Count Assistant Letter - Count Staff Appointment Letter
Count Assistant Letter - Count Staff Appointment Letter
Count Assistant Letter - Count Staff Appointment Letter
I am pleased to inform you that the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland wishes to offer you the
position of ROLE in SECTION at VENUE on DATE at:
If you do not wish to accept the job offer please email this office at
or telephone the count staffing team immediately on 028 9044 6680.
If you do wish to accept the job offer, you must return your acceptance of appointment and
paperwork within 5 days of the date of this letter.
Please ensure you read all the information contained in this letter as it is important you fully
understand the requirements of the post before you sign the acceptance of appointment.
Your starting time will be TIME & DATE. The hours are not fixed and you may be required
to continue employment until the process is complete, this could include working on Saturday,
7th May 2022, if required. EONI reserves the right to relieve you of your duties at any time
according to business needs. You may be required to work in a number of areas but you will
be advised if and when you must move to another area. Please note: If you are car sharing,
each staff member may be required to work different hours and you will only receive payment
for the actual hours you have worked recorded.
The minimum gross fee for the post is £FEE for 8 hours inclusive of travel and subsistence. A
gross fee of £HOURLY RATE per hour (inclusive of travel and subsistence) or part thereof is
payable to staff who are required to work after this time. Part hours worked will be rounded up
to the nearest quarter hour. Please note: gross fee refers to the payment before the deduction
of income tax if applicable.
Arrival and Car Parking
You must use the designated staff car park and allow sufficient time for the admission process,
which will include signing in and a security check before you are directed to your allocated
position where you will be given a coloured bib (which must be worn at all times). You must
arrive at the count centre and be in your allocated position no later than the start time given
above so you are available for the staff briefing.
You are not permitted to leave the premises, however, if you must leave the premises due to
exceptional circumstances at any point during the day, please note you will have to undergo
the security check on re-admission.
Please ensure you bring your letter of appointment AND photographic identification to
the count venue when you report for duty.
Your performance and conduct will be assessed by your Supervisor. Where unsatisfactory
performance/ conduct has been identified we may terminate your appointment and ask you to
leave the count venue and consequently this may result in a reduction in your fee. You may
not be offered future employment. Should you have a complaint or problem about a work
related issue on the day you should raise the matter with the Supervisor in an attempt to
informally resolve the issue at the time.
Staff must not wear any badges, slogans or colours which could appear to be
representative of a political party or a particular candidate. Staff must dress smart
Catering facilities
You will be able to purchase food, at your own expense, at the count centre. Staff will be given
short refreshment breaks during the day. You may bring your own refreshments into the count
centre but all bags will have to be included in the security check. You must store all bags
carefully under your table.
Requirement of Secrecy
Please find enclosed IMPORTANT information in relation to the Requirement of Secrecy. You
are required to read and adhere to these requirements.
Manual handling
Please also find important Manual handling guidance enclosed. You should read and adhere
to this guidance as your job may include lifting or carrying equipment. You should advise the
Supervisor if you have notified us that you have difficulty with lifting or carrying equipment.
You will be paid within 7 weeks of employment. If you have not received payment after this
period please contact the Finance Team with your enquiry on
I have enclosed a starter checklist to ensure the appropriate tax code is applied. Alternatively
you may submit a P45 issued on or after 06/04/2022. Staff who fail to produce a P45 or
‘Starter Checklist’ form will have a tax code ‘0T Week 1’ applied and income tax deducted of at
least 20%.
Please note: once income tax (if appropriate) has been deducted from your election payment
all income tax queries should be addressed to HMRC and not EONI. You will be issued with a
P45 by EONI to facilitate any queries you might have with HMRC.
It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they sign in and sign out of the count
centre. If you fail to do so you may not receive full payment.
Please let us know as soon as possible, if there are any adjustments you may wish us to
consider in relation to meeting any disability-related needs with regard to your appointment.
Unable to work
If, after accepting this appointment, you are no longer able to work, please notify us
immediately or you may be removed from our staffing list for future elections. EONI reserve
the right to revoke an offer of appointment at any time if it is believed that you are not meeting
your obligations.
1. Acceptance of appointment
2. Bank details form (if applicable)
3. Starter checklist form
Any information you supply may be held for management and planning purposes. The details
will only be disclosed to EONI personnel or other persons or bodies with whom EONI engage
for the purposes of your employment. Please refer to EONI privacy notices on our website Third parties who provide elements of services for us do so on the basis of
contracts we have in place with them. In some circumstances we are legally obliged to share
information e.g. under a court order or specific piece of legislation.
If we have not received your Acceptance of Appointment by the required deadline for return of
your signed paperwork we will assume that you are not accepting the position and a
replacement will be appointed. If you have any queries please ring 02890446680.
Yours sincerely
Lisa Cherry
Head of Business Support
Staff ID: 13793
Section: SECTION
accept the position of ROLE on the terms and conditions stated. I confirm I do not have any
interest, current or previous, which conflicts or could be perceived to conflict with my duties, be
it through membership of any organisation/society; my employment background; personal
connections which might give rise to public speculation if I were appointed or any other political
activity which may be relevant. I confirm that I have not been and will not be employed by
any candidate or party at the election in either a paid or a voluntary capacity. I confirm that I
have read and will adhere to the requirement of secrecy document and manual handling
guidance. I have been advised the gross fee for the post is £FEE inclusive of travel and
subsistence to and from the count venue for 8 hours and a gross fee of £HOURLY RATE per
hour (inclusive of travel and subsistence) or part thereof is payable to staff who are required to
work after this time. Part hours worked will be rounded up to the nearest quarter hour. I
understand that I may be relieved of my duties at any time depending on the level of work
available. I understand notification must be provided in advance if I am unable to undertake
the position or I may be removed from the election staff list. If for any reason I become unable
to perform any part of my duties I will inform you immediately so that alternative arrangements
can be made. I understand EONI reserves the right to revoke an offer of appointment at any
time if it is considered I am not fulfilling my duties or my conduct is unsatisfactory. I consent to
the processing and retention of my personal data for the purposes of working for EONI.
My bank details have not changed and I have not returned the form
I have completed and enclosed the Bank Details form as I have not worked before
Forenames FIRST NAME(S)
BT36 7UY
Name of Account
Roll Reference / User Reference
(May apply to some Building Society accounts)
Signed: Date:
Your attention is drawn to Section 66 (2) and (6) of the Representation of the
People Act 1983, as applied by the Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections)
Order 2001, and in particular to the maximum penalty set out in paragraph
(6) for anyone found guilty of this offence. Level 5 is currently set at £5000. It
is the policy of the Chief Electoral Officer to report to the police any person
suspected of breaking any of these provisions.
Section 66
(2) Every person attending at the counting of the votes shall maintain and aid
in maintaining the secrecy of voting and shall not-
(b) Keep the load close to the waist. Keep the load close to the waist for as long
as possible while lifting. The distance of the load from the spine at waist height is
an important factor in the overall load on the spine and back muscles. Keep the
heaviest side of the load next to the body. If a close approach to the load is not
possible, try to slide it towards the body before attempting to lift it.
(c) Adopt a stable position. The feet should be apart with one leg slightly forward
to maintain balance (alongside the load if it is on the ground). The worker should
be prepared to move their feet during the lift to maintain a stable posture.
Wearing over-tight clothing or unsuitable footwear may make this difficult.
(d) Ensure a good hold on the load. Where possible hug the load as close as
possible to the body. This may be better than gripping it tightly only with the
(e) Moderate flexion (slight bending) of the back, hips and knees at the start of
the lift is preferable to either fully flexing the back (stooping) or fully flexing the
hips and knees (full/deep squatting).
(f) Don’t flex the back any further while lifting. This can happen if the legs begin
to straighten before starting to raise the load.
(g) Avoid twisting the back or leaning sideways especially while the back is
bent. Keep shoulders level and facing in the same direction as the hips. Turning
by moving the feet is better than twisting and lifting at the same time.
(h) Keep the head up when handling. Look ahead, not down at the load once it
has been held securely.
(i) Move smoothly. Do not jerk or snatch the load as this can make it harder to
keep control and can increase the risk of injury.
(j) Don’t lift or handle more than can be easily managed. There is a difference
between what people can lift and what they can safely lift. If in doubt, seek
advice or get help.
(k) Put down, then adjust. If precise positioning of the load is necessary, put it
down first, then slide it into the desired position.