Emergency Welfare Form

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Fault Repair Emergency Welfare Pro-forma

This Pro-forma must be used at all times when sending an Emergency Welfare case to the EWC
team in Openreach.
Please be advised, you must be a manager to send this Emergency Welfare case to
Openreach. Cases will be accepted from coaches or team leaders after 7pm and until
8am when management presence may not be practical.
First, fill out this form, then click file, then select send to, and click on mail recipient. Ensure you
do NOT click mail recipient as attachment. This will generate an e-mail which you will need to
send to emergencywelfare@openreach.co.uk
Remember: Customer must live alone with no access to a mobile phone (excluding those
with a careline pendant)

Uses a wheelchair or has serious mobility problems

Has a serious or progressive disability or condition
Has a severe mental health problem
Has a severely sick child
Has any other serious medical condition

Or, is registered under the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970

The Emergency Welfare team can only help where there is an existing fault for us to work
with. In the exceptional circumstance of a patient needing a line to leave hospital and live
alone we will accept a provision order.

If a fault does not exist then one will need to be raised before approaching the emergency
welfare team.

If you are having problems placing a fault, then direct your query to the relevant
Openreach SMC team, they will assist you with any issues you are experiencing.

To prevent unnecessary delays with an Emergency Welfare case, ensure all Mandatory
Information is provided below; failure to do so may result in rejection of the Emergency
Welfare case until this is remedied.

Name of residential customer

living alone, with no mobile
access and meeting the criteria.

Mrs Eileen Entract

Residential Customer full address

& postcode:

20 Walmer Garden
W13 9TS

Access times and carer /

neighbours contact number
(please be specific with the time
slot, we do not accept 24 hr

9:00 15:00

Telephone No of faulty line


Fault reference (order / Siebel

ref in exceptional circumstances

i.e. : leaving hospital)

If provision as part of a home
move for a vulnerable person
with no mobile please advise
previous CLI


Why does this meet the

emergency welfare criteria
please (be specific, as random
checks will take place with
engineers who attended )

Customer is having a personal care alarm due to husband's


Please confirm that you have

updated the fault notes with the
access times, contact details for
carer and any other relevant
information about the customers


Please confirm you are a

manager with your name , email
address and contact number

Winmar Maercado

When you receive the EWC case reference number by email, please ensure you put this on your
own fault records to prevent contact by more than one manager into Op

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