Overdenture Abutment Under Fix Partial Denture PDF
Overdenture Abutment Under Fix Partial Denture PDF
Overdenture Abutment Under Fix Partial Denture PDF
Overdenture Abutments under a Fixed Partial Denture: Case Report of a Preventive Prosthodontic Approach
Correspondence: Saumyendra Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, CSM Medical University, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh, India, e-mail: saumyendrasingh@rediffmail.com
The use of overdenture abutments under removable partial dentures to preserve alveolar bone and provide support is well established, but
there is little evidence of their use under fixed partial dentures. There exist a variety of clinical situations in which teeth or roots with questionable
prognosis cannot be utilized as abutments for fixed partial dentures. In such situations these teeth/roots can be preserved under fixed prosthesis
to provide vertical support and delay bone loss. The following report describes technical considerations, advantages and limitations of this
treatment modality.
Keywords: Overdenture abutments, Fixed partial dentures, Support, Alveolar bone preservation.
INTRODUCTION 46 and 47). While teeth no. 32, 31, 41, 42 and 43 were
extensively decayed, teeth no. 31, 41 and 42 had hardly any
Preventive prosthodontics emphasizes the importance of any
existing coronal tooth structure (Figs 1A to 2). This had led to
procedure that can delay or eliminate future prosthodontic
compromised esthetics. The only missing tooth was no. 37 and
problems. Retention of roots to serve as overdenture abutments
is a logical method of preventive prosthodontics. It offers its extraction socket had not healed completely since the past 2
several advantages from biologic as well as functional years. Cervical abrasions were generalized and a few teeth had
perspectives.1 However, little has been published in literature been restored previously, namely teeth no. 23, 24, 25 and 34.
regarding the use of such abutments under fixed partial dentures A faulty porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crown was present on
(FPD).2-5 tooth no. 36 with open margins. The right quadrant showed a
The following report provides an insight into how reverse curve of spee due to decay of mandibular molars and
endodontically treated roots can be preserved under the pontics subsequent supraeruption of maxillary molars. The gingiva in
of a FPD to provide support and preserve underlying alveolar mandibular anterior region was edematous due to food
bone at the same time. impaction around the broken down teeth. Oral hygiene
maintenance was fair.
Radiographic Examination
History and Examination
OPG revealed that teeth no. 17, 16, 23, 26, 36, 32, 31, 41, 42,
A 50-year-old male patient visited the department with the chief
43, 44, 46, 47 were endodontically treated. The canals were
complaint of difficulty in eating and food lodgement since the
well obturated without evidence of any obvious periapical
past 5 years. He had a history of squamous cell carcinoma of
pathology (Fig. 3).
tongue, for which wide excision of the right side of tongue
alongwith the removal of right supraomohyoid lymph nodes
Treatment Planning
was done 6 years back. A split skin graft was given to
reconstruct the excised tissues. The mobility of tongue and After weighing the relative advantages and disadvantages of
associated structures reduced dramatically thereafter. various treatment options that existed, it was decided to
Radiotherapy sessions followed surgery which resulted in fabricate a seven unit metal ceramic FPD using teeth no. 33,
reduction of the salivary output, probably leading to the carious 32, 43 and 44 as FPD abutments and teeth no. 31, 41 and 42 as
involvement of multiple teeth (no. 17, 16, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, overdenture abutments under the pontics of the FPD.
Fig. 3: Preoperative orthopantogram
Overdenture Abutments under a Fixed Partial Denture: Case Report of a Preventive Prosthodontic Approach
Fig. 6: Metal ceramic FPD
no. 31, 41 and 42 was not done because of absence of ferrule CONCLUSION
around the decayed teeth. Therefore, it was decided to
prosthetically rehabilitate the patient utilizing the roots of teeth The advantage of this treatment plan was that the patient was
no. 31, 41 and 42 as overdenture abutments beneath the provided satisfactory esthetics, function and comfort while
FPD. preserving alveolar bone and minimizing stress on the
There are a number of clinical situations (as here) in which conventional FPD abutments (which were already weakened
compromised teeth cannot serve as abutments for FPD. In such by caries and endodontic treatment). In the limited options
conditions these abutments may be preserved under the pontics available, we chose the most viable alternative. A year has
to provide additional support (the forces on such abutments passed since delivery of the prosthesis and due to excellent
are less, and in a more or less vertical direction). They also standards of hygiene maintenance, there have been no incidence
preserve alveolar bone which would otherwise be resorbed if of secondary caries or gingival inflammation in the mandibular
extractions of such teeth were planned.9-11 anterior region.
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used are: (1) complications including root fractures requiring REFERENCES
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