You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me

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“You Shall Have No Other Gods before Me”

(Exodus 20:3)

I. Introduction.
A. Review.
1. When we look at the Ten Commandments, we need to remember that they are
commandments that show us how to love.
2. God has loved us.
a. He made us, brought us into covenant with Himself, and redeemed us by His
b. Therefore, we are to love Him.

B. Preview.
1. But how are we to love Him?
a. Is God pleased with animal sacrifices, or human sacrifices?
b. Does He want us to burn incense or candles to Him?
c. Does He want us to make idols and worship Him through those?
d. We might think this was true, unless He had told us otherwise.

2. He has shown us how to love Him.

a. All the commandments tell us how to love Him, but especially the first four.
b. God wants us to have Him as the only God and our God.
c. He doesn’t want us to worship Him through images, but as He commands us.
d. He doesn’t want us to use His name flippantly, but reverently.
e. And He wants us to keep His day of rest (Sabbath) holy to Him.
f. This is how He wants to be loved.
g. He also wants us to love our neighbor as ourselves. If we do the others, but
not this, we are still failing to love Him. We must do both.
h. But the first four commandments tell us precisely how to love Him.

3. This evening, we’re going to look at the first commandment:

a. The Lord says that to love Him, we must have no other gods before Him.
b. We must recognize that He is the true God and take Him to be our God.

II. Sermon:
A. There are some things we need to bear in mind as we look at the commandments:
1. First, every command has two sides:
a. It tells us what we are to do and what not to do.
b. There are always flip sides to every command.
(i) The fifth commandment tells us to honor our father and mother; but it
also tells us not to dishonor them.
(ii) The sixth commandment tells us not to murder someone, but at the same
time it tells us that we are to protect life.

2. Second, it isn’t just telling us what we are to do or not do, but also what we are
to think, desire, or say; or not think, desire or say.
a. It’s not only wrong to take someone’s life or hurt them, it’s also wrong to
want to hurt them, to think about hurting them, to talk about hurting them.
b. It’s not only wrong to commit sexual sins, it’s wrong to want to, to think
about them or to talk about them.

3. Third, we are not only to think about how to keep these commandments
ourselves, but also to help others keep them.
a. The fourth commandments tells us not to work on the Sabbath, so we should
rest and not work. But we should also not do anything that would cause
others to work on that day.
b. The seventh commandment tells us not to commit sexual sin, or to lust. But
it also calls us to make sure that we don’t cause others to think impure
thoughts by what we do, say or wear.

B. And so let’s apply this to the first commandment.

1. First, what does this commandment tell us to do?
a. First, it tells us that we are to know God:
(i) We can’t recognize Him as the true God and take Him to be the true God
unless we know Him.
(ii) “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve
Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all
hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He
will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever”
(1 Chronicles 28:9).
(iii) And so we must read His Word and seek Him in prayer.
(iv) We will always want to know what we love.

b. Second, it tells us to take Him as our God.

(i) This means to enter into covenant with Him.
(ii) When God enters into covenant with man, He becomes their God and
they His people.
(iii) We must own Him as our God, our only God, and love and serve Him
alone as God.

c. Third, it tells us that we are to worship Him only.

(i) If we take the true God as our God and Him alone, we must also worship
Him alone.
(ii) The psalmist writes, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name;
worship the Lord in holy array” (Psalm 29:2).
(iii) Jesus said to the devil when he offered Him the world’s kingdoms if He
would bow down and worship Him, “Begone, Satan! For it is written,
‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only’” (Matthew

(iv) How can we say we love Him if we refuse to worship Him or give His
worship to another?

2. Second, what does it tell us not to do?

a. First, it tells us not to deny that He is God.
(i) In other words, it forbids atheism – the absurd belief that there is no God.
(ii) David wrote, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are
corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; there is no one who does
good” (Ps. 14:1).
(iii) If we love Him, we will not deny Him.

b. Second, it forbids taking another god in place of the true God.

(i) Here is man’s greatest weakness.
(ii) Anything we love more than God is an idol, whatever it might be:
spouse, children, cars, houses, sports, position, etc.
(iii) We are to love God, the true God, with all our heart, mind, soul and
strength. We are to love nothing more.
(iv) Even in loving our neighbor as ourselves, we are not to love them as we
are to love God.

c. It tells us that we cannot refuse Him the worship that is His.

(i) First, this means refusing to take Him as God and worship Him
accordingly. Paul writes regarding the wicked, “For even though they
knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they
became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened”
(Romans 1:21).
(ii) But it also means as Christians failing to come to the worship services.
(iii) How can we claim to love God as we are called to love Him if we don’t
come to give Him His rightful praise?

d. It tells us we cannot refuse to obey Him.

(i) Taking God as our God means that we submit to Him as Lord and
Sovereign. Worshiping Him means the same thing.
(ii) The unbeliever is commanded to acknowledge God and obey Him.
(iii) But so is the Christian. The Lord tells His people in Psalm 81:10-11, “I,
the Lord, am your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt; open
your mouth wide and I will fill it. But My people did not listen to My
voice; and Israel did not obey Me.” And Paul writes in Romans 12:1, “I
urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies
a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual
service of worship.”
(iv) If we love God, we will lovingly submit to whatever He calls us to do.

e. And it tells us not to give His worship to any other.

(i) To give the love and affection we would give to God to another is

(ii) Paul writes, “For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and
worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed
forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading
passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is
unnatural” (Romans 1:25-26).
(iii) Why do we have such a wicked and sexually immoral society? It’s
because our society worships pleasure rather than God.
(iv) We must love God and worship Him only.

3. What does this commandment tell us to desire, think or say?

a. We must desire Him with all our heart.
b. It tells us that we must think about God.
c. We must speak reverently and lovingly of Him.
d. If our hearts are full of God, so will our minds and mouths be.

4. What does it tell us not to think, desire or say?

a. We must not think anything that is unbecoming of God.
b. We must desire nothing more strongly than Him in our hearts.
c. We must never say anything dishonoring to God.

5. How can we help others keep this commandment?

a. We can help them come to know Him. (Evangelism)
b. We can help them know how to glorify and serve Him (discipleship).
c. God commands us and all men, women and children everywhere to know
Him, love, Him, worship Him, obey Him.
d. They can only do this through Jesus Christ, through the Gospel.
e. Let’s submit to God and pray and work to get His Gospel out. Amen.

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