Sustainability Entirely Remember Sorry Commitment B) Measurable and Qualitative C) Measurable and Quantitative

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Hello, I discovered this channel yesterday, just a couple of h before my PM4 test....

and I found here

more help than in any training platform thank you all!
Here the questions I remmeber:

1. What is OLAF
2. What to do if an independent evaluator has a conflict of interest
3. What criteria for the selection of a grant? Efficiency, Effectiveness, Relevance, impact and
4. A question about direct management, very long question with a special case, that I cannot
entirely remember sorry
5. Next step right after agreement is signed. I hesitated between a)pre-payment, b)
6. What are success criteria for evaluation? a) based on specifications of the grant
b)measurable and qualitative c)measurable and quantitative
7. What is excluded from simplified grant. Real cost
8. What is a low value grant? lower than 60k, lower than 66k, lower than 1k euro. Come on
what a question!!
9. In which currency grants are paid EUR
10. How is the EU budget adopted? The Commission submits to the Council and Parliament
11. When is the final payment done?
12. What is not accepted as implementation expenditure? (possible answers : depreciations,
operations, ....)
13. Who owns the outcome of a grant?
14. What is the critical path
15. What you do if you notice an irregularity in the implementation?
16. What you do if you notice an ethic issue at the beneficiary level after the grant is awarded?
17. What has been added as a condition in grant management after 2018: (At least 2 beneficiary,
the beneficiary needs to inject all profit into the project until it's ongoing, operational costs are
partially financed by the beneficiary, ....) Not sure what the correct answer is I believe A)
18. How a grant is notified (call for tender, call for proposal, ...)
19. If you notice an irregularity in the implementation what do you do?
20. When a beneficiary is excluded from a grant awarding process: a) when he already receives a
grant for the same project, b) when he gets profits from the project ... I selected a)...

No questions on MEAT
Hi everyone! Today I was informed that I was successful in the EPSO CAST FG IV-Project
Management I passed on 2nd December. Please find herewith the 25 questions I got for the 50
minutes competency test. And the VERY BEST OF LUCK!

1. What does ERA mean ?

2. INEA-is the acronym for what?
3. PRAG—is the acronym for?
4. What is an Executive Agency?
5. What do executive agencies do? Policy-manage programmes- policy and programmes
6. Critical path method. What are the objectives? Plan the activities?
7. CPM-what is it?
8. Conflict of interest-what happens? -the Eval Committee chair decides to remove the expert in
9. How a grant is awarded? Call for Proposal and direct award
10. Who owns the outcome of a procurement ? The EC, the contractor, the beneficiary country
11. Which of the following is NOT considered in simplified costs option? Flat rate, unit rate,
lumpsum, real cost? Answer: real costs
12. Question on direct management- external action project
13. If there are irregularities in a project?
14. The Ombudsman -what does he do?
15. What are the incurred actual costs?
16. What are the targets of the EU 2030 Energy Framework for gas emissions? Between 1990 and
2030 (-40%)
17. What is Innovative Union?
18. Can the following be considered basic acts? Regulations, decisions and opinions—code of
conduct—manuals, etc…
19. External organization in a grant can receive payment…..?
20. What can be considered success criteria of a project? Quantitative and measurable, qualitative
and measurable, judged…..
21. In what currency is a grant payed? Eur, or currency agreed in the agreement?
22. In H2020 are all international organisations automatically eligible? —it depends on the
agreed criteria of eligibility
23. In an ongoing grant if you notice an irregularity in the implementation of activities, what do
you do?
24. In an ongoing project, if you notice that an important part of the activities was not
implemented, what do you do?
25. Question about grant and co-financing
26. Hi, guys! First of all, thank you all for sharing the CAST questions here! they were of great
help! I did a CAST FG III political affairs and most of the questions were already covered
here. Here are the questions I remember:
27. -what is conflict of interest
28. -role of Junker 2005-2013
29. -cap 2018 budget split
30. -which one is a regional organisation in Asia (several initialisms, SAARC among them)
31. -when was the UN special secretariat on climate change established?
32. -European Stability Mechanism/Stability and Growth Pact / union civil protection mechanism
(participating countries)
33. -which treaty gave the EU legal personality?
34. -first directly elected EP president in 1979
35. -number of votes needed to pass a motion of censure
36. -2018 eurobarometer, greater need fo harmonization (wages?)
37. -Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer
Space ( year and some provisions)
38. -Esquipulas Agreement
39. -RED II targets (renewable energy directive)
40. -population of EU in 2019
41. -what if the EP does not give consent on a trade agreement
42. - subsidiarity principle
43. -EUROPOL/EUROJUST/OLAF some general statements (when created, location and role)
44. -role of ELA (which statement is false)
45. -number of judges in the CJEU
46. -Cotonou Agreement
47. all I remember
48. Best of luck to those who still have their tests ahead of them!
Similar experience here. In addition to the ones already listed I had questions on: 1) what COSME is,
2) nuclear-free zone treaties, 3) European Council's decisions (consensus, unanimity, QMV, simple
majority), 3) Aid for Trade, 4) independence of South Sudan, 5) TEU article 13, 6) European
Recovery Programme, and one question with statements on key treaties for the EU integration (Nice,
Amsterdam, Maastricht and Single European Act - the dates were the main give away for me). Those
are the only new questions I remember. Good luck everyone!
1, what to do if the beneficiary demands more budget than initially agreed?
2, what is not accepted as implementation expenditure? (Depreciations? Operations? .. ?)
3, what has been added as a condition in grant managmenet after 2018?
4, When is a beneficiary excluded from a grant awarding process?

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