Technical Information: 1. Hoist Ropes

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Technical Information

1. Hoist Ropes
Various constructions of ropes may be used for
hoisting, the final choice usually being decided upon
economic grounds. What may be a satisfactory life
on a shallow high frequency hoist, may be completely
uneconomic on a deep low frequency installation,
and therefore the rope designs as well as their sizes
must be considered.

Drum Hoists
6 Stranded Ropes both round and triangular
strand are satisfactory for all depths of shafts,
although perhaps best suited for those up to 1000m
in depth with fixed guides. They are not suitable for
shafts deeper than 600m with rope guides, as their
natural tendency to twist causes the conveyance
to turn.
As a rough guide to the construction of the rope, the
ratio of drum or sheave diameter to outer wire
diameter should be between 1000 and 1500:1,
although if abrasion is severe this can be reduced
slightly at the expense of a lower fatigue life.
For maximum resistance to wear and crossover
damage the use of Langs lay is recommended.
Multi-Strand Rotation Resistant Ropes
are now used on permanent drum hoist installations,
except where multi layer coiling is employed,
due to their relatively low resistance to compressive
forces. Certain constructions are suitable for
sinking purposes.
Multi-strand ropes with Dyformed (compacted)
strands have increased resistance to crushing over
ropes with conventional strands.
Locked Coil Ropes have gained in popularity and
are extensively used throughout the UK. They can be
used to advantage on any depth of shaft with either
fixed or rope guides. As they are virtually non-rotating
under normal loading conditions they are considered
to be the best rope to operate in shafts deeper than
700 metres equipped with rope guides.
The cross section is extremely compact and as a
result such ropes can withstand very high radial and
compressive forces This property coupled with their
smooth outer surface enables them to be used to
advantage on multi layer coiling installations.
Because of their compact cross section, it is desirable



that the drum or sheave diameter to rope diameter ratio

should be in the region of 100 to 120:1 for satisfactory
service life on main shaft winders. Ratios as low as
50:1 can be tolerated on small ropes in shallow shafts,
staple shafts and sinking stage winders.

Friction or Koepe Hoists

6 Stranded Ropes are suitable to depths of 1000
metres. Beyond that the torque in these ropes can
result in premature torsional fatigue of the wires.
Triangular strands are more usual due to the lower
contact pressures on the friction linings although
Langs lay equal laid round strand ropes are quite
suitable for shallow shafts. Round strand ropes with
Dyformed (compacted) strands are becoming more
popular as they offer higher breaking loads,
increased fatigue life and reduced contact pressures
over ropes with conventional strands.
With rope guided shafts, alternate left and right hand
lay ropes are employed to prevent conveyance twist.
Tread pressures with stranded ropes are limited to
17.5 kgf/cm2 (1.72Mpa) to avoid excessive wear of
the friction linings.
Multi-Strand Rotation Resistant Ropes can be
usefully employed at all depths of shaft and generally
satisfactory lives are obtained. Earlier designs of the
ropes were subject to severe internal cross-cutting,
although modern designs incorporating Dyformed
(compacted) strands and plastic enhancement coupled
with modern design and manufacturing techniques
most of these problems have been eliminated.
Tread pressure limits are similar to those of 6
stranded ropes.
Locked Coil Ropes are widely used on this type of
hoist particularly in the UK. The advantages offered
by ropes of this construction make them particularly
suited for this type of hoist especially if rope guides
are employed.
Due to the large smooth surface area of locked coil
ropes, tread pressures of up to 28.0 kgf/cm2
(2.75Mpa) can be tolerated. The limit is used to
minimise friction liner wear, the rope being able to
withstand much higher pressures.

Technical Information

2. Sinking Ropes

Recommended Rope Construction for various

winder applications

Kibble Ropes Ropes used for these duties must be

rotation resistant, to prevent excessive spin of the
kibble or bucket in the shaft.

Type of winder application

Rope Construction

Small drum hoist operation at

less than 2.5m/s in a vertical
shaft with fixed guides

6x19(9/9/) FC Langs Lay

Full Locked Coil

Small Drum hoist operating in

a vertical shaft with rope

Multi-strand Rotation Resistant

Full Locked Coil

Large drum hoist operating in

a vertical shaft with fixed

Compound Triangular Strand

Langs Lay
Full Locked Coil
Dyform 6R Ordinary Lay

Bridons dedicated Mining Department will be

pleased to discuss and recommend the best ropes
construction for optimum performance on your kibble

Large drum hoist operating in

a vertical shaft with rope

Multi-strand Rotation Resistant

Full Locked Coil

Stage Ropes There are several methods of

suspending the sinking stage or platform and this can
govern the choice of rope construction.

Blair multi-rope hoist

Compound Triangular Strand

Langs Lay
Full Locked Coil

Friction hoist operating to a

depth of 500m

6 strand Ordinary Lay

Compound Triangular Strand
Langs Lay
Multi-strand Rotation Resistant
Full Locked Coil
Dyform 6R Ordinary Lay

Stage ropes are normally required to act has guide

ropes for the kibble so resistance to wear is a
necessary characteristic. In addition a good
resistance to crushing on the multi-layer drum coiling
is required.

Friction hoist operating to a

depth between 500m and

6 Strand Ordinary Lay

Compound Triangular Strand
Langs Lay
Multi-strand Rotation Resistant
Full Locked Coil
Dyform 6R Ordinary Lay

Friction hoist operating to

depth between 500m and

Multi-strand Rotation Resistant

Full Locked Coil
Compound TS Langs Lay
Dyform 6R Ordinary Lay

Friction Hoists above 1000m

Locked Coil Winding Ropes

Multi Strand Rotation
Dyform 6R Ordinary Lay
Compound Triangular Strand
Langs Lay

Sinking stage winder

Multi-strand Rotation Resistant

Full Locked Coil
Alternate Lay Triangular
Strand Langs Lay

Kibble winder

Multi-strand Rotation Resistant

Full Locked Coil

Tail/Balance rope

Multi-strand Rotation Resistant

Flat rope

Providing the hoist equipment is suitable, flexible full

locked coil ropes meet these requirements admirably,
and have been used successfully for many years.
Where very small diameter sinking drums and
sheaves are employed, or where a sheave is fitted
above the kibble to enable two parts of rope to
support the load, multi-strand rotation resistant ropes
are suitable.

Full locked coil ropes offer excellent performance on

the correct design of equipment.
Where smaller drums and sheaves are employed
multi-strand rotation resistant ropes with relatively
large outer wires or triangular strands with equal
numbers of left and right hand lay can be used. With
triangular strand ropes however, problems can be
experienced with controlling the turn if slack rope
conditions occur.
Bridons dedicated Mining Department will be
pleased to discuss and recommend the best ropes
construction for optimum performance on your stage
Under normal circumstances it is recommended that
ropes for both applications, but in particular stage
ropes, should be manufactured from galvanised
material. However, where higher tensile grades of
wire are required galvanised material is not always
available. In these cases it is strongly recommended
that the ropes are regularly cleaned and
re-lubricated with emphasis on the evaluation of
corrosion during examination.



Technical Information

3. Balance Ropes
Generally balance ropes are required to have the
flexibility to suit the particular cage centres, adequate
rotation resistant properties combined with good
resistance to wear and corrosion. Bridons range of
multi-strand rotation resistant ropes has the capability
to meet the needs for all balance rope applications.
Bridons Superflex balance ropes were developed for
installations where maximum flexibility is required
combined with optimum resistance to wear and
corrosion. The range of ropes is almost completely
non-rotating. As a result there is no torsional effect
either at the terminal ends or at the loop and therefore
the onset of fatigue at these points is almost entirely
Where maximum flexibility is not required alternative
constructions are available to best suit the specific
winding conditions and give optimum economic
service life.

guides tensioned on the basis of 3000kg plus 500kg

for each 100m of shaft depth. The tensions are
normally varied in the range plus or minus 10% to limit
harmonic vibration.
In wet and corrosive shafts the use of galvanised
material is recommended.
Types of tensioning arrangement, terminations and
methods of installation are many and varied and
Bridons dedicated Mining Department will be please
to give advise on these aspects along with types of
layouts, methods of lubrication, inspection
procedures and maintenance.

5. Haulage Ropes
The modern rope haulage system is an integral part
of the system for both the transportation of men and
the supply of materials to the mine face.

The graph below gives the minimum recommended

loop diameter to rope diameter ratio for various

Haulage systems fall into 3 main categories

Main and Tail


Bridons Tiger Brand range has the rope to suit

your system.







In general, haulage ropes are required to have

excellent resistance to wear and in some instances
corrosion. To achieve this they tend to be of the more
simple construction with fewer larger outer wires.
These can be single layer round strand construction
or triangular strand construction. On the majority of
systems where the length of travel is high and the
frequency of cycle is small, fatigue is generally not a
critical deteriorating factor.



For advice on the best rope for your installations

contact Bridons dedicated Mining Department.


Round Strand
6x7(6/1) Fibre Core Langs lay is recommended to
maximise the resistance to wear.

4. Guide and
Rubbing Ropes
Bridons Tiger Brand range of guide and rubbing
ropes are normally constructed of central king wire,
covered by one or two layers of round wires which are
closed in a final layer of half lock and round wires.
The precise construction depending upon the
diameter and the tensile grade of wires used to meet
the breaking force requirement. Bridons CAD rope
design system ensures that the largest possible outer
half lock and round wires are used to give maximum
resistance to wear and corrosion.
The choice of size and breaking load depends upon
the local regulations for factor of safety and the
tensioning required. A typical arrangement is a factor
of safety of 5:1 at the point of suspension with the



Single Construction

Triangular Strand
6x8TS, 6x9TS, 6x10TS.
However, when travel distances become shorter and
the cycle frequency is higher then fatigue can
become a factor dictating rope removal, particularly
when drive wheels, drums and sheaves are smaller.
To combat this more complex (compound
constructions) with smaller outer wires can be used.

Compound Construction
Round Strand
6x19S, 6x26WS, 6x25F, 6x36WS.
Triangular Strand
6x22TS, 6x23TS, 6x25TS, 6x28TS.
Where wet and corrosive conditions exist the use of
galvanised ropes, man made fibre cores or a
combination of both is recommended.

Technical Information

On certain installations where resistance to crushing

is required then the use of ropes with steel IWRC
cores should be considered.
On endless systems ropes with special preforming
are supplied to facilitate long splicing.
The performance of round strand ropes can be
enhanced by the use of Dyformed strands. Dyform
ropes offer the following improvements:

Higher breaking loads

Improved fatigue life
Increased resistance to crushing
Reduced interference on drums and Clifton
(surge) wheels

Bristar Cores offer the following improvements: Reduced stretch

Increased fatigue life
Increased dimension stability (diameter retention)
Contact our dedicated Mining Department for advise
on the best construction for your haulage application.

6. Conveyor Drive Ropes

Bridon has had a close working relationship with the
O.E.M. of cable driven conveyors for many years. This
has resulted in Bridon being the major supplier of cable
belt driving ropes world wide. Extensive research and
development has resulted in Bridons Tiger Brand range
of driving ropes such that Bridon can offer rope solutions
to give optimum lowest cost conveying of material.
The Tiger Brand range offers the following
rope options:Conventional Driving Ropes
6x19S, 6x26WS, 6x25F, 6x31WS, 6x36WS.
The type of construction used depends upon the
diameter, stress levels, the type of conveyor and
its layout.
Dyform Driving Ropes
6x19S Dyform, 6x26WS Dyform,
6x31WS Dyform, 6x36WS Dyform.
Dyform Driving Ropes offer the following advantages:

Higher breaking forces

Increased fatigue life
Increased resistance to wear
Reduced line stand pulley wear during the early
part of service life

Driving ropes are generally supplied in galvanised

material although ropes manufactured from bright
wire are available. They are produced under the
highest quality system from high specification wire
and cores specially designed and manufactured for
use on rope driven conveyors. All ropes have specific
strand preformation to facilitate long splicing and
maximisation of splice life.

In both conventional and Dyform drive ropes

alternative cores and manufacturing lubrication are
available to best suit your conveyor conditions to
ensure maximum economic operating performance.
These include the following: Man made fibre cores for use in wet conditions
Bristar cores offering lower stretch, increased
fatigue life and improve diameter retention
Special lubrication, both manufacturing and
service, to ensure maximum life in severe
corrosive conditions
Zebra Drive Ropes
Joint development with rope driven conveyor
manufacturers and operators has resulted in Bridons
Zebra range of conveyor drive ropes.
Extensive laboratory and on site testing has shown
the following advantages of Zebra over conventional
and Dyform drive ropes:
Increased fatigue life. In excess of 10 times
conventional cables in laboratory tests
Equivalent or increased breaking loads
Reduced stretch both constructional and elastic
Superior diameter retention
Smooth outer surface
Reduced tread pressures
Superior resistance to internal corrosion
These improvements in physical properties have
realised the following proven cost saving advantages:
Zebra can be retro fitted to existing
conveyors at minimal cost
Reduced line pulley performance
Reduced steel terminal pulley and surge/Koepe
lining maintenance
Reduced vibration and noise
Extended rope life
Extended splice life
For an assessment of potential cost saving on your
conveyor contact Bridons directly.
Bridons commitment to lowest cost conveying doesnt
stop there. On long conveyors splicing and splice
maintenance can be both inconvenient and costly.
Bridons unique Service Department can provide expert
engineers to install, splice, inspect and maintain your
drive cables. Driving ropes are a major cost
component part of the conveyor. LOOK AFTER THEM !
In addition Bridon recognised the implications in
down time and cost for splicing on long conveyors
with numerous splices. To minimise splicing and
splice repairs Bridon increased their production
capacity from piece weights of 60 tons to piece
weights of approximately 135 tons. If you think longer
ropes can assist in reducing operating costs please
contact our Mining Department who will be pleased to
discuss the possibilities.


Technical Information

7. Properties of Extension of Steel Wire Ropes

Any assembly of steel wires spun into a helical formation,
either as a strand or wire rope, when subjected to a tensile
load, can extend in three separate phases, depending on
the magnitude of the applied load.
There are also other factors which produce rope extension
which are very small and can normally be ignored.
Phase 1 - Initial or Permanent
Constructional Extension
At the commencement of loading a new rope, extension is
created by the bedding down of the assembled wires with a
corresponding reduction in overall diameter. This reduction
in diameter creates an excess length of wire which is
accommodated by a lengthening of the helical lay. When
sufficiently large bearing areas have been generated on
adjacent wires to withstand the circumferential compressive
loads, this mechanically created extension ceases and the
extension in Phase 2 commences. The Initial Extension of
any rope cannot be accurately determined by calculation
and has no elastic properties.
The practical value of this characteristic depends upon
many factors, the most important being the type and
construction of rope, the range of loads and the number
and frequency of the cycles of operation. It is not possible
to quote exact values for the various constructions of rope
in use, but the following approximate values may be
employed to give reasonably accurate results.
% of rope length

Lightly loaded
Factor of safety about 8:1
Normally loaded
Factor of safety about 5:1
Heavily loaded
Factor of safety about 3:1
Heavily loaded
with many bends
and/or deflections

Fibre Core

Steel Core





Elastic Extension = WL (mm)

W = load applied (kgs)
L = rope length (mm)
E = elastic modulus (kg/mm2)
A = circumscribed rope area (mm2)

Phase 3 - Permanent Extension

The permanent, non-elastic extension of the steel caused
by tensile loads exceeding the yield point of the material.
If the load exceeds the Limit of Proportionality, the rate of
extension will accelerate as the load is increased, until a
loading is reached at which continuous extension will
commence, causing the wire rope to fracture without any
further increase of load.
Thermal Expansion and Contraction
The coefficient of linear expansion () of steel wire rope is
0.0000125 = (12.5 x10-6) per oC and therefore the change
in length of 1 metre of rope produced by a temperature
change of t oC would be;
Change in length | = |o t where
= coefficient of linear expansion
|o = original length of rope (m)
t = temperature change (oC)

Up to 2.00

Up to 1.00
The change will be an increase in length if the temperature
rises and a decrease in length if the temperature falls.

The above figures are for guidance purposes. More precise

figures are available upon request.
Locked Coil Hoist Ropes
Immediate permanent extension
Additional initial extension
Gradual permanent extension
Total extension approx.

The Modulus of Elasticity also varies with different rope

constructions, but generally increases as the crosssectional area of steel increases. By using the values
given, it is possible to make a reasonable estimate of
elastic extension, but if greater accuracy is required it is
advisable to carry out a modulus test on an actual sample
of the rope. As rope users will find it difficult to calculate
the actual metallic steel area , the values normally quoted
are based on the circumscribed rope area (area of a circle,
related to the nominal diameter of the rope).


Phase 2 - Elastic Extension

Following Phase 1, the rope extends in a manner which
complies approximately with Hookes Law (stress is
proportional to strain) until the Limit of Proportionality or
Elastic Limit is reached.

Extension due to Rotation

The elongation caused by a free rope end being allowed
to rotate.
Extension due to Wear
The elongation due to inter-wire wear which reduces the
cross-sectional area of steel and produces extra
constructional extension.
Example: What will be the total elongation of a 200 metre
length of 28mm diameter Tiger 6R wire rope at a tension of
10 tonnesf (tf) and with an increase in temperature of 20oC.
Permanent Constructional Extension = 0.25% of
rope length = 500mm

It is important to note that wire ropes do not possess a

Youngs Modulus of Elasticity, but an apparent Modulus of
Elasticity can be determined between two fixed loads.

Elastic Extension =

10000 x 200 000
= 540mm
6000 x 615.8

Thermal Expansion = | = |o t = 0.0000125 x 200 x 20 = 50mm

Therefore total extension = 500 + 540 + 50 = 1090mm



Technical Information

8. Pressures between Ropes and Sheaves or Drums

In addition to bending stresses experienced by wire ropes
operating over sheaves or pulleys, ropes are also subjected
to radial pressure as they make contact with the sheave.
This pressure sets up shearing stresses in the wires,
distorts the ropes structure and affects the rate of wear of
the sheave grooves. When a rope passes over a sheave,
the load on the sheave results from the tension in the rope
and the angle of rope contact. It is independent of the
diameter of the sheave.
Load on bearing =

2T sin

Assuming that the rope is supported in a well fitting groove,

then the pressure between the rope and the groove is
dependent upon the rope tension and diameter but is
independent of the arc of contact.
Pressure, P =

If the pressure is high, the compressive strength of the

material in the groove may be insufficient to prevent
excessive wear and indentation and this in turn will damage
the outer wires of the rope and effect its working life. As
with bending stresses, stresses due to radial pressure
increase as the diameter of the sheave decreases.
Although high bending stresses generally call for the use of
flexible rope constructions having relatively small diameter
outer wires, these have less ability to withstand heavy
pressures than do the larger wires in the less flexible
constructions. If the calculated pressures are too high for
the particular material chosen for the sheaves or drums or
indentations are being experienced, consideration should
be given to an increase in sheave or drum diameter. Such
a modification would not only reduce the groove pressure,
but would also improve the fatigue life of the rope.
The pressure of the rope against the sheave also cause
distortion and flattening of the rope structure. This can be
controlled by using sheaves with the correct groove profile
which, for general purposes, suggests an optimum groove
radius of nominal rope radius +10%. The profile at the
bottom of the groove should be circular over an angle of
approximately 120o, and the angle of flare between the
sides of the sheave should be approximately 52o.


P = pressure (kg/cm2)
T = rope tension (kg)
D = diameter of sheave or drum (cm)
d = diameter of rope (cm)

Maximum Permissible Pressures

Hardness of Rope Wire

Groove material
Number of
outer wires
in strands


5 - 8 Ordinary lay
5 - 8 Langs lay
9 - 13 Ordinary lay
9 - 13 Langs lay
14 - 18 Ordinary lay
14 - 18 Langs lay
Triangular strand


11 to 13%
Mn steel
cast steel


It should be emphasised that this method of estimation of

pressure assumes that the area of contact of the rope in
the groove is on the full rope diameter, whereas in fact only
the crowns of the outer wires are actually in contact with the
groove. The local pressures at these contact points may be
as high as 5 times those calculated and therefore the
values given above cannot be related to the compressive
strength of the groove material.



Min. Tensile




2160N / mm2


480 / 500


1960N / mm2


470 / 480


1770N / mm2


445 / 470


1570N / mm


405 / 425



Suggested pulley hardness: 250-300 Brinell for Mn steel or

equivalent alloy steel.
If the calculated pressure is too high for the particular
material chosen for the pulley or drum, consideration
should be given to increase in pulley or drum diameter.
Such a modification would not only reduce the groove
pressure, but would also improve the fatigue life of the rope
by reducing the bending stresses imposed.



Technical Information

9. Bend Fatigue

Through this work, Bridon has been able to compare the

effects of rope construction, tensile strength, lay direction,
sheave size, groove profile and tensile loading on bend
fatigue performance under ideal operating conditions. At
the same time it has been possible to compare rope life to
discard criteria (e.g. as laid down in ISO 4309) with that to
complete failure of the rope, i.e. to the point where the rope
has been unable to sustain the load any longer. As part of
the exercise, it has also been possible to establish the
residual breaking strength of the rope at discard level of
Effects of D:d Ratio and loading on fatigue life Typical example Dyform 6

However, the benefit of such testing can be particularly

helpful to the rope manufacturer when developing new or
improving existing products.
If designers or operators of equipment are seeking optimum
rope performance or regard bending fatigue life as a key
factor in the operation of equipment, such information can
be provided by Bridon for guidance purposes.
Service life curve for various D:d ratios

Relative Rope Servi ce Lif e

Bend fatigue testing of ropes usually consists of cycling a

length of rope over a sheave while the rope is under a
constant tension and as part of its ongoing development
programme Bridon has tested literally thousands of ropes
in this manner over the years on its in-house own design
bend testing equipment.


Number of bends to rope failure













D:d ratio
When considering the use of a steel wire rope around a
minimum D:d ratio, it is generally accepted that at below
4:1 the effect on the strength of the rope needs to be
considered. Permanent distortions within the rope will occur
when using ratios of 10:1 and less and that a minimum ratio
of 16:1 be used for a rope operating
around sheaves.

5% MBL
10% MBL

20% MBL

Approximate loss in breaking strength due to bending

















What needs to be recognised, however, is that very few

ropes operate under these controlled operating conditions,
making it very difficult to use this base information when
attempting to predict rope life under other conditions. Other
influencing factors, such as dynamic loading, differential
loads in the cycle, fleet angle, reeving arrangement, type of
coiling on the drum, change in rope direction, sheave
alignment, sheave size and groove profile, can have an
equally dramatic effect on rope performance.



Efficiency % MB F

Sheave D:d ratio


EB = 1 -







D :d ratio



Technical Information

10. Fleet Angle

Of all the factors which have some influence on the winding
of a rope on a smooth drum, the fleet angle, arguably, has
the greatest effect.
Fleet angle is usually defined as the included angle
between two lines, one which extends from a fixed sheave
to the flange of a drum and the other which extends from
the same fixed sheave to the drum in a line perpendicular
to the axis of the drum. (See illustration).
Illustration of Fleet Angle

Fleet angle
If the drum incorporates helical grooving, the helix angle of
the groove needs to be added or subtracted from the fleet
angle as described above to determine the actual fleet
angle experienced by the rope.
At the drum
When spooling rope onto a drum it is generally
recommended that the fleet angle is limited to between 0.5O
and 2.5O. If the fleet angle is too small, i.e. less than 0.5O,
the rope will tend to pile up at the drum flange and fail to
return across the drum. In this situation, the problem may
be alleviated by introducing a kicker device or by
increasing the fleet angle through the introduction of a
sheave or spooling mechanism.
If the rope is allowed to pile up it will eventually roll away
from the flange creating a shock load in both the rope and
the structure of the mechanism, an undesirable and unsafe
operating condition.
Excessively high fleet angles will return the rope across the
drum prematurely, creating gaps between wraps of rope
close to the flanges as well as increasing the pressure on
the rope at the cross-over positions.
Even where helical grooving is provided, large fleet angles
will inevitably result in localised areas of mechanical
damage as the wires pluck against each other. This is
often referred to as interference but the amount can be
reduced by selecting a Langs lay rope if the reeving allows.
The interference effect can also be reduced by employing
a Dyform rope which offers a much smoother exterior
surface than conventional rope constructions.

At the sheave
Where a fleet angle exists as the rope enters a sheave, it
initially makes contact with the sheave flange. As the rope
continues to pass through the sheave it moves down the
flange until it sits in the bottom of the groove. In doing so,
even when under tension, the rope will actually roll as well
as slide. As a result of the rolling action the rope is twisted,
i.e. turn is induced into or out of the rope, either shortening
or lengthening the lay length of the outer layer of strands.
As the fleet angle increases so does the amount of twist.
To reduce the amount of twist to an acceptable level the
fleet angle should be limited to 2.5O for grooved drums and
1.5O for plain drums and when using rotation-resistant low
rotation and parallel-closed ropes the fleet angle should be
limited to 1.5O.
However, for some applications it is recognised that for
practical reasons it is not always possible to comply with
these general recommendations, in which case the rope life
could be affected.

11. Rope Torque

The problem of torsional instability in hoist ropes would not
exist if the ropes could be perfectly torque balanced under
load. The torque generated in a wire rope under load is
usually directly related to the applied load by a constant
torque factor. For a given rope construction the torque
factor can be expressed as a proportion of the rope
diameter and this has been done below..
Variation with rope construction is relatively small and
hence the scope for dramatically changing the stability of a
hoisting system is limited. Nevertheless the choice of the
correct rope can have a deciding influence, especially in
systems which are operating close to the critical limit. It
should be noted that the rope torque referred to here is
purely that due to tensile loading. No account is taken of
the possible residual torque due, for example, to rope
manufacture or installation procedures.
Torsional Stability
The torque factors quoted on page 34 are approximate
maximum values for the particular constructions. To
calculate the torque value for a particular rope size multiply
by the nominal rope diameter. Example: for 20mm dia.
Tiger 34LR 34x7 Class at 20% of minimum breaking force:Torque value

= torque factor x rope dia.

= 0.8% x 20mm
= 0.16mm

Floating sheaves or specially designed fleet angle

compensating devices may also be employed to reduce
the fleet angle effect.



Technical Information

Rope Torque
To calculate the torque generated in a particular rope when
subjected to a tensile load, multiply the load by the torque
value and combine the units.
Example: for 20mm dia. Tiger 34LR 34x7 Class at 6000 kg f load
Torque generated

= torque value x load

= 0.16 . 6000
= 960

Bending Loads
As the rope is bent over the headsheave or drum, an
additional force is induced into the steel which must be
added to the static and dynamic tensions to obtain the total
force imposed. There are many methods of calculation for
this bending force, although the one most commonly used is:
Bending force = EdA
where E = Elastic Modulas as given under
Elongation of Wire Rope kgf/mm2
d = diameter of outer wire in rope mm
A = Area in rope mm2
D = Diameter of sheave or drum mm
Size of Outer Wires in Rope
It is sometimes useful to know the size of the outer wires in
ropes i.e. when estimating the amount of external wear or
calculating bending stress. These can be calculated with
reasonable accuracy for all constructions of 6 strand ropes
using the following formula.
6 strand round strand
Diameter of outer wires = Nominal diameter or rope
No. of outer wires per
strand + 3
26mm diameter 6 x 36 (14/7 and 7/7/1)
round strand
No. of outer wires per strand = 14
Diameter of = 26 = 1.5mm
outer wire
Calculations of Drum Capacity

Rope length (ft) = (A + B) x A x C x
where A, B, C and d are quoted in inches.
Rope length (m) = (A + B) x A x C x x 106
where A, B and C are quoted in metres and d quoted in mm.
NOTE: Ropes are normally manufactured to a maximum oversize
tolerance of 4%. Therefore the actual diameter d could be nominal
diameter + 4%.

Wire rope will fail if worn-out, shock loaded,overloaded,
misused, damaged, improperly maintained or abused.
Always inspect wire rope for wear, damage or
abuse before use
Never use wire rope which is worn-out, damaged
or abused
Never overload or shock load a wire rope
Inform youself: Read and understand the guidance on
product safety given in this catalogue; also read and
understand the machinery manufacturers handbook
Refer to applicable directives, regulations,
standards and codes concerning inspection,
examination and rope removal criteria
Protect yourself and others - failure of wire rope
may cause serious injury or death!



The following formula gives an approximate indication

regarding length of rope of a given diameter (d) which can
be installed onto a winch/drum.

Left hand Fleet Angle:

Right hand Fleet Angle:

Groove Pitch:


Groove Radius:


No. of Crossovers:
Length of Crossovers:


Rope Oscillation
Drum hoists operating with multiple layers of rope often
experience severe oscillation of the rope between the
headgear sheave and the hoist drum during some part of
the hoisting cycle. Advice should be sought from
BRIDONS Mining Division.



Technical Information

How to order hoist ropes

Customer information

Particulars of shaft:

1. Suspended Hoist Rope (From Lowest level to Headgear pulley)

2. Type of ventilation (upcast/downcast)
3. Shaft water inflow
4. PH value
5. Availability of chloride content
6. Range of temperature variation
7. Other conditions affecting the rope
II. Particulars of hoisting:
1. Type of hoisting

One Rope

2. Application




Mineral & Manriding

3. Speed of lifting, m/sec

4. Acceleration of lifting, m/sec2
5. Preventative deceleration, m/sec2
6. Guides

If Available





Drum Winder

Friction Winder-tower or Ground Mounted Drum

III. Particulars of the winder:

1. Type
2. Drum diameter
3. Drum width
4. Diameter of Headgear pulley, (mm)
5. Width of Headgear Pulley
6. Diameter tolerance taking into account the bottom of the pulley
7. Type of lining
8. Diameter of deflector sheave (Tower mounted Friction winding only)
9. Number of hoist ropes
10. Number of balance ropes
11. Type of balance ropes
12. Weight of 1 m of balance ropes
13. Loop radius of balance ropes
IV. Particulars of the hoist conveyance:
1. Mass of empty conveyance with suspension gear of hoist
and balance ropes
2. Mass of conveyance (2) or counterweight with suspension gear

Mass of payload, t

Number of cycles per day/month

V. Particulars of the rope:

1. Rope Specification
2. Nominal diameter, mm
3. Construction
4. Lay Direction
5. Type of core
6. Weight of 1 m
7. Length of the rope, m
8. Number of individual lengths
9. Preferred Lubrication
10. Galvanised/Ungalvanised
11. Rope Tensile
12. Minimum Breaking Load, kgf
13. Nominal Breaking Load, kgf
14. Aggr. Breaking Load of all wires
15. Lubrication


16. Safety factor: ratio of ABL of all wires to the end load

Without Mass of Ropes, min.



With Mass of Ropes, min.

18. Causes of rope failure during operation
19. Notes:



Technical Information

Summary Technical Information (For guidance purposes only)

Bridon supply a range of Tiger High Performance steel wire ropes specifically designed and manufactured to meet the
needs of todays mine winder specifications and the demanding applications to which they are exposed. High performance
ropes are normally selected by customers when they require the specific characteristics of improved performance, high
strength, low extension or low rotation.

Torque Factor at 20% of MBF

Rope Construction

Rope Modules at
20% of MBF kN/mm2


TIGER 6R F 6 x 7 Class
TIGER 6R F 6 x 19 Class
TIGER 6R F 6 x 36 Class
TIGER Dyform 6R F 6 x 7 Class
TIGER Dyform 6R F 6 x 19 Class
TIGER Dyform 6R F 6 x 36 Class
TIGER 6T F 6 x 8 Class Single layer
TIGER 6T F 6 x 25 Class Compound layer
TIGER 18M F 18 x 7 Class
TIGER 18M F 18 x 19 Class
TIGER Dyform 18 18 x 7 Class
TIGER Dyform 18 18 x 19 Class
TIGER 34M F 34 x 7 Class
TIGER 34M F 34 x 19 Class
TIGER 34LR 34 x 7 Class
TIGER 34LR 34 x 19 Class
TIGER Superflex 14 x 6
TIGER Superflex 17 x 6
TIGER Superflex 20 x 6
TIGER 6R CDR 6 x 19 Class
TIGER 6R CDR 6 x 25 Class
TIGER 6R CDR 6 x 31 Class
TIGER Dyform 6R CDR 6 x 19 Class
TIGER Dyform 6R CDR 6 x 26 Class
TIGER Dyform 6R CDR 6 x 31 Class
TIGER Zebra CDR 6 x 19
TIGER Zebra CDR 6 x 26
TIGER Zebra CDR 6 x 31
TIGER FL Hoist Class
TIGER FL Aerial Track Class
TIGER HL Guide Class







Technical Information

Guide to Examination
The continued safe operation of lifting equipment, lifting
accessories (e.g. slings) and other systems employing wire
rope depends to a large extent on the operation of well
programmed periodic rope examinations and the
assessment by the competent person of the fitness of the
rope for further service.

Some of the More Common Types of Wire

Fractures Can Include:
A Severed

B Tension

C Fatigue

by wear

D Corrosion

Examination and discard of ropes by the competent person

should be in accordance with the instructions given in the
original equipment manufacturers handbook. In addition,
account should be taken of any local or application specific
The competent person should also be familiar, as
appropriate, with the latest versions of related International,
European or National standards such as ISO 4309 Cranes
- Wire ropes - code of practice for examination.
Particular attention must be paid to those sections of
rope which experience has shown to be liable to
deterioration. Excessive wear, broken wires,
distortions and corrosion are the more common
visible signs of deterioration.

E Plastic

F Martensite

G Sheared

Note: This publication has been prepared as an aid for rope

examination and should not be regarded as a substitute for the
competent person.

Wear is a normal feature of rope service and the use of the

correct rope construction ensures that it remains a
secondary aspect of deterioration. Lubrication may help to
reduce wear.
Broken wires are a normal feature of rope service towards
the end of the ropes life, resulting from bending fatigue
and wear. The local break up of wires may indicate some
mechanical fault in the equipment. Correct lubrication in
service will increase fatigue performance.
Distortions are usually as a result of mechanical damage,
and if severe, can considerably affect rope strength.
Visible rusting indicates a lack of suitable lubrication,
resulting in corrosion. Pitting of external wire surfaces
becomes evident in some circumstances. Broken wires
ultimately result.
Internal corrosion occurs in some environments when
lubrication is inadequate or of an unsuitable type.
Reduction in rope diameter will frequently guide the
observer to this condition. Confirmation can only be made
by opening the rope with clamps or the correct use of spike
and needle to facilitate internal inspection.
Note: Non-destructive testing (NDT) using electromagnetic means
may also be used to detect broken wires and/or loss in metallic area.
This method complements the visual examination but does not
replace it.
Pictures courtesy of S.M.R.E. Crown Copyright 1966

Factors Affecting Rope

Multi-coiling of the rope on the drum can result in severe
distortion in the underlying layers.
Bad coiling (due to excessive fleet angles or slack
winding) can result in mechanical damage, shown
as severe crushing, and may cause shock loading
during operation.
Small diameter sheaves can result in permanent set of
the rope, and will certainly lead to early wire breaks due
to fatigue.
Oversize grooves offer insufficient support to the rope
leading to increased localised pressure, flattening of the
rope and premature wire fractures. Grooves are deemed to
be oversize when the groove diameter exceeds the
nominal rope diameter by more than 15% steel, 20%
polyurethane liners.
Undersize grooves in sheaves will crush and deform the
rope, often leading to two clear patterns of wear and
associated wire breaks.
Excessive angle of fleet can result in severe wear of the
rope due to scrubbing against adjacent laps on the drum.
Rope deterioration at the Termination may be exhibited in
the form of broken wires. An excessive angle of fleet can
also induce rotation causing torsional imbalance.


Technical Information

Troubleshooting Guide
Typical examples of Wire Rope deterioration



Mechanical damage
due to rope movement
over sharp edge
projection whilst under

Typical wire fractures

as a result of bend

Localised wear due to

abrasion on supporting


Wire fractures at the

strand, or core
interface, as distinct
from crown fractures.

Narrow path of wear

resulting in fatigue
fractures, caused by
working in a grossly
oversize groove, or
over small support


Break up of IWRC
resulting from high
stress application.

Two parallel paths of

broken wires indicative
of bending through an
undersize groove in the


Looped wires as a
result of torsional
imbalance and/or shock

Severe wear,
associated with high
tread pressure.


Typical example of
localised wear and

Severe wear in Langs

Lay, caused by


Multi strand rope bird

caged due to torsional

Severe corrosion.


Protrusion of rope
centre resulting from
build up of turn.

Internal corrosion
whilst external surface
shows little evidence of


Substantial wear and

severe internal

Technical Information

Troubleshooting Guide
The following is a simplified guide to common wire rope problems. More detailed advice can be obtained from any Bridon
distributor. In the event of no other standard being applicable, Bridon recommends that ropes are inspected/examined in
accordance with ISO 4309.


Mechanical damage caused by the rope contacting the

structure of the installation on which it is operating or an
external structure - usually of a localised nature.

Generally results from operational conditions.

Check sheave guards and support/guide sheaves to
ensure that the rope has not jumped out of the
intended reeving system.
Review operating conditions.

Opening of strands in rotation resistant, low rotation and

parallel closed ropes - in extreme circumstances the rope
may develop a birdcage distortion or protrusion of inner
Note - rotation resistant and low rotation ropes are designed
with a specific strand gap which may be apparent on
delivery in an off tension condition. These gaps will close
under load and will have no effect on the operational
performance of the rope.

Check sheave and drum groove radii using sheave

gauge to ensure that they are no smaller than nominal
rope radius +5% - Bridon recommends that the sheave
and drum groove radii are checked prior to any rope
Repair or replace drum/sheaves if necessary.
Check fleet angles in the reeving system - a fleet angle
in excess of 1.5 degrees may cause distortion
(see page 31).
Check installation method - turn induced during
installation can cause excessive rope rotation resulting
in distortion (See pages 42 - 54).
Check if the rope has been cut on site prior to
installation or cut to remove a damaged portion from
the end of the rope. If so, was the correct cutting
procedure used? Incorrect cutting of rotation resistant,
low rotation and parallel closed ropes can cause
distortion in operation (See page 46).
Rope may have experienced a shock load.

Broken wires or crushed or flattened rope on lower layers

at crossover points in multi - layer coiling situations.
Wire breaks usually resulting from crushing or abrasion.

Check tension on underlying layers. Bridon

recommends an installation tension of between 2% and
10% of the minimum breaking force of the wire rope.
Care should be taken to ensure that tension is retained
in service. Insufficient tension will result in these lower
layers being more prone to crushing damage.
Review wire rope construction. Dyform wire ropes are
more resistant to crushing on underlying layers than
conventional rope constructions.
Do not use more rope than necessary.
Check drum diameter. Insufficient bending ratio
increases tread pressure.

Continued on next page



Technical Information

Troubleshooting Guide


Wires looping from strands.

Insufficient service dressing.

Consider alternative rope construction.
If wires are looping out of the rope underneath a
crossover point, there may be insufficient tension on the
lower wraps on the drum.
Check for areas of rope crushing or distortion.

Pigtail or severe spiralling in rope.

Check that the sheave and drum diameter is large

enough - Bridon recommends a minimum ratio of the
drum/sheave to nominal rope diameter of 18:1.
Indicates that the rope has run over a small radius or
sharp edge.
Check to see if the rope has jumped off a sheave and
has run over a shaft.

Two single axial lines of broken wires running along the

length of the rope approximately 120 degrees apart
indicating that the rope is being nipped in a tight

Check sheave and drum groove radii using sheave

gauge to ensure that they are no smaller than nominal
rope radius + 5% - Bridon would recommend that the
sheave/drum groove radii are checked prior to any
rope installation.
Repair or replace drum/sheaves if necessary.

One line of broken wires running along the length of the

rope indicating insufficient support for the rope, generally
caused by oversize sheave or drum grooving.

Check to see if the groove diameter is no greater than

15% greater than the nominal rope diameter.
Repair or replace drum/sheaves if necessary.
Check for contact damage.



Short rope life resulting from evenly/randomly distributed

bend fatigue wire breaks caused by bending through the
reeving system.

Bending fatigue is accelerated as the load increases

and as the bending radius decreases (see page 30).
Consider whether either factor can be improved.

Fatique induced wire breaks are characterised by flat

ends on the broken wires.

Check wire rope construction - Dyform ropes are

capable of doubling the bending fatigue life of a
conventional steel wire rope.

Technical Information

Troubleshooting Guide


Short rope life resulting from localised bend fatigue wire


Bending fatigue is accelerated as the load increases

and as the bending radius decreases (see page 30).
Consider whether either factor can be improved.

Fatique induced wire breaks are characterised by flat

ends on the broken wires.

Check wire rope construction - Dyform ropes are

capable of doubling the bending fatigue life of a
conventional steel wire rope.
Localised fatigue breaks indicate continuous repetitive
bends over a short length. Consider whether it is
economic to periodically shorten the rope in order to
move the rope through the system and progressively
expose fresh rope to the severe bending zone. In order
to facilitate this procedure it may be necessary to begin
operating with a slightly longer length of rope.

Broken rope - ropes are likely to break when subjected to

substantial overload or misuse particularly when a rope
has already been subjected to mechanical damage.

Review operating conditions.

Corrosion of the rope both internally and/or externally can

also result in a significant loss in metallic area. The rope
strength is reduced to a level where it is unable to sustain
the normal working load.
Wave or corkscrew deformations normally associated
with multistrand ropes.

Check sheave and drum groove radii using sheave

gauge to ensure that they are no smaller than nominal
rope radius +5% - Bridon recommends that the
sheave/drum groove radii are checked prior to any
rope installation.
Repair or replace drum/sheaves if necessary.
Check fleet angles in the reeving system - a fleet angle
in excess of 1.5 degrees may cause distortion
(see page 31).
Check that rope end has been secured in accordance
with manufacturers instructions (see page 46).
Check operating conditions for induced turn.

Rotation of the load in a single fall system.

Review rope selection.

Consider use of rotation resistant or low rotation rope.

Rotation of the load in a multi - fall system resulting in

cabling of the rope falls.
Possibly due to induced turn during installation or

Core protrusion or broken core in single layer six or eight

strand rope.

Review rope selection.

Consider use of rotation resistant or low rotation rope.
Review installation procedure (See pages 42 - 54)
or operating procedures.
Caused by repetitive shock loading - review
operating conditions.

Continued on next page



Technical Information

Troubleshooting Guide


Rope accumulating or stacking at drum flange - due to

insufficient fleet angle.

Review drum design with original equipment

manufacturer - consider adding rope kicker, fleeting
sheave etc.

Sunken wraps of rope on the drum normally associated

with insufficient support from lower layers of rope or

Check correct rope diameter.

If grooved drum check groove pitch.
Check tension on underlying layers - Bridon recommend
an installation tension of between 2% and 10% of the
minimum breaking force of the wire rope - Care should
be taken to ensure that tension is retained in service.
Insufficient tension will result in these lower layers being
more prone to crushing damage.
Make sure that the correct rope length is being used.
Too much rope (which may not be necessary) may
aggravate the problem.

Short rope life induced by excessive wear and abrasion.

Check fleet angle to drum.

Check general alignment of sheaves in the reeving
Check that all sheaves are free to rotate.
Review rope selection. The smooth surface of Dyform
wire ropes gives better contact with drum and sheaves
and offers improved resistance to interference
betweeen adjacent laps of rope.

External corrosion.

Consider selection of galvanised rope.

Review level and type of service dressing.

Internal corrosion.

Consider selection of galvanised rope.

Review frequency amount and type of service dressing.
Consider selection of plastic impregnated (PI) wire rope.



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