M.C.A. Syllabus
M.C.A. Syllabus
M.C.A. Syllabus
Semester I
Subject Name
Lectures Per
Information Technology
Programming & Data Structures With C
Fundamentals of Management
Information Systems
IT & Programming LAB
(MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint, C)
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks
Written Sessional
Semester II
Semester III
Semester IV
Semester V
Semester VI
Semester: I
Information Concept and Processing: Evaluation of Information, Processing Data and information Languages and
Communication, Data Processing System
Elements of Computer Processing System: Hardware CPU, Storage Device and media, VDU, Input /Out device, Printers,
Multimedia System, Data Communication equipment, Software System Software, Application Software.
Programming Languages: Classification, Machine Code, Assembly Language, Higher Level languages, and fourth
generation languages, Data representation System ASCII, BCD, EBCDIC and ISCII, Number System- Binary, Decimal,
Octal, Hexadecimal System
Operating System: Concept as resource manager and coordinator of Processor, device and memory, Concept priorities,
Protection and Parallelism. Command Interpreter, typical Commands of DOS, Graphical user interface- Window.
Computer and Communication: Single User, Multi-User, and Workstation, Client-server System, Computer Network,
Protocols, LAN, WAN, Internet facilities through WWW, Mosaic Gopher, Email, File Transfer, Voice / Video
Range of Application: Scientific, Business, Educational, Industrial, National Level weather Forecasting, remote sensing,
Planning and multilingual applications
1. Rajaraman V. Fundamental of Computers ( 2nd. Edition), Prentic Hall of India
2. Sanders D.H. Computer Today McGrav Hill
3. Sinha, P.k. - Fundamental of Computers ( 3rd . Edition),BPBublication
S-1.2 Programming and Data Structure with C
Introduction to algorithms Flow Charts, Tracing Flow Charts, Decision Tables, Decision Trees, Pseudo Codes,
Problem Solving Methods, Need for Computer Languages, Reading Programs written in C language, C
character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data Types, Declarations, Expressions, Statements and Symbolic
Constants, Input-Output: getchar, putchar, scanf, printf, gets, puts, functions, Pre-Processor command:
#include, define, ifdef, Preparing and running a complete C Program.
Operators and expressions: Arithmetic, Unary, Logical, Bit-Wise, Assignments and Conditional Operators,
Library Function, Control Statements: While, Do-While, for Statements, nested loops, if else, Switch, Break,
Continue and goto Statements, Comma operator.
Defining and accessing: Passing Arguments, Function Prototypes, recursion, use of Library
functions, Storage Classes: Automatic external and Static Variables, Arrays: Defining and Processing, Passing
to a function, Multi Dimensional Arrays. String, Operations on Strings.
Pointers: Declarations, Passing to a function, Operations on Pointer and Arrays, Arrays of Pointers.
Structures: Defining and Processing, Passing to a function, Unions.
Data Files: Open, Close, Create, Process, Unformatted Data Files.
Data Structures: Stacks, QUEUES< Lists, Trees, and their Application.
1. Hutchison, R., Programming in C , McGraw Hill, New York
2. Johnsonbaugh, R., and Kalin, M., Applications Programming in C , P.H.I.
3. RAJARAM, V., Computer Programming in C, Prentice Hall of India
4. Balaguruswamy, E., Programming inANSI C, Tata McGraw Publishing
5. Kanetkar, Y., Data Structure through C, Tata McGraw Publishing
6. Sahni., Data Structures
S-1.3 Fundamentals of Management
Tasks, Philosophy & Functions of Management.
a) Human Resource Development (HR) : Meaning & Scope of HR, Role, Functions and Responsibility
of Personnel Department
Manpower Planning: Source and Methods of Recruitment, Selection, test & interview methods
Training & Development: Need, Importance, and Principle of Training, On the Job Training, Off the Job
Career Planning: Succession of Planning, Promotion Charts and Channel Cadres, Trade Testing,
Performance, Appraisal and Rating
b) Marketing Management: Nature, Concept, and Scope of Marketing
Management, Marketing
Environment., Concept of Marketing Mix, The product Nature and types of products , Methods of
Products Development , Product Life Cycle, Pricing policies, Distribution Policies, Promotion Strategies
Strategic Marketing: Formulation, Exception & Monitoring, Concept of Sale Promotion, Objective of
Advertising Management, Role of Advertising in Economy, Marketing Information System, Introduction
to Marketing Control.
c) Financial Management: Finance Functions( Concept Scope and its relationship with other functions),
tools of Financial analysis ( fund, Cash flow analysis, ratio analysis, risk return trade off) , financial
forecasting( performance income Statement and balance sheet, cash flow forecasting under
uncertainty, , Financial Planning),Estimation and Management of working Capital,( Operating Cycle
Concept, inventory, accounts receivable, cash and accounts payables, working Capital requirements.
d) Production Management: Operation planning, and control (aggregate Planning, multiple product
batch, Production Cycle, short term scheduling of Job, Projects, introduction to project time calculation
through PERT/CPM), Management of supply chain, materials management (introduction to material
management, system and procedures for inventory management planning, procurement of materials)
Quality Management (Concept, Planning, Standardization & Circle).
e) Strategic Management: Firms and its Environment Strategic Resources, Industry Structure and
analysis, evaluation of Corporate for growth and diversifications
1. KotlerPhilips- Principle of Marketing Management
2. Agrwal R.D.- Organisation and Management
3. Massie- Essential of Management
S-1.4 Information Systems: Analysis, Design and Implementation
Overview of Systems Analysis and Design: Systems Development life Cycle, Concept and Models
requirement determination. Logical Design, Physical Design, Test Planning Implementation Planning and
Performance Evaluation; Communication, Interviewing, Presentation Skills; Group Dynamics; Risk and
Feasibility Analysis; Group Based Approaches. JAD, Structures walkthroughs and Design and Code Reviews.
Prototyping Database Design, Software Quality Metrics, Application Categories Software Package evaluation
and equisition.
Information Requirement Analysis : Process modeling with physical and logical Data Flow Diagrams, Data
Modeling with Logical Entity Relationship Diagrams;
Developing a Proposal : Feasibility study and cost estimation.
System Design : Design of input and control, Design of output and Control, File Design/Database design,
Process Design, User Interface Design; Protyping; Software Constructions; Documentation.
Application Development Methodologies and CASE Tools: Information Engineering, Structured Systems
Analysis and Design and Object oriented Methodologies for Application Development Data Modeling, User
Interface Design and Prototyping, Use of Computer Aided Software Engineering(CASE) tools in Analysis,
Design and Implementation , Object Oriented Database.
Design and Implementation of OOPs Plateform: Object Oriented and Design through Object Modeling
Technique, Object Modeling Dynamic Modeling and Functional Modeling Object Oriented Design and Object
Oriented Programming system for implementations, Object Oriented Database.
Managerial Issue in Software Projects: Introduction to Software Markets, Planning of Software Projects,
Size and Cost estimation, Project Scheduling Measurement of Software Quality and Productivity, ISO and
Capability Maturity Models for organizational Growth.
The Course should be based on the lectures case analysis and laboratory work cases should be used to
illustrate each measure topic in the course.
Haryszkiewyz, I.T., Introduction of Systems Analysis and Design , PHI
Rajaraman, V. , Analysis and Design of Information Systems , PHI
Senn, J.A., Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill
Whiten, J.K., Bentley, L.D., Beslow, V.M., Systems Analysis and Design Methods , Galgotia Publications
Pvt Ltd
Semester: II
S-2.1- Object Oriented Programming with C++
Introduction : Object Oriented theme, Usefulness of Object Oriented Development Object modeling technique
Object and Classes, Link and Associations, Coupling Constructs. Advance Object Modeling.
Aggregation, Abstract Class, Multiple Inheritance, Meta Data, Candidate Key Constraints, Nested State
Advanced dynamic modeling; Concepts.
Functional Modeling: Functional Model, Data Flow Diagram, Relation of Functional to Object and dynamic
Dynamic model: Events and States, Operations, Nested State Diagram, Concurrency, Advance Dynamic
Modeling, Concept, Sample Dynamic Model, Relation of Object and dynamic Model.
System Design: Overview, Breaking a system into subsystem, identifying concurrency allocation, Subsystems
to processors and tasks, management of data stores, handling global data resource, choosing software control
implementation handling boundary conditions, setting trade off priorities, command architectural framework,
architecture of ATM systems.
Object Design:
Overview, Combining of Object Models, Design Optimization, Implementation of Control, Design of
Association, Object Representation, Physical Packing. Implementation using C++
1. James Rambaugh, Michael Blaha, W.Premerlani, F.Reddy, W. Lorensen : Object Oriented Modeling and
2. Barkakati Nabajyotiz, Object Oriented Programming in C++.
1. Deiltel. H.M. An Introduction to Operating Systems Addison Wesley Publishing
2. Milenkovic, M, Operating Systems. Concepts and Design. McGraw Hill International Computer
Science Series 1992.
3. Galvin. Peter Baer., Abraham Sltberschatz, Operating System Concepts. Addison Wesley Publishing
Company, 1989.
4. Tanenbaum, A.S., Modem Operating Systems, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
S-2.3 Discrete Mathematics:
Mathematical logic: Statements and Notation, Connectives, Normal Forms, Theory of Inference for the
statement Calculus, Predicate Calculus, Inference theory of the Predicate Calculus.
Set-Theory: Basic Concepts of Set Theory, Representation of Discrete Structures, RelaUons and ordering,
Functions, Natural Numbers, Recursion.
Algebraic Structures: Algebraic Systems, Semi groups and Monoids, Grammars and Languages, Polish
Expressions and Their Compilation, Groups.
Lattices and Boolean Algebra: lattices as partially Ordered Sets, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions,
Representation and Minimization or Boolean Functions, Finite-state machines.
Graph-Theory: Basic Concepts of graph theory, Storage representation, and Manipulation of Graphs
Trees, List and Graph. Simple precedence grammars.
1.Tremblay., J.P. and Manohar R, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Application to Computer
Science, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
S-2.4 Principles of Accounting:
Basic Accounting and conventions underlying preparation of Financial Statements (balance sheet
highlighting accounting equation, Profit and loss statement; accounting processes; basic accounts, trial
balance and financial statements; Issues such as provisions for bad debts, tax, dividends, losses, such as bad
debts, missing Information. Classification effect, cost of assets, rentals, etc), Income Measurement (revenue;
recognition and matching costs and revenues; Inventory valuation), Depreciation Accounting; Intangible
Assets Accounting; Understanding published annual accounts including fund flow statement.
Basic Cost Concepts: Introduction, cost classification, allocation, appointment and absorption, cost centers.
Cost Analysis for Managerial Decisions (direct costing, break-even analysis; relevant costs; pricing-joint
costs; make or buy; relevant fixed costs and sunk costs). Cost Analysis for Control (standard costing;
variances; material labour, overhand, sales and profit), Standard Cost Accounting (budgeting and control;
elements of budgeting; control of manufacturing and manufacturing expenses; performances appraisal,
evaluation of cost control systems).
Introduction to Management Control Systems: Goals, Strategies, and Key Variables, Performance
Measures, Responsibility Centers and Transfer Price. Investment Centers, Reporting Systems, Management
by Objectives, Budgeting and Control, Organizational Relationships in Control; Control Dynamics; Top
Management and Control; Strategic and long-range Planning; Control of Service Organisations; Control of
Projects; Control of Non-Profit Organisations; Control of Multinational Companies.
1. Bhatttacharya, S.K. and Dearden, John, Accounting for Management, Prentice hall of India, New
2. Chadwick, The Essence of Financial Accounting, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.
3. Chadwick, The Essence of Management Accounting, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Homgren, Sunden and Selto (9th ed), Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice Hall of India.
5. Welch, Hilton and Gordon (5th ed) Budgeting : Profit Planning and Control, Prentice Hall of India.
Semester: III
S-3.1 Database Management Systems:
Basic Concepts: Database & Database Users, Characteristics or the Database, Database Systems. Concepts &
Architecture, Data Models, Schemas & Instances, DBMS Architecture & Data Independence, Data Base
languages & Interfaces, Data Modeling using the Entity-Relationship Approach, E-R Diagrams. Data
Relational Model, Languages & Systems : Relational Data Model Concepts, Relational Model Constraints, Relational
Algebra, SQL A Relational Database language, Data Definition in SQL, View & Queries In SQL, Specifying Constraints
& Indexes In SQL, Specifying Constraints lit Indexes In SQL, A Relational Database Management Systems
Conventional Data Models & Systems: Network Data Model, Membership types & options in a set, DML for the
network model, Navigation within a network database, Hierarchical Data Model, Hierarchical Database structure HSAM,
HDAM & HIDAM organisation, DML for hierarchical model, Overview of IMS.
Relational Data Base Design: Functional dependencies, Normal forms based on primary keys (I NF, 2NF, 3NF, &
BCNF), Loss-less Join & Dependency preserving decomposition, De-normalization.
Concurrency Control & Recovery Techniques: Concurrency Control Techniques, Locking Techniques, Time stamp
ordering, Granularity of Data Items, Recovery Techniques, Recovery concepts, Database backup and recovery from
catastrophic failures.
Concepts or Object oriented data base management systems, Data Warehousing, Data Mining
1. Date, C.J., An Introduction to Database Systems, Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi.
2. Desai. B., An Introduction to Database Concepts, Galgotia Publications. New Delhi.
3. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison Wesley, New York.
4. Ullman, J.D., Principles of Database Systems, Galgotia Publications. New Delhi.
5. Leon Brothers, Database Management System, Vikas Publications.
and IEEE 802.4, metropolitan area networks (MANs), ANSI fiber distributed data Interface., COMA and mobile
Switching and Routing in Networks: Message switching, packet switching, when and when not to use packet
switching, packet routing,
Packet switching support to circuit switching networks.
TCP / IP: TCP /IP and Internetworking, example of TCP/IP operations, related protocols, ports and sockets. The IP
address structurem, major features of IP, IPV6, IP datagram. Major IP services. IP source routing, value of the
transport layer, TCP, Major features or TCP, passive and active operation, the transmission control block (TCB), route
discovery protocols, and examples of route discovery protocols, application layer protocols.
Personal Computer Networks: Personal computer communications characteristics, error handling, Using the
personal computer as a server, file transfer on personal computers, personal computers and local area networks,
network operating systems (NOSs).
1. Black. U., Computer Networks. Protocols, Standards and Interfaces, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Tannenbum. A., Computer Networks, Prentice Hall of India.
S-3.3. IT Elective I
1. Environment- Elements, Process and Factors.
2. The Atomosphere- Composition, Structure and Factors [Light & Temperature]
3. Environmental Toxicology- Pollution and Pollutants.
Air Pollution Nature and Source of Pollution Methods of Monitoring and Control of Air Pollution. Acid Rain,
Photochemical smog, Green House Effect and Global warning, Ozone depletion, Effect of Pollutants on climatic
Noise Pollution- Nature and Source of Noise Pollution, Noise Exposure limits and Standard, Noise control and
abatement measures.
Radioactive and Thermal Pollution : 4. Computer Environment Management- Influence of Temperature, Humidity,
Dust and noise interference on the performance of computer system. Promotion and maintenance.
5.Central Theme of Environmental Management, Environmental Management Plan, [EMP], Environment
Act 1986 and Earth Summit 1992, Environmental Acts and Laws.
6.Global and National Environmental Protection.
7. Application of Systems Analysis Procedure to Ecology- Approach Mathematical Models and tools, Environment
1. Odum, E.P., Fundamentals of Ecology, W.B., Saunders Company, London.
2. Vishwapremi, K.K.C., Fundamentals of Toxicology, Central Book Depot, Allahabad.
S. 3.5 Oracle &Elective Lab
Semester: IV
S-4.1 Visual Programming with Visual Basic:
Visual Programming The Fundamentals of Visual Basic, Introduction, VB Editions, Working
with Visual Basic IDE, The elements of the user-Interface, Designing the user-Interface,
Programming an application, Visual Development and Event-driven programming, Customizing the
Visual Basic The Language Visual basic projects, the project file, variables, constants, Arrays,
Collections, procedures, arguments, function returns values, control flow statements, looping
statements, nested control structures, exit statement.
Working with forms - The appearance of the form, designing menus, building dynamic forms,
drag and drop operations, mouse conflicts manual drag, dragging list Items.
Basic Active X Controls The textbox control, the list box and combo box controls, the scroll bar
and slider controls, the file controls.
Drawing with Visual Basic Graphics controls, co-ordinate systems, graphics methods,
optimisation Issues. Manipulating color and pixels, using the paint picture method, processign
Advanced Active X controls- The common dialogs control, using the common dialog control, the
treeview and Listview controls, The Imagelist control, viewing a folder and files, The rich text box
control, the RTF language, the msflexgrid control.
Multiple document Interfaces MDI applications, parent and child MDI forms, Accessing child
forms, Implementing scrolling forms.
Recursive Programming Basic concepts, recursion, binary search, scanning folders recursively,
building a custom explorer, the stack mechanism, Special Issues In recursive programming.
Optimizing VB Application, The Windows API, OLE automation end VBA.
Building Active X Components, Building Active X Controls.
Database Programming with VB The Active Data objects, data environment, sql, mshflexgrid
control, ado, Dao library Report designing using Data Report and Crystal report. Interfacing with
MS-Access & Oracle database.
Packaging and distributing applications using application wizard / Visual Basic and The Web.
Evangelous, P., Mastering Visual Basic 6, Techmedia.
S-4.2 Software Engineering:
Software life Cycle: Waterfall, Spiral, Prototyping Fourth generation techniques. SW Process,
Software requirements specification (SRS), Fact-Finding Techniques, Characteristics of a good
SRS: Unambiguous, Complete, Verifiable, Consistent. Modiflable. Traceable and usable during the
operation end Maintenance phase. Prototype outline for SRS.
System Analysis: SAURABHAMIT tools& Techniques, Prototyping, Structured Programming.
Elements of good design, Design Issues, Features of a modern GUI. Menus, scrolling, Windows,
Icons, Panels, Error messages, etc.
User Manual: User Profile, Contents of an User Manual: Student is urged to install and use a
software using Its user manual and report the strengths and weakness of that user manual.
Software Configuration Mangement: Base line, SCM process, Version Control, Change
Software quality assurance, ISO 9000 standards for software design. Software testing, software
Project Management.
Computer Aided Software Engineering: CASE, Tools for Project management support, Analysis
& design, Programming. Prototyping, Maintenance. Future of CASE.
1. Jalote, P. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering. Narosa 1991.
2. Pressman. R.S., Software Engineering, A Practitioners Approach. Third Edition. Mc Graw
Hil. International Edition, 1992.
3. Whitten, Bentley and Barlow, System Analysis and Design Methods. Second Edition.
Galgotia Publications 1996.
S-4.3 Statistical Computing & Optimisational Techniques:
Section- A : Moments, Correlation, Regression, Sampling Thereon.
Sampling Distribution & Tests of Significance: Test of Significance X2 Distribution,
Distribution of sample mean and sample variable, t and f-distribution, large sample tests of mean
and proportion. Test based on X2t and f-Distributions.
Time Series: Various components of a time series, their determination, Index numbers.
Statistical Quality Control
Section- B Linear programming fundamentals, definition & problems of L.P.P., Transportation
and Assignment.
Integral Programming- Gomery cutting plane methods Branch and bound method.
Queering Theory- Characteristics gueving systems, steady rate M/M/I, M/M/1/K and M/M/C
Queering Models.
Arrow Networks- Time estimates- earliest expected time, latest allowable occurance time and
slach-critical path probability of meeting scheduled date of completion of project-calculations
on CPM Network-various floaks for activities critical path- updating project- operation timecost trade off curve-Project Time Cost trade off curve- Selection of Schedule based cost
(Remarks: No Mathematical Derivations included)
1. Kapur, J.N., H.C, Saxena Mathematical Statistics
2. Kanti Swarup, P.K. Gupta & Manmohan Operation Research.
IT- E4.3: Advanced Programming with Java;
Multithreading in Java Multithreading, Creating Threads, Thread priorities, Synchronization, Inter
thread Communication, Creating Animation Using Threads, Adding Sound to Animation Using
Threads, Reducing Animation Flickering.
Abstract Window Toolkit Understanding AWT, Using AWT Components, Layout Managers,
Insets, and Case Study of an Example system.
Event handling in AWT- Event handling in Java, Handling Mouse clicks, Handling Mouse
Movements, Handling keyboard Events, Handling Components events.
Streams and Object Serialization Introduction to streams, Input Stream Class, Output Stream
Class, Byte Array Input Stream Class, Byte Array Output Stream Class, File Stream, Filtered I/O,
Character Array Streams, Buffered Reader and Writer Classes, Random Access File Class, Object
Streams, Case study of an example system.
Data Structures Using Collection API, Introduction to Swing programming, Advanced Swing
programming, Signed Applets, Security and JDBC.
URLs and Socket Programming, Distributed programming with Java, Java Beans.
1. Complete Reference to Java, TechMedia Publications.
Semester: V
S- 5.1 Internet and Web Designing:
Internet Applications- Introduction to Internet, World Wide Web, Gopher, News Groups,
Electronic Mail, Messaging, Internet Telephony. USENET system and its terminology. History of
the Web, Growth of the web in past decade, protocols governing the web, web applications,
Downloading information from Internet using FTP, FTP protocol, FTP command on different
operating system. TCP/IP Protocol, HTTP, NNTP, SMTP, IMAP, POP, Telnet. Security aspects of
the web.
Working with web browser Internet Explorer / Netscape Navigator. Setting up Internet
connection using dial-up or leased line. Browsing the internet. Web based E-mail service provider,
Mail reader- Outlook / Communicator. Instant Messaging using MSN Messenger/ Yahoo
Messenger. MIRC, Public Chat rooms participation using Ms-Chat, Web Folder. Setting up Proxy.
Web Page Designer Front Page, Visual Interdev, HTML language, HTML Tags, designing web
pages using HTML/ DHTML. Scripting Languages- VB Script / Jscript. Using Cookies on web
page, Designing Forms on web page. Using Free web site hosting provided by companies like
Yahoo, angelfire etc on Internet for setting up a web site. Placing images, animations and sound on
web page. Using hit counter on a web page.
Setting up a local web server using IIS or PWS on windows machine, Using UNIX system to host a
website. Designing pages using ASP or CGI/PERL. Interfacing with Database, Web pages providig
Interface for storing information into database, perform query in database, showing reports using
database on a web page.
S-5.2 Computer System Architecture:
Introduction of Parallel Processing : Introduction of Parallel Processing : Parallel Processing
mechanism, Parallelism in uniprocessor system, parallel computer models.
Program and Network Properties: Conditions of parallelism, program partitioning and
scheduling, program flow mechanism, system interconnect architecture.
Processor and Memory Hierarchy: Advance processor technology, super scalar and vector
processors, memory hierarchy technology, and virtual memory technology.
Bus Cache and Shared Memory: Back plane bus system, cache memory organisations, shared
memory organisation.
Scalable Multithread and Dataflow Architectures: Latency hiding techniques, principles of
multi-threading, scalable and multithreaded architecture, data flow and hybrid architecture.
1. Hwang, K: Advance Computer Architecture, McGraw Hill.
2. Hwang, K & Briggs, F.A.: Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, McGraw Hill.
3. Evans, D.J. : Parallel Processing System, Cambridge University.
S-5.3 IT Elective III
S-5.4 B.M. Elective I
S-5.5 Organisational Behaviour :
Semester VI
S-6.1 - Seminar
S-6.2 - Project
List of Electives
IT E3.1: SQL Server
Introduction- SQL Server 2000. Relational Database Management System and Conventional
database systems. Installing SQL Server. Working with Enterprise Manager. Configuring a
Database. Creating Tables, Views. Defining constraints, Creating relationships. Designing Database
diagram. Creating Indexes. Creating user-defined data types, Creating Stored Procedures and
Working with Query Analyzer. Writing queries. Using relational operators like project, join,
Intersect, union, difference. Built-in SQL functions. Performing data manipulation from query
analyzer. Query optimization.
Creating Users, Setting up security, Granting Permissions and authorizations. Defining roles,
Performing backup and recovery. Importing and exporting tables.
Using OLE DB, ADO for interfacing with front-end applications designs in VB etc.
IT E3.2: Developer- 2000
Introduction- Oracle Application Development Tools. Windows Interface, Object Navigators,
Toolbars, Properties window, Layout Editors, PL/SQL Editors, Defaulting Capabilities, Interactive
Debuggers, Online Documentation, Object-Oriented features.
Introducing Oracle Forms, Forms Modules, Windows, Canvas views, Stocks, Items, Triggers.
Designer- Object Navigator, Properties Window, Layout Editor, List of Values, PL/SQL Editor,
Menu Editor, Libraries.
Introducing Oracle Reports- Queries, Fields, Triggers, Object Navigator, Report Designer
Toolbar, Property Sheets, Data Model Editor, Parameter from editor, Program unit editor, Default
layout, Default parameter form.
Introducing Oracle Graphics- Queries, Charts, Templates, Triggers, Designer Object Navigator,
Graphics Designer Toolbar, Property Sheet, Layout Editor, Chart Template Editor.
1. Bayross, Ivan., Commercial Application Development using Oracle Developer 2000 Forms
5.0 BPB Publishing.
IT E3.3: Object-Oriented Programming and Java:
Introduction to Java What is Java, Java versions and Environments, Features of Java, Program
Types in Java, Java Language Components, Programming Constructs, Arrays.
OOP in Java Object Oriented Programming Concepts, Creating Classes and Objects, Memory
Management, Casting, Constructors, Comparing Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Command
Line Arguments, Reflection Class, Case study of an example system.
Abstract Class, Interface and package Modifiers and Access Control, Abstract Classes and
Methods, Interfaces, What are Packages ?
Applets and 2D Graphics- Overview of Applets, Passing Parameters to Applets, Graphics, Fonts
and Colors, Adding Images to Applets, Adding Sound to Applets, Copying and Clearing Screens,
Using Java 2D.
Exception handling Understanding Exceptions, How to Handle Exceptions, Multiple catch
clauses, Nested try statements, Creating user defined exceptions, When not to use exceptions.
Event handling in AWT- Event handling in Java, Handling Mouse clicks, Handling Mouse
Movements, Handling keyboard Events, Handling Components events.
Streams and Object Serialization Introduction to streams, Input Stream Class, Output Stream
Class, Byte Array Input Stream Class, Byte Array Output Stream Class, File Stream, Filtered I/O,
Character Array Streams, Buffered Reader and Writer Classes, Random Access File Class, Object
Streams, Case study of an example system.
Data Structures Using Collection API, Introduction to Swing programming, Advanced Swing
programming, Signed Applets, Security and JDBC.
URLs and Socket Programming, Distributed programming with Java, Java Beans.
2. Complete Reference to Java, TechMedia Publications.
IT E5.1: Computer Graphics:
I/O Devices: Study of various input and output devices, CRT, LCD.
Line Generation : Points, lines, planes, vectors, pixels and frame buffers, vector and character
Graphics primitives: Display devices, primitive operations, display file structures, display control
Polygons: Polygon representation, entering polygons, filling polygons.
Transformation: Matrix Transformation, transformation routines, display procedures.
Segments: Segment table, creating, closing, deleting and renaming a segment visibility. Image
Windowing and Clipping: Viewing transformation, clipping, generalized clipping, multiple
Interaction: Hardware Input device handling algorithms, event handling, echoing interactive
Three Dimension: 3D Geometry primitives, transformation, projection, clipping.
Hidden line and Surface: Back-face removal algorithms, Hidden Line methods. Randering and
Introduction to curve generation, Bezier, Hermits and B-spline algorithms and their comparison.
1. Gilof, W.K., Interaction Computer Graphics, Prentice-Hall.
2. Memmon, W., Sprout, R.F., Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Mcgraw-Hill.
3. Rogers, D.F., Procedural elements for Computer Graphics, Mcgraw-Hill.
4. Herrington, S., Computer Graphics : A Programming Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill.
5. Foley, J.D., Van dam A, Fundamentals of the Interactive Computer Graphics, Addison Wesley.
6. Hearn D., Bakar P.M., Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall.
IT E5.2: Artificial Intelligence and Application:
Overview of Artificial Intelligence, AI Definition, AI and its application area, Importance of AI,
Early works in AI.
Knowledge:General Concepts, Definition and Importance of Knowledge. Knowledge Layout
Systems, Representation of Knowledge, Knowledge organization and manipulation. Acquisition of
LISP and other AI programming languages. Introduction in LISP, Functions, Predicates and
Conditionals, Input, Output and Local variables. Iteration and Recursion, Property Lists and Arrays
PROLOG and other AI Programming languages.
Formalized Symbolic Logics: Syntax and Semantic for Propositional Logic Systems and Semantic
FOPL, Properties of Wffs, Conversion in Clausual form, Inference rules,, The resolution principle,
Non-deductive Inference Methods, Representation using rules.
1. Clarke., Keith C., Parks., Bradley O, Crane Michael P., Geographic Information Systems and
Environmental Modeling, (EEE) PHI.
IT- E5.5: E-Commerce:
Introduction: Electronic Commerce Framework, E-Commerce Applications, Network
Infrastructure for e-commerce, Network access equipments. The Internet as a network
Infrastructure, NSNET. Business of Internet Commercialization, Network security and the walls.
E-commerce and World Web web, WWW as the architecture. Web background , Hypertext
Publishing, Security and the web Consumer oriented electronic Commerce, Mercantile Process
Models, Electronic Payment Systems.
Interorganizational Commerce and EDI, EDI Applications in Business, Legal, Security and Privacy
Issues. Standardization and EDI, EDI Software implementation, EDI Envelope for message
transport, VANs Internet based EDI, Internal Information System, Workflow automation and
coordination, Supply chain management.
Digital Library, Document Library, Types of Digital documents, Corporate data warehouses,
Advertising and Marketing on the Internet. Consumer Search and Resource Discovery On Demand
Education and Digital Copyrights.
Software Agents, Internet Protocol Suite, TCP/IP, Multimedia and Digital Video, Broadband
Telecommunication, Mobile and Wireless computing fundamentals. Structured Documents.
1. Kalakota & Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addition Wesley, Pearson
2. Bayross., Ivan, Web Enabled Commercial Application Development using HTML, DHTML,
Script, Perl & CGI, BPB Publication.
IT- E5.6 Multimedia Technology:
Introduction, Emerging applications, Computer communications and Entertainment Product,
bybook, Devices, distributed multimedia systems, synchronization, ortestration and QOS
Architecture Frame work for multimedia system, Digital audio representation and processing, Video
technology over multimedia, Digital Video and Image Compression, Operating system support for
continuous media applications, Middle wave system services architecture, Multimedia Devices,
Multimedia File system and Information models, Knowledge-based multimedia system, User
interface, Various multimedia Software, Performance parameters of multimedia system, concept of
open shared work space.
1. John F, Koregel Buford, Multimedia System.
2. Raft Stenmetz and Klara Mashrsled Multimedia computing communication & Application.
BM F5.1: Managerial Economics:
Nature and Scope of managerial economics. Objectives of the firm. Managerial and behavioral
theories of the firm. Concepts of opportunity cost, incremental, time perspective Principles of
discounting and equal margins. Demand analysis-purposes and concepts. Elasticity of demand.
Methods of demand forecasting.
Product and Cost analysis: Short run and long run average cost curves. Law of supply, Economics
and diseconomics of scale. Law of variable proportions.
Production function: Single output isoquants.
Pricing: Prescriptive approach. Price determination under perfect competition. Monopoly,
oligopoly and monopolistic competition, full cost pricing, product line pricing. Pricing strategies.
Profits: Nature and measurement policy. Break-even analysis. Case study.
1. Dean J., Management Economics, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Mote, V.L., et. Al. Managerial Economics: Concepts and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill.