Shi'Ism For Dummies
Shi'Ism For Dummies
Shi'Ism For Dummies
Shaikh Salahuddeen Azzam
. 11
3. A Comparison of the Origin and Structure of
Islam and Shiism .
... 14
4. A Comparison of the Seven Articles of Faith
in Islam and Shiism .
== Published by ==
.. 17
5. Some other Significant Jurisprudential differences
... 22
6. How
.. 24
7. How
. 26
8. Some Common Shiah Discourses and how
.... 29
9. Questions that Shiahs can not Answer ..
November, 2014
. 45
10.Some Useful Authentic Internet Resources to Help you
.. 48
All praise solely belong to Allah Talaa, Lord of the Universe, the seven
skies and the seven earths and whatever is between them; Peace and
Salutations be upon our Master, the pride of creation and the
embodiment of light, Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Mustapha (
The presence of false ideologies has been designed by Allah Taala
Himself to test His servants on earth - those who are Muslims and claim
to uphold His Deen, as to how pained they become at their presence. If
we claim to have a strong bond with Allah, His Word (the Quran), His
beloved Messenger () , those who carried this Deen to the
four corners of this world (the illustrious Sahabah), then to what extent
will we go in defending His deen. Its really a matter of the heart and of
If Allah so wished, He couldve not allowed His disodience to take place
at all on earth. The angels in the sky, the stars and planets, the
creatures beneath the sea, and everything in nature follows a law that
Allah has stipulated for them, so a few people here and there disobeying
Allah doesnt really affect His Majesty and Status. But if Allahs Majesty
is not affected, what should be really affected is our hearts, the heart
that bears the love of Allah Taaala and is willing to die for Him in order
to meet Allah on the Day of Judgement with a sense of satisfaction - for
surely this is a meeting that none can avert. Alhough Allah does not
need me and you to defend His Deen, this is a challenge that all people
of honour and dignity should willingly embrace.
Those who reject Allah or who disobey Him on earth surely do not
deserve to live here, but those who allow His disobedience on the same
earth, by the same token, also do not deserve to live here. Truth-loving
people need to make themselves deserving of the grace of Allah by
upholding the Truth, even at the cost of giving their lives. The pride of
creation, Muhammad al-Mustapha ( ) said in this
regard: "When trials become manifest and my Companions are
made our country their country, and our family and community their
community. And all the while we knew, but didnt know.
But its never late. A believer is never despondent. This is where we
have slipped up and what we can do to remedy the situation:
1) Our erudite scholars have not made the protection of Aqeedah
and the struggle to purify Islam from foreign ideas, their priority.
Rather, each one is busy in their respective fields of activity,
oblivious of this great danger. The time has come to reverse this;
2) Many sincere Muslims have been brainwashed by the poison of
secularist thought. For them, a successful life means a steady
income and a comfortable life. If this is achieved, everthing else
means nothing. There is no need to challenge anyones beliefs, or
create unnnecesary tension in society. Everyone is entitled to
belief in whatvever they want to, no matter how obnoxious it is.
The mindset of a cushiony lifestyle being the ultimate objective
of ones life needs to be changed;
3) No one really knows how to confront the advance of Shiism in
SA. When news of the Shiah opening a new temple or a new
centre is heard, everyone is at a loss as to how to confront it.
Unity and a clear strategy are needed on all levels to stem this
tide. We need to put our petty squabbles aside and unite on
issues such as this. Writing and speaking about it alone is not
4) We need to attach ourselves to authentic sources of knowledge
like the learned Ulema to seek guidance from, or to movements
to safeguard our imaan so that we are not unwittingly led astray.
Remember that you can be a practicing and sincere Muslim, with
a desire to do good, but you can still be led astray. Without the
correct knowledge and the correct Aqeedah, all your efforts can
be wasted away.
Lastly, every Muslim must know the basics of Shiism in order to be
aware of it. Loving Islam or attending a Seeratus Sahabah jalsah alone is
not sufficient to protect your imaan. In the world of propaganda, the
golden rule is: He who influences you first, wins. If you know what
Shiism is really all about, and when an attempt is made to cast doubts
in your mind about Islam, then you will be saved. But if you do not know
the basis of Shiism, doubts will easily be planted in your mind, even
whilst being an ardent lover of the Sahabah. Then to reverse these
doubts will be very difficult, and maybe even impossible.
Yes, definitely so! Reciting the Kalimah, or believing in the Last Prophet (
) does not necessarily make you a true Muslim.
There are many wolves in sheep clothing in our midst, as Allah says:
And of mankind, there are some (hypocrites) who say: We believe in
Allah and the Last Day, while in fact they do not believe. They assume
that they are deceiving Allah and those who believe, whilst they only
deceive themselves, and perceive it not. In their hearts is a disease (of
doubt and hypocricy), and Allah has increased their disease. A painful
torment is theirs because they used to invent lies. (Al-Baqarah 2: 8-10)
The matter of Imaan (faith) is not a SIMPLE one. You can not say, as
Allah warns us in the above verse: They also recite the kalimah, so they
are also Muslims. Dont be deceived in this regard. Know what
constitutes IMAAN before offering an opinion that can cost you your
In order to be a true Muslim, one needs to believe in ALL the Articles of
Faith, as well as the COMMANDS and PROHIBITIONS of Islam. Even after
doing so, it is not sufficient. One should not thereafter INTERPRET the
After ones faith has settled in ones heart and manifested in ones life
according to the above pre-requisites, then carrying the message of
Islam, upholding the flag of pure Tauheed, exposing and combating
those who seek to corrupt it (like the Shiahs, Secularists and Qadianis of
our time), naturally follows. Allah says: Truly when it was said to them:
La Ilaha Illa Allah, they puffed themselves up with pride, and they
said: Are we going to abandon our gods for the sake of a mad poet?
(As-Saffat 37:36) A true LOVER OF TAUHEED will not tolerate disbelief to
flourish in his midst. He will exhaust all avenues to make Islam the
dominant religion on earth.
After perfecting ones faith which is only the FIRST article of faith,
Muslims in addition, believe in the qualities (Sifaat) of Allah. They
believe in them in a way that does not detracts from Tauheed and would
expel one from Imaan (faith). Giving Allah physical dimensions, for
example, or equating paradise and hell to a pleasure or pain
experienced in a dream and succumbing to human reason, rather than
divine light in this regard, would expel one from Islam.
Believing falsely in any of the above things, and YES THE ITHNA ASHARI
in name only, but in reality, such people are NOT Muslims, and should
not be called Muslims too. In fact, they have to be exposed, made to see
the light and asked to repent. In a Muslim State, such imposters will be
given time to revise their beliefs and if they do not, the punishment for
apostasy will be meted out on them. In a non-Muslim State such as
South Africa, UK or Australia, such deviant sects should be academically
refuted from the Quran and Sunnah, and the public be made aware of
them. This is essential as living with Muslims or with non-Muslims have
different set of rules as far as marriage, schooling, burial, food, business
etc is concerned.
Can you call an outward Muslim a non-Muslim after investigating his
belief system? Certainly yes, and the proof of it can be found in the
Quran: And most of them believe not in Allah without associating
(other as partners) with Him. (12:106) Here, Allah states that most of
the disbelievers of Makkah had some belief in Allah, but due to its
contamination (they believed the idols to be essential intermediaries,
having divine powers), it was rejected. In another place of the Quran:
If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth and
subjected the sun and the moon?" they would surely say, "
Allah ." Then how are they deluded? (Al-Ankabut 29:61)
The Mushrikeen thus recognized the Oneness of Allah, but not His
Rubooobiyyah (Quality of Nuturing). They believed Allah to be the owner
and protector of all creations, but they used to supplicate to others,
slaughter on the names of deities besides Allah and would call upon
their dead ancestors, just like the Shiahs do today in relation to their
Imams and scholars. This expelled them from Islam. You will learn that
Shiahs believe in one Allah, but ascribe divine powers to their Imams,
they ascribe lies to Allah, and employ misinterpretation upon the words
of the Quran.
Allah tells us about such Muslims who are not Muslims at all in yet
another verse of the Quran: The Bedouin Arabs have said, "We are
believers." Tell them, "You are not believers, but you should say that you
are Muslims. In fact, belief has not yet entered your hearts. If you obey
God and His Messenger, nothing will be reduced from your deeds. God is
All-forgiving and All-merciful. (49:14)
In the time of Sayyadina Abu Bakr ( , some Muslims accepted all
the conditions of Islam, but refused to hand over their Zakaat to the
Caliph. This was enough to declare them apostates and an all-out war
was declared upon them. Similarly, in the time of Sayyadina Ali (
), Abdullah ibn Saba, the cunning hypocritical Jewish scholar who
became a Muslim only to sow discord amongst the Muslims, and some
of his followers were severely reprimanded for holding views of himself
that he was divine, that he was supposed to be the Prophets successor
and that all the Sahabah who did not hold these views are renegades.
They were burnt alive and ibn Saba himself was exiled from Kufah.
So you can have Muslims who are actually not Muslims in todays times,
who are generally called Munafiqeen (hypocrites). In the Quran, Allah
has said that the hypocrites will be in the lowest rung of hellfire because
their purpose was only to corrupt Islam from within. Allah also instructed
his Prophet Muhammad ( ) in this regard: When the
hypocrites come to you, [O Muhammad], they say, "We testify that you
are the Messenger of Allah ." And Allah knows that you are His
Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars. (AlMunafiqun 63:1). So, there is no need to adopt a Simple Simon
approach in this regard and say We are all Muslims. Dont we all read
the Kalimah?
Preserving the peace at the expense of polluting our faith is nothing but
betrayal of Allahs religion. True Muslims will never have such a view.
The great Tabii, Abdullah ibn Mubarak said: When you see anyone on
good terms with everyone, then fear that he may be compromising in
his repsonsibity og commanding the good and forbidding the evil. Even
our Noble Messenger Muhammad ( ) wasnt on good terms
with everyone all the time. Apart from his clear disbelieving enemies
created because of proclaiming Islam, he sometimes had arguments
with his noble wives and illustrious Companions like those who
boycotted the Battle of Tabuk.
Before ending this chapter, there are two issues here to briefly touch
upon. The first is that in todays times, many people do not accept
Shisim fully. They will deny that they believe that the Quran is corrupt
as per Shiah doctrine, but will agree to the belief of reviling the noble
Sahabah. Such people do nothing but follow their desires, accepting
from Islam what they wish, and accepting from other false religions what
they wish. Allah is pure and does not accept polluted belief. Such an
attitude is nothing but clear kufr (disbelief) as stated by Allah himself in
the following two verses of the Quran: So do you believe in part of the
Scripture and disbelieve in part? Then what is the recompense for those
who do that among you except disgrace in worldly life; and on the Day
of Resurrection they will be sent back to the severest of punishment.
And Allah is not unaware of what you do. (al-Baqarah 2:85)
Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers and wish to
discriminate between Allah and His messengers and say, "We believe in
some and disbelieve in others," and wish to adopt a way in between.
Those are the disbelievers, truly. And We have prepared for the
disbelievers a humiliating punishment. (an-Nisa 4:150-151) So, there is
no mix and match Islam. Allah is pure and only accepts pure belief.
Now, the second issue is about those who mock true Muslims for their
orthodoxy and strict rigidity, calling them old-fashion, antiprogressive, and anti-unity. Allah has also come to the aid of such
true believers in the Quran, and has Said that ridiculing those who have
firm belief empties such person from all belief: Indeed, those who
committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed. And when with
their people, they would return jesting. And when they saw them, they
would say, "Indeed, those are truly lost." But they had not been sent as
guardians over them. (83: 29-33)
The Hypocrites are afraid lest a Surah should be sent down about
them, showing them what is (really passing) in their hearts. Say: "Mock
ye! But verily Allah will bring to light all that ye fear (should be
revealed). If thou dost question them, they declare (with emphasis):
"We were only talking idly and in play." Say: "Was it at Allah, and His
Signs, and His Messenger, that ye were mocking?" Make ye no excuses:
ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of
you, We will punish others amongst you, for that they are sinners. (AlAnfal 9:64-66)
So, the matter of Iman and Kufr is a delicate issue. It must not become a
plaything like how it has become today, lest we fall in to the category of
waking up in the morning with Imaan, and sleeping in the evening with
kufr. May Allah save us all - Ameen.
Before demonstrating why the Itna Ashari Shiahs are out of the pale of
Islam due to the overwhelming consensus of the Ahlus Sunnah wal
Jamaah, we would like to address the issue of unity with the Shiah, as
epitomised by Khomeini as No Sunni, No Shia, only Islam fighting
against the West and Love for some of the Ahlul Bait. These slogans
are just as misleading as the Kharijites La Hukma illa Lillah (there is no
sovereignty, but for Allah) to Sayyadina Ali () .
This misleading slogan, which is normally only used in places where
Shiahs are in the minority, is the biggest farce in history which has
corrupted many sincere people wanting to find the path of truth.
Muslims can never unite with the Shiah, except in some limited
economic, political or social issues, for the following reasons:
1. The structure and nature of Shiism is such that its anti-Islam.
History testifies that Shiahs or Shiah governments never raised
their sword against infidels, or conquered their lands through Jihad.
All their efforts have been to divide and weaken Islam. Even today as
Palestine and the Sunni world is under attack and experiencing
severe internal chaos, Iran is aiding Shiah governments in Syria,
Afghanistan and Iraq to butcher Sunnis;
2. The Shiahs have historically discredited themselves on a number of
occasions in this regard, for which they have never apologized for,
but are till today proud of :
Their assassination of Caliph Umar () , organizing a revolt
against Sayyyadina Uthman ( ) which led to his murder,
their preventing of peace between Sayyadina Ali ( ) and
Sayyidah Aisha in the Battle of Jamal, the poisoning of
Sayyadinna Hassan ( ) and the betrayal of Sayyadina
Hussein ( ) at Karbala. The mausoleum of Sayyadina
Umar () s killer is present today in Iran, called Baba
For the above reasons and many more, Sunnis can never unite with
Shiahs. Curse be upon such unity which criminalizes the Sahabah,
legalizes prostitution and declares the Quran as fabricated. Even if unity
is forged, there will always be fear that its based on taqiyyah (holy
hypocrisy). For such efforts, we offer Surah 109: Say, "O disbelievers, I
do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I
worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be
worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my
There is one easy way of determining the authenticity of any sect that
claims to be Muslim, and this is by investigating their origin and the
legal structure of their religion.
Basis of Islam
*Started with the advent of
Prophet Muhammad (
)in 570 AC.
amongst the Arabs who were
Muhammad () ,
and who then took the flag of
Islam to all corners of the
Basis of Shiism
*Started with the false accepting of
Islam by Abdullah ibn Saba, an
erudite Jewish scholar, sometime
during the latter part of Sayyadina
Uthman () s Caliphate.
It was meant to weaken Islam from
within as the Jews, up to that stage,
had failed to defeat the Muslims
*It caught on primarily amongst the
new Persian and Egyptian converts
who were not well-grounded in
faith. They all contributed towards
the anarchy in the Muslim world
and imported all their foreign ideas
into it.
interpretation of the Quran
follows strict principles known
as Ulum al-Quran. Anyone
can learn these principles and
There is no clergy in Islam.
*The second primary source is
Prophet Muhammad (
Sayyadina Salman al-Farsi ()
and Miqdad bin Aswad () ,
they regard all others as renegades
and do not accept their narrations
from Prophet Muhammad (
Article 1: Belief in the Oneness of Allah:
Islamic Belief
Shiah Belief
A. Shahaadat:
A.Wilaayat: "Ashhadu an la ilaha ilaha
Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah, wa Ashadu an Muhammadan
ilaha illAllah, wa
Rasulullah wa Ashadu an Aliyan wali Allah
Ashadu an
Wasiyyu Rasulillahi wa Khalifuhu bila
Faslin" (Khomeini in Wahdat-e-Islami,
June 1984)
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Last Day.
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Shiahs believe that the process of revelation did not end with the Last
Prophet, which is in direct contradiction of verse 5:3 of the Quran. Can
anyone who contradicts the Quran be called a Muslim? Never, in fact,
such baseless interpretations renders one a Zindeeq, a worse form of
disbelief. A zindeeq is not even asked to repent from his deviant beliefs,
he is directly executed on the orders of a Muslim judge.
Article 4: Belief in all the Messengers of Allah:
Islamic Belief
Shiah Belief
A.Every prophet came to establish justice on
Earth. His aim was also to establish justice
Muslims are
but he was not successful. The same is the
obligated to believe
position of the Seal of the Prophets who came
in and honor all of
the prophets, and to to reform human society and establish justice
but failed during his lifetime.' (Ittihad wayaktestify that
Jihat, pge 15)
prophethood has
B.It is related that Muhammad declared that
been completed
on the night of Ascension, the Most High
with the coming of
Prophet Muhammad. commanded me to inquire of the past
prophets for what reason they were exalted to
that rank, and they all testified, We were
Say, We believe in
raised up on account of your Prophetical
God and in what
was sent down to us Office, and the Imamate of Ali Ibn Abu Talib,
and the Imams of your posterity. A divine
and what was sent
voice then commanded, look on the right
down to Abraham,
side of the empyrean. I looked and saw the
Ishmael, Isaac,
similitude of Ali, and Hasan, and Husain, and
Jacob, and the
Ali ibn al-Husain, and Muhammad Bakir, and
Tribes, and what
was given to Moses, Jafar as-Sadiq, and Musa Kazim, and Ali ibn
Musa-ar-Reza, and Muhammad Taki, and Ali
Jesus, and all the
Naqi, and Hasan Askhari, and Mahdi all
prophets by their
performing prayers in a sea of light. These,
Lord. We make no
said the Most High, are my proofs,
distinction between
any of them, and we Vicegerents, and friends, and the last of them
devote ourselves to
Him. (Quran,
Muslims believe that no person can surpass the rank of the Prophets,
but according to the Shiahs, the Imams even surpass their ranks and
were more successful in their mission. This is clear Kufr and a
divergence from the essentials of faith.
Article 5: Belief in the Last Day:
Islamic Belief
Shiah Belief
On the Day of
A.When Imam Mehdi will appear, he will
Judgment, every
first dig out Ayesha from her grave and will
individual will be
apprehend her. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pge. 347
resurrected to
account for their
lives. Allah
B. Imam Mehdi will resurrect Abu Bakr
describes this event and Umar, and punish them by hanging them
in the Quran: On
from a tree. Then all the scholars of the Ahlus
that Day, people will Sunnah will be hanged. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, pge
come forward in
361 Iran)
separate groups to
be shown their
For Shiah whose enmity for Muslims continue
deeds: whoever has even after their death and the afterlife too,
done an atoms
the purpose of the Last Day is merely to
weight of good will
punish the Muslims and the Sahabah. People
see it, but whoever
who hold such perverse beliefs can never be
has done an atoms
called Muslims!!
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In all seven Articles of Faith, there are glaring differences in the Belief
and Concept between Islam and Shiism. These are all Fundamental
differences which determine belief and disbelief, and clearly the Shiah
do not make the mark. Do you think otherwise? Is the facts presented in
this chapter not logical?
Shiism is a horribly distorted religion. It bears very little similarity with
Islam. Here are a few jurisprudential examples:
1. The Shariah (the divinely revealed law) is all-inclusive and
accessible to all Muslims. There is no need to add anything to it.
Shiahs, on the other hand, see the Shari'ah as being merely a
set of rulings which concern the common folk. As for
the Haqeeqah (reality), no one knows it except the Imams of the
Ahl Al-Bait (prophetic household). These Imams secretly acquire
these sciences through inheritance, one generation after another.
They believe that one may communicate with Allah only through
these intermediaries;
2. Muslims adhere strictly to the legal rulings of the Qur'an, as
clarified by the Sunnah, as well as the sayings of the Companions
and the generation of trustworthy scholars who followed them.
Since Islam has been completed, no one has the right to
formulate new legislation or directives. However, in order to
apply Islam to new situations, one must refer to the qualified
Muslim scholars who must work solely within the bounds
established by Allah's Book. Shiahs, on the other hand depend
on exclusive sources which they claim for their Imams (who have
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When walking in the street, or in public places, its becoming
increasingly important to become vigilant as to who may be a Shiah,
and who may be not. Here are some general guidelines:
1. Their ladies normally don their Hijaab a little differently from
Muslims. In some parts of the world, they prefer wearing an
Aqeeq stone or a Durood-e-Najaf ring on their right finger;
2. The beard of Shiahs are generally shorter than those of Muslims
who choose to wear a fist-length beard. Its normally wellgroomed too;
3. Some Shiah youth wear a miniature sword as a necklace;
4. They have no noor (light) on their faces. There is a matt-like
coating of darkness on their faces and bodies. In some situations
of war when the bodies of Muslims and Shiahs are mixed, it is
generally seen that the blood of Shiahs turn black and their
corpses stink, whilst that of Muslims remain red;
5. The menfolk sometime carry a stone (called a Turbah) made from
the clay of Najaf or Karbala, upon which they prostrate in salaat.
Shiahs only pray three times a day, and keep their hands
suspended on the side;
6. Shiah Masjids are generally called Huseiniyahs (community
centres) and have no domes and minarets. However, this is not
the general rule as some of their Masjids have very prominent
domes and minarets. However, their Imambarahs (places where
their Imams and saints are buried) have a distinct straight archlike architecture;
7. When they speak of religion, they only speak of the Ahlul Bait,
and generally use the term Imam Maula, and Alaihis
Salaam when taking their names. More extreme Shiahs will
reveal their hatred by criticizing and cursing the Sahabah,
particularly Sayyadina Abubakr () , Umar ibn al-Khattab (
) and the noble wives;
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Recently, we had the opening of the Qadiani Temple inn Wynburg, Cape
Town. Its patron, Dr Taj Hargey, openly came on air, announcing his
blasphemus beliefs like rejection of the Finality of Prophethood, rejection
of the Sunnna, acceptance of homosexuals, and free-intermngling of the
sexes even during salaat. The Shiahs, on the other hand, do not
proclaim their blasphemous beliefs openly. They use tact, diplomacy,
cunning and taqiyyah in doing so. In addition, the Shiah are
economically, politically and socially a much more powerful cult, thus to
challenge them is much more difficult.
There are three categories of Shiahs in South Africa, and all three have
to be approached differently:
1. The hardcore Shiah, their leaders and their Preachers:
This is the converted category whose mission in life is only to
spread mischief, initiate mindless debates and corrupt ones
imaan so that they can have your company in hellfire. Many of
these people will be on the payroll of the Shiahs and will be
schooled in not only Shiism, but the subtle art of making its ugly
and controversial aspects attractive.
Characteristics: Such people generally openly admit that they
are Shiah. If they hide their identity, they can easily be identified
by their activities, affiliation to Shiahs, to Shiah organistions,
and by the friends they keep. They portray exemplary character,
their appearance is neat, and their tongues glib and sugary. Such
people have sold their imaan for a worldly pittance, and have
given the pleasures of this world preference to the hardship and
sacrifice required to acquire the Aakhirah.
Thus, they would generally lack integrity, morality and a sincere
desire to seek the truth and be rightly guided. Most of their
discourses are about unity, criticizing the Sahabah, love for the
Ahlul Bait, and they will be very clued up on the political
happenings of the day, especially of America and the Middle
East. Never think you can easily convert them, they are thinking
of how to do the same to you and are ten steps ahead of you in
this regard !!
Where can they be found?: This class would previously be only
found in majority-Shiah countries like Iran, but today they have
spread worldwide. In democratic South Africa, they have spread
like wildfire and can be found amongst the Black and Indian
population too. Many local South Africans have received, or are
receiving training in Iran at the moment, and they can be
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Sahbah, then say to them, May the curse of Allh be upon the
one who is more evil than you two, i.e. the Sahbah and you.
Thus, the above category of people are cursed, clear disbelievers
and dont deserve any compassion or diplomacy. We should be
firm and confident when rebutting them, but never resort to
violence or damage to property. Show them the fallacy of their
belief and ask them to repent. If they refuse, warn others about
2. The Shiah-sympathetic ones or the Shiah Ignorant
Masses: These are the one who due to close contact with
Shiahs, either through friendship, politics, business, being a
workplace colleague, neighbors, sharing the same Masjid or
working in the same organization, have come into contact with
zealous Shiahs who have been slowly indoctrinating them with
various aspects of Shiism. They have no in-depth knowledge of
both Islam and Shisim, and are thus vulnerable. Slowly, their
confidence is won over and they become the unknowing agents
of falsehood. They are the enemy within the enemy. This class is
spreading like wild-fire in SA.
Characteristics: Such people are generally ignorant of both
religions, but think that they are an authority on both. They do
not bother to seek the truth and seek the correct answers, but
join the pleasurable pastime of indulging in the polemics fed to
them. They regard mainstream Islam as backward, Iran as their
savior and secularism as their methodology. Chances are that
they are not connected to an Aalim, a Masjid, a religious institute
or a movement like the Khanqah or the Tablighi Jamaat where
their religious need are being fulfilled. They are the lone wolves
who have been devoured by the devil.
Where can they be found? Most of these people either hail
from the intellectual class, the rich, or the very poor. The
intellectual class find Shiism open to following their desires and
free-thinking, the rich to gaining permission to indulge in any vice
they would like, and the poor to filling their stomachs. They can
be found in every strata of society.
Their Approach: As such people would be hail from within our
society or families, they wouldnt openly speak of Shiism as they
fear for their reputation or being isolated and shunned. They will
adopt a diplomatic approach i.e their values are not firm, and can
change any time. They do not actively promote Shiism unless if
by doing so, some of their worldly desires are being fulfilled, if
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We have already written how Shiahs differ from mainstream Muslims in
terms of their Kalimah, the concept of the Quran, and their
blasphemous belief in Imamate. However, Shiahs do not introduce their
sacrilegious cult to others in this way. They use different techniques,
mainly by way of historical incidents, to create doubt and stir enmity,
rather than positively educate.
Basically, their game-plan is to use some misinterpreted historical
incidents that has nothing to do with our Aqidah (Fundamental Beleifs)
to create doubts in your mind. Dont fall for this trick. They will cite
references to our own books like Bukhari, Muslim etc. and will seek
clarification on obscure issues like Ghadir Khumm, the absence of the
Sahabah at the burial of Rasulullah, the issue of Fadak, the Event of Pen
and Paper (Qirtas), the Event of the Saqifa, the hadith of the Cloak, the
assault on Sayyadina Fatima, the Battle of Siffin and Battle of Jamal, and
the tragedy of Karbala etc. By discussing these events, they will try to
prove that the Sahabah were not loyal to Islam, and that Sayyadina Ali (
) enjoyed distinction over all. He was thus the chosen successor
of Rasullullah and his family, the Ahl-e-Bait, were persecuted by the
other Sahabah, who snatched his Caliphate from him and apostasized in
their droves.
Do the Shiahs think that they can convert Muslims with such an absurd
narrative of history? These are some of the issues. The broad Shiite
argument is first given, as well as a brief rebuttal which you may use on
the spot to silence your Shiah friend:
Response: Yes, There are different founder of the Shiahs in the world,
but most of them have become extinct. However, all of them find their
origin with the Jew, Abdullah Ibn Saba of Yemen. As the result of his
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plots against Islam, the army of Sayyadina Ali ( ) split into four
1. Shiah-e-Ula (The initial Shiahs): They were the sincere
political supporters of Sayyadina Ali () , and members of
the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama`ah who recognised the senior
Sahaabah and the wives of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam). They did not fall into the devilish trap.
2. Tafdheeliyah: They assigned to Sayyadina Ali ()
superiority over all the Sahaabah. Sayyadina Ali ()
warned that he would flog them eighty lashes if they assigned
superiority to him over Sayyadina Abu Bakr ( ) and Umar (
) .
3. Sabbayyah (Abusers) or Tabarraiyyah: They believed that
all the Sahabah were oppressors, usurpers, hypocrites and
disbelievers. The members of this group constitute the middleclass of the followers of Ibn Saba. They derived maximum capital
for their evil from the conflicts which had developed between the
two camps of Sahaabah. In his Khutbahs, Sayyadina Ali ()
had disassociated himself from these vile anarchists and mischief
4. The fourth group is called the Ghulat (Extremists): They
were the elite and closest students and followers of Ibn Saba.
They believed in the divinity of Sayyadina Ali ( ) like the
Christians believe in the godhood of Sayyadina Isa. From their
belief of godhood, they later shifted their position and
propagated the doctrine of Hulul, i.e. Allah Ta`alas Soul
descended into Sayyadina Ali ( ) and he was God
incarnate. Some of the Ghulat were burnt out alive on the
instructions of Sayyadina Ali () .
Thus, the beginning of Shi`ism with its numerous varieties and offshoots developed from the latter three groups of Sayyadina Alis (
)followers. The progenitor of them all was Ibn Saba, and the dominant
sect of Shisim today, i.e. the Ithna Asharis, belong to the fourth and
last category.
Response: If anything has a structure and a system, it doesnt mean it
is authentic. The reality of the matter is that all the scholars of the
Shiah are all fakes. Their scholars pretended to be among the
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the Anbiya did, but persecution, torture and hardships were never
considered grounds for proclamation of falsehood by the Anbiya.
Saints: Lastly, Shiahs to claim that certain great Auliyaa of the Ahlus
Sunnah were Shiahs. In the Shi`i book Wafayatul A`yan by an Iraqi
Shiah, Bayazid Bustami, Ma`ruf Karkhi, Shaqiq Balkhi, Sahl Bin Abdullah
Tastari and others are enumerated as Shiahs. Another such book is the
Majaalisul Mu`mineen by Qadhi Nurullah Shaustari.
Love for the Ahl-e-Bait is considered incumbent by the Ahlus Sunnah wal
Jama`ah. If there are any ENEMIES of the Ahl-e-Bait, they are definitely
the Shi`ah who abuse the Sahabah and beloved wives of Rasulullah (
) . In fact, the Ahlus Sunnah believe that love for the noble
family of Rasulullah ( ) is in an integral part of Iman. In this
regard, there are two groups of extremists: the Nawaasib and the
Shi`ah. The Nawaasib excelled in hatred for Sayyadina Ali ( ) and
his descendants, while the Shi`ahs left no stone unturned to vent their
extreme hatred for the Sahabah.
Response: Sunnis affirm their love and authority of the Ahlul Bait, but
we do not take them as the the ultimate source of DIVINE authority as
the Shiahs claim. Quite the contrary, the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs
and the Sahabah has been regarded as the yardstick of guidance, which
also includes the Ahlul Bait. Said Rasulullah ( ) as narrated
by Irbadh bin Sariyah () : So hold fast to my sunnah and the
examples of the Rightly Guided Caliphs who will come after me; adhere
to them and hold them fast. Beware of new things (in religion) because
every heresy is a misguidance. (Tirmidhi)
In retrospect, the Shiahs hate the illustrious Sahabah for which many a
Sunni scholar has given his life for their defence. Abu Zurah stated:
When you see that someone is speaking ill of the Companions of the
Prophet ( ) , then remember that he is a Zindeeq (Murtad). (AlIsabah, vol. 1, p. 11). Also, Allamah ibn Hazm Al-Andulusi stated:
Verily, the Shia are not from amongst the Muslims. The Shia are the
very first group to create an innovation in the name of Islam. The
founder of this movement was a Jew (Abdullah bin Saba). (Al-Fazl, vol 2,
p. 213) Imam Malik writes: A person who speaks ill of any of the
Companions of the Prophet, or in regards to: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman,
Ali, Muawiya, Amr ibn Aas, he will be given a severe punishment. If a
person was to say these personalities were upon the wrong path he
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will be killed (due to his treason against Islam). (Sharah Al-Shafa, vol 1,
p. 755)
Hasan Basri was asked about the differences between the Companions
of the Prophet () . He said: This was such a difference wherein
the Companions of the Prophet were present and we (Hasan Basri and
the ones asking) were not. They (the Companions ) knew the full extent
of their situation and we do not. Remember! That matter upon which
the Companions of the Prophet were unanimous in agreement, we
follow that. Those small occurrences wherein the Companions differed,
we remain silent. (Maqaam As-Sahaba, p. 95) Shaykh Ibn Hamam
states: It is the belief of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat that they see it as
incumbent upon them to take the Companions of the Prophet ( )
as pure beings. This is due to the fact that Allah purified each of them.
The Ahle Sunnat are cautious and careful of speaking ill of the
Companions of the Prophet ( ) or their actions. Just as Allah and
the Prophet praised the character and personalities of the Companions,
we too praise them. The matter that resulted between Sayyidina Ali and
Sayyidina Muawiya was due to Ijtihad and not Aqeedah. (Sharh Musa
Mura, p. 132)
It is related from Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal: For us, the ruling of the
Sunnah is that way upon which the Companions were. (Fatawa Ibn
Taymiyah, vol 4, p. 155) Imam Shafi states: The Companions of the
Prophet , in knowledge, sense, Deen and virtue are greater than us. In
every condition, it is better for us to take the opinion of the Companions
above our own. (Fatawa Ibn Taymiyah, vol 4, p. 158) Hafiz ibn
Taymiyyah states: Upon the foundation of the Holy Quran and Sunnat
and Ijma of the Ummah, the status of the Companions of the Prophet is
second only to the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. For this reason,
you will not find a person from the Muslims who will not accept the
greatness of the Companions. In this matter, the only ones who cause
disputes and problems are the Rawafid Shia, in reality they are
ignorant. (Minhaj us-Sunnnah, vol. 1, p. 167)
The strong imaan (belief) of the Sahabah reached the degree of
Acceptance by Allah, and was used as a yardstick for all until the day of
Judgment. Allah has stated in the Holy Quran: So if they believe as you
have believed (Sahabah), then they are rightly guided; but if they turn
away, then they are in transgression. (al-Baqarah 2:137) In this verse of
the Quran, Allah addressing the disbelievers, stated that their
assumption in bringing belief in Allah and the Hereafter is incorrect. If
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)therefore, did not marry the woman during her Iddat. Since Malik bin
Nuwairah was a Muslim prior to Rasulullahs death, some Sahaabah
were not convinced of his Irtidaad, hence the confusion. During the
Khilaafat of Sayyadina Umar () , Mutammim Bin Nuwairah (Maliks
brother) confirmed his brothers Irtidaad, and Sayyadina Khalid (
)s name was cleared for ever.
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Response: This Shi`i claim is baseless for the following reasons: (1)
Sayyadina Abu Bakr ( ) refusing to comply with Sayyadina
Fatimahs request for inheritance was on account of the directive of
Rasulullah ( ) and not because of any hatred for Sayyadina
Fatimah. If Sayyadina Fatimah had to inherit, it would follow that the
wives of Rasulullah ( ) were also heirs, but none inherited,
including his own daughter. Almost half of the estate would also have
been allotted to Sayyadina Abbas () , the paternal uncle of
Rasulullah () .
Imam Bukhari narrated from Malik Bin Uwais Bin Hadhthaan Nasri that
Sayyadina Umar bin Khattab ( ) stated in the presence of many
Sahabah: I give you an oath by Allah, He with whose command the
heaven and earth operate! Are you aware that Rasulullah (
)said: We (i.e. the Anbiya) have no heirs. Whatever (assets) we
leave are Sadaqah. They (the Sahaabah) said: O Allah! Yes, so it is.
Then he (Umar) addressing Ali and Abbas, said: I give both of you an
oath by Allah do you know that Rasulullah Rasulullah ( )
said so? They (Ali and Abbas) said: O Allah! Yes!
Regarding the reasoning that Verily, Sulaiman inherited from Dawud,
and thus Fatimah would inherit from her father, this refers to
prophethood, not wealth. Sayyadina Dawud had 19 sons, but the Qur`an
describes only Sayyadina Sulaiman as his heir. If the verse literally
referred to inheritance of gold, silver and tangible assets, it would not
have been distributed to all his children, and not only one son.
Some Shiahs argue that if the law of inheritance did not apply to
Rasulullah () s estate, then why his sword given to Sayyadina
Ali? If we strictly follow the laws of inheritance, Sayyadina Ali ()
is not a beneficiary. The assets of Rasulullah ( ) after his
demise were in the category of Waqf. The Caliph was entitled to
distribute such assets according to his discretion. Some blessed items
were also given to Zubair Bin Awam () , the paternal cousin of
Rasulullah () , Muhammad Bin Muslimah Ansaari ()
But, the Shiahs claim, the Garden of Fadak was already gifted to
Sayyadina Fatimah during his lifetime, but Sayyadina Abu Bakr ()
rejected her claim. Regarding this matter, the following narration
appears in Sunan Abu Dawud:
When Umar Bin Abdul Azeez became the Caliph, he assembled the
people of Banu Marwaan and said: Verily, Fadak belonged to Rasulullah
( ) . He would spend from it. From it he would give to the
minor children of Banu Haashim and from it he would spend for the
marriage of widows. Fatimah had asked him to give the Orchard to her,
but he declined. This position remained during the lifetime of Rasulullah
( ) until he finally departed. When Abu Bakr became the
Khalifah, he handled Fadak as Rasulullah ( ) had acted
during his lifetime. After Abu Bakr departed, Umar became Khalifah. He
handled it as his two predecessors had acted until he finally departed.
Thereafter, Marwan took custody (i.e. ownership) of it and it then came
to Umar Bin Abdul Azeez. I reflected that Rasulullah ( ) had
refused to give it to Fatimah, hence, I have no right to it. I make you
witness that I have returned it to the state in which it was during the
time of Rasulullah ( ) , Abu Bakr and Umar. It is thus
conclusively established that Fadak was never gifted to Sayyadina
During his last illness, on a Thursday, Rasulullah ( ) asked
the Sahaabah who were present to bring pen and paper to enable him to
write something which will save them from going astray. Sayyadina
Umar () , at this stage, seeing the discomfort of Rasulullah (
) , said that Rasulullah ( ) was in pain, and the
Quran was sufficient. Difference of opinion arose among the group
present. When voices were raised, Rasulullah ( ) ordered
them all to leave. On the basis of this episode, the Shiahs charge
Sayyadina Umar of preventing Rasulullah ( ) from writing
out his last testament in which he wanted to specify the succesorship of
Sayyadina Ali () .
Refutation: The request or order for pen and paper made by Rasulullah
( ) was not made directly and exclusively to Sayyadina
Umar () . A group of Sahaabah was present. However, in a
narration in Musnad-e-Ahmad, Sayyadina Ali ( ) mentions that
Rasulullah ( ) had ordered him (i.e. Sayyadina Ali ()
specifically) to bring the writing materials. Why should the charge of
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Amr Bin Abi Salmah ( ) the son of Sayyadina Umme Salmah, one
of Rasulullah () s wives, who was the Governor of Bahrain
was dismissed without reason by Sayyadina Ali () . He also
dismissed from the governorship of Egypt the Sahabi, Ees Bin Sa`ad bin
Ubaadah ( ) who was a standard- bearer of Rasulullah (
). Malik Ushtar who was neither a Sahabi nor the son of a Sahabi, was
appointed then as Egypts Governor. In consequence of this appointment
such anarchy and mischief spread which finally led to the martyrdom of
Sayyadina Ali ( ) himself!
Not happy with these answers, Shiahs now say that Sayyadina Uthman
( ) had dismissed Sayyadina Abu Musa Ash`ari ( ) from the
governorship of Basrah, and appointed in his place a non-Sahabi by the
name of Abdullah Bin Aamir Bin Kuraiz; Sayyadina Amr Bin Aa`s (
)was replaced by a non-Sahabi by the name of Abdullah bin Abi Sarh
who was a Murtad (renegade) during the time of Rasulullah (
). Sayyadina Ammar bin Yasir () , the governor of Kufa was
replaced with Sayyadina Mughirah bin Shu`bah
() , and
Sayyadina Abdullah bin Mas`ud () , the Judge of Kufa, was also
removed. The custodian of Kufa`s Baitul Maal (Public Treasurer) was also
However, all of the above changes were necesarry, and it had nothing to
do with the incompetence of these great Sahabah. The numerous
victories and expansion of the Islamic empire warranted changes in the
administration which had become extremely intricate and complex.
Competent officials are replaced by those who may have greater
competence. An official may develop weakness due to age or illness,
hence changing him becomes necessary in spite of the sterling services
he had rendered in the past. Even Rasulullah ( ) appointed
and replaced his governors, tax-collectors and army chiefs. Seniors were
even replaced with juniors. Zaid Bin Thabit () , a junior, was
placed in charge of very senior Sahaabah. According to Shiahs, most of
the Sahabah were not even Muslim, what concern have they about
replacing one with another?
Regarding Abdullah bin Abi Sarh, he was appointed long after his
repentance. He was a person of considerable abilities and statesmanship
and he had conquered the entire Maghrib (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia,
etc.) for Islam. Numerous Sahabah and their offspring served under him,
and all of them were happy with his conduct. Among them were
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Sayyadina Uqbah Bin Aamir Juhani, Abdur Rahman bin Amr bin Abi
Bakr and Abdur Rahmaan bin Amr Bin Aa`s, all of whom had
disassociated from the anarchy which led to the murder of Sayyadina
Uthman () . They had made a pledge to Allah Ta`ala that they will
never fight with Muslims after having waged Jihad against the
disbelievers. They, therefore, went into solitude towards the latter part
of their life.
Further, Sayyadina Ammar bin Yasir ( ) was dismissed by
Sayyadina Umar () , and not by Sayyadina Uthman (
)as the Shiahs allege. With the demise of Sayyadina Umar (
), the door of anarchy and strife had opened up. There was a need to
appoint men of his clan to prevent infiltration by anarchists whose
father-in-chief was the Jewish conspirator, Ibn Saba Yemeni.
Shiahs claim that they only believe in the following hadith in which
Rasulullah ( ) said: Verily, I am leaving among you two
weighty things. If you adhere to it firmly after me, you will never go
astray. The one is greater than the other- the Kitaab of Allah (i.e. the
Qur`aan) and my progeny, the Ahl-e-Bait. Those who do not follow it,
and stubbornly also follow the Sahabah, are astray.
Response: In fact, the Sunnis follow this hadith more than the Shiah.
Shiahs assert that a very great portion of the Qur`an has been deleted,
abrogated, and that all but four of five Sahabah who narrated the
Quran, became renegade. So, they do not follow the Quran! In the
unanimous opinion of the lexicographers, itrat means family members.
Shiahs actually vilify and denounce certain members of the noble family
of Rasulullah ( ) and exclude them from his household.
These are Sayyadina Abbas () , Rasulullah () s
paternal uncle, and his children, Sayyadina Zubair () , Rasulullah
() s paternal aunts son (i.e. cousin), the majority of the
progeny of Sayyadina Fatimah is considered as enemies, e.g. Zaid Bin Ali
Bin Hussein, the grandson of Sayyadina Hussein () . He was a
great Alim and saint martyred by the people of Marwan. His son, Yahya
Bin Zaid is regarded an enemy.
Ibrahim Bin Musa Kazim and Ja`far Bin Musa Kazim are similarly
denounced. The Shiahs have branded the latter as a Kaththaab (great
liar) while in reality he was a pious man. Ja`far Bin Ali, the brother of
Imam Hasan Askari is also given the title, Kaththab. Hasan Bin Hasan
Muthanni, his son Abdullah and his (Abdullahs) son Muhammad are
branded Kaafir, and the following too: Ibrahim Bin Abdullah, Zakariyyah
Bin Muhammad Baqir, Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Hussein Bin Hasan,
Muhammad Bin Qaasim Bin Hasan and Yahya Bin Umar (the grandsons
of Zaid Bin Ali Bin Hussein).In addition, the Sayyids of the Hasan and
Husseini lines, who accept Zaid Bin Ali as the Imam are said to be
The most shocking aspect of this is that none of the noble wives of
Rasulullah ( ) are regarded as part of his houselhold, and
Sayyadina Aishah and Sayyadina Hafsah in particular are considered as
vile disbeleivers. They further believe that Sayyadina Ali ( ) is the
first and greatest of all their infallible Imams, but in terms of Shi`i logic,
Sayyadina Ali ( ) because of fear, was constrained to accept the
Khilaafat of the first three Khulafa and obey their instructions against his
wishes. On account of fear, he was constrained to give his daughter,
Umm-e-Kulthoom in marriage to Sayyadina Umar () , who
according to Shi`i consensus, was not a Muslim who will be exhumed
from his grave by Imam Mahdi, hung on a tree together with Sayyadina
Abu Bakr () , and their naked bodies flogged! They actually
accuse the grand-daughter of Rasulullah ( ) of zina
The truth is that the Sahabah enjoyed a sterling relationship with the
Ahl-e-Bait. Ramlah, the daughter of Sayyadina Ali Bin Abi Talib ()
married Muawiyah Bin Marwan Ibnul Hakam. Khadijah, another
daughter of Sayyadina Ali ( ) married Abdur Rahman Bin Aamir
Ummayyah. His father was Aamir Bin Kuraiz, governor of Basrah
appointed by Sayyadina Muawiyyah () . He had participated in the
battle of Jamal against Sayyadina Ali () . Similarly, the daughters
of Sayyadina Hasan and Sayyadina Hussein married in the tribe of Banu
Ummayyah, the tribe of Sayyadina Muawiyah () . Sakeenah, the
daughter of Sayyadina Hussein () , the third infallible Imaam of
the Shiahs, was married to Zaid Bin Amr Ibn Uthman. () .
Nafeesah, the daughter of Zaid Bin Hasan, the second infallible Imaam
of the Shiahs, married the Ummayyad Caliph, Walid Bin Abdul Malik Bin
Khomeinis popular slogan: NO SUNNIISM, NO SHIISM, ONLY ISLAM
and todays popular perception of Iran being the only helper of Palestine
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and the only force to challenge America, has won over many Shiah
sympathizers from the Sunnni world. Is this true?
After your Shiah friend tries to unucesfully confuse you with the above
issues, now its your turn to confuse him by asking him the questions
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during the battles of Sifeen and Jamal 70 800 Muslims lost their
lives. What is the position of the killers here? Is this verse not
applicable to them, some of whom were in the camp of
Sayyadina Ali (?)
Allah tells us in the Qur'an: And of the people of Madina are
those who are bent on hypocrisy. You know them not, but we
know them. (at-Tawbah 9: 101). The verse proves the existence
of hypocrites during the lifetime of Rasulullah () .
After his death, where did they go? Which side did the hypocrites
join? Surely not that of the Sahabah!
There is not one Shiah Temple in Iran where the Taraweeh salaat
is performed in Ramadaan wherein a completion of the Quran is
made. Why dont you rather join the mainstream Muslims who
have love for the Quran?
We all know that Rasulullah ( ) couldnt give life and
death, or guaratneee salvation and goodness for anyone in this
world, but your Imams have this power. So who is greater:
Rasulullah ( ) or your Imams?
Allah has mentioned in the Quran that He sent His Messengers in
this world so that Islam can become dominant. At the moment,
who are in the majority, Muslims or Shiahs? Which group of
Muslims dominate?
It appears in authentic traditions that whilst digging the Trench,
Rasulullah ( ) struck a rock from which some sparks
emerged. Rasulullah ( ) fortold the conquering of
Yemen, Persia and Rome in these sparks. Yemen was conquered
in the time of Rasuullah, whilst the other prophecies materilaised
in the era of Sayyadina Umar () . Could his Caliphate still
be wrong?
If Sayyadina Ali ( ) was divine, why did he burn those ten
people during his reign who claimed hee was divine?
Idolatory is nothing but entertaining hopes that the idol will
intercede on ones behalf before Allah: Yaquloona Haulaai
Shufaaauna Indallah. Dont you Shiahs have the same belief
regarding your Imams?
None of the Ahl-e-Bait or the Imams ever mourned the death of
Sayyadina Hussein () , or spoke of the supposed
injustices against them in a ceremonious fashion like Shiahs do
nowadays. This proves that these practices have been innovated
for no other reason but for kindling enmity against Muslims and
justifying their slaughter when the opportunity arises.
Have fun with your Shiah friend. Taunt him and see him squirm, turn red
and blue! Then finally ask him to re-embrace Islam and make him recite
the Shahaadah. Explain to him true Islam, ask him to give up this
mischieveous game of his, and earn paradise by saving a lost soul. Good
luck. May Allah be with you Ameen.
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