Letter To R Scott Smith Fulton Bank Dec 3 2007

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Stanley J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

December 3, 2007
R. Scott Smith
Chairman, President
And Chief Executive Officer
Fulton Financial Corporation
One Penn Square
P.O. Box 4887
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604

Black Budget Identities of the United States Government regarding Covert Activates & Mind Control
Rufus Fulton, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer & Department of Defense
Caterbone v. Fulton Bank litigation
Federal False Claims Act Complaint re International Signal & Control (ISC) of Lancaster, PA

Dear Mr. Smith:

I would like to bring to your attention a very dire matter that severely implicates Fulton Bank and
Fulton Financial Corporation. I would like to bring to your attention the Rufus Fulton interview of November
21, 2007 broadcast on WGAL TV 8 News at 6. This interview disclosed National Security information for the
first time regarding his work for the Department of Defense and the Kennedy Administration.
I am suggesting that his classified work with the Department of Defense and his present influence
concerning National Security matters is a dire conflict of interest concerning my litigation against Fulton Bank
that needs to be investigated by outside agencies and or authorities.
I have serious questions regarding the Defense Intelligence Agency and the possible collusion with
your institution. You have to understand that in July of 2005 while I was visiting a museum on a military
base in Austin Texas, I was detained by 2 agents for the Defense Intelligence Agency and questioned about
my Federal case 02-5588 Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et al., which Fulton Bank is a defendant,
and my whereabouts as well as my destination.
They required me to verify where I was staying, and called my brother Phil's Doctors office in Austin,
whom I was staying with, and caused his staff problems by getting them alarmed about the situation. They
were not very nice and I left them with the question "We are all on the same team, aren't we?
They left me be on my way after reviewing my documents and my Federal civil complaint, which
included information about ISC and my allegations and Federal False Claims Act; and demanding that I do
not visit any more military bases. To my knowledge I have had no physical contact since.

Advanced Media Group

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December 3, 2007

The problem is the involvement of the Department of Defense, Mr. Rufus Fultons past affiliation and
possible influence, my allegations and civil complaints against Fulton Bank, and my telepathic abilities and
remote viewing1.
For some time I have been trying to identify groups and or agencies that may have remotely trained
me. I have written to and personally visited the office of Senator Arlen Specter2, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation3, the Senate Select Committee for Intelligence4, and corresponded with the Defense Advanced
for Research Projects Agency5, and the Central Intelligence Agency6 with the hopes of finding some answers.
However they have proved fruitless.
See the attached research document dated Thursday, November 29, 2007, titled THE SHADOW
GOVERNMENT: ITS IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS, by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D7; it is a report that
identifies organizations, agencies, and companies that are directly involved with mental telepathy and
remote viewing, most of which operate under the direction and funding of the Department of Defense. I
have just recently discovered this document on Friday, November 30, 2007 and found it most disturbing
after having to watch the Rufus Fulton interview the prior week. Pay particular attention to the items in
red highlight.
Your Board of Directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission should be and will be alerted to
this discovery. I wish you would reconsider your letter of November 14, 2007 and your position no to meet
with me personally to discuss some of these issues. I believe it will be in your best interest to stay ahead of
this information. A civil and criminal conspiracy allegation that involves this information will have dire
consequences to your major stakeholders and your shareholders.
As a courtesy I will promise to give you until the end of this week, December 7, 2007 to review this
material and perform any due diligence that you seem worthy; and communicate a response. After that
time, I will take it upon myself to disclose this information as it pertains to Fulton Bank and Fulton Financial
Corporation to the Securities and Exchange Commission, and others that will help protect my interests and
the interests of the Advanced Media Group and my litigation v. Fulton Bank.

Advanced Media Group

Stan J. Caterbone
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Deliver to Stephanie Carfley, Barley Snyder, LLC

See attached research document titled On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
By Carole Smith Global Research, October 18, 2007; Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.
See attached letter dated July 12, 2007 from Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group to Senator Arlen Specter of the Senate Judiciary
Committee. Senator Arlen Specter was visited on May 17, 2006.
See the attached letter dated July 16, 2007 from Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The meeting at the FBI Philadelphia Field Office took place on October 24, 2007, and the FBI Harrisburg Field Office was visited on May
17, 2006.
The Senate Select Intelligence Committee office was visited on May 17, 2006
See attached email dated February 26, 2007 regarding mental telepathy and mind control to the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA).
See the attached email confirmation from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
See the attached research document dated Thursday, November 29, 2007, titled THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: ITS IDENTIFICATION
AND ANALYSIS, by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D..
Advanced Media Group

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December 3, 2007

The calculated and technological entry into another persons mind is an act of monumental
barbarism which obliterates perhaps with the twiddling of a dial the history and civilisation
of mans mental development. It is more than an abuse of human rights,
it is the destruction of meaning.
For any one who is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental rapist, the effort to stay
sane is beyond the scope of tolerable endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary
mind cannot encompass the horror of it.
We have attempted to come to terms with the experiments of the Nazis in concentration
camps. We now have the prospect of systematic control authorised by men who issue
instructions through satellite communications for the destruction of societies while they are
driving new Jaguars and Mercedes, and going to the opera.

By Carol Smith
On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
Global Research
October 18, 2007

On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis

in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
By Carole Smith
Global Research, October 18, 2007
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.
"We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms
race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for
surveillance and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain
frequencies by directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves,
radiofrequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields
which form the areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it
seems inevitable that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our
natural shield, are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use." [Excerpt]
For those of us who were trained in a psychoanalytical approach to the patient which was characterised as
patient centred, and which acknowledged that the effort to understand the world of the other person
entailed an awareness that the treatment was essentially one of mutuality and trust, the American
Psychiatry Associations Diagnostic Criteria for Schizotypal personality was always a cause for alarm. The
Third Edition (1987) of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) required that there be
at least four of the characteristics set out for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and an approved selection of
four could be: magical thinking, telepathy or sixth sense; limited social contact; odd speech; and oversensitivity to criticism. By 1994, the required number of qualifying characteristics were reduced to two or
more, including, say, hallucinations and negative symptoms such as affective flattening, or disorganised
or incoherent speech or only one if the delusions were bizarre or the hallucination consisted of a voice
keeping up a running commentary on the persons behaviour or thoughts. The next edition of the DSM is
not due until the year 2010.
In place of a process of a labelling which brought alienation and often detention, sectioning, and mind
altering anti-psychotic medication, many psychoanalysts and psychotherapists felt that even in severe
cases of schizoid withdrawal we were not necessarily wasting our time in attempting to restore health by
the difficult work of unravelling experiences in order to make sense of an illness. In this way,
psychoanalysis has been, in its most radical form, a critic of a society, which failed to exercise imaginative
empathy when passing judgement on people. The work of Harry Stack Sullivan, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann,
Harold Searles or R.D. Laing - all trained as psychiatrists and all of them rebels against the standard
procedures provided a way of working with people very different from the psychiatric model, which
seemed to encourage a society to repress its sickness by making a clearly split off group the carriers of it.
A psychiatrist in a mental hospital once joked to me, with some truth, when I commented on the number
of carrier bags carried by many of the medicated patients around the hospital grounds, that they assessed
By Carole Smith of Global Research

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October 18, 2007

the progress of the patient in terms of the reduction of the number of carrier bags. It is too often difficult
to believe, however, when hearing the history of a life, that the schizophrenic was not suffering the
effects of having been made, consciously and unconsciously, the carefully concealed carrier of the ills of
the family.
For someone who felt his mind was going to pieces, to be put into the stressful situation of the psychiatric
examination, even when the psychiatrist acquitted himself with kindness, the situation of the assessment
procedure itself, can be an effective way to drive someone crazy, or more crazy. (Laing, 1985, p 17).
But if the accounting of bizarre experiences more or less guaranteed you a new label or a trip to the
psychiatric ward, there is even more reason for a new group of people to be outraged about how their
symptoms are being diagnosed. A doubly cruel sentence is being imposed on people who are the victims
of the most appalling abuse by scientific-military experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is
indifferent to their evidence. For the development of a new class of weaponry now has the capability of
entering the brain and mind and body of another person by technological means.
Harnessing neuroscience to military capability, this technology is the result of decades of research and
experimentation, most particularly in the Soviet Union and the United States. (Welsh, 1997, 2000) We
have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race
between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for surveillance
and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain frequencies by
directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves, radiofrequency
radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields which form the
areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it seems inevitable
that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our natural shield,
are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use. The patents deriving from Bernard
J. Eastlunds work provide the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earths atmosphere at
strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in
a manner far more precise and better controlled than accomplished by the prior art, the detonation of
nuclear devices at various yields and various altitudes. (ref High Frequency Active Auroral Research
Project, HAARP).
Some patents, now owned by Raytheon, describe how to make nuclear sized explosions without
radiation and describe power beam systems, electromagnetic pulses and over-the-horizon detection
systems. A more disturbing use is the system developed for manipulating and disturbing the human
mental process using pulsed radio frequency radiation (RFR), and their use as a device for causing
negative effects on human health and thinking. The victim, the innocent civilian target is locked on to, and
unable to evade the menace by moving around. The beam is administered from space. The Haarp facility
as military technology could be used to broadcast global mind-control, as a system for manipulating and
disturbing the human mental process using pulsed radio frequency (RFR). The super-powerful radio waves
are beamed to the ionosphere, heating those areas, thereby lifting them. The electromagnetic waves
bounce back to the earth and penetrate human tissue.
Dr Igor Smirnov, of the Institute of Psycho-Correction in Moscow, says: It is easily conceivable that some
Russian Satan, or lets say Iranian or any other Satan, as long as he owns the appropriate means and
finances, can inject himself into every conceivable computer network, into every conceivable radio or
television broadcast, with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting cablesand intercept the
radio waves in the ether and modulate every conceivable suggestion into it. This is why such technology is
rightfully feared.(German TV documentary, 1998).
If we were concerned before about diagnostic criteria being imposed according to the classification of
recognizable symptoms, we have reason now to submit them to even harsher scrutiny. The development
over the last decades since the Cold War arms race has included as a major strategic category, psychoelectronic weaponry, the ultimate aim of which is to enter the brain and mind. Unannounced, undebated
and largely unacknowledged by scientists or by the governments who employ them technology to enter
and control minds from a distance has been unleashed upon us. The only witnesses who are speaking
about this terrible technology with its appalling implications for the future, are the victims themselves
and those who are given the task of diagnosing mental illness are attempting to silence them by
classifying their evidence and accounts as the symptoms of schizophrenia, while the dispensers of psychic
mutilation and programmed pain continue with their work, aided and unopposed.
By Carole Smith of Global Research

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October 18, 2007

If it was always crucial, under the threat of psychiatric sectioning, to carefully screen out any sign of
confused speech, negativity, coldness, suspicion, bizarre thoughts, sixth sense, telepathy, premonitions,
but above all the sense that others can feel my feelings, and that someone seemed to be keeping up a
running commentary on your thoughts and behaviour, then reporting these to a psychiatrist, or anyone
else for that matter who was not of a mind to believe that such things as mind-control could exist, would
be the end of your claim to sanity and probably your freedom. For one of the salient characteristics of
mind-control is the running commentary, which replicates so exactly, and surely not without design, the
symptoms of schizophrenia. Part of the effort is to remind the victim that they are constantly under
control or surveillance. Programmes vary, but common forms of reminders are electronic prods and
nudges, body noises, twinges and cramps to all parts of the body, increasing heart beats, applying
pressures to internal organs all with a personally codified system of comments on thoughts and events,
designed to create stress, panic and desperation. This is mind control at its most benign. There is reason
to fear the use of beamed energy to deliver lethal assaults on humans, including cardiac arrest, and
bleeding in the brain.
It is the government system of secrecy, which has facilitated this appalling prospect. There have been
warning voices. the government secrecy system as a whole is among the most poisonous legacies of
the Cold War the Cold War secrecy (which) also mandate(s) Active Deceptiona security manual for
special access programs authorizing contractors to employ cover stories to disguise their activities. The
only condition is that cover stories must be believable. (Aftergood & Rosenberg, 1994; Bulletin of Atomic
Scientist). Paranoia has been aided and abetted by government intelligence agencies.
In the United Kingdom the fortifications against any disturbing glimmer of awareness of such actual or
potential outrages against human rights and social and political abuses seem to be cast in concrete.
Complete with crenellations, ramparts and parapets, the stronghold of nescience reigns supreme. To
borrow Her Majesty the Queens recent observation: There are forces at work of which we are not
aware. One cannot say that there is no British Intelligence on the matter, as it is quite unfeasible that
the existence of the technology is not classified information. Indeed it is a widely held belief that the
women protesting against the presence of cruise missiles at Greenham Common were victims of electromagnetic radiation at gigahertz frequency by directed energy weapons, and that their symptoms,
including cancer, were consistent with such radiation effects as reported by Dr Robert Becker who has
been a constantly warning voice against the perils of electro-magnetic radiation. The work of Allen Frey
suggests that we should consider radiation effects as a grave hazard producing increased permeability of
the blood-brain barrier, and weakening crucial defenses of the central nervous system against toxins.
(Becker, 1985, p. 286). Dr Becker has written about nuclear magnetic resonance as a familiar tool in
medecine known as magnetic resonance imaging or MRI. Calcium efflux is the result of cyclotronic
resonance which latter can be explained thus: If a charged particle or ion is exposed to a steady magnetic
field in space, it will begin to go into a circular or orbital, motion at right angles to the applied magnetic
field.The speed with which it orbits will be determined by the ratio between the charge and the mass of
the particle and by the strength of the magnetic field. (Becker, 1990,p.235) The implications of this for
wide scale aggression by using a combination of radar based energy and the use of nuclear resonating are
beyond the scope of the writer, but appear to be worth the very serious consideration of physicists in
assessing how they might be used against human beings.
Amongst medical circles, however, it has so far not been possible for the writer to find a neuroscientist,
neurologist or a psychiatrist, nor for that matter, a general medical practitioner, who acknowledges even
the potential for technological manipulation of the nervous system as a problem requiring their
professional interest. There has been exactly this response from some of Englands most eminent
practitioners of the legal profession, not surprisingly, because the information about such technology is
not made available to them. They would refer anyone attempting to communicate mind- harassment as a
psychiatric problem, ignoring the crime that is being committed.
The aim here is not to attempt a comprehensive history and development of the technology of mind
control. These very considerable tasks - which have to be done under circumstances of the most extreme
difficulty - have been addressed with clarity and courage by others, who live with constant harm and
threats, not least of all contemptuous labelling. Their work can be readily accessed on the internet
references given at the end of this paper. For a well-researched outline of the historical development of
electro-magnetic technology the reader should refer to the timeline of dates and electromagnetic weapon
development by Cheryl Welsh, president of Citizens against Human Rights Abuse. (Welsh 1997; 2001).
By Carole Smith of Global Research

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October 18, 2007

There are at least one and a half thousand people worldwide who state they are being targeted. Mojmir
Babacek, now domiciled in his native Czech Republic, after eight years of residence in the United States in
the eighties, has made a painstakingly meticulous review of the technology, and continues his research.
(Babacek 1998, 2002)
We are concerned here with reinforcing in the strongest possible terms:
i) The need for such abuses to human rights and the threats to democracy to be called to consciousness,
and without further delay.
ii) To analyse the reasons why people might defend themselves from becoming conscious of the existence
of such threats.
iii) To address the urgent need for intelligence, imagination, and information
compassion - in dealing with the victims of persecution from this technology, and

- not to mention

iv) To alert a sleeping society, to the imminent threats to their freedom from the threat from fascist and
covert operations who have in all probability gained control of potentially lethal weaponry of the type we

It is necessary to emphasise that at present there is not even the means for victims to gain medical
attention for the effects of radiation from this targeting. Denied the respect of credulity of being used as
human guinea pigs, driven to suicide by the breakdown of their lives, they are treated as insane at best
regarded as sad cases. Since the presence of a permanent other in ones mind and body is by definition
an act of the most intolerable cruelty, people who are forced to bear it but who refuse to be broken by it,
have no other option than to turn themselves into activists, their lives consumed by the battle against
such atrocities, their energies directed to alerting and informing the public of things they dont want to
It is necessary, at this point, to briefly outline a few one might say the precious few attempts by public

In January 1998, an annual public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee was held in
Paris. Its chairman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told the
meeting that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense.
Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable
of being used at a distance. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty,
control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concernsand
constitute a serious risk to society. (Nature. Vol 391, 1998.
In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls for an international
convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might
enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be
implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our
major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons
represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and
parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to
sessions/Europarliament, 1999)
In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of
Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop
psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill
was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services
and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on exotic weapons including
electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas,
electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy
radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of
weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is

By Carole Smith of Global Research

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October 18, 2007

no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use
of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology
designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. (Space Preservation Act, 2002)
In reviewing the development of the art of mind-invasive technology there are a few outstanding
achievements to note:
In 1969 Dr Jose Delgado, a Yale psychologist, published a book: Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a
Psychocivilized Society. In essence, he displayed in practical demonstrations how, by means of electrical
stimulation of the brain which had been mapped out in its relations between different points and activities,
functions and sensations, - by means of electrical stimulation, how the rhythm of breathing and
heartbeat could be changed, as well as the function of most of the viscera, and gall bladder secretion.
Frowning, opening and closing of eyes and mouth, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, epileptic seizures in
healthy persons were induced. The intensity of feelings could be controlled by turning the knob, which
controlled the intensity of the electric current. He states at the end of his book the hope that the new
power will remain limited to scientists or some charitable elite for the benefit of a psychocivilized society.
In the 1980s the neuromagnetometer was developed which functions as an antenna and could monitor
the patterns emerging from the brain. (In the seventies the scientists had discovered that electromagnetic
pulses enabled the brain to be stimulated through the skull and other tissues, so there was no more need
to implant electrodes in the brain). The antenna, combined with the computer, could localize the points in
the brain where the brain events occur. The whole product is called the magnetoencephalograph.
In January 2000 the Lockheed Martin neuroengineer Dr John D. Norseen, was quoted (US News and World
Report, 2000) as hoping to turn the electrohypnomentalaphone, a mind reading machine, into science
fact. Dr Norseen, a former Navy pilot, claims his interest in the brain stemmed from reading a Soviet book
in the 1980s claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large. By
a process of deciphering the brains electrical activity, electromagnetic pulsations would trigger the release
of the brains own transmitters to fight off disease, enhance learning, or alter the minds visual images,
creating a synthetic reality. By this process of BioFusion, (Lockheed Martin, 2000) information is placed
in a database, and a composite model of the brain is created. By viewing a brain scan recorded by
(functional) magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine, scientists can tell what the person was doing at
the time of recording say reading or writing, or recognise emotions from love to hate. If this research
pans out, says Norseen, you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know
it. But Norseen says he is agnostic on the moral ramifications, that hes not a mad scientist just a
dedicated one. The ethics dont concern me, he says, but they should concern someone else.
The next big thing looks like being something which we might refer to as a neurocomputer but it need
not resemble a laptop it may be reducible to whatever size is convenient for use, such as a small mobile
phone. Arising from a break-through and exploitation of PSI-phenomena, it may be modelled on the
nervous-psychic activity of the brain that is, as an unbalanced, unstable system of neurotransmitters
and interacting neurones, the work having been derived from the creation of a copy of a living brain
accessed by chance, and ESP and worked on by design.
On receiving a communication from the writer on the feasibility of a machine being on the horizon which,
based on the project of collecting electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain and transmitting them
into another brain that would read a persons thoughts, or using the same procedure in order to impose
somebody elses thoughts on another brain and in this way direct his actions there was an unequivocal
answer from IBM at executive level that there was no existing technology to create such a computer in the
foreseeable future. This is at some variance with the locating of a patent numbered 03951134 on the
Internet pages of IBM Intellectual Property Network for a device, described in the patent, as capable of
picking up at a distance the brain waves of a person, process them by computer and emit correcting
waves which will change the original brain waves. Similar letters addressed to each of the four top
executives of Apple Inc., in four individual letters marked for their personal attention, produced absolutely
no response. This included the ex- Vice President of the United States, Mr Al Gore, newly elected to the
Board of Directors of Apple.

By Carole Smith of Global Research

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October 18, 2007

Enough people have been sufficiently concerned by the reports of victims of mind control abuse to
organise The Geneva Forum, in 2002, held as a joint initiative of the Quaker United Nations Office,
Geneva; the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research; the International Committee of the Red
cross, and the Human Rights Watch (USA), and Citizens against Human Rights Abuses (CAHRA); and the
Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, which was represented by the Professor and
Senior Lecturer from the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford.
In England, on May 25, 1995, the Guardian newspaper in the U.K. carried an article based on a report by
Nic Lewer, the peace researcher from Bradford University, which listed more than 30 different lines of
research into new age weaponssome of the research sounds even less rational. There are, according to
Lewer, plans for pulsed microwave beams to destroy enemy electronics, and separate plans for very-lowfrequency sound beams to induce vomiting, bowel spasm, epileptic seizures and also crumble masonry.
Further, the article states, There are plans for mind control with the use of 'psycho-correction messages
transmitted by subliminal audio and visual stimuli. There is also a plan for psychotronic weapons
apparently the projection of consciousness to other locations and another to use holographic projection
to disseminate propaganda and misinformation. (Welsh, Timeline). Apart from this notable exception it is
difficult to locate any public statement of the problem in the United Kingdom.
Unfortunately, the problem of credulity does not necessarily cease with frequent mention, as in the United
States, in spite of the number of reported cases, there is still not sufficient public will to make strenuous
protest against what is not only already happening, but against what will develop if left unchecked. It
appears that the administration believes that it is necessary and justifiable, in the interests of national
security, to make experimental human sacrifices, to have regrettable casualties, for there to be collateral
damage, to suffer losses in place of strife or war. This is, of course, totally incompatible with any claims
to be a democratic nation which respects the values of human life and democracy, and such an
administration which tutors its servants in the ways of such barbaric tortures must be completely
condemned as uncivilised and hypocritical.
Disbelief as a Defence Mechanism
In the face of widespread disbelief about mind-control, it seems worth analysing the basis of the
mechanisms employed to maintain disbelief:
i) In the sixties, Soviet dissidents received a significant measure of sympathy and indignant protest from
western democracies on account of their treatment, most notedly the abuse of psychiatric methods of
torture to which they were subjected. It is noteworthy that we seem to be able to access credulity,
express feelings of indignant support when we can identify with victims, who share and support our own
value system, and who, in this particular historical case, reinforced our own values, since they were
protesting against a political system which also threatened us at that time. Psychologically, it is equally
important to observe that support from a safe distance, and the benefits to the psyche of attacking a splitoff bad father, the soviet authorities in this case, presents no threat to ones internal system; indeed it
relieves internal pressures. On the other hand, recognizing and denouncing a similar offence makes very
much greater psychic demands of us when it brings us into conflict with our own environment, our own
security, our own reality. The defence against disillusion serves to suppress paranoia that our father
figure, the president, the prime minister, our governments - might not be what they would like to be seen
to be.
ii) The need to deposit destructive envy and bad feelings elsewhere, on account of the inability of the ego
to acknowledge ownership of them - reinforces the usefulness of persons or groups, which will serve to
contain those, disowned, projected feelings which arouse paranoid anxieties. The concepts of mindinvasion strike at the very heart of paranoid anxiety, causing considerable efforts to dislodge them from
the psyche. The unconscious identification of madness with dirt or excrement is an important aspect of
anal aggression, triggering projective identification as a defence.
iii) To lay oneself open to believing that a person is undergoing the experience of being invaded mentally
and physically by an unseen manipulator requires very great efforts in the self to manage dread.

By Carole Smith of Global Research

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October 18, 2007

iv) The defence against the unknown finds expression in the split between theory and practice; between
the scientist as innovator and the society who can make the moral decisions about his inventions;
between fact and science fiction, the latter of which can present preposterous challenges to the
imagination without undue threat, because it serves to reinforce a separation from the real.
v) Identification with the aggressor. Sadistic fantasies, unconscious and conscious, being transferred on to
the aggressor and identified with, aid the repression of fear of passivity, or a dread of punishment. This
mechanism acts to deny credulity to the victim who represents weakness. This is a common feature of
satanic sects.
vi) The liberal humanist tradition which denies the worst destructive capacities of man in the effort to
sustain the belief in the great continuity of cultural and scientific tradition; the fear, in ones own past
development, of not being ongoing, can produce the psychic effect of reversal into the opposite to shield
against aggressive feelings. This becomes then the exaggerated celebration of the new as the affirmation
of human genius which will ultimately be for the good of mankind, and which opposes warning voices
about scientific advances as being pessimistic, unenlightened, unprogressive and Luddite. Strict
adherence to this liberal position can act as overcompensation for a fear of envious spoiling of good
possessions, i.e. cultural and intellectual goods.
vii) Denial by displacement is also employed to ignore the harmful aspects of technology. What may be
harmful for the freedom and good of society can be masked and concealed by the distribution of new and
entertaining novelties. The technology, which puts a camera down your gut for medical purposes, is also
used to limit your freedom by surveillance. The purveyors of innovative technology come up with all sorts
of new gadgets, which divert, entertain and feed the acquisitive needs of insatiable shoppers, and bolster
the economy. The theme of Everythings up to date in Kansas City only takes on a downside when
individual experience exploding breast implants, say takes the gilt off the gingerbread. Out of every
innovation for evil (i.e. designed for harming and destroying) some good (i.e. public diversion or
entertainment) can be promoted for profit or crowd-pleasing.
viii) Nasa is sending a spacecraft to Mars, or so we are told. They plan to trundle across the Martian
surface searching for signs of water and life. We do not hear dissenting voices about its feasibility.
Why is it that, when a person accounts that their mind is being disrupted and they are being persecuted
by an unseen method of invasive technology, that we cannot bring ourselves to believe them? Could it be
that the horror involved in the empathic identification required brings the shutters down? Conversely, the
shared experience of the blasting of objects into space brings with it the possibilities of shared potency or
the relief that resonates in the unconscious of a massive projection or evacuation a shared experience
which is blessed in the name of mans scientific genius.
ix) The desire not to be taken in, not to be taken for a fool, provides one of the most powerful and
common defence mechanism against credulity.
Power, Paranoia and Unhealthy Governments
The ability to be the bearer and container of great power without succumbing to the pressures of latent
narcissistic psychoses is an important matter too little considered. The effect of holding power and the
expectation and the need to be seen as capable of sustaining it, if not exercising it, encourages
omnipotence of thought. In the wake of this, a narcissistic overevaluation of the subjects own mental
processes may set in. In the effort to hold himself together as the possessor, container and executor of
power, he (or indeed, she) may also, undergo a process of splitting which allows him, along with others,
to bear enthralled witness of himself in this illustrious role. This may mean that the seat of authority is
vacated, at least at times. The splitting process between the experiencing ego and the perceiving ego
allows the powerful leader to alternate his perception of himself inside and outside, sometimes beside,
himself. With the reinforcement of himself from others as his own narcissistic object, reality testing is
constrained. In this last respect, he has much in common with the other powerful figure of the age, the
movie star. or by those, in Freuds words, who are ruined by success.

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In a world, which is facing increasing disillusion about the gulf between the public platforms on which
governments are elected, and the contingencies and pragmatics of retaining defence strategies and
economic investments, the role of military and intelligence departments, with their respective tools of
domination and covert infiltration, is increasingly alarming. Unaccountable to the public, protected from
exposure and prosecution by their immunity, licensed to lie as well as to kill, it is in the hands of these
agents that very grave threats to human rights and freedom lies. Empowered to carry out aggression
through classified weapon experimentation which is undetectable, these men and women are also open to
corruption from lucrative offers of financial reward from powerful and sinister groups who can utilize their
skills, privileged knowledge and expertise for frankly criminal and fascist purposes.
Our information about the psychological profiles of those who are employed to practice surveillance on
others is limited, but it is not difficult to imagine the effects on the personality that would ensue with the
persistent practice of such an occupation, so constantly exposed to the perversions. One gains little
snatches of insight here and there. In his book on CIA mind control research (Marks, 1988), John Marks
quotes a CIA colleagues joke (always revealing for personality characteristics): If you could find the
natural radio frequency of a persons sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast. (One
wonders if the same amusement is derived from the ability to apply, say infra-sound above 130 decibels,
which is said to cause stoppage of the heart, according to one victim/activist from his readings of a report
for the Russian Parliament.)
Left to themselves, these servants of the state may well feel exempt from the process of moral selfscrutiny, but the work must be dehumanising for the predator as well as the prey. It is probably true that
the need to control their agents in the field was an incentive to develop the methods in use today. It is
also an effectively brutalising training for persecuting others. Meanwhile the object, the prey, in a bid for
not only for survival but also in a desperate effort to warn his or her fellows about what is going on,
attempts to turn himself into a quantum physicist, a political researcher, a legal sleuth, an activist, a
neurologist, a psychologist, a physiologist his own doctor, since he cannot know what effects this
freakish treatment might have on his body, let alone his mind. There are always new methods to try out
which might prove useful in the search to find ways of disabling and destroying opponents air injected
into brains and lungs, lasers to strike down or blind, particle beams, sonar waves, or whatever
combination of energies to direct, or destabilise or control.
Science and Scepticism
Scientists can be bought, not just by governments, but also by sinister and secret societies. Universities
can be funded by governments to develop technology for unacceptably inhumane uses. The same people
who deliver the weapons - perhaps respected scientists and academics - may cite the acceptable side of
scientific discoveries, which have been developed by experimenting on unacknowledged, unfortunate
people. In a cleaned up form, they are then possibly celebrated as a break-through in the understanding
of the natural laws of the universe. It is not implausible that having delivered the technical means for
destruction, the innovator and thinker goes on, wearing a different hat, to receive his (or her) Nobel Prize.
There are scientists who have refused to continue to do work when they were approached by CIA and
Soviet representatives. These are the real heroes of science.
In the power struggle, much lies at stake in being the first to gain control of ultimate mind-reading and
mind-controlling technology. Like the nuclear bomb, common ownership would seem by any sane
calculations to cancel out the advantage of possession, but there is always a race to be the first to possess
the latest ultimate means of mass destruction. The most desirable form is one that can be directed at
others without contaminating oneself in the process - one that can be undetected and neatly, economically
and strategically delivered. We should be foolish to rule out secret organisations, seeing threat only from
undemocratic countries and known terrorist groups.
As consumers in a world which is increasingly one in which shopping is the main leisure activity, we should
concern ourselves to becoming alert to the ways in which human welfare may have been sacrificed to
produce an awesome new gadget. It may be the cause for celebration for the innovator, but brought
about as the result of plugging in or dialling up the living neuronal processes of an enforced
experimentee. If we are concerned not to eat boiled eggs laid by battery hens, we might not regard it
morally irrelevant to scrutinise the large corporations producing electronically innovative software. We
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might also be wary about the origins of the sort of bland enticements of dating agencies who propose
finding your ideal partner by matching up brain frequencies and bio-rhythms.
We do not know enough about the background of such technology, nor how to evaluate it ethically. We do
not know about its effects on the future, because we are not properly informed. If governments persist in
concealing the extent of their weapon capability in the interests of defence, they are also leaving their
citizens disempowered of the right to protest against their deployment. More alarmingly, they are leaving
their citizens exposed to their deployment by ruthless organisations whose concerns are exactly the
opposite of democracy and human rights.
Back in the United Kingdom
Meanwhile, back in England, the Director of the Oxford Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Professor Colin
Blakemore, also the elective Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council writes to the author that he
... knows of no technology (not even in the wildest speculations of neuroscientists) for scanning and
collecting neuronal data at a distance. (Blakemore, 2003, ) This certitude is at distinct variance with the
fears of other scientists in Russia and the United States, and not least of all with the fears of the French
neuroscientist, Jean-Pierre Changeux of the French National Bioethics Committee already quoted (see
page 5). It is also very much at odds with the writing of Dr Michael Persinger from the Behavioural
Neuroscience Laboratory at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. His article On the
Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Algorithms (1995),
he describes the ways that individual differences among human brains can be overcome and comes to a
conclusion about the technological possibilities of influencing a major part of the approximately six billion
people on this planet without mediation through classical sensory modalities but by generating
electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms in the atmosphere. Dr Persingers work is referred to
by Captain John Tyler whose work for the American Air Force and Aerospace programmes likens the
human nervous system to a radio receiver. (1990)
Very recently the leading weekly cultural BBC radio review had as one of its guests, the eminent astrophysicist and astronomer royal, Sir Martin Rees, who has recently published a book, Our Final Century,
in which he makes a sober and reasoned case for the fifty-fifty chance that millions of people, probably in
a third-world country could be wiped out in the near future through biotechnology and bio-terrorism
by error or malign release. He spoke of this devastation as possibly coming from small groups or cults,
based in the United States. few individuals with the right technology to cause absolute mayhem. He
also said that in this century, human nature is no longer a fixed commodity, that perhaps we should
contemplate the possibility that humans would even have implants in the brain.
The other guests on this programme were both concerned with Shakespeare, one a theatre producer and
the other a writer on Shakespeare, while his remaining guest was a young woman who had a website
called Spiked, the current theme of which was Panic Attack, that is to say, Attack on Panic. This guest
vigorously opposed what she felt was the pessimism of Sir Martin, regarding his ideas as essentially
eroding trust, and inducing panic. This reaction seems to typify one way of dealing with threat and
anxiety, and demonstrates the difficulty that a warning voice, even from a man of the academic
distinction of Martin Rees, has in alerting people to that which they do not want to hear. This flight
reaction was reinforced by the presenter who summed up the mornings discussion at the end of the
programme with the words: We have a moral! Less panic, more Shakespeare!
The New Barbarism
Since access to a mind-reading machine will enable the operator to access the ideas of another person, we
should prepare ourselves for a new world order in which ideas will be, as it were, up for grabs. We need
not doubt that the contents of anothers mind will be scooped up, scooped out, sorted through as if the
event was a jumble sale. The legal profession would therefore be well advised to consider the laws on
Intellectual Property very judiciously in order to acquit themselves with any degree of authenticity. We
should accustom ourselves to the prospect of recognizing our work coming out of the mouth of another.
The prospect of wide-scale fraud, and someone posturing in your stolen clothes will not be a pretty sight.
The term personal mind enhancement is slipping in through the back door, to borrow a term used by
the Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, and it is being done through
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technologically-induced mental co-ercion mind raping and looting. In place of, or in addition to, cocaine,
we may expect to see mind-enhanced performances on live television.
The brave new science of neuropsychiatry and brain mapping hopes to find very soon, with the fMRI
scanner - this brand new toy that scientists have got their hands on - the blob for love and the blob
for guilt, (BBC Radio 4: All in the Mind, 5 March, 2003). Soon we will be able to order a brain scan for
anyone whose behaviour strikes us as odd or bizarre, and the vicissitudes of a life need no longer trouble
us in our diagnostic assessments. In his recent Reith Lectures for the BBC (2003), Professor
Ramachandran, the celebrated neuroscientist from the La Hoya Institute in San Diego, California, has
demonstrated for us many fascinating things that the brain can do. He has talked to us about personality
disorders and shown that some patients, who have suffered brain damage from head injury, do not have
the capacity to recognise their mothers. Others feel that they are dead. And indeed he has found brain
lesions in these people. In what seems to be an enormous but effortless leap, the self-styled kid in a
candy store is now hoping to prove that all schizophrenics, have damage to the right hemisphere of the
brain, which results in the inability to distinguish between fantasy (sic) and reality. Since Professor
Ramachandran speaks of schizophrenia in the same breath as denial of illness, or agnosia, it is not clear,
and it would be interesting to know, whether the person with the head injury has been aware or unaware
of the head injury. Also does the patient derive comfort and a better chance at reality testing when he is
told of the lesion? Does he feel better when he has received the diagnosis? And what should the
psychoanalysts and the psychiatrists, - feel about all those years of treating people of whose head
injuries they were absolutely unaware? Was this gross negligence? Were we absolutely deluded in
perceiving recovery in a sizeable number of them?
It is, however, lamentable that a neuroscientist with a professed interest in understanding schizophrenia
should seek to provide light relief to his audience by making jokes about schizophrenics being people who
are convinced that the CIA has implanted devices in their brain to control their thoughts and actions, or
that aliens are controlling them. (Reith Lecture, No 5, 2003).
There is a new desire for concretisation. The search for meaning has been replaced by the need for hard
proof. If it doesnt light up or add up it doesnt have validity. The physician of the mind has become a
surgeon. He found a lump as big as a grapefruit!
Facing up to the Dread and Fear of the Uncanny
Freud believed that an exploration of the uncanny would be a major direction of exploration of the mind in
this century. The fear of the uncanny has been with us for a very long time. The evil eye, or the terrifying
double, or intruder, is a familiar theme in literature, notably of Joseph Conrad in The Secret Sharer, and
Maupassants short story, Le Horla. Freuds analysis of the uncanny led him back to the old animistic
conception of the universe: it seems as if each one of us has been through a phase of individual
development corresponding to the animistic phase in primitive men, that none of us has passed through it
without preserving certain residues and traces of it which are still capable of manifesting themselves, and
that everything which now strikes us as uncanny fulfils the condition of touching those residues of
animistic mental activity within us and bringing them to expression. (Freud: 1919. p.362)
The separation of birth, and the childhood fear of spooks in the night, also leave their traces in each and
every one of us. The individual experience of being alone in ones mind the solitary fate of man which
has never been questioned before, and upon which the whole history of civilised nurture is based - is now
assaulted head-on. Since growing up is largely synonymous with acceptance of ones aloneness, the
effort to assuage it is the basis for compassion and protection of others; it is the matrix for the greatest
good, that of ordinary human kindness, and is at the heart of the communicating power of great art. Even
if we must all live and die alone, we can at least share this knowledge in acts of tenderness which atone
for our lonely state. In times of loss and mental breakdown, the starkness of this aloneness is all too
clear. The best of social and group constructiveness is an effort to allay the psychotic anxieties that lie at
the base of every one of us, and which may be provoked under extreme enough conditions.
The calculated and technological entry into another persons mind is an act of monumental barbarism
which obliterates perhaps with the twiddling of a dial the history and civilisation of mans mental
development. It is more than an abuse of human rights, it is the destruction of meaning. For any one who
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is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental rapist, the effort to stay sane is beyond the scope of
tolerable endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary mind cannot encompass the horror of it.
We have attempted to come to terms with the experiments of the Nazis in concentration camps. We now
have the prospect of systematic control authorised by men who issue instructions through satellite
communications for the destruction of societies while they are driving new Jaguars and Mercedes, and
going to the opera.
This is essentially about humiliation, and disempowerment. It is a manifestation of rage acted out by
those who fear impotence with such dread, that their whole effort is directed into the emasculation and
destruction of the terrifying rival of their unconscious fantasies. In this apocalypse of the mind the punitive
figure wells up as if out of the bowels of the opera stage, and this phantasmagoria is acted out on a
global scale. These men may be mad enough to believe they are creating a psychocivilised world order.
For anyone who has studied damaged children, it is more resonant of the re-enactment from the
unconscious, reinforced by a life devoid of the capacity for empathic identification, of the obscenities of
the abused and abusing child in the savage nursery. Other people -which were to them like Action Man
toys to be dismembered, or Barbie Dolls to be obscenely defiled - become as meaningless in their
humanity as pixillated dots on a screen.
Although forced entry into a mind is by definition obscene, an abbreviated assessment of the effects that
mind-invaded people describe testifies to the perverted nature of the experiments. Bizarre noises are
emitted from the body, a body known well enough by its owner to recognise the noises as extrinsic; air is
pumped in and out of orifices as if by a bicycle pump. Gradually the repertoire is augmented - twinges and
spasms to the eyes, nose, lips, strange tics, pains in the head, ringing in the ears, obstructions in the
throat, pressure on the bowel and bladder causing incontinence; tingling in the fingers, feet, pressures on
the heart, on breathing, dizziness, eye problems leading to cataracts; running eyes, running nose;
speeding up of heart beats and the raising of pressure in the heart and chest; breathing and chest
complaints leading to bronchitis and deterioration of the lungs; agonizing migraines; being woken up at
night, sometimes with terrifying jolts ; insomnia; intolerable levels of stress from the loss of ones privacy.
This collection of assorted symptoms is a challenge to any medical practitioner to diagnose.
There are, more seriously, if the afore-going is characterised as non-lethal, the potential lethal effects
since the capability of ultrasound and infra-sound to cause cardiac arrest, and brain lesions, paralysis and
blindness, as well as blinding by laser beam, or inducing asphyxia by altering the frequencies which
control breathing in the brain, epileptic seizure all these and others may be at the fingertips of those
who are developing them. And those who do choose to use them may be sitting with the weapon, which
resembles, say, a compact mobile telephone, on the restaurant table next to the bottle of wine, or beside
them at the swimming pool.
Finally if the victims at this point in the new history of this mind-control, cannot yet prove their abuse, it
must be asserted that, faced with the available information about technological development it is
certainly not possible for those seeking to evade such claims to disprove them. To wait until the effects
become widespread will be too late.

For these and other reasons which this paper has attempted to address, we would call for an
acknowledgement of such technology at a national and international level. Politicians, scientists and
neurologists, neuroscientists, physicists and the legal profession should, without further delay,
demand public debate on the existence and deployment of psychotronic technology; and for the
declassification of information about such devices which abuse helpless people, and threaten
democratic freedom.
Victims accounts of abuse should be admitted to public account, and the use of psycho-electronic
weapons should be made illegal and criminal,
The medical profession should be helped to recognise the symptoms of mind-control and
psychotronic abuse, and intelligence about their deployment should be declassified so that this
abuse can be seen to be what it is, and not interpreted automatically as an indication of mental

If, in the present confusion and insecurity about the search for evidence of weapons of mass destruction,
we conclude that failure to locate them - whatever the truth of the matter encourages us to be generally
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complacent, then we shall be colluding with very dark forces at work if we conclude that a course of
extreme vigilance signifies paranoia. For there may well be other weapons of mass destruction being
developed and not so far from home; weapons which, being even more difficult to locate, are developed
invisibly, unobstructed, unheeded in our midst, using human beings as test-beds. Like ESP, the methods
being used on humans have not been detectable using conventional detection equipment. It is likely that
the signals being used are part of a physics not known to scientists without the highest level of security
clearance. To ignore the evidence of victims is to deny, perhaps with catastrophic results, the only
evidence which might otherwise lead the defenders of freedom to becoming alert to the development of a
fearful new methods of destruction. Manipulating terrorist groups and governments alike, these sinister
and covert forces may well be very thankful for the professional derision of the victims, and for public
Laing, R.D. (1985) : Wisdom, Madness and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist. Macmillan, 1985
Welsh, Cheryl (1997): Timeline of Important Dates in the History of Electromagnetic Technology and Mind
Control, at: www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~welsh/timeline.htm
Welsh, Cheryl (2001):Electromagnetic Weapons: As powerful as the Atomic Bomb, President Citizens
Against Human Rights Abuse, CAHRA Home Page: U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report:
Begich, Dr N. and Manning, J.: 1995 Angels Dont Play this HAARP, Advances in Tesla Technology,
Earthpulse Press.
No. 35

Secret Russia: Moscow The Zombies of the Red Czars, Script to be published in Resonance,

Aftergood, Steven and Rosenberg, Barbara: The Soft Kill Fallacy, in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
Sept/Oct 1994.
Becker, Dr Robert: 1985,The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William Morrow,
Babacek, Mojmir: International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of The Human Nervous System:
http://mindcontrolforums.com/babacek.htm and go to: Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System









Nature: Advances in Neuroscience May Threaten Human Rights, Vol, 391, Jan. 22, 1998, p. 316; (ref
Jean- Pierre Changeux)
Space Preservation Act: Bill H.R.2977 and HR 3616 IH in 107th Congress 2nd Session: see:


Click at Plenary Sessions, scroll down to Reports by A4 number, click, choose 1999 and fill in oo5 to A4
Delgado, Jose M.R: 1969. Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society, Vol. 41,
World Perspectives, Harper Row, N.Y.
By Carole Smith of Global Research

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US News & World Report: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics/ Dr John Norseen; Report January 3/10 2000,
Also Those Wrecked by Success.
Marks, John:







1988 :The CIA and Mind Control the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, ISBN 0-440-

Persinger, M.A. On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction
of Fundamental Algorythms; In Perception and Motor Skills, June, 1995, vol. 80, p. 791 799
Tyler, J.Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict, in Low Intensity Conflict and Modern
Technology, ed. Lt. Col. J. Dean, USAF, Air University Press, Centre For Aerospace Doctrine, Research
and Education, Maxwell Air Force base, Alabama, June, 1986.
Rees, Martin Our Final Century: 2003, Heinemann.
Conrad, Joseph: The Secret Sharer, 1910. Signet Classic.
Maupassant, Guy de: Le Horla, 1886. Livre de Poche.
Carole Smith is a British psychoanalyst. In recent years she has been openly critical of government use of
intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens for the development of methods of state control. Carole
E-mail: rockpool@dircon.co.uk

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not
necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
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By Carole Smith of Global Research

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Stan Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

July 12, 2007

Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-3802

Letter of June 15, 2007

Dear Mr. Specter:

I appreciate your letter of June 15, 2007 and the future of the Federal Courthouse in
Lancaster County. I dont think that there is anything more important than the integrity of our
judicial system. As you are aware, I am following the Attorney General controversy and would
hope that your committee is successful in restoring the tradition of respect and integrity into
that institution. I dont see how our great country can function with respect without that
happening. I would hope that Attorney General Gonzales takes the high road and resigns in the
very near future, for the greater good.
Unfortunately, I have some personal and business issues that I consider important
enough for me to seek your help, as being one of my representatives to the United States
Senate. First of all, I received your letter yesterday, July 11, 2007. It was held in the mail
system or was stolen for almost a full 30 days. I have had so many complaints regarding the
same that I filed a complaint with the United States Postal Inspector. They had written me but I
never did receive the follow-up to the investigation as the letter promise.
I am attaching a
copy of the letter with the hopes that you could follow-up and make certain that my complaint is
not being subverted.
If you are not aware, I have a Federal Whistle-Blowing and Federal False Claims Act case
that I need to file against the United States Attorney General, as required by law. This case
involves the former Department of Defense contractor International Signal & Control, Plc, (ISC)
formerly of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I also have an unprecedented case of
obstruction of justice that surrounds that case, and I am evaluating the merits of waiting until
your subcommittee finds a resolution to U.S. Attorney General controversy before I file my
action in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I am certain
that any filing before would only be subject to further misconduct. My cases now before the
United States District Courts and the various Courts of the Commonwealth have been subject to
an unprecedented array of judicial misconduct. However, I realize that you do not have the
authority or the jurisdiction to intervene, so I am told.
There is a problem that I must bring to your attention in the hopes that you would be
able to at least refer me to the appropriate committees or agency. For approximately the past
19 months I have had the ability to communicate telepathically.
I have spent much time
researching this ability through the various intelligence agencies declassified documents. My
problem is that I am connected 24/7 with a person that is compromising my interests and my
intellectual property at a time when I am litigating civil and criminal proceedings.
My business
interests are also greatly compromised. I do not know how I became telepathic, or if I was


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July 12, 2007

Senator Arlen Specter
Page 2
trained without my knowledge and or consent. I need to seek help in trying to disconnect. The
person that is connected to me subjects me to a brutal array of mental and psychological abuse.
I firmly believe that they are being used as a medium for this purpose. I have waited 20 years
to resolve my issues in a Court of Law, and this is not a good time for this ability to assert itself,
and of course it is very suspect considering my Federal False Claims Act allegations.
Unfortunately, I have had personal dealings with the Department of Advanced Research
Projects (DARPA) that dates back to 1990 when I had contracts with the National Institute of
Standards and Technology and DARPA. I know that they study and research paranormal
activities and technologies, including remote channeling. My Whistle-Blowing activities and my
knowledge of the fraud within ISC back in 1987, has put me in direct scrutiny of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) due to their relationships with
ISC, and of course my very public condemnation of the fraud.
In the past few weeks I have downloaded a declassified document dump from the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) that contained hundreds of bibliographies from the Soviet Union
dating as far back as the 1930s regarding this subject. It appears that they have more
knowledge and expertise than the United States. This brings me to a disclosure that may or
may not be concerning. Over the past several months I have had two contacts and intimate
conversation with an 80-year-old Russian immigrant regarding my problem. She seemed to be
knowledgeable of the subject matter and made several disclosures, which may or not be true.
She said that she was a Psychologist with a Doctorate degree and a former employee of the
Pennsylvania State University System. She also disclosed that her former husband was
imprisoned and tortured by the KGB.
I will copy Senator Diane Feinstein of California with this letter. The fact that she serves
on the Judiciary Committee with you and the fact that she is also on the Senate Select
Intelligence Committee might help me find a solution to this problem. I would hope that you
both might be able to help me find someone that can help me disconnect from this other
telepathic person, while at the same time taking any making certain there are no National
Security issues.
In another matter, I also will enclose a copy of an email from the Government Accounting
Office (GAO) pertaining a document that I am trying to locate that was sent to me in 1987 from
the GAO. I would appreciate it if you could follow-up on this and make sure I am afforded the
FOIA for this document.
I look forward to your response.


Stan J. Caterbone

USPS Certified Mail

Letter of June 15, 2007
May 24, 2007 Letter from United States Postal Inspection Service
February 26, 2007 - Email to DARPA
April 12, 2007 Email Confirmation from CIA
2002 CIA Declassified Document
July 10, 2007 Email from The GAO


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Stan Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

July 16, 2007

Federal Bureau of Investigations
J. Edger Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Philadelphia, PA

Important Matters

Dear Sir or Madam:

First of all, I received a personal letter from Senator Arlen Specter on July 11, 2007. It
was held in the mail system or was stolen for almost a full 30 days. I have had so many
complaints regarding the same that I filed a complaint with the United States Postal Inspector
(See Attached). They had written me but I never did receive the follow-up to the investigation
as the letter promise. I am attaching a copy of the letter with the hopes that you could followup and make certain that my complaint is not being subverted.
If you are not aware, I have a Federal Whistle-Blowing and Federal False Claims Act case
that I need to file against the United States Attorney General, as required by law. This case
involves the former Department of Defense contractor International Signal & Control, Plc, (ISC)
formerly of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I also have an unprecedented case of
obstruction of justice that surrounds that case, and I am evaluating the merits of waiting until
your subcommittee finds a resolution to U.S. Attorney General controversy before I file my
action in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I am certain
that any filing before would only be subject to further misconduct. My cases now before the
United States District Courts and the various Courts of the Commonwealth have been subject to
an unprecedented array of judicial misconduct. However, I realize that you do not have the
authority or the jurisdiction to intervene, so I am told.
For approximately the past 19 months I have had the ability to communicate
telepathically. I have spent much time researching this ability through the various intelligence
agencies declassified documents. My problem is that I am connected 24/7 with a person (Sheryl
Crow) that is compromising my interests and my intellectual property at a time when I am
litigating civil and criminal proceedings.
My business interests are also greatly compromised.
I do not know how I became telepathic, or if I was trained without my knowledge and or
consent. I need to seek help in trying to disconnect. The person that is connected to me
subjects me to a brutal array of mental and psychological abuse. I firmly believe that they are
being used as a medium for this purpose. I have waited 20 years to resolve my issues in a
Court of Law, and this is not a good time for this ability to assert itself, and of course it is very
suspect considering my Federal False Claims Act allegations.
Unfortunately, I have had personal dealings with the Department of Advanced Research
Projects (DARPA) that dates back to 1990 when I had contracts with the National Institute of
Standards and Technology and DARPA. I know that they study and research paranormal


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activities and technologies, including remote channeling. My Whistle-Blowing activities and my

knowledge of the fraud within ISC back in 1987, has put me in direct scrutiny of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) due to their relationships with
ISC, and of course my very public condemnation of the fraud. I dont know if any of your
agents have any experience with this type of situation, but there are definitely National Security
issues that may need to be addressed. There are persons that can actually eaves drop on this
type of communication, and I am constantly being question on matters related to ISC, and other
foreign affairs. My knowledge of the Middle East is quite extensive, and there is always the
possibility for someone to glean information for illegitimate reasons.
In the past few weeks I have downloaded a declassified document dump from the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) that contained hundreds of bibliographies from the Soviet Union
dating as far back as the 1930s regarding this subject. It appears that they have more
knowledge and expertise than the United States. This brings me to a disclosure that may or
may not be concerning. Over the past several months I have had two contacts and intimate
conversation with an 80-year-old Russian immigrant regarding my problem. She seemed to be
knowledgeable of the subject matter and made several disclosures, which may or not be true.
She said that she was a Psychologist with a Doctorate degree and a former employee of the
Pennsylvania State University System. She also disclosed that her former husband was
imprisoned and tortured by the KGB.
I look forward to your response.


Stan J. Caterbone

USPS Certified Mail

Letter of June 15, 2007
May 24, 2007 Letter from United States Postal Inspection Service
February 26, 2007 - Email to DARPA
April 12, 2007 Email Confirmation from CIA
2002 CIA Declassified Document
July 10, 2007 Email from The GAO


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Printed: Monday, February 26, 2007 11:04 AM

From :

Stan Caterbone <amgroup01@msn.com>

Sent :

Monday, February 26, 2007 11:03 AM

To :


Subject :


Attachment :

WiredNews-ASpyMachineofDARPA_sDreams.pdf (0.03 MB)

I am looking for information of some of your programs regarding the Mind and Remote Channelling. See attached.
I did some work on the "TIMIT" project with the National Istitute for Standards and Technologies, NIST back in 1990, as a
contractor (Advanced Media Group). I was the CD-ROM manufacturer. I believe you were part of that project.
Within the past 14 months I have become telepathic, and I want to be assured your staff has nothing to do with that activity.
I also have a Federal False Claims Act complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvnania
06-cv-3955, it will be amended in due time and refiled.
In July of 2005, I was detained by 2 DIA Agents in Austin, Texas, and questioned about another Federal complaint 05-2288.
I would like some transparency and some answers involving your involvement.
Advanced Media Group
Stan Caterbone
mailto: amgroup01@msn.com
Fax: (717) 427-1621
Advanced Media Group
220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 17516

Research by Advanced Media Group

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Published On 11/13/2007

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Thursday, November 29, 2007


Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
This is a summary report on those elements of that clandestine organizational network, (which we
shall label the Shadow Government), which serves as a kind of "parallel government" to the official
elected and appointed government of this country (USA). It includes those elements known to the
author with sufficient certainty that they can be positively identified, and their known or
reliably reported functions described. It is distinctly possible that there are other elements,
(particularly in the realms of the "Black Budget" and "Special Operations",) which have eluded our
study, and are not named here.
Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches. However,
unlike the official government, the purpose of the none-executive branches of the Shadow Government
is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was
supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the
U.S. Government. That is because the Shadow Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need
not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.
In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified. These branches are: the Executive
Branch, the Intelligence Branch, the War Department, the Weapons Industry Branch, and the Financial
The reporting lines of the Intelligence Branch and the War Department to the Executive Branch are
straightforward and obvious. Intelligence exists to provide the Executive Branch with sufficient
necessary information to make adequately informed policy decisions. The War Department exists to
provide coercive force to carry out Executive policy decisions which could meet with public resistance.
The Special Operations units within the Intelligence Branch and War Department exist to carry out
policy directives requiring covert action and official deniability.
The Weapons Industry Branch reports to the Executive Branch most often indirectly, through the War
Department and/or the Intelligence Branch (for Black Budget weapons systems).
The Financial Department theoretically reports to the Executive Branch for fiscal policy
implementation, but de facto also reports directly to the international power brokers who have created
the Shadow Government. The Financial Department serves at times directly as their instrument of
fiscal policy implementation.
An analysis of the overall purposes of these five branches suggests that the overall purpose of the
Shadow Government is to exercise covert control by: 1) collecting comprehensive institutional and
personal information, 2) by establishing national and international policy independently of the
established Government, 3) by developing high-tech arms and equipment, and, with these,
establishing small, specialized, highly-mobile, elite military units to effect these covert policies, when
need arises, without having to rely on the official (and "unreliable") Armed Services, (whose
subservience to the Shadow Government is reasonably suspect), 4) by developing an armed capability
to repel any threat to the status quo, (including the uncertain ontological, social, and economic
impacts of any revelation of the reality of UFO and extraterrestrial presence) through the development
of a Star Wars/BMDO ground and space-based surveillance and SDI weapons network, 5) by denying
information compromising to the Shadow Government from all those outside "need-to-know"
policymaking levels, and 6) by exercising control on the money supply, availability of credit, and the
worth of money, through policy decisions made outside of the official Government.
All of these mechanisms of control serve to preserve or advance the agenda of an international group
of pivotal power and influence brokers. That agenda is, according to Senator Barry Goldwater, that

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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November 29, 2007

"national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established." [With No Apologies,
Berkley Books, New York [[date unknown]].]
These power brokers' most visible unifying instrumentality is the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR), (which promotes the transition of Earth from a cluster of Nation-States to one
global government), [Chairman: Peter G. Peterson; headquarters: 58 E. 68th Street, New York, NY
10021]. [Cf. In Control, Kerrville, TX: Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate, 1993.] However, one
must not underestimate the influence of the Trilateral Commission (TC), (which coordinates economic
initiatives of the Group of Seven with other "developed countries" vis-a-vis the "underdeveloped
world",) [Chairman: Paul Volcker; headquarters: 345 E. 46th Street, New York, NY 10017]. Neither
should one misjudge the power of the secretive Bilderberg Group (BG), (which concentrates on the
military and strategic considerations of powerful West European and North American power brokers),
[chair rotates, former Chair: Prince Bernhard of Holland; headquarters unknown: annual meetings
rotate, but originally were held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, Oosterbeck, Holland].
David Rockefeller is the Chairman Emeritus of both the CFR and the TC, and certainly
influences, through proxy representatives (such as Lloyd Bentsen), the Bilderberg Group. [Cf. Holly
Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management; Boston:
South End Press, 1981.]
What follows is a succinct identification and description of the constituent agencies in each of the five
branches of the Shadow Government.
(This branch contains the effective policymaking and controlling structures behind the veil of apparent,
democratic governmental structures):
a) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, all modern CIA Directors,
most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet and top Executive Branch appointed
officeholders, etc.);
b) Tri-Lateral Commission (David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, John D. Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan,
Zbignew Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy
Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc.;
c) The Bilderberg Group (Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, Bill
Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc.);
d) National Security Council (NCS), (the military and intelligence policymaking and control group for
national and international security, which reports directly to the President), its secret 5412 Committee
(which directs black [covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee (aka MJ-12: which exercises
policy direction and control of the UFO Cover-Up);
e) Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)'s Special Operations compartment, (the operations directorate which
implements the orders of the NSC's 5412 Committee, utilizing the U.S. Special Forces Command);
f) National Program Office (NPO), (which operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG), an
ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive
centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities
staffed by surrogates for above-ground national leaders]); and,
h) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s black projects compartment, (which operates
federal preventive-detention camps [often located on military bases or federal Bureau of Land
Management lands], secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms, etc.).
(Serves functions of domestic and international surveillance and of secret police/enforcers):

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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a) National Security Agency (NSA), (monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem,
radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields "of
interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO
secrecy and surveillance of extraterrestrial operations), Fort Meade, MD;
b) National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), (controls and collects information from global spy satellites,
monitors UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing of energy-beam
weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and
selectively at extraterrestrial craft), Pentagon basement and Dulles-Airport area, VA;
c) National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) (aka MJ-TF), (the military/intelligence operations arm
of the PI-40 Subcommittee, conducts surveillance, interdiction, capture and confiscation of UFOs and
their extraterrestrial occupants for intelligence and "International Security" purposes; surveilles and
"interacts" with close-encounter experiencers, including occasional physically and sexually assaultive
mind-control kidnappings disguised as "Alien abductions" for psychological warfare and
disinformational purposes), headquarters unknown, probably compartmented and dispersed among
various elite Delta Force Special Operations units, such as the USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary
Esther, FL and Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA;
d) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), (commands, often controls, and sometimes
coordinates, the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT),
electronic surveillance (SIGINT), and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional
paramilitary counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in
violation of international law, as well as counter-intelligence sting operations against
foreign agents; engages in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S. political
process, "in the National interest" in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates
proprietary "false-front" companies for profit; conducts a major share of international
transshipment of illegal drugs, using National Security cover and immunity; and cooperates
with NSA's UFO cover-up operations), Langley, VA, and worldwide branches;
e) Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counter-Intelligence Division, (the branch which investigates,
surveilles and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with
the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with
UFOs and extraterrestrials);
f) Department of Energy Intelligence (DOE-INTEL), (which conducts internal security checks and
external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the
Wackenhut Corporation);
g) NSA's Central Security Service, and CIA's Special Security Office, (which respectively spy on the
spies, and conduct special operations which cannot be entrusted to line intelligence officers), Ft.
Meade, MD and Langley, VA;
h) U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) (whose assignments include
psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), parapsychological intelligence (PSYINT),
and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD;
i) U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which gathers intelligence affecting naval operations,
and has a compartmented unit involved in UFO and USO [Unidentified Submerged Objects] information
j) U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), (which gathers intelligence affecting
aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating UFO sightings,
extraterrestrial contact reports, as well as IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination
with NRO interdiction operations), Bolling Air Force Base, MD;
k) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), (which coordinates the intelligence data gathered
from the various Armed Services intelligence branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force,
Coast Guard and Special Forces), and provides counter-threat measures, which include
by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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November 29, 2007

providing security at ultra-classified installations by the deployment of U.S. "Thought

Police", who conduct surveillance, by remote-viewing and other parapsychological
measures, against penetrations and scanning by foreign or civilian remote-viewers
[clairvoyants/out-of-body seers]), Pentagon, VA, Fort Meade, MD, and the entire astral
l) NASA Intelligence, (which gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats,
astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and Star Visitors, and coordinates the
transfer of Star Visitor technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations);
m) Air Force Special Security Service (which is an NSA/USAF joint intelligence operations unit dealing
with possible threats to aerospace operations from foreign powers, terrestrial or otherwise);
n) Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO), (which conducts intelligence operations within and
on behalf of the civilian defense contractor corporations engaged in classified research, development,
and production);
o) Defense Investigative Service (DIS), (which conducts investigations into people and
situations deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense);
p) Naval Investigative Service (NIS), (which conducts investigations against threats to Naval
q) Air Force Electronic Security Command, (which conducts surveillance and interdiction of threats to
the security of Air Force electronic transmissions and telemetry, and to the integrity of electronic
counter-measure (ECM) warfare equipment; r) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Intelligence, (which
conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations, unless exempted under "National
Security" waivers);
s) Federal Police Agency Intelligence, (which coordinates intelligence relating to threats against federal
property and personnel);
t) Defense Electronic Security Command, (which coordinates intelligence surveillance and
countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electronic equipment and electronic
battlefield operations), Fort Worth, TX.
u) Project Deep Water (the ongoing effects of the compromised personnel, sources and methods
resulting from the secret importation of Hitler's own Nazi Intelligence chief, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, to
redesign the U.S.'s Intelligence apparatus);
v) Project Paperclip (the ongoing results of the secret importation of Nazi weapons and aerospace/UFO
scientists into U.S. secret military research and development bases);
w) (Undoubtedly, more clandestine units exist, not identified at this time.)









a) CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology, (which gathers information with promise
for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or
a threat against, the National Security, [also contains the "Weird Desk", which centrally
processes intelligence about UFOs and Star Visitors and their interaction with Earth],
current Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Science and Technology is Ron Pandolfi);
b) Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO)/ Ballistic Missile [sic] Defense Organization (BMDO),
(which coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars electromagnetic-pulse, killerlaser, particle-beam, plasmoid, and other advanced-technology aerospace weapons;
by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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c) Department of Energy (DOE) (which, besides its cover-story of researching cleaner-burning coal and
gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of: more
specialized nuclear weapons; plus compact, self-sustaining, fusion-powered, particle and wave
weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/antigravitational, laser, neutral particle-beam
and plasmoid applied weapons research; high-energy invisibility "cloaking" technology, etc.);
d) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL)/Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W),
(which are involved in nuclear warhead "refinements", development of new trans-uranic elements for
weapons and energy applications, development of anti-matter weapons (the Teller Bomb: 10,000
times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications, and, reportedly, successful
teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russian-nicknamed "City of
Death"),Livermore, CA;
e) Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL), (which houses numerous underground facilities in
an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security provided by its own
secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high-energy electromagnetic, and other research, and
includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID;
f) Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)/Phillips Air Force Laboratory, (which are sequestered on Kirtland
Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental
nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratories into practical, working weapons), Albuquerque, NM;
g) Tonopah Test Range (SNL's DOE weapons-testing facility for operationally testing Star Wars
weapons in realistic target situations, and is adjacent to classified stealth and cloaked aerospace craft
and U.S.-UFO bases at the Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base [Area 51] and Papoose Lake Base [S4]), Nevada Test Site/Nellis AFB Range, Tonopah, NV;
h) Haystack USAF Laboratory, Haystack Buttes, Edwards AFB, CA, (a 30-levels deep, extreme-security
facility reportedly engaged in Star Visitor technology retro-engineering;
i) Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL), (which is the premiere research lab for nuclear, subatomic
particle, high magnetic field, exo-metallurgical, exo-biological and other back-engineered
extraterrestrial technologies research), Los Alamos County, NM;
j) Area 51 (Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base), and S[Site]-4 (Papoose Lake Base), ultra-secure
"nonexistent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and
operationally flown, including the Aurora [Mach-8] spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealthy fighter
follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyperspeed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle,
and several variants of antigravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs), including the "Christmas Tree Ornament"
(glowing orange orb) and the "Firefly" (strobing, flitting, bluish-white lit airframe);
k) U.S. Special Forces Command, Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S.
Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating: 1) U.S. Army Delta
Forces (Green Berets); 2) U.S. Navy SEALS (Black Berets), Coronado, CA; and 3) USAF Blue Light
(Red Berets) Strike Force;
l) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), (which coordinates the application
of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons); (now called
m) the Jason Group (elite weapons-application scientists, developing cutting-edge-science weapons for
DARPA/ARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation);
o) Aquarius Group (UFO technology-application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of
the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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November 29, 2007

p) Defense Science Board, (which serves as the Defense Department's intermediary between weapons
needs and the physical sciences);
q) Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) (currently concentrating on fusion-powered, high-energy particlebeam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment);
r) U.S. Space Command, (Space War Headquarters for operating "the next war, which will be fought
and won in space"), jointly coordinated through Peterson AFB, Schreiver AFB, Cheyenne Mountain AFS,
Colorado Springs, and Buckley AFB, Aurora, CO;
s.1) North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), (operating the nuclear-survivable space
surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain), Colorado Springs, CO;
s.2) Naval Space Command, the secret lead agency in dealing with the mounting of and operating of
space-based warfare "assets" to deal with any perceived threat from space;
t) Air Force Office of Space Systems, (which coordinates the development of future technology for
operating and fighting in space);
u) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (which operates covert space-defense,
research aabout extraterrestrial lifeforms, and space-weapons compartments, in addition to manned
Shuttle and unmanned scientific satellite launches);
v) NASA's Ames Research Center, (which conducts the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
Project, Exobiology (Star Visitor life forms) Division, and "Human Factors" (PSY-Warfare) Division),
Sunnyvale, CA;
w) Project Cold Empire (SDI weapons research-classified);
x) Project Snowbird (creating pseudo-UFOs, used as disinformation);
y) Project Aquarius (UFO research-classified);
x) Project MILSTAR (development and deployment of WW III [space war] command, control,
communication and intelligence satellites);
z) Project Tacit Rainbow (stealth drones/pseudo-UFO's);
aa) Project Timberwind (nuclear-powered spacecraft);
bb) Project Code EVA (space-walk-based technology);
cc) Project Cobra Mist (SDI energy-beam (plasmoid?) weapon research); and
dd) Project Cold Witness (SDI weapons-classified), etc.
("private" [black project] weapons and covert operations contractors):
a) AT&T (Sandia Labs, Bell Labs, etc. - Star Wars weapons research and NSA telephone/satellite
communications interception facilitation); (Sandia Weapons Lab has now reportedly being taken over
by Batelle Memorial Institute, a proprietary with reported Intelligence connections);
b) Stanford Research Institute, Inc. (SRI), (an Intelligence contractor involved in
psychotronic, parapsychological and PSY-WAR research);
c) RAND Corporation (CIA-front involved in Intelligence projects, weapons development, and
underground bases development);
by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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d) Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation (EG&G), (NSA/DOE-contractor involved in Star Wars
weapons development, fusion applications, and security for Area 51 (U.S. UFO-technology aerospace
vehicles base) and nuclear installations, etc.);
e) Wackenhut Corporation (NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security operations
for Top Secret Ultra and Black Budget surface and underground military reservations, such as Area S-4
(U.S. UFO base), NV and Sandia National Labs, (Star Wars weapons testing facility), NM), and,
reportedly, "dirty jobs" for CIA and Defense Intelligence agencies;
f) Bechtel Corporation (CIA's "ditch-digger" for covert projects and off-the-books underground bases);
g) United Nuclear Corporation (military nuclear applications);
h) Walsh Construction Company (on the CIA projects dole);
i) Aerojet (Genstar Corp.):( makes DSP-1 Star Wars battle satellites for the NRO);
j) Reynolds Electronics Engineering (on CIA/DoD dole);
k) Lear Aircraft Company (Black Budget technology);
l) Northrop Corporation (makes U.S. antigravity craft, back-engineered from Star Visitor technology,
ear Lancaster, CA);
m) Hughes Aircraft (classified projects compartment);
n) Lockheed-Martin Corporation (Black Budget aerospace projects);
o) McDonnell-Douglas Corporation (Black Budget aerospace projects);
p) BDM Corporation (CIA contractor, involved in UFO back-engineering and psychotronic projects,
q) General Electric Corporation (electronic warfare and weapons systems); and
r) PSI-TECH Corporation (involved in military/Intelligence-applications of research into
s) Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC); "black projects" contractor, reportedly including
psychic warfare.
(Extra-Constitutional funding):
a) Federal Reserve System (cartel of private banks overseen by elite superwealthy financiers, such as
the Rockefellers, Mellons, DuPonts, Rothschilds, etc., which dictates to the Government the flow of
money, worth of money, and the interest rates the government and citizens must pay);
b) CIA self-financing (the operation and/or control of much of the international drug trade in heroin,
cocaine and marijuana, as well as "front" business enterprises, as a source of cash for off-the-books
covert operations, and the purchase of exotic munitions and strategic bribe funds);
c) Department of Justice self-financing (the use of confiscated cash and valuables from "targets of
investigation" to finance "special projects");

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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November 29, 2007

d) Special Forces self-financing (the self-use of confiscated "booty" from covert military operations to
fund other clandestine operations).
What conclusions can be drawn from this preliminary analysis of the structure, functions and
operations of the Shadow Government?
Foremost, the Shadow Government is a very large, well-organized, skillfully camouflaged, parallel
power structure. History suggests that it has served its masters well, and that its predilection for
operating out of sight and notoriety, if not in an outright clandestine fashion, is exactly how its
masters want it to function -- not drawing attention to itself, manipulating power behind the scenes,
and accomplishing by covert operations what cannot lawfully or politically be accomplished out in the
What should be the attitude of the informed citizen to the Shadow Government?
Since it thrives in the dark, we should shine the light of full disclosure on it. Citizens can
demand: the end of the Congressional practice of allowing "Black Budget" items; the end of
unpublished secret Executive Orders and National Security Directives; the end of the
practice of indefinitely- sustained Presidential Declarations of National Emergency (as is
currently in place); the end of Federal Reserve Notes and the return to the gold standard to
back the dollar; the end to governmental domestic spying on its own citizens; and extremely
severe reduction (on the order of 90%) in the number, staffing and scope of the endlessly
proliferating Intelligence agencies, which are an anachronism since the Cold War ended;
and an end to CIA and DEA collusion in allowing a continuing stream of drugs to pour into
this country.
We founded this Country (USA); it's time to take it back.
- Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, university instructor, certified clinical hypnotherapist, and
researcher into extraterrestrial-human encounters.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC,
Post Office Box 1009, Diamond Springs California 95619, United States of America.
Phone: (530) 621-2674 (PDT)
E-mail: drboylan@sbcglobal.net
WEBSITE: http://www.drboylan.com
You are invited to join his UFOFacts internet reports-and-ET/UFO/Experiencers
chat list; moderated by Dr. Boylan: (subscribe at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ufofacts); or
join DrRichBoylanReports (his reports-only!) list at:
Posted by Stewart at 6:46 AM
Labels: american, amero, bankers, bilderberg, CFR, CIA, euro, FBI, FEMA, money, oligarchy, poverty,
project, royal, slavery, trilateral commission, UFO, wealth, world
Advanced Media Group
Stan J. Caterbone
Visit Our Blog For Journey of a Whistleblower
Visit Our Blog For Research Into ESP - Mental Telepathy & The U.S. Governments Activities
Visit Our Video Biography

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

Page 8 of 9

November 29, 2007

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and publicly discredited since
1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc. of
Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to
defend our reputation and the truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose
public corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property, and our
business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications are a means of protecting our rights to
continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact
List. Number 7.

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

Page 9 of 9

November 29, 2007

Victims' Accounts

Caveat -- Take Care Over the Net

It should be mentioned for the benefit of anyone making contact with victims listed below that
while many civilized people are to be found on the receiving end of mind control, there do, too,
exist a few alleged victims that become unexpectedly confrontational. They could be
provocateurs, or just upset.
Therefore, it has been suggested that victims be careful about giving out any personal contact
information such as their home or p. o. box addresses, or telephone numbers over the net.

I have added a guest map.

If you would like you can add to the map.
Then others will see that the trouble is not just local but world wide

Advanced Media Group

Page 1 of 44


View My Guestbook

Sign My Guestbook

We have added Totally Anonymous, Untraceable Questionnaire

for Mind Control/Electronic Harassment PERPETRATORS
Please fill it out and answer our questions.

Please make a donation to keep this site up and running.

No amount is to small.

Contents - 612 Victims, + 16 in Video Transcript

Go here and sign the petition
Cease and Ban Direct Energy Programs & Electronic Surveillance of
Please check your Email address and your sites to make sure they are correct.
If they are not Contact me with the corrections. Thanks
Electronic Weapon Attack Video Capture Analysis
Here is a list of more local contacts: by states and countries
Here is a tribute Page for Victims
Some of our Victims Listed here only have Introductions others have a fuller Version of their Personal
Clicking on their names will take you there or to their personal accounts on our site


Advanced Media Group

Page 2 of 44


1. Aaron 05-12-04
2. James Abbatiello 0901-03

3. Anne Abraham 09-3003

4. Mr. Abuse
5. Cary Adcox
6. Rasheed Adeokun

7. ag0g0girl 12-06-03
8. A.J. 09-12-04
9. AJH 09-04-03
10. Alien Starfire 08-04-02
11. AJackson
12. John Allman 04-03-03
13. Marla Allison 09-201996

14. Anatolij 01-27-05

15. Glenn Anderson 0520-04

16. Angel Ed Light's

17. Anon_anon 03-17-07
18. Anthony 11-18-2001
19. Appleluna 10-14-04
20. Fernando Arakaki

21. Aratadude 12-03-03

22. Stan Arbor 02-29-04
23. Arkady 10-04-07
24. Audrius 03-11-07
25. Avatardefender 0805-04

26. Ramona Ayala 09-0303

27. Mr AxB 06-06-04

28. B 02-03-2006
29. b1gb1rdLSD 9-25-05
30. Dave Bader
31. Bagpuss 11-21-2005
32. Paul Baird
33. Sharon Baker 01-27-05
34. Vernon W. Ball 0211-04

35. Jen Barber 03-02-02

36. Victor Barrell 12-2203

37. Rogelio Bautsita 1201-03

38. Eric Bazan 11-23-04

39. Bea 01-17-05
40. David Alan Beach

41. Ben 08-22-06

Advanced Media Group


Eric 03-02-04
Eugene 02-24-07
Evan 07-06-04
Jeff Evans 03-09-04
Kathy Evans
Doug Everman 02-1006

7. Spence Everson
8. Tony Fabrizio 05-1704

9. Sandra Fargo 02-10-02

10. FBIforfreedom
11. George Farquhar
12. Paul Farrow Jr. 08-0106

13. Maurice Fernandez

14. Peter Field 03-17-02
15. John Finch 02-25-07
16. Marina Findlay
17. Mike Filas 12-25-03
18. Robert Flatbush 1129-2005

19. Flower
20. S. Flowers
21. Bill Foote 10-28-02
22. John Foster02-18-05
23. Fox Fire 06-07-03
24. David James Fratus
25. Freeone 05-05-04
26. Mike Gadbaw 04-1803

27. Herbert Gartner 0917-03

28. Gary 02-08-2006

29. gawRATabuse 11-14-

1. Gagiu Laurentiu 1002-04

2. Lazyhorse
3. Learner 10-22-05
4. Suz Leboeuf 06-20-05
5. David Lee
6. Donna Lee 11-24-03
7. Lee.68 04-15-06
8. Cryssie Leigh 10-27-04
9. Joey Lemieux 08-03-03
10. Levi7327 07-20-06
11. Esther Lewis 02-10-04
12. George Li
13. Lisa Li 07-09-03
14. David Alan Liddle

15. Ed Light FOUNDER

16. Little Wings 02-22-04
17. Lobby 12-25-043
18. LonelyVic 06-22-06
19. Lonewolf from
20. Lou 11-16-03
21. Loudest Voice
22. Rich Loveheart 08-1403

23. Roger Lowe 02-07-2006

24. Luke 07-28-04
25. Lynn 10-04-05
26. Lynn (1) 01-30-2006
27. Dave M
28. Jane_M 11-03-03
29. M. L. A.
30. John MacDonald 05-



30. Gaz 07-13-04

31. Sam Geil 07-31-04
32. Gemini68 03-19-04
33. Ghostgirl 02-20-04
34. ghstdtnee09-11-07
35. Gina
36. John Ginter
37. Harlan E. Girard
38. Tracy J. Givens 0804-03

39. Andrew Goewey 0823-03

40. Vic Gogan

41. Golfer 12-15-02
42. Linda Gonzalez 0529-04

43. Sharon Goodner 02

44. Mary Goodwin 06-06-

31. William MacIntosh

32. Martin C. Mack
33. Mahogany 03-08-03
34. Mahonia 07-15-06
35. Jesus Maldonado 0113-05

36. Wayne E. Manzo 0302-04

37. James Marino 06-13-05

38. Soleil Mavis 02-04-2006
39. Martha 09-23-03
40. Martin 10-10-04
41. Mary 05-09-07
42. Pam Mata 09-15-03
43. Matt 05-28-05
44. Shane Matthews 1102-03

45. Holly May 02-08-06


Page 3 of 44


Rose69 06-20-07
Victoria Rose 9-15-05
Roses Roses 04-03-02
Yvonne Ross
Bill Rosser
Alejandro Rovati 0520-04

7. Rudy 08-03-07
8. Dolores Rutherford

9. Larry Ryan 05-04-04

10. Cricket S 06-12-03
11. Frankie Sab 12-04-03
12. Feisal Salim 03-19-07
13. Pierre St-louis 11-2404

14. Salil 09-12-03

15. W. Samadhi
16. Samir 09-17-03
17. Sampath 09-30-04
18. Sarah
19. Sarah 07-05-07
20. Jackie Schefer 02-2206

21. Sara Schaeffer

22. Charles Schlund 0902-03

23. Jeremy Schott 04-1403

24. Robert F. Schuler


25. Lloyd Schrier

26. Jerry Scovel
27. Maurice Scruggs 0212-05

28. Sebastjan 03-22-04

29. Selli 12-30-03
30. Seer 02-20-06
31. Severina 08-05-05
32. Shamil 01-27-02
33. Rev. Bob Shannon
34. Shannmd 11-19-04
35. Sharon 09-20-03
36. Sharon Shea
37. Shell 10-23-03
38. Shelly
39. Shepard
40. Kurt Shepard 11-27-03
41. Shinohara 02-26-03
42. Joan Siegemund
43. Sliver Mountain 918-05

44. Simpleton 12-24-04

45. Duncan E Simpson

42. Beth4freedom 03-3104

43. Belgrave
44. Benjamin A 08-02-06
45. Bettyboop
46. Bill 10-21-05
47. Kurt Billings 05-19-06
48. BillyGoat 08-13-03
49. BJ 11-17-03
50. BJane 07-27-04
51. Robert Blackwell

52. Bluebird Monarch


53. Blue Jew

54. Michael Blust 04-0303

55. Richard Blythe 08-1303

56. Bob D 10-21-06

57. Robert Born
58. Bratcat 03-26-07
59. Steve Bratcher 04-241996

60. Tannie Braziel

61. Brendan 9-29-05
62. T. Casey Brennan
63. Brian
64. Brian (1) 07-23-06
65. Brian 1 07-21-04
66. Bridget 01-1998
67. Brina
68. Lori Brown
69. Darren Brown 07-2803

70. Bruce 08-09-03

71. Bruce 1 12-11-04
72. Bumper 05-13-03
73. Robert Butler 09-17-04
74. Shawna Burkhart
75. Kevin Burnor 09-0506

76. Mike Cab

77. Jim Cairns
79. California Choctaw

80. Karen Campbell 0915-04

81. Carol 03-02-04

82. Lee & Farren
83. Catherine 07-21-04
84. Edward Cavanagh

85. CBML 11-04-2005

Advanced Media Group

45. Takahiro Goto 12-30-

46. Tony Mayoral 09-23-



46. Sue H. 11-23-2005

47. James Henry Graf
48. grabow 04-09-07
49. Andrew Grant 05-1405

50. Grrr 04-09-04

51. Milton D.
52. Daniel Morgan 07-0407

53. GRSNG 03-04-06

54. Guinea Pig 12-05-2005
55. Ed H.
56. Innocent Habibi 0808-03

57. Lance Haggard

58. Jim Haller
59. Happytrails 12-17-03
60. Harrassed 03-07-05
61. Barbara Hartwell
62. Rhonda Hawkins 926-05

63. Susan Hayes 09-06-03

64. Charles R. Heath 0509-03

65. Kathy Heckman

66. Helen 04-30-07
67. Johan Heller 10-21-04
68. Patrick Henry 10-1-05
69. Arturo Hernandez

70. Martin Hesketh 0725-06

71. Mary 05-17-07

72. Heveab
73. Howling Soul 06-1506

74. HvenSentOne 10-0305

75. Linda & Donnie

76. Hope 05-06-03
77. James Holland 06-0504

78. Honeybear 07-19-04

79. Ton Hoogeboom 0312-06

80. Shahin Hosseini 0313-04

81. Brian Hubbard 11-062005

82. Bobby Hull 10-29-03

83. Peter Hunny 03-23-06
84. Susan Hutson 05-0407

47. Patrick McCarthy 1222-03

48. Tom McClelland

49. Simon McGlynn 0828-03

50. Jesse McLaren 02-022006

51. Mel 01-08-05

52. Mesquite John 05-0904

53. Meth Users 11-06-04

54. Michael 10-14-03
55. Midnightlady 12-09-04
56. Mike339 09-25-07
57. Kurt Miller 08-21-04
58. Nancy Miller 08-14-03
59. mindtapped 10-05-07
60. Minnesota1 05-27-06
61. Misty Warrior 01192006

62. Salih Mirzabeyoglu

63. The Mitchells 09-29-04
64. Harrison Deckard 0914-03

65. Darius Mockus 03-2307

66. Mongouse 04-10-04

67. Monika 08-04-06
68. Milissa Montalbano

69. Lewis Flynn

70. Angela Morgan 03-1007

71. Daniel Moore 11-092001

72. Lynne MossSharman

73. Pat Mougey
74. Thierry Mouton 0413-02

75. mtbayer 03-03-07

76. Susan Mullen
77. Mygrace 12-21-04
78. Robert Naeslund
79. Nans 10-25-04
80. Diana Napolis 10-2102

81. Need2Know 08-19-04

82. Jim Neeson 12-16-04
83. Gary Nelson 06-14-03
84. Mary Lou Nelson 0103-04

85. Sarah Nelson Deceased

86. Newana 05-16-04

Page 4 of 44


46. James Simpson 0420-04

47. Sitol 02-23-07

48. Skews Me 12-11-03
49. SKNA 11-14-04
50. Sko 09-27-04
51. Slamdunk reported
52. David Smith 07-22-04
53. John Smith 05-28-03
54. John Smith (1) 03-0604

55. Lawrence J. Smith


56. Manthei Smith 06-2505

57. Ralph Smith 03-19-03

58. Steve Smith
59. Snip 08-17-04
60. Jason Snitker
61. Geral Sosbee 07-25-04
62. John Spano 03-17-03
63. spindoktor 07-29-06
64. Mike SS 05-13-03
65. Stalked 09-23-04
66. Stalking1970 09-06-06
67. Leia Jessira Starfire
68. Starcat 11-21-2005
69. Starmail 09-14-04
70. Carol Sterling
71. Steves 05-11-07
72. John Stracuzzi 03
73. Strained 12-24-03
74. Storm 05-26-06
75. James Stratton 02-1004

76. Jared Stuart

77. Andrzej Suda 02-14-03
78. Norbert Sdland 0319-05

79. Ellen Suess 01-29-02

80. Richard Suggs 04-0103

81. Sunrise 12-12-04

82. Sunshine 05-30-04
83. Suzukey 12-15-04
84. Sven
85. T 08-16-05
86. Amos T 05-30-06
87. Taroeel 06-12-07
88. Tatiana 02-04-2006
89. Taxidriver 07-24-05
90. Vickie Taylor 02-1505


86. Milagros Cedano 0701-07

87. CH 02-27-05
88. Deb Chakraborty 06-

Chris (3) 10Christine 08-


89. Robert Champion


90. Robert Champion


91. Diana M. Chapman


92. Guy Chapman 07-2604

93. Kelly Charty 02-24-03

94. Chasity 03-31-07
95. Blanche Chavoustie
96. Chet 12-10-03
97. Choice 11-21-04
98. Chozen 07-31-06
99. Chris 12-03-03
Chris (1) 0222-04

Chris (2) 08-




Christman 01-29-03
Chuck 10-1804


Clara 10-15-04
Carl Clark



Ian Clark
Metric Clay


Mark Cohen
Collins 08-17-05
Conex 06-06-03
Crawford 06-10-07
Cresswell 11-01-04
Danielle Cross
Damian 06Drahevil 03-




Jennifer (1)



Jessie 06-23-03
Jewels 12-07-



JJ 05-06-04
Eic Johan 12-



Johannas 10-



John 09-29-03
Jas 09-29-03
Jas1 07-29-04
Janine Jones
Jodi 01-07-05
joejoe 07-2-06



Jon 09-17-07
Joyce &
Judith ABR
Judy 11-18-03
Justice 10-06-



Dave 03-21-04

Advanced Media Group


87. Pup Newsted 12-17-02

88. Nick 07-26-04
89. Alfredo Nieto 01-232006

90. Niki 06-01-04

91. Layne Nolting 03-0302

92. North Wind 04-24-05

93. John Oberuch, Jr 0521-07

94. Jack Offenhouser 0612-04

95. Roxanne O'Grady


96. Patrick O'Hara 11-0606


99. Dozsa Pal

Palit 04-11-07
Terry Parker
Jr. 03-11-04
Steve Pat 0512-03

Pawe 02-20-02
Peace Love
Beauty 06-17-03
Peaches 03-1707


Petrichyp 05-


Ferrara Pema
Peter 10-27-02
Peter (1) 0614-05


Peter (3) 02-

Justice (1)
Kali 08-12-04
Kalie 08-30-03
Kamo 08-21-03
Ed Kats and


John Peters
Don Phillips
Phoenix 11-26-



Luke Pino

update 09-28-03

Pitts 08-09-06
Po 05-05-07
Private Info

Page 5 of 44



92. Tom Teeter

93. Telmo 12-19-03
94. Temple7 07-017-07
95. Temptress 04-13-04
96. Terry 03-11-07
97. Michael Terry 12-2504

98. Cyndi Tilley 07-18-06

99. Margo Tilton
Tim 03-30-06
Todd 06-07-04
Todd (1) 01103.
Tondreau 03-26-06
Topping 11-07-03
Tony 05-22-04
Tony 08-14-07
Josh Tritt 0428-06




Twit 10-22-05

US-MCdevildocc 08-02-02
Valenti 05-11-05
Paul Vasho



91. Kimiko Tebayashi


97. Richard O'Neal

98. Robert J. Pacatte 11-






87. Implanted 08-12-03

88. Infor Please 12-03-03
89. Peter J. 01-15-2006
90. Jack
91. Jack (1) 04-21-04
92. Ted Jackson 09-28-03
93. J.D. 03-10-05
94. Jamie 06-24-03
95. James 03-27-07
96. Janelle 10-23-04
97. Janet 12-01-03
98. Janice 04-03-04
99. Janis 10-09-04
Jay 08-26-03
Jenkins 05-03-04
Jeff 11-02-04
JEM 10-21-06
Jennifer 08-



85. Scott Hymers 08-13-04

86. Mark Iannicelli 08-

Ronald Lee
Vaught 12-25-04
B. Vedu 0816-05

Vicki from
Heart 01-16-2006
Violet 12-29-03

Dawn 01-14-02
Dawn 09-28-02
DC 12-10-02
Dean 08-22-03
Deborah 0815-06


Dee (1) 03-02-


Deoferio 01-05-04
Desomo 03-17-03
Devon 12-1802

Daniel T.
Diehl 09-06-03
Mother 11-25-05
DL 03-03-04
DME 02-16-03
Donna 10-2803


Donuts 08-19-


Donovan 11-10-02
Dr. Les
Down 07-16-03
Drusilla 0205-04

DuBois 06-12-06
Dubos 12-14-03
Duffett 06-19-04
Echelon 1223-02

Edwards 11-29-2005
Rosa Egli 01-29-02
Jon Bob
Elder 02-02-03
Eliason 10-31-04
Advanced Media Group

Kay 11-12-03
Keith 06-23-03
Kevin 02-062006


Kevin (1) 06-



Joe Killer 12-


Rachel 06-0207

Radescu 06-30-07



Kim 08-13-06
King 05-20-03
Kitten 08-18-04
Knighty 1013-03


David Koi


Kris 03-25-04
Kris (1) 05-0704

Kutan 07-11-03
Linda L
Labrador 02-23-04

Larkinson 08-05-04
Linda Lalla

Larry 07-19-04
Larry (1)
Laubel 11-2304

Punkratt 08-



Rafael 03-28-


Rafy 09-18-06
Raj 02-02-07

Barbara J.
Reed 09-08-03
Donna J.
Reed 03-11-05
Nancy Reed


Tracy Reed



Reflect 06-01-



Renee 12-17-


Randy R.
Rice 08-30-03
Mark M.
Rich 08-03-05
Richard 07-0503

Rick & Tina
Riley 11-07-03
Rob from
Rob766 08-1505

Larry H.
Roben 11-13-03
Robert 06-07-05
Robert (1) 0927-05

Robinson 12-09-02
Roijakkers 04-02-05
Ron 08-18-04
Roose Deceased
Rosa 03-09-05
Page 6 of 44

J Vincent
Vladimir 05-12-04
Vuillod 05-04-03
Walbert 04-18-06
Watson 10-08-05
Wegrzyn 04-27-04
Welch 09-17-03
John Wells

Wendorff 11-01-03
David A.
White 06-02-07
White aka Raven
White 04-01-07
Jim Whittle
Wilbourne Jr 01-27-06
Wilkerson 05-29-05
Williams 02-23-04
Williams 07-02
Andreas M.
Peter Wolfe

Yacoub 04-02-03
John Yost

Young 02-14-05

Epsylon 0719-06

David W.
Rosenburg 08-18-04

Zachystal 09-14-03

Video Transcript - 16 victims & supporting professionals

Victims' Sites not on our List Above
Tasuku Ohno Japanese Site
Bob Butner
Terukatsu Ishibashi: Testimonies of the Japanese Mind-Control Victims English Version
Electronic harassmentNorma Lawrence
Petri Ticklen
Samadhi W
Peter Grafstrms' written in Swedish and English
Why Johnny Can't Come Home

Please remember the mind control victims this Sept. 11

On this coming Sept. 11 anniversary the nation will be remembering the victims of the World
Trade Center attack. My heart and sympathies go out to these victims, their families, and friends.
There is another group of victims of domestic terrorism in the US that I would sincerely ask you
to also remember, just for a moment, on this Sept. 11. These people are commonly known as
mind control victims, and the perpetrator of the domestic terrorism was in most cases the US
Unlike other victims of terrorism and torture, these victims are almost totally ignored -- if not
further harassed for speaking out. There are *known and documented* victims such as the
victims of the CIA's MKULTRA project. The CIA is still covering up these crimes even decades
later as it claims to be protecting us from terrorism. There are other victims we know are out
there because the secret projects like BLUEBIRD are known to have been conducted. There are
many credible victims describing similar sorts of harassment -- up to the present -- and whose
claims cannot even receive a fair hearing in the US.
These mind control victims are domestic American citizens (though there are international
victims also). They have families and friends and acquaintances. They wore born with the same
unalienable rights we are all supposed to have. In my view it is no disrespect to the victims of the
World Trade Center attack to ask people to please remember the mind control victims and other
victims of domestic human rights abuses for just a moment on Sept. 11.
[For more information, there are various credible web sites on the subject -- among the many
disinformation and misinformation sites. These sites list further books and references. I
encourage you to please pass this notice along in email or repost it so more people get the word.]
Authors' Email
Tribute Page

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1995-2007 Heart and Survivors.

Nothing can be copied with out permission of authors
This Page Last Updated: 10/24/2007 22:40:06

Advanced Media Group

Page 8 of 44


Victims' Introductions

Like a nail being slowly hammered the head gets beat. Beaten and beaten till you
can't make it. Your brain is being destroyed, bit by bit. Noise in your ears seems
to come from contact with microwaves. Implants that respond to microwaves.
Write the CIA, give them the names and adresses of the ones doing it to you.
They will write back (no records responsive). Write the FBI, they wont write
back. Tell your Senator, he'll say "there are some sick sick people in the
Pentagon." Lot of good that does you.
Anybody Shocked By The Iraqi Torture Victims? Anybody Remember That
They Practiced These Things On Us?
Anybody remember waking up in a pine coffin? To bad the photos can't show the
microwaves, look what a stuper you were in when they did these things to you.
It's all for the good of your leaders they grow rich while you die slowly. They
help the government with interogation technology. It takes years to become a
good interagator. They need someone to practice on--YOU. Private companies do
this (CACI) they practice their hypnotic tricks on you, for years, then use them in
the business world to make their millions. You will never have a good nights
sleep, as good sleep is important to long term memory. The less you remember
the better for them. Do you enjoy having an implant in your brain? While your
opressor grows richer? Someday you'll be in such bad shape you can't even fight
If you going to use your legal right to defend yourself, do it now while you still
The RNA structure of your brain is being changed by microwaves, slowly but
surely. Ever wonder why you have a headache 'all' the time? Fight back while you
still can. The clever hypnotist has a hold of you like a wash rag. he'll ring you out
till your used up! WELCOME TO HELL
received 05-12-2004
Information placed else where yes no.

Back to Victims Index

James L. Abbatiello

Advanced Media Group

Page 9 of 44


I am under a cruel attack from I believe NSA/Mafia Black Secret Project Groupsmaybe from Montauk Project & others being done by EMP or DEW electronic
type attacks with Radionic/Psychotronic type functions.
Victim of EMP Impulse Weapons,Radionic/psychotronic energy killing/mind
control attacks because of refusal to work on secret projects anymore.
I am a psychic and written up in Prestons Nichols book:The Music Of Time.I was
the Montauk Drummer-That is The drummer that played on Approx.100 hit
records for mind control on the public. I am under at present a cruel electronic
EMP attack to kill me & or force me to do what a certain secret black project
group wishes me to do. I refused to do any more work against my will, thus the
controllers wish to destroy me. I have had my whole life destroyed by NSA?
crap murded By NSA/MAFIA father D.V.Abbatiello sold me to the secret project
groups. Read more here
All interested please contact me on my phone 516-938-6082.I have alot of
information to tell unless the attack stops- then I will shut up.
I am known as the MONTAUK DRUMMER because I played drums on the Hit
recordings made in the Montauk Project Studio for Mind Control subliminal
purposes. My name is JIMMY (JAMES)ABBATIELLO.
received 09-01-2003
Information placed else where no.

Back to Victims Index

Anne Abraham
My name is Anne Abraham ET.AL. I am a survivor of Ritual abuse and Mind
Contol. We have 17 parts of one whole that are integrating. Read account Here
received 09-30-2003
Information placed else where no.

Back to Victims Index

Mr. Abuse
"Government treats addition with mind control technology"
"Contains minor adult content in relation to my treatment and actions"
Mr. Abuse says: I sent this URL to the chief of police where this happened, he
knows what was happening to me and will probably be looking for my account. I
don't believe these government people tell the police everything. (They may be
able to help me get rid of them) Believe me I've been punished more than any
human should be. He can be reached at E-Mail . He is using the alias of "Mr.
Abuse" in order to protect himself.
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Cary Adcox Deceased

American Psychotronics Victim
In his account, Cary Adcox, a technician, is prevented from finding employment
by, he suspects, government agents working behind the scenes. He feels that he
has brain implants due to the close interfacing of himself with the very minds of
agents, and to xray results.
Besides physically torturing him and modifying his thoughts, the controllers seem
to be interested in going through his engineering knowledge.
Cary has been aware of the controllers for five years. Moving to Europe did not
help, as they followed him, the same experience that others have had.
Cary Adcox added the following article: The End of The Constitution
Body found The Sentinel Record Hot Springs, AK
died 6-25-2001
A body found on top of West Mountain Monday evening is being investigated as
an apparent suicide, according to reports.
The body of Cary Adcox, 45, who lists an address of 438 Prospect Ave., was
found sometime between 5 and 5:30 p.m. near the end of a gravel road leading to
communication towers along the ridge of West Mountain, off West Grand
Avenue, an FBI spokesman said.
Adcox died from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound, the spokesman said.
No foul play is suspected in the incident at this time.
The incident is being investigated jointly by the FBI and the National Park
Service because of the location on federal property where the body was found.
Back to Victims Index

I've been used by someone who can remote view and see everything I do. The
implant I have is related to the strong quality of the information delivery. I
suspect there is capability of recording these images.
I dont even know where to start. I have always had capabilites other don't, and
now I know that I'm not the only one. I am anxious to find someone to read my
MRI so I can get documented too. The doctor's report from the car accident
mentioned an "artifact" in my MRI, but he didn't really talk about it much. He
hooked me up to his wires and asked me if I can control the beeps on his machine.
I could do it, no problem. What other things can I do that I dont know about yet. I
am so curious.
received 12-06-2003
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

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AJH has been the subject of directed energy weapons for 10 months as of 9-222002. There appears to be employer and landlord cooperation, with the
harassment and surveillance continuing. At times, the irradiation has been
withering, though at present it continues on a constant lower intensity level, even
through the night. This account was originally written for friends and family as a
"laundry list" of events that need explanation should they persist in trying to
portray the experiences as treatable by medications. Now that 6 months have
passed with no medication being effective, it seems prudent to pull all the facts
together so that they don't swept under the rug. Hopefully, others who are
similarly afflicted can offer some helpful advice. Read more of the account Here
update 09-04-2003

Back to Victims Index

Alien Starfire
I have been a mind control victim for 15 years and would like to find answers
about this. The whys and the hows about this, and why me!!!!! Read more of the
account Here
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Marla Allison
American Remote Tracking and Monitoring Victim
Today, September 20, 1996, I received a letter from Marla Allison, who's new to
the Internet, for help in finding other victims and supporters on the Internet. She
While living and working in Europe approximately 1 year ago, I
became aware and have come to understand that I am being
monitored by some sort of tracking device. I have an incredible
account to tell but more important to me is how I can get help for
what is happening. I would also be interested to hear from others
who have similar experiences around RMN or EMF.
You can email Marla Allison at E-Mail
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John Allman
Christians Against Mental Slavery
received 4-3-2003

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Russian American Australian Shepherd
Airborn Ray Gun Bashing Victim
Note: Angel died June 17, 1997 of paralyzing beams that made her unable to get
up most of the day, creased her face, and made her fall in her own feces while I
was out. - Ed Light
I'm Ed Light, and my dog Angel is a victim too. She actually does all the work on
the web. Ho ho - just kidding.
After being de-sexed by a surgeon in an operation by a CIA trained Salvadorean
Death Squad cadre, she has to take CIA/military radio tortures for the rest of her
life since I rescued her from Peruvian fascists who very likely stole her from a
Russian dance troupe (she used to leap and do fancy running that varied with
Give a click here for her account. I have digitized it for her. She gets to the nittygritty of our daily existence.
Angel tells me that some day she and I will be remembered as heroes in postmilitary industrial complex, post-fascist mind control, freedom of thought
museums, books, songs, and videos. And you too will be a true hero if you spread
the word against mind control, while all those underhanded lower forms of life
who supported it will be ashamed to show up anywhere!
Back to Victims Index

Glenn R. Anderson
I'm 40 years old and I've been living in Ely Minesota for a little over a year now.
Ever since 1995 I've been having these people in my mind some how,They can
make my brain do anything There always keeping me from doing thinsgs such as
work or readig and sometimes at night If they don't want me to sleep they make
my mind repeat everything they say and can't sleep.

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I know one of them doing this is Dan Currie from South Minneapolis but I can't
find him because they can hear and see everything around me so they'll never be
where I'am
If any one knows of a business that can do these things I need to know right away
because they've already killed two people from this place.These business are
located all over the United States and this could happen to you or your loved ones.
I would not wish this on my worst enemy
received 05-20-2004
Information placed else where yes no.

Back to Victims Index

Anthony lives in the midwest and has suffered with mindcontrol for about seven
Read Anthony's Account Here
Back to Victims Index

Lance electrical engineering and information technologies specialist. If you thinkn
you are afflicted with "artificial ESP" or hear voices and even talk to voices, I
want to hear about your experience.
I have been afflicted with this technology for about 3 years that I am aware of and
who know how long before that. I hear a noise constantly like people describe as
the Taos Hum. I also hear some person modulated over that hum or noise more or
less constantly, whats more I can communicate two-way with the other end. I
have gone back to school to finish my Electrical engineering degree to figure out
how to find the source of the technology or counter it. I have ruled out any
phycological reasons for this and have come to the conclusion it is what it is, a
radio transmission. I can discern the direction and point at the southern sky at the
source of the transmission. I am not crazy and I know you are not, though if you
are new to this, some initial paranoia and neurotic behaiviour is fairly normal, but
if you want to compare notes, I am interested.
Web site
received 12-03-2003
Information placed else where yes.

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Been harassed since 12/6/00. Not a soul at present in my current locale knows
anything about this. However my "friends" are still with me and I 've learned how
to mount a sort of offense and resistence.The struggle MUST CONTINUE!
received 08-05-2004
Information placed else where yes no.

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Stan Arbor
MK at the U of Minnesota
In the 1950's the CIA plugged into many university psychology and psychiatry
departments. Here is my personal story of being a possible guinea pig in an
MKULTRA or MKDELTA type of program. Read more Here
received 02-29-2004
Information placed else where no.

Back to Victims Index

Ramona Ayala
Hi, my name is Ramona Ayala and I live in Camarillo Ca. I have been a target of
mircowave abuse for four year now. Prior to my becoming a I was very active in
my community with human rights. In 1993 I was a honored with the Latino
Leadership Award. However,now my life has changed considerbly since the
torture of being zapped with this energy.
I have been a target of microwave abuse for four years now Prior to my becoming
a target I was active in my community in human right issues. In 1993 I was
honored with Latin Leadership Award. However, nowmy life has changed
considerbly. The constant zapping of this enery has debilitated to the point of
isolation from my work. I belive this is what they intentded to accomplish. It very
difficult to continue a normal life with this torture. I have a lot to say about
horrorsese people are capable of doing. I would very much like to get in contact
with as many people experiencing this torture and communicate information.
received 09-03-2003
Information placed else where yes.

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Mr. AxB
am German and was in Australia as permanent resident for a half year. I am
"connected" since my visit to perth June 2002. Probably, I disturbed the basic
economical order.

Mind reading in a very accurate manner (inclusive images)

comments to every thought by neurophone voice
Voice Simulation(Hifi quality) so you get the impression your whole
environment is involved
For a short time television modulation Perth and Munic until I tryed to
tape them.
Since Jan 2003 very special dreams

I am electrical engineer and very interested to get that technology in my hands to

bring them in prison. Every technical hint is welcome. I am very glad to know
other people now in the same situation.
E-Mail Web site
received 06-06-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

Dave Bader
American Psychotronics and Implant Victim
Dave Bader is another victim of psychotronics and implantation who used to
maintain The Think Tank Web Site. He now seems to have left the Net.
Here at the MCF is a page which is a compilation from The Think Tank. It
contains Dave's account, poetry, a list of references with excerpts, descriptions of
the psychotronics technology, and an article on the removal of Dave's jaw
implant, given to him by a dentist!
Click here for the Dave Bader Page.
Click here for two pictures of the implant removal operation.
Dave Bader's email used to be: E-Mail
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Sharon Baker
My name is Sharon Baker I have every reason to believe Im a victum of ritual
abuse and MIND control and I need HELP and support please
I was adopted around the age of two years old before then ALL I have is a
memory but more of a FEELING of LOVE and WARMTH until I was TAKEN
out and set in with people who adopted me that were obviously SICK people that
used and abused me on many levels.
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received 01-27-2005
Information placed else where yes no.

Back to Victims Index

Paul Barid
In 1991 I wrote a political satire entitled "In the Year 2252" (P. Barber,
pseudonym). Copies were circulated prematurely by a Chicago literary agent. As
a result, many publishers, editors and writers accessed copies.
Before a second draft was prepared it was clear covert censorship would prevent
any possibility of publication... I was already under 24 hour a day surveillance
and was fielding feedback from corrupt sections of the entertainment industry;
especially the media.
The reasons for their objections are many. The book was critical of many things
which criminals in high places use to get what they want (and control others).
Corruption, drugs, war, media deception, and all manner of immorality were
openly attacked in the novel. I also lobbied on privacy laws. The personal
repercussions are outlined below. (What the media did is highlighted under
While reading this account please keep in mind the wide reaching influence of
covert agencies and organised crime throughout our community. A few "well
placed" people in each area can create havoc for those being silenced. Others
working with these criminals are too selfish, scared or apathetic to intervene.
Paul's Web Site
Who Knows?
The following people know who is involved:
John Howard (Australian Liberal Prime Minister). Three people (incl. a
senior Federal Police executive and an ex agency member) informed me
that the Prime Minister "is aware of" the situation but that "his hands are
tied". Early in 1996 he did, in fact, ask the AFP to investigate the
surveillance but they were unable to (efficiently) for "legal reasons".
Although I was told it was because the matter was "politically sensitive".
NB: If the media could "tune in" so could the AFP. They couldn't help
because of who is involved.
Ros Chilvers (Ex agency / private investigator) - She spoke with Paul
Keating when he was Labor Prime Minister and told me he was actually
part of the vendetta against me.
Warren College (Federal Cabinet Secretary's Office) - He spoke with
current PM, John Howard, who said the situation was "too awkward" (for
him to intervene). It's "awkward" because Federal Labor politicians,
agency officials and the media ARE involved as are their counterparts in
the US. It is, in fact, a criminal conspiracy of silence.
Steve Duffield (Ex Sen. Alston's office) - He knew and tried to help.
Within a week he was gone and cannot be found.
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Ms J. Bonner (Ex J. Howard's office) - Knew but now refuses to discuss

it; even with liberal staffers.
Matt Francis (Sen. Newman's office) - Said many working in politics
knew I was monitored/harassed because of the book, adding it had "
opened his eyes" to realise the full extent of what actually goes on (i.e.
political crimes).
Mick Roberts (Ex AFP) - On his retirement he told me that he'd always
believed me totally but there was a wall of secrecy which he couldn't
break through. No one would talk and it all "smells of journalists and
politicians" he said.
Nelson Chad (Investigator/Ex policeman) - Channel 9 journalists (in
particular Ray Martin and others working on "A Current Affair") were
involved. This was even confirmed by one ACP director, Mr. G. Cubbin.
Note: Channel 9 owner, Kerry Packer is not the only media magnate who
wants me silenced. No media player would want the general public
becoming fully aware of the invasions of privacy and crimes which
journalists and agency officials commit. Remember, I lobbied heavily on
privacy laws for years with John Howard himself supporting my views, in
Mr Paul Baird
Fax(Primary): +612 4733 3249
Fax(Alternate): +612 8838 2333
Ph: +612 9635 0752
Back to Victims Index

Vernon Wayne Ball

I was brought into a relm of people in Sept. of 1994 and they have since been
trying to control my mind and they introduced there selves as goverment agents. I
have several suicide attempts and incarciration recorded over this big
exspiriments of the goverments against us. According to article one of our
constitution we can peacefully assembly for redress of grievance so me and a
handful of people have filed even to the U.N. we are in appeal in the C.I.A.
RIGHT NOW. please see my web site: http://grievance.info and support us by
printing page 3 of site which is an affidavit in support of grievance and notarize
your statement and send it to us. we are taking this goverment to federal court on
this issue.
god bless! with love!
Web site
received 02-11-2004
Information placed else where yes.

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Jen Barber
American Psychotronics Victim
My name is Jen Barber and I live in San Francisco. I have been the target of MC
thought reading/telepathy type harassment.
I believe I am being targeted for several reasons. This abuse has been going on for
about 8 months and started after the phone company dug up the front and side
walkways around my house (part of which is on private property without the
owners permission or knowledge).
I've gone through spirit releasement hypnosis, therapy, talked to 3 psychics and 2
trips to the ER.
Thank God I didn't follow the advice of friends and family and refused to take
presciption drugs. Even though no one has believed me, I know I am not crazy.
You can write to Jen at the E-mails listed here
E-Mail or E-Mail
Other Information Silver Water
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Victor Barrell
Victor Barrell is my name. I am 45 years old and have been the target of MC
harrassments since 1986 when I moved to SanDiego, California. I was subjected
to many types of torments from the perps. From Dream intervention/depravation
to street theater. I have done much study on the subject since, as well as studies in
other related areas. I meet with apathy from many people on the subject and tryed
to think of ways to bring the MC subject further into the public eye. So I wrote a
free PSY- FI e-book and put it on the web at http://www.victorbarrell.com
Hopefully this will help. While the short story contains some fiction the morality
and imorality of the subject is focused on.
I moved to California in 1986 and started getting attacked psychologicly by the
people that lived in my neiborhood and I started noticing that the Anchor people
on the TV were talking about the things that I was doing at the moment and many
strange things started happening around the house. I would get harassing calls
from people I didn't even know like they were watching me on a monitor. I started
to study in many areas and found out about the defense capabilities of the United
States and why they were using these psycho-spacific weapons to control the
population. I researched the Quantum mechanical physics for this reality and how
they could use this techno to dominate so many people, while refining the
program techniques used in this monitoring process and decision probability
sequencing. I've talked to a few people about the subject but most of the academic
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society would rather ignore the issue and most of the general public is more
interested in entertainment, than what abuses real people with real problems are
going through. So I decided to write an entertainment book based on the
psychological and moral aspect of Mind Control and Psychotronic Harassments.
To make it entertainment I had to add some fiction. True victims would know
where the reality would start and stop. I hope this focuses more light on the
subject. I have read many letters from other victims and although I have been
through much torment I have read of others who have been through worse. The
worse thing for this situation is apathy which seems to be in abundant supply.
People fear being Blackballed from their economical oppertunities if they show
empathy to the cause, for "going against the power machine" if you will.
Hopefully, the entertainment approach may work better than a frontal attack. You
be the judge. Hopfully it will be received, in the spirit that it was written. You can
read the short story at, http://www.victorbarrell.com
E-Mail Web site
received 12-22-2003
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

Eric Bazan
I've recently become aware of 'cause stalking' and e- harassmet techniques. I feel I
may have been (and still am) a victim of both.
I'm furious about it.
Feel free to take or quote anything from my page - there's no copyright.
E-Mail Web site
received 11-23-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

Psychic harassment
I am a victim of psychics abuse, hearing voices and images to confuse my mind
and to prevent me to live normally....It's been a year now. The voice is rude and
nasty to me.There is a mental technic/solution to protect myself from receiving
the voice. Please email it to me,I figure out that there is a natural/mental
technic/shield to stop the voice.
Please email it to me to stop the voice I want my life
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received 01-17-2005
Information placed else where yes.

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David Alan Beach

David Alan Beach, raised by US Army MI family but possibly kidnapped from
real parents; if so, correct name is John Locke. DOB 02/27/69 or possibly
06/06/70. Was US Army Reserve (MI) myself. Catholic; ex-seminarian; history
degree. Interested in accounts of bio implants, particularly using nanotechnology
as I have an elaborate system myself. REQUESTING PRAYERS, "for the prayer
of a just man availeth much."
I have an elaborate system of computer controlled bio implants along many of the
nerves of my brain. (The computer monitors and controls the implants at a
distance.) This system was the result of an attempt to explore the maximum
potential of miniaturization following Sputnik; it was then applied to intelligence
and bionics. Study NANOTECHNOLOGY for the nature and potential of these
devices. These implants can be used for many things: tracking, correcting the
electrochemical imbalances of mentally ill or seizure prone persons;
microsurgery; exact body scanning of ANY part of the body; cure of breaks in the
nerves causing paralysis; flawless apparent telepathy between persons with a full
set of the implants; exact training/conditioning of persons with the implants. In
my case the implants have been set to keep me awake and I cannot sleep without
medication. I believe I was raised to take a high position in the Catholic Church
and use that position to support liberalism and abuse. I would be happy to
communicate with others on this subject. Yes, I know it sounds weird. So do a lot
of truths. Read more of David's Account Here
received 2003
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

Australian Victim of a Remotely Beamed Dream
This is an e-mail I received at the MCF from another website author.
His website( this link is for the webarchive. I cannot promise it to work.) lead me
to the Military Secrecy web resource (after several consecutive pages). Perhaps
his listing of this type of thing has lined him up to be a victim.
In the message, Belgrave describes being ravaged by an electronic nightmare. The
dream sounds quite plausible to any of us who have had similar experiences (for
instance, the holograms Ed Light describes in his account section, - E.L.).
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My name is Betty and I am fighting to get my life back.
At the beginning of January of 2001, my beloved world started down a road to
become a virtual nightmare, the full blow happening overnight on Janurary 11.
I read all these other accounts, and still find myself in an abhorred state of
disbelief. Each account verifying that all of this is really happening. This is
supposed to be the kind of situation one would read about in a storybook or go to
the theater to see as a source of entertainment, not as reality. Something that only
happens elsewhere, or purely in the human imagination.
Funny how things work, the common perception of the average human being is
that this is a concoction made up of superficial characters, or that the individuals
describing these issues have an unclear perception of reality and are being
melodramatic and overexaggerated, that is, until it happens to that average human
Then the cycle begins all over again. Suddenly that individual would find
themselves in a whirlpool, desperately seeking answers, desperately trying to end
their pain and torment or the pain and torment of a loved one only to find
themselves running into the same barriers they themselves were once a part of.
When will the cycle be broken once and for all? No one person can truly be
forced into believing anything, my hope is for an investigation into the facts and
to these claims, and not idolicizing the theory of Occams Razor.
Read more of Bettyboops' account Here
Back to Victims Index

I was a victim of the experiments that were done at Ohio State University in the
early 1970s. George Kelly was in charge and the project was called PK-Ultra.
Kelly was the author of a book and theory called Constraints of Personality.
received 10-21-2005
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

They are killing my 14 year old and she doesn't even know it. They are trying to
drive me crazy but it's not working. Is there no way out of this is death is the only
means to stop the harassment the emotional drain. The ending of your love of life.

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Flybys ,I know for a fact that the electromagnetic mind control weapons will
effect your electromagnetic spectrum. Vision by this when can get a better insight
from this. Check this one out to harass me they trained the dogs at my house to
crap on the side of the yard close to my door so when I walk out its the first thing
I smell, but when I leave for weeks at time and no matter where I go they don't
stop. When I get home the dog crap is all over not just in one place. But week of
being there its back in on spot right by my door. ect,
received 08-13-2003
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

I am a single professional woman who has been the victim of mind control
techniques for 4.7 years. I have learned as best possible to limit it's effect on me
although I find myself in life situations that are difficult to handle. I have had 5
jobs during this time and find it difficult to keep up with the required updates my
career warrants. I have been reluctant to share my experiences although I visit this
site often which helps me to know I am not alone in this. Read more of the
personal account Here
received 11-17-2003
Information placed else where no.

Back to Victims Index

A victim of mind machine.
I was a victim of mind machine. Probably people think that I don't know but if
they put this to anyone else I am pretty sure that they will know, anybody would
know. The memory that I have a long time ago, the fear that I have, the emotion,
the problem, the crying. It's all come back in my memory when I was at Georgia.
Sometime I confused, sometime I would see a picture or having a dream. When I
use to work as a sawing job it seems like someone communicating to me over the
radio, and I think when you lie it will not over if you done it for real. Like laying
of sleeping with three guys instead of two guys. What ever it is it really messed
up my life. They make me like a hore (slut). It is horrible, they damge my life and
I deserved to have a justice, this country is freedom to speech, freedom to have
privacy. My life is totally damage.
received 07-27-2004
Information placed else where no.

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Bluebird Monarch
Asa former Naval Security Group member, and current Father, husband, brother,
I have been in a P.O.W. situation for almost two years. I have been ECT'd, Tazed,
probed, abused, mind fucked, lied to stolen from, and generally ruined trying to
figure it out. Then finally the V.A. admits to using "some" unorthodox treatment
Noaccount could say enough
received 07-14-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

Blue Jew
My Christianity is not insanity.
I am a fellow victim of mind controlling shrinks.
Web site
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Robert Born
German Victim of Drugging by Secret Police
Robert Born found that the German secret police were putting addictive drugs in
his drinks. When he went to the medical profession for help they would not
investigate the drugging but instead pronounced him a mental case.
Robert is avoiding being put away by an unscrupulous doctor. He writes of a
coverup and the suppression of evidence in his case by attorneys, and asks for any
help anyone can give him in finding a proper lawyer.
The account is available both in the original German version and in Robert's
English translation.
He asks for help in doing a better translation (I've fixed it up a bit already).
Also here is the Robert Born UNO rights Claim file in German (html version of
uno1.exe, below).
Robert Born's new email is: E-Mail
His web site can viewed at:http://born.x0rk.com
Robert includes his address since the above email link may not stay current:
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Robert Born
Wilhelminenplatz 15a
D-64283 Darmstadt
Tel: 0049 -(0) 6151-136580
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Steve Bratcher
American Victim / Ex-Agent-Experimentee
Steve Bratcher was a government agent in Orlando, Florida when he and a friend
volunteered for a "Top-Secret Experiment in which audiograms and biosurgical
procedures were to be conducted on them."
In fact, unspeakable remote-controlled tortures were conducted and the
experimentees held against their will.
Steve escaped to write this short account. He says that one experimentee appeared
to be a MIA held as a John Doe.
Read a excerpt from a letter written to Cheryl Walsh from Steve about a SKBI
Steve Bratcher's email address at is no longer current.
Steve Bratcher, long term researcher in mind control ( after it was used on him by
his employers, CIA) checked into the hospital last wednesday ( April 17, 1996)
scheduled for surgery for prostate cancer. Brainscans also showed a brain tumor
and what may be brain implants.
Well wishers can send cards and letters and contributions to SKBI Research c/o
Freedom of Thought Foundation at POB 35072, Tucson, Az. 85740 and they will
be sent on to Steve to cheer his recovery.
[My controllers often claim to be in Florida - Ed Light]
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Tannie Braziel
American Psychotronic Torture Victim
Tannie Braziel is a paralegal in Los Angeles, California, USA. She is a Black
professional who owns her own paralegal and publishing business, Amazon
Paralegal Services.
She is also the victim of a particularly vicious electromagnetic attack involving
racially and sexually slurring voices and battering sensations. They are ordering
her to give up her business.
Tannie's web site Amazon Web World (note this site is no longer working but the
link will take you to the webarchive pages of her former site) thus includes a
Mind Control section; the link to it is at the top of the home page. Therein Tannie
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describes her situation, gives some valuable her account and legal precedents
regarding the experiments, and includes the letter she wrote to the Federal
Communications Commission.
Her account is also reproduced here with a few extra links to MCF resources.
You can email Tannie Braziel at E-Mail
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T. Casey Brennan
I'm T. Casey Brennan, Warren comics writer from the 1970s, listed in the 1998
Who's Who in America. In 1996, I wrote Conjurella, which I'm not sure is a dream
or a repressed memory. You can read Conjurella, and appending notes at the T.
Casey Brennan Archives from Austin, Texas, and more about me as a comic book
writer at the Canadian T. Casey Brennan: Man or Mystery page.
Conjurella is about a hypnotist I knew as a little boy. Dr. E of Hopeville in the
account is actually J.H. Earnshaw, D.O., of Port Hope, Michigan. "Conjurella" is
actually my late aunt, Bonnie Goodrich. "Kathy Malarkey" is actually Katherine
Schlorke. Conjurella alleges that I was kidnapped by Dr. Earnshaw and David
Ferrie, and forced to initiate the shooting from the Texas School Book Depository
Recently, I wrote Conjurella Fever, which is not a dream or a repressed memory
at all. It deals primarily with my life at a Berkeley commune in the mid-1980s,
when one of their members attempted to kill Charles Manson in prison.
In April 1998 the author sent in these updates: Conjurella DDT: Cold War
Warriors Comic Book Truth by T. Casey Brennan
Conjurella Messiah: Necronomicon Monks [ Adult Content ]
May 1998: A student movement in Hong Kong is underway demanding
international attention to T. Casey Brennan's allegations that he was kidnapped in
1963, and forced to shoot JFK. Their web address is...
In July 29, 2000 the author sent in this update: Unauthorized Conjurella:
Housemates With Naomi Schechter, Ph.d, Activist-Psychologist With
"Psychologists for Social Responsibility" by T. Casey Brennan Copyright 2000
by T. Casey Brennan
21st Century Conjurella: The Last Witch
On 09-28-2003 T. Casey Bernnan sent in this new story: Conjurella Krishna: Srila
Kasipada How I Became A REAL Hippie Guru!
21st Century Conjurella: The Last Witch
In 2001 the author sent in this update: Nude Model Tells All [ Adult Content ]
May 2002 sent in this story: Crystal Memories [ Adult Content ]
Conjurella Frankenhead & The 827 Mystery or How The Wonder Woman Girl
Brennan links at other sites:
Crow Enterprises
Speak Out For Animals
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Quantum Mechanical History & T.C.B.

The Vampire And the President
Kennedy and Beyond
T. Casey Brennan and Conjurella
T. Casey Brennan: Conjurella
Conjurella - Anomalog.com Editorial Comments
T. Casey Brennan: The Sexiest JFK MK-ULTRA Assassin Alive?
Kennedy Assassination We at SR Demand and Investigation Now!
Cover Art for TC Brennans' Vampirella stories
E-mail for T. Casey Brennan: E-Mail
Back to Victims Index

American Psychotronic Brain Implant Victim
Brian's Government Psychiatric Torture anti-mind control Web Site is a total
work of art and graphic design. It's also engagingly informative, including
reference materials.
He has unbelievably detailed MRI (magnetic-resonance-imaging) scans of his
head showing multiple implants used in conjunction with remote electronic mindcontrol. These are downloadable for your collection, and they will certainly "blow
anybody's mind!" He has authored a comprehensive explanation of the scans.
Once you've seen the implants, you'll love the Usenet Responses.
Brian can be reached at:
Brian's Government Psychiatric Torture Web Site
(also in our Resource Section Web Site
Back to Victims Index

Brian 1
Diagnosed paranoid schizoprenic, but believe to be victim of mind control
technology-have read books and other information on the subject and know it to
be possible.
Interest in subject of Remote Viewing.
received 07-21-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

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American Psychotronics Victim
Rather than detail her day-to-day experiences with the electronic "controllers,"
Bridget decided to share her way of handling the situation through her Christian
faith in the teachings of Jesus. This seems to help, as in the account she says:
There is no opposition to my faith. In fact it is encouraged because
I get peace of mind [from Christ] so therefore there is not a battle
nor an attack back.
She does let us know that she has been coping with them for 5 years [as of 1-98],
and possibly earlier without her knowledge.
Bridget's E-mail is not working at this time (3-99).
Back to Victims Index

I am a victim of goverment mind control and SRA abuse. I am DID and am in
therapy for it. I am looking for a supportive place to learn and grow. If you want
to know anything specific please email me and let me know.
Back to Victims Index

Darren David Brown

I have military brain implants which can manipulate every emotion I feel, which
can make me feel angry, confused, days with out sleep make me say stuff. I need
someone that I trust and that can help put a stop to this. Thanks
received 7-28-2003

Back to Victims Index

I had an incident that happenned to my wife and I about 5 years ago. We went to
bed about midnight, and about 3:15 A.M. I awoke suddenly, and stood straight up
in bed. My heart was pounding, like I just drank a pot coffee, and I didn't know
why. I realized something was wrong. I was on the wrong side of the bed, and
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things were wrong. The ceiling fan above was turned off at the chord, but we
always use the wall outlet, along with the light fixture. The bed was too neat, as if
someone or something had tucked us in. It was like we were taken out of bed, and
put back to seem like nothing happenned, but the details had gotten messed- up.
My wife was sound asleep, so I nudged her, and asked her what happenned. She
said half asleep, Oh we were probably abducted by aliens. I nudged her fully
awake, and asked her why she said that, and she said she didn't know why she
said that. I cannot remember what happened during those couple of hours.....it is
as if something has externally blocked my memory.....To this day, my wife
refuses to talk about that night.
received 8-9-2003
Information can not be placed else where.

Back to Victims Index

Bruce 1
I've been living in hell for 7 years, as too many others are as I have found out !!!
I've been electronically harassed for 7 years, these (people?) have continued this
relentlessly for this period. They state the only way they will stop is for me die.
These stalkers have used to the best of my knowledge emf toys, and, many times
driven me the brink of suicide. The perps call it their joke, as they state they do
indeed own me and I am their prisoner. I wish them the very best place in hell, as
which they do deserve, as any child and agency using the many forms of mind
control, amply available today !!
received 12-11-2004
Information placed else where no.

Back to Victims Index

Shawna Burkhart
My name is Shawna Burkhart I am also a victim of mind control. I have been
dealing with this for the past four years. I am very scared, and hoping each day
that it will be over, but it does not seem to stop. I have been tortured, and I have
also lost almost everything I have had. When I saw this website it gave me hope. I
hope someone contacts me to discuss their situations with me.
At least I know now that I am not the only one out there that this has happened to.
My address and phone number please contact me anytime.
Shawna Burkhart
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po Box 277
Livingston KY 40445
Tel: (606) 453-9444 or (606) 682-2547
Back to Victims Index

Mike Cab
American Psychotronics Victim
Mike Cab wrote your editor:
Please add me to the mind-torture victims. My initial torment started in 1977, as
did yours (refering to Ed Light). My initial audible voice, I heard while sitting in
the dentist chair, in 1977, just after having a tooth filled with amalgam (silver
mercury filling). I immediately confronted the dentist, who called my mother ( I
was 17 at the time), who immediately sent me for a psychological evaluation
(schizophrenic). Yes, instantly discredited and invalidated me and my claims,
suspicions, etc..., by having me mis-diagnosed.
If there is anyone out there, who has some answers to similar problems, please
contact me ASAP.
Mike Cab [E-Mail]
Views/Opinions: [Web Site]
Back to Victims Index

Jim Cairns
Victim of attempted murder by an SRA Cult
Hi, my name is Jim,
One could say that I am a victim of a satanic cult which originally indoctrinated
my exwife into witchcraft.
Their interests lay in getting her to betray me and then her own daughters, she set
me up for murder by para killers in 1994, and if that had succeeded, my daughters
would have been betrayed by her for ritual murder.
This I have no doubt, all of my information became clear only after many years of
discovery and revelations.
Only now do we see similar tragedies in the press and TV every day.
My two articles which will tell my story are:
The first is a crude statement which I sent to an Irish MP in Nov 1996, Austen
Currie TD, Dublin the second is a better essay which outlines the story up to
2000, Story of Jacque
Email Jim Cairns

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Jim has written a book about his experiences called "Disappeared off the
face of the world!" you can see this at his web site "Disappeared off the face
of the world!"
New Information that Jim talkes about in his book:
Torso In The Thames: Adam's Story
New hunt opens for 'grotesque' child killer Witchcraft not ruled out in killing of
boy 30 years ago
Trafficker may be key to torso in Thames
My Web site is fairly extensive which you will discover by going through the
graphic compartments! Mirrored Site Here
Back to Victims Index

Karen Campbell
I am Karen Campbell and am a victim of electronic/psychogenic control.
Originally, I was under Russian control but over the past few months have been
under U.S. control. These two major nations are batteling for my mind control
secondary to electronic implant grown also and festered from old age Pavlovian
Triggering by my communist parents. I feel a third world war is going on in and
for my mind. Only I and God now have the keys. Only Jesus could have endured
the torture I have been exposed to. I plan to fight this control in supremem court
but need assistance in knowing how to go about this. I welcome all assistance
from anyone out there. Thanks in advance,
Karen Elizabeth Campbell
203 Queen's Crossing
Williamsburg, VA 23185
(757) 564-3125
received 09-16-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

Lee and Farren Carroll

American Psychotronics and Harassment Victims
Driven from their home, forced to live with relatives, and all the while being
tortured by electromagnetic means, Lee Carroll and her daughter Farren believe
they know the identity of the perpetrators.
Lee happened to hear a man call a radio show claiming to be a whistle blower. He
exposed "two little known agencies are known as the M.J.T.F or the MultiJurisdictional Task Force and FINCEN or Financial Crimes Network."
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In Lee Carroll's account, she gives the details and appeals to people to spread the
account and to write to her at the following address:
Lee & Farren Carroll
1006 W. Downer Place
Aurora, IL 60506
Back to Victims Index

Hello, my name is Cathy and this goes so back stabbing I don't know really where
to start I must stay honest. So i'm a victim of all this technolgy since a child
maybe since the day of birth.
I personally know for a fact becuase the one behind it even told me to my face
personally his even well connected at that "shit" even has the possibileties to use
his sources agianst me it starts from awaking me from sleep just to wonder whats
that mouning noise coming from can you guess just what kind of noise?
Well that was the being of my sexual abuse at the age of maybe kindergarten. I
would guess after to which lead my mother to treat me as a cat would treat her
kittens touched by a stranger which lead exactly to that sex abuse act if you know
what I'm trying to tell you . 'I'm to I can't really say it ' the bastard! And they even
manipulate gestures to bust there disgusting ego! I'm now 36 years old and now
fully introduce to this abuse since 2001 and fighting back at theme until some
descent caring understanding soul hears me
thank you Catherine
received 07-21-2004
Information placed else where yes no.

Back to Victims Index

Robert Champion
I'd like to send you the following information for inclusion on your website, as I
read of many individuals who are suffering from what is described as exposure to
EM, from some source. I would prefer if feedback goes into a publicly accessable
forum rather than back to me, as I think this information may yield some insight
into this phenomenon if more people have access to it.
Read the some of the suggestions that he has Here
Received 1-29-2003

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Robert Champion
For years I have endured persecution at the behest of m15/6 the cia aided by the
masons and criminals, this has taken the form of illegaly administered chemicles,
drug, serious personal abuse, total privacy intrusion at my home and that of my
relatives theand a host of crimes against my personal life inclding that of my
female relatives, could add more but as the criminals im talking aboput are
watching me write this I'm inclined to be brief.
received 11-01-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

Guy Chapman
My name is Guy Chapman. I'm forty-two years old.I live in the southeastern
United States. Honorably discharged USN.Ten years a carpenter. Eleven years a
Funeral Director/Embalmer. I work currently, as a free-lance Artist.
Guy, 42, USA, My experience of this unbelievable phenomenon, has been going
on for 15-16 months. It includes: 24/7 surviellence (my family was followed 100
miles away from home on vacation),tapped phones, ringing ears, shock
waves,electrical shocks,tree climbers, defamation of character,the list goes on. I
am working on a detailed account. If I live so long, I intend to post it here,when I
have it current.
received 07-26-2004
Information placed else where no.

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Blanche Chavoustie
American Victim-Activist
Blanche Chavoustie is the USA contact for ACHES-MC, the Advocacy
Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control.
A comprehensive interview of Blanche was done by Wayne Morris on the CKLNFM Mind Control Series. She's a victim of various US experiments.
Blanche sent a collection of images which shows remote controlled implants, and
incoming beams showing up in photos. Beams showing up on film are not
uncommon among select mind control victims.
Included is an unexplained rash; I assume it's like the arm wounds suffered by
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Joan Siegemund.
E-mail: c4ixxx@aol.com This Email no longer works.
Back to Victims Index

I have been subjected to mind control for aproxiametly 2 years. I have survived
through practicly every form of harassment these people can subject me to. I
would like the world as well as the public in this area to become aware that there
is people who can and will use technics to not only use mind control, but have no
care for what they do to indivuals who they have harassed.
I have a sound phenomena that goes on or around my trailer where I live. The
sound phenomna gives the appearence that I am hearing voices. The distortion
usually happens from radios, my computer, or television. The voices I hear from
time to time are of diiferent people I have encounted of claim to be friends in the
area I live.
I would appriciate someone or organization to come and investigate this matter
and find out if there is any way I can eliminate this technic that is being used
against me
received 12-10-2003
Information placed else where no.

Back to Victims Index

Voice to Skull tech. has gotten out of control, not being used as to what it was
meant for, according to inside source. I am a victim, I should know!!
Further infor will be provided as recieved from inside source????
received 11-21-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

All I can say for now is that this stated in approx 1992 in NV> I moved away to
AZ. then to CA. where things got pretty intense in 1995 I then moved back to NV.
a larger town and things have recently stated up again having so many people
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watch wherever I go and do the noises the loss of self control the agitation
between me and my spouse over the things that are happining I work at a gov.
facility I am a blue coller worker approx a week ago or perhaps 10 days I started
takeing down plate numbers and talking to other peopel about this surveillance
and things have seemed to calm down somewhat I can't seem to let it go at this I
have suffered plenty and if nothing else I would like to beleive that I at least
helped in preventing this to happen to someone else. I will tell more of my story
as I learn more about this.
received 10-18-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

I am using for now the name Clara, Someone very dear to me who has recently
died in large part because of harassment. We both shared the harrassment end.
The first account of this seems to have started with my grandmother and now I
understand at least to my mother also, who had no idea where the torture
originated from. Put off always on women as mental illness. The intrusions have
escalated in my life for the past six years. The last seven locations I have lived, I
have been stalked. People have acted out street theater harassment in virtually
every pulic facility I have walked into and including outside. I have no money for
lawsuits. I am not antisocial, but would prefer not to play stupid little games. If
people want to do this, then I doubt it would be beneficial to know them. There is
a Bible Verse, Troublesome meddlers are as liars, murderers and thieves. When
my mind is not being blanked out I have many questions about this. To go into
psychic abilities, I am only given what I can handle, no more. Anything I have
seen has only been for people close to me, that I care about and those have ceased,
as I have prayed for them to.
received 10-15-2004
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

Ian Clark
Australian Psychotronic Torture Victim
The account of Ian Clark tells of an ... electronic brain Implant, Implanted during
an operation I had in Blacktown Hospital, Blacktown Sydney in 1963 an
Tonsillectomy [same as Jay Kats], since then even in my childhood I was
Tortured but not to the extent I am today ... Ian's torture is massive, both
physically and mentally. He has been made to lose two houses, finds it hard to
relate, and experiences crippling discrimination in employment and medical care.
Driven into precarious ill health, Ian has lost 20 teeth and became impoverished.
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E-Mail Website
Ian Clark
P.O. Box 565
Southport QLD
Australia 4215
Back to Victims Index

Mark Cohen
American Psychotronics Victim
Mark Cohen's account tells how his promising studies in Sociology at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison were interrupted by the CIA. Impeding his
studies and employability, the psychotronics brigades made Mark a pincushion
for their remotely beamed bodily experiments as well as their mind attacking
holgraphic dreams.
E-Mail or E-Mail
Back to Victims Index

Thomas Conex
In my case, I am a victim of holographic directed energy harassment from the
government which has gone back in time with remote sensing directed energies to
target myself and my ancestors to change our genes, and spirit, in an attempt to
take over out bodies and identities with computer generated holographic cartoon
like images of our bodies and spirits that posses our bodies, since I may be related
to the Greek Olympian Gods, and my potential future and children could also
become relatives of the Gods. I have never had my own physical body since birth
which may be the case for many other celebrities and members of royalty, and my
spirit lives outside of my body, with governmental computer generated
holographs projected inside of my body controlling the cells and genes of my
body to look like the holographs of my ancestors according to the governments
computer image of them which is a false media image and governmental
propaganda, to make a cartoon like mockery image of my ancestors on my body
and on the bodies of my ancestors back in time, to control history and politics in
the future, present, and past.
Baron Von Volsung, http://www.rhfweb.com/baron,
President Thomas D. Clark, http://www.rhfweb.com/personal
New Age Production's Inc., http://www.rhfweb.com/newage
Star Haven Community Services, at http://www.rhfweb.com/sh
Radiation Health Foundation Trust at http://www.rhfweb.com
received 6-6-2003

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Gregory Cousins
American Psychotronics Victim
This document is from Gregory Cousins who is a victim and will be filing a
lawsuit against high ranking officials for allowing these invisible laser atrocities
to take place. This lawsuit is in the beginning stages.
To quote from the document:
"... it began as a low intensity laser beam at the left side of my
head. ... the lasers ... turned into holy torture. They use people like
me for several different things. To learn how to control others'
behavior is only one of them. Humans run on electricity. ... These
small voltages and frequencies can easily be beamed across vast
distances. After many decades of mastering this, they are now able
to control many different types of human behavior."
In August 1997 Greg sent a message for other victims. An update to this message
was added on January 9th, 2000
Back to Victims Index

I have been targetted/fixed on 24/7 by what is referred to as predatory remote
viewers/electronic harrassment since June 1998. They are predatory two faced
gay and try to undermine demoralise extreme gay prey and undermine hate watch
my heterosexuality. I am heterosexual exclusive and have never been involved in
homosexual sexuality and never would. The ring are comprised of homo eroto
manic males and babystate sleep predatory sexually challenged neo-lesbian Myra
Hindley type female sidekicks. They are ten in number. Eight of them stem by
accent from South Yorkshire, England, and highly likely tied to the small
township of Hoyland and possibly Barnsley.
Read more of Damian's account Here
received 6-13-2003

Back to Victims Index

Brain thought implants must be stopped. if this technology gets into the wrong
hand, which it already has, so many innocent people will be tortured.
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I am a victim of a brain implant. The people using this device on me are very
cruel people. Accussing me of acts that I didn't do and threatening me to
execution or their going to kill my family. They have my house bugged, they
know everything i think and do. I need to get some help from some other people
so that these evil people can be sent to prison. If anybody knows where to get help
or any info would be greatly apprieciated.
received 03-21-2004
Information placed else where no.

Back to Victims Index

American Psychotronics Victim
According to David, while working for the United States Postal Service he
became a target of electronic harassment. Changing states with the US has not
brought relief.
He says that the authorities were involved with a drug house that was on his
postal route, the fence of which he unfortunately ran into with the postal vehicle
he was driving.
The account is taken from his Postal Inpectors, Mind Control and Harassment
web site which is no longer available.
E-mail: david@goingpostal.org
David doesn't have his own computer, so including a phone number or address in
an E-mail message to him will help him respond.
Back to Victims Index

Carrie Dawn
Carrie Dawn is the founder of More Than Conquerors Online Forums ( MTC
Online Forums). MTC Online Forums provides free online support forums for
survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and those with
Dissociative Conditions such as Dissociative Identity Disorder. MTC Online
Forums also provides support for family, friends, advocates, helping professionals
of survivors. All forums are free of charge and MTC has no religious affiliations
or affiliations with other organizations or web sites. Carrie Dawn has begun
writing her own account to publish on MTC's Ezine and on her own personal web
site. She has been in recovery for 22 years as an abuse victim, with 13 1/3 of
those as a SRA/DID survivor. She founded MTC over 9 years ago to provide
support for survivors like herself. Today MTC provides support for literally
hundreds of people. MTC also sponsor the Mind Control Forum created and once
owned by Ed Light.
Carrie Dawn can be reached at E-Mail
MTC Online Forums can be reached Here

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The Ritual Abuse Network (public site on RA) at Ritual Abuse

You can view a partial history and Carrie Dawn's blog here.
Back to Victims Index

Robert Dawn
Object of overt and extreme "mind control" experimentation, extremely cruel and
inhumane treatment for about 5 years, starting around 1990. Gradually learned
how to protect myself to some degree.
My spiritual teacher said the essence of the Teachings of the Masters was, roughly
"Live in the Will of the Lord
Think Good of everyone,
Forgive everyone,"

Robert Dawn
Read some brief bits of Roberts'account Here
Here are some suggestions from Robert
Back to Victims Index

I'm sending this in the hopes it may help and as a warning. I used to work for a
group named NeuroPop (www.neuropop.com); I'm still using my old email
address until it gets noticed and killed by the sysop so they can't trace me from
my home email address. These guys were an auditory neuroscience team formerly
with Brown University now working with major clients on neural marketing and
non-lethal personnel control technology. They had a patent which basically
covered a large chunk of the human brain, which suddenly disappeared from the
patent and trademark archives.
The problem is they've created a technology which doesn't need implants or any
type of invasive hardware or line-of-sight to modify people's mental states - they
can embed it in any soundtrack. Before I left, they were in contact with the
BIGGEST names in media and marketing in the world.
I think all the sudden news about "neural marketing" and "psychological
branding" being based on demographic and academic studies is crap - these guys
have been around for the last 3 years and have not stopped working since day one.
This is just very scary stuff and I'm glad I'm out of it - they were attracting
attention from some VERY heavy people who were VERY interested.

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I am a victim of Satanic Ritual abuse and then later MKULTRA ,MONARK, I
was used in Green Beret, Delta Force, Navey Seals, Rangers and the Air force, I
was at most major militaryactions since 1972
I am herer to find out who when and if I can join a lawsuit against the CIA, if we
all join a law suit we can move forward.
received 8-22-2003
Information placed else where yes.

Back to Victims Index

American Massive Harassment Victim -- Electronic, Chemical, Break-in, Psychotronic
Dee's account is sent by a victim who recognized similar tactics by the antagonists
is Vera's account. It is of an episode of several years that fortunately ended around
The harassment of Dee and her husband and children began with sounds and
voices coming from the walls. This intensified to include intrusive programs
replacing radio shows [this has been my experience too - ed.]. Dee and her
husband left tape recorders running and have tapes of break-ins.
The intruders poisoned them with chemicals, sabotaged their cars, wired their
electricity to an unknown draining circuit, borrowed items, and changed
combinations in locks.
Finally one child developed serious unexplained rashes. Dee had to quit her job,
and the authorities were no help, separating them from their children for a time.
Dee's E-Mail
Back to Victims Index

Dee (1)
Live in Carson City NV. Single mom two kids
Have been heavy all my life don't recall much of childhood, but fear parents and
family and close friends Have my children involved in a child sex ring, using
ritual abuse and spinning, don't know where to find help don't trust anyone,
parents and husband called me nuts, think they use reverse psychology, R.E.M.,
beta, microchips, hear children's crying screams. Daughter refuses to take
physical, son dreams of the grim reaper talks about dying, masters, slaves, the
boss, presidents, kings, they don't want to go to school, complain of leg hurting,
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butt hurts, I can hear my kids crying, for help while they are at school, or when I
am driving, I need some help or someone who knows what I am talking about
Web site
received 03-02-2005
Information placed else where no.

Back to Victims Index

My intro is I'm 26, intelligent and sensitive person. I have been the victim of MC
and this is my story.
I just started to get brainwashed about a month ago. Although come to think of it I
felt some of this before as well. I think my case deals more with individual people
who are not part of the government. IT was people who want to punnish me for
there "ethics and morals," which is completely unfair, wrong, and STUPID.
People who punnish others for doing something wrong by their standards are
horrible people simple as that.
my pain was being choked, racing heart, or heart palpatations that I thought would
surely kill me. I also expereinced shortness of breath and "feigning in and out of
consiousness," so it was sereious to say the very least. I read somewhere about
aluminum foil helping? does anyone know this?
Anyway I hope this stops and was wandering if anyone else shares my symptoms.
Back to Victims Index

I am a 49 year old disabled registered nurse who has the need to report my story
to disable the perpetrators who have violated my civil rights and done so in a way
that should be written in a science fiction novel. It was not until a began to
research psychotronic weapons, mindcontrol and electromagnetic brain waves
being used to monitor and control a human being in the privacy of their home. I
linked to a psychic web ring quite by accident and was not even made aware of
this fact until recently. My computer was hacked into and eventually disabled by
remote access and what ensued was a nightmare. I have a stress related illness and
was not aware that inducing heightened stressful stimuli is so easily and
manipulatatively an artform of private hackers who find it thrilling to extort
money after their targets are rendered helpless. I was afraid to come forward for
fear of being named crazy or psychotic as I have a mental disability.
Unfortanately for the hackers I have an RN and was taking a leave from work
after working with violent psychiatricly disabled, criminally minded adolesents
and do have a scientific and curious mind. I am not afraid to tell my story and
have been repeatedly threatened by these terrorists in order to keep me silent. I
feel that I cannot be the only one this has happened to and want to come forward
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with my story to enable other victims to have courage to do so as well.

My story is too long and tedious as well as somewhat confusing and I need a
personal investigator or reporter to speak with me. I live in Stow Massachusetts
and that is one area that should be investigated for a private network community
with a pornographic web base. I linked to it by accident because I was
downloading remote access to help me program my new lap top. I never had the
control of my computer once the remote service was in place. The rest will be
discussed if you contact me.
these where the links I tried to access repeatedly but remote access to a private
source was already in place without my consent or knowledge. The above links
were where the remote server had initial contact with me but I am not sure which
one. All programing was done under the ruse of a technician trying to help me
program remotely using the hp home base page. He pretended to be a friend of the
family initially so I trusted his programing implicitly. I do not know the first thing
about computers and thought remote access was wonderful. That was the biggest
mistake I could have ever made.
received 10-28-2003
Information placed else where no.

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Michael Donovan
American Psychotronics - Drugging - Racketeering Victim
Here is Michael Donavan's introduction to his court case:
" Mind contol used to stop knowledge of the real motive behind both WACO and
flight 800. Because this came from childhood training at the very top of naval
intelligence (Time Magazine-media), it is hard for the general public to
A civil Rico (2:98cv762) has been filed in Norfolk, VA. The case follows.
The plaintiff can be contacted at E-Mail
Also my Fall Of Norfolk is posted on Kent Stedman's Orbit site at
Michael also writes a rant that can be read here.
Michael Donovan is giving out the basics of the "new geometry", (or Robert
Pavlita's geometry), used in Russian psychotronics, which has been known to
western governments since 1984. It has been suppressed (see case, above). He has
a new web site for this, The Geometry of Robert Pavlita. Note that the first page
continues using the link in the upper left of it.
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Here are some articles that Doug send in Here
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Dr Les Dove C.P.H. MBHR. F.Inst. H.T.

English Survivor of Remote Mind-Control
" Before my repression inside the United Kingdom I lived in South Africa and
Rhodesia for almost ten years. Whilst living in those countries I voiced my
opposition to apartheid. Therefore I can only assume that my subsequent
repression and torture at the hands of the South African Bureau of State Security
(BOSS) and the British Military Intelligence Services (MI5 and MI6) in the UK
was due to that political stance." Les's story can be found here read his update
He also sent some doc that you can read Democracy Charade and Universal
Declaration Of Human Rights (And how the British government abuses them.)
Read about The Torture Trail Changing The Spots?
He would like contact from anyone that would like to join in a class-actions suit.
Read Information Here
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I am a victim of remote control mind machine from UK. They've been torturing
me for the last 4 years. But I believe this is from my childhood.
I don't want to give my name. But use Down as a code name. I'll be sending my
story later on.
I 'm looking for solution. But couldn't find a solution yet. I've read that doctors in
UK don't want to help. Please advise.
They try to destroy my memory. I'm planning to take time off from work due to
this. They say they'll get me divorced (which they did once), leave me
unemployed , make me commit suicide or kill.
Please advice for help, if you know any trusted doctor name from UK.
received 7-16-2003

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Emmanuel Dubos
Advanced Media Group

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Personal Experience with the DST

In the minutes I am writing, the DST (French Secret Services) is trying me to get
suicide using a maser. My inferno is lasting since roughly two years and I remind
that I was also scanned since my childhood.
The only difference is that they now want to kill me because they wanted to talk
to me but they didn't manage to do so.
They make me understand that I was in their papers. I never understood what they
wanted to tell me but I refused to talk to them or I never succeeded in contacting
them the way they wanted. I am a French man, Telecom engineer.
I got a job in Switzerland but they continue to harass me 24h/24 and 7/7.
They can send me any noise to my head and they redirect all my thinking
thoughts to my head which is very hard to resist and very humiliating. It is
impossible to get rid of them, one man can not fight against a country.
I am trying to get some contact with Jacques Baud, former swiss colonel of the
secret service.
I am waiting for an answer about the existence of this maser. Its encyclopedy does
not describe it.
With the maser, they also use psychologic action : damage to my car, strange
phone rings, make my colleagues at work speaking in my back to make me feel
uncomfortable. I lost 4 jobs in that way.
If somebody can help me, it would be so helpfull.
They can send me some electricity in my body (testicules, muscle, asshole,....).
The maser goes through the walls.
It can reach me from kilometres.
When I dream, they can also interact in it that makes me awake. I can interact
with them because they keep speaking to me and I understood that they can see all
my nerves, the TV- set and my computer screen.
This is inferno in 2003 in Western Europe. I really need assistance. I would accept
any conditions of those that would help me.
Emmanuel DUBOS
received 12-14-2003
Information placed else where yes no.

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