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MOCK Case Study

AD5 - Audit

Participant Information

This exercise should be considered as an example of case study that could be used in the
EPSO Assessment Centre. The problems have not been fully elaborated, but give a global
overview of the type of problems you could be confronted with in a real assessment centre.

Copyright EPSO, Office C-80, 1049 Brussel

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of EPSO.
This exercise may only be administered and interpreted by persons trained and authorized by
EPSO and only under the conditions stipulated by EPSO.
EPSO - EN-INT - MockCS - AD5 Audit - EX - 060810 - V01.05

Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit

This is a fictitious document only produced for the purpose of this exercise. All references to
existing states, international organisations, private companies, departments, their representatives etc. should be considered as mere examples. They do not represent any position of these
bodies or persons.
Participants are therefore advised to rely solely on the information presented in the exercise
and not on any prior expertise when responding to questions.
For this exercise you will assume the role of desk officer at DG Enlargement within the Unit responsible for the Balkan Region. The documentation you need, is integrated in this booklet. You will find
in it a certain number of e-mails, reports, articles and other documents that you will need to analyse
and integrate in order to be able to properly deal with the assignment given to you. This is your first
day in your new job.
It is important that you accept the simulated situation as it is presented to you. Although in a real life
situation you would have access to other sources of information and would be able to consult your
colleagues, in this exercise you are limited to the information contained in the exercise documents. You
are, however, allowed to make logical assumptions where information is missing or incomplete.
You may rearrange the documents in any order you wish and add remarks or make notes as necessary.
However, remember that the assessors will base their evaluation exclusively on what you write on the
lined paper that has been put at your disposal. Therefore, be sure to record on these sheets all the information on which you wish to be evaluated and be sure to explain the reasoning behind your ideas.
The Case Study aims at assessing the following competencies: Analysis and problem solving, Communicating (drafting skills), Delivering quality & results and Prioritising & Organising.
In addition to the general competencies, it assesses your ability to apply specific knowledge to a particular situation in your domain.
Your concrete task will consist of answering questions concerning the situation described in
this booklet::
Make an executive summary of the situation: what are the key issues observed in the Balkan
Which potential solutions do you see to resolve the key problems in the Balkan Region?
What would be your recommendations for the longer term, taking into account the different
parties involved?
Please include your suggestions to improve the audit process in the future.
In total, you have 90 minutes for this Case Study. Please answer as precisely as you can and write as
clearly as possible.
Please note:
Today is Friday, 29 June 200X
Last year was 200X-1, next year will be 200X+1


Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit




Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation

The Council of the European Union
Directorate-General for Enlargement
European Commission
European Court of Auditors
European Parliament
European Reconstruction and Development Office
EU Justice Affairs
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance

Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit


Evie Christoffelsen, Head of Unit, Directorate for the Balkan Region, DG ELARG
<Your Name>
29 June 200X

Dear (your name),

Welcome to our team!
As mentioned on the phone yesterday, my assistant has prepared the necessary documentation and
information for your first assignment within DG Enlargement. The information consists of some
basic background information, but most of the documents relate to a recent audit carried out in the
Balkan Region. As you know, the Commission is responsible for the implementation of the financial
instruments in the Balkan Region under IPA and we have to pay particular attention to projects that
do not work out well or that were not sustainable for some reason.
I would like you to read everything in detail and to draft a report summarizing the situation, proposing some potential solutions and making recommendations for the future. I would also like you to use
the available information to make recommendations about how to improve the Audit process in the
Many thanks in advance. I will be back from an international conference on 6 July, but please feel free
to contact me or any of your colleagues, should there be any problems or questions from your side.
My assistant can give you my mobile number.
All the best and see you soon,


Mock Case Study Exercise

Published: 15.04.200X-3

AD5 Audit





ollowing the conflict in Former-Yugoslavia the

EU established the ERDO in 200X-8. In doing
so the EU demonstrated its determination to respond
to the needs of the Balkan Region: to rebuild after the
damage caused by conflict, to stabilise the region and
to support governments with democratic reforms.

he ERDO quickly gained a reputation for

efficiency. Its mandate was progressively extended to the whole region.
This newsletter celebrates the 5th anniversary
of the agency!


ince 200X-8, the ERDO has been entrusted with

a 2.85 billion investment portfolio. To date, more
than 2.58 billion (or >90%) of that amount has been
contracted and 2.24 billion (or ca 78%) paid out.

s needs quickly evolved, the EUs support

shifted from early emergency work to projects
designed to support the reform and modernisation
of public institutions. The past five years, the ERDO
has provided assistance in virtually all areas of public
and business life, from government administration
and economy, to justice, civil society and the media.


eform processes are not merely words bandied about by bureaucrats in Brussels, they
do make a real difference on the ground. Reform
is about improving the everyday live of thousands
of people. It is about improving working methods,
fostering co-operation and augmenting the care
and education of the population.



chieving the Copenhagen criteria is mainly

done through provision of technical assistance, twinning and similar activities, which are
funded under the CARDS Programme and the
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance. While
this has already made a significant impact, grant
funding alone is only part of the answer. Attracting foreign direct investments from International
Financial Institutions and others is crucial.


he ERDO has a unique approach to providing assistance in the different countries


Fast & flexible.

Based in the field.
Encouraging local ownership.
Co-operation with EU governments and other
Governance and co-operation with the EU
family (ERDO is accountable to the EP and
the Council of Ministers).
Ethics & accountability.



ere are but a few of the highly successful

projects managed by ERDO.

o relieve the overcrowding and inhumane

conditions in prisons a new facility was constructed in 200X-5 to accommodate 500 people.
This project was successful and aligned with the
overall judiciary strategy for the country.

Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit

court house was renovated in 200X-7 to

improve on the existent facility which was
considered to be unsafe and lacking the appropriate infrastructure. That countrys government has
since allocated separate funding to renovate other
court houses throughout the country.

ome countries received funding for institutionbuilding activities such as drawing up strategies,
action plans and the corresponding legislation; a
monitoring visit halfway through the project revealed that the budget was in fact used to finance
works to a local court building.


ocal police forces were trained over a two

year period to strengthen the authorities law
enforcement capacity. Local police proved able to
manage this autonomously.

n 200X-6 an asylum centre was set up across the border with EU funds. The project had a positive impact
on the region. Since then, other countries in the region
have co-operated in establishing cross-border asylum
centres and providing the required equipment.


n two countries changes in staff resulted in the near

complete failure of one of the projects, as staff
who had been trained to lead the change projects were
replaced within 18 months following the elections.


roactive involvement in trade facilitation, investment mobilisation and continued policy

dialogue with local authorities constitutes the cornerstone of ERDOs work for the whole region.

hese 5 years do not celebrate the existence of

the programme in itself. Above all the projects
and their objectives should gain support from
local civil society organisations, so that activities
are based on local demand rather than purely accession-driven needs. This strategy provides more
sustainable results.

Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit


Evie Christoffelsen, Head of Unit, Directorate for the Balkan Region, DG ELARG
Frederich Gastona, Manager, Audit Unit, ECA
Elody Gaindy, Sr Auditor, Audit Unit, ECA
20 November 200X-1
RE FW: Audit Commission projects Balkan Region

Dear Frederich,
As you know, I have been there several times myself in my previous function as auditor and I encountered similar problems. They are probably slightly understaffed and I would suggest postponing the
audit by 3 months, as it will prove less useful to visit projects when they are not yet complete, and risk
having only a limited time with each of the Task Managers because of their workload.
Kind regards,
Reply by Evie.Christoffelsen@eca.europa.eu on 20/11/200X-1 08:46


Frederich Gastona, Manager, Audit Unit, ECA

Evie Christoffelsen, Head of Unit, Directorate for the Balkan Region, DG ELARG
Elody Gaindy, Sr Auditor Audit Unit, ECA
19 November 200X-1
FW: Audit Commission projects Balkan Region

Dear Evie,
What is your experience with this kind of issue?
Many thanks,
Forwarded by Frederich.Gastona@eca.europa.eu on 19/11/200X-1 09:35


Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit


Elody Gaindy, Sr Auditor, Audit Unit, ECA

Frederich Gastona, Manager, Audit Unit, ECA
Frank Pascob, Odile Verdoris, Brigitta MacMorran, Auditors, Audit Unit, ECA
18 November 200X-1
Audit Commission projects Balkan Region

Dear Frederich,
I think this is really unacceptable. We were supposed to leave for an audit in Usitania in two weeks and
suddenly the Commission Delegation in Usitania has asked us to postpone our audit. They are saying
that some of the Delegation members will be unavailable as they are currently very busy with the annual contracting, and because some projects are not entirely finished.
I would propose that we simply refuse this request as the audit was announced 3 months ago.
Would you agree?


Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit


19-28 MARCH 200X
The Delegation:
The Auditors:

the local EC Delegation

Elody Gaindy (Sr Auditor and rapporteur)
Frank Pascob, Odile Verdoris and Brigitta MacMorran (Auditors)

Usitania: 19-28 March 200X: 19 projects (reduced to 12 eventually)

A. Short overview of process difficulties encountered
19 March
When arriving in Usitany, capital of Usitania, it seemed that all but one of the Task Managers responsible
for projects had been sent on leave by the Head of Delegation, because of the significant overtime hours
they had accrued in the preceding weeks. As a result of the contracting deadlines and the pressure upon
the Task Managers, not all of the relevant audit documents had been sent to Luxembourg in advance, as
requested. In addition the Auditors did not receive the completed audit questionnaire in advance in all
cases, which had also been requested. So the Auditors went through the questionnaire to clarify unclear
points or short answers. This clarification exercise could not be carried out in some cases due to the absence of the Delegation Task Managers. Also, project files were not always well organised and in some
cases it took quite some time to locate the relevant information.
20 March
The kick-off meeting with Delegation management was not constructive. The Sr Auditor expressed her
disappointment regarding the absence of the relevant staff and she underlined that in her experience the
Heads of Delegation usually cancel, not grant, staff holidays in the event of the Courts visit. The Head
of Delegation apologised, but added that because of the lack of staff and the large amount of money
to be contracted under the complex EU procurement rules and procedures, he had already had to cancel
some of his staff s holidays. Also he said that when facing the contracting deadlines, he had to ask his
staff to work extra long hours. Nevertheless, he stated that his remaining staff would be entirely at the
Courts disposal.
Originally there were four auditors to audit 19 EUJA projects in Usitania. Due to the unavailability of the
Delegation staff, the number of projects to be audited was reduced to 12. This meant that each auditor
was assigned three projects to report on.



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit

21-28 March
During the mission, the Court examined 12 projects with 15 contracts in all the four of the EUJA
sub-areas, i.e. asylum and migration, integrated border management, judiciary and police. 18 meetings
and 11 on-site visits were carried out. The Sr. Auditor also met the President of the Usitanian Audit
During the audit, Delegation files were examined and interviews were conducted with Delegation staff,
EU monitors, relevant Usitanian authorities and project beneficiaries. On-site visits were carried out to
all of the projects pre-selected for audit, but for one. The principle of the audit was to visit the projects
on site, where the project really begins to take shape. However, because of the extra time needed to go
through the Delegation files and the additional time pressure, the Sr. Auditor decided not to visit one of
the project sites The border was simply too far from Usitany and the on-site inspection was skipped.
One of the challenges of the audit was the lack of documentation on the (vague) performance indicators
presented in the project files against which the auditor could evaluate the projects results. In addition
there was an almost total lack of statistics with which to evaluate the projects success (i.e. before and
after EU intervention) in the offices of the contracting authority (EC). In fact, most of the EU Task
Managers were unaware of the true situation on the ground. So actually, it could be considered that
the absence of the Task Managers was not crucial.
A member of the Delegation joined the audit team (consisting of 2 people) for each on-site visit. Due
to the absence of the Task Managers, sometimes a secretary or translator would join the Auditors. Even
though they were not always familiar with the audited project, they could provide valuable information
regarding local conditions.
B. Some examples of the projects in Usitania
1) Examples of the inefficient distribution of EU funding:
The approved asylum project documentation allocated a budget of 1.9 million Euros to institution-building activities such as drafting legislation, strategies and national action plans. These
actions were not implemented. Instead, a reception centre for asylum seekers was built.
The opening of an asylum centre in Usitany was delayed by one year, because the authorities
failed to provide the necessary equipment
Some of the EU-financed motorcycles provided to the border police were barely used for the first
18 months, because the authorities did not provide the police with the necessary protective gear
as had been agreed. The authorities have now launched a complementary equipment tender.
2) Example of the effective use of EU funding:
At the border crossing point in Sourcias, Usitania, the new infrastructure and equipment made
it possible to increase throughput and reduce waiting times.
Usitanys prison system does not meet international standards, largely because prisons and pretrial detention centres are heavily overcrowded. The construction of a new prison could therefore
be considered a vital and relevant priority.



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit

The authorities of Trebisca, Usitania, lacked suitable facilities to enable them to try high-profile
cases in a secure and dignified manner. Now, a modern court room has been built with EU funds
and a dozen trials have already taken place.


1. Project results lack the following:
Projects do not always comply fully with the ECs annual programme objectives;
Investment projects do not always align with institution-building projects, i.e. EU assistance in
the provision of equipment and infrastructure alone will not be enough to support change in
the working practices of the people in question.
Donor programmes active in the area, including those with the EC as the main donor, are not
well coordinated, i.e. the procurement process for equipment is barely coordinated by the donor
2. Sustainability of results
Institution-building projects are only partially satisfactory and unlikely to be sustainable due to continued political weakness and lack of commitment (ownership) by the beneficiaries of funds. Indeed
most of the reform initiatives do not originate within the region, but from the EC or other external
stakeholders. The deficiencies we see are:
Beneficiary involvement is quite weak, e.g. in the public procurement process;
Some projects are launched without a sustainable plan, i.e. a plan for the longer term;
The distribution and evaluation of the use of EU funded equipment and infrastructure is not
monitored efficiently; also the implications of using EU funds should be clarified;
Currently, the indicators used to measure results are almost non-existent, or are not made explicit;
where they do exist indicators tend to be activity, rather than output oriented , e.g. number of
The delivery of technical assistance is carried out by consultancy firms often in an efficient way,
however this offers little incentive for institutional change.



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit


Morgan Trajkovski, Head of Audit Group Pre-accession Policies

Evie Christoffelsen, Head of Unit, Directorate for the Balkan Region, DG ELARG
20 May 200X
Statistics and sponsoring coordination
Statistics Balkan Region

Dear Evie,
Hope you are well in these busy times!
I would like to share with you two things that have come to my attention the past weeks.
First, please find enclosed an updated table on the level of perceived corruption in the Balkan Region
(Annex I). It shows once again that there is still a lot of work to do. We have just received the full report
from Transparency@Global, so do feel free to contact the administration for a copy.
Second, via my network, I have heard that where we are auditing projects in the various EU regions
and candidate countries there is somehow conflict concerning who is sponsoring what within a given
country, region or city. This is not new, but I have the impression this has become more politically
sensitive, and that coordination becomes all the more urgent. This is a topic we should discuss with
our different partners, including the Commission before we launch any initiative. Do you have more
details on reactions from external sponsors in our region?
You will see in Annex II that I have included a table on the different sponsoring parties for the Balkan
Region, recently released by the World Bank and the European Commission.
Thanks in advance and looking forward to catching up soon.
Kind regards,



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit

Questionnaire carried out among at least 100 citizens in each country December 200X-1













Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit


Jonas Leaway, Coordinator Programme Implementation IPA, DG ELARG

Evie Christoffelsen, Head of Unit, Directorate for the Balkan Region, DG ELARG
27 June 200X
FW: Donor Conference in Former-Yugoslavia

Dear Evie,
Please see the message below from Karl Vandorpe, a colleague I met a couple of years ago at an inauguration event in Vindiass. Even though I am no longer coordinating the activities of ERDO, I would
like to be kept in the loop about any follow up you are considering in the Balkan Region.
In my opinion, so that we can still do preparations this Autumn it would be useful for us to discuss
a strategy for going forward, and not to wait too long. I believe there is a lot of potential here which
could be beneficial for all IPA funded projects in that area. We should even consider involving other
stakeholders, but let us first touch base on this, as I know you have also experienced these kinds of
obstacles before.
Thanks, hope to hear from you soon,
Forwarded by Jonas.Leaway@elarg.eu on 27/06/200X 10:31


Karl Vandorpe, Sr. Auditor European Investment Bank

Jonas Leaway, Coordinator Programme Implementation IPA, DG ELARG
26 June 200X
Donor Conference in Former-Yugoslavia
Press Release

Dear Jonas,
First of all, congratulations! I hear that you are no longer responsible for ERDO Programme implementation, but that you are now active as a coordinator for the IPA Programme implementation.
Sounds very interesting! How are you meanwhile?
I am contacting you, because if I remember well when we met in Vindiass in 200X-3 we talked about
the usual lack of coordination when it comes to sponsoring actions. We discussed the case of the
two donor organisations who were both paying for the provision of police vehicles for one of the



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit

municipalities, without any knowledge that another party was also providing financial support to the
self same project. There is also the case of a donor organisation having paid to equip a Court building, without the equipment having been delivered due to discussions and misunderstandings at the
Ministry of Infrastructure.
Funding for these two projects has in the mean time been redirected to another area, but this is really
something we need to avoid in the future, especially since it is not the first time that somebody discovers this kind of irregularities in the region.
However, in former Yugoslavia, I have come across an example of good practice (see press release
enclosed): it would be worth discussing a similar initiative for all projects/countries in which official
sponsoring takes place. What do you think? I actually find it a bit surprising that the Commission did
not inform us of its initiative in this area. Or were you aware of it?
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,
Karl Vandorpe



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit


Department of Infrastructure
and Foreign Aid

DG Enlargement


The Department of Infrastructure and Foreign Aid of Ruritania and the European Commission are
organising a joint conference on Donor coordination in Ruritania, that will take place in Rurovic
on 2 October 200X. Around 100 stakeholders from International Financial Institutions, EU Member
States, non-EU donors and representatives of Ruritania will share their opinions and ideas on a more
efficient coordination of their donor activities.
The EU Special Envoy to the Balkan Region will open the conference, giving some more background
on the Commissions funding strategy, and more specifically on what can be expected from the Commission and DG Enlargement in the years to come. His address will be followed by the Ruritanian
Minister for Infrastructure and Foreign Aid who will discuss the local situation and what lies ahead.
In the afternoon, debates will be organised into eight working groups, each working group investigating one of the cases presented by the workshop leader, or the international or local donor from a
particular sector.
At the end of the day, conclusions will be presented in plenary session and a Joint Declaration will be
This conference aims to discuss alternatives for the better use of allocated funds, time, and energy
as well as increasing efficiency via improved administration, while minimising frustration and project
One of the key objectives is the more efficient and effective coordination of external funding among
all donors. An equally important goal is the alignment of donor objectives with respective national/
regional/local strategic priorities, as well as a fine-tuning of the budgets at all levels.
Donors financial assistance to Ruritania amounted to some EUR 0.9 billion during the period 200X-4
till 200X-1.



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit




Dear <your name>,

This is a note I wanted to put up
for discussion in my previous function, but I left a few months later
and nothing happened with it. It
was not finished, but my comments
are still valid!
Best regards,

With this discussion note, I would like to invite the stakeholders (the ECA - our unit, the local
authorities in the Balkan Region, as well as the local Delegations) to brainstorm about ways to
improve the project continuity and effectiveness in the region. Below you can find a contextual
outline of some projects that have been evaluated as critical or rather weak in the sustainability
criteria. Each of the projects presents particular problems, however from our observations in
recent years these issues can be extrapolated to the whole region.
Project 1: Agricultural preservation (February 200X-2 in Syldavia)
Objective: Improve rural people and organisations agricultural capacities, income levels and quality
of life.
Evaluation: The project has succeeded in building capacity in the local rural people, and has increased
the self-sufficiency of this population. In order to measure the impacts of the project interviews were
conducted with several employees and the owners of four small farms, and one large rural organisation
(detailed list to be provided). An upward trend in income levels can only be evaluated in the longer
term, as this will also depend on market fluctuations, the profile of the local economy and the long-term
impacts of the knowledge and experience gained by rural organisations. Unfortunately, no indicators
or baseline data on agricultural capacity, income, etc. were given, and this makes it difficult to evaluate
the concrete impact and evolution compared to the pre-project phase. The auditor also concludes that
it is not possible to evaluate any quality of life improvement without this data.
Follow-up & first conclusions: Local actors will bid for funding to embed the sustainability gains and
the positive effects that the project has had to date. The auditor has recommended to local actors, as
well as to the delegation and authorities that lessons learned from this project be included in future
project design. The initial conclusion of the auditor is that this project was a good start, but that funds
could have been implemented more effectively.



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit

Project 2: Judiciary training (March 200X-2 in Syldavia and April 200X-2 in Servasium)
Objective: Establish judicial training centres to improve the performance of judges
Evaluation: auditor evaluated two training centres in each country. In Syldavia, the EU experts advice
was overlooked when establishing the institution. The Ministry did not invite any of the international
experts to participate in the draft law. As a consequence, the law was heavily criticised by donors because
it was not compliant with European Standards. Furthermore, the curriculum for the initial 18 month
training was reduced to 12 months, which limited its impact.
In Servasium, the training institute for judges lacked direction or a clear legal remit. The train the trainer
programme suggested the implementation of modern teaching methods, such as small training groups
with a lot of group interaction. However, because no-one seemed to have the expertise to facilitate this, a
traditional classroom based training was delivered. Some of the judges are very negative about the impact
of the training and have called it a waste of time. A few others claim they were able to share some practices with each other thanks to the fact that the judges were all brought together in one programme.
Follow-up & first conclusions: Clearly, both projects lacked expert advice. The question is how it is
possible that these experts were not consulted in a pre-project phase, and why the authorities did not
take any action when they concluded that a legal remit was lacking. The delegation and auditors could
only conclude after the project evaluation and after the project funds had been spent, that a professional
training centre was not set up and that the objective of neither project was achieved.
Project 3: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (June 200X-2 in Utopia)
Objective: Stimulate SME activity by capacity building at both central and local level in the application
of new methodologies to foster long-term and innovative regional development.
Evaluation: The auditor visited 2 SMEs which received funding under this project budget line. They
could not specify which new methodologies were used, as no indicators or baseline data on SME activity were available. They did apply some relatively new management techniques, however these were
set up under a funding programme of the World Bank three years ago. Three other self-employed
people, ranging from 2 to maximum 5 staff struggled to keep their business alive. First impressions
were that they had to compete with the larger SMEs, run by professionals. There did not seem to be
any centralised authority to steer start-ups towards more innovative products or services and to assist
them by providing professional advice.
Follow-up & first conclusions: The auditors first conclusions are that the goal of the project funding
was not well-investigated in advance. In Utopia, there are only a few thriving SMEs, which flourish only
because of continued sponsorship from the international community. Additional EC funding will support
particularly those SMEs which are already successful. By distributing funds according to this system new
SMEs receive less funding and fewer opportunities for funding. Another conclusion is that the projects
scope was too wide and too ambitious. Every expert in the region will underline that regional development cannot be covered by one country, let alone one city. It is a pity these experts were not consulted
by the local delegation and authorities before the project was selected for funding. An umbrella organisation alias knowledge and training centre is lacking. Such an organisation would support the growth and
development of new SMEs and ensure the production of innovative products and services to the market
instead of simply competing amongst themselves.



Mock Case Study Exercise

AD5 Audit

Project 4: Social Development (October 200X-2 in Montony)

Objective: Redress the balance in favour of womens access to literacy
Evaluation: The auditor attended a few womens group meetings, and day classes aimed at educating
women (details to follow), in order to evaluate the extent to which the classes have contributed to
higher rates of literacy among women, and to assess the customer satisfaction rate. A concrete evaluation of the number of literate woman was hard to establish as no indicators or baseline data on the
participating women had been provided. Tests had been taken by some of the women, but his was not
carried out in a consistent or transparent manner. On the other hand, all of the women interviewed
by the auditor were very satisfied with the classes, in part because the lessons had given them the opportunity to liaise with other women in the same situation. They are positive that, over time, they will
find jobs and be able to sustain their families financially.
Follow-up & first conclusions: The auditor is in general positive about the commitment and active participation of local women in working groups, meetings and classes to share experiences and to become
literate. Social contact is important, however, the literacy objective must also be achieved. Ongoing
efforts and funding initiatives are therefore required in order to achieve a sustainable positive impact
in Montony. If this project were optimized in future, it could serve as a model for the whole region.



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