The Counterfeit Salafis

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The Counterfeit Salafis

Deviation of the Counterfeit Salafis From the Methodology of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa

Dr. Tariq Abdelhaleem

Publishers: Al-Attique Publishers

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Dr. Tariq Abdelhaleem. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
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ISBN: 1-894264-70-3 First Edition: Ramadan 1425, November 2004 Cover Design: Tiger Advertising,

Stray Sects Series

The Counterfeit Salafis

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................7 Chapter One ................................................................ 15 Al-Salafiyah 51 .................................................................................... Al-Salafiyoon 61 ................................................................................ Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jama'a 71 ..............................................: Murjiah and Khawarij: ............................................................................. 18 Necessary Clarifications:.......................................................................... 19 Chapter Two .............................................................. 23 Categorization of Salafis & Ahlul Sunnah ....................... 23 First Group: The Jami or Madkhali Group 32 .................. Core Principles of Group 1: ................................................................ 25 Second Group: The Albanis 72 .................................................. Core Principles of Group 2: ................................................................ 27 Third Group: The Academic Salafis 92 ....................................... Core Principles of Group 3: ................................................................ 29 Fourth Group: The Conventional Sheikhs of Salafiyah ................................................................................................................. 30 Core Principles of Group 4: ................................................................ 31 Fifth Group: The Ikhwan Salafis 23 ............................ Core Principles of Group 5: ................................................................ 33 Six Group: The Salafis of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa ................................................................................................................. 33 Core Principles of Group 6: ................................................................ 33 Seventh Group: the Moderate Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa 43 . Core Principles of Group 7: ................................................................ 35 Eighth Group: the Jihadis of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa 83 ........................................................................................................... Conclusion ............................................................................................... 39 Chapter Three ............................................................ 43 Counterfeit SalafisHow they went wrong! .................... 43 Counterfeit Salafis between Sufis and Khawarij ...................................... 45 Different Approach Same outcome!.................................................... 45 The Jamis & The Madkhalis 54 .............................................. A) The Basis ....................................................................................... 46 B) The Trick! ...................................................................................... 47 C) The Outcome: ................................................................................ 49

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Chapter Four .............................................................. 51 Refutation of the Basis! ................................................ 51 1. View of the Majority of Scholars in Iman .................................... 51 2. Reaction of Hanafis for adopting this view of Iman ...................... 51 3. Opposite Reaction of the Counterfeit Salafis to that of Hanafis .... 52 4. The Difference between Ahlul Sunnah And Khawarij .................. 55 5. Discussion of the verse of Surat Al-Maidah 47 ............................. 55 6. Ibn Abbas statement Kufr that is less than the Kufr: ............... 60 1. Ibn Taymiyah.................................................................................. 72 2. Ibn Katheer ..................................................................................... 72 3. Ahmad Shaker................................................................................. 74 4. Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim ..................................................... 76 5. Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan................................................................. 77 6. Sheikh Ibn Baaz .............................................................................. 77 7. Abdul Qader Udah .......................................................................... 78 Chapter Five ...............................................................81 Exposing the Trick! ......................................................81 Exposing the Trick: .................................................................................. 82 1. The context of the Ayah: .......................................................... 83 2. Ijtihad and Taqleed: ................................................................. 85 3. What are the limitations of Taqleed: ........................................ 87 4. Who possesses Knowledge? ................................................. 88 An additional Twist to the trick: ........................................................... 92 Chapter Six .................................................................97 A Wake up Call to the new Generation ............................97 Conclusion ............................................................... 101 Appendix A ...............................................................103 As weak as the House of the Spider...............................103 Example of the weak arguments offered by the Counterfeit Salafis ... 103

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The Counterfeit Salafis

Although we do not promote or condone a culture of violence, or the random killing of any innocent civilians in the East or the West, we stand firmly against the deliberate forging of the meaning of Tawheed and changing its essence by any party, inside Islam or by outsiders. Revival of this Ummah is in serious jeopardy if such practices are left to breed by any counterfeit conception of any kind. The revival of the Ummah hinges completely on the correct understanding and the right application of Tawheed as revealed by and delivered to Human kind by the Prophet . Allah The Issue is not to declare any specific individual, government or ruler as unbeliever (Kafir). The issue is to comprehend the definition, conditions and boundaries of Tawheed, and to recognize the present situation in the Muslim Land clearly and correctly. There is no chance for any improvement of the Nation without such perception and recognition.

The Problem with this specific Counterfeit Salafis group, contrary to all those who righteously follow Al-salaf, is not only the wrong application of an Islamic Principle; it is rather the wrong interpretation and complete downplay of a major pillar in the concept of Tawheed; namely Ruling with the Laws of Allah in the lives of the Muslim Ummah. The spread of such Bidaa hinders the revival of the Ummah and makes Muslims weaker amongst the nations of the world. This Bidaa is contrary to the message of Islam and is certainly in opposition to the stand of the followers and successors of the Prophet .

" - " " ."

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The Counterfeit Salafis


At the turn of the 20th century, the Muslim Ummah was hit by
an evil that can only be compared to the major Fitnah of the assassination of Othman or the Fitnah between Ali and Muawiyah ; this evil was the collapse of the Khilafah system in the wake of WWI. After eighty years of this catastrophe, its impact is still unfolding in the lives of Muslims. It is beyond the scope of this book to explain such an impact. However, it is very obvious that the most significant outcome of this catastrophe was the demise of the Islamic state entirely. Muslims ceased to have a core state1 around which their collective effort can be of significance to all. Instead, smaller and weaker states have emerged to replace the Empire which safeguarded the Islamic Culture, Laws and Unity for 1400 years. It was the first time in its history that it faced such situation. Moreover, it took the Islamic world a few years to realize the awkward and dangerous situation that it found itself plummeting into. The reaction to this situation varied throughout the Islamic world. In the absence of a central authority, the great principle of Commanding Good and Preventing Evil was enacted by the establishment of what is known as the Islamic Movements. The first to appear in the early 30s, was the movement of Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimoon in Egypt by Hassan Al-Banna (May Allah rest his soul in

The significance of the core state to the survival of cultures in general was highlighted by Ibn Khaldoon in his Introduction, and most recently by Samuel Huntington in his book The Clash of Civilizations, p.207.

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The Counterfeit Salafis

peace), followed, in early 40s, by Al-Jamaa Al-Islamiyah in Pakistan by Abu Al-Aala Al-Mawdudi (May

This was not a first in the Islamic history that Muslims organized to enforce the principle of Commanding Good and Preventing Evil in the absence of a central authority2. Among such previous movements, two were established at the time of Al-Maamon Al-Abbasi :one led by Khalid Al-Daryoush , and the other by Sahl Ibn Salamah Al-Ansari . These two movements enforced the Laws of Islam after chaos erupted in Baghdad in the wake of Al-Amins assassination3. However, the contemporary movements quickly discovered that the problem with the new reality of the Muslim land was not only the absence of an authority that enforces the great principle of Commanding the Good and Preventing the Bad, but it was the absence of Islamic Laws altogether in the lives of Muslims, and the subsequent replacement of Sacred Laws with Secular, Man-Made laws It was only logical that Muslims spent time determining the exact ruling of the new reality of the Muslim Land. The interpretation of such reality was not easy to comprehend. It was altogether new to the rulings of Fiqh and the Fiqh of reality , which are the two requirements of Fatwa. The one and only time when Muslims were faced with a similar situation was during the Mongols invasion of Baghdad and the Eastern Islamic parts of the Abbasi Empire. At that time, Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah provided a definitive ruling on the issue of governing by Man-Made Laws instead of Sacred Laws in the land of Muslims.
Although this case is completely different in nature than todays, as the absence of authority was on the executive level and was local and temporarily. 3 Lectures in the History of Islamic Nations, Abbasi State By Skeikh AlKhudary, .p181.

Allah rest his soul in peace).

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The Counterfeit Salafis

It is essential here to bring up an important point, which was totally missed in all the literature that dealt with this situation. It is absolutely critical to realize that the way Islamic Laws were applied throughout the history of the Khilafah bears no resemblance and cannot be equated to the format of Secular Laws in the present time. The proper understanding of the difference between the two methods will clarify the rulings in the books of Fiqh, regarding dealing with the governors, which reflect the time of Khilafa; versus ruling by Man-Made Laws in the present time. Following the establishment of the first Islamic state in Medinah by the Prophet and during the 1325 Hijri years afterwards, the application of Islamic Laws was merely through the practical submission of the Khalifas to the rulings of the Scholars ,Mujtahidoon ,and people of Fiqh Fuqaha in all matters pertinent to Shariah. There was never a written constitution which stated that the Law of the Land is Shariah, since it was obvious to all that this was the essence of submission to Allah and the heart of Tawheed. Even the rulings of Fuqaha were never called Laws, as there is a difference between the Law in its contemporary meaning and the Fatawa in the Islamic sense. There was never a written social contract that is known nowadays as a constitution other than the inherent understanding of Tawheed that Shariah is the only Law of the land. The only way for a Khalifah to eliminate Shariah, as is the case in contemporary states, was to denounce it altogether, which has never happened before the Kamal Atatork so-called revolution against Islam in Turkey. But when a Khalifah or a ruler, wanted to do something that is in accordance with his desires, and that was not of Shariah, he would just issue an executive order to carry out his command; for example to seize a piece of land or property that does not legitimately belong to him. That is why throughout the history of the Islamic State, the scholars and Mujtahidoon rulings were always about a completely different situation that bears no resemblance to whatever Muslims are presently

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experiencing. This is an essential difference that must be understood to accurately assess the current reality. In order to more clarify this difference, we will quickly examine the history leading to the adaptation of written constitutions based on Secular Laws. The transfer from Laws known as Fiqh4, to Laws that are documented as the official Law of the Land based on a written constitution from sources beside Quran and Sunnah, occurred over 100 years following Napoleon Bonapartes invasion of Egypt during the dynasty of Muhammed Ali of Albania. The invasion led the Sultan to adopt a policy of modernization of the Islamic State, and the consequent invitation of specialists in all fields of science, Law and arts to help in implementing this policy, amongst which many were orientalists .The occupying European powers were very strong. They insisted on establishing separate courts, known as mixed courts in Muslim lands, where their subjects would be prosecuted instead of being prosecuted in accordance to Shariah in Islamic courts! Mixed courts existed in parallel with Shariah courts for decades. As a result of the modernization process, it was decided by the Sultan of Egypt to formulate the Islamic Fiqh into the Law format5 (similar to that of the Europeans) and to categorize it into the now-known forms of Law; such as criminal law, civil law and the like. An official Magazine of Law called The Magazine of the Just Laws was where these Shariah Laws were published. In the wake of WWI, Shariah courts became weaker and Muslims were permitted to attend mixed courts in some aspects of their life. By the mid 50s, Shariah courts were completely abandoned and the secular laws that were used in mixed courts

that is documented in books of Fiqh in one of the Mathhabs based on the understanding that it is the Law of the land and accepted by the rulers and Khalifas 5 However, still at that time, the only source of these shariat laws was Quran and Sunnah.


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became the official Law of the land6. This was the turning point in the complete break-down of Shariah in the Muslim Land. It is obvious that throughout the Khilafa, the unwritten constitution was the Shariah of Allah , which governed the lives of Muslims with the consent of the rulers; even if these rulers committed some practical deviations, which Ahlul Sunnah categorizes as sins. This is the situation that all the Fuqaha of those times dealt with and wrote about in the known books of Islamic Fiqh, as opposed to the complete abandonment and replacement of the Sacred Laws with Secular Man-Made Laws in the present time. This is why it is irrelevant, as we showed here and as many of the great scholars of Ahlul Sunnah stated, to apply these Fiqh rulings without going back to the reality or the situation of such rulings. Failing to recognize such difference is a complete failure of judgment. Going back to the point of Islamic Movements in contemporary time, many movements were established to lead Muslims in such an age where Shariah is no longer in control and where most of the Muslim Land is ruled by Secular Man-Made Laws. However, it happened that some Muslims, who belong to a few Islamic movements, failed to see the difference in the Reality or Situation that most Muslim scholars realized as we just described above. Amongst those who failed to differentiate between the two situations is a group of people who call themselves, among others, Al-Salafiyoon. However, their failure was not their only gaffe. They added to that failure a bad attitude toward the scholars of Ahlul Sunnah who recognized such a difference. Furthermore, they attracted some young Muslims, using a Sufi-like approach of ignorance and submission, to blindly follow their lead. In addition, they also

see more details in The Situation of the Contemporary Law between Shariah and the Man-Made Laws, Tariq Al-Bishry, p.14.


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terrorized scholars of Ahlul Sunnah and bad-mouthed many of them. If it was only the mistake of not having the correct reading and understanding of the text of Quran and Sunnah, and the wrong application of the Hukm of Shariah in the new reality of the situation, it would have been easy to accept and possible to fix. But, adding all these other faults made them a real danger to understanding of Tawheed and a bad example for the coming generation to follow. In this book, we categorized all those who claim to follow the Quran and Sunnah and the way of Al-Salaf in general into eight groups. We discussed in brief their opinions on specific issues which they fundamentally differ about. That was only for the purpose of distinguishing between those who took the wrong turn and adopted the wrong views, and those who either adopted the wrong views but did not drift into the wrong attitude toward others, or those who had the guidance of Allah in following the right rulings. It is rather sad to see some of our youth being misled by such wrong views. It weakens the Ummah and hinders its effort to regain its status on Earth as leader of Human kind to just, fair and moral life, as Allah wanted for it. They are only but passive, retreated, spy-minded, ignorant followers who have, on top of that, arrogance towards the real Sheikhs of Islam! I was at first, amazed that some one can be ignorant and, at the same time, arrogant. However, the similarity between the two words in English: Arrogance vs. Ignorance (the compilation of letters in both words), put my mind at ease and showed me the connection.


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The Counterfeit Salafis

However, as Sheikh Bakr Abu Zaid said about this Bidaa in Al-Tasaneef7 on page 41:
)( ) ( : )( * :} ..{ * .. : .. )( - - )( : } .{

It is a comfort to know that this is a mere sickness that is quickly fading away, and is a strange lunacy that will end soon. For them to return to the Jamaa of Islam is to know that: These split-rows live without followers8 as Allah said And the unjust people have no followers. These people have no case to defend, and their struggle is just a panic of the rebellious that is why you find a thug attitude in their stand without guidance This Lunacy will with the guidance of Allah go down, and will lose its steam, and will be chocked. The rebellion will come back to the rows of Ahlul Sunnah Insha Allah, reciting the Ayah Oh Lord save me from the unjust people.

Ironically, last year, a Suadi brother mentioned to me that members of this group are spreading the word amongst their ranks that Sheik Abu Zaid has repeanted from what he said!! And he was fired from the committee of Fatwa!! And has condemned whoever qoute what he personally wrote!! Sunhan Allah, luncy has no bottom rock to hit! 8 this means that they have followers who are blind to any light, since they were raised like Sufis, to follow without any brain work.


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The Counterfeit Salafis

The real Salaf (predecessors) of these people are the like of Abdul Fattah Abu Ghoddah and his master Zahed AlKhawthari , as they bread and flourish on back-biting and eating the flesh of scholars of Ahlul Sunnah, whom, in the scale of Allah , outweigh a whole world of the likes of such counterfeits. The Sunnah of Allah is that such bubbles do not survive. Such groups carry the seed of demise in their very methodology! They raise followers who can not replace them as they are taught to listen only to their masters and never to think. It is a group that has no future, Walhamdullelah.

Dr Tariq Abdelhaleem
Ramadan 1st, 1424 October 15th, 2004


Stray Sects Series

The Counterfeit Salafis

Chapter One
Terminology and Necessary definitions

This subject, amongst many others, is poorly represented, if at

all represented, to English speaking Muslims. It is rather sad that many of non-Arabic speaking Muslims in Europe and North America have no, or very little, references to guide them on both the academic level and the practical level. We intend to explain the main principles and terms of reference of the main streams of some of the modern Islamic schools of thought. We will also explain the stand of these groups on such major contemporary subjects as: democracy, governments, etc. Although, these groups might have some common ground, and an individual can belong to more than one group, they are completely different in many details when it comes to the application of the theoretical principles of Islamic thought. Al-Salafiyah The term Salaf in the Arabic language means in its general sense the late, or what is before, and more specifically the predecessor. However, this term was used by Muslim Scholars of Ahlul Sunnah9, since the time of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, to point to the good predecessors of the first three generations as mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet : The best generations are those of my generation10, then those who

We use the term "Ahlul Sunnah" here to distinguish between them and the Shiat, on one hand and the other theorists of the 72 deviant sects on the other. However the term will be closely explained later in a different capacity. 10 The word "Qarni" in Arabic, which literally means "my century" is translated here as generation as this is the meaning in which the word is used in this context. This meaning is within the capacity of the word.


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follow, and then those who follow11. The Goodness of the three generations mentioned in the Hadith signifies that they are the best followers of the Sunnah of the Prophet . The term was widely used by almost all of Ahlul Sunnah scholars over the history of Islam. However, in recent years following the decline of the Khilafah, the map of Islamic politics has completely changed. Secularism12 has taken over in shaping the Laws of almost all of the Muslim countries13. The Governments of Muslims have openly adopted secularism as the alternative to Islam. In almost all of the constitutions of these Governments, it refers to Islam as one of the sources of legislation as opposed to as the one and only source of legislation in accordance with the basic principles of Tawheed. Al-Salafiyoon During the seventies, the decade most perceived as the Decade of Islamic Revival, and with the emergence of the contemporary Islamic movement in Egypt and the Arab peninsula, the term Salafi and Al-Salafiyoon14 emerged to signify a specific group of people with a specific mandate. It was first used by a group of Egyptian Sheikhs such as Mohammad Ibn Ismail of Alexandria, and later by

The hadith is reported by Al-Boukhari, Muslim, Al-Termizie, Ibn Majah and Ahmad. 12 Secularism is the "worldly" vision of the universe. It is defined in the English dictionaries as "indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations". However, it was translated at the end of the 19th century into the Arabic language as "Scientific" !Just to make it more acceptable to the common ignorant Muslims. 13 Saudi Arabia is the only state, at this time that has not yet openly declared secular laws as the consitiution. The Saudi constitution still specifies Islamic shariat as the only source of law. However, some of the Kingdoms opponents contest this stand. 14 Those who follow the Salaf.


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Muqbel Al-Wadie of Yemen15. They were students of Hadith who based their legitimacy in the Islamic movement16 as being followers of Ahlul Hadith as opposed to those of Ahlul Raie17 . However, the term Salafis, rather than Ahlul Hadith, was used to label them and their followers. At that time, there were other groups who used to follow the same base adherence to Hadith and Sunnah in general, but different interpretations of how to apply Sunnah to the present situation. These differences gave way to the emergence of other schools of though that can be labelled either under the Salafi term since they still follow the Salaf, or as they prefer to call themselves: Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa. Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jama'a : The term Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa points to those who agree to the principles of Tawheed in its two categories: AlRuboobiyah and Al-Uloohiyah. It is essential to mention that each of these terms is not completely exclusive to a certain group. Also, terms were sub-categorized on basis of the subject in question. For instance, the term Ahlul Sunnah points out to those who follow Sunnah rather than Bidaa. Hence, it distinguishes between Sunnis, Shiat or Mutazilah. However, when it comes to the subject of the Names and Attributes of Allah , it points to those who affirmed the Attributes without any Taweel while completely negating any similarity to
They were students of Al-Albani. I use "movement" here to point to a group rather than a "movement" which requires more organization and disciplined followers which would normally have a political agenda attached to its academic approach. 17 Ahlul Raie in the Islamic thought are those who used Qiyas or "logical deduction" widely as opposed to Ahlul Hadith who relied more on Hadith, and considered Hadith as stronger than Qiyas even if it is categorized as Weak .However, Ahlul Raie in the contemporary schools of thought, are those who do not follow the evidence of Shariah in general, rather they just provide their own opinions based on either ignorance or secular perspectives.
16 15


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humans. This excludes the Ash'aries who partially used Taweel, and the Mutazilah who completely distorted the Attributes of Allah and departed from the way of the Salaf, Ahlul Hadith and Ahlul Sunnah; regardless of which term is used. In that era of the seventies, other groups adopted the approach of adhering to Shariah and denying secular laws, not only in relation to the Attributes, but also in understanding and evaluating the present situation in the political arena. In the next few pages we will attempt to map out the spectrum of the Salafi groups, including those groups who are more attached to the term Ahlul Sunnah. We will first clarify some terms used by Murjiah and Khawarij to discredit each other, either justifiably or not. Murjiah and Khawarij: Murjiah: A sect that traces its origin back to the second century, when some people adopted a school of thought that denies the importance of actions in Islam and concentrate heavily on the actions of the heart, which they called the Aqeeda or Itiqaad, which signifies the belief in the heart. Iman for this sect is merely theoretical. It is the heartily beliefs of a person that makes him/her a Muslim. Khawarij: Those people who denied the right of Ali Ibn Abi Taleb the right to arbitrate in the crisis with Muawiyah over the punishment of the killers of Uthman . They split the Jamaa (Ali's group) and started to fight Ali and kill anyone who stood with him, even if he was a companion. They also declared Muawiyah and his group unbelievers. Later, their successors developed a theoretical base and twisted the evidence of Quran and Sunnah to justify their Bidaa. They came up with the opinion that sins constitute Kufr. Thus, any Muslim who commits a sin becomes a Kafir and he/she is


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punishable by death. They considered Ali and Muawiyah and both their camps as sinners. Sins that are considered Kufr by Khawarij are those actions which Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa consider as merely sins as well; such as adultery, Riba, consuming alcohol, murder, lying, back-biting, etc.. Scholars considered the Hadith of the Prophet describing a group of people who will come after his time who kill the people of Islam and leave in peace the people of idols18, as a clear text in describing Khawarij. Necessary Clarifications:

It is important to point out that in order to qualify as a member of a sect, one need to adopt all the common principles of that sect, as pointed out by Imam AlShatibi in Al-Ietisam. Unfortunately, the opposing factions of the Salafi groups, as well as the other Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa groups, accuse each other with such Bidaas. Groups, who belong to the upper side of the spectrum, call the later as Khawarij and visa versa. We are not claiming that all these groups are correct, as truth is only but one, but they all do not belong completely to either sect, as they do not believe in all the common principles of the sect. It is better to say that a group is infected by the virus of Irjaa or by the virus of Khawarij rather than being Murjiah or Khawarij, as Ibn Taymiyah mentioned. There can be a group of Salafis or Ahlul Sunnah, who have some beliefs that are in common with either sect; although this does not justify labelling the group as either Khawarij or Murjiah. It is always better to stick to the understanding and behaviour of the Salaf. Allah said: O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah , as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and


Reported by Al-boukhari, Muslim, Alnesaie, Al-termizie, Abu Dawoud and ahmad


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depart from justice. Be just: that is next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.
Al-Maidah 8. 2.

It is also important to point out that not every individual or group who claims to follow Quran and Sunnah actually do so. We have seen lately that some Sufis refer to themselves Ahlul Sunnah on their websites or lectures! This is propaganda aiming at attracting the common simple-minded Muslims who can not distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. However, the common Muslims have enough sense to know that the term Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa is what Muslims should be under. We have to be clear in regards to Bidaa and sects: Sufis, Mutazilah, Khawarij and the deviant sects are not among Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa or Salafis (in its broader meaning), even if they claim to be so. It is their principles and methodology of understanding the Sunnah that places them wherever they belong.

For the purpose of this study, we divided those who belong to the methodology Manhaj of Ahlul Sunnah (the Salafis in its broader meaning; i.e. following the Salaf not merely those who label themselves as Salafis) into eight groups. Some of these groups accepts the label of Salafis and are known as Salafis, while others deny being Salafis (in its narrow meaning) and prefer to call themselves Ahlul Sunnah WalJamaa. We will look into the stand of these groups in relation to:
1. 2. 3.

Governments The democratic process and voting. Takfeer of Sayed Qutb.


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Ijtihad and Taqleed:19 who is entitled to look into and consider evidence?

We have to keep in mind the following:

All the following groups claim to follow the evidence of Quran and Sunnah. However, the question is not whether a group reverts to Quran or Hadith for guidance, rather it is simply whether they interpret the evidence in the same way and use the same methodology of the first three preferred generations to reach a Fatwa. Differences of opinion can be in either the belief itself, as between the Murjiah and Ahlul Sunnah in the subject of Iman, or in the application of some common beliefs, where Fatwa is issued based on different perceptions of the situation in hand. Muslims in the West, and specifically the Islamic groups, are almost exclusively small and insignificant branch of one of the following groups. We did not mention any of them as they are not significant in any way in affecting the spectrum or shaping any new direction that can be addressed separately. Also, it is important to mention that since new Muslims who revert from other religions, or born Muslim reverts, are massively approached by Sufis to drag them away from the way of Sunnah, some of the Salafi groups use the same tactics. More specifically, those who are active in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Jordan (the 1st and 2nd groups as we will see) by addressing specific audiences such as the young, the needy and those who are totally


Ijtihad: is making the necessary effort combined with acquiring the proper knowledge to arrive at a Fatwa. Taqleed is following a Mufti blindly without questioning due to lacking of proper knowledge.


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ignorant of Islam. They try to promote the idea of Ijtihad and Taqleed and that no one is allowed to make Ijtihad except scholars. This is a correct idea in itself, but is often used to affirm a deviant conclusion. As they shape the minds of those who follow them and attend their conferences, the scholars presented at these events are those whom they claim to be the only worthwhile scholars, period! They also promote a correct concept that Muslims should be careful in labelling others and in applying Kufr or Bidaa descriptions to individuals, however they use the labelling tactics to prevent their followers from listening to scholars of Ahlul Sunnah in regards to the ruling on those who legislate the ManMade Laws and remove shariat from governing the lives of Muslims!

The intention of the writer of this book is not to use this study to label any of the distinguished Dawa people20, or to advocate any approach over the other. It is merely a map that, although might fall into the wrong hands and be used by the wrong people, it helps to clarify the situation to both friends and foes and makes the future steps clearer to the Ummah. It is always better to air ones opinions and views than being vague and mysterious, which normally casts doubts on intentions and actions.

20 Except of group one, who went astray in labelling scholars and being ill mannered with many people of Dawa.


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Chapter Two
Categorization of Salafis & Ahlul Sunnah
First Group: The Jami or Madkhali Group

The founders and leaders of this group are Mohammad Aman 12 of Ethiopia, and Rabie Al-Madkhali Jami
Many scholars exposed Al-Madkhali and his twisted way of bashing the ,people of Dawa under the cover of Jarh and Tadeel! Sheikh Bakr Abu Zaid one of the most respected Muskim scholars of this time, commented on the draft of a book that Al-Madkhali sent him to review.These are some of the points that Shiakh Bakr Abu Zaid made to Al-Madkhali (the text is in :)Arabic .. .. .. : .. ) ( )2431 (. :12


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of Yemen. They both got all or part of their education in Saudi Arabia. Also Mohammad Al-Banna
1 - 161 . . 2 - : : . 3 - "" . 4 - . . 5 - 6 - .. . ... ,This establishes where Al-Madkhali stands in the hierarchy of scholars, and .hence, where his students stand


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of Egypt, Ali Al-Halabi of Jordan are among the same group. They are represented in North America by some Society of Quran&Sunnah22 and other Web based groups.

Core Principles of Group 1: The core principles of this group can be summarized in the following points:

Consider Iman as only the Aqeeda of the heart, and that actions are a complimentary condition to Iman23 . Consequently, the ruling with secular laws by a government is permissible as they consider it an action rather than Aqeeda issue. The existing ruling-systems in Muslim lands as legitimate and hence must be obeyed. They went out of their way to legitimize the existing ruling-systems and make the rulers of secular governments legitimate Walis (ruler) and try to show that they are as good as the rulers of the Khilafah of Bani Ummayah and Bani Abbas. Being in power is the source of legitimacy by itself. They also portrait those who oppose the secular governments as Khawarij. It is Wajib obligatory to report to the authorities the people of Dawa who do not follow their principles, since they consider them Khawarij! For the safety and well being of the larger Muslim Community.

22 It is rather sad that these people hold conferences and attract young Muslims, with little or no knowledge by inviting sheikh-like figures from the Middle East. These Skeiks present a methodology that makes the brains of the followers freeze and become completely dependant on this groups so called scholars. The result is an army of submissive youths who follow blindly their Murjiah leaders without realizing it.


Even if they deny it, it is the fallout of their approach.


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They categorized almost all the Du'aat (people of Dawa or calling for the path of Allah ) as deviant and bashed them as ignorant or people of Bidaa or Kuffar! They have many websites that are dedicated to bashing the Du'aat! They legitimize their bashing of Duaat as application of what they claim the Science of Criticism or what is known in the Islamic sciences as Elm Aljarh Wal Tadeel! Of course, this group has no reservations on accepting democracy as a framework; since they do not interfere in the political process whatsoever. In terms of Ijtihad and Taqleed, they adopt the same approach as Ahlul Sunnah where only scholars and Mujtahedoon are allowed to give Fatwa. However, they only consider those who agree with their point of view as scholars! The main goal of their theology is to throw the accusation of Kufr on a particular Da'iyah (singular of Du'aat); namely Sayed Qutb. They wrote volumes stating his Kufr! And completely labelled his Tafseer In the Shade of the Quran as a book of deviance! This stand against Sayed Qutb is actually against their official view of not making Takfeer (applying Kufr to a person) to anyone! They practically have no place for Jihad, now or ever in their version of Islam.

This group is perceived by all other groups as pure Murjiah24. They hold the worst ideas and they do not hesitate in snitching on fellow Muslims to the authorities, under the disguise that people, who call for following Quran and Sunnah as the constitution and as basis for public life, are danger to the general public and must be eliminated! Although they are an
They are truely Murjiah as they not only are infected by the virus of Irjaa, but they also strayed far the path of Ahlul Sunnah by applying the principle of Irjaa in separating Iman from actions .


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insignificant minority, the followers of this group are spread in the Muslim Land and in the West as well. They fool the common Muslim by claiming to be Ahlul Sunnah and pretend that their stand is the pure truth! However, although they were able to fool many common Muslims and some reverts to Islam from the West, they are almost rejected by every one else. They can be perceived as the flip flop group! Aside from being wrong in their interpretation of the evidence, they hold no consistency in their methodology (Manhaj). They are Murjiah when it comes to dealing with rulers and governments, and Khawarij when it comes to other Du'aat! In the final analysis of their stand, they fit the criteria of the Hadith of Khawarij. They call for Takfeer of Du'aat (who are the people of Islam in the Hadith) and they call for peace and obedience to the rulers who embrace secular systems!25 Second Group: The Albanis Although Sheikh Nasir Al-Deen Al-Albani ( May Allah have mercy on his soul) is not the only scholar who belongs to this group, we labelled the group after him as he was the most well-known among those who belong to this faction. The group clearly carries delusions and doubts of Irjaa. Leaders of this group are figures like Al-Albani and Sheikh Muqbil AlWadie of Yemen . Core Principles of Group 2: The core principles of this group can be summarized in the following points:

Among Canadians that belong to this group is Troid of the UK/Ontario. They are group of mostly converts with little or no knowledge and are brainwashed by the principles of this first group.



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Holding the same point of view as the first group in Iman26. It is important here to mention that this view of Iman was adopted in the history of Islamic beliefs by Abu Hanifah and some of his followers. For that reason, they were perceived by the rest of Ahlul Sunnah as the Murjiah of the Sunnah! Or Murjiah of Fuqaha . However, the Hanafi Mathhab is one of the most restricted Mathhabs in perceiving many actions as Kufr, to make up for the fallout of exclusion of actions from Iman. Existing governments are legitimate and the rulers are sinning Muslims. They however, do not call for any uprising against them in accordance with the Hadiths that direct Muslims to follow their rulers as long as they are still Muslims. They peacefully call for improvements in the constitution and laws in order to be more consistent with Islamic rulings. They state that the ruler does not become a Kafir unless he pronounces the word of Kufr explicitly, in accordance with their belief of Iman and that Kufr can only occur if the heart rejects Allah . The democratic process and voting under these systems are legitimate. However, some of their Fatwas show that they agree to the process from the point of view of bringing about the interest of the Muslims, not that they agree to the process from Aqeeda perspective. Ijtihad and Taqleed: They also follow the same point of view of Ahlul Sunnah. However, they are much more respectful of scholars who do not agree with their views. They rejected the ideas of Sayed Qutb (May Allah have mercy on his soul) but they did not accuse him of Kufr, a stand that is more consistent than the first group. This is understandable as Al-Albani was far


Al-Albani's views in that regard were refuted in many books and were opposed to the general consensus of Ahlul Sunnah in perceiving Iman as saying, believing and acting.


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more of a respectful scholar and far more knowledgeable than the two insignificant students of Elm; Al-Madhkali and Al-Jami. Jihad: For this group, Jihad is theoretical (as all systems of governments are legitimate) rather than practical. It causes more harm than good. Many of them label those who adopt Jihad as Khawarij.

Third Group: The Academic Salafis From this group on, Salafis are differs from Ahlul Sunnah in the view of Iman. The following groups perceive Iman as is known to the rest of Ahlul Sunnah over history; intentions of the heart and the explicit actions of a Muslim. The first of those are the so-called Academic Salafis. This label might be attributed to the fact that they are more into writing and theorizing their beliefs, than the other groups that have the same or close beliefs and applications. Among the Leaders of this group Sheikh Abdul Rahman Abdul Khaliq , Abdul Raziq Al-Shayji and Hamed Al-Ali of Kuwait, and Ansar Al-Sunnah movement of Egypt27. Core Principles of Group 3: The core principles of this group can be summarized in the following points: More organized group and have a clearer vision of the political situation.

It is important to differentiate between the Shaikhs who belong to Ansar Al-Sunnah of Egypt. For instance, Hamed Al-Fiqi or Abdul Rahman Afifi can not be categorized with the likes of Mohamad Al-Bana.



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Some members of the group share the view of rulers and governments with the above groups. They perceive the rulers as Muslim sinners. Still some others view the problem of ruling with other as not a sin. They perceive the than the Laws of Allah ruling with other than Shariah as a major Kufr. However, they stopped short of applying this concept to contemporary governments. The democratic process and participation in secular governments, based on the public Interest is acceptable. Ijtihad and Taqleed: They also stick to the point of where Fatwas are only permissible to those who are qualified. They hold a high respect to Sayed Qutb, although they might have differences with him on some points; such as what was claimed to be his view on the Attributes of and the categorization of the society as Jahili Allah . Jihad is part of Islam, but they stand on the side of Jihad being theoretical and unnecessary at the moment.

Fourth Group: The Conventional Sheikhs of Salafiyah

This group is mostly Sheikhs of the official Saudi Arabia Islamic establishments, such as Sheikh Bin Baaz and Sheikh Al-Uthaymeen ( May Allah Has mercy on their souls) and those who adopt the same stand in other Muslim countries. This group of Salafis clearly understands Tawheed of Ibadah, and also perceives the ruling with other than Shariah or using secular laws as Major Kufr. There are many texts of Bin Baaz and Uthaymeen that reflect this opinion. Followers of the first, second and third groups try to use some Mutashabih (not specific or clear) text of the Fatwas of these two distinguished


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scholars to attach them to their group. However, it is important to consider the following criteria when the Fatwas of Bin Baaz or Al-Uthaymeen. Core Principles of Group 4: The core principles of this group can be summarized in the following points: They completely understand Tawheed Al-Ibadah as presented by Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn Abdel Wahhab. They consider those who rule with other than Shariah as Kuffar; the major Kufr that takes one out of Islam. They sometimes used statements about the rulers which were typically used by ancient scholars like Al-Tahawi in the Fifth century and others were they used to talk about the Khalifas who used to commit injustices, but the constitution of the State was based on Islam as the only source of laws. They mostly had the Saudi model of government in mind when giving such quotes from scholars of the Salaf, as they always maintained the opinion that the Saudi government is a sincere follower of the Quran and Sunnah, with some sins here and there. Of course, the opponents of the Saudi system claim that this is not the truth, and that Bin Baaz and Al-Uthaymeen were misled by the officials of the Saudi regime. They claim that although the Saudi constitution adheres to Quran and Sunnah, the detailed laws of the Kingdom follow the secular law model in many aspects of life. It is not within the scope of this study to rule on such point as the author is not a Saudi national or a Saudi law expert. It is rather left to the Saudis themselves to rule on such a point; as the old Arabs used to say: the people of Mecca know their way around it better than others, which means that every one knows his people better. We are only stating


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the different opinions that might affect the perception of Bin Baaz and Ibn Uthaymeen. They were clear in their opinions when it came to other governments and they stated that simply ruling with other than Shariah is a major Kufr. We have to put their statements together to understand their views correctly rather than picking and choosing what substantiates a specific groups views. However, they never called any of the rulers by name a Kafir. They hold the same opinion of Ijtihad and Taqleed. They do not agree with democracy as a system as it is not Islamic in principle. However, they did not oppose openly the participation of Muslims in any democratic process. Also they see Jihad as part of Islam, but they stand on the side of Jihad being theoretical and unnecessary at this time.

Fifth Group: The Ikhwan Salafis Leaders of this group are figures of the Ikhwan AlMuslimoon Muslim Brotherhood movement such as Isam AlBasheer of Sudan, Omar Al-Ashqar of Jordon and Al-Sheikh Abdel Majeed Al-Zindani of Yemen. They hold almost identical views as the previous group, but they are more open to the democratic process due to their membership in the Ikhwan movement. Ikhwan are sincere advocates of the participation in the democratic process, although they could not show any merit to that dedication over the seventy-five years existence in the Islamic/political arena!


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Core Principles of Group 5: The core principles of this group are almost identical to the previous group. Six Group: The Salafis of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa We labelled this group between Ahlul Sunnah and the Salafis as they have common features between the Salafis (in its contemporary capacity; as a movement not as followers of Salaf) and Ahlul Sunnah, as pure adherents to the core views of Ahlul Sunnah. Leaders of this group vary widely and have many disagreements on many subjects, but we will categorize them here under one group for the purpose of this study as they appear to be closer together in the presented spectrum of the Salafis and Ahlul Sunnah. Among the leaders of this group are: Mohammad Sorour , of Syria, Salah Al-Sawi of Egypt, Safar Al-Hawali and Salman Al-Udah of Saudi Arabia, and Gamal Sultan of Egypt28. Core Principles of Group 6: The core principles of this group can be summarized in the following points: Most active, for many reasons, in the Islamic arena. They mostly hold a pure understanding of Tawheed. Tend to theorize their views extensively and are good readers of the present situation.


The writer has known and carried out Dawa activities and Literature work with many of the distinguished scholars of this group and group 7.


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Their concern is always international: Muslims problems over the whole world not only in the Middle East. However, their announced views of governments and rulers are close to the views of the previous group of Ikhwan Salafis. They condemn the governments but they stop short of declaring the rulers as Kuffar openly. They clearly perceive that ruling with secular laws is major Kufr, but their public statements do not reflect any Takfeer to any ruler as a political stand, not as Aqeeda. They all agree on participating in the political democratic process. However they vary in the degree of participation; from Mohammad Sorour, who opposes it in reality where he sees no benefit in participating as it is completely in the hands of tyrants, to Gamal Sultan who openly advocates it to the extent that he has unsuccessfully tried to establish a political party in Egypt. Ijtihad and Taqleed: They also adhere to the same rules of Ahlul Sunnah in that regard. They hold great respect and appreciation for Sayed Qutb and his work, although they have some differences on some points of his work. Also they see Jihad as part of Islam, but they stand on the side of Jihad being beyond the Muslims capacity at the moment. Most of them stop short of calling the Jihad advocates as Khawarij or condemn them openly.

Seventh Group: the Moderate Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa

This group is named Ahlul Sunnah as there is no common ground between them and the Salafis in the contemporary capacity of the term. They still sincerely follow the Salafs methodology and understanding and totally adhere to it. Among the surviving leaders of this group are: Mohammad Qutb and


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Abdel Majid Al-Shazlie of Egypt , Sheikh Gazi Al-Tuwbah of Kuwait . We can categorize other late scholars who have their opinions documented in their books and Fatwas, which are being pushed aside from the Islamic arena by official Islamic figures to cover up their clear stand. Amongst them are: Abu Al-Aala AlMawdudi of Pakistan , Sayed Qutb 29, the great Muhadith Ahmad Shaker and Mahmoud Shaker of Egypt, The great Mufti of Saudi Arabia Imam Mohammad Ibrahim , the great Scholar of Tafseer Abdel Rahman Al-Dousary of Saudi Arabia. Although some of these scholars did not openly state their opinions about the existing governments they were very clear and straightforward in condemning governments who adopt any Man-Made Laws. Core Principles of Group 7: The core principles of this group can be summarized in the following points:

This group acknowledges that present governments are secular and therefore are out of Islam the systems not the individuals. Although they do not name any individual as such, they perceive the heads and major participants in setting up the legislative councils of the anti-Islamic secular laws as Kuffar. They show evidence from Quran and Sunnah,

Their might be a question mark on Sayed Qutb in terms of what he was accused of in regards to the Attributes of Allah , so some one can claim that he is not Ahlul Sunnah in that regard. The reply would be that this study is about the stand of scholars in regards to specific rulings. Secondly, many studies were conducted to clear Sayed Qutbs name from some of these accusations, except his Taweel of the Istiwaa. However, Ibn Al-Jawzi and many other great scholars made such mistakes, and had never been labeled as Kuffar by any scholar. Allah knows best.



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Usool Al-Fiqh and Tafseer to that effect. They believe that such systems have to be removed to make way to Islamic governments. Democracy and democratic process that is controlled by such systems are merely a distraction and false hopes. Building the Ummah in general and the Muslim individual, with the feeling of Walaa belonging to this Ummah is the way to change. They perceive that ruling with secular laws as major Kufr and as a violation of the first right of Allah as the sole governor in Muslims lives. They call upon other groups, who do not agree with this approach to refute the presented evidence with Quran and Sunnah, but this refutation hasnt materialized yet! Other groups call them names such as Khawarij, Extremists and Takfeeris! But with no Islamic intellectual reply to the evidence. They tend to write a lot in theorizing their views, with more in depth proofs than the previous group, who tends to theorize with less hard core Islamic proofs and more on-the-surface analysis. They are adamant about the Ijtihad and Taqleed, but they perceive scholars as those who hold and acquire the required knowledge and have established Islamic intellectual work rather than just a certificate from an official institute, where it is mostly controlled by those who favour characters who agree with their views. They openly call a person who commits major Shirk that
has been proven as an act of Shirk through crystal clear cast on evidence of Shariah, with the label that Allah

such person. They believe that the fear of using a legitimate description that was used in Quran and Sunnah, with all the necessary conditions applied, is a tactic that was promoted by government-advocate groups and government officials to deter common Muslims from realizing the real situation that the Muslim Ummah has sank into this chaotic state of affairs by being ruled by


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secular, non-Islamic, Man-Made Laws in opposition to every single principle of being obedient to Allah . They strongly oppose participation in the democratic process, based on theoretical and practical basis. Not only is democracy un-Islamic in its nature, the entire participation in secular parliaments experiment has not proven any benefit to Muslims. It only casts legitimacy on existing governments and misleads more and more of the common Muslims .Although they recognize the danger of allowing common Muslims to judge people as Kuffar, they recognize that this case is not a case of minor Kufr; that is described in Sunnah as Kufr30. To legislate and to establish a parallel Shariah to control the lives of Muslims is a case of major Kufr and a fundamental disobedience to Allah , since it claims part of the right of Allah as an Illah ., Although this group call for much peaceful solution in dealing with the existing situation of the Ummah, they still perceive Jihad as an alternative in the lives of Muslims. However, Jihad has its conditions as any other Ibadah in Islam. It has to have all circumstances in favour of it, and all the ways and means are taken for its advantage; as taught in the Sunnah of the Prophet in Mecca. However, this does not call for application of other Meccan rules. Such rules apply where and when and to whoever meets the criteria of such ruling. This group calls for what can be known as the Revival of the Ummah 31 through spreading the correct understanding of Tawheed and the correct application of its rules.

Such as of a women to her husband when denying his bounty over her, or when two Muslims fight 31 A term that is has always been used by Sheikh Abdel Majid Al-Shazly of Egypt.



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Eighth Group: the Jihadis of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaa

This group is the last of the spectrum of those who claim to follow the evidence of Quran and Sunnah as guidance to their rulings and Fatwas. This group is represented by many known figures in the present time. They agree with the understanding of Tawheed of the previous group on a theoretical level. However, they believe that Jihad is the only viable solution at the moment and that the ruling of Jihad in this time is applicable. Removal of these systems is bound to happen by force and now rather than later, after the revival of the Ummah through methods of peaceful Dawa. They also differ from the previous group in being less active in theorizing their own views. They differ from the previous group and others for that matter, in some details; such as the ruling of Islam in killing innocent civilians who are non-combatants. This might be affected by their stand and perception of the present situation. The stand of this group also differs from that of the previous group in Takfeer of individuals in the police, security forces, and army personnel of secular states in Muslim lands. This group clearly apply Kufr of Walaa to all individuals who belong to any security, police, or armed forces of these governments. Group seven, on the other hand, does not go that far. They do not consider the average individual, who works for the police, security service, or army as Kuffar. They consider these individuals as ignorant of the situation, rather than opponent of Tawheed. Ignorance of Manat ( )or situation is different from ignorance of Tawheed. Group seven claims that such individuals are largely misled.


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Such misled individuals follow the system and have faith in the leaders. It would be a mistake, according to group seven, to consider a soldier or an officer a kafir, even if they fight Muslims. However, in a combat situation and under such vague circumstances, two Muslims can fight and kill one another, where one is a sinner and the other is not. It is evident from Quran and Sunnah that just fighting between Muslims does not constitute major Kufr of either of them. The two groups agree on the ruling of those who actually legislate and enforce secular rules on both the public and government servants. The first and second groups, as well as some individuals belonging to other groups in general, label this group as Khawarij, although this group does not made Takfeer of any Muslim sinner (drinking, adultery...etc), except what we mentioned above, which to a large extent is a Manat mistake on their part. However, they do not make Takfeer of those who consume alcohol, commit adultery or any other clear and obvious consented upon sin. They have wrong Ijtihad when it comes to Jihad tactics, but the description of Khawarij does not fit their Aqeeda profile.

Conclusion It is essential to understand that:


Although some of the above groups call for abandoning Taqleed especially in Fiqh, they promote Taqleed in Usool Al-Deen or Tawheed! This is the reverse of the Salafs or Ahlul Sunnahs stand. It is basic knowledge that there is no Taqleed when it comes to Tawheed. One should not say: I believe that this is what Tawheed means because Sheikh whoever told me so, and I am not capable of understanding on my own! This is an absurd statement in that context. When it comes to Fiqh where knowledge of principles of Hadith and Tafseer,


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areas of Ijmaa, previous Fatwas of scholars, Usool AlFiqh and many other sciences are required to pass a Fatwa, common Muslims should not make any Ijtihad. But, when it comes to Tawheed, the origin of Deen, it is unacceptable to make Taqleed of anyone. Allah said in Quran:
When thy Lord drew forth from the Children of Adam from their loins, their descendants, and made them testify concerning them, (saying): Am I not your Lord (Who cherishes and sustains you)? They said: Yea! We do testify! (this), lest ye should say on the Day of Judgment: Of this we were never mindful., Or lest ye should say: Our fathers before us may have taken false gods, but we are (their) descendants after them: wilt Thou then destroy us because of the deeds of men who were futile? Al-A'araf 172.

In this verse, Allah decreed that Taqleed of the parents, teachers, environment, culture or any other external factor, or Jahl (ignorance32) is not acceptable in the matters of Islam and Kufr; i.e. Tawheed.

It is essential to sharpen the mind, and jump-start it to learn Tawheed, and what conditions and limitations it might have. Maybe one can not study for himself, but he/she better read, rather than merely listen. Islam direct


The subject of Jahl in Shariah is a delicate matter and has a lot of inferences and implications. The author of this book has published a book on this subject, under the title of "Al-Jawab Al-Mufeed in the Ruling of the Ignorant of Tawheed", which was re-published by the committee of Fatawa of Saudi Arabia in 1991.


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Muslims to find out what might be missing in the understanding of Aqida or its application. Muslim should never turn away from any one who explains Tawheed except if he/she belongs to a deviant sect like Sufism.

Muslims should be encouraged to seek knowledge especially in the area of Tawheed and principles of Deen. It is the only way to have confidence when standing before Allah on the Day of Judgement with the right word La Illah Illa Allah with all its meaning and not to miss-out any part of it. May Allah help us all to gain the necessary knowledge to save ourselves on that day when nothing will help but His Mercy followed by our deeds.


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Chapter Three
Counterfeit Salafis33How they went wrong!

In the previous chapters, we showed the theoretical differences that led to split the Salafis to afore-mentioned eight groupings. As stated before, it is not what each group (or an individual for that matter) claims that matters. What matters is whether the presented evidence:
1. 2.


4. 5.

Is consistent with the Tafseer and Usool Al-Fiqh rules. Include all the relevant evidence that relates to the subject without twisting the meaning or performing unnecessary Taweel to the text. Has a reference to old and contemporary scholars, as long as the reference is not an advocate of a Bidaa or wrong interpretation; for example a scholar who advocates the Taweel of the Attributes Allah can not be quoted in that specific matter, however, can be quoted in other subjects. Another example of a scholar who separates Iman from action, which is the corner stone of Irjaa, should not be referenced in any subject relating to Tawheed or Iman. Complies with the general direction of Shariah as stated in the Shariah objectives chapter of Usool Al-Fiqh. Deals with Shariah as a whole not as fragments. It is the way of people of Bidaa to fragment the evidence, break it up, and ignore those pieces which do not comply with their advocated theory. It is imperative to state that when it comes to Tawheed, there is very little or no room to differ. The message of Allah has always been crystal clear and consistent


Translation of


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throughout the path of all the messengers and prophets (may Allah have peace on them). It is always useful to remind ourselves that there is no Taqleed34 in Tawheed. Taqleed can be in Fiqh, although the stand of Ahlul Sunnah is to call it Itibaa35. We also need to emphasise the point that any Fatwa consists of two main parts: the Hukm (Ruling) of Shariah in that matter, and the situation that the person requesting the Fatwa is presenting. It can be put in a form of equation as follows: Fatwa = Hukm36 + Situation (Manat) To clarify with an example; lets assume that a person takes a drink in a cup to a Mufti37 to know whether this drink is Haram (prohibited). If the Mufti says: well, Khamr (wine) is Haram, then he did not provide a Fatwa, since the man, at that point, still does not know if this specific drink is Haram. But, if the Mufti checks the drink and finds out that it intoxicates a person if consumed in larger quantities, then any single drop of it is Haram. Thus, the Fatwa would be: yes, this drink is Haram. So, as we can see, the Mufti built his Fatwa on two components: the original Hukm in Shariah, which is always available to be applied to a case and the second component, which is the specific components of that drink (also called the Manat).

Taqleed is following another person blindly. Ittibaa is following a person based on knowing the evidence, even while not fully comprehending it. Ahlul Sunnah encourages the common Mulsim to ask for the Daleel (evidence) to have the sense of following the Prophet rather than another man. 36 This is provided that Conditions and Hinderants are taken into consideration. 37 Mufti is the person who has the knowledge and capacity to give a Fatwa.



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Counterfeit Salafis between Sufis and Khawarij

Different Approach Same outcome!

The Jamis & The Madkhalis In chapter two, we laid out a map of the Salafi groups. The definition of the Salafiyoon which we used is every group who, correctly or incorrectly, claims that the source of knowledge is Quran and Sunnah, as reported and interpreted by the companions and the followers. We argued that those who fit into this criteria can be categorized into eight groups, of whom the first group (Al-Jamis and Madkhalis ) and the second group (Al-Albanis )are the most radical in adopting principles rooted in Irjaa. The details of all of the eight groups Aqeeda and principles will be discussed in the upcoming chapters of the book Insha Allah. However, this book concentrates on the impact of this disastrous school of thinking on future generations and on the future of the Islamic Dawa, as presented by other groups. Although the effect of this group, and consequently, the number of its followers is limited, it is beneficial to reveal their deviance and the damage they inflect on Dawa. It is necessary to establish the point that it is not our goal to favour any group over the other. It is rather to show the basis on which these groups are perceived by the rest of the Islamic spectrum. The problem with these two groups, as perceived by others, who disagree with them, is most critical and dangerous considering the impact they have on the generation of followers they attract. In general, they produce an alienated, brainwashed, withdrawn, submissive and passive generation of youth. To clarify and verify this statement, we will go over the logic they present as evidence which leads to such outcome,


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and show how this matches the Sufis approach and goes handin-hand in serving the purposes of Islams opponents. We included the Arabic text so as to encourage any misled followers to ensure for themselves the authenticity of the evidence that prosecutes those whom they blindly trust. The logic, or as they call it evidence, these groups use as basis for their stand is as follows:
A) The Basis





6. 7.

Iman is to know Tawheed, and to believe in it. These two parts (knowing and believing) are the conditions of correctness of Iman. Actions are not part of Iman. However, actions are conditions of completeness of Iman. Hence Kufr does not occur, mostly, by performing an act. It only occurs if someone fails to believe. It is completely tied to belief of the heart. Although some of the individuals belong to these groups does not explicitly say what is stated above, the consequence of their stand dictates this understanding. Those who say that some actions can signify Kufr, without the need to refer to the effect on the belief in their hearts, are Khawarij. Allah labelled those who rule with laws other than Shariah in Quran as Kuffar (Al-Maidah 47). However, this is a minor Kufr, as it is an action. Ibn Abbas statement is a proof of that. Those who do that are sinners, but not Kuffar. It follows that the rulers of the Muslim lands are Muslims and the governments are Islamic. Hence, as in the Hadiths, which instruct Muslims to follow the rulers and obey them and not to stand or revolt


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against them, Muslims are instructed to accept these governments and obey and follow their leadership. 8. Those who revolt against these governments are Khawarij, since they claim that these rulers are Kuffar. It is the stand of Khawarij that sinning is Kufr. 9. The issue of following the rules of Allah is all together not at the center of the Islamic beliefs. It is only an obligation Wajib that Muslims should carry out, but it is not a vital issue in their lives38. Those who claim so, and call for Islamic rules to prevail and are ready to sacrifice their lives for that cause, are promoting Political Islam. 10. Hence, Muslims should not be promoting Political Islam and should not think about politics altogether. Muslims should leave politics to politicians and should trust their rulers. The opponents of these groups claim that this logic/evidence has many flaws. However, as this logic is faulty, the leaders of these two groups move to the second set of evidence, which aims at brain-washing the youth who, to their disadvantage, are introduced to these people and exposed to their ideology in the early years of searching for Islam.
B) The Trick!

The new set of evidence goes as follows:


Allah said which roughly means So, ask the People of Thikr (the message) if you do not posses the knowledge Al-Nahl 43.

Al-Madkhali has wrote a book labbled The Methodoly of the Prophets in Calling people to the Way of Allah , where he perceived ruling with shrait as a side issue and not in the core of Tawheed.



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2. 3.

4. 5.



It follows that no one can talk about any issue of Deen except those who posses knowledge. The Sheikh that is worthy to be followed has to posses two major qualifications: Graduate from certain universities, mostly Mecca and Madinah Islamic Universities. The knowledge and opinions of the Sheikh must match what they promote as the correct knowledge which we laid out above. It is always useful to wear with Jilbab and Ghotrah for the extra credit! 39 Their Sheikhs are the only ones who Muslims should listen to. Young Muslims, who are mainly victims of this approach, are stripped out of their brains, since they have no qualifications to think and are given a couple of telephone numbers and internet links to view when confronted with any issue; whether it is a Fiqh question or a normal day-to-day incident that a child can grasp the right answer for. Cultivating a culture of disrespect for scholars who, in their views, made a mistake! They compile lists of people, which they call Jarh and Tadeel! and make their victims follow these lists and install fear in them of even talking to other scholars, as they are not trustworthy! This train of thought made them dare to encourage their victimized followers to snitch on their fellow Muslims! Ali Al-Halabi, an astray Jordanian character who belongs to the Counterfeit Salafi group, gave a Fatwa that allows his followers to report to the authorities those who call for Islamic Laws to be adopted in Muslim lands and for

It does no mean that Saudis do not have great and respectful scholars. On the contrary, many/most Saudi scholars, as other scholars from other Muslim countries are of Ahlul Sunnah. It is the land of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab. It is only the wrong criteria and perception of scholars that make these people judges superficially.



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obedience to Allah as part of Tawheed Al-Ibadah to be correctly and comprehensively applied. As we mentioned before, we can draw the similarity between these approaches, in the second part of it, to the Sufis approach of raising their followers. The Sheikh in the Counterfeit Salafi approach is the equivalent of the Walie or the Sheikh of the Sufis. Both are the only legitimate source of knowledge, with an added twist from the Salafis in using the verse of Surat Al-Nahl to substantiate their claim. Both cultures produce subservient followers who can not develop their own mind even in the smallest issue that humans can think of, to the benefit of keeping such Taboos or Sheikhs in the driving seat! I will Insha Allah discuss the flaw in their trick in using this verse.
C) The Outcome:

According to the opponents of the Counterfeit Salafis, their approach delivers a generation that: Has no capacity to independently think in any subject. Can not differentiate between right and wrong without going back to a Sheikh that resides somewhere in the world to give directions to those who do not know. 3. Always has the feeling of slavery to other humans, as one is totally dependent on others to tell him if, for instance, killing of Muslims around the world is good or not!. 4. Is Passive and indifferent to Muslims problems. This group of Counterfeit Salafis made a portion of Muslims youth heartless. They see Palestinians die every day, women and children in the hands of the Zionist soldiers, and their only response is: they deserve it! They should not resist! Subhuman Allah. These people became supporters of the Zionists and the new Crusades against their Muslim brothers and sisters, without knowing that this stand may lead to Kufr. If this is not serving the Zionists and Crusaders to achieve their goal, I dont
1. 2.


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know what does then! This attitude is against every sense of Islam. 5. Withdraws from the equation of Muslim movements to gain victory which was promised by Allah to the believers who carry out their part of the struggle and change themselves to be worthy of Allahs help in changing themselves to the best. 6. Provides support to those who oppose, remove, and change the Laws of Allah from the lives of Muslims. While damning, insulting and opposing those who steadfast against such establishments. By doing so, it is ironic that they became closer to the group on the opposite end of the sectarian continuum: the Khawarij. 7. Creates circles of culture of hate and disrespect for many of the great Dawa scholars who are, in terms of knowledge, of much higher rank than their insignificant, self-declared Sheikhs! And have given Dawa much more production, literature, books and lectures than just compiling lists of people and damning all opponents. As Imam Al-Shatibi stated in his book Al-Ietisam ,quoting many of our good authentic Salaf, it is ultimately rare that the heads of any Bidaa would change their stand for reasons that he stated in his book. We will, Insha Allah, go over the three sections stated above starting with the Basis or Evidence or the Logic these Counterfeit Salafis promote. However, I will not go into details of every point as some are already proven and are publicly will known as a deviation from Ahlul Sunnahs approach.


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Chapter Four
Refutation of the Basis!

This Chapter provides a scientific discussion of the basic fundamentals and opinions that are adopted by the first two groups of Salafis.
1. View of the Majority of Scholars in Iman40:

It is well known in Aqeeda and the history of sects that the belief that actions are not part of Iman was never adopted by the majority of scholars of Ahlul Sunnah. Iman has always been Saying and Action which increases and decreases41. Al-Albani (May Allah have mercy on his soul) adopted the view, contrary to Ahlul Sunnah. However, Abu Hanifah and the Hanafis also adopted this stand before42. However, Hanbalis, Shafies and Malikis had the right view of Iman as explained in their books.
2. Reaction of Hanafis for adopting this view of Iman:

As a reaction to this Irjaa-like point of view in Iman, adopted by the Hanafis, the Hanafi scholars adopted a very strong stand in terms of associating Kufr to many actions that appear to go against Tawheed. A look into a
It is important to mention that we havent detailed the evidence of well recognized points; such as the refutation of the belief that Iman is only the action of the heart, as it is detailed in many reference books of the successors of the followers to their time. Amongst these books is the famous Book of Iman by Ibn Taymiyah and the recent Book of Iman by Mohamad Naiem Yaseen. Also, this author gathered many references and provided a detailed discussion of this point in my book The Reality of Iman. 41 Rrefer to Book of Iman by Ibn Taymiyah for many other references by Ahlul Sunnah on that subject. Please see The Reality of Iman by Tariq Abdelhaleem, in Arabic, Iman by Muhammad Naiem Yaseen, in English p. 169. 42 A detailed discussion of this point is provided in The Reality of Iman Tariq Abdelhaleem, chapter 2, footnote 2.


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Hanafis books such as Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar by Mula Ali Al-Qari shows how strict Hanafis were when it came to any action that might carry a sign of Kufr. They stated that even giving a gift to a Magi in the spring feast43 is an act of Kufr!
3. Opposite Reaction of the Counterfeit Salafis to that of Hanafis for adopting the same view of Iman (The Practical Kufr vs. Kufr by Action):

Though the Hanafis realized the weakness in their approach to Iman and compensated for it, the Counterfeit Salafis took the wrong remedy to the same problem. Their treatment was exactly the opposite of the Hanafis and they set-aside the fact that they adopted the opposite opinion of the majority of Ahlul Sunnah. They portray actions that signify Kufr as sins. The detail of that is as follows: They confused actions that are called Practical Kufr
which signifies a minor Kufr or the Kufr that

is identified in Sunnah and Hadith, with the Kufr by Action ,which is identified as an Action that reflects the failure of the heart to hold the minimum amount of Iman required for a person not to depart from Islam completely. An example of that is in the verse of Al-Tawba 65-66:
If thou dost question them, they declare (with emphasis); "We were only talking idly and in play." Say: "Was it at Allah, and His Signs, and His Messenger, that ye were mocking?" Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith after


Magi are the predecessors of the Iranian Shiat who used to worship fire, and the Spring Feast is called Nayrooz.


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ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for that they are in sin.

In this verse, although these three men who insisted that they were joking and playing around when they made fun of the companions, while riding with the Prophet , Allah revealed that they are actually disbelieved as their action is a proof of what was in their hearts44. This is what is known as Kufr AlAamal45 ( Kufr of action). There was another incident that was revealed in another verse:
Refer to Ibn Katheer, Al-Tabari, Adwaa Al-Bayan by Al-Shanqiti for the Tafseer of this verse. 45 In Hafiz Hakamis book 100 questions and answers in Aqeeda: : 001 " : " : . ) ( ( ) : ) ( . " Q: if we are asked if bowing to an idle or making fun of Quran or insulting the Prophet or the like (of actions that signify kufr without the need to test ones heart)? A: We answer: these four things and the likes of them are not of the Practical Kufr, except that they are physical actions, but they never occur except when theres no Iman in the heart, as in the verse of Al-Tawba 65 we did not define the minor Kufr as that made through physical actions, but by those actions that are done without conflicting with the Iman in heart and do not signify the belief and the action of the heart. This quote proves that there are actions that are made physically that can signify Kufr without the need to refer to the heart since they are indicative of it. Also see Sheikh Bakr Abu Zaids book .


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Have you not turned your vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to you and to those before you? Their (real) wish is to resort together for judgment (in their disputes) to the Taghut (authority other than Allah), though they were ordered to reject it. But Satan's wish is to lead them astray far away (from the Right). Al-Nisaa 60.

said in His words that those who In this verse, Allah want to Judge with laws other than Allahs are not believers in the matter of fact; they only pretend that they have Iman, but in reality they dont. If they claim that they are believers, then we say: no you are not; your action reflects whats in your heart. This is a clear example of the sort of actions where the belief in the heart should not be considered when judging the acting party. If the person who judges with other than the Laws of Allah swears he is a believer, we say: Allah knows you better than you know yourself, and Allah says the Truth. Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim, the great Mufti of Saudi Arabia prior to Ibn Baaz, said in his collection of Fatawas:
)... " " (... (as Allah says: They claim; is telling that they lie in what they claim about their Iman, as ruling with Man-Made Laws can never mix with Iman in one heart; one contradicts the


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other, and the word Taghoot means extreme injustice and exceeding the limits, so anyone who rules with other than what the Prophet showed us is ruling with Taghoot)


The Difference between Ahlul Sunnah And Khawarij:

It is important to mention to the misled youth, that the Khawarijs opinion is completely different than that of Ahlul Sunnahs. Khawarij say that if some one commits adultery, or drinks wine, or even lies, he/she becomes a Kafir, and out of the boundary of Islam. These actions are perceived by Ahlul Sunnah, with no contradiction between them, as sins. However, ruling by Man-Made Laws are, to say the least, controversial46, so this point has to be referred back to Quran and Sunnah for clarification.
5. Discussion of the verse of Surat Al-Maidah 47: and those who rule with other than what Allah revealed, are The Kuffar:

The Essence of Tawheed: is Tawheed Al-Ibadah, which is stated in many verses of Quran. However, it was stated in terms of three distinct actions in Surat Al-Anaam:
Should I take other than Allah as a Judge? Al-Anaam 114

It is actually not controversial, but in the art of argument, if you have a of disagreement with an opponent, it has to be dropped as an evidence for both parties. This means that it can not be used as evidence that those who say it is Kufr are Khawarij. Please refer to the Art of Jadal and Munatharah (argument and controversy) by Sheikh Al-Shanqiti.



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Should I take other than Allah as a Wali? Al-Anaam 14

Should I take other than Allah as my Lord (that deserves to be worshiped)? Al-Anaam 164 Examples of the verses of the Governorship of Allah :

If any do fail to judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are Unbelievers. Al-Maidah 44

And if any fail to judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are wrongdoers. Al-Maidah 45

If any do fail to judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are those who rebel. Al-Maidah 47

And this (He commands): judge thou between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, but beware of them lest they beguile thee from any of that (teaching) which Allah hath sent down to thee. And if they turn away, be assured that for some of their crimes it is Allah's purpose to punish them. And truly most men are rebellious. Al-Maidah 49


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Do they then seek after a judgment of (the Days of) Ignorance? But who, for a people whose faith is assured, can give better judgment than Allah? Al-Maidah 50

Hast thou not turned thy vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to thee and to those before thee? Their (real) wish is to resort together for judgment (in their disputes) to the Evil One, though they were ordered to reject him. But Satan's wish is to lead them astray far away (from the Right. Al-Nisaa 60

If not Him, ye worship nothing but names which ye have named - ye and your fathers - for which Allah hath sent down no authority: the Command is for none but Allah: He hath commanded that ye worship none but Him: that is the right religion, but most men understand not.
Yusuf 40

Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds! Al-Aaraf 54

But no, by thy Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction". Al-Nisaa 65

They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ, the son of


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Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One God: there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him). Al-Tawbah 31

The three actions are widespread in the Quran in many verses, which indicates that: upholding the Laws of Allah as a Judge in Muslims lives (individually and collectively) and as a Wali, and to only worship Him in making Duaa and Nusuk (rituals) are the general rules of Asl Al-Deen (Origin of Deen), not of the Furou (branches of Deen). The Hukm of inheritance or of buying and selling or marriage are all examples of branches of Shariah. Tawheed is the origin of Deen and the essence of the prophetic message. Tawheed is to obey Allah in Ibadah. Following His Laws is the highest shape of Ibadah, as the word Ibadah in the Arabic language means: to submit and obey. Such general rules can not be refuted by single evidence as explained in Usool Al-Fiqh47.

To further expand on this point, we stated that General Rules are those Rules that are derived from individual evidences of Quran and Sunnah (called single/particular evidences). These Rules become of higher judgment status over these particular evidences. There are two methods to extract these General Rules:

1. The Text that spells out the Rule if available: such as the Ayah

And every Human beings fate we have fastened to his own neck. This statement is true and general for every human being. Other phrases can also give the Generalization text such as: a. The letter The, such as: The divorced women shall wait concerning themselves for three monthly periods. b. The letter If when attached to a type/name that doesnt have The as a predecessor, such as: O ye who believe! if a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth. c. The word whoever when in denial context, such as: whoever fails to judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are the Unbelievers. There can be other verses that make this general text specific to some of the cases that are under the original general text, and make exceptions to some cases that were originally included in the



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Having said that, lets examine the verse of Surat AlMaidah in details. We will discuss the Governorship of Allah , and provide nine ways of looking at verse AlMaidah 47, which will show that it can never signify minor Shirk or Kufr.

general text inference. It is safe to say that every general statement in Quran had been limited to specifics, as Imam Al-Shafie said, except the Ayah: And Allah knows every thing. 3. The Comprehensive Survey of evidence that covers the subject of the search, wherever it is found, until it forms a solid, undeniable and fundamental rule that, considering the vast number of its founding elements, becomes dominant over any individual or specific evidence in its subject. An example of that is the rule No harm is to be bared, and no harm is to be inflicted. As a standalone text, it was reported in a weak Hadith. However, the meaning of the Hadith is spread over Shariah in a vast number of Quran, Sunnah rulings and Sirah events to the extent that it outweighs the single Hadith and rules over it. Ayas such as: No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child. Nor father on account of his child Al-Baqarah 233, or the ruling of the Prophet in the matter of AlZubair and the person who denied him the right to have access to water through his land, and many other single evidences. In fact, that is how character judgment is normally established for certain people of being generous or kind; by adding the individual incidents to establish the general meaning with which they are judged by. In Shariah, the category of the Comprehensive Rules, which are five, and the General Fiqh Rules, which are lower in level than those Comprehensive Rules, are established through this type of evidence. An example of these Rules is if matters get tighter, it eases up or necessities allow the prohibited. The scholars of Ahlul Sunnah established that the correct approach for extracting rulings is to consider both the individual/specific evidence and the General Rule under which the incident falls. Neglecting either would make the ruling incorrect. However, they limited the effect of the particular evidence in refuting a General Rule; because refuting a General Rule by single evidence is like refuting many specifics that the General Rule was established upon by a single specific.



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Ibn Abbas statement Kufr that is less than the Kufr: :

In the course of refuting the typical argument that uses this statement in the wrong context, we will present nine fundamental points to illustrate that the quote is not applicable to the present situation:
: : : a. ){ : } .481( } {)2( a. The General should be treated according to its generality if it is repeated and settled (as a rule): this is a common

point which is normally discussed in Usool Al-Fiqh. AlShatibi said: it is proven in regards to the Shariah knowledge that if a Shariah established rule is repeated in many places and was used to prove many points and was never coupled with any specifics or conditions, it means that it is irrevocable and stays on its generality (without trying to commit it to a specific case). Looking at the verses of Hukm of Allah and that He is the One to judge in peoples lives (see the verses of Quran above), the verse of Al-Maidah 47 can not be specific to a case where we say: the ruler is Kafir ifas if specifies a case that is against the general rules.
"" : " b. " 942 )( .


Al-Ietisam, Al-Shatibi.


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1. , (whoever) in the Arabic linguistics b. The preposition signifies the when succeeded by a negation letter extreme general that does not accept specificity or as exception, unless it is a adjoin exception

in the verse of Al-Baqarah 249 and those who do not drink from it belong to me, except if he just takes a sip off his ,hand. So, the exception was adjoining. In Al-Maiddah there is no exception, adjoin or disjoint. So, it has to stay on its generality, which is taken right off the face value of . its words as Muhkam
. c : . : . : . : . . . : 471: . 12 . . .

in the verse: the work To c. Analysis of the word Rule does not mean encompasses thoseRule or to Govern


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who executes or acts against the Law of Allah individually in matters pertains to their own lives. Those who interpret it this way are the Khawarij. The word Rule means as is stated in Usool Al-Fiqh: Hukm. In Usool Al-Fiqh is the instruction of the one who has the authority to govern in the lives of Muslims, in all aspects of the two types of Rules: the commissioning commands and the circumstantial commands49. This means that the person, or the authority for that matter, who commits Kufr is the one who establishes a whole Shariah (set of laws), which replaces the Shariah of Allah and makes his own Shariah as the authoritative source in Muslims lives. This is not to rule in individual cases against the Law of Allah . This is to establish a parallel Shariah that substitutes in all aspects of life and become the the Laws of Allah constitution that people adhere to. Such case has never occurred in the lives of Muslims except for short period of time over history; when the Tatar Mongolians invaded the Muslim world. An example of the Egyptian Civil Law illustrates the difference between the two cases. It is said in the Civil Law of Egypt that a husband is allowed to pursue a court case against his wife if she was caught committing adultery in the house of marriage. However, the Law continues: the case can not be pursued if it is proven that he committed adultery in the same house. In this example, Egyptian law-makers made adultery of the husband an impediment ( )to pursuing the case. This illustrates the point that Kufr here is of a government that established a parallel Shariah; not simply a ruler who is unjust and unfair and commits sins by being unfair or unjust to his
49 The commissioning command has five rulings: obligatory, prohibited, recommended, permissible and disliked. The circumstantial command has five rulings as well: reason, prerequisite, impediment, Azimah (intent) and Rukhsah (license), and correctness and negation.


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people. They dont understand that it has never happened in the history of Muslims that the law of the land is something other than Quran and Sunnah. The Khalifas of the Ummayahs and the Abbasis always adhered to Quran and Sunnah, but they were unfair or unjust. They committed many sins such as taking money of people or even killing them, but it never happened that they declared the Shariah inactive and replaced it partially or completely with a ManMade Laws.
: d. : . . . . d. The Word Kaferoon in Principles of Tafseer: The

work Kaferoon in Quran always indicates major Kufr. This is a great rule of Tafseer, that is mentioned in AlMuwafaqat.50( ,)as Abu Bakr said to Umar in his will Have you seen, Umar, that Allah always mentioned the Kuffar in their utmost evil capacity, so people make Duaa to stay away from their ways, and mentioned the believers in their best capacity of Iman so people ask Allah to make them like them. Al-Shatibi generalized this rule to read: Quran always specifies the extreme points, and hence, points to the in-betweens. The in-betweens are found in Sunnah. The word Kufr was mentioned in Sunnah in a minor capacity such as in Hadith

Al-Muwafaqat, Vol. 3, p. 140.


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(swearing of Boukhari and Muslim at a Muslim is a Fisq and fighting a Muslim is Kufr). We know that Muslims can fight and still be brothers in Islam as said in verse 9 of Surat Al-Hujurat. Another example which is the Hadith roughly means Three (individuals) whom they prayer does not pass the Azan, the slave who escapes from his master Muslim, Al-Termizie and Ahmad, Muslim put it under the chapter titles: Naming the escaped slave as Kafir. Also Ibn Majah (whoever the Hadith
swears by the name of some one other than Allah, he is then committed Shirk). All scholars considered Kufr/Shirk in

these Hadiths as minor except if the person considers the one whom he swears by as great as Allah . This rule of Tafseer shows that the word Al-Kaferoon in the verse of Al-Maidah 47 means the major Kufr and can not point to .minor Kufr
. e " " : : . : : ) . . . .


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" : : : : : : : : : ) ( : ! : ) ( : . . ) ( ..... )( : ! ... : : " . .... ..


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) ( ( . . ) ( . e. Verification of Ibn Abbas statement:

As stated above in the introduction, Fatwa is an application of a Hukm to a specific situation (Manat .)Those who used the statement of Ibn Abbas that is widely quoted in the Tafseer of the Maidah 47 verse as saying: this is Kufr less than The Kufr, and interpreted that as minor Kufr, has made a major mistake in that regard. They normally refer to an incident that took place between a famous follower named Abu Mijlez and some of the Khawarij of Ibadiyah (followers of Abdullah Ibn Ibad), when they came to him and asked him: didnt Allah say that whoever rule with laws other than His, those are the Kaferoon? He answered: yes, but this is not the Kufr that youre implying. This is Kufr less than Kufr51. It is evident from this text that Abi Mijlez was talking to a group of people, not sitting in a classroom teaching the Tafseer of the verses. This means that these people wanted to get a Fatwa from him to apply the Major Kufr to the rulers of the

Refer to Al-Tabaris Tafseer of Al-Maiedah 47.


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Ummayahs. He, of course, told them that this is not the (Manat) or the situation where the Kufr is a major Kufr; since the Khalifas of Ummayah never replaced the Laws of with a parallel Shariah or Laws they created and forced people to adhere to instead of the Laws of Allah . The important thing is to understand that this quote of his is about a specific situation with the Ummayah Khalifas not a general ruling in interpreting the verse. His words clearly indicate this: this is not the Kufr you are implying So, you here points to a group of people who were asking for a Fatwa in a specific situation not for a general Tafseer. This is exactly what the great Sheikh Muhadith Ahmad Shaker and his brother the great scholar Mahmoud Shaker pointed out in their commentary on Tafseer AlTabari and the Tafseer of Umdat Al-Tafaseer on Ibn Katheer : Sheikh Muhadith Ahmad Shaker said:
These statements are some of what the stray people, who only associate to Elm by name, try to play with in this age and use as an excuse for those who impose the Laws of Kufr in the Land of Islam. They use such statements from Abi Mijlez in his argument with some of the Khawarij of Ibadiyah who wanted to revolt against the Ummayah Khalifas, as Khawarij perceive sins as Kufr. They were arguing with Abi Mijlez to get him to admit that those Khalifas and Amirs are Kuffar, so they can revolt against them. These two statements were reported in Al-Tabari, and my brother, Mahmoud Shaker commented on them as follows: (Mahmoud said) Oh Lord, I clear myself from stray speech, as some of the stray people in this time are excusing the governments and rulers of this time in removing the Laws of Allah as a base for judging between people in their lives, and to take the Shariah of Kufr as a Law of the land in Muslim countries. They found these two statements and took them as an evidence to permit the use of Kufr Laws in peoples lives, money and lineage, and to promote the opinion that following a parallel Shariah other than Allahs does not make those promote it or submit to it Kafirs. If we


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look into the two statements, we have first to know who is asking the question and who is providing the answer. Abi Mijlez (Lahiq Ibn Hamid Al-Shaybani) is a trustworthy follower who was in Ali Ibn Abi Talebs camp and loves him. The people of Shyban, his tribe, stood with Ali at the battle of the Camel .When the Khawarij stepped to the aside after the battle of Siffeen ,a group of Sadous (branch of Shayban), who followed the Khawarij leader Ibn Ibad, asked Abi Mijlez that question. The followers of Ibn Ibad , the Khawarijs leader, believed that anyone who does not follow their leader is a Kafir, including Ali Ibn Abi Taleb and Muawiyah (since they did not follow Quran in the opinion of Khawarij). So, it is clear that they wanted to make him consent to the Kufr of Ali and Muawiyah and their leaders and Amirs since they sided with the Kufar government! That is why Abi Mijlez said in one report: these people (meaning the leaders of Ummayah) act against the Law of Allah in some incidents but they know that this is wrong to do. Thus, the question was not about what is happening these days, in changing and removing the Shariah completely from the lives of Muslims and replacing it with Man-Made Laws, as the Bidaa people of our time claim! This act of today is negligence of the Shariah and turning away from Allahs Laws in preference to the Laws of Kufr above the Laws of Allah, and no one of the people of Qiblah (i.e. Muslims) doubts that it is an act of Major Kufr. This situation we are experiencing at this time is the complete abandonment of the Laws of Allah and the installment of other laws in their place where the laws of Shariah are made inactive and void this has never happened in the lives of Muslims before in history. So, whoever takes these statements or the like in this regard, to excuse a ruler in removing Shariah, and uses these statements wrongfully to support these secular governments has to be told and taught the truth about it, and if he insists on using such statements to justify the existence of secular


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laws instead of Shariah, we all know what the ruling of Islam is in case of the convert away from this deen.

These are the words of Ahmad Shaker, the Sheikh and Muhadith and his brother, the great Tafseer scholar Mahmoud Shaker.
: f. . f. Ibn Abbas statement is not a Marfou Hadith :

It is well known in the science of terminology of Hadith that the sayings of the companions are only considered Marfou if it is about a matter that is of the hidden . In such a case, what they say has to be linked to the Prophet as they never lie and they would have no way of knowing the hidden except from the Prophet . However, if it is about any other subject, then it is merely Ijtihad of the companion, unless it is the consensus of all the companions, which it is not the case.
: g. .52 g. Rating the Saying of the Companion in regards to the Quranic General Rules: considering this saying of Ibn Abbas

, it is stated in Usool Al-Fiqh that the saying of a companion does not specify a generality of Quran. The

Al-Fourook by Al-Qarafi and Usool Al-fiqh by Abu Zahra ( .)


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Hanafis believe that only adjoin exceptions should specify the general of Quran. However, the rest of Ahlul Sunnah considers that it can be specified adjoin or disjoint exceptions and have counted 15 types of specifics to the general of Quran. The Kaferoon in Al-Maidah verse is a general which can not be specified by the saying of a companion.
: h. - !35 .

h. Scholars who supported the wrong approach in this issue: We have to understand and appreciate the fact that there have always been scholars who fall on the wrong side of issues. This, by no means, makes us pay less respect to them, or hinders us from benefiting from their scholarly work. The most respected scholar in recent time who adopted this wrong view is Sheikh Al-Albani (may Allah have peace on his soul). He adopted the opinion of Hanafis in Iman and was influenced by Ibn Hajar who was an Ashari in Aqeeda. He also went further than the Hanafis, as a consequence of this wrong view of Iman, and made the mistake of not distinguishing between practical Kufr and Kufr by action. Consequently, he could not see the significance of the removal of the Laws of Allah from the lives of people. It is sad that those who are
53 Refer to Mohammad Abu Rahim Iman as viewed by Sheik Al-lbani . " "


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Muqalidah (blind followers of a scholar) could not see the other side in this view, as their mentality was built to blindly follow others.
: i. . i. Quotes from scholars who supported Ahlul Sunnahs approach: It is very important to re-emphasize the point

that these Counterfeit Salafis failed to understand all along: this situation, or Manat, that Muslims live in nowadays, with the Shariah removed completely from governing their lives and replaced by a mix of Man-Made Secular Laws, has never happened before in our history, except at the time of the Mongols' ( )invasion of the Muslim World in the Seventh Hijri Century. They ruled by their Abestaq ,which was a mix of the Islamic Law, Jewish Law, and some of what Genghis Khan came up with on his own. Ibn Taymiyah, and his students such as Ibn Al-Qayyim and Ibn Katheer, was the first to issue a ruling in such a situation. Before that, all scholars were always talking about a situation where the Shariah is the base and reference for the society, but the Khalifas or the leaders committed injustices and sins in individual cases. That explains the statements found in many books of Fiqh, where it says: if the ruler executes laws that oppose Shariah, he is still considered a Muslim as long as he adheres to Islam and takes it as his Aqeeda. Knowing what the Khalifas used to do at that time, we can understand the Manat of such statements; i.e. rulers and governments who had the Shariah as the reference in their land, but committed individual sins. This has nothing to do with the situation in the present time, where Shariah is completely removed from the constitution, as the sole


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source of Laws, except in Saudi Arabia, and secular laws are the source of legislation in the lives of Muslims. Having explained this point, there is a long list of scholars of Ahlul Sunnah, past and contemporary, who supported this view of Ahlul Sunnah. We quote the following:
1. Ibn Taymiyah " : } { .. } ." { If the ruler is religious, but ruled in a case without knowledge of Shariah, he is of the people of Hell-Fire; if he ruled against Shariah knowingly, he is of the people of HellFire; and if he ruled without just or knowledge, he ought to be of the people of Hell-Fire. This is if he ruled in an individual case, but of he ruled in the lives of Muslims generally and changed the Haram to Halal and the Halal to Haram, Sunnah to Bidaa and Bidaa to Sunnah, the good to evil and the evil to good, and commanded against what Allah and His messenger commanded, then this is a different matter(this indicates that the cases he described before where in specific individual situations, not a general constitution of the land, and the ruler is a sinner and will be punished in Hell-Fire. However, the later is a different type, which only means major Kufr). 2. Ibn Katheer :


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In the Tafseer of Surat Al-Maidah Is it the Ruling of Jahiliyah that they wish to follow? Al-Maidah 50, Ibn Katheer stated that:
Allah denounces whoever renounces the Laws of Allah which are leading to all good and forbidding all evil, and sways away from it to Man-Made opinions and wishes and terms that Man put without reference to Shariah, as was the case with the kings of the Mongols who ruled with laws that were introduced by their king Genghis Khan that he put together in the Yasaq, which is a book that uses some of Jewish, Christian and Islamic Laws, and some of his own opinions, then these laws became the constitution for his successors to follow instead of the Shariah and the Sunnah of the Prophet . So, whoever does such s thing is a Kafir and it is an obligation to fight him until he goes back to Shariah, and rule according to it in small and large matters.

He also stated in his history book Al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah that:

So, the consensus of Muslims is that whoever leaves the established Laws of Allah as revealed to Mohammad , the last messenger, and judge according to other abrogated laws, such a person is a Kafir.

Of course, as Ahmad Shaker mentioned, if that is the ruling of the person who judges according to an abrogated Shariah, what about those who rule by secular Man-Made Laws?


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3. Ahmad Shaker : : - . : . . 45 . . ! ! ! 55 .

Also names like exteremist and Fundamentalist are unfurtunatily .being used by this group nowadays 55 This is obligatory as in the Fundamentals of Deen (Tawheed) not in the ,sense of the word obligatory like in the Branches of Shariah like buying .selling or marriage : .



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. . 56 .

Ahmad Shaker in Umdat Al-Tafaseer ( in his commentary on the above statement by Ibn Katheer said.
I say following Ibn Katheer- is it permissible that Muslims are being ruled in their land with laws that are extracted from European Idle-worship secular based Laws? Laws that are full of errors and refuted opinions, which the Europeans change and adjust as they please all the time without considering whether it agrees with the Laws of Allah? Muslims have never been faced by such a situation in their history except at the time of the Mongols, when it was one of the worse ages that Muslims lived. However, they did not submit to it. On the contrary, they annexed the invaders and the Rules of Islam prevailed. Now Muslims are even in a worst and a darker time, as most of the nations involved in such laws that the Mongol Kafirs invented. The laws now are similar to these laws. The irony is that people are now proud of learning such laws, and they even mock those who oppose them and they call them names such as old fashioned, stubborn and such bad names. Not only that, they actually interfere with Shariah and try to change whatever is left of it, sometimes using trickery and at times bluntly, but all the time trying to separate the state from religion. Is it then permissible for any Muslim to follow this new Deen they invented?


Ahmad Shaker, Umdat Al-Tafaseer Vol. 1, p. 216 .216" " 1


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It is crystal clear when it comes to these Laws; it is pure Kufr that has nothing unclear about it, simple and straightforward. There is no excuse for any one who claims to be a Muslim whoever he is - in following these laws, working with them or submitting to them. So, each person has to watch for himself and has to be responsible for himself. I am calling upon the scholars to tell the truth and come clean, with no fear to deliver the message of Allah . They will say about me that I am bad, old fashioned and the lime of these words. That never made a difference to me, as I always say the truth no matter what the consequences are.

Sheik Ahmad Shakers comment speaks for its self!

4. Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim : " .57 "

Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim, the great Mufti of Saudi Arabia, said in his collection of Fatwa, collected and commented on by Sheikh Mohammad Al-Qasem:
but that which was called Kufr less than Kufr is when a ruler judges by laws other than Shariah knowing that he is a sinner, given that if he does it in an individual case once or so, but if he makes these rulings against Shariah into the Laws of the Land, then that is Kufr. Even if they say: oh, we are making a mistake and we know Shariah is better (and the sort of excuses), as this is a Kufr that takes one right out of Islam.

57 Refer to the Collection of the Fatwah of Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim by Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Abdul Rahman Ibn Al-Qasem.


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There is no clearer statement that can be said, for those who see!
5. Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan " 58 " Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan59 commented on Sheikh Ibrahims

statement, he said:
So, He (Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim) has differentiated between partial ruling, which does not get repeated and permanent laws that are the reference in all cases or most of them. And he (Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim) ruled that this is major Kufr that removes one from Islam altogether, since replacing Shariah by Man-Made Laws is a proof that the one who does that sees these laws as better than Shariah; and that is undoubtedly major Kufr that takes one out of Islam and is contrary to Tawheed. 60 6. Sheikh Ibn Baaz .[ )369( ]5/2/5041
58 59

Al-Tawheed by Saleh Al-Fawzan. In a reply to a question about the contradiction that the counterfeit Salafis fell into, Al-Fawazan explained that even if one agreed to the statement that Iman is intention, manifist and action that increases and decreases; but argued that Kufr only occurs thourgh denial or rejection, that it is then a contradiction and incorrect understanding since Kufr can be in other forms as well.
: : " " : !!

. ...
Book of Tawheed by Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan.


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: : '' : . : : - - :

: '' : . '' Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Baaz said in an interview with Al-Dawa Magazine, when he was asked about the ruling of Shariah in :regards to these rulers who remove Shariah Rulers who rule with other than the Laws of Allah are of different types, according to what they believe in and what they do. So, if one rules with Man-Made Laws thinking that it is better than the Laws of Allah, he is a Kafir by consensus. So, is the one who installs Man-Made Laws and thinking that hes allowed to do that; even if he says: I know that Shariah is better; he is still a Kafir as this is the form of Istihlal (making a Harm Halal). Sheikh Bin Baaz also explained that just saying that the Deen of the Prophet is ,better than any other Deen does not make one a Muslim Sheikh Ibn Baaz gave the example of Abu Taleb who said in his poem: I know that the Deen of Mohammad is the best .Deen on Earth. However, that did not make him a Muslim 7. Abdul Qader Udah : 45


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. : . ... ... 1954 . 81.. 16 . .

The martyr Abdul Qader Udah, one of most famous Law specialists and judges in Egypt and one of the heads of the Ikhwan movement62 who was executed by Jamal Abdul Naser, the dictator of Egypt between 1953-1970, said in his inspiring book Islam and our Judicial system:
If the laws of the land are contradicting the Laws of Allah, it is then utterly invalid and no one should follow them. On the contrary, every Muslim should oppose them.

Many others, more than those quoted have explained and ruled in this issue; such a Sheikh Al-Dousary, one of the most recognized scholars of Saudi Arabia. It is important to mention that we did not quote all these scholars to make Taqleed (blind following) of their opinions, as Taqleed is not accepted in matters of Tawheed. This is what the fake Sheikhs of the Counterfeit Salafis hide form their misled young followers. They confuse the subjects of Fiqh with issues of Tawheed. This point will Insha Allah be more explained in the next chapter of this book.

61 This is in accordance with what Mohammad Hasanien Haykel said in his book about Naser Paradise and Hell-Fire is only on this Earth. 62 Although Ikhwan no longer reference him, since they were also infected by the Irjaa virus.


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Chapter Five
Exposing the Trick!

We will first remind the reader of the tricky logic used by the
Counterfeit Salafis as presented in chapter 3:

2. 3.

4. 5.

Allah said which roughly means So, ask the People of Thikr (the message) if you do not posses the knowledge (AlNahl 43). It follows that no one can talk about any issue of Deen except those who posses knowledge. The Sheikh that is worthy to be followed has to posses two major qualifications: Graduate from certain universities, mostly Mecca and Madinah Islamic Universities. The knowledge and opinions of the Sheikh must match what they promote as the correct knowledge which we laid out above. It is always useful to wear Jilbab and Ghotrah for the extra credit! 63 Their Sheikhs are the only ones who Muslims should listen to. Young Muslims, who are mainly victims of this approach, are stripped out of their brains, since they have no qualifications to think and are given a couple of telephone numbers and internet links to view when confronted with any issue; whether it is

It does no mean that Saudis do not have great and respectful scholars. On the contrary, many/most Saudi scholars, as other scholars from other Muslim countries are of Ahlul Sunnah. It is the land of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab. It is only the wrong criteria and perception of scvholars that make these people judges superficially.



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a Fiqh question or a normal day-to-day incident that a child can grasp the right answer for. Cultivating a culture of disrespect for scholars who, in their views, made a mistake! They compile lists of people, which they call Jarh and Tadeel! And make their victims follow these lists and install fear in them of even talking to other scholars, as they are not trustworthy! This train of thought made them dare to encourage their victimized followers to snitch on their fellow Muslims! Ali Al-Halabi, an astray Jordanian character who belongs to the Counterfeit Salafi group, gave a Fatwa that allows his followers to report to the authorities those who call for Islamic Laws to be adopted in Muslim lands and for obedience to Allah as part of Tawheed AlIbadah to be correctly and comprehensively applied.

Exposing the Trick:

And before thee also the messengers We sent were but men, to whom We granted inspiration: if ye realise this not, ask of those who possess the Message. Al-Nahl 43

This verse of Surat Al-Nahl is always used as a reference to direct those who do not have knowledge to ask those who have it. However, it is elementary to say that this reference is not, and can not be applied to all matters. A Muqaled (blind follower) can argue by saying: But the words of the Ayah do not indicate any specific field of knowledge for its application, which implies that, a person who does not have knowledge should always, in all cases, ask those who posses knowledge!


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The answer to this argument is laid out under the following headings:

The context of the Ayah:

If we recite the whole Ayah of Al-Nahl 43, we will see that it is meant to show that those who deny the prophecy of the Prophet on the grounds of being a normal man, are wrong since all the prophets who were sent before him were just men like him receiving revelation. Hence the Ayah directed the unbelievers to ask the People of the Book before them about that fact. This can be reviewed in all Tafseer books64. According to Usool Al-Fiqh principles, this is a Nass65 in the duty upon those who doubt the prophecy of Mohammad on this ground to ask the People of the Book who know this fact about the messengers. However, it is a Thahir66 in instructing those who dont know, in general, to ask those who possess knowledge. According to scholars of Usool Al-Fiqh, the Nass is stronger than the Thahir if they conflict. An example of this rule is the Ayah of O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination of Satan's handiwork: avoid such (abomination), that ye may prosper. Al-Maidah 90. This Ayah is a Nass in prohibition of Intoxicants .However, the Ayah On those who believe and do deeds of righteousness there is no blame for what they ate (in the past), when they guard themselves from evil, and believe, and do deeds of
See Umdat Al-Tafaseer vol 2 p337 Please refer to the definition of Nass in Usool Al-Fiqh by Abu Zahra P110, Nass means Clear and Obvious. 66 Ibid, same page. The Thahir is the text that points to a meaning that is not the primary reason of it.
65 64


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righteousness - (or) again, guard themselves from evil and believe - (or) again, guard themselves from evil and do good. For Allah loveth those who do good Al-Maidah 93, is a Thahir in allowing any kind of drink or food if the person has fear of Allah . Of course, the Nass of prohibition of intoxicants in Ayah 90 is stronger than the Thahir of the Ayah 93, so it takes primacy over it as Ayah 93 did not specify all types of food or drinks that are allowed. So, it can be limited to specific foods. The Ayah of Al-Nahl can be treated in the same manner. It is only apparent from its Thahir to ask those who possess knowledge in whatever we dont know, but not necessarily in everything without exception. It is not a Nass in that meaning. If the Muqalid, says: But there is no indication in the words of Al-Nahl 43, of what subjects this might be limited to? As it says that ask of those who possess the Message in general. The reply to the Muqalid is: you have a choice: Either be a Thahiry ( literalist) and stick to the literal meaning of the Ayah. Then, we hold you to the literal meaning of the whole Ayah, not just the second part of it. Then, it is merely a refutation of those who deny the prophecy of the Prophet on the grounds of being a normal man, as all the prophets that were sent before him were also men like him, receiving revelation. Thus, the Ayah directed the deniers to ask the People of the Book before them about this fact. b. Or, to say: I have to consider the content of the Ayah and go beyond its literal meaning and its Nass. Then, you have to agree that we must consider other factors in dealing with it as it is a Thahir. Hence, your claim that the Ayah doesnt specify certain matters to ask


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about is no longer valid, since the whole Ayah provides a specific answer to a specific claim. We will illustrate that there are many other Nass of Quran that take precedence over the Thahir of this ayah, and hence limits its boundary to Fiqh.
2. Ijtihad and Taqleed:

The real issue that we are dealing with is about Ijtihad and Taqleed. The question is: how much is a Muqalid allowed to blindly follow the Sheikhs whom he thinks possess knowledge? We will discuss two main points in this part of the study; however, we urge the reader (who is not a mere Muqalid) to refer to the great book of Ibn Al-Qayyim titled Ielam Al-Muwaqieen Vol. 2 p. 187 to 291, where he discussed in detail the issue of blind following of those whom the Muqalid thinks possess knowledge.

If the Muqalid claims: but those whom I refer to and ask in every issue I face are those who possess knowledge and whom are following the guidance of Allah . Ibn Al-Qayyim provided an answer that is global and comprehensive, as he put it, in answering this claim or any other claim by the Muqalid. He said:
..a Muslim is not straight on the guidance of Allah until he follows what Allah and His messenger decreed. So, we ask the Muqalid if he knows what Allah and His messenger said, in this case he is not a Muqalid (and there is no need to ask any body). But, if he doesnt know what Allah and His messenger said, then he admits that he is an ignorant and stray person, hence, how would he know that those whom he trusts are on the right


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guidance?! This is an answer to any question they (the Muqalids) provide in this issue.67

This answer of Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim should be an eyeopener to those who completely shut off their minds and replace them with a couple of phone numbers and internet links. They should be fair to themselves, if one says it loud and clear: we do not know anything, and we are incapable of judging even the slightest matters in our lives! How, in the name of Allah the Merciful, does he/she know that he/she is following the right people?

If the Muqalid claims: it is a fact that these people you follow always refer to Quran and Sunnah, we say: even the worst people of Bidaa refer to Quran and Sunnah all the time. It is the matter of methodology and outcome rather than just the Quran and Sunnah. Umar Ibn Al-Khatab once said: Quran is not but words, so, use it the way it is intended. If the Muqalid claims: because they are graduates of Al-Madinah or Mecca universities! We say: was Ibn Al-Qayyim, Ibn Taymiyah, Malik, or even Bin Baaz for that matter a graduate of these universities? Is this the meaning of knowledge?! To graduate from specific universities?! How about Al-Albani? He never graduated from any of these distinguished universities? We will talk about this point later Insha Allah when we discuss the meaning of knowledge. If the Muqalid claims: they dress in a nice Arabian custom, with Jilbab and Ghutrah ,then we say: you need to be more respectful of your Deen. This is not a criterion to follow any one on any matter!




Ielam Al-Muwaqieen , Vol. 2 p. 189.


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If the Muqalid claims: as I started looking into Islam more seriously, I just found myself introduced to these groups and have been in their circle of internet, phones and conferences since, we say: well, it is about time and an obligation to break this circle and study and look into other groups evidence until you find the truth about Tawheed, on your own, without any one telling you: this is it, I already made the thinking for you and you dont have to do any thing on your own!


What are the limitations of Taqleed:

When it comes to Tawheed or Iman issues, it is the consensus of Ahlul Sunnah scholars that there is no Taqleed. This is evident from numerous verses of Quran where Allah blames the Kuffar on blindly following their predecessors and forefathers on the road of Kufr. Allah has shown us that when it comes to Tawheed, every one has the responsibility to find the truth on his own.
When it is said to them: Follow what Allah hath revealed: they say: Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers: what! even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance!
Al-Baqara 170

When it is said to them: Come to what Allah hath revealed; come to the Messenger: they say: Enough for us are the ways we found our fathers following. What! even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance? Al-Maida 104


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Numerous verses which show that Man should not follow any other Man in matters related to Aqeeda or Tawheed. Again, these verses are Nass in that regard. They obviously take precedence over the Thahir of the Ayah of Al-Nahl 43. The Ayah of Al-Nahl, then, is contained to whatever else other than Tawheed matters. This answers the claim that the Al-Nahl Ayah doesnt specify only Fiqh issues where we can ask and follow others. Muslims owe it to themselves to read about matters concerning Tawheed and verify the sayings of those who we trust, and of those who oppose them. Thus, the Ayah of Al-Nahl 43 is specific to matters that are of Fiqh nature.

Who possesses Knowledge?

This is a critical point, which young Muslims and blind followers of the Sheikhs should consider and understand. The definition of knowledge, as mentioned above, is not limited to specific universities, or country or dress-code. A scholar, in the Islamic sense, is a person who possesses knowledge in a specific field; such as Fiqh, Usool Al-Fiqh, Sects, Aqeeda, and Hadithetc. To qualify as a scholar in a branch of Elm (knowledge), a scholar has to possess enough knowledge in almost all of the above fields of knowledge to a certain degree, and specialize in some of these areas of knowledge. This, as in any secular, knowledge based academic circle, can be verified through the work of the scholar that is accepted by the community of scholars; such as books, articles and magazines within the established guidelines of the scientific Islamic research. Official degrees in its own do not constitute knowledge. It is, rather a door to it. Other doors of knowledge are opened to whoever Allah guides. It is also the inherited wisdom in the Islamic knowledge, as well as in secular intellectual circles, that one should follow a teacher or professor, or Sheik to


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guide him/her in pursuing the right knowledge. But, this, again, does not, on its own carry any merit to official certificates. It only supports, rather than establishes, the claim of a person being a scholar, provided that his work speaks for itself.68 Scholar & Mujtahid: it is also important to understand the difference between a Mujtahid and a scholar in the Islamic terminology. Mujtahid: Al-Ijtihad, in the Arabic language, is to put the necessary effort into the mater in hand. Mujtahid is the person who does just that. There are different levels of Ijtihad which were stated by different scholars, such as Ibn Al-Qayyim in Aalam Al-Muwaqieen . The definition of Mujtahid varies between the Absolute Mujtahid who possesses the capacity to make Fatwa directly from Quran and Sunnah without referring to other Mujtahids, or a Mujtahid of a problem , which is on the other end of the continuum. This Mujtahid is kind of specialist in a specific problem of Fiqh, such as inheritance, or marriage, or divorce, and possesses the knowledge to produce a Fatwa in this specific problem of Fiqh, mainly following the guidelines of a specific Mathhab. However, scholars are not necessarily Mujtahids. There can be a scholar in an area of science that does not constitute the capacity to provide Fatwas; such as
It is imperative that those who do not accept this book or what it stands for will claim that the writer is advocating the haphazardness of knowledge. To those I say: This is not true. Knowledge has to be obtained in the correct way, studying with the proper scholars. However, this way, and that standard and those scholars can not be dictated in a list by a bunch of students of Elm, who just appear on the Islamic movement arena with little Elm, claiming that they are the guardians of Sunnah, while they are opposing it.


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History, Usool AL-Fiqh, Hadith science or Arabic Language. Such scholars, who are authorities in some areas of research, may not be qualified to produce Fatwas. In a word, every Mujtahid is a Scholar, but not every scholar is a Mujtahid. This does not, by any means, make one better than the other; or more respected or needed. Scholars of History are very much needed for Muslims to know the past and derive wisdom from it; which Allah commanded us to do. So are all other scholars in other areas of research. Mujtahids, with all levels of Ijtihad, are also needed to cover the need of Muslims to know what to do in the different aspects of their Islamic practices. This means that knowledge is not limited to a certain group of people. It is possessed by many researchers, scholars and Mujtahids who have the required knowledge in their particular area or field. Any person who possesses such knowledge can be a scholar or a Mujtahid. For instance; Ibn Taymiyah did not graduate from any University! Still Ibn Taymiyah possessed enough knowledge to be considered by many an Absolute Mujtahid. In contemporary times, Al-Albani did not graduate from any university. However he is considered one of the great Muhaditheen in our times. What is important is to possess the knowledge. To qualify as an authority in an area of research, or a field of knowledge, one has to provide academic research that is accepted by the community of scholars in that field. For instance, to qualify as a scholar in the Arabic Language, it is not enough to be a graduate of a university, as the vast majority of graduates of universities know the least after graduation, but rather to have research in the Arabic Language grammar, Balaghah and Bayan which would be widely


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accepted in the Arabic Language Academic circles. Although he qualified for a scholar of Arabic language in accordance with the stated criteria, Mahmoud Shaker, one of the greatest Arabic scholars of the 20th century, never graduated from any university! He studied on his own, and became the authority in the Arabic Language, especially the Old Jahili Poems in the 20th century. It is part of the trick that these Counterfeit Salafis use to disqualify scholars who are of much higher rank than they are. Of course, this disqualification is limited to those poor blind followers who religiously read their books or look at their websites, while considering it as the only source of Deen in this world! To the majority of Ahlul Sunnah, these are but a bubble on the surface of the Islamic community that will, most probably sooner than they think, burst and be a forgotten clan that stained the name of AL-Salaf in this time. These Counterfeit Salafis present to their poor misled followers wrong criteria that although might be stated in some books, is taken out-of-context or to an extreme that was not originally comprehended or meant by the author of the statement. They also provide a document signed by certain scholars to show that they are good or fit to make Fatwas, as a proof for two things:


They are the best in the field of Islamic knowledge and they are they can never be wrong or never make mistakes Every other person who does not agree with their counterfeit leadership and twisted views is simply wrong, misled, Mubtadie (person of Bidaa), astray or Kafir.


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It is important to state that a signed document by a scholar stating that a person has graduated, or has obtained knowledge in certain area of Elm or the like, does not make the person immune to making mistakes for the rest of his life! This is just pure Sufi approach, replacing the dream of the Wali of the Sufis giving the blessing to his student, with a signed document by a scholar that works as Pendants (Tamimah) that prevents the person from error. People graduate, and get signed documents, then, can keep in being good, as the rule of the majority says, or go astray as in the case of such counterfeits. The way to judge a person is his own work and stand at the time he claims to be on the right Path. An additional Twist to the trick: Many scholars have openly criticized the sect of the Counterfeit Salafis either in lectures, tapes, or books. However, they did not criticize these people of Bidaa on a personal level. Scholars write books showing the right views and leaving readers to distinguish between right and the wrong. An example of that is the distinguished book by Dr. Abdul Rahman Ibn Saleh Al-Mahmoud, professor of Aqeeda at Umm Al-Qurah University, titled Man-Made Laws vs. Shariah, Ruling with Laws other than what Allah Revealed .96 Since these Bidaa promoters of Counterfeit Salafis can not scientifically refute Ahlul Sunnahs views, they resort to another twist to forbid their followers from realizing how wrong they are. Apart from the strict slogans of: you are just an ignorant

The book was translated to English in 2003! It is an excellent presentation of Ahlul Sunnahs view of the subject.



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you are not qualified to think for yourself (with the

help of )

listen only to us let us suck out your brain, and give you some phone numbers and links to know how to think and what to read we are the only qualified individuals to talk about Deen. all others are wrong as they dont have a signed document!70 The additional trick is The Science of Jarh and Tadeel . These Counterfeits and Bidaa promoters used such glorious science to justify their ill-mannered, unscientific, and twisted-mentality approach. They bashed every scholar who did not agree with their Bidaa. They called distinguished scholars ignorant, stray liars...and the like. They compiled lists of Scholars whom they call unaccepted. Jarh & Tadeel vs. Books of Tabakat: it is established that the science of Jarh and Tadeel was established in the beginning of the second Hijri century, after the expansion of the Islamic State beyond the Arabian Peninsula. It aimed at exposing those who were not trustworthy or precise in delivering Hadith of the Prophet . It was not meant to bash scholars. This was not the reason to establish it. Bashing scholars is called Ghaibah and Namimah, and being ill-mannered. In another set of books, that are history-like books, scholars of old ages and until recently used to document history by documenting the lives of the great and most influential men in their time. For instance, Al-Zahabi wrote Seyar Aalam Al-Nubalaa , which was by no means a book of Jarh in the traditional sense, represented in Al-Kamal, or Tahzeeb Al-Kamal or Tahzeeb AlMany of Ahlul Sunnah, such as Dr. Safar Al-Hawali, or Dr. Abdul Rahman Ibn Saleh Al-Mahmoud to name some, are graduates of Saudi universities and have Ibn Baazs signature on their certificates as well!!


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Tahzeeb. Seyar Aalam Al-Nubalaa is a book, as the title implies, that talks about the Seyar or biographies or the life of influential men, whether they are in Hadith chains or not. This is history, not Jarh and Tadeel. The reader of the book of Seyar would be amazed of Al-Zahabi, as he reported stories that are less than respectful about individuals he documented as Nubalaa or Nobel, though, he never bashes the person or even, in most cases, comment on it, depending on the common sense of the reader. This is how sensitive the Real Salaf were in regards to bashing those who have even the slightest qualifications to be put in such books. On the other hand, AlMadkhali wrote volumes in Sayed Qutb describing him with the worst words! May Allah provide both what each deserves. The relevance of this analysis is that these lists published by the Counterfeit Salafis, and are prepared to criticize scholars, are not, in fact, criticizing any of those who are in any chains of Hadith. They criticize scholars of different backgrounds and fields of knowledge who never claimed to be in the business of reporting Hadith of the Prophet ! This is not Jarh and Tadeel. It is pure Ghaibah that is a major sin by consensus of the scholars. For the blind and ignorant followers, it might sound scholarly and good to say: Oh, were in the business of Jarh and Tadeel. In the world of Ahlul Sunnah, and in accordance with their methodology, when some one publishes a book that has, according to some other scholar, a wrong view, it is always an option to write a reply or a refutation in an article or a book that shows the opposing evidence to reveal and correct the wrong view. This leaves judgement to others who might agree with one party or even correct both of the two sides. It is not the way of Salaf to bash scholars and put their names on Ghaibah lists. Another purpose of this Ghaibah list is to terrorize scholars who hold different views than the Counterfeit Salafis but still might come under their influence as having some kind of interest where the Counterfeit Salafis can heart or help. It is


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important to mention that these Counterfeits have strong support from the authorities everywhere. In other words, they are the other face of the Scholars of the Sultan!71. A study case of this fact is what appears to be the case with Daiyah Abu Aminah Bilal Phillips72. Bilal Phillips had expressed the correct Aqeeda when he published his book of Tawheed. It is evident from his reply that they terrorized him for giving lectures in some Islamic centres in Europe. Although this specific Islamic institution is of Ahlul Sunnah, they claim that by doing so, Bilal was promoted Bidaa! He wrote a 10page document, clearly apologizing to members of the counterfeit group after they put his name on the Ghaibah list. However, it seems73 that Bilal still believes that Ahlul Sunnahs views are correct. He mentioned in his book Usool AlTafseer in a footnote on page 38: The position of most scholars seems to be that .... The use of the word seems implies, that he is not completely convinced of the put forth argument, although he referred to Al-Albanis book of Fitnat Al-Takfeer. He obviously left room to manoeuvre when asked by Allah or when he finds better chance to speak his mind.

It is a metaphor to call them Aalem here! Bilal Phillips is a respectful Daiyah, and known witer/lecturer in Islamic knowledge. He authored many excellent books in a number of Islamic knowledge fields. 73 And only Allah knows the truth.



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Chapter Six
A Wake up Call to the new Generation

If it was only for the mistake in Aqeeda in regards to the place of Ruling with other than Shariah Laws in Tawheed, it would have been acceptable within the wide spectrum of Ahlul Sunnah to live with such deviation and work with those who adopt it, until Allah opens their eyes to the truth. This was the attitude of Ahlul Sunnah with many respected scholars and people of Dawa who fell into such a mistake and adopted this view, such as Sheikh Al-Albani or Sheikh Abdul-Rahman Abdul Khaliq, and some other Dawa scholars in the Ikhwan movement. But the problem with this specific group is much worse and holds much worse consequences. This group of Counterfeit Salafis did not only adopt the wrong view of Tawheed, but they went far beyond that and built an entire twisted behaviour based on this wrong stand. And, alas, it was, as a Saudi scholar put it, the worst that the Muslim community has ever seen in a long time.
What do we expect of a group of people, who uses the Trick, which we explained in Chapter Five of this book, to produce?! A generation that is: Submissive The culture of such groups, as we explained before, is to convince young recruits that they have to listen only to them, and to those who the masters say they can listen to. They create a state of fear in their followers minds from listening, reading or discussing any topic that is related to Islam with any one who is not approved by them. When you talk to a follower he just stares at you in a dazed way as if he is in a state of


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hypnosis. You feel that words do not even pass through his ears. This is how they train their followers to be. This is exactly the fear that Sufis create in the hearts and minds of their followers, but with other tricks and tools! Their followers are trained to be submissive to their Sheikhs and others designated by the Sheikhs. Subhana Allah, methods are different, but the outcome is the same! The Wrong does not produce any thing but wrong. Indifference to Muslims pain and suffering The approach of these people is as follows: Secular governments are legitimate and the rulers are in fact Wulat Al-Amr .! Since these governments are legitimate, then obedience to them is part of Islam. Speaking against any of their actions is Haram. Thus, as these governments are adopting a submissive approach to the Western and the Zionist practices in the Muslim world, we have to bless this approach, or to say at the least, do not talk about it! Those who do not adopt this approach, and hence, rise against the unjust practices around the world, whether by talking against it or by fighting it are only collecting bad deeds in not following that approach. This, obviously, leads to being indifferent to the killings in Gaza, Palestine, Iraq and other Muslims lands around the World. It completely breaks the Walaa concept in Islam. This mentality leads to a serious consequence that is the most dangerous of all; namely snitching on


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Muslims. One of the heads of this Bidaa, named Ali Al-Halabi, gave a Fatwa that permitted his blind followers to snitch and write reports to the authorities on Muslims who do not follow their sick logic, even if they do not promote any violence against governments. This is a crisis by all means! To produce such a mentality is a crime in itself. Passiveness and withdrawal mentality In accordance with this attitude, it is only a natural outcome that their blind followers are passive in general, and have a withdrawal mentality towards any problem that is not in the books of their Sheikhs or permitted on approved websites! This also resulted in a feature that simulates a secular approach in separating politics from state! As a consequence of total submission to secular systems, they teach their followers to withdraw from any politically oriented discussion. Politics is not our arena! Does this remind us of another Bidaa? ...Indeed, the Tablighi group! This is what we mentioned before, ironically, these Counterfeit Salafis and the Sufis are taking from the same sourcewhich is certainly not the Sunnah! Ignorance Based on the above characteristics, it is also the outcome to be massively ignorant. Imagine a group of young Muslims, who:

Are not permitted to read any books except those ones by their master Sheikhs. Have a couple of internet links, and phone numbers to check every now and then to see


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which books they can not read! or names they have to avoid. Forbidden from any intellectual discussion. Forbidden from thinking. But again, thinking about what?! There is very little material in the followers minds to think about. Add to that the diminished capacity of the new generation to read, and we end up with ignorant, narrow minded simpletons, who only know about their Deen by clicking on an internet link!

Arrogance and ill-mannerism What is extremely awkward is that with all this submissiveness and ignorance, the resulting generation of these Counterfeit Salafis still feels arrogant! This is because their mater Sheikhs tells them that what is offered for our followers, who visit our sites and follow whatever we offer, is unique. They dont need to research for themselves or read original material themselves, since it is already done for them. They tell their followers that they are the carriers of the Torath ( heritage)! Subhana Allah, ! So, the followers look down on the others, even if those others actually have much more knowledge! This is the consequence of such a deviation from the right path. Worst of all is the stand of the ignorant followers, following their mater Sheikhs, in calling scholars astray, liars, and ignorant. Allah knows that these characteristics are best fit for the deviant masters and the blind, brainless followers.


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To fully grasp the stand of the Counterfeit Salafi group, we say in short:
They are Murjiah in dealing with the secular governments. They are Khawarij in dealing with scholars and people of Dawa who disagree with their Bidaa. They are Sufis when raising the followers. They are Secular when dealing with politics (practical separation between Religion and the State). This is a culture that only breads: Ignorance Taqleed Submissiveness Indifference Loyalty to those who opposes Islam. Disloyalty to Muslims. Finally, the question that might be asked: who does this book serve? What is our goal? The book is: Not meant to change the way the master Sheikhs are, as it is almost impossible to change the heads of Bidaa back to Sunnah74. Not mainly aiming at saving the blind followers, as it is also very hard to convince those who are tainted of the truth. Specifically, those tainted by

See Al-Itesam, Al-Shatibi, Vol. 1.


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this virus where the essence of the virus is do not read, do not listen and here are links and phone numbers of people to follow! It is meant for the rest of the young generation. Those who might, in some way or another, come across a website, a book, a conference, or a tape of one of the master Sheikhs of these Counterfeit Salafis should: o Be Aware of the dangerous views and stands of them. o Do not be fooled by big words, which they use to attract small-minded youth, set-aside their brains, and provide them with a couple of links and phone numbers instead. o Listen to what they say, with the background that we have provided. o And never stop reading for yourself, never give up your mind or trade it for internet links. Although we do not promote or condone a culture of violence, or the random killing of any innocent civilians in the East or the West, we stand firmly against the deliberate forging of the meaning of Tawheed. Revival of this Ummah, if this forgery is left to bread, is in serious jeopardy. The revival of the Ummah hinges completely on the correct understanding and the right application of Tawheed as revealed by Allah and delivered to us by the Prophet . These are the Counterfeit Salafis. It is a bubble that will burst soon. We laid out their basis, which we also refuted; their trick, which we exposed; and their outcome, which any person in his/her sane mind would never want to be part of


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Appendix A
As weak as the House of the Spider
Example of the weak arguments offered by the Counterfeit Salafis
Bismillah Wala Hawla Wala Quwata Illa Billah.

On a Counterfeit Salafi internet site (, many

of the material published falls under line of thought of Irjaa. This is typical of the Counterfeit Salafis as shown in the body of the book. The site offers explanations and refutations that are very weak and invaluable, proving that the Counterfeits have no basis when it comes to this point of Bidaa that they promote. We will give one example of their weak arguments by examining an article by a person called Maaz Qureshi titled In defence of Alallamah Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim. Allah knows that this individual offers no defence; he merely offers a confused understanding by fudging the words of Ibn Ibrahim as we will show below. This example will demonstrate the weakness of the material published on this site when it comes to the Bidaa of Irjaa. Hence, readers should be careful when reading such material on the internet. We will quote the article in italics and quote external sources of scholars in bold.
A General Clarification of the Issue: Imaam Ibnul Qayyim al-Jawziyyah [1] said:


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As for ruling by other than what Allaah revealed, and abandoning prayer, [2] then this is certainly disbelief in action. It is not possible to negate the name of disbelief from him after Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi was sallam) have called him that. So the one who rules by other than what Allaah revealed is a disbeliever, and the one who abandons prayer is a disbeliever - due to evidence from the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi was sallam). However, this is disbelief in action, not disbelief in creed. So from the impossibility of the one who rules by what Allaah revealed being called a disbeliever by Allaah the Glorified, and that the label of disbelief was not uttered upon him is Then he said: Indeed Allaah the Glorified and Exalted labeled the one who acts upon some of His Book, and abandons acting upon other parts of it: a believer in what he acts upon, and a disbeliever in what he abandons from it. So do they believe in a part of the Book and disbelieve in another part So they were believers in what they acted upon from the Covenant [the Book] and disbelievers in what they left off from it. So faith in action opposes disbelief in action, and faith in creed opposes disbelief in creed. Then he said: This elaboration is the statement of the Companions (radiyallaahu 'anhum) who taught the Book of Allaah to the ummah, and Islaam and disbelief and their inseparable attributes. So do not take these matters, except from them. So the late comers have not understood their position. So they have divided into two factions: A group that takes people out of the Religion due to major sins and decrees dwelling in the Fire for them. A group that considers them to be believers who are complete in faith! So those people exceeded the limits and these people fell short of the mark.. So Allaah guided the people of the sunnah to the exemplary path and the moderate statements like Islaam as compared to the other Religions. So here it is disbelief less than disbelief, and hypocrisy less than hypocrisy, and shirk less than shirk, and disobedience less than disobedience, and oppression less than oppression. Then he - may Allaah have Mercy upon him - mentioned some narrations from the salaf in explanation of the statement of Allaah the Exalted: And whoever does not rule by what Allaah revealed, then these are the disbelievers. [Sooratul Maa`idah 5:44] He said: This is explained in the Qur`aan for whoever understands it. So verily Allaah the Glorified named the one who rules by other than what Allaah


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revealed a disbeliever, and He named the one who rejects what He revealed upon His messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), a disbeliever, but the two are not disbelievers in the same manner.

Subhana Allah, I have no idea how these people think or how they perceive evidences. As previously quoted by Ahmad Shaker and others, we have to understand the Manat (Situation) that Ibn Al-Qayyim is talking about. He said: So they were believers in what they acted upon from the Covenant [the Book] and disbelievers in what they left off from it. So faith in action opposes disbelief in action. This text is actually proof against the writers argument, not for it. It shows that Ibn AlQayyim was talking about rulers who did not abandon Shariah all together in principle and did not replace it with a parallel Shariah that is a mix of Islamic laws, British and French laws, and some of their own laws! It ought to be understood this way for two reasons: 1. Firstly, because it is consistent with the rest of principles of Tafseer and Usool as we explained, 2. Secondly, it is consistent with other quotes of other Imams. Otherwise, we have to assume that Ibn AlQayyim opposed his Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah or Ibn Katheer in the Tafseer of Al-Maidah 50 or In Al-Bidayah Wal-Nihayah. We will quote both Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn Katheer to prove that Ibn Al-Qayyims quote must be understood in context; otherwise he would have contradicted both of them. Ibn Taymiyah, the teacher and Sheikh of Ibn Al-Qayyim ruled in this Manat (situation) when the Mongols ruled with their Yaesq , which is a mix of Man-Made Laws and Shariah Laws. Ibn Taymiyah said in his Fatawa Vol. 28:
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. / .. : :. . . . . . . / . .

Question: what is the Fatwa of our great scholars and Imams of Deen, may Allah bless them and help them expose the deceit of stray people, on those Mongols who occupy Al-Sham ( )repeatedly, who say the Shahada and call themselves Muslims, and are no longer on the Kufr that they originally came with? Please explain to us what is the proper action toward these people as many are confused about them; some are confused because they are ignorant of what they (the Mongols) do, while others are confused due to their ignorance of the Hukm of Shariah in such cases. Answer: I say every group who abandons any part of the Shariah of Islam that is clear and well-known has to be fought by the consensus of Muslim Scholars, even if they pronounce the Shahada. For instance, if they say the Shahada but do not pray, then they have to be fought until they pray. Or if they say Shahada and pray but do not pay Zakat, then they have to be fought until they pay Zakat. Similarly, [they must be fought] if they do not make the things that Allah made Haram prohibited; or they do not rule in blood, financial and lineage issues in accordance with Islamic Laws; or they stop from ordering the Good and forbidding the Bad likewise, if they openly support Bidaa that is against the Quran and Sunnahand the like.


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: . .

Ibn Taymiyah clearly stated in Vol. 28, p. 524:

It is a matter of fact in the Deen of Islam and by the consensus of all Muslims that whoever make excuses to follow a Deen other than Islam, or to rule with laws outside the Laws of Islam, [that this person] is a Kafir. It is exactly like the Kufr of those who claim they believe in some parts of the Book [of Allah] and disbelieve in other parts of the Book.

It is obvious to anyone, who has eyes and a heart, that Ibn Taymiyah declared that the Mongols who said the Shahada, some of whom prayed and performed other Islamic rituals, but ruled with a book that is not the Shariah, are Kuffar exactly like the People of the Book who believed in some of the Books of Allah and denied others. This is consistent thought out Ibn Taymiyahs writings on this matter. So the best way to reconcile the sayings of the Imams is to understand their sayings all together and not allow them to contradict each other, or contradict themselves in cases of Tashabuh of their own sayings in other places. This is called Reconciling the pieces of Evidence in Ahlul Sunnahs Methodology (see Al-Ietisam, Al-Shatibi Vol. 1), something that Ahlul Bidaa do not like or accept.
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In the Tafseer of the verse in Surat Al-Maidah: Is it the Ruling of Jahiliyah that they wish to follow? Al-Maidah 50, Ibn Katheer stated:
Allah denounced whoever renounces the Laws of Shariah, which lead to everything good and forbid all evil, and accepts Man-Made opinions and desires and terms that Man put without reference to Shariah; as in the case with the kings of the Mongol, who ruled with laws that were introduced by their king Genghis Khan. Khan put together the Yasaq, which is a book of Jewish, Christian and Islamic Laws, and some of his own opinions. These laws became the constitution for his successors who followed the Yasaq instead of Shariah and the Sunnah of the Prophet . So, whoever does such a thing is a Kafir and it is an obligation to fight him until he returns to Shariah by ruling according to it in all small and big matters.
Continue: The Position of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem said: What came from Ibn 'Abbaas in explanation of this aayah: And whoever does not rule by what Allaah revealed [Sooratul Maa`idah 5:44] from the narration of Taawoos and other than him shows that the one rules by other than what Allaah revealed is a disbeliever. It is either disbelief in creed which takes one out of the Religion, or it is disbelief in action which does not take one out of the Religion. [3] Shaikh Khalid al-'Anbaree mentions in his book 'al-Hukmu bi Ghayri Maa Anzallallaahu' (p. 131), from Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Jibreen, who is one of the foremost students of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem - that the shaykh clearly took the position of differentiating between action and belief. This differentiation was confirmed from the Shaykh when he spoke about the matters that cause a person to apostate. He said: The things which cause a person apostate are divided into three divisions:


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The first division: That which the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is known to have come with, and opposing what is known by necessity that the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) came with. So this is disbelief in that, regardless of whether it is in the foundations (usool) or in secondary matters (furoo'), and no excuse can be sought by what is new in Islaam. The second division: Those to whom the proof is unknown. So this one does not disbelieve until the proof is established upon him, and the evidences are presented to him. After the proof has been established upon him, he only becomes a disbeliever if he has understood it. If he says: I do not understand, or he understands but contests, then the proof should be clarified to him with a sufficient explanation. Resisting stubbornly ('inaad) is not from the disbelief of the disbelievers, rather it is a part from its parts, and the other part or parts are not stubborn resistance, and the scholars have not entered into that judgement because it is between him and Allaah. The third division: Things that involve inner thoughts. So this does not cause a person to apostate until the proofs have been established upon him, regardless of whether it is in the foundations (usool) or secondary matters (furoo') So we know from this that there is no takfeer upon anyone except after the establishment of proof upon him. So the first division is apparent, and the second is in its place in this case, not the third. Then there are two things here: Firstly, the ruling upon the thing that it is disbelief. Secondly, the ruling upon a person specifically is a separate matter, then there is the takfeer of a group such as the Jahmiyyah which is another thing. [4] Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem said: Whoever rules by it or rules by it believing in its correctness and legality, then he is a disbeliever with disbelief that expels from the Religion. However, if he does that without believing that it is permissible, then he is a disbeliever in action, which does not expel one from the Religion. [5]

It seems that the quote this individual used here has been made intentionally ambiguous, which is an explanation by Khalid AlAnbari. It is not enough, for any sane person, to say that since Al-Anbari is Mohammad Ibn Ibrahims student, then he has the authority to interpret his text and attribute his own understanding to the Sheikh! This is forging the Daleel. The unequivocal statement of Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim is what was quoted in Chapter Four, as cited in the Sheikhs collection of Fatawa:


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Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim, the great Mufti of Saudi Arabia, said in his collection of Fatwa, collected and commented on by Sheikh Mohammad Al-Qasem:
but that which was called Kufr less than Kufr is when a ruler judges with laws other than Shariah knowing that he is a sinner, given that he does it in individual cases once or so. But if he instates these rulings against Shariah as laws of the Land, then it is Kufr; even if they say: oh, we are making a mistake and we know Shariah is better (and that sort of talk), as this is a Kufr that takes one right out of Islam.

This is a clear Muhkam text from Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim, not false-interpretations and forgery of his statements.
Continue: In the Kuwaiti magazine 'al-Furqaan' (Issue no. 28/p. 12) there was a meeting between his Eminence, Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Ibn Baaz - and he is one of the foremost students of shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem and a propagator of his knowledge. The questioner asked him: There is a fatwaa of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem aalush-Shaykh, the people of takfeer use it to prove that the shaykh did not differentiate between the one who rules by other than the Law of Allaah - making it halaal, and the one who is not like that, as the differentiation which is well known from the scholars. Shaykh Ibn Baaz said: This matter is affirmed by the scholars - as has preceded - that whoever makes that halaal then he has indeed disbelieved. As for the one who does not make that halaal, such as the one who does it due to bribes or something similar, then this is disbelief less than disbelief. As for the Islaamic State which possesses power, then upon them is to struggle against the one does not rule by what Allaah revealed until that is established.

75 Collection of The Fatawa of Sheik Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim, collected by Sheik Mohammad Ibn Abdulrahman Ibn Qasem.


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We showed that Sheikh Bin Baaz ruled on this issue using much clearer words. This quote applies to the case of partially ruling against Shariah, not the instalment of a Man-Made Laws instead Shariah as the Law of the Land. This is repeated in many scholars statements including Bin Baaz. Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Baaz said in an interview with Al-Dawa Magazine, when he was asked about the ruling of Shariah in regards to those rulers who remove Shariah:
: : '' : . - : : : - : '' : ) ( . ''

Those who rule with other than the Laws of Allah are of different types, depending on what they believe in and what they do. If one rules with Man-Made Laws thinking that it is better than the Laws of Allah, he is a Kafir by consensus. So is the one who installs Man-Made Laws and thinks that hes allowed to do that; even if he says: I know that Shariah is better, he is still a Kafir as this is the form of Istihlal ( making it Halal). Sheikh Bin Baaz also explained that just saying that the Deen of the Prophet is better than any other Deen does not make one a Muslim, Sheikh Bin Baaz gave the example of Abu Taleb who said in his poem: I know that the Deen of Mohammad is the best Deen on Earth. That did not make him a Muslim.
Continue: So the questioner said: They use this fatwaa of Shaykh Ibn Ibraaheem as a proof!? Shaykh Ibn Baaz said:


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Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem was not infallible. He was a scholar from amongst the scholars, he made mistakes sometimes and he was correct sometimes, he was not a prophet or messenger. Also like that were Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibnul Qayyim and Ibn Katheer, and other than them from the scholars. All of them made mistakes sometimes and were correct sometimes. Whatever from their statements is established upon the truth is to be taken and whatever opposes the truth is to be returned to the speaker.

Subhana Allah, of course Ibn Ibrahim is a human being and is not infallible, so is Bin Baaz, Al-Albani, Al-Dousary, Ahmad Shaker, Mahmoud Shaker, Ibn Katheer, and Ibn Taymiyah for that matter. So are those of much lower rank in Deen and Taqwa of the Counterfeit Salafis. The question here is: who is right and who is wrong? Ahlul Sunnah offer an explanation that reconciles all the statement of these respected scholars, except when it is proven that it is against the consensus of Ahlul Sunnah such as Al-Albanis ruling in Iman. This proves that refutations of these Counterfeit Salafis are as weak as the house of the spider:
And the weakest of houses is the house of the spider


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