings.
Visit #2
The same member of the art museum staff that met the group for visit #1
greeted the children for visit #2. He led the group through the Gallery and had
them sit down in front of a large painting. During a guided viewing session, the
staff member used questioning strategies that encouraged the children to tell
the story of the painting. The way in which he put children in charge, connected
features of the painting to their lives and asked them to express their feelings
made this a very engaging and memorable episode.


After morning tea, buddy groups explored different galleries, viewing and
discussing paintings. Adults supported the childrens experience, using a guide
sheet entitled How many different kinds of paintings can you find? (see
Resource 3) to focus children on the task of identifying the four types of
paintings they had learned at school portrait, landscape, still life and abstract.
Following this activity, the children were encouraged to draw their favourite
painting using pencil and paper on clipboards.

Figure 35. Interacting with a portrait.

During the intervening lesson back in the classroom, children reflected on visit
#2 and became familiar with the topics to be explored during visit #3
Indigenous art and sculptures. Children looked at examples of Indigenous art
and used a key to identify symbols used in paintings. Sculptures were
introduced by having children make comparisons between 3D sculptures and
2D paintings of the sculptures. Children were also shown photographs of some
of the sculptures they would see during their subsequent visit to the art
Visit #3
Gallery staff greeted the class. The curator of Indigenous art then led the group
into the theatre for a show-and-tell session. During the talk, children became
junior curators, put on white gloves and handled artefacts. Both the hands-on
experience and the stories told about the objects were very memorable for the
children. The theatre provided a quiet setting with few distractions. After the
session, buddy groups explored the Indigenous gallery. Adults guided the
experience, assisting children to complete a Top Secret Mission activity sheet
(see Resource 4).

Figure 36. Junior curators ready to

explore Indigenous artefacts.


After morning tea, museum staff provided the class with a brief introduction to
sculptures. Buddy groups then went on a search for sculptures around the
Gallery. Each group was given a Sculpture Search guide sheet (see Resource
2) that included photos and information about the sculptures, as well as
questions for adults to ask and activities for children to perform. At the end of
the third visit, children revisited their favourite artworks and reflected on all three
of their visits.

Figure 37. Children search, find and

become Dreamtime Travellers.

To build on their learning, back at school in their art class children created
sculptures out of clay.

Figure 38. Post-visit clay

sculptures seen at the
Queensland Art Gallery.

History Museum Visits

In Term 4, the class made three visits to the Queensland Museum (at its South
Bank location). Museum staff were very involved in both the classroom and site
visits. During the first pre-visit classroom lesson, two Education Officers
introduced themselves to the children. They previewed the kinds of things the
children would see and learn about at the museum by showing real objects and
models from the collection. They also discussed rules for appropriate
behaviour in the museum environment and answered the childrens questions.


Visit #1
Upon arrival at the museum, the children were greeted by the familiar faces of
the two Education Officers (the children called out their names). The children
were then led on a tour outside of the museum building to help them gain a
sense of its size. The Education Officer guiding the tour stopped along the way
to tell stories about items of interest.

Figure 39. Education Officer leads the

group on an orientation tour around
the museum building.

In the museum, the class was divided into three groups. Each group, led by a
member of the museum staff, went on an orientation tour of the three levels of
public galleries. The tour was intended to help both the children and the
accompanying adults become familiar with the layout of the museum.
After a morning tea break, the class moved to a special area in the museum
the Inquiry Centre. This exhibition area is very popular with visitors because of
the variety of interesting items on display in glass cabinets and because there
are people available to answer inquires. After a brief introduction to the Inquiry
Centre, by a member of the Centre staff, the children went on a search for
specific items on display (see Resource 8). Museum staff and adult
chaperones supported the childrens experience by helping them locate items
and by asking and answering questions. After the activity was completed, the
class came together to reflect on their experience and to ask staff additional
The intervening classroom lesson began with a review and discussion of visit
#1. Next, the children were introduced to the topic for visit #2 exploring the
natural environment displays. To introduce the topic, the Education Officers
brought in prepared specimens from the natural environment collection,
including a koala, python skin, turtle, parrot and other animals. After a showand-tell session, the children were encouraged to examine and touch the animal
specimens. The first-hand contact with these objects was a very memorable
and exiting experience for the children. To conclude the lesson, the children
were given an overview of the schedule (script) for the next museum visit.


Figure 40. Hands-on exploration of

museum specimens in the classroom.

Visit #2
Following a welcome experience by the two Education Officers, the class was
led to the lecture theatre where they viewed a slide presentation on the history
of the museum. The children were highly engaged during the presentation.
The following factors contributed to its success: 1) presenting the story in an
interesting and compelling manner; 2) using images that captured the childrens
interest; and 3) allowing time to answer the childrens questions.
After the slide presentation, buddy groups went off to explore the natural
environment displays. Before entering each display, adult guides read the title
of the exhibition and asked the children to think about what sorts of things might
be in the display and what story the exhibition might be telling. Once in the
exhibition, the children freely explored the exhibition areas. Following
exploration time, the group found a quiet place to sit and discuss the childrens
ideas about the story being told in the exhibition.

experience smelly animal
specimens behind the
scenes at the Queensland

After a break, the class was divided into three groups. Education staff led the
groups to a staff-only floor for a behind-the-scenes tour of the natural
environment collection. The groups were met by curators, who explained their
role in the museum and showed the children a variety of animals kept in the


preparation and collection storage areas. This was a highly memorable

experience for the children one that was multi-sensory in nature looking,
touching and smelling.
For the last portion of the visit, children moved to a student room where they
participated in hands-on activities related to the natural environment. Here they
used a microscope camera to examine fossils and animals, touched and/or
drew specimens, tried on a Muttaburrasaurus head, completed a Stegosaurus
jigsaw puzzle, fossicked around in a container of bone pieces and played
imaginary games with plastic model dinosaurs.
During the intervening lesson at school, the class reviewed visit #2 and
previewed museum visit #3. To introduce the theme for visit #3 exploring the
cultural heritage displays an Education Officer brought into the classroom
artefacts from the museums cultural heritage collection. The children were
asked for their thoughts on how various items from the past might have been
used. After a show-and-tell session, the children were invited to carefully
handle the objects.
Visit #3
On the third visit to the museum, an Education Officer greeted the class wearing
a dress from the olden days. This served to set the stage for the topic of the
visit. The Education Officer then led the class to a cultural heritage exhibition
where she explained the story being portrayed in one of the dioramas. After the
talk, children freely explored the cultural heritage exhibitions in their buddy
groups. Once again the children were encouraged to think about the stories
being told in each display.

Figure 42. Education Officer

interpreting a diorama in the
Women of the West exhibition.

During the third visit, the class was treated to a special morning tea with the
Museums Director. The Director greeted the children and told them about his
work at the museum. He answered their questions and let them have a brief
look in his office. Meeting the big boss was a very memorable event for the


Figure 43. Touring the Directors


Figure 44. Dressing up in olden

days clothes in the activity room.

After morning tea, in buddy groups, children revisited their favourite areas and
exhibits in the museum and had their photographs taken. The children then
moved to a student room to participate in hands-on activities related to the
cultural heritage displays. They had the choice of a range of activities:
examining artefacts, dressing up in olden days clothes, drawing or making an
olden day craft. The combination of allowing children to follow their own
interests and providing an opportunity to play made the activity session a very
successful learning episode. At the end of the activity time, the children were
asked to comment and reflect on all three visits to the museum. As a final
goodbye, the class had their photo taken with the Education Officers outside the
museum in the dinosaur garden.
The year ended with a final classroom session in which the children performed
skits about their museum visits and received a graduation diploma. Parents
and museum staff attended, and food and drink added to the celebration.
Multi-visit/multi-museum programs can be structured in a variety of ways in
order to best meet the curriculum needs of the schools in your area and to
match your institutions collections and resources. Programs can be designed
to explore a different topic during each visit, or one topic can be explored in
depth at different sites during a series of visits. The possibilities are endless!
Building partnerships with other institutions to develop thematic units can
provide students with powerful learning experiences.


Table 7
Queensland Sciencentre Visit Itineraries
Visit 1

Welcome & Orientation Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit.
[10 minutes]
Iconic Experience - In buddy groups (1 adult with 4-5 children), children find exhibit icons
identified on the SCIconic Trail sheet. [50 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [25 minutes]
Behind-the-scenes Tour - Staff take groups (8-10 children with accompanying adults) on a
behind-the-scenes tour of offices, front desk, security & workshop areas. [25 minutes]
Reflection Children are asked to share their experiences and impressions about the visit.
[10 minutes]

Visit 2

Welcome & Orientation Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit.
[5 minutes]
ScienceSpot: Introduction A member of the Education staff explains activity areas within
ScienceSpot. [10 minutes]
ScienceSpot: Exploration Children engage in free-choice exploration. Adults guide
experience by helping children focus on Find the Spot tasks. [45 minutes]
ScienceSpot: Discussion Children discuss their experiences and discoveries.
[10 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [20 minutes]
Free-choice Exploration of Living Colour exhibition (buddy groups). [20 minutes]
Reflection Children are asked to share their experiences and impressions. [10 minutes]

Visit 3
Welcome & Orientation Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit.
[5 minutes]
! Theatre Show Show featuring scientific experiments exploring the concept of unexpected
science [20 minutes].
! Focused Exploration In buddy groups, children explore the concept of movement in the
Energy & Force gallery. Adults guide the experience by using How Does It Move? sheet
[45 minutes]
! Morning Tea / Toilet Break [20 minutes]
! Empowerment / Documentation Children have their photos taken at their favourite
exhibit (buddy groups). [20 minutes]
! Reflection / Closure - Children are asked to share their experiences and impressions.
[10 minutes]


Table 8
Queensland Art Gallery Visit Itineraries
Visit 1

Welcome & Orientation Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit.
[10 minutes]
Iconic Experience / Tour Staff lead groups (10 children) on trail to orient children to the
museum environment. [25 minutes]
Short Talk Education staff talks to children about what they saw on the tour; discusses
the different kinds of art on display. [10 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [25 minutes]
Treasure Hunt In buddy groups, leaders read clues from Treasure Hunt sheet.
Children locate the treasure. [40 minutes]
Reflection Children are asked to share their thoughts about the visit. [10 minutes]

Visit 2


Welcome & Orientation Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit.
[5 minutes]
Read Me a Painting Guided viewing and discussion of Evicted. Staff explains how to
read a painting. [20 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [25 minutes]
Painting ID Buddy groups explore different galleries viewing and discussing paintings.
Leaders use the How many different kinds of paintings can you find? guide sheet to focus
children on identifying four types of paintings portrait, landscape, still life, abstract.
[40 minutes]
Drawing Children are encouraged to make a drawing of their favourite painting.
[20 minutes]
Reflection Children are asked to share their experiences and impressions. [10 minutes]

Visit 3
Welcome & Orientation Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit.
[5 minutes]
! Behind-the-scenes Talk Curator of Indigenous art explains what curators do and
shows children artworks/artifacts. [15 minutes]
! Guided Exploration Children become art detectives as adult guides help them
complete their Top Secret Mission sheet (buddy groups). [15 minutes]
! Morning Tea / Toilet Break [20 minutes]
! Introduction to Sculptures Staff-led discussion of one of the outdoor sculptures.
[5 minutes]
! Sculpture Search / Drawing Children look for sculptures using the Search for
Sculptures guide sheet. Adults use prompt questions as stimulus for discussion (buddy
groups). [30 minutes]
! Empowerment Children have their photos taken at their favourite exhibit (buddy
groups). [20 minutes]
! Reflection Children are asked to share their experiences and impressions. [10 minutes]


Table 9
Queensland Museum Visit Itineraries
Visit 1

Welcome Class met and welcomed by museum Education staff. [5 minutes]

Orientation Walk Museum staff leads class on walk outside the museum building.
[10 minutes]
Orientation Tour In small groups, children are introduced to the many galleries where
natural environment and cultural heritage displays are housed. [40 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [25 minutes]
Inquiry Centre Exploration After a brief talk by museum staff, children locate various
museum specimens/artefacts within the Inquiry Centre using the Inquiry Centre Hunt sheet.
[30 minutes]
Reflection Children are asked to share their experiences and impressions. [10 minutes]

Visit 2

Welcome & Orientation Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit.
[5 minutes]
Slide Show Class is led to the theatre to watch a slide show on the history and role of the
museum. [25 minutes]
Free Exploration In small groups, children freely explore Natural Environment displays.
Adults ask children to think about the story that is being told in each display. [25 minutes]
Morning Tea / Toilet Break [20 minutes]
Behind-the-scenes Tours Museum staff take groups on a behind-the-scenes tour of the
natural environment collection. [25 minutes]
Hands-on Activities Children participate in hands-on activities related to the natural
environment displays. [20 minutes]
Reflection - Children are asked to share their experiences and impressions. [5 minutes]

Visit 3
Welcome & Orientation Staff welcomes class and provides overview of the visit.
[5 minutes]
! Display Talk Museum staff introduce the cultural heritage displays by providing a brief talk
in front of a selected exhibit. [15 minutes]
! Free-choice Exploration In small groups, children freely explore Cultural Heritage
displays. [40 minutes]
! Morning Tea / Toilet Break [20 minutes]
! My Favourite Tour Children lead group members to their favourite exhibit, where they
have a photograph taken. [20 minutes]
! Hands-on Activities Children participate in hands-on activities related to the cultural
heritage displays. [20 minutes]
! Reflection Children are asked to share their experiences and impressions. [5 minutes]



Every trip to a museum has the potential to be an exciting learning experience,
but much of the success rests on how well the museum staff work with the
visitors. The ideas in this manual provide a rationale for working with young
children and various strategies for implementing child-centred practices. As we
have stressed throughout the manual, there are many ways to approach young
children as a museum audience and each encounter will be different.
Museum staff have to draw on a versatile range of ideas for bringing the
museum to life for young children. From the Design team to the Education staff,
each and every person in a museum has a role to play in welcoming young
visitors. Enjoy the laughter, wonder, curiosity and challenge that accompany
bringing children into contact with nature, culture, history, science and art.

The ideas contained in this manual come from our experience of working with
children, teachers and parents from Kelvin Grove State School, West End State
School and St Martins School in greater Brisbane; and from Roderick Street
Community Kindergarten and Preschool in Ipswich.
The members of the QUT Museum Collaborative (2000 2002) worked to build
new programs for young audiences. The QUTMC comprised several members
of staff (both paid and volunteer) from four museums:
Queensland Art Gallery: Michael Beckmann, Melina Mallos
Queensland Museum: Richard Cassells, Derek Griffin, Robert Ashdown, Kylie
Queensland Sciencentre: Graeme Potter, Paul Parkinson
Global Arts Link: Louise Denoon, Malcolm Paterson, Tim Lynch
QUT: Barbara Piscitelli, David Anderson, Michele Everett, Katrina Weier,
Collette Tayler




Appendix A
Post-visit Writing by Year 1 Child


Appendix B
Post-visit Drawing by Year 1 Child


Appendix C:
Takeaway Sheet for Parents
(courtesy Global Arts Link)

Sat 15 Feb Sunday 11 May

grapple presents a display of art objects that can be experienced by
senses other than sight. Visitors are encouraged to hear, touch and smell
the various works on display in a wonderfully interactive environment.


for grown - ups


Did you know?

Texture is the surface quality of an object.
It is one of the elements of art (along with line, shape, tone, colour & space).
From a very young age children learn about the world through their sense of touch,
discriminating all kinds of textures.
The interactive artworks presented in GRAPPLE offer children a range of experiences
with texture. You can provide further experience at home through the following


Add sand to finger-paint. Talk about how the paint feels as it is moved around with
the fingers. What kind of texture does it create if you make a print of your fingerpainting on paper?

Draw with fingers through water, sand, earth and leaves.

Manipulate materials such as dough and clay, by squeezing, squashing, pinching,

stretching, rolling, etc. Talk about how the dough feels in your hands.

Make a pot using clay. Use different tools and objects to create all kinds of
interesting textures on the outside surface of the pot. Try scratching, scraping, making
impressions, etc.

Do some crayon rubbings (frottage). Place a piece of paper on objects with

different textures, such as a brick, the concrete footpath, a tyre, a wicker basket, fabric,
etc. Then, rub over the paper with a crayon and see the many textures you have

Take part in a sensory walk in the city touching the coldness of marble, iron,
stone, concrete, glass, etc; in the bush touching the different textures of leaves,
bark, grass, the ground, etc.

Visit a local natural feature (forest, rocky place, the beach, the bay, etc). Take
photographs or make drawings of interesting textures.

Collect natural objects from places visited. Arrange them alone or with other made
objects to make an abstract construction, sculpture or collage that shows the shapes,
colours and textures of places visited.

Look at and feel your own and others faces, hair, hands, clenched fists, spread
fingers, etc and try to draw what you see and feel.

Useful texture words

rough smooth prickly spiky grainy soft furry











Appendix D:
Rug Rat Rating
(Rennie & McClafferty, 1997)


Appendix E:
Sample Page from Child Focused Survey


Appendix F:
Sample Page from Parent Diary


Appendix G:
Sample Pages from Term 1 Lesson Overview Document



Appendix H:
Sample Term 1 Lesson Plan

Session #3: Who works in a museum?

Aim For children to become familiar with the kinds of jobs performed by people who work in
Objectives Children will demonstrate an understanding about the kinds of jobs people who
work in a museum have by:
Naming different job titles
Role playing workers in a museum
Discussing the role museum workers play in caring for the collection
Set-up / Preparation / Resources:
Book Working in a Museum
Props for role-play:
Books (Art, Science, Rocks)
Sound materials: string telephones, tuning forks, hangers
Pictures in frames, picture cards, small art objects.
White gloves, brushes
Labels some blank
Drawings, drawing paper, pencils
Tools, boxes
Paper for signage
1) Review and Comments
Record childrens recollections about concepts introduced in previous sessions.

Introduction (10 minutes)

Teacher role-plays a person working in a museum.
Ask children to guess who am I?
If no one guesses, tell children what museum worker you were pretending to be.
Explain to children that today they are going to investigate the topic Who works in a
Teacher asks children, What do people who work at museums do?
Teacher introduces the concept of collections & exhibitions (museum workers collect,
research, preserve, display and educate people about their collections in the form of
Teacher reads book - Working in a Museum.
Teacher introduces visitor.

3) Guest talk (15 minutes + time for Q &A)

4) Role Play (approx. 25 minutes)
Teacher explains that the children will have an opportunity to pretend to be museum
Teacher explains that the class will be divided into three groups and that each group will be
museum workers a one of three museums: Art, Science, or History
Teacher demonstrates (and/or has children demonstrate) museum jobs to be carried out at
each site using props: Curator (research and care), Exhibit Designer (plan space), Exhibit
technician (build)
Guided by an adult, at each site children use props to carry out jobs.


At Art Site: collection = pictures in frames, picture cards, small art objects.
Goal: Art exhibit
1. Curator: research (art books): care for collection (white gloves, brushes); write labels (labels
2. Exhibit designer: plan what exhibit space should look like (drawings, drawing paper, pencils)
3. Exhibit technician: build display--hang pictures, put up labels (carpet board, Velcro)
At History site: collection = rocks
Goal: Rock exhibit
1. Curator: research (rock books); care for collection (brushes); write labels (labels blank)
2. Exhibit designer: plan what exhibit space should look like (drawings, drawing paper, pencils)
3. Exhibit technician: build display, place labels (tools, boxes)
At Science site: collection = hands-on sound (string telephones, tuning forks, hangers)
Goal: Sound exhibit
1. Exhibit manager: research (science books - sound); write labels (paper for labels)
2. Exhibit designer: plan space (drawings, drawing paper, pencils)
3. Exhibit technician: build display, put up labels (tools, boxes)

If time permits, tell the children that we are going to open the doors of our museums to
Ask for volunteers to be information desk and security people.
After visitors go through, tell children it is time for the museum to close.
Children take down museum displays.
Teacher asks children to reflect on role-play activity.

5) Review / Preview / Closure

Teacher asks children to name something they remember about todays topic, Who works
in a museum?
Teacher asks if anyone has any questions about what they did today.
Teacher explains to children that they will find museum people in their box and shows
them some of the people.
Teacher explains that next week we will be investigating the topic of, What do we learn
about in museums?




Resource 1
Treasure Hunt Cards (Art focus)


Resource 2
Sculpture Search Sheet


Resource 3
Kinds of Paintings Search Sheet


Resource 4
Indigenous Gallery Search Sheet
(courtesy Queensland Art Gallery)


Resource 5
Find the Spot Guide Sheet


Resource 6
How Does It Move? Guide Sheet


Resource 7
Treasure Hunt Card (History focus)


Resource 8
Inquiry Centre Search Sheet
(courtesy Queensland Museum)


Resource 9
Find the Giants Search Sheet
(courtesy Queensland Museum)


Resource 10
Research Sheet

Name ___________________
Object # ________________
My classroom museum object

What is it? _________________________________

Where is it from? ____________________________
Why is it special? ____________________________


Resource 11
Mini-museum Label

Name ...................................
Object ..................................
Object # ...............................


Resource 12
Museum Staff ID Badge


Resource 13
Mini-museum Program



Resource 14
Mini-museum Catalogue


Resource 15
My GAL Tour Sheet


Resource 16
Book List
Museums: Great Places to Visit by Jason Cooper [The Rourke Corporation,
Working at a Museum by Arthur John LHommedieu [Childrens Press, 1998].
Make Your Own Museum by Keith Godard (Illustrator) & Andrea P.A. Belloli
[Ticknor & Fields, 1994].
George and Lily at the Museum by Anne Gutman & Georg Hallensleben [Cat's
Whiskers, 2000].
Franklins Class Trip by Paulette Bourgeois & Brenda Clark [Scholastic, 1999].
Roy and Matilda: The Gallery Mice by Susan Venn [Edwina Publishing, 1992].
Visiting the Art Museum by Laurene Krasny Brown & Marc Tolon Brown [E.P.
Dutton, Reprint edition 1992].
Bits and Pieces by Rebecca Berrett [Hamilton Books, 1991].
My Place by Nadia Wheatley & Donna Rawlins [Longman, 1987].
What was the War Like, Grandma? Emmy Remembers World War II by Rachel
Tonkin [Reed for Kids, 1996].
Green Air by Jill Morris [Greater Glider Productions, 1996].
A Dictionary of Dinosaurs: 101 Dinosaurs from A to Z [Ashton Scholastic, 1988].
Dinosaurs Big and Small by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld [Harper Collins, 2002].
Create Your Own Dinosaur by Nicholas Harris, Joanna Turner & Claire Aston
[Orpheus Books, 2000].
My Best Book of Dinosaurs by Christopher Maynard [Kingfisher Publications,
Science Close-Up: Rocks by Lin Bass [Western Publishing Co, 1991].
Apples, Bubbles, and Crystals: Your Science ABCs by Andrea T. Bennett &
James H. Kassler [Learning Triangle Press, 1996].
What Makes a Magnet? by Franklyn M. Branley [Harper Collins Publishers,
Linnea in Monets Garden by Christina Bjork & Lena Anderson [Farrar Straus &
Giroux, 1987].
Katie Meets the Impressionists by James Mayhew [Orchard Books, 1997].
Katie and the Mona Lisa by James Mayhew [Orchard Books, 1998].
Katie and the Sunflowers by James Mayhew [Orchard Books, 2001].
Degas and the Little Dancer by Laurence Anholt [Barrons Juveniles, 1996].


Camille and the Sunflowers: A story about Vincent Van Gogh by Laurence
Anholt [Barrons Juveniles, 1994].
The First Starry Night by Joan Shaddox Isom [Charlesbridge Publishing, 1998].
My Name is Georgia: A Portrait by Jeanette Winter by Jeanette Winter [Silver
Whistle, 1998].
A Bird or 2: A Story About Henri Matisse by Bijou Le Tord [Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Co, 1999].
Olivia by Ian Falconer [Antheneum Books for Young Readers, 2000].
Lukes Way of Looking by Nadia Wheatley & Matt Ottley [Hodder Childrens
Books, 1999].
I SpyTwo Eyes: Numbers in Art by Lucy Micklethwait [Greenwillow, 1993].
I Spy a Lion: Animals in Art by Lucy Micklethwait [Greenwillow, 1994].
Come Look With Me: Enjoying Art With Children by Gladys S. Blizzard
[Thomasson-Grant Publishers, 1990].
Key Art Terms for Beginners by Philip Yenawine [Harry N Abrams, 1995].
For the Love of Auguste by Brenda V. Northeast [Hodder Childrens Books,


Resource 17




Resource 18
Museum Staff Cut-outs


Resource 19
Drawing Activity Sheets



Resource 20
SCIconic Trail Sheet



Resource 21
Take-home Discussion Activity Sheet


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