ProCAM II 2.5 Axis Mill Tutorial
ProCAM II 2.5 Axis Mill Tutorial
ProCAM II 2.5 Axis Mill Tutorial
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Getting Started
This manual introduces you to the features of the ProCAM 2½ Axis Mill system. The
information and exercises in this chapter help you understand the process to generate 2½ axis
mill toolpaths and NC code.
IMPORTANT! The ProCAM II Getting Started Guide explains the basics of working in
ProCAM and the exercises in this manual assume that you have read the Getting Started
Guide and have an understanding of how to use ProCAM.
The next series of exercises show you how to follow these steps to generate a Profile toolpath
on a simple part. In order to give you a feel for how the 2½ Axis Mill system works, you are
asked to accept a number of defaults when you are defining the operation. This is done to
show you the basics of generating a toolpath without getting into details at this time.
Some of the exercises in this manual are for learning 2½ Axis Mill and may not correspond
to actual machining practices.
Option Description
Program This option is the program number that is used by the machine controller to
Number register the program into memory. In a Fanuc controller, this is a 4-digit
number. You do not need to enter the leading zeroes. For example, for program
number 10, you would type 10 not 0010.
If your machine needs something in front of the number, this is typically done
automatically by the post processor. For the Fanuc post that is being used here, a
letter O will be output in front of the program number by the post processor, so
it does not need to be entered in the Setup Information.
Material The 2½ Axis Mill system has a library of part materials with associated speeds
and feeds.
Part Some machines do not use this parameter.
Machine % This option allows you to pick a percentage to vary the speeds and feeds by. For
example, if the part you are cutting cannot be held securely, you could pick
Light and the speeds and feeds would not be as fast.
The Turret in the Mill Tools dialog box represents the tools that will be loaded into the
machine tool turret. For ease of use, the tools in the turret can be saved in tool files and
used for multiple jobs.
In addition, ProCAM allows you to create a tool library, which is a database that can
represent all the tools in your current inventory. Tool libraries are more powerful and
flexible than tool files. You can create a library for all the tools in your shop or for all the
tools for a job. Tool libraries are created without regard to the number of stations in a
turret. Sample tool libraries (MillToolLibary_Inch.mtl and MillToolLibrary_Metric.mtl)
are provided and can be opened by clicking the Show Library button. For more
information on tool libraries, see the online Help.
7. Double-click on the first tool station in the list.
You can also highlight the tool, then click the Edit button.
The Set Tool dialog box
The Tool Name identifies the
Station # or Record # of the
tool you selected in the Mill
Tools dialog box. If you are
defining a tool in the Turret,
this is the Station # listed in
the Turret section of the Mill Tools dialog box and in the Set Operation dialog box when
you define an operation. This number is the tool number that is output in the NC program
during post processing. If you are defining a tool in the Tool Library, this is the Record #
for the tool in the database.
Tool Type Lists the types of tools you can define: end mill, hog nose, ball nose,
drill, taper end mill, taper ball nose, taper hog nose.
Diameter All tools require a diameter.
Corner Radius Only hog nose tools require a corner radius.
Length Refers to the cut length of the tool.
Taper Angle Defines the taper angle of the taper tool. The angle is measured between
the shank of the tool and the taper on the cutting edge of the tool.
Taper Length Defines the distance from the end of the taper tool to where the taper
meets the main diameter of the tool.
Number of The number of teeth or flutes on the tool. Feed and speed calculations are
Teeth partially based on the number of teeth.
Tool Material ProCAM uses the tool material to determine feed and speed values for
the toolpaths created from this operation.
4. Click OK.
The Post Window dialog box and modifier toolbar display.
5. Select only the View Code button. During post processing, ProCAM will display the
code in the Post Window dialog box.
Note that you can decrease posting time significantly by using the Fast Posting modifier
or by turning off the Highlight Cut, Display Cutter and View Code modifiers.
6. Click the Run button.
− ProCAM generates the NC program and displays the program in the Post Window
dialog box. You can stop post processing at any time by pressing any key. This puts
ProCAM in Step mode. In Step mode, you can position the pointer in the work area,
then click BUTTON 2 or press the Space Bar to continue one step at a time. You can
change modifiers, zoom in on an area of the part, then resume post processing by
clicking the Run button.
− When you click the Run button, ProCAM creates two files: MILL1.TXT (the NC
program for the machine) and MILL1.SET (the Setup Sheet). The files should look
similar to the listing on the next page.
− The .TXT file is the NC program file that contains the CNC commands for the
machine control unit to activate the tool functions and cutting tool movements for the
part. This program contains the commands to make the machine do the required
operations. You can edit the file, if necessary, using a DNC editor, the control unit
edit mode, or a word processor.
− The .SET file is not used to control the machine tool. It is a text file that contains
information the operator can use to set up the machine tool. The information includes:
the machine, the controller, estimated machine time, the part material, and the tool
type and size. This file is located in the same folder as the NC program file. The Setup
Sheet is a text file that can be read or printed using a word processor or text editor.
NC Program: MILL1.TXT
N1 G20
N2 (.5" End Mill)
N3 G91 G28 X0 Y0 Z0
N4 T01 M06
N5 S2000 M03
N6 G90 G54 G00 X.25 Y.26
N7 G43 Z.1 H01 M08
N8 G01 Z-1. F5.
N9 G03 X-.26 Y-.25 I0 J-.51 F10.
N10 G42 D21 G01 X-.26 Y-2.75
N11 G03 X.25 Y-3.26 I.51 J0
N12 G01 X4.25
N13 G03 X4.51 Y-3. I0 J.26
N14 G01 Y-1.6875
N15 G03 X4.4338 Y-1.5037 I-.26 J0
N16 G01 X4.1213 Y-1.1912
N17 G03 X3.9375 Y-1.115 I-.1838 J-.1838
N18 G01 X2.51
N19 Y-.3125
N20 G03 X2.4338 Y-.1287 I-.26 J0
N21 G01 X2.1213 Y.1838
N22 G03 X1.9375 Y.26 I-.1838 J-.1838
N23 G01 X.25
N24 G00 Z5. M09
N25 G91 G28 Z0
N26 G28 X0 Y0
N27 M30
2. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM in
the Controller Type dialog box.
If the Feed and Speed Library is installed, the Setup Information dialog box displays.
Click OK to continue.
3. Click the Cross Section Entity button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
4. Click the Chained button to display the Closed Loop modifier.
Pocketing is a 2½ axis mill roughing cycle. There are two types of pocketing:
• Profile pocketing removes material from a pocket following the shape of the profile.
• Lace pocketing removes material by making a series of planar cuts across the stock.
Both types have the ability to avoid islands.
This chapter shows you how to use the Pocket and Lace Pocket commands.
Profile Pocketing
In this exercise, you cut the pocket using different options to see their affect on the pocket.
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Pocket.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
2. Click the Operations tab at the bottom of the Part Manager on the left side of the
This part already has a controller selected and a cross section boundary inserted.
3. Right click in the Operation tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu, then select
Pocket in the list of operations.
The Set Operation - Pocket Properties dialog box displays.
4. Click the Active Tools button on the Tool tab.
5. In the Mill Tools dialog box, double-click on Station #01.
6. In the Set Tool dialog box, define a .375" End Mill, then click OK.
7. Click OK to exit the Mill Tools dialog box.
8. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 1 (.375" End Mill)
Operation Name Pocket
Pocket Rapid Plane 1.00"
Cut Amount .1875"
Milling Type Climb
Finish Depth Parameters Single Depth
XY Allowance .01"
You can use the Order utility to review the order of the toolpath by stepping through the
cycle one move at a time.
EXERCISE 1. Click the Order button on the Utility toolbar.
2. Make sure the Display Tool button is highlighted.
3. Make sure the Step Through Cutting Movement button is highlighted.
4. Click the Move Tool to First Cut modifier button.
5. If the tool displays in shaded mode, press the W key on the keyboard.
The W and S keys are shortcuts for toggling between wire frame and shaded tool display.
10. Change the View to 1 Top, then zoom near the area at the start of the cross section entity
and notice the offset for the taper tool at each depth.
Toolpath: Single Depth with End Mill Toolpath: Step Repeat with Taper End Mill
EXERCISE ProCAM includes ProVerify, which allows you to graphically simulate actual material
removal from stock. You can see the material being removed from the stock as the cutter
proceeds along the toolpaths.
1. Change the View to 7 ISO 1.
EXERCISE Change the tool to a Taper end mill and rerun the operation:
1. Continue using the part in the ProVerify window.
2. Click the part tab (the tab with the 2½ Axis Mill icon) at the bottom of the ProVerify
window to switch back to the original part in the work area.
The two tabs at the bottom of the window allow you to make changes to operation
parameters and quickly verify the updated toolpaths.
The tabs do not display if your operating system is Windows 98. You need to close
ProVerify by right clicking in the work area and selecting Close ProVerify on the shortcut
3. Right click the operation in the tree and select Edit Operation on the shortcut menu.
4. On the Tool tab, change the tool to 2 (the .375" Taper end mill).
5. On the Finish tab, change the Depth Parameter to Step Repeat.
6. Change the Z First Cut and Z Sub Cut to .25", then click OK.
7. Right click on the operation in the tree and select Rerun Current on the shortcut menu.
Zoom near the area at the start of the cross section entity and notice the offset for the
taper tool at each depth.
8. Click the ProVerify tab (the tab with the ProVerify icon) at the bottom of the work area to
return to the simulation.
If your OS is Windows 98, start ProVerify as explained in step 2 in the previous exercise.
9. Click the Update Simulation button on the left side of the ProVerify toolbar.
If you edit an operation when ProVerify is still open, this button is activated. If you have
made changes and rerun an operation, you must click this button to see the updated
This function is not supported under Windows 98.
10. Click the Go to End button.
The simulation is run and the taper end mill displays for the pocket operation.
11. To exit the simulation, right click in the work area and select Close ProVerify on the
shortcut menu.
Lace Pocketing
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Pocket.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
If this part is currently open, do not save the changes.
EXERCISE Edit the operation and change the Leadin and Leadout for the Profile toolpath.
Did You Know ...
When using Leadin and Leadout options, be careful to check for interference. ProCAM
does not do interference checking for the leadin and leadout.
1. Right click the Lace operation in the Operation tree and select Edit Operation on the
shortcut menu.
2. On the Leadin/Out tab, change the Leadin to Arc and use the following values:
− Leadin Amount = .25"
− Leadin Angle = 0
− Leadin Overlap = .125"
− Arc Radius = .25"
− Arc Angle = 90
3. Change the Leadout to Arc and use the same values as the Arc
4. Click OK to exit the Set Operation dialog box.
5. Right click the operation in the tree and select Rerun Current
to update the toolpath.
6. Edit the operation and change the Leadin and Leadout to see
the difference in the toolpaths.
2. Click the Erase button on the Utility toolbar and pick the toolpath to delete it.
EXERCISE The start location does not have to be inside the perimeter of the part as shown in this
1. Continue using the part in the work area.
2. Change the View to 1 Top.
Radius .25"
Arc Angle 90
10. Click OK to accept the changes.
11. Pick the cross section entity, then click BUTTON 2.
ProCAM inserts the toolpath with the leadin and
leadout in the middle of the line.
5. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 1 (click Active Tools and define a .5" End Mill)
Lace Clearance Plane .10"
Rapid Plane .75"
Finish Depth Parameters Step Repeat
Z Depth -.875"
Z First Cut .25"
Z Sub Cut .125"
XY Allowance .01"
Pattern Types Lace Cut .25"
Lace Angle 0
6. Click OK to accept the changes.
7. Pick the cross section boundary for the lace pocket, then click BUTTON 2.
ProCAM generates a pocket toolpath using six depths.
8. Change the View to a side view (Front, Back, Right or Left) to see the cutting depths.
Z First Cut
Z Sub. Cuts
9. Right click the Lace operation in the Operation tree and select Edit Operation on the
shortcut menu.
10. On the Finish tab, change the values for Z First Cut and Z Sub. Cut, then rerun the
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Pocket Wall Def.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
The Profile Toolpath command is used to insert a profile toolpath. The Profile toolpath can
be inserted using options for corner type, leadin and leadout, and compensation.
This chapter provides exercises for using the Profile command.
Profile Toolpaths
The Profile command is used to insert a Profile toolpath offset a distance from a cross
section entity. A Profile toolpath is a complex entity (a complex entity has more than one
entity) composed of lines, arcs, points and spline toolpaths. A cross section entity must be
inserted before a Profile toolpath can be generated.
2. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM in
the Controller Type dialog box.
If the Feed and Speed Library is
installed, the Setup Information dialog
box displays. Click OK to continue.
3. Click the Cross Section Entity
button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
4. Put a cross section boundary on the part
starting at the bottom of the left line and
going clockwise around the part as
shown in the figure on the right.
5. Change the color.
6. Click the Layers tab at the bottom of the Part Manager, then double-click layer 2 to
turn it on and make it the Current layer.
16. Edit the operation and change the Start Type on the Start/End tab to Ramp on
Ramp on Leadin Line. Leadin Line
17. Generate the toolpath again.
The tool now ramps to depth on the leadin line.
18. Change the View to 7 ISO 1 and 5 Right to see the ramp.
Round Corners
Square Corners
System Compensation
In this exercise, you use System Compensation, which allows you to insert a Profile toolpath
that is offset from the cross section boundary by the radius of the cutter. The System
Compensation options output the G41/G42 code for Dxx compensation. Compensation at the
machine should be tool wear only, NOT the tool radius. When you select either Left or Right
Offset, ProCAM automatically inserts the Profile toolpath to the right or left of the line.
Using either Left or Right Offset eliminates the need to select the compensation side after
you pick the cross section boundary. These options also set the correct G41, G42.
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Profile System Comp.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
2. Click the 2½ Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM.
If the Feed and Speed Library is installed, the Setup Information dialog box displays.
Click OK to continue.
Leadout Perpendicular
Leadout Amount .1875"
Leadout Overlap .05"
11. Click OK to accept the changes.
12. Pick the perimeter cross section boundary and click BUTTON 2.
13. Pick the outside circle for the compensation.
After the outside Profile toolpath has been inserted, the prompt line asks you to pick a
cross section boundary to insert a profile on. If you picked the circles now, a Profile
toolpath with the same Leadin and Leadout would be inserted. This would cut through the
In order to use a different Leadin and Leadout, you need to define a new operation. Since you
are currently using the Profile command, ProCAM assumes you want to put the same Profile
operation in multiple places.
To insert a Profile toolpath with different information, you can either define a new operation
or copy the current operation and modify it as explained below:
EXERCISE 1. Right click the Profile operation in the Operation tree and select Copy on the shortcut
A second Profile operation is listed in the tree below the original operation.
2. Right click the second Profile operation and select Edit Operation on the shortcut menu.
3. In the Set Operation – Profile Properties dialog box, click the Active Tools button and set
up a .375" diameter end mill in Station #2.
4. Change the Operation Name to Profile Circles.
5. On the Leadin/Out tab, change the Leadin and Leadout to Arc with the following values:
− Leadin/Leadout = .125"
− Leadin/Leadout Angle = 0
− Leadin/Leadout Overlap = 0.0"
− Arc Radius = .125"
− Arc Angle = 90
6. Click OK to accept the changes.
7. Pick a cross section boundary on one of the
circles and click BUTTON 2.
8. Pick the inside circle for the compensation.
9. Pick the second circle and click BUTTON 2.
10. Pick the inside circle for the compensation.
The part should look like the figure.
Wall Shape
Top View
For the wall shape, you need to insert a 30 degree line at a height of .75". The easiest way to
do this is to start with a horizontal line in the work area where you want to insert the wall.
2. Insert a horizontal line in the general location shown in the figure on the next page.
You can insert the wall shape at any location in the work area. Make sure it is the correct
height. This is how ProCAM determines the depth of cut.
3. Use the Distance Off Snap modifier and insert a line .75" off of the horizontal line.
4. Pick the one below.
5. Insert the 30 degree line between the
two horizontal lines as shown on the
Note that since you are using a .50"
ball nose tool, you do not need to
specify the .25" radius on the bottom. 0.750
8. Insert a cross section boundary on the geometry defining the wall shape.
Start at the top and go down.
The direction does not matter because
ProCAM only cuts down the wall.
However, it is a good idea to always
insert the boundaries in the direction Start at the top
you want to cut. This way, if you call
up the part six months from now, you
know the cut direction.
9. Insert a cross section boundary on the
pocket perimeter.
12. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 1 (click the Active Tools button and define a .5" Ball
Operation Name Profile
Profile Profile Type Open
Rapid Plane .50"
Clearance Type Multiple (This parameter is enabled when you select
Wall Definition on the Finish tab.)
Finish Depth Parameters Wall Definition
(The Z Depth parameter is dimmed. When you use
Wall Definition, ProCAM determines the depth from
the wall shape.)
XY Allowance 0.0"
Z Allowance 0.0"
Z Cut Method Dist Along (This option allows you to calculate Z cuts
by measuring along the part wall, i.e., along the
perimeter and island boundaries.)
Distance Along .10"
Did You Know ...
The Distance Along values used in these exercises are much larger than you would
use normally. Depending on the size of your cutter, values from .0005 to .005 would
be more realistic. The bigger values are used here to save time. You can learn how
the function works without having to wait for your computer to calculate.
13. Click OK to accept the changes.
The prompt line reads: PICK cross section boundary for perimeter wall.
14. Pick the cross section boundary
defining the shape of the perimeter
The prompt line reads: PICK cross Cross Section
section boundary for perimeter. Boundary for
15. Pick the cross section boundary
around the perimeter of the part.
The prompt line reads: PICK a
highlighted circle to indicate which
Cross Section
16. Pick the inside circle. Boundary for
ProCAM inserts the toolpath on Perimeter Wall
the part.
EXERCISE Define stock and run ProVerify to graphically simulate actual material removal from stock.
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Profile Wall Def Multiple Shapes.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill
The top view and the wall
shape geometry have been
drawn. Notice that the .25"
radiuses at the bottom of the
part are not inserted. As
long as you use a ball nose
the same size as the radius,
it is not necessary to insert
them in the geometry for the
wall shapes.
Wall Shapes and Top View of Part
If a part has multiple wall shapes, all the geometry Perimeter Wall Island Wall
for the wall shapes MUST END at the same Z Shape Shape
bottom. If the walls do not end at the same Z
bottom, ProCAM gives you an error and will not
cut the part.
You can insert the geometry for the wall shapes
anywhere in the work area, however, if there are
multiple walls, they need to be together.
Same Z Bottom
2. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM.
If the Setup Information dialog box displays, click OK to continue.
3. Insert cross section boundaries on the perimeter and island wall shapes, the perimeter
of the part and the island.
You can insert the cross section
boundaries in any order.
Top View
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Profile Wall Def 1.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
3. Insert a cross section boundary on the wall shapes starting at the top of each (as
shown in the figure below).
4. Insert a cross section boundary on the perimeter of the part including the passive
− Start the cross section boundary as shown in the figure below. The left line of the
perimeter has been broken. In some cases unless you break a perimeter line, ProCAM
may not be able to find a start point.
− Pick the entities in A6 A5
order from A1 to
Cross section boundaries
defining perimeter and A7
island wall shapes
Start of perimeter A4
cross section boundary
8. Change the color.
11. Click the Operations tab at the bottom of the Part Manager.
12. Right click in the tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu, then select Lace in the
list of operations.
13. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 1 (click the Active Tools button and define a .5"
End Mill)
Operation Name Lace
Lace Rapid Plane .50"
Finish Depth Parameters Wall Definition
XY Allowance .03"
Z First Cut .25"
Z Sub Cut .25"
Z Cut Method Vertical Cuts
Pattern Types Profile No Profile
14. Click OK to accept the changes.
The prompt line reads: PICK cross section boundary for perimeter wall.
15. Pick the cross section boundary defining the shape of the perimeter wall.
The prompt line reads: PICK Perimeter Wall
cross section boundary for island Boundary
walls (button 2 when done).
16. Pick the cross section boundary
defining the shape of the island
wall, then click BUTTON 2.
The prompt line reads: PICK
cross section boundary for Island Wall
perimeter. Boundary
20. Click the Layers tab at the bottom of the Part Manager.
21. Double-click layer 3 to make it current.
22. Click the Operations tab at the bottom of the Part Manager.
23. Right click in the tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu, then select Profile in
the list of operations.
24. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 2 (click the Active Tools button and define a .375"
Ball Nose)
Operation Name Profile
Profile Profile Type Closed (You have to pick Closed Profile, otherwise
ProCAM will not ask you to pick the island.)
Rapid Plane .50"
Finish Depth Parameters Wall Definition
XY Allowance 0.0"
Z Cut Method Dist Along
Z Allowance 0.0
Distance Along .075"
25. Click OK to accept the changes.
The prompt line reads: PICK cross section boundary for perimeter wall.
26. In response to the prompts,
pick the cross section Perimeter Wall
boundary defining the Boundary
shape of the perimeter
wall, pick the cross section
boundary defining the
shape of the island wall,
then click BUTTON 2.
The prompt line reads: Island Wall
PICK cross section Boundary
boundary for perimeter.
27. Pick the perimeter cross
section boundary on the left side of the part.
− Pick the boundary as far away from the island boundary as you can. You do not want
to pick the wrong boundary.
− The prompt line reads: PICK cross section boundaries for islands (button 2 when done).
28. Pick the island cross section boundary on the right side of the island (so you do not pick
the perimeter boundary again), then click BUTTON 2.
The Profile toolpath is inserted on the part.
EXERCISE Define stock and run ProVerify to graphically simulate actual material removal from stock.
15° wall
5° wall
Wall Shapes
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Profile Wall Def 2.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
Island #3
5. Click OK to accept the changes.
The prompt line reads: PICK cross section
boundary for perimeter wall. Perimeter
6. Pick the cross section boundary defining the Island
shape of the perimeter wall.
7. The prompt line reads: PICK cross section
boundaries for island walls (button 2 when done).
8. Pick the cross section boundaries defining the
shape of the island walls in the order shown on
Island #1
the right.
It is important to remember the order you pick
multiple wall shapes because ProCAM
matches the islands and walls according to the
order the wall shapes are picked.
9. Click BUTTON 2.
10. In response to the prompts, pick the perimeter Perimeter Island #1 Island #2 Island #3
Wall Shapes
cross section boundary on the part, then pick
the cross section boundaries for the islands in
the order shown in the figure.
ProCAM generates the lace pocket toolpath.
11. Change the color.
12. Change the current layer to Layer 3.
13. Right click in the tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu, then select Profile in
the list of operations.
14. In the Set Operation - Profile Properties dialog box, define the operation parameters using
the following information. You can use the defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 2 (click the Active Tools button and define a .375"
Ball Nose)
Operation Name Profile
Profile Profile Type Closed
Rapid Plane .50"
Finish Depth Parameters Wall Definition
XY Allowance 0.0
Z Cut Method Dist Along
Z Allowance 0.0
Distance Along .075"
15. Click OK to accept the changes.
The prompt line reads: PICK cross section boundary for perimeter wall.
16. Pick the cross section boundary defining the shape of the perimeter wall.
17. The prompt line reads: PICK cross section boundaries for island walls (button 2 when done).
18. Pick the cross section boundaries defining the shapes of island walls in the same order as
the Lace Pocket toolpath.
19. Click BUTTON 2.
20. In response to the prompts, pick the perimeter
cross section boundary on the part, then pick
the cross section boundaries for the islands in
the same order as the Lace Pocket toolpath.
21. Click BUTTON 2.
ProCAM inserts the toolpath.
22. Define stock and run ProVerify to graphically
simulate actual material removal from stock.
Follow the steps in the previous exercise (page
3-24) to define the stock.
EXERCISE To draw this part to cut it, the first step is to insert a box that is bigger than the 8" box of the
part so the end mill can actually get outside the 8" area.
1. Insert a 9" square that starts .5" away from XYZ zero and ends .5" away from X8.0, Y8.0,
Z0.0. This is the pocket perimeter.
2. For the islands, insert a .002" diameter circle at one location.
After you put a cross section boundary on the circle, you can move and copy it to the
other locations. This saves you the time of zooming up on a .002" circle at each location.
Did You Know ...
You may also want use the Point command to put a point at the same location as the
circle. This marks the center of the circle to make it easier to see.
The reason for the .002" diameter circle is that ProCAM only cuts down the wall shape
and in this case, the wall shape is the 1.00" radius.
11. Click the Operations tab at the bottom of the Part Manager.
12. Right click Operation in the tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu, then select
Lace in the list of operations.
13. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 1 (click the Active Tools button and define a .25" End
Operation Name Lace
Lace Rapid Plane .50"
Finish Depth Parameters Wall Definition
Z Allowance 0.0
XY Allowance .03"
(This cuts the bottom to depth and leaves material on the
Z Cut Method Vertical Cuts
Z First Cut .25"
Z Sub Cut .25"
Pattern Profile No Profile
Types (There is no need to do a profile on the outside because
you are going to do a finish profile on the islands.)
14. Click OK to accept the changes.
15. At the prompts, pick the perimeter wall shape and the island wall shape, then click
16. Follow the prompts and pick the perimeter cross section boundary, pick each island cross
section boundary, then click BUTTON 2.
When ProCAM asks you to pick the islands, put the pointer on the cross section boundary
arrow and pick it. Because ProCAM is looking only for cross section boundaries, it will
not pick the wrong entity.
ProCAM inserts the lace pocket toolpaths.
17. Change the color.
18. Right click the Lace operation in the tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu,
then select Profile in the list of operations.
19. In the Set Operation - Profile Properties dialog box, define the operation parameters using
the following information. You can use the defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 2 (click the Active Tools button and define a .25" Ball
Operation Name Profile
This chapter shows you how to use the Drill and Free Form Cut commands.
Drill Toolpaths
The Drill command is used to insert drill toolpaths on points, circles and arcs. You can
either use the Snap commands to snap drill locations or you can pick entities.
The Drill function allows you to insert a single drill toolpath. The Combination Drill
function allows you to define a set of locations for multiple operations. For example, you
could drill, tap and bore at each drill location. Optimization can be done so that ProCAM
generates an NC program to drill all the holes first, then tap all the holes, etc.
8. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 1 (.25" drill)
Operation Name .25 holes
7. Right click in the Operation tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu, then select
Combo Drill in the list of operations.
8. Click the New button in the Combo Drill dialog box.
The Set Operation - Drill Properties dialog box displays.
9. Click the Active Tools button on the Tool tab and set up two tools:
− .50" diameter drill in Station #1
− 1.00" diameter drill in Station #2
10. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 1 (.50" drill)
Operation Name Drilling
Drill Cycle Type Drilling
Rapid Plane 2.00"
Z Face Geometry is Face (do not enter a value for Z Face)
Z Depth Inc from Face at a depth of –1.00"
11. Click OK to accept the changes.
The Combo Drill dialog box displays with the drilling operation listed.
EXERCISE At this point, you can either define another operation or exit this dialog box and pick the drill
locations. In this exercise, you define the second operation next, then pick the drill locations.
1. Click the New button in the Combo Drill dialog box.
The Set Operation - Drill Properties dialog box displays.
2. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 2 (1.00" drill)
Operation Name Pecking
Drill Cycle Type Pecking
Rapid Plane 2.00"
Z Face Geometry is Face (do not enter a value for Z Face)
Z Depth Inc from Face at a depth of –2.00"
3. Click OK to accept the changes.
4. Click OK to exit the Combo Drill dialog box.
5. Click the Window Pick Drill Locations modifier button.
The prompt line reads: ENTER minimum hole diameter.
Thread Milling
The Profile operation includes a Thread Milling option that allows you to generate internal or
external threads. Holes must be pre-drilled.
In this exercise, the part is cut around the outside with a .5" end mill, the slot is cut with a
.25" end mill and the holes are spot drilled, drilled with a .5" drill, then thread milled with a
½-16 thread mill.
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Drill.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
2. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM.
3. Right click the Tool item in the Operation tree and set up the following tools:
− Station #1 = .50" diameter end mill
− Station #2 = .25" diameter end mill
− Station #3 = .25" diameter drill (for spot drilling)
− Station #4 = .50" diameter drill
EXERCISE Define a Combination Drill operation to spot drill and drill the holes:
1. Right click in the tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu, then select Combo
Drill in the list of operations.
2. In the Combo Drill dialog box, click the New button.
3. In the Set Operation – Drill dialog box, define the operation parameters using the
following information. You can use the defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 3 (.25" drill)
Operation Name Spot Drilling
Drill Cycle Type Spot Drilling (this is a G81 drill cycle in the
FANTUTM post processor)
Rapid Plane .50"
Z Depth Z Depth Abs at -.125"
4. Click OK to accept the changes.
5. Click the New button again in the Combo Drill dialog box.
6. Define the operation parameters using the following information. Use the defaults for all
other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 4 (.5" drill)
Operation Name Pecking
Drill Cycle Type Pecking
First Peck & .10" First Peck and Sub. Peck are enabled for peck
Sub Peck drilling. If your machine supports only one peck value
in the drilling cycle, the Sub Peck value is ignored.
Rapid Plane .50"
Z Depth Z Depth Abs at -.60"
EXERCISE Define a Profile operation to thread mill the holes with a ½-16 thread mill:
1. Right click in the tree, select New Operation on the shortcut menu, then select Profile in
the list of operations.
2. Define the operation parameters using the following information. You can use the
defaults for all other parameters.
Tab Parameter Value
Tool Active Tool 2 (.25" end mill)
Profile Rapid Plane .50"
Finish Cycle Type Thread Milling
Z Depth -.60"
XY Allowance 0.0"
Z Pitch .0625" (this is 1/16 of the threads per inch)
Pattern Compensation System Comp Left
Types Type
Drill Roughing
Drill Roughing allows you to rough machine by making a series of overlapping plunges into
the material. Optionally, ProCAM can calculate and identify predrilled hole locations.
Predrills can be added in a separate operation.
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Drill Rough 2D.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
This part already has a cross section boundary inserted.
12. Click the Layers tab at the bottom of the Part Manager.
Notice that the predrilled hole locations have been placed on layer 250. In order to
predrill, you need to define a separate operation.
13. Click the Operations tab at the bottom of the Part Manager.
14. Insert a Free Form Cut cycle to machine the entities. Use a .02" diameter tool and a .025"
Cut Amount.
You can window pick the entities or you can pick anywhere on the text, then click
After you have inserted toolpaths on a part, you can use commands on the Utility toolbar to
manipulate toolpaths. This chapter explains some of the exceptions and restrictions for using
these commands.
This chapter includes exercises for viewing the cutter paths in the order they will be post
processed, moving and copying toolpaths, editing toolpath nodes, and optimizing toolpaths to
the shortest distance from one cut to the next.
The commands on the Utility toolbar can be used to manipulate toolpaths (CAM entities)
with the following exceptions and restrictions:
• The Trim and Break utilities cannot be used with CAM entities.
The Edit Utility Entities modifier allows you to edit toolpaths by deleting, moving and
inserting nodes on the toolpath.
• The Mirror utility can be used with CAM entities; however, the toolpaths on the mirrored
part will be reversed. For example, if you mirror a part that has a toolpath cutting
counterclockwise, the toolpath on the mirrored part will cut clockwise. You may find it
better to mirror the CAD entities and cross section boundaries first. You can then edit the
cross section boundary direction and insert the toolpaths in the direction you want to
• The tool size is not scaled when CAM entities are scaled.
• You can use the Erase utility to erase a toolpath without deleting the operation.
Order Utility
The Order command on the Utility toolbar allows you to review the order of toolpath cutting
by running through each operation or by stepping through the part one cutting movement at
a time.
2. Click the Operations tab at the bottom of the Part Manager and notice that this part
has Profile, Combo Drill and Pocket operations.
3. Click the Order button on the Utility toolbar.
Make sure the Display Tool button is highlighted.
4. Make sure the Step Through Cutting
Movements button is highlighted.
The prompt line reads: SELECT entity to
order check.
8. Click the Next Move modifier button several times to move through the toolpath.
You can zoom up on the area where the tool is displayed to see the cutting movements
more clearly.
9. Click the Previous Move modifier button.
The tool moves from the current cutting move to the previous cutting move.
10. Click the Move Tool to Last Cut modifier button.
The tool moves to the last cutting move in the part.
11. Pick anywhere on the toolpath.
The tool moves to that location on the toolpath.
EXERCISE You can set ProCAM to run through the toolpath for an operation.
Move Utility
The Move command on the Utility toolbar allows you to copy and move CAM entities.
Pick arc to
move from
Editing Toolpaths
The Edit utility allows toolpaths to be edited by deleting, moving and inserting nodes on the
toolpath. The Edit Toolpath modifiers display when you click the Edit utility button, then
pick a toolpath for the entity to be edited.
A node is a point on the toolpath that defines the end point of a toolpath movement. Since
the end point of one move defines the start point of the next move, all nodes on a toolpath,
except the first and last nodes, are shared by two moves.
Optimizing Toolpaths
The Optimize command is used to optimize toolpaths in an operation to the shortest distance
from one cut to the next. This function is often used to optimize large tool fit drilling
operations, such as ejector pins in mold bases. Optimizing is important when you use
window picking to insert toolpaths.
This function optimizes the toolpaths within an operation. Optimizing does not change the
toolpath in a particular cut.
Optimizing Toolpaths in a Profile Operation
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file Optimize Profiles.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
The Profile toolpaths on the cutouts were inserted by window picking the cross section
boundaries. The toolpaths can be optimized to change the order the cutouts are machined.
2. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar.
3. Click the Optimize button on the
2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
All of the modifier buttons are
When the Next Closest/Pairing
modifier is highlighted, ProCAM starts
at one entity and moves to the next
closest entity, then to the next closest,
etc., until all entities are optimized.
This type of optimization can be done
quickly and, depending on the part, it
can produce very good results.
When this modifier is not highlighted,
pairing optimization is used. Pairing is
a more complex method that can be very time consuming; however, it can produce better
results. The pairing optimization algorithm pairs the closest entities, then pairs the pairs,
etc., until all the entities are optimized.
When the Double Check modifier is highlighted, ProCAM performs some simple
checks to look for and correct common optimization errors after the optimization has
completed. Both Next Closest Cut and Pairing may produce moves within an operation
that can be modified to produce better results.
When Reverse Direction is highlighted, ProCAM may reverse the direction of
toolpaths during optimization. Typically, this modifier is selected to allow ProCAM to
reverse if necessary.
Attaching Attributes
The Attribute command on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar is used to attach certain functions to
CAM entities. Attributes are non-geometric properties, values and identifiers that are
attached to geometric entities.
Some attributes are attached automatically. Others such as optional stop and program stop
are optional and can be attached using the Attribute command. Attributes can be attached to
any cut on a part.
For example, if you want to have an optional stop after cutting a long line on a part in case
you might need to stop the machine at that point, you can attach an optional stop to just that
linear toolpath.
Defining Stock
The Define Stock command allows you to create rectangular, cylindrical and extruded stock
for use in ProVerify.
10. Click the Oops button on the Utility toolbar to remove the stock.
11. Click the 3-Point Definition modifier button.
When you select this modifier, you pick two
opposite corners on the top of the stock and a
location on the bottom of the stock. The sides of
the stock are created parallel to the X and Y axis.
The prompt line reads: PICK endpoint for box start.
12. Pick one of the lines that forms corner 1.
The prompt line reads: PICK endpoint for box end.
13. Pick one of the lines that forms corner 3 to define
the opposite corner on the stock top.
The prompt line reads: PICK endpoint for Z depth
14. Pick one of the lines that forms corner 4 to define
the depth of the stock.
The stock is inserted on top on the rectangular 2-point & 3-point Definition
Using the 4-Point Definition Method
When you select the 4-Point Definition modifier, you pick three corners on the top of the
stock and any location on the bottom of the stock. The orientation of the stock sides is
defined by the 3 locations that define the top.
EXERCISE 1. Continue using the part in the work area.
2. Click the Oops button on the Utility toolbar to remove the stock inserted in the
previous exercise.
3. Select System Options on the Options menu.
The System Options dialog box displays. The options in the Stock section allow you to
adjust the stock display.
4. Change the Number of Segments to 5 and change the Stock color, then click OK.
5. Click the 4-Point Definition modifier button.
− The prompt line reads: PICK endpoint for 1st location on box.
− If this prompt does not display, make sure the Endpoint button is highlighted on the
Snap toolbar.
6. Pick one of the lines that forms corner 1.
7. For the second location, pick one of the lines that forms corner 2.
This defines the first edge adjacent to point 1 on the rectangular stock top.
8. For the third location, pick one of the lines that forms corner 3.
This point is opposite point 1 on the stock top. The sides of the rectangular stock are
created parallel to the side defined from corners 1 to 2 and from corners 2 to 3.
9. For the endpoint of the Z depth plane, pick one of the lines that forms corner 4.
This defines the depth of the rectangular stock bottom. The stock is inserted on top of the
rectangular box.
Notice the number of segments used to display the stock is reduced and the stock displays
in the color you selected.
Using the Offset Method
When you select the Offset Definition modifier, you can create rectangular stock offset a
specified amount from the rectangular box that you define.
EXERCISE 1. Continue using the part in the work area.
EXERCISE 1. Click the Layers tab at the bottom of the Part Manager.
2. Double-click layer 1 to turn it on and make it current, then turn off layer 0.
3. Select System Options on the Options menu.
4. In the System Options dialog box, change the Number of Segments to 10 and click OK.
5. Click the Cylindrical Stock modifier button.
The prompt line reads: DIGITIZE coordinate for axis start and cylindrical stock top.
6. Make sure the Endpoint button on the Snap toolbar is
7. Pick the line that forms the cylinder axis near the 5 to
define the start of the cylinder axis and the top of the
The prompt line reads: PICK endpoint to define stock radius.
8. Pick the circle near the 6 to define the radius of the stock.
The prompt line reads: PICK endpoint for axis end and
cylindrical stock bottom.
9. Pick the line near the 7.
The stock is inserted on top of the cylinder.
Using the Radius and Diameter Modifiers
When you select either the Radius or Diameter modifier, you insert cylindrical stock by
defining the radius or diameter of the stock and the coordinates for the ends of the axis that
define the top and bottom of the stock.
EXERCISE 1. Continue using the part in the work area.
2. Click the Oops button to remove the stock inserted in the previous exercise.
3. Click either the Radius or Diameter modifier button.
4. Type either 2.5 for the radius or 5 for the diameter.
The prompt line reads: DIGITIZE coordinate for stock axis start and cylindrical stock top.
5. Click the Endpoint button on the Snap toolbar.
6. Pick the line near the 5 for the start of the cylinder axis and the top of the cylinder.
7. Pick the line near the 7 for the axis end and stock bottom.
The cylindrical stock is inserted on top of the cylinder.
ProVerify enables NC programmers to visually verify NC programs before releasing them to
the shop floor. ProVerify graphically simulates actual material removal from stock. You can
see the material being removed from the stock as the cutter proceeds along the toolpaths.
EXERCISE You can now run the simulation with the stock (work-in-progress) part to see how the Tool
Display modifier and End Condition affect the simulation.
1. Click the Verify button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
When you click the Verify button, ProCAM checks to see if the license/security key is
programmed for the optional Sirius Verify program, which runs as a separate program
outside ProCAM.
− If the license/security key is not programmed for Sirius Verify, ProVerify starts
− If the license/security key is programmed for Sirius Verify, the modifier toolbar
displays buttons to select between running the external Sirius Verify and the
integrated ProVerify.
2. If the Modifier toolbar displays, click the ProVerify button.
When the ProVerify starts:
− The stock part displays as a rendered solid that is based on the stock you just defined
in the previous exercise.
− The ProVerify toolbar displays in the ProVerify window.
The Macro command on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar is used to define toolpaths that can be
called up in a subprogram when the part is post processed. This chapter includes exercises
that show you how to define and call macros.
Using Macros
The Macro function is used to define toolpaths that can be called up in a subprogram. This
function can be very useful for parts that would otherwise create long programs that might
not fit in your machine's memory.
If the controller supports macros, ProCAM outputs code during post processing using the
controller macro calls, multiples, etc. This can greatly reduce the code size. In order to use
macros effectively, your machine must support subprograms and your post processor must be
configured to output subprograms. If either your machine or post processor does not support
subprograms, macros are output as long code instead of subprograms. If this is the case, you
would be just as well off using the Move Utility with the Move/Copy modifier.
2. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM.
If you have the Feed and Speed Library installed, the Setup Information dialog box
displays. Click OK to continue.
3. Insert a cross section entity on one of the shapes.
X Increment
Macro grid origin
Y Increment
# of parts
in Y
# of parts in X
13. Click the All button in the lower right corner of the window to fit the grid in the work
Did You Know ...
The Macro options in the System Options dialog box control how much of the grid is
displayed. Instead of displaying the entire grid, you can show one part, four parts or the
corner parts.
MG displays at the
X0, Y0 location. This
indicates the origin of the
macro grid. Since the
entities in a macro do not
exist in the work area, you
must know where the origin
is if you want to modify the
macro grid.
For example, you insert the
macro grid in the wrong
location and you want to
move it. When ProCAM
prompts you to pick entities
to move, the only place you
can pick would be the macro
grid origin. The same would
be true for erasing, rotating, Macro Grid and Origin
14. To see how the origin works, click the Erase button on the Utility toolbar.
15. Try to erase any of the toolpaths in the work area.
16. Now pick the cross hair to the left of MG. Pick here
The complete macro grid is erased.
17. Click Oops to restore the macro grid.
18. Save the part as 2Ax Macro Grid.pcii.
19. Post process the part.
The code listing on the next page shows a main program calling up subprograms.
The numbers may not match your code listing; however, you can see that the
subprograms are being called up. Some of the program has been deleted for this exercise;
however, you can see from the sequence numbers how long the program is.
Notice ProCAM automatically increments the program numbers. The main program
number is 0001. Each of the subprogram numbers is incremented by one.
Main Program
N1 G20
N2 G91 G28 X0 Y0 Z0
N3 T01 M06
N4 S2000 M03
N5 G90
N6 G52 X0 Y0
N7 M98 P0002 (Subprogram Call line)
N8 G52 X0 Y0
N9 G52 X6.5 Y0
N10 M98 P0002(Subprogram Call line)
N11 G52 X0 Y0
N12 G52 X13. Y0
N13 M98 P0002(Subprogram Call line)
N14 G52 X0 Y0
N15 G52 X13. Y-5.
N16 M98 P0002(Subprogram Call line)
N17 G52 X0 Y0
N18 G52 X6.5 Y-5.
N19 M98 P0002(Subprogram Call line)
N20 G52 X0 Y0
N21 G52 X0 Y-5.
N22 M98 P0002(Subprogram Call line)
N23 G52 X0 Y0
N24 G52 X0 Y-10.
N25 M98 P0002(Subprogram Call line)
N26 G52 X0 Y0
N27 G52 X6.5 Y-10.
N28 M98 P0002(Subprogram Call line)
N29 G52 X0 Y0
N30 G52 X13. Y-10.
N31 M98 P0002(Subprogram Call line)
N32 G52 X0 Y0
N33 G00 G91 G28 Z0
N34 T02 M06
N35 S2000 M03
N36 G90
N37 G52 X0 Y0
N38 M98 P0003(Subprogram Call line)
N39 G52 X0 Y0
N40 G52 X6.5 Y0
N41 M98 P0003(Subprogram Call line)
N42 G52 X0 Y0
N43 G52 X13. Y0
N44 M98 P0003(Subprogram Call line)
N45 G52 X0 Y0
N46 G52 X13. Y-5.
N47 M98 P0003(Subprogram Call line)
N48 G52 X0 Y0
N49 G52 X6.5 Y-5.
N50 M98 P0003(Subprogram Call line)
N51 G52 X0 Y0
N89 X3.0099
N90 G02 X3.13 Y-1. I-.5099 J-.37
N91 G01 Y-3.37
N92 X4.245
N93 Y-2.
N94 X4.37
N95 Y-.505
N96 X2.6
N97 G02 X3.005 Y-1. I-.1 J-.495
N98 G01 Y-3.495
N99 X4.37
N100 Y-2.
N101 X4.495
N102 Y-.38
N103 X2.005
N104 Y-.62
N105 X2.5
N106 G02 X2.88 Y-1. I0 J-.38
N107 G01 Y-3.62
N108 X4.495
N109 Y-2.
N110 G00 Z1.
N111 M99
Subprogram for Tool 2: Small Pockets and Slot
N1 G90 G54 G00 X3.625 Y-.8125
N2 G43 Z0 H02 M09
N3 G01 Z-.593 F20.
N4 X3.3125 F10.
N5 Y-.9375
N6 X3.9375
N7 Y-.8125
N8 X3.625
N9 Y-.75
N10 X3.25
N11 Y-1.
N12 X4.
N13 Y-.75
N14 X3.625
N15 Y-.6875
N90 Y-2.9375
N91 X3.1875
N92 Y-3.3125
N93 X4.0625
N94 Y-2.9375
N95 X3.625
N96 Y-2.875
N97 X3.125
N98 Y-3.375
N99 X4.125
N100 Y-2.875
N101 X3.625
N102 Y-2.8125
N103 X3.
N104 G02 X3.0625 Y-2.875 I0 J-.0625
N105 G01 Y-3.375
N106 G02 X3. Y-3.4375 I-.0625 J0
N107 G01 X4.25
N108 G02 X4.1875 Y-3.375 I0 J.0625
N109 G01 Y-2.875
N110 G02 X4.25 Y-2.8125 I.0625 J0
N111 G01 X3.625
N112 G00 Z1.
N113 X1.6875 Y.187
N114 Z0
N115 G01 Z-.063 F20.
N116 G41 D22 X1.6875 Y0 F10.
N117 Y-.9375
N118 X2.5
N119 G02 X2.5625 Y-1. I0 J-.0625
N120 G01 Y-4.
N121 G40 Y-4.187
N122 G00 Z1.
N123 M99
Undefining a Macro
When you complete a macro definition, the entities that are in the macro disappear from the
work area. There may be times when you have picked entities that you do not want in the
macro or entities were not picked that should be in the macro. Undefining a macro deletes the
macro and puts the entities back into the part as normal entities. You can then define the
macro again.
To do a finish profile around the parts in the previous exercise, you could add the Profile
operation to the macro instead of adding an additional macro. You cannot undefine a macro
that is currently being used. Macros must be erased first as shown in the following exercise.
EXERCISE 1. Continue using 2Ax Macro Grid.pcii in the work area from the previous exercise.
6. Click ALL OPRS in the list of defined macros, then click OK.
− When you select a Macro to undefine, the original entities that made up the macro are
put back in the work area.
− The Macro Undefine dialog box displays again to undefine another macro or exit the
7. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box.
8. Insert a Profile toolpath around the outside of the part.
Add the profile to the macro:
9. Click the Macro button.
10. Make sure the Define Macro modifier button is highlighted.
11. Window pick the toolpaths inside the perimeter of each part, then pick each perimeter
profile toolpath.
The order you pick the toolpaths is the order they are cut in the macro.
12. Click BUTTON 2.
13. Type ALL OPRS for the Name.
14. Pick the Grid Macro Call modifier and create the Macro Grid as explained in the
previous exercise.
Editing a Macro
The Edit Macro Utility allows you to edit entities and operations within a macro without
having to undefine it. When you define a macro, the original operations are removed from
the Operation List dialog box. The only way to edit the information in the operations is to use
the Edit Utility with the Macro modifier.
EXERCISE 1. Open the part file 2Ax Macro Grid.pcii in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
If this part is open in the work area, do not save the changes to the part. Note that this is
the part you saved in the exercise on page 7-8.
This chapter explains the MCS feature in ProCAM that allows you to define G-code program
zero points using the machine tool's Fixture, Work Coordinate and/or Sub Coordinate offsets.
In the exercises in this chapter, you learn how to control program zero with and without
using the MCS function and machine offsets. These exercises explain the procedure for the
following three cases:
• Case 1 - Multiple parts, MCS function with machine offsets (G54, etc.), long code format
(no subroutine format).
• Case 2 - Multiple parts, no machine offsets (G54, etc.), long code format (no subroutine
format) - one origin point.
• Case 3 - Multiple parts, no machine offsets (G54, etc.), subroutine format or long code
format using zero shift (G52 or G92 shift).
In each of the exercises, a different procedure is used to machine and fixture four copies of
the part 2AxMCS.pcii. This part contains a simple pocket and a single drilled hole.
When you do these exercises, your results may be different depending on the capabilities of
your machine tool and the capabilities of the post processor when it was created.
2. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM.
If the Feed and Speed Library is
installed, the Setup Information
dialog box displays. Click OK to
3. Click the Cross Section Entity
button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
4. Insert a cross section boundary for
the pocket starting in the middle of
the top horizontal line of the pocket.
5. Click the Move button on the
Utility toolbar.
6. Click the
Move/Copy modifier.
7. Copy the part
horizontally to the right
from 0,0,0 to 4,0,0.
8. Copy the two parts
vertically from 0,0,0 to
You now have four
8. Select the lower left corner of the lower right part, then click BUTTON 2.
In the MCS dialog box the next available offset (55) is assigned.
9. Click OK.
Notice that the marker has moved to the new location indicating this MCS is now current.
10. Continue assigning offsets to the upper left (56) and upper right (57) parts.
EXERCISE The last step is to generate the toolpaths. When a toolpath is generated, the current MCS is
associated to that toolpath.
In this exercise, the lower left part will be machined first. The MCS marker indicates the
current MCS is at the lower left corner of the upper right part. You need to make the G54
offset current before generating the toolpath.
1. Select MCS on the CAM menu.
2. Select Table on the cascading menu.
The MCS dialog box displays all currently assigned offsets and indicates the active MCS.
3. Click the button for 54 to make that the current offset, then click OK.
The current MCS can also be changed by:
− Selecting the offset number from the MCS drop-down list on the system bar
− Clicking the MCS button on the system bar to display all defined origin markers in the
work area. Pick the origin marker, then click BUTTON 2.
4. Click the Profile Pocket button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
5. Create a pocket cycle with the .375" diameter end mill on the lower left part.
Create the toolpaths on the other three parts:
6. Click the MCS button on the system bar.
7. Pick the offset that is displayed in the lower left corner of the lower right part.
8. With the pocket cycle still active, pick the boundary and create the toolpath.
9. Click the MCS down arrow on the system bar to display the list of MCS offsets.
10. Pick 56.
11. With the pocket cycle still active, pick the boundary and create the toolpath on the upper
left part.
12. Make the MCS active for the upper right part and create the pocket cycle for that part.
13. Insert the Drill cycle on each part using a .350" diameter drill.
The above sequence can be repeated to insert the drill cycles.
14. Select Save As on the File menu.
15. Save the part as 2AxMCS 1.pcii.
16. Click the Post Process button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
17. Follow the normal procedure to generate the G code.
18. Review the code and notice that the toolpaths for each part are relative to the MCS that
was active at the time the toolpath was created.
2. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM in
the Controller Type dialog box.
If the Setup Information dialog box displays, click OK to continue.
3. Click the Cross Section Entity button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
4. Insert a tool boundary for the pocket starting in the middle of the top horizontal line of the
Multi-plane Machining
To address the diverse factors involved in machining on multiple faces (including tombstone
support), ProCAM provides numerous tools to assist the programmer in developing NC code
that best meets the capabilities of the machine tool and the user's level of expertise.
This section demonstrates how construction planes and coordinate systems are combined
with Machine Coordinate Systems (MCS) to define tool planes, which are used to create
Did You Know ...
A tool plane is a two dimensional plane that represents the CNC machine’s coordinate
system (XY axis) and program zero.
Understanding these concepts is critical for effective and correct programming of 4 axis
prepositioning in 2½ axis milling, which includes the use of rotary tables and tombstones.
The following examples show methods for programming 2D orthographic or 3D modeled
parts from multiple planes with and without rotary table support. These are not the only
methods that can be used. Depending on the part you are machining and your machine tool,
you may find a more expedient method.
• Exercise 1: Part modeled in 3D - with rotary table
• Exercise 2: Part drawn in 2D orthographic views - no rotary table
Because this part will be mounted on a rotary table for machining, there are several questions
specific to 4th axis prepositioning that need to be answered before you begin generating the
NC program:
− Is a post processor that supports 4th axis prepositioning for the intended machine tool
installed for ProCAM? A tutorial 4th axis post processor, FAN4TUTM, is provided
for this exercise.
− About which axis does the table rotate? In the case of horizontal machine tools, the
rotary axis may not appear to align with ProCAM world axis. Even if the axis
directions to not match, the post processor will output the correct rotary motion for
your machine.
− Where will program zero be for each face?
9. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FAN4TUTM.
If the Setup Information dialog box displays, click OK to continue.
For this tutorial post processor, the 4th axis rotates about the world X axis.
Did You Know ...
All 4th axis post processors rotate about the world X or Y axis through absolute zero.
The next procedure is to position the part model about the rotary axis. Because ProCAM
automatically calculates and outputs the rotary index angles in the G code program, the part
must be located about the designated system world axis as it would be positioned about the
machine rotary axis.
To avoid possible mistakes in positioning the part about the wrong axis or zero point, follow
these steps before moving the part.
EXERCISE Display the axis in World mode:
1. Select the Axis command on the Setup menu.
2. In the Axis dialog box, choose World mode and make sure the Axis ON option is
checked, then click OK.
Program Zero
Front Face
EXERCISE Set program zero and machine the detail on the top face of the part. Program zero will be
defined with a machine offset using the MCS function. For the top detail, program zero will
be at the lower left corner of the face.
1. Select MCS on the CAM menu.
2. Select Setup on the MCS cascading menu.
The Setup Machine Coordinate System dialog box displays.
3. Set the Type to Work Coordinate.
You can use the default start and end work coordinate numbers shown in the dialog box.
4. Click OK.
5. Set the current Cplane to Top.
6. Select MCS on the CAM menu, then select Create on the MCS cascading menu.
7. Click the Endpoint button on the Snap toolbar and pick near the lower left corner of
the top face (as shown in the figure on page 8-12).
The MCS dialogue box displays and the first offset is assigned.
8. Click OK.
The MCS offset marker displays at the specified location.
You can now drill the two .50" diameter holes and machine the pocket on the top face of the
9. Before creating the CAM cycles, select Axis on the Setup menu and change the Axis
Mode to UCS. This will show the direction of program X,Y and Z.
The operation parameter values for Z Face, Z Depth and Z Rapid Plane are absolute
relative to the current origin. Currently the origin point is at the center of the part. When
inputting values for these three parameters, it is normally less confusing if the origin is
offset to the face of the detail being machined.
10. Select Cplane on the View menu.
14. After creating the drill cycle, measure the depth of the pocket and create a pocket
cycle for the top detail.
EXERCISE Set program zero and machine the detail on the front face of the part. For the front detail,
program zero will be at the lower left corner of the face (as shown in the figure on page 8-
1. Set the current Cplane to Front.
2. Select MCS on the CAM menu.
3. Select Create on the MCS cascading menu.
4. Click the Endpoint button on the Snap toolbar and pick near the end of the lower left
The MCS dialog box displays with the second offset selected as current.
5. Click OK.
The MCS marker displays at this location.
6. Again, for ease of inputting Z Face, Z Depth and Z Rapid plane, offset the origin to the
front face before defining the drill and pocket cycles for the front detail.
7. Drill the two .375" diameter holes.
8. Pocket the detail on the front face of the part.
Generate G code:
9. Click the Post Process button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
10. Generate G code.
Verify that the G code for the top detail references program zero at the lower left corner
of the top face. After machining the top face, an index code is output before machining
the front face. Program zero for the front detail should be the lower left corner of the front
Top Face
EXM14.DXF was drawn in a
different CAD system in 2D
orthographic views and saved
as a .DXF file. This exercise
shows you how to machine the
two faces.
The part requires machining on the top and front faces. Because the machine tool does not
support a rotary table, two machine setups and two NC programs will be required to machine
the part. To achieve this, each machined face is post processed separately and the G-code
output is saved in different files.
EXERCISE 1. Select Open on the File menu.
2. Set the Files of type to .DXF.
3. Double-click EXM14.DXF in the \procad\pcii\learn\mill folder.
This part is drawn in 2D orthographic views.
Since you are generating two NC programs to machine the part, you need to use layers so
you can work with the faces separately.
15. Click the Layers tab and make layer 4 the current layer.
The first step is to define program zero at the lower left corner of each face:
• If using machine offsets (G54, E1, etc.), an MCS can be created at the lower left corner of
each face.
• If not using machine offsets, the view geometry for each face must be moved so that the
lower left corner of the face is at absolute zero.
For this example, the MCS function is not used to assign a machine offset. Since the lower
left corner of the Front face is already positioned at absolute zero, moving the part is not
EXERCISE Generate toolpaths for the pocket and drill cycles on the Front face:
1. Click the 2½ Axis Mill button on the CAD toolbar and double-click FANTUTM.
If the Feed and Speed Library is installed, the Setup Information dialog box displays.
Click OK to continue.
2. Click the Cross Section Entity button on the 2½ Axis Mill toolbar.
3. Insert the cross section boundary on the pocket entities.
The exercises in this chapter provide an opportunity to practice using the features and
functions you have learned in the previous chapters. Instead of step-by-step instructions, the
information for these exercises is brief and intended as a guide.
Exercise 1
To cut this part, you define three operations: a Drill operation to drill the holes, a Profile
operation to cut the slots, and a Profile operation to cut around the perimeter.
• Time-Saver Tips
− Use different colors for geometry, cross section boundaries and toolpaths to make it
easier to view the part.
− Working with parts is easier when you put the geometry, cross section boundaries and
toolpaths on different layers.
• Draw the part as shown in the figure above.
Draw one of the arms with the slot in it, then use the Rotate Utility with the Rotate/Copy
modifier to rotate and copy it.
Exercise 2
In this example, you cut the part with Lace Pocket and Profile operations using Wall
Definition. The islands do not go all the way to the bottom; however, the rule for drawing
wall shapes still applies: the walls must end at the same Z bottom.
• Draw the part.
− Insert the 6" square and put 1.5" chamfers in the
− Insert the 1.5" diameter circles at the midpoints of
the lines. It is not necessary to trim the circles. If
you trim them, it makes it more difficult to insert
cross section entities because then the lines will
need to be broken.
Exercise 3
In this exercise, you define Lace Pocket, Profile and Combination Drill operations to cut the
• Draw the part as shown above.
• Start 2½ Axis Mill.
Exercise 4
Drill toolpath
.pcii, ProCAM II file extension 1-11 combination drilling 4-4
.pdf, file extension for manuals 1-2 drill roughing 4-11
.pinf, post info file extension 1-11 inserting 4-2
.set 1-12 optimizing multiple operations 5-12
.txt, NC program file extension 1-11 single 4-2
2½ Axis Mill toolbar 1-4
Attributes 5-14
Edit utility
Cross Section Entity 1-6
editing macros 7-13
Define Stock 6-2, 6-8
editing toolpaths 5-7
Drill 4-2
engraving 4-15
Free Form Cut 4-13
FANTUTM, tutorial post processor 1-2, 1-4
Lace Pocket 2-8
Macro 7-2
installing for exercises 1-2
Optimize 5-10
installing parts for exercises 1-2
Post Process 1-11
NC program 1-12
Profile 3-2
setup sheet 1-4, 1-12
Profile Pocket 2-2
Free Form Cut toolpath
Verify 2-6, 6-8
engraving 4-15
4th axis prepositioning 8-9
inserting 4-13
Lace Pocket toolpath
attaching 5-14
changing angle 2-11
displaying information 5-15
generating 2-8
Break utility, control toolpath start 2-16, 3-32
start hole 2-12
C/D Step Repeat 2-10, 2-17
CAM menu, Setup Information command 1-5 using taper tool 2-10, 2-11
Clearance Plane 1-9 Wall Definition 2-19, 3-16, 3-28
color, changing 1-7 with islands 2-10, 3-16, 3-28
Combo Drill dialog box 4-5 leadin/leadout 2-9
Controller Type dialog box 1-4
controller, changing 1-4
Machine Coordinate System See MCS
Cplane 1-6
cross section entity
calling 7-2
command 1-14
defining 7-2
inserting 1-6, 1-14, 3-9
editing operations in 7-13
rounding off corners 1-15
grid macro call 7-4
Cut Simulation On 5-4
inserting 7-2
define stock for ProVerify 3-15, 3-18, 3-24, 3-31,
origin 7-4, 7-8
6-2, 6-8
sample NC program 7-8
Depth Parameters
undefining 7-12
Single Depth 1-9
using for machining 8-7
Step Repeat 2-4, 2-7, 2-10, 2-17, 3-4
material 1-5
Wall Definition 2-19, 3-12, 3-16, 3-20, 3-25, 3-28
MC, macro call origin 7-4