Data Cleansing Data Cleansing Is The Foundational Service Enabling Immediate and Future Cost Savings

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Data Cleansing

Data Cleansing is the foundational service enabling immediate and future cost savings.
Using a proven combination of proprietary software, expert human review, and standard
operating procedures, this service will cleanse, standardize, enhance, and validate raw client
data to provide an item master that is consistent amongst product groups, while containing
accurate and attribute-rich descriptions. Once clean, data will be formatted to meet the
specific configuration requirements of the chosen ERP/EAM/CMMS, including field type,
character limitation, and data arrangement. During the cleansing process, potential
duplicate records will be identified at both the local (plant) and corporate level.
As a systems independent organization, MADACLE provides the most flexible and
customizable data cleansing services in the industry. Prior to project commencement,
MADACLE works with each client to establish a clear set of project objectives and data
requirements. During the initial kick-off meeting, a customized Standard Operating
Procedure is developed to clearly define the naming convention, abbreviations, policies, and
formatting requirements that will be used to consistently structure data throughout the
organization moving forward.

MADACLE offers three distinct service levels to satisfy the unique requirements of each
client. Those service levels include:
Level 1: Cosmetic Cleanse
As an primary-level cleansing service, the Cosmetic Cleanse will identify and standardize
Manufacturer Names and Part Numbers, while assigning accurate Noun-Modifier pairs for
efficient part identification. During the Cosmetic Cleanse, duplicate items are identified
within individual sites and across the corporation, while items lacking critical information are
flagged as review items. The Cosmetic Cleanse is typically selected when data is being
used specifically for procurement purposes, or when budgetary constraints are a critical
factor. In this case, only pertinent information is cleansed to enable accurate spend analysis,
commodity segmentation, and part identification.
Services level includes:
Correct spelling mistakes
Convert text to desired format (Upper Case, Proper Case, etc.)
Provide consistently standardized Manufacturer Name, Part Number, Noun and Modifier
Identify "review" items (items with invalid or insufficient information)
Identify potential duplicate items within individual sites and across the corporation

Level 2: Standardization
As a mid-level cleansing service, the Standardization cleanse will identify and standardize
Manufacturer Names and Part Numbers, assign accurate Noun-Modifier pairs and
standardize the client provided item description. During the Standardization cleanse,
duplicate items are identified within individual sites and across the corporation, while items
lacking critical information are flagged as review items. The Standardization cleanse is
typically selected when existing client data contains sufficient attribute information and
enhancement is not required or desired. In this case, all existing information is cleansed
according to pre-defined client standards, enabling improved part search ability, commodity
segmentation, and spend analysis.
Services level includes:
Correct spelling mistakes
Convert text to desired format (Upper Case, Proper Case, etc.)
Provide consistently standardized Manufacturer Name, Part Number, Noun and Modifier
Standardize and validate the client provided item description
Identify "review" items (items with invalid or insufficient information)
Identify potential duplicate items within individual sites and across the corporation

Level 3: Full Enhancement

As the luxury-level cleansing service, the Full Enhancement cleanse will identify and
standardize Manufacturer Names and Part Numbers, assign accurate Noun-Modifier pairs,
standardize the client provided item description, and provide attribute enhancements.
During the Full Enhancement cleanse, duplicate items are identified within individual sites
and across the corporation, while items lacking critical information are flagged as review
items. The Full Enhancement cleanse is typically selected when data is being used by
maintenance and engineering, in which case comprehensive and complete item descriptions
are required for efficient part search ability. The Full Enhancement cleanse delivers data that
is accurate, reliable and readily available, ensuring rapid part location, minimal equipment
downtime, and detailed management reporting.
Services level includes:
Correct spelling mistakes
Convert text to desired format (Upper Case, Proper Case, etc.)
Provide consistently standardized Manufacturer Name, Part Number, Noun and Modifier

Standardize and validate the client provided item description

Provide item attribute enhancement using the MADACLE Master Parts Library, Online
Research, and Manufacturer/OEM catalogues
Identify "review" items (items with invalid or insufficient information)
Identify potential duplicate items within individual sites and across the corporation

Clients may select a single service level to be implemented throughout the entire
cleansing project or a combination thereof. Unless otherwise specified, MADACLE will
cleanse to the highest service level possible.

Coding & Classification

Product Group Segmentation
MADACLE provides Product Group Segmentation based on a Category/Sub-Category coding
schema. In total, there are seven parent MRO product groups, which can be further
segmented into detailed sub-categories. The standard MADACLE categories and subcategories may be added to or modified as required by the client.
Criticality Group
Company Functional Group
Client Request Group
Custom Coding
MADACLE is able to provide Custom Coding as requested by the client. Custom Coding may
include country-specific tax coding and any custom classification or coding system that has
been developed and utilized internally by the client. For more information and capabilities,
please speak with an MADACLE Account Representative.
The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) provides an open,
global multi-sector standard for efficient, accurate classification of products and services.
The UNSPSC offers a single global classification system that can be used for:
Company-wide visibility of spend analysis
Cost-effective procurement optimization

Full exploitation of electronic commerce capabilities

MADACLE will utilize the client specified version of the UNSPSC code set and map MRO parts
to the highest level possible. UNSPSC levels include:Level 1 SegmentLevel 2 FamilyLevel
3 ClassLevel 4 Commodity
Average Market Price

Cleansing Tools and Methodology

MADACLE Noun-Modifier Dictionary
The MADACLE Noun-Modifier Dictionary houses over 2,000 standard Noun-Modifier pairs,
each with 5 to 7 corresponding attributes. Using the Noun-Modifier Dictionary, MADACLE is
able to provide a consistent naming convention throughout the corporate item master.
Based on unique business requirements, the Noun-Modifier Dictionary can be modified,
added to, or rearranged as needed. Should a pre-defined naming convention or dictionary
already exist, MADACLE will cleanse accordingly as per the project requirements.

MADACLE Noun Modifier Dictionary Sample

MADACLE Master Parts Library

As one of MADACLE's greatest assets, the MADACLE Master Parts Library houses millions of
item descriptions retrieved directly from Manufacturer and Vendor catalogs. During the data
cleansing process, the MADACLE Master Parts Library is used to validate and enhance
attribute information where available.

Additional Features
Available for Material Master Data (MRO and OEM), Vendor Master Data, Bill of Materials
(BOMs), and Indirect Raw Materials
Identify alternate manufacturer and part number, where available
Create customized commodity category/sub-category codes
Optional UNSPSC coding
Service Benefits
Cost Savings
Improved Search Ability
Accurate Reporting Capabilities
Excess Inventory Reduction
Improved Employee Productivity
Elimination of False Stock-outs
Equipment Downtime Reduction
Reduced Maverick Purchases

Pre-Cleanse Data Evaluation

To further illustrate the value of data cleansing, MADACLE is proud to offer a no cost, no
obligation Pre-Cleanse Data Evaluation. Using proprietary software, this complimentary
service will analyze and score the current condition of your materials data, while revealing
the potential cost savings hidden within. During the evaluation, MADACLE will provide
several before and after samples of your cleansed, standardized and enhanced data,
formatted to the enterprise application of your choice. In addition, specific examples of
duplicate items will be identified within an individual site and across the corporation.
Service Deliverables
Overall data scoring based on the current condition of data

Commodity segmentation
Percentage of duplication within plant and across corporation
Percentage of review items
Percentage of Noun/Modifiers, Part Numbers and Manufacturers that can be extracted
Percentage of items that are direct matches with the MADACLE Library
Percentage of items which can be looked up and enhanced
Service Benefits
Insight into the true condition of the database
Ability to select appropriate solutions which best suit data requirements
Realization of potential cost savings
Realization of inefficiencies
Supporting proof of the need for data cleansing

Benefits By User Role

Reduced operating costs and capital expenditures
Investment recovery opportunities on excess and obsolete materials
Realistic and measurable KPI's
Rapid return on investment

Accurate spend analysis and reporting
Excess/Obsolete inventory reduction
Vendor consolidation
Preferred vendor agreements
Reduced MRO item pricing and volume incentives

Clear and concise POs
Standard purchasing process
Elimination of maverick purchases
Improved vendor relationships

Efficient part search ability
Elimination of false stock-outs
Right part, right time, right quantity
Reduced equipment downtime

Fully enhanced part descriptions for easy part identification
Accurate and accessible Bill of Materials
Optimal equipment performance
Visibility of equivalent parts

Maximum ERP usability, benefits, and ROI
Proper system configuration and data formatting
Seamless data migration and integration
Reduced IT support efforts

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