1.concepts and Principles of Preventive Dentistry PDF
1.concepts and Principles of Preventive Dentistry PDF
1.concepts and Principles of Preventive Dentistry PDF
preventive dentistry
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
Physical Health
Another term for physical health is physical wellbeing.
Physical wellbeing is defined as something a person can
achieve by developing all health-related components of
his/her lifestyle.
Other contributors to physical wellbeing
may include proper nutrition, bodyweight
management, abstaining from drug abuse,
avoiding alcohol abuse, responsible
sexual behavior (sexual health),
hygiene, and getting the right amount
of sleep.
D Caroline Mohamed
Mental health
Mental health refers to people's cognitive
and emotional well-being. A person who
enjoys good mental health does not have
a mental disorder.
According to WHO, mental health is:
"a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own
abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his
or her community".
No matter how many definitions people try to come up with
regarding mental health, its assessment is still a subjective one.
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
Access to Care
D Caroline Mohamed
Tooth Decay
Dental caries is the most common chronic childhood
disease five times more common than asthma [3].
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
In Libya there is a high prevalence of periodontal disease and that is the main
cause of tooth loss in adulthood. Among the 3544 years old, there is none with
healthy periodontium and bleeding. 13% had calculus, 53% had shallow pockets,
and 34% deep pockets (WHO Global Oral Data Bank (GODB), 1993).
More than half of the adult population in Sebha are detected with the signs of
destructive periodontitis. If this trend continues, in the coming years the severity
of periodontal disease is bound to increase enormously ( Peeran, 2012).
D Caroline Mohamed
Premature loss of primary molars predisposes
children to malocclusion (improper alignment of the
jaws and teeth).[10]
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
1. The promotion of oral hygiene,
2. The widespread use
of fluoride toothpastes,
Water Fluoridation
Community water fluoridation is the most effective way to deliver
the benefits of fluoride to a community. Studies show that it
prevents tooth decay by 18 to 40 percent.
Lack of fluoridated water may disproportionately affect children
from families with low incomes and children in certain minority
groups, who are less likely to receive other preventive
interventions, increasing morbidity and costs of care.[14]
In Benghazi, as an example, the levels of fluoride vary naturally
from 0.4 to 0.9 (Sahli, 2011). In places with the same geographical
and climate situation the optimal levels of fluoride could be around
0.7. Lower levels is a lost of therapeutic benefit and higher levels
can lead to dental fluoroses. Other cities around Benghazi and
mainly cities localized in the southeast part of the country presents
higher levels of dental fluoroses.
Thats an issue to be studied and object of a national essay .
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
Increase awareness of the importance of oral health to overall health and well-being.
Increase acceptance and adoption of effective preventive interventions.
Reduce disparities in access to effective preventive and dental treatment services.
D Caroline Mohamed
2. Levels of prevention
Preventive services are the methods employed by the
clinician and/or patient to promote and maintain oral
Preventive services fall into three groups:
primary, secondary and tertiary.
D Caroline Mohamed
Primary prevention:
Prevent, Arrest, Reverse
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D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
Secondary prevention
Deep scaling / Restoration / Periodontal surgery
Endodontics / Exodontics
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D Caroline Mohamed
Tertiary prevention
D Caroline Mohamed
D Caroline Mohamed
Patient responsibility
Motivation is defined as
readiness to act or the
driving force behind our
Practitioner responsibility
Clinicians are required to
practice dentistry according
to modern science and
methods, ie, the state of the
Oral health and general health are strongly correlated with
the level of education. All over the world, the level of
education is improving.
Eventually, increasingly well-educated patients will learn the
implications of high-quality dentistry and will request more
preventive dentistry, instead of "drilling, filling, and billing."
Dentists who are not willing to comply with their patients'
requests will find that their practices decline.
1US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General. Oral health in America: A report of the Surgeon
General. Rockville, MD: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research; 2000, p. 33-59.
2US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General. Oral health in America: A report of the Surgeon
General. Rockville, MD: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research; 2000, p. 155-88.
3US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A national call to action to
promote oral health, Rockville (MD): National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research; May 2003, p. 1 -53. (NIH
Publication; no. 03-5303).
4Dye BA, Tan S, Smith V, et al. Trends in oral health status: United States, 19881994 and 19992004, Vital Health Stat. 2007 Apr;11(248):1-92.
5US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Oral health: Preventing cavities, gum disease,
tooth loss, and oral cancers: At a glance 2010 [Internet]. Atlanta: CDC; c2010 [cited 2010 March 8]. Available
6US Government Accountability Office (GAO). Medicaid: Extent of dental disease in children has not decreased and millions are estimated to have
untreated tooth decay. 2008 Sep. 46 p. (GAO-08-1211).
Huew R, Waterhouse PJ, Moynihan PJ, Maguire A. Prevalence and severity of dental caries in Libyan schoolchildren. Int Dent J. 2011 Aug;61(4):21723. doi: 10.1111/j.1875-595X.2011.00060.x.
SAHLI N. Fluoride Concentration in The Man-made River Project Water (Phase
1&2) Lbia, 2010.
Syed Wali Peeran,1 A. J. A. Ranjith Singh,2 G. Alagamuthu,3 Syed Ali Peeran,4 and P. G. Naveen Kumar5
Periodontal Status and Risk Factors among Adults of Sebha City (Libya) International Journal of Dentistry
Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 787502, 5 pages doi:10.1155/2012/787502
The WHO Global Oral Health Data Bank for periodontal disease, 2012, http://www.dent.niigata-u.ac.jp/prevent/perio/perio.xls.
9- WHO. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. Towards a strategy for cancer control in the Eastern Mediterranean y for Research on Cancer
(IARC) In: Region / World Health Organization.Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean.p 72. WHOEM/NCD/060/E/7.09/400.. 2009.
-WHO. The World Oral Health Report 2003. In: http://www.who.int/oral_health/media/en/orh_report03_en.pdf. Acesso em 04/1/2010.
D Caroline Mohamed
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D Caroline Mohamed