Encased Girders: Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Žilina
Encased Girders: Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Žilina
Encased Girders: Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Žilina
1. Introduction
Originally developed only for railway bridges,
decks with encased beams have also been
widely and effectively used for road bridges.
The filler beam deck consists of the concrete
slab with stiff longitudinal reinforcement
made of rolled beams and transverse
reinforcement of steel bars. Closely spaced
steel beams and concrete act compositely
connection means.
The span covered by filler beam decks
range up to 40 meters for road bridges and
up to 30 meters for railway bridges. For
continuous structural system the maximum
spans are about 10 meters larger. Very
shallow depths of the bridge deck, quick
and easy erection without temporary
supports and falsework are the maine
advantageous features of this construction
2.The resulting ultimate moment in the sum of the moments of these forces
related to XG:
5. Conclusions