TestpolEng 2
TestpolEng 2
TestpolEng 2
The CDC Dengue Branch provides dengue testing free of cost to submitting physicians, state and private
laboratories. To adequately determine what laboratory tests are necessary, correctly provide a clinical
diagnosis and to assure that test results are received by the requesting physician, the following
information is essential:
Samples without the above-mentioned information, written with illegible handwriting or with more
than a month from date of sample collection to date of arrival at CDC, will not be tested.
In circumstances of a dengue outbreak or cases of severe disease such as hemorrhagic manifestations,
the CDC Dengue Branch will promptly analyze samples received with the minimum above-mentioned
information. If number of specimens exceeds laboratory capacity, testing may be prioritized in the
following order:
fatal cases ),
all other DF cases.
samples. Therefore, plasma separated in lavender (EDTA) or green (heparin) top tubes are
acceptable for PCR testing only, not for serology testing. These samples should also be stored and
sent to the CDC Dengue Branch in the conditions specified for sera.
5. To diagnose dengue, the laboratory requires a serum sample obtained during the acute phase of the
infection (DPO=0-5). If this sample is negative, then a second convalescent serum sample (that can
be taken from day 6 after the onset of symptoms) is required to confirm the case. Informing the
patient about the importance of returning for a second sample, and providing an appointment for a
specific day and hour, will increase the probability of obtaining the second sample.
6. Acute-phase samples (taken on or before day 5 after onset of symptoms), will be tested by RT-PCR
for virus detection and convalescent-phase samples (taken on or after day 6 after beginning of
symptoms) will be tested for anti-dengue IgM antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays
(ELISA). Differential diagnosis for dengue and WN virus is available; but these tests need to be
requested according to clinical presentation.
Type of
Interval since
the onset of symptoms
Type of analysis
until day 5
6 or more days
Samples taken on days 4 and 5 of illness are of low yield for isolation as well as serology.
7. Reports will be sent to the physician (if the return address has been indicated) with the results of
positive or negative cases. In cases with negative RT-PCR results, we will wait for a convalescentphase sample before reporting a result. If a convalescent sample is not obtained, the case will be
considered indeterminate.
8. Results will be reported only to the laboratory or the physician who sent the sample (or authorized
Mailing address:
Dengue Branch, CDC
1324 Caada St.
Puerto Nuevo
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920-3860
Points of contact:
Dr. Jorge Muoz ckq2@cdc.gov for molecular testing
Dr. Elizabeth Hunsperger enh4@cdc.gov for serology testing
[ ] Sample
Type of sample
Type of analysis
of onset of symptoms
Up to 5 days
6 or more days