Career Guidance Guaid - VVV Good
Career Guidance Guaid - VVV Good
Career Guidance Guaid - VVV Good
Table of Contents
Philosophy and Rationale
Aim and Goals of Middle Level Career Guidance
Foundational and Learning Objectives
Unique Needs of Middle Level Students
Career Development Needs of Middle Level Students
Systemic Barriers in Career Development
Components and Initiatives of Core Curriculum
Adaptive Dimension
Common Essential Learnings
Gender Equity
Resource-based Learning
Career Resource Centre
Indian and Mtis Curriculum Perspectives
Relating Instructional Approaches to Middle Level Students
Assessment and Evaluation
Why Consider Assessment and Evaluation
Phases of the Evaluation Process
Student Evaluation
Program Evaluation
Curriculum Evaluation
Using the Curriculum Guide
Course Overview
Structure of the Classroom Activity
Saskatchewan Education, Training, and Employment gratefully acknowledges the
professional contributions and advice given by the members of the Student and Career
Development Curriculum Advisory Committee. Current members of this committee are:
Ms Marion Acaster
Saskatchewan Federated Home and School Association
North Battleford School Division
Mr. Marc Jaques
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Timerline School Division No. 45
Ms Brenda Brandon
Saskatchwan School Trustees Association
Yorkton Public School Division
Mr. Orest Murawsky
Indian and Mtis Ed. Advisory Committee
University of Saskatchewan
Ms Eunice Cameron
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Regina Public School Division
Dr. Joe Neufeld
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Regina
Mr. Bill Coulthard
Career Services
SIAST - Wascana Institute
Mr. Fred Ozirney
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Saskatoon School Division
Mr. Robert A. Dauphinais
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Regina Catholic School Division
Dr. Fred Reekie
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Saskatchewan
Ms Wendy Edwards
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Saskatoon Public School Division
Mr. Rick Slaferek
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Mr. Morris Smith
League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents
Lloydminister School Division No. 99
Dr. Walter Pawlovich
Ms Linda Weigl
Dr. Lloyd Njaa
Mr. Peter Ferner
Ms Janie Powell
Ms Linda Dewhirst
Ms Debbie Ward
Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment wishes to thank many others who
contributed to the development of this Curriculum Guide:
This curriculum document was completed by Career Services Unit, Student Support
Services Branch under the direction of the Curriculum and Instruction Branch,
Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment.
In May, 1981, the Minister of Education established a Curriculum and Instruction Review
Committee to conduct the first major review of education since 1963. The result was
Directions: The Final Report, presented to the Minister in December 1983, that
recommended a new set of educational goals and recommended a K-12 program policy
for Saskatchewan schools.
Core Curriculum, an outcome of Directions, emphasizes basic skills and introduces new
knowledge, skills and processes based on a K-12 continuum. The major components of
Core Curriculum are: Required Areas of Study, Common Essential Learnings, the
Adaptive Dimension, and Locally-Determined Options. Guidance at the Middle Level
(grades 6 to 9) has been identified in the Core Curriculum as requiring instruction for 50
minutes per week, per grade level. At the Secondary Level, guidance and counselling is
identified as a Service Area, with Career Education as an elective credit in grades 10, 11,
and 12. At the Elementary Level, guidance may be integrated into other subject areas or
offered as a Locally-Determined Option.
Saskatchewan Education, Training, and Employment gratefully acknowledges the
professional contributions and advice given by the members of the Student and Career
Development Curriculum Advisory Committee. Current members of this committee are:
Ms Marion Acaster
Saskatchewan Federated Home and School Association
North Battleford School Division
Mr. Marc Jaques
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Timerline School Division No. 45
Ms Brenda Brandon
Saskatchwan School Trustees Association
Yorkton Public School Division
Mr. Orest Murawsky
Indian and Mtis Ed. Advisory Committee
University of Saskatchewan
Ms Eunice Cameron
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Regina Public School Division
Dr. Joe Neufeld
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Regina
Mr. Bill Coulthard
Career Services
SIAST - Wascana Institute
Mr. Fred Ozirney
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Saskatoon School Division
Mr. Robert A. Dauphinais
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Regina Catholic School Division
Dr. Fred Reekie
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Saskatchewan
Ms Wendy Edwards
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Saskatoon Public School Division
Mr. Rick Slaferek
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Mr. Morris Smith
League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents
Lloydminister School Division No. 99
Dr. Walter Pawlovich
Ms Linda Weigl
Dr. Lloyd Njaa
Mr. Peter Ferner
Ms Janie Powell
Ms Linda Dewhirst
Ms Debbie Ward
Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment wishes to thank many others who
contributed to the development of this Curriculum Guide:
This curriculum document was completed by Career Services Unit, Student Support
Services Branch under the direction of the Curriculum and Instruction Branch,
Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment.
In May, 1981, the Minister of Education established a Curriculum and Instruction Review
Committee to conduct the first major review of education since 1963. The result was
Directions: The Final Report, presented to the Minister in December 1983, that
recommended a new set of educational goals and recommended a K-12 program policy
for Saskatchewan schools.
Core Curriculum, an outcome of Directions, emphasizes basic skills and introduces new
knowledge, skills and processes based on a K-12 continuum. The major components of
Core Curriculum are: Required Areas of Study, Common Essential Learnings, the
Adaptive Dimension, and Locally-Determined Options. Guidance at the Middle Level
(grades 6 to 9) has been identified in the Core Curriculum as requiring instruction for 50
minutes per week, per grade level. At the Secondary Level, guidance and counselling is
identified as a Service Area, with Career Education as an elective credit in grades 10, 11,
and 12. At the Elementary Level, guidance may be integrated into other subject areas or
offered as a Locally-Determined Option.
Young people today are facing a complex and rapidly changing society. A review of the
literature reveals that despite a great deal of effort being put forth by schools and
government agencies, an increasingly large proportion of Canadian youth have and will
continue to experience difficulty in making the transition from the world of school to the
world of work.
Over the last few decades significant economic, social, political, and technological
changes have made it difficult for young people to adapt to the numerous employment
trends. These trends include:
the shift from the production/ manufacturing sector to the service sector;
the increase in computer technology;
the increase in part time, temporary and seasonal positions;
the increase in the number of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in
the work force;
the increase in unemployment and in low-paying positions;
the increase in the number of job changes that one can expect during a lifetime.
Young people must be prepared to cope with these changing trends by having the
capacity to be resourceful, adaptable and flexible amidst change and ambiguity. It is in
this context of constant change that adolescents must make decisions regarding their life
careers. Cooperative efforts of the school, home and community are needed to help young
people successfully make the transition from school to the world of work.
Career development is a life long process. It is the total constellation of psychological,
sociological, educational, physical, economical and choice factors that combine to shape
a young person's life. In order to help guide young people in their career paths, career
education should be seen as a central theme in all schools.
A comprehensive career education program in all schools is an important strategy for
assisting youth with school to work transition. It has received wide spread support
throughout many jurisdictions in Canada and the United States. Effective career
development intervention must begin early in primary grades and continue intoadult
years. Efforts to intervene in the life career process can accelerate or strengthen the
acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills about self and the world of work.
Level Career Guidance Program should be to empower all students to reach their fullest
Studies of guidance and counselling programs across Canada, reports by the business
community, and feedback from parents have raised concerns that many young people do
not have the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to make a successful transition
from school to the world of work. Career planning is not instinctive. Young people must
be provided with information and taught basic knowledge, skills and attitudes to facilitate
a smooth journey from adolescence to adulthood. Life career development is selfdevelopment over the life span. It occurs through the integration of the roles, settings and
events in a person's life (see Figure 1: Life Career Development Model). The word life in
life career means that the focus is on the total person -- the human career. The word
career identifies and relates the roles in which individuals are involved, such as (worker,
learner, family member, citizen), the settings where individuals find themselves (home,
school, community, workplace), and the events that occur over their lifetimes (entry job,
parenthood, job change, retirement). Finally, the word development is used to indicate
that individuals are always in the process of becoming.
According to the concept of life career development, it is practically unthinkable to
prepare young people for their life of work without occupational exploration. This is
accomplished through the student's school subjects and extra curricular activities with the
help of parents, teachers, friends and representatives of the world of work and the
community. This way of proceeding not onlyallows the students to explore who they are
but to explore their surroundings. Thus the students can be exposed to a whole range of
occupational opportunities, establish a relation between their personal characteristics and
those of occupations, and acquire more information about the knowledge, skills and
values required in the world of work.
The life career development of young people should be a process of planned intervention
whereby educators, parents, government agenciesand community members work together
to provide students with hope for the future and to empower them to believe in
themselves. Young people need help to keep their eyes open for opportunities in the
world that will allow them to fulfil their values, beliefs and interests and to reach their
fullest potential. Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment has developed the
Middle Level Career Guidance Curriculum to specifically address the life career
development needs of its students at this educational level.
These goals are based on the Directions philosophy for Saskatchewan (see Figure 2:
Middle Level Career Guidance Goals). They build upon the introductory work that has
occurred at the kindergarten and Elementary Level (grades 1 to 5) where students are
introduced to career development at the awareness level. In these grades students are
developing a self-identity and a sense of self-worth and confidence. They are learning to
relate to peers, adults, and family members and to take responsibility for themselves.
They are beginning to develop a sense of belonging and a growing awareness of how
they can contribute to the complex and changing society around them. At the Middle
Level (grades 6-9), the Career Guidance Curriculum seeks to assist the developing
adolescent to move from seeking and meeting adult expectations to that of seeking and
meeting their own expectations through friendships and interactions with their peer
The specific characteristics of the Middle Level student (described in the following
section ) require a learning environment that is participative and action oriented. The
curriculum promotes exploration of various educational and occupational interests and
encourages students in the expression of their developing selves. The curriculum is
notintended to force students to make premature choices, rather it aims at helping
students to expand their occupational awareness and to relate their educational choices
and achievements to future requirements of school and the work world. It prepares
students for their transition into high school and for developing educational plans to
ensure their academic growth and continuing career development.
To achieve the goals of the curriculum, foundational objectives have been developed
which encompass broad areas of career development. In these areas, students attain
competencies (specific knowledge, skills and abilities) needed to prepare for satisfying
and productive careers. The objectives are consistent with the developmental capabilities
of students in the middle years. A complete listing of the foundational and learning
objectives of the curriculum is given on pages 5-8.
The curriculum is activity based. For each of the four grade levels, detailed activities
have been developed for use by classroom teachers. The activities are organized into four
modules, each module reflecting one of the curriculum goals. These activities are not
intended to be prescriptive. There are many ways for students to learn career
development knowledge, attitudes and skills and teachers are encouraged to discover and
develop alternative approaches.
Foundational Objective 3:
Knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to establish good work and study habits
Learning Objectives:
The Middle Level classroom is a transition period between education at the Elementary
Level and specialized education at the Secondary Level. Factors such as present-future
relationships, values, delayed gratification, personal responsibility, and choice
consequences have real implications for students during this period. How attitudes,
knowledge, and skills about self and the world of work are acquired has implications
beyond immediate adjustment at the Middle Level. Such development is also predictive
of success and satisfaction in the Secondary Level and beyond.
In planning this Career Guidance Program the following career development needs of
Middle Level students were taken into consideration
(Herr and Cramer, 1988, p. 254):
Since Middle Level students are in a transitional stage from the structure and
education of the elementary school to the less structured but more specialized
education of the secondary school, students must be provided with a broad range
of opportunities to explore their personal characteristics, aswell as, those of
educational options from which they may choose. Opportunities to relate
curricular options to the possible and subsequent educational and occupational
outcomes seem highly desirable.
Since wide ranges in career maturity, interests, values and abilities characterize
Middle Level students, a wide variety of methods are needed to accommodate the
range of individual differences.
Although students in the Middle Level are capable of verbal and abstract
behaviour, career exploration will be enhanced if they are given concrete, hands
on, direct experiences as well.
Fundamental to the rapid changes that Middle Level students are experiencing, is
a search for personal identity. Therefore, career guidance programs must
encourage students to explore their feelings, needs, and uncertainties as a base for
evaluating educational and occupational options. Values and belief clarifications
and other similar processes are helpful in this regard.
Educational and employment systems can work not only to not promote equity, but also
to place barriers in the way of those who differ from the dominant group. Schools must
use their influence to make an impact and to create equity for all young people.
Identity is inseparable from the specific culture that shapes it. In working with students, it
is important to consider the social context in which Middle Level students live and
interact, paying attention to the meaning and value that society gives to these identities.
Unfortunately, some geographic regions, economic classes, and races are more favoured
by society than others. In order to address the specific needs of students, teachers must
recognize these social inequalities and be aware of issues pertinent to students' cultural
backgrounds. It is important to:
In order to support the life career development of all students regardless of cultural or
socio-economic background or disability, Middle Level Career Guidance teachers can:
examine personal life knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the world of work,
reflecting on strengths and competencies and their relevance for various
experiment with occupational simulations and role playing.
model decision-making and problem-solving skills.
promote fundamental moral values stemming from a respect for persons.
become sensitive to cultural variations in personal style, values, manners, verbal
and non-verbal behaviours, emotional behaviour and learning style.
recognize that barriers exist with respect to attainment of career goals for
minorities and that the occupational aspirations must be adequately explored.
Above all, teachers need to begin by examining their own cultural, racial and ethnic
identities and being aware of how these impact on the students' perception of them and
the Middle Level classroom environment. Ethnocentrism, prejudice, racism, and
discrimination are all necessary issues to be taken into consideration when teaching
Each ethnic and racial group has its own history, its own achieved position within
Canadian society. These form the backdrop for the young person's own career
possibilities. Due to historical and contemporary forms of oppression and discrimination,
countervailing measures must be taken into consideration in the delivery of the Middle
Level Career Guidance Program.
Alter the pace of the lesson to ensure that students understand the concept being
presented or are being challenged by the presentation. One of the most basic
adaptations that can be made to assiststudents is to give them sufficient time to
explore, create, question, and experience as they learn.
Monitor the use of career guidance vocabulary. It is possible to use advanced and
simple vocabulary in the same lesson by incorporating both the words in a
sentence: "Pat was proficient or good at playing the game." This helps to satisfy
the requirements of some students, expand the vocabulary of others, and make the
lesson meaningful to others.
Vary the methods of instruction to meet the needs of all students.
Vary the manner in which students are required to respond.
The Adaptive Dimension includes all practices the teacher employs to make learning
meaningful and appropriate for each student. Because the Adaptive Dimension permeates
all teaching practice, sound professional judgement becomes the critical factor in decision
making. The Career Guidance Curriculum allows for such flexibility and decision
encouraged to think critically and creatively throughout a module, then the assessment at
the end of the module should also require students to think critically and creatively.
The incorporation of the Common Essential Learnings into instruction can best be
accomplished through teachers reflecting upon the Career Guidance objectives, their
teaching practices, and their students. By listening carefully to students and attempting to
understand their perspectives/viewpoints, teachers can better reflect students' interests
and concerns in the classroom experiences which they provide. It is anticipated that
teachers will build from the suggestions in this guide and from their personal reflections
in order to better incorporate the Common Essential Learnings into the Career Guidance
Throughout this curriculum guide, the following symbols may be used to refer to the
Common Essential Learnings:
Critical and Creative Thinking
Independent Learning
Personal and Social Values and Skills
Technological Literacy
For more information on the C.E.L.s, teachers may refer to Understanding the Common
Essential Learnings: A Handbook for Teachers (1988).
Gender Equity
Saskatchewan Education, Training, and Employment is committed to providing quality
education for all students in the K-12 system. Expectations based primarily on gender
limit students' ability to develop to their fullest potential. While some stereotypical views
and practices have disappeared, others remain. Where schools have endeavoured to
provide equal opportunity for male and female students, continued efforts are required so
that equality of benefit or outcome may be achieved. It is the responsibility of schools to
create an educational environment free of gender bias. This can be facilitated by
increased understanding and use of gender balanced material and non-sexist teaching
strategies. Both girls and boys need encouragement to explore a wide variety of options
based on aptitudes, abilities, and interests, rather than gender.
To reach the goal of gender equity in the K-12 system, Saskatchewan Education,
Training, and Employment is committed to efforts to bring about the elimination of
gender bias that restricts the participation and choices of students. It is important that the
Career Guidance Program reflects the variety of roles and the wide range of experiences,
behaviours and attitudes available to all members of society. The Career Guidance
curriculum strives to provide gender balanced content, activities and teaching strategies
described in inclusionary language. These actions are designed to assistteachers to create
an environment free of stereotyping and enable both girls and boys to share in all
experiences and opportunities which develop their abilities and talents to the fullest.
Saskatchewan teachers are responsible for integrating into the program resources that
reflect gender balance, and practices that provide opportunities for both girls and boys.
Teachers have a responsibility to evaluate all resources for bias and to teach students to
recognize such bias.
Resource-based Learning
Resource-based Learning involves use of a wide array of print, non-print and human
resources to assist students in learning the processes needed to find, analyze, and present
information. The focus is on students' needs, interests and abilities in the context of Core
Teachers can assist the development of attitudes and abilities for independent, life-long
learning by using a variety of resources and instructional approaches in their classrooms.
When students share the responsibility of setting goals, planning learning experiences,
and choosing suitable resources, motivation for learning increases.
The guidelines listed below may help teachers to implement Resource-based Learning:
Involve students in the planning process. Discuss topics, objectives and learning
experiences with students.
Incorporate a variety of print and non-print resources in modules. These materials
may include software, oral presentations, or audio-visual materials.
With the assistance of students and the teacher-librarian (if available), gather
appropriate resources. Consider community resources such as, mentors in the
community or guest speakers.
Collaborate with resource centre staff and other teachers to coordinate the
distribution and sharing of resources.
Participate in modules as a co-learner. Demonstrate genuine interest in acquiring
information and ideas.
Model the use and appreciation of learning materials as sources of enjoyment and
Assist in the establishment and maintenance of resource collections that support
the Career Guidance Program. On a regular basis, search for and alert resource
centre staff about new resources.
In order to help satisfy the Middle Level students' career guidance needs, Career Centres
can be a valuable asset to classroom instruction. They can either be a component of the
school library or a separate facility. Career centres can be developed by individual boards
for the use of their students or community-based, involving a collaborative effort by
educators, business, labour and community groups. Effective Career Resource Centres in
the 1990s and beyond will be multimedia in nature in order to accommodate the different
learning styles of Middle Level students.
Career Resource Centres serve a number of purposes:
Career Resource Centres may contain a variety of resources to support the following
areas: career information, educational information, job search information, career
planning information, and computer information.
Schools are deluged by demands from parents, business, industry, government and
thecommunity to prepare young people for the changes and uncertainties of the 21st
century. A Career Resource Centre can be a productive strategy for supporting classroom
instruction and school guidance services. Designing a career centre that is user-friendly,
budget-conscious, time-conscious, and space-conscious is a challenge, but can be very
effective in enhancing students' sense of self-esteem and control over their destiny.
The inclusion of Indian and Mtis perspectives benefits all students in a pluralistic
society. Cultural representation in all aspects of the school environment empowers
students with a positive group identity. Indian and Mtis resources foster a meaningful
and culturally identifiable experience for Indian and Mtis students, and promote the
development of positive attitudes in all students towards Indian and Mtis peoples. This
awareness of one's own culture and the cultures of others develops self-concept, enhances
learning, promotes an appreciation of Canada's pluralistic society, and supports universal
human rights.
Saskatchewan Indian and Mtis students come from different cultural backgrounds and
social environments including northern, rural, and urban areas. Teachers must understand
the diversity of the social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds of Saskatchewan Indian
and Mtis students. All educators need cross-cultural education, and increased awareness
of applied sociolinguistics, first and second language acquisition theory, and standard and
non-standard usage of language. Teachers must utilize a variety of teaching strategies that
match and build upon the knowledge, cultures, learning styles, and strengths that Indian
and Mtis students possess.
The Department's expectations for the appropriate inclusion of Indian and Mtis content
in curriculum and instruction are summarized in the following four points.
Curricula and materials will concentrate on positive images of Indian, Mtis, and
Inuit peoples.
Curricula and materials will reinforce and complement the beliefs and values of
Indian, Mtis, and Inuit peoples.
Curricula and materials will include historical and contemporary issues.
Curricula and materials will reflect the legal, political, social, economic, and
regional diversity of Indian, Mtis, and Inuit peoples.
Indian and Mtis Education Policy from Kindergarten to Grade XII (1989, page
Saskatchewan teachers are responsible for integrating into the appropriate modules of
their programs resources that reflect accurate and sufficient Indian and Mtis content and
perspectives. Teachers have a responsibility to evaluate all resources for bias and to teach
students to recognize such bias.
instruction. Figure 3 outlines some of the relationships between instructional methods and
assessment techniques.
Instruction must match the needs and interests of the middle years learner. To do so,
middle years instruction must be:
Interactive between student and teacher, student and student, and student and the
Experiential, moving students from the concrete to the abstract while providing
opportunities for students to reflect upon their own learnings.
Flexible and malleable meeting the ever-changing ebb and flow of student needs
and interests while taking advantage of the "teachable moment" (Partin, 1987).
Developmental with respect to the processes, skills, abilities, and attitudes
necessary for middle years students to become independent, life-long learners.
It should enable middle years students to become independent learners. The teacher's
strategic approach to instruction will influence student achievement towards this end. The
five strategic approaches set forth for teacher consideration (Instructional Approaches: A
Framework for Professional Practice, 1991) include Direct Instruction, Indirect
Instruction, Experiential Learning, Independent Study, and Interactive Instruction.
The Indirect Instruction, Experiential Learning, and Interactive Instruction are strategies
that are highly compatible with the outcomes of the Middle Level Career Guidance
Curriculum. The student-centred nature of these approaches, coupled with the decisionmaking opportunities they foster, fit the middle years curriculum framework.
Indirect Instruction approaches encourage students to manage their own learning; to seek
out and "discover" knowledge. The teacher acts as a facilitator, guiding students as they
acquire the necessary skills, abilities, aptitudes and attitudes to become independent, lifelong learners. Experiential Learning approaches helpconnect the real life experiences of
the early adolescent to "new" knowledge and learnings. Concrete experiences provide the
"what" of learning that is necessary if students are to make the transition to abstract
thinking processes and learnings. Interactive Instruction builds upon the social
development characteristics of the early adolescent. Use of a variety of groups and
interaction patterns provides opportunities that further meet the needs and interests of
middle years students.
The value of Direct Instruction and Independent Study cannot be overlooked. Direct
Instruction is valuable for acquiring information and skills. Independent Study
approaches are necessary for the development of life-long learners. Through the use of
Experiential, Interactive, and Indirect strategies integrated with Direct and Independent
strategies, the needs and interest of middle years learners can be matched with the
outcomes of the Career Guidance Curriculum.
Figure 3:
Mastery Lecture
Structured Overview
Concept Mapping/Concept
Concept Attainment
(Peer/Self): Performance
Assessments, Written
Group Discussions
Oral Assessments
Performance ssessments
Written Assignments
Problem Solving
Conducting Experiments
Field Observations and Trips
Model Building
Performance Assessments;
Written Assignments;
Presentations; Discussions
Peer/Self: Oral Assessments
Technical Skills
Performance Assessments
Written Assignments
Research Projects
Cooperative Learning Groups
Group/Peer: Oral
Written Assignments
Laboratory Groups
Peer Self-Assessment
*Anecdotal Records, Observation Checklists, and Rating Scales can be used as methods
of recording data with all of the categories.
Figure 4:
Student Evaluation
Evaluation in Career Guidance is an integral part of the total program. Several principles
guide the evaluation of students participating in the Middle Level Career Guidance
Program. The evaluation should:
Students should be made aware of the objectives of the Middle Level Career Guidance
Program and the procedures to be used in assessing performance relative to the
Program Evaluation
Program evaluation is a systematic process of gathering and analyzing information about
some aspect of a school program in order to make a decision, or to communicate to others
involved in the decision-making process. Program evaluation can be conducted at two
levels: relatively informally at the classroom level, or more formally at the classroom,
school, or school division levels.
At the classroom level, program evaluation is used to determine whether the program
being presented to the students is meeting both their needs and the objectives prescribed
by the program. Program evaluation is not necessarily conducted at the end of the
program, but is an ongoing process. For example, if particular lessons appear to be poorly
received by students, or if they do not seem to demonstrate the intended learnings from a
module, the problem should be investigated and changes made. By evaluating their
programs at the classroom level, teachers become reflective practitioners. The
information gathered through program evaluation can assist teachers in program planning
and in making decisions for improvement. Most program evaluations at the classroom
level are relatively informal, but they should be done systematically. Such evaluations
should include identification of the areas of concern, collection and analysis of
information, and judgement or decision-making.
Formal program evaluation projects use a step-by-step problem-solving approach to
identify the purpose of the evaluation, draft a proposal, collect and analyze information,
and report the evaluation results. The initiative to conduct a formal program evaluation
may originate from an individual teacher, a group of teachers, the principal, a staff
committee, an entire staff, or a school division central office. Evaluations are usually
done by a team, so that a variety of background knowledge, experience, and skills is
available and the work can be shared. Formal program evaluations should be undertaken
regularly to ensure programs are current.
To support formal school-based program evaluation activities, the Saskatchewan Schoolbased Program Evaluation Resource Book (1989) has been developed to be used in
conjunction with an inservice package.
Curriculum Evaluation
Curriculum evaluation, at the provincial level, involves making judgments about the
effectiveness of provincially authorized curricula. It involves gathering information (the
assessment phase) and making judgments or decisions based on the information collected
(the evaluation phase), to determine how well the curriculum is performing. The principal
reason for curriculum evaluation is to plan improvements to the curriculum. Such
improvements might involve changes to the curriculum document and/or the provision of
At each grade level, the curriculum provides for 30 hours of classroom instruction. This
time allotment fulfils the Core Curriculum requirement of 50 minutes per week per grade
for Middle Level Guidance.
The curriculum has been constructed to be utilized as an integrated package where
students are exposed to all four modules at each grade level.
Course Overview
Educational Planning
will need to convert this time allotment to comply with their approach to classroom
scheduling. For example, for the Grade 6 Career Guidance Curriculum, the classroom
instruction may be scheduled as follows:
Sample Time Table for Grade 6
30 Minute
40 Minute
60 Minute
20 Periods
15 Periods
10 Periods
10 Periods
7.5 Periods
5 Periods
Educational Planning
10 Periods
7.5 Periods
5 Periods
20 Periods
15 Periods
10 Periods
Total Periods
60 Periods
45 Periods
30 Periods
Total Hours
30 Hours
30 Hours
30 Hours
Middle Level students need an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills to help them
make appropriate decisions, have the confidence to take risks, and be flexible and
adaptable when faced with change and life transitions. They also need to establish good
work and study habits, to manage their time wisely, and to be able to set short and long
range educational and career goals. This module provides students with an opportunity to
be aware of and to develop these various skills. In the process, students gain a greater
sense of self-reliance and empowerment in their own lives. Students are also provided
with opportunities in this module to explore different ways of thinking and knowing,
including intuitive reasoning.
Foundational Objectives
1. Awareness of and skills needed to set goals and to make appropriate decisions.
2. Awareness of change and skills needed to cope with life transitions.
3. Knowledge and skills to establish good work and study habits.
Module 3: Educational Planning
The Educational Planning module helps students become aware of the relationships that
exist between educational and career planning and work and learning. Students are also
provided with a greater awareness and knowledge of the benefits of educational
achievement and are encouraged to develop personal educational plans. In this module,
students are introduced to educational alternatives and course options as they prepare for
the transition to secondary school.
Foundational Objectives
1. Awareness and knowledge of educational benefits.
2. Awareness and understanding of the relationship between work and learning.
3. Knowledge and skills to prepare for the transition to secondary school.
Module 4: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
As Middle Level Students are at various stages of career development, this module
attempts to accommodate students at varying levels of development. It encourages both
girls and boys to explore occupations that interest them and for which they have the
aptitudes, and to resist the influence of sex-role stereotyping. This module acquaints
students with a variety of occupations and how to access and use various sources of
occupation information. It provides students with an opportunity to explore occupations
that interest them, to examine various aspects of work that relate to personal satisfaction,
and to become aware of the meaning and importance of lifestyle and leisure in
relationship to an occupation. This module also helps students develop the knowledge
and skills needed to evaluate career information and work values and to anticipate and
adjust to life career transitions.
Foundational Objectives
Briltz, L. (1993). Career planning workshop for adolescents and their parents.
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK: Author
Herr, E.L. & Cramer, S.H. (1988). Career guidance and counselling through the
lifespan. Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company.
Holland, J.L. Making vocational choices: A theory of careers. Englewood Cliffs. NJ:
Prentice-Hall Inc.
James, C. (1993). A literature review and search for strategies: Career equity for youth.
Career Guidance and Counselling Foundation, Ottawa, ON.
Lee, E, (1985). Letter to Marcia: A teacher's guide to anti-racist education. Toronto:
Cross Cultural Communications Centre.
Patterson, Donna. (1990). Life management: An approach to the instructional
component of student development. Regina, SK: Author
Rogala, Judith A. (1991). Developmental guidance classroom activities, grades 7-9.
Madison, WN: Vocational Studies Center, University of Wisconsin.
Rogala, Judith A. (1991 - 1992). Developmental guidance classroom activities, grades
4-6. Madison, WN: Vocational Studies Center, University of Wisconsin.
Saskatchewan Eduction. (1992). The adaptive dimension in core curriculum. Regina,
SK: Author
Saskatchewan Education. (1992). Saskatchewan school-based program evaluation
resource book. Regina, SK: Author
Saskatchewan Education. (1991). Curriculum evaluation in Saskatchewan. Regina, SK:
Saskatchewan Education. (1991). Gender equity: A framework for planning. Regina,
SK: Author
Saskatchewan Education. (1991). Gender equity: Policy and guidelines for
Regina, SK: Author
Saskatchewan Education. (1991). Instructional approaches: A framework for
professional practice. Regina, SK: Author
Career Guidance
Activity Guide
Table of Contents
Module 1: Self-Awareness
Activity 1: My Life Career
Foundational Objective: Awareness of life career concept.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
student notebook
overhead No. 1 "My Life Career"
coloured pencils
construction paper
1. Introduce concept of career/life career ... show and discuss overhead "My Life
2. Have students share in the large group various areas of their life career.
3. Discuss what is meant by interests, abilities (skills) and temperaments. Have
students share their interests, abilities and temperaments and how these interests,
abilities and temperaments might presently or in the future relate to a job.
4. Divide students into small groups and have them develop a definition of career,
interests, abilities (skills), and temperament.
5. Have one member from each group share group definition. Come up with a large
group consensus as to an appropriate definition for each term. Write the definition
on the board and have students copy it into their notebooks.
Session 2 1. Review meaning of life career concept, interests, and skills.
2. Display and briefly discuss "My Life Career" overhead.
3. Have students design on construction paper a diagram of their own life career.
Encourage them to be as creative as possible.
4. After students have completed their assignment, have them share their work.
Display work on wall or bulletin board in the classroom.
5. Wind up activity by asking students what they discovered about themselves, and
others in the classroom, and also what is meant by life career, interests, skills, and
Additional Activities:
Students can construct another life career diagram projecting what they would like it to
look like 5, 10, or possibly 20 years in the future.
My Life Career
Adapted from Making career decisions by Collins, Studd and Wallace. Copyright 1984.
Used by permission of Nelson Canada, A Division of Thomson Canada Limited.
2. Hand out the poem "I'm Special" and have students glue it in their notebook.
Students read it silently as you read it aloud. Discuss what the author was trying
to say in the poem.
3. Discuss what is meant by "special purpose" in the poem.
4. Turn off the lights and give the students an opportunity to think about what their
purpose(s) might be in life. After a minute or so have students share what they
believe their purpose(s) in life might be. (A variation of turning off the lights
could be to have the students close their eyes and place their heads on their
5. Students should then make a list of 10 positive characteristics in their notebooks
that will help them fulfil their possible purpose in life.
6. After students have completed their list have them discuss how these positive
characteristics are beneficial at school and at work.
7. Emphasize once again that everyone is unique and has positive qualities.
8. Hand out a paper plate and a thin marker to each student in the classroom and
have students help each other tape it to their backs.
9. Using the thin marker, students should rotate to each member in the classroom
and write something positive on the plate about the wearer.
Have an initial discussion with the students. At the end of the activity students can read
the positive things that the other students have written about them. Student plates can be
taken home or displayed on the wall or bulletin board in the classroom.
Wind up the activity by asking the students what they liked about the activity and what
positive characteristics they discovered about themselves. Have students discuss the
benefits of having a positive self-concept.
Additional Activities:
Students can construct a collage of pictures of people displaying positive and unique
Students can make a banner (by cutting large paper diagonally) and writing down positive
characteristics of classmates.
Students can interview adults to determine if they have accomplished their purposes in
Observation of classroom participation.
I'm Special
I'm special. In all the world there's nobody like me.
Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like me.
Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my voice. I'm special.
No one can be found who has my handwriting.
Nobody anywhere has my tastes - for food or music or art. No one sees things just as I do.
In all of time there's been no one who laughs like me, no one who cries like me.
And what makes me laugh and cry will never provoke identical laughter and tears from
anybody else, ever.
No one reacts to any situation just as I would react. I'm special.
I'm the only one in all of creation who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be
somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at, but no one in the universe can
reach the quality of my combination of talents, ideas, abilities and feelings. Like a room
full of musical instruments, some may excel alone, but none can match the symphony
sound when all are played together. I'm a symphony.
Through all of eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me. I'm special.
I'm rare.
And in rarity there is great value.
Because of my great rare value, I need not attempt to imitate others. I will accept -yes,
celebrate - my differences.
I'm special. And I'm beginning to realize it's no accident that I'm special. I'm beginning to
see that God made me special for a very special purpose. He must have a job for me that
no one else can do as well as I. Out of all the billions of applicants only one is qualified,
only one has the combination of what it takes.
That one is me. Because ... I'm special.
Resource: Self-esteem in the classroom by J. Canfield, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Grade 6 Module: Self-Awareness
Handout No. 1 "I'm Special"
handout No 2 "Outline of Sources of Information About the Individual"
Session 1 1. With students' help through a brainstorming activity, list the sources of
information about an individual. These include:
significant events
places of residence
2. Give the students handout #2 and discuss it in detail.
3. Discuss in detail the significant events that influence an individual's personal life
(e.g., the birth of a brother or sister, the death of someone close, a trip, learning to
walk/talk, getting glasses, an illness or injury, a special gift, joining the little
league, graduating, getting a job).
4. Ask students to recall events that influenced their lives and to try to recall the
feelings that accompanied these events (the teacher could share his or her own
personal event). Ask a few volunteers to share their important feelings. Ask
students to recall whether the feelings were helpful to them at the time they
5. Allow approximately 20 minutes for students to list their important events on
paper. In the meantime, prepare a time line on the board as follows:
Sample Time Line
Takes First steps;
birth of sister (Jan. 4)
Started Nursery School (Aug. 28)
Began Grade 1 (Aug. 27)
Learned to ride bicycle;
started Grade 2 (Aug. 29)
Started own garden
Looked after own garden
Trip to Alberta with parents at Christmas
Took exercise classes
Started Grade 6 (Aug. 29)
6. After students have finished listing their important events, ask them to prepare a
personal time line, using the one on the board as a model.
7. Ask students whether they noted anything interesting or different about their time
lines (any patterns that may have emerged).
8. Allow them to discuss certain events in greater detail if they wish.
9. For homework, ask students to write about some of the events that influenced how
they feel about themselves in two of the areas listed on the outline and about their
feelings at the time of the events.
Guest Speaker - A retired member of the community should be invited to spend
approximately 30 minutes in Session 2 of this activity discussing his/her career.
Source: Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of Education,
Grade 6 Module: Self-Awareness
Handout No. 2 "Outline of Sources of Information About the Individual"
Session 1 1. Have students discuss the concept of the different roles that we all have in life.
2. Ask students to construct a mobile which describes the different roles in their life,
such as:
(a) student
(b) son/daughter
(c) brother/sister
(d) community member/4-H/ Boy Scout, Girl Guides/etc.
(e) leisure time activities (hockey player, bicycle rider, etc.)
A variation to this activity could be the construction of a class mural or group
3. Distribute magazines to students and ask them to cut out pictures to create a
mobile of the roles in their lives.
4. Have students explain their mobiles to the rest of the class and display them in the
5. After students have explained their mobiles, have students discuss some of their
activities. Do boys and girls predominantly participate in traditional gender
related activities or do both boys and girls participate equally in a variety of
6. Discuss different abilities found in others and the value of these differences.
7. As an introduction to the next session, have students write on a sheet of paper
those jobs that they think they could do for their family, teacher, community
member or friend. Then ask them to take this paper home and have their parent,
guardian, teacher, community member or friend indicate whether they agree that
the student could do those jobs (to be returned for next session).
Session 2 1. Review previous session ... roles of self and others; have students discuss
interests, abilities, strengths and weaknesses of self and others.
2. Have students discuss their findings on the job sheets that they took home the
previous session.
(a)What kind of jobs did their parents most often think they could do?
(b)What kind of jobs did the students check that the parents did not check?
(c)Why did the parents choose the ones they did?
(d)Did anyone's parents check all the same ones that the student checked?
3. Have students choose a task that they believe and their parents also believe they
could do without much supervision. Let each student develop a contract which
includes what they will do and for what length of time. They may also want to use
the handout contract to inform the parent about a job they would like to do.
4. Wind up the activity by having the students reflect on their roles and
characteristics, and the roles and characteristics of others. How will these
differences be reflected in the job market?
Additional Activities:
In small groups, have students review what they have learned and suggest careers that
might relate to various strengths, weaknesses, interests, and abilities.
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Awareness of the value of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to interact
successfully with others.
Awareness of self.
Awareness and knowledge of the interrelationship of life roles.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
design a bulletin board, mural and/or poster reflecting the meaning of the
"Rainbow Flag".
discuss how cooperatives encourage people to work together.
crayons, markers
overhead "Cooperatives: The Rainbow Flag"
poster paper
Saskatchewan Cooperative Youth Program
501 - 333 Third Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H9
Telephone: (306) 244-3702
Canadian Cooperative Association
Saskatchewan Region
501 - 333 Third Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H9
Telephone: (306) 244-3702
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness of self and knowledge of the value of a positive self-concept.
Awareness and understanding of life career concept.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
his/her feelings about the scenario. The activity should help students answer the
question "What is preventing me from using my strengths?".
Adapted from Developmental guidance classroom activities, Vocational Studies Centre,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991.
student journals
handout No. 1 "What Is Important?"
pen or pencil
2. Have students fill out "What Is Important?" activity sheets. Have students rank
their responses.
3. Have students form small groups and discuss their answers and how responses
can influence their decisions.
4. Have students discuss how values can change.
5. Activity sheet should be placed in the student's notebook and reviewed at a later
6. Have students write and illustrate a story, poem, cartoon, or song about their
values, and how their values have changed.
Additional Activities:
Students can individually create an "I Am" poster and collectively design a bulletin
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
What Is Important?
Name: ___________________________________
Date: ________________________
Check the values or goals most important to you. You may check more than one. You may
also add other values or goals that are important to you.
I. Education
II. Leisure
1. Having a hobby
2. Going to sports events
3. Participating in sports
4. Reading
5. Listening to music
6. Joining clubs
7. Helping with jobs around the house
8. Having fun
9. Participating in church or school activities
10. Being one of the gang
11. Relaxing
Adapted from Developmental guidance classroom activities, Vocational Studies Centre,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991. Reprinted with permission.
Grade 6 Goal: Life Career Management Skills
Handout No. 1 "What Is Important"
Activity 2: Changes
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness of change and knowledge and skills to cope with life transitions.
Awareness of and knowledge and skills needed in setting goals and making appropriate
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
describe the effects that societal, economic and technological change have on
identify environmental influences in attitudes, behaviours, and aptitudes.
Additional Activities:
Distribute magazines from the 60s, discuss how lifestyles have changed.
In a small group setting, have the students brainstorm a list of possible future careers.
In a small group setting, have the students discuss and draw a picture of how the
classroom of the future might look (e.g., chairs, desks, teachers).
Have students write a journal entry about the meaning of the following quote: "Destiny is
not a matter of chance. It's a matter of choice."
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The Past
The Future
10. ___________________________________________________________________
Source: Developmental guidance classroom activities, Vocational Studies Centre,
University of Wisconsin- Madison, 1991. Reprinted with permission.
Grade 6 Goal: Life Career Management Skills
Handout No. 2 "Can You Predict the Future?"
Educational Planning
Activity 1: Importance of Work
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness and knowledge of educational benefits.
Awareness and understanding of the relationship between work and learning.
Awareness of and knowledge and skills needed to access, understand, and use career
Learning Objectives:
The students will:
pen or pencil
5. In a small group, have students make a list of positive characteristics that are
transferable from school to the world of work (e.g., being punctual, neat,
6. Have students, individually, divide a piece of paper into two columns.
(Alternatively, this activity could be done as a brainstorming exercise with the
entire class.)
7. At the top of each column, have students write the title of two occupations that
interest them.
8. Have students list in the column all the contributions their chosen job makes to
the community (e.g., teacher, business person, welder).
9. Have class or small groups rank order their occupations from most needed to least
needed in the community. In pairs, have students discuss how background,
experiences, and perspectives influence the rank ordering of occupations.
Additional Activities:
Students may interview members of the community about why they work. Students may
also want to interview people who are job hunting.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
student notebook
pencil or pen
handout No. 1 "Interest Inventory"
student notebook
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Interest Inventory
Think about how you feel about each of the following activities. If you would like to do
the activity, write "yes." If you would not like to do the activity, write "no." If you cannot
decide, write "unsure."
Part A
Part B
Be a bird watcher
Learn how farmers rotate crops
Find out how the planets were discovered
Listen to a speaker tell how sounds are heard from a radio
Part D
Milk cows
Wash dishes
Knit or crochet a sweater
Care for small children
Prepare a family budget
Sew missing buttons on clothing
Bake cookies
Cut the grass
Make homemade ice cream
Paint a room
Set the table
Shop for groceries
Clean out a desk
Care for flowers in a garden
Wash the car
Help clean the house
Fillet fish
Part F
Part D ___
Part B ___
Part E ___
Part C ___
Part F ___
As the teacher directs, graph your scores for each part, creating a bar graph.
In pairs, develop a sentence phrase for each of the areas of mathematics, language arts
and physical education on the interest inventory. For example,
Part G: ____ Calculate batting averages
identify the physical activities associated with various jobs and roles.
describe the changing life roles of men and women in work and family.
Additional Activities:
Collect articles about related issues from the newspaper. Divide the class into
groups. Each member of the group is given a different article to read and present to
the rest of the group (jigsaw strategy).
A self-assessment rating scale may be used as an assessment tool for students to
assess how gender-role stereotypes influence their behaviour.
pencil or pen
student notebooks
3. Have students identify, discuss, and list in their notebooks, the variety of
places (agencies and institutions) where one can obtain information about
4. Have students identify five occupations that they would like to know more
5. Have students develop an interview questionnaire for homework, then
interview individuals who are in occupations that interest them (if
individuals are not available in the community then use other career sources
to obtain the information).
Session 2 1. Review the previous session and discuss the interviews.
2. Have students report their findings from the interview back to class.
3. Make a list of occupations that students have obtained information about
during their interviews.
4. Identify differences of male and female occupational choices.
5. At the end of the session, have students individually write a list of
occupational information resources and write a description about one
occupation that is of interest to them. The lists and descriptions could be
inserted in a class scrapbook.
Additional Activities:
See Appendix C for sample Student Self-assessment for Preparing and Conducting
an Interview.
Prospects (distributed to schools)
Saskatchewan Education, Training, and Employment
graph paper
telephone books
Session 2 1. Divide the class into seven groups. Provide each group with a telephone book.
2. Assign each group to count the number of businesses represented by one of
the following categories:
(a) construction
(b) health care
(c) food service
(d) transportation
(e) manufacturing (f) law
(g) communication (h) sports
(i) arts
(j) recreation
(k) consumer
(l) misc.
3. Using the results, make a large graph showing the number of businesses in
each category.
4. Discuss which category has the largest number of businesses and which has
the least number of businesses.
5. Have students discuss what the community would be like without one of
these categories.
Additional Activities:
Have students interview local business people. Share results.
describe the effects that societal, economic and technology change have on
student journals
material for mobiles
Background Information:
Rapid and continuous technological changes are occurring that directly influence
occupational choices and the world of work. The increase in technology brings new
occupations and different types of jobs. The microcomputer explosion has lead to
the creation of a great number of jobs ranging from software and hardware design
to business opportunities.
1. Write the following definition on the chalkboard.
Technology: Scientific method of achieving a useful design.
2. Write on the chalkboard the following six occupational clusters. Have
students discuss the useful designs under each of these occupational cluster
Supersonic Aircraft
CAT Scan
Bullet Trains
Fiber Optics
Consumer &
Business & Office
Solar Heat
Word Processors
3. Have students discuss how computers have had a profound effect on every
occupational cluster.
4. Have students discuss, in small groups, how computers have changed their
lives and will continue to change their lives.
5. Have students write about these changes in their journals.
6. Have students design a creative career technology mobile.
Additional Activities:
Show a film about pioneer life in Saskatchewan. Discuss the differences, advantages,
and disadvantages between then and now.
Have students predict future career opportunities.
pen or pencil
handout No. 1 "Career Development Record"
1. Have students discuss career development. (As students learn more and
become familiar with a variety of careers, they develop more interests in
2. Have students describe a Career Development Record.
(a) What is it?
(b) What should it contain?
(c) What is its purpose?
(d) Why is keeping one important?
3. Explain to students that their Career Development Record is a history of
individual student career aspirations including aptitudes, interests, attitudes,
and achievements.
4. Ask students to complete the "Career Development Record" activity sheet.
5. Have students share Record in small groups.
6. Teacher should keep each student's "Career Development Record" and show
them to the students after they have completed another Career Development
Record in Grade 7.
Evaluation: For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click
on the table title)
Date: _________________
Sedentary ___
Achievements: __________________________________________________________________
Hobbies/Interests: _______________________________________________________________
Wants to be a: __________________________________________________________________
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
Source: Developmental guidance classroom activities, Vocational Studies Centre,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991. Reprinted with permission.
Grade 6 Module: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 1 "Career Development Record"
Career Guidance
Activity Guide
Table of Contents
Goal 1: Self-Awareness
Activity 1 - All About Me
Activity 2 - Relating My Interests and Activities
Activity 3 - My Qualities
Activity 4 - Getting to Know You
Goal 2: Life Career Management Skills
Activity 1 - Effective Student Skills
Activity 2 - Why Decision-Making Skills Are Important
Activity 3 - Obstacles in Making Decisions
Activity 4 - Why Goal Setting is Important
Activity 5 - Occupations of the Future
Activity 1: All About Me
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness and understanding of the life career concept.
Awareness of self.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
describe the various roles an individual may have as part of one's life career.
identify personal qualities and events that have influenced his/her self-concept.
complete a personal inventory.
student journals
handout No. 1 "Personal Inventory"
student notebooks
markers or crayons
how you spend
other activities
3. Have students complete handout No. 1 "Personal Inventory" in their notebooks.
4. Divide students into small groups to share their "personal inventories".
5. Using the four categories have students design a self-portrait using one of the
a) a concept web of their personal portrait.
b) a collage of their personal portrait.
c) a book of cartoons depicting their personal portraits.
6. Role Playing - Have students role play various characteristics, events, and roles in
their lives.
Additional Activities:
Students may construct a collage, mobile or banner depicting their lives.
See Appendix C for sample group assessment forms.
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Personal Inventory
1.Personal Characteristics
(a)Complete the following sentences:
I am happiest when I ...
What I like to do most is ...
I often wish ...
The best thing that ever happened to me ...
At my school I ...
What I need most is ...
What I want most is ...
If I could be someone else, I ...
(b)Use the list of personal qualities below. Choose ten words that could be used to
describe you. From this list choose the three words that best describe your character.
imaginative perfectionist thoughtful
persuasive trusting
inconsiderate playful
independent pleasant
introverted rebellious wise
irresponsible relaxed
(d)Consider your health conditions which might prevent you from entering certain careers.
identify personal interests, abilities, strengths and weaknesses and how they relate
to careers.
define the following terms: interests, and leisure (see Glossary of Terms in
Appendix A).
pencil or pen
handout No. 2 "Interest Profile"
the period. If some students finish earlier, suggest they try to add to the list of
related jobs in each category.
Role Playing Activities: In small groups have students select interests and
activities that relate to various occupations and role play in the large group.
Students should be encouraged to be creative.
Collage: In small groups have students construct a collage of activities involved in
various occupations. (Students may choose to construct posters to display in the
classroom instead).
Return the first handout to students and ask them to check for consistencies and/or
inconsistencies between what they think they like or dislike and what they
actually do (participation) in each interest area. (Students may exchange sheets
with a classmate to do this.)
As a wind up activity have students discuss how interests and activities relate to
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Interest Profile
For each interest area indicate whether you like very much, like somewhat, or dislike the
activities and related jobs described.
Interest Areas
Outdoor Interests
Scientific Interests
Persuasive Interests
Artistic Interests
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Grade 7 Module: Self-Awareness
Handout No. 2 "Interest Profile"
Activity 3: My Qualities
Foundational Objective: Awareness of self and knowledge of the value of a positive
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
identify personal qualities and events that have influenced his/her self-concept.
write an autobiography describing an event.
demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between personality and
occupational goals.
demonstrate his/her ability to work in a group effectively.
student journals
handout No. 3 "Important Qualities"
Have the students sit in a circle if possible and place the cards face down
in the middle of the circle. A volunteer chooses a card and completes the
statement. If a student does not wish to complete the statement chosen,
he/she may choose another card. Other students may offer their own
opinions or suggestions in a positive manner. Repeat the procedure with
another volunteer. This activity will increase students' awareness of their
own and others' feelings. The activity can also be done in small groups.
6. Have students also share how these personal activities relate to the area
7. As a wind up activity have students complete the following statement in their
I learned that I ...
Additional Activities:
Autobiography - Students can read an autobiography about a famous person who has had
an impact on society. Discuss the qualities of this person. Share a summary of the
person's life with the rest of the class.
See Appendix C for sample group assessment forms.
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Important Qualities
Group the fifteen positive characteristics listed below under one of the following headings
according to their importance to you: most important, somewhat important, least
important. If any characteristics that you consider important are not here, you may add
them to your list.
easy to get along with
concerned about others
Most Important
Somewhat Important
Least Important
Source: Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of Education,
Grade 7 Module: Self-Awareness
Handout No. 3 "Important Qualities"
handout No. 4 "Getting to Know You Interview Form"
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Date: ___________________________
14.What famous person do you most want to be like?
15.Who do you think is the greatest man or woman in the world today? And why?
16.If you had $1,000, what would you do with it?
Source: Developmental guidance classroom activities, Vocational Studies Centre,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991. Reprinted with permission.
Grade 7 Module: Self-Awareness
Handout No. 6 Getting to Know You Interview Form
overhead No. 1 "Time Management"
pencil or pen
handout No. 1 "Student Skills Inventory"
Time Management
Time Spent
Too Much
Too Little
Just Right
computer games
4 hours
English homework
30 minutes
mathematics homework
45 minutes
science homework
1 hour
French homework
15 minutes
reading a novel
30 minutes
2 hours
cleaned house
1 hour
played games
1 hour
2 hours
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Grade 7 Module: Life Career Management Skills
Overhead No. 1 "Time Management"
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Student Skills Inventory
This inventory will draw your attention to skills which could help you in your role as a
student. Read each statement and place a check mark in the appropriate column.
Seldom Usually
I. In-Class Skills
1. Do you bring all the materials you need for each
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Grade 7 Module: Life Career Management Skills
Handout No. 1 "Students Skills Inventory"
student notebooks
handout No. 2 "Questions and Alternatives"
student journals
handout No. 3 "What Are the Alternatives?"
pen or pencil
1. Discuss the importance of decision-making skills with the class. Discuss any
decision-making models that students have used. Tell students that the first step in
effective decision-making is the ability to ask clear, general questions. Such
questions explain clearly what the person is hoping to decide and allow the person
a wide range of choices. Remind students that general statements such as "I
wonder what I should wear today", or very specific questions such as "Should I
give my mother a flower for Mother's Day?" will hinder their ability to make a
decision. The examples given above should be reworded in the form of clear,
general questions before any attempt at making a decision. The examples can be
changed to: "What might I wear to school today?" and "What can I give my
mother for Mother's Day?" These are clear, general questions.
2. Distribute the Questions and Alternatives handout No. 2 and ask students to
complete part A. Discuss students' answers.
3. Tell students that the next step in a decision-making procedure is to list as many
alternative courses of action (or answers to the question) as possible. Ask students
to complete part B of the Questions and Alternatives handout. Discuss the
answers with the class.
4. Have the students respond to the questions on handout No. 3 "What Are the
5. Review the major steps in the decision-making model. Have students copy them
into their notebooks.
Decision-Making Model
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
Questions and Alternatives
Asking General Questions
A. Study the examples given. In each case answer these questions:
(a) What factors with regard to this question should enter the person's mind?
(b) What is the best question for the person to ask?
Remember to ask clear, general questions. Be prepared to justify your answers.
What is the best question for Hans to ask himself? (Shall I join the soccer
1.Pedro, a Grade 7 student, wonders how to make friends.
(a) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________________________________
2.Mrs. Lee, a Grade 8 teacher, wonders what type of class outing would be best.
(a) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________________________________
3.Mr. Jourdain wonders how to stop his two teenage sons from arguing at the table.
(a) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________________________________
4.After looking over the different clubs at Maple Road Senior Elementary School, Tony
wonders whether he should join the library club.
(a) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________________________________
5.Maria has been concerned lately about her physical fitness.
(a) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________________________________
Identifying Alternatives
B. Choose two of the cases presented in Part A and list as many alternative courses of
action for each one as you can think of.
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
gain an awareness that obstacles are part of everyday life and can be overcome.
student journals
handout No. 4 "Obstacles in Making Decisions"
pencil or pen
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decision-making. Also, circle any internal feelings (in column four) you may be having
regarding this decision and add any others that you are feeling that are not listed.
Fear of Failure
Fear of Change
Lack of
Stereotyping self
and others
student journals
Brainstorm with students a variety of goal-setting skills. Talk about the kinds of
things that they can try to change, including:
personality traits
self-defeating behaviour
Students should understand that goals must have the following characteristics:
be attainable (for example, students who are colour-blind cannot become
o be specific (for example, "We must have you over sometime" vs. "Would
you like to come to dinner on Saturday?");
o be stated and attainable within a definite period of time;
o be consistent with the person's values;
o be achievable without depending on someone else, although other people
can help.
2. Once students understand goal setting, ask each one to set:
o two goals that can be achieved within one week, for example, to pass the
next math test;
o two goals that can be achieved within one month, for example, to join the
basketball team;
o two educational goals (short-term);
o two tentative career goals (long-term).
3. Show students how to develop detailed plans of action for achieving their goals.
Students can develop a plan for each one of their goals. The plans should include
a number of specific steps to accomplish their goal. For example, Mary's goal is
to pass the next math test. Her plan of action might include the following steps:
o to go to every math class;
o to listen carefully in class;
o to ask questions when she does not understand something;
o to ask her teacher for after-school help;
o to do all her math homework;
o to study math every day for at least one-half hour.
4. Have students think of an important goal in their lives (immediate or future) and
illustrate it in some way (cartoons, story, poem, or song). Students may want to
share with the class or put work on the bulletin board.
Additional Activities:
Did I Succeed? - After one week and after one month, check with students individually to
see how successful each one was in achieving his/her goals. If a student failed to achieve
a goal, encourage the student to:
(a) set an alternate goal; or
(b) make a plan designed to overcome the obstacle that prevented him/her from achieving
the goal.
Ask teachers in other subject areas to help students set goals and prepare plans for the
successful completion of tests or assignments.
Adapted from One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate
Division, Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
describe the effects that societal, economic, and technological change have on
describe the importance of being able to change.
research future occupations.
construction paper
Role Playing: In small groups, prepare a role playing activity on a "Future Machine".
Students can act out machine parts and other members of the class can guess the parts.
Research: Have students write a report on "Careers of the Future", "Technology Brings
Changes", and/or "Impact of Technological Changes on Families".
Have students design a bulletin board using one of the above topics.
See Appendix C for sample rating scales and assessment forms for essays and reports.
Educational Planning
Activity 1: The Value of Work
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness of and understanding the relationship between work and learning.
Awareness of the value of work.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
pencil or pen
pencil or pen
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
Handout No. 1 "Interview Form"
pen or pencil
pen or pencil
life career
3. Have students design, in small groups, a crossword puzzle using the above words.
4. After the crossword puzzles are completed, have students share them with one
other group as a practice method.
5. Follow up activity - In a small group or on an individual basis give a definition
quiz or have students complete a cloze exercise.
Additional Activities:
Debate or panel discussion can be used as a method to help students understand the value
of educational and career planning.
Spelling Bee - To help students with the spelling and meaning of these words.
Adapted from One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate
Division, Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
pen or pencil
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
Occupational Interests
A. Choose an occupation from the list to match each of these phrases.
Engineer Medic
Polic Officer
4. Includes mostly heavy physical work:
5. Includes mostly light physical work:
6. Includes both heavy and light physical work:
7. Is done mostly outdoors:
8. Is done mostly indoors:
9. Is done both indoors and outdoors:
C. Complete the following statements.
1. The three occupations from part B that I am most interested in are:
2. Three other occupations that I am interested in are:
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
student journals
pen or pencil
newspapers or magazines
children, she will probably have 5-10 years of work before starting her family and 15-20
years of work after her children have left home. However the number of years a woman
works will probably be much longer. In 1981, about 75% of the women aged 20-45 were
working outside of the home.
Unfortunately, the average income for a family headed by a woman is only about $15,000
while for a family headed by a man, the average income is almost $30,000, nearly twice
as much.
That happens because traditionally female jobs in clerical, sales, and service occupations
are low paying. At the present time, between 40% and 50% of working women are single,
widowed, or divorced. These women have gone back to work often at low paying jobs.
But another statistic tells us that because of computers, these low paying jobs will
decrease in number by 35%.
Remember, all careers are open to both sexes. You are not confined to a particular career
simply because of birth. What is important is your interests and abilities, not your sex"
(Collins, Marv et al., 1985, pg 69).
1. Discuss the background information with the students. You may have access to
more up-to-date information. Have students brainstorm completions to the
following statements:
(a) Girls are often encouraged to enter occupations such as
(a nurse, a secretary, a nursery school teacher, etc.).
(b) Boys are often encouraged to enter occupations such as
(an engineer, a truck driver, a dentist, etc.).
2. Discuss these statements and point out that beliefs about sex roles do influence
career decisions.
3. Discuss the meaning of sex-role stereotyping. Make sure that students understand
that general assumptions about the nature, characteristics, and capabilities of men
and women, particularly when they are stated in terms of `Men are ...' or `Women
are ...', are examples of stereotyping.
4. (a) Discuss the following statements with the class:
Men should be bus drivers.
Women should be secretaries.
Women are weak and are only capable of doing light work.
Men are strong and should therefore be responsible for heavy work.
(b) Ask students whether they agree or disagree with these statements and why.
the limiting effects of sex-role stereotyping on career decisions.
5. Ask for reactions to the notion of women and men in `non-traditional' careers.
You may also ask the following questions:
What are some of the jobs traditionally done by women and by men?
(b) For what reasons are women concentrated in certain occupational fields and
men in
(c) How do you feel about men becoming nurses, kindergarten teachers, or
and women becoming bus drivers, construction workers, or
(d) Are men and women capable of doing the same work? Discuss the reasons
behind the
(e) What are some of the fears that both men and women have when they select
non-traditional careers?
6. Ask students to think about reasons for considering or not considering nontraditional careers for themselves. Ask for volunteers to share their reasons with
the class. Ensure that students understand that individuals can lead satisfying and
productive lives whether they choose traditional or non-traditional careers.
7. Help students examine changes in the language used to describe certain
occupations or achievements.
Examples of such changes include:
steward, stewardess
flight attendant
policeman, policewoman police officer
mailman, postman
letter carrier, postal worker
delivery boy
messenger, courier
man's achievement
human achievement
human resources, labour force
businessman's lunch
business lunch
a ten-man committee
a ten-member committee
manufactured, handmade, machine made, artificial
the best man for the job
the best person for the job
8. Discuss the impact of sex-role stereotyping on both boys and girls. Ensure
students understand that such stereotyping creates unnatural barriers to the
achievement of maximum potential for both men and women.
1. Using a show of hands, have students answer Yes or No to the following
questions and record the answers on the board.
Sources: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of Education, 1988.
career resources
pencil or pen
poster paper
Adapted from One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate
Division, Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
pencil or pen
handout No. 2 "Traits of the Entrepreneur"
More than 17% of all new businesses are started by people under 24 years of age.
1. Have students brainstorm a list of people who they believe to be entrepreneurs in
the community and write the names on the board.
2. Have students discuss characteristics that they believe describe an entrepreneur.
Have students divide into pairs and complete handout No. 2 "Traits of the
Entrepreneur". Share responses with the rest of the class.
3. In pairs, brainstorm a list of advantages and disadvantages of being an
entrepreneur. Share responses with another pair to develop a common list. Share
list with the rest of the class..
4. In a small group of four, pretend that you have decided to become an
entrepreneur. Make a list of all the possible businesses you might want to explore
(be as creative as possible). Share with the rest of the class.
5. Make a list of the roles an entrepreneur plays in society.
6. Invite a local entrepreneur to be a resource speaker in the classroom. Prepare
questions to ask in advance.
7. As a wind up activity, have students complete the following statement in their
I learned that ...
Additional Activities:
Bulletin Board - Have students design a bulletin board about entrepreneurs.
Collage - Have students construct a collage with newspaper and magazine pictures of
Visit a local entrepreneur and conduct an interview about developing a business.
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Box 7626
Saskatoon, SK S7K 4R4
Saskatchewan Economic Development
7th Floor, Ramada Inn
1919 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, SK S4P 3V7
Junior Achievement
Bayside Center
222 - 255 2nd Ave. N.
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2B7
Learning Objective:
The student will:
pencil or pen
Interview people in various occupations in the community and ask them how they work
The students will identify ten ways individuals work cooperatively together in various
pen or pencil
(a) Make a list of the values of volunteer work for the teenager. Include testing
of job skills
and interests.
(b) Using a real estate map of your school area, draw a circle approximately one
in radius from the school. What types of volunteer work -- either
presently existing or
self-initiated --might be possible in just this short
distance from school. Brainstorm the
Additional Activities:
Adapted from Health and personal life skills, Junior High School, Alberta Education,
develop an individual career plan that integrates educational plans with tentative
career goals.
describe the importance of career planning.
identify how a person changes during a lifetime.
pen or pencil
handout No. 3 "Career Development Record"
student journals
Grade 6 Career Development Record (if available)
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
Career Development Record - Grade 6
Student's Name: _________________________________
Date: _________________
Sedentary ___
Achievements: __________________________________________________________________
Hobbies/Interests: _______________________________________________________________
Wants to be a: __________________________________________________________________
Career interest inventories taken: (Refer to Activity 2 - Module 1)
Inventories show preference for:
Source: Developmental Guidance Classroom Activities, Vocational Guidance Centre,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991. Reprinted with permission.
Career Guidance
Activity Guide
Table of Contents
Module 1: Self-Awareness
Activity 1 - My Skills
Activity 2 - Improving My Self-Concept
Activity 3 - Personality and Occupational Roles
Activity 4 - Discovering My Potential
Activity 1: My Skills
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness and understanding of life career concept.
Awareness of self and knowledge of the value of a positive self-concept.
Awareness of and skills needed to access, understand and use occupational
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
pen or pencil
handout No. 1 "My Skills"
student journals
Successful people are also self-confident. Because they see themselves as capable
people, able to do a number of things well, employers and co-workers also tend to
see them in this way.
The first step in choosing an occupation or looking for a job is an honest selfinventory. Students who ask themselves questions such as, "What skills and abilities
do I have? What are my interests? What motivates me? How can I increase my selfconfidence?" have taken the first step toward life-long occupational success.
1. Talk to students about the importance of working at jobs that they enjoy.
Explain that work is a way to earn money, but it can also be a source of
pleasure and personal growth. This is an activity that will help students
identify jobs that reflect their interests.
2. Have students work individually. Ask each student to make a list of 20 things
he/she likes to do. The list can include school subjects and activities, leisure
activities and part-time jobs. Then have students identify a job that is similar
to each activity on their list. Use the following examples for illustrations, if
Things I Like to Do
Ride my horse
Occupations Which Are Similar
- Jockey, Horse-trainer, Horse, Groom
Teach Sunday School - Seamstress, Clothing Designer, Theatre Costume
Listen to music
- Elementary School Teacher, Day Care Worker, Minister,
Religious Education Consultant
- Professional Music Critic, Disc Jockey, Music Librarian,
Be outdoors
Music Therapist, Music Teacher
- Hunting, fishing, farming, trapping
3. Some students may have limited knowledge of possible jobs and thus have
difficulty identifying ones which are similar to things they like to do. In this
situation, students can work in groups to complete this portion of the
4. Explain to students that there are some basic skills such as the ability to read,
which are required in any job. Divide students into groups of three or four.
Have each group compile a list of basic skills needed for any job. Some
possibilities include:
o writing
o speaking
o following directions
o solving problems
o getting along with others
o using a telephone book and telephone
mathematical computation
computer literacy
5. Tell students that each of them already has a number of skills that can be
used in an occupational situation. This activity will help them identify the
skills. Distribute a copy of the handout No. 1 "Skills List" to each student.
Have students work in pairs. They should work through the skills list and
check those skills they feel they possess. Then each student should select four
or five skills that particularly interest her or him and identify one or more
careers or jobs in which each of the skills identified are used.
6. As a wind up activity ask the students to complete the following statement in
their journals:
story telling
playing (any
joking, singing)
MY SKILLS (continued)
heading up
taking inventory
dealing with
playing (any
pencil or pen
handout No. 2 "Self-Concept Inventory"
student journals
Be able to accept the uniqueness of self with both positive and negative
focus on positive aspects of experiences; and
learn to reach out and care for others.
Self-Concept Inventory
Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Indicate the location where you picture yourself with an x. Do not restrict yourself to a
particular range on the scale - feel free to place your responses anywhere on the lines. Feel
free to make any comments you like in the margins. The scale runs continuously from one
labelled extreme to the other with the varying degrees being indicated by spaces //. Place
your marks in the middle of the spaces, not on the boundaries.
1. Sensitive to others Insensitive to others
2. Self-confident Lack self-confidence
3. Critical of others Tolerant of others
4. Comfortable with others Awkward with others
5. Reserved Talkative
6. Value myself highly Little value of self
7. Participant Nonparticipant
8. Nonassertive Assertive
9. Honest Dishonest
10. Active Passive
11. Likeable Unlikeable
After completing the inventory, discuss with your classmates appropriate and inappropriate
behaviours for specific situations.
Source: Developmental guidance classroom activities, Vocational Studies Center,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991. Reprinted with permission.
Grade 8 Module: Self-Awareness
Handout No. 2 "Self-Concept Inventory"
handout No. 3 "Personality and Occupational Roles"
pen or pencil
flip chart paper
1. Ask students to assume they have been invited to visit with a best friend for
the weekend and that the friend's two aunts and two uncles will also be there.
Your friend has never talked about these relatives before so you know
nothing about them except that one is a teacher, another a doctor, another a
trapper, another a farmer, and the other a welder. After being with these
people for an hour, your friend asks you to come to the kitchen for a few
minutes to ask you a question.
Could you answer it: Which one is the doctor? the welder? the teacher? the
trapper? the farmer? Solicit students' responses and the reasons. It is
anticipated the students who feel they could identify the occupations will
provide reasons which reflect personality and/or personal
characteristics/mannerisms. Answers which suggest sex-role stereotyping
should be discussed.
Explain that an individual's personality -- and all it encompasses -- is an
important consideration in choosing an occupation.
2. After adding or deleting occupational roles to equal the number of students
in the class, distribute the "Personality and Occupational Roles" handout. As
you do so, advise students they are going to have to think about the
personalities of their classmates and match them with occupations -- one
classmate for each occupation. Indicate they will be asked to give reasons for
their choices and so must focus on the positive personal and personality
characteristics that influenced their choices.
As students complete the exercise, prepare to record the occupational roles,
and reasons, suggested for each student. Doing so will provide each student
with a written list of the `good' things his/her classmates say as well as a list
of occupations to consider. In recording the results, the number of people
suggesting the role is not important; the suggestions and reasons for each
should be the focus.
3. Record the suggested occupations and reasons for each student. Determine
whether any of the suggested occupational roles was one the student had
chosen for him/herself and why.
4. Have students add any of the jobs presented in the appropriate columns on
the Job Interests page in their notebooks.
Additional Activities:
Have students write a report on personalities.
Have students add similar or related occupations to each of those on the list of
suggested occupational roles generated in class.
Have students role play various personality types.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table
Personality and Occupational Roles
Grade: __________ Date: ___________
Name: ____________________________
Match each person in your class to one of the following occupations. Include yourself.
1. Architect
2. Veterinarian
3. Computer Programmer
4. Lawyer
5. Salesperson
6. Business Manager
7. Doctor
8. Welder
9. Engineer
10. Filmmaker
11. Musician
12. Reporter
13. Biologist
14. Designer
pen or pencil
handout No. 4 "Discovering My Potential"
8. Do all students have the potential to discourage their classmates? Give examples.
pen or pencil
handout No. 1 "Organizing Myself"
student notebooks
Additional Activities:
Students individually, or as a class, target student skills that need improving and
develop an "action plan" to make those improvements. Improvement charts can be
designed for the classroom.
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Organizing Myself
Part A
This exercise will draw your attention to basic skills that could make you more efficient as
a student. Read each statement and check the appropriate column to indicate your reaction.
When you have finished, you may ask questions or expand on any of the ideas contained in
the statements.
Agree Disagree
1. You should come to class with all the material or equipment
needed for that class.
2. It is not helpful for you to participate in class discussions.
3. You can be sure that you will remember homework or
assignments if you write them down.
4. All students require the same type of environment (location,
amount of background noise, type of furniture, etc.) for
studying or doing homework.
5. A useful tool for you is a weekly schedule which includes
time for things you like (hobbies, television, sports, clubs,
etc.) as well as school- related activities.
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
Agree Disagree
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
Agree Disagree
1. You should not ask your teachers to provide extra help outside class
2. A well-kept notebook is useful in helping you to prepare for tests or
3. Related sections or chapters of a textbook are useful in helping you to
prepare for tests or examinations.
4. Classmates can often help each other with difficult class material.
5. Material related to class work, which you find in magazines,
newspaper, and books other than texts, can often be useful.
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
6. You should ask for explanation of any class material that you do not
understand as soon as possible after the lesson or presentation.
_____ _____
_____ _____
Part B
The above exercise may have helped you to identify some student skills that you wish to improve.
Suggest some things that you might do to improve the skills you mentioned above.
handout No. 2 " The Decision-making Process"
handout No. 3 " An Exercise in Decision Making"
student journals
pencil or pen
What is your challenge question?
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
What are your alternatives? (brainstorm the possible answers)
What are you going to do?
Grade 8 Module: Life Career Management Skills
Handout No. 2 "The Decision-making Process"
fish hooks
6 cans of tomatoes
flash light
ice chisel
baking powder
snare wire
pencil or pen
small paper bags
friends to talk to, parents, assertiveness, openness). Have students put these
shapes in individual paper bags labelled "Survival Kit".
7. Have the students share the contents of their Survival Kits in a discussion
circle and tell what each shape represents and how it helps them cope. Have
students suggest and discuss coping skills they would like to add to their
Survival Kit.
8. In small groups, have students design murals about problem solving to
display in the classroom or hallway.
Adapted from: Developmental guidance classroom activities, Vocational Studies
Centre, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991.
3. Ask the question: "What other things (movies, T.V., etc.) might influence
your behaviour or thinking?" Record these responses.
4. Discuss with students how individuals, institutions, the media, and other
factors influence their behaviour and/or thinking (by setting rules, by setting
an example, by presenting a role model, etc.). Record these factors on the
chalkboard under the headings: individuals, institutions and other factors.
Additional Activities:
Plan research activities centred around differences in our society and the impact of
those differences and abilities on finding jobs.
Resource Person Visitation - Invite an elder to the classroom to discuss the
Aboriginal culture (see Appendix B for guidelines). Invite a variety of individuals to
discuss occupational opportunities (consider gender, culture, age, individuals with
physical disabilities, if appropriate).
Show films or videos on lives of people in various parts of Canada or other parts of
the world that are experiencing economic devastation.
Media House Productions Catalogue
Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment
Educational Planning
Activity 1: Why People Work
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness and understanding of the relationship between work and learning.
Awareness and knowledge of educational benefits.
Awareness and knowledge of the interrelationship of life roles.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
pencil or pen
handout No. 1 "Do You Agree?"
handout No. 2 "Why People Work"
1. What is there about the work you do that gives you the most satisfaction?
2. Are there aspects of your work that sometimes "get you down", that you
wish were not part of the job?
3. If you were fortunate enough to win a sum of money large enough to support
yourself and your family, would you still continue to work? Explain.
Once the interviews have been completed, compile the results, observing common
threads of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Basically, the class will be looking for:
a. the reasons why people work
b. the qualities of work that people find most satisfying/dissatisfying.
Before the interview, students might hypothesize what they think the answers will be
for each of the three questions.
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Do You Agree?
Below is a list of statements about work. Record your feelings about the statements by
placing a check mark under "Agree" or "Disagree" for each statement. Write down your
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
Personal Development
Work can provide an opportunity to learn and grow intellectually and socially. It is a means
of attaining new goals in life by developing new skills and learning new things. Work
allows people to reach their fullest potential. Your work can help you grow and reach your
Job Satisfaction
Because most of your adult waking life will be spent working, it is important to choose an
occupation that will bring job satisfaction. You, as well as your family, will be happier if
the occupation you choose is satisfying.
Service may be defined as the things a person does which are beneficial or useful to others.
People like to make quality products, provide useful services and, in general, make a
contribution to society. In addition, people like to feel that the work they do is important
and of value to others. Your work can be a service to others.
People look for security in their occupations. We need to know that when tomorrow
comes, there will be work for us so that money can be earned. People want stability in their
lives in order to make realistic and effective plans for the future. Your work can provide
you with this security.
All ambitious young people are interested in securing an entry-level job that offers an
opportunity for advancement. Employers are interested in employing persons who like a
challenge and who want to be successful in life. Your work can give you success.
Last, but not least, an important reason why people work is happiness. Thomas Edison, the
great inventor, was once encouraged by his wife to take a vacation. He responded by
stating that he "couldn't think of anything he would rather do than work in his laboratory".
Most people who choose their occupations wisely, thoroughly enjoy their work. This
contributes to their overall happiness.
pen or pencil
handout No. 3 "Subjects and Occupations"
poster paper
2. While distributing the `Subjects and Occupations' sheet, tell students that,
believe it or not, another factor to consider when looking at jobs is the
subjects they like. Ask students to explain why this is so. Have students
complete the activity, advising them they will be asked to explain their
3. Review the responses with the students, seeking reasons and suggesting other
subjects as appropriate. The other subjects could also include those which
students may not encounter until high school or postsecondary education.
4. Distribute the `Subjects and Occupations' sheets. Have students add subjects
and occupations to the sheets. Be prepared to explain why some careers are
listed under some subjects. For example, why does a stock clerk need
5. Have students divide into groups of three or four. Each group should select
one subject and construct a Subject Occupations Poster (make sure each
group selects a different subject).
Additional Activities:
1. Have students ask adults working in a variety of jobs about the school
subjects they would consider most important for success in their line of work
and the reasons for their choices. Share the results with the class.
2. Have students identify the skills they acquire in their school subjects
(perhaps with the assistance of subject teachers) and the reasons why these
contribute to on-the-job success.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table
Subjects and Occupations
Name: ______________________________ Grade: __________ Date: __________
For each career place a checkmark in the column under the school subjects that would be most
necessary for success in that career. List additional subjects in the columns provided.
English Math
Aircraft Mechanic
Nuclear Engineer
Urban Planner
Truck Driver
Police Officer
Chemical Technician
Forest Ranger
Travel Agent
Hospital Administrator
Artistic Director
Bus Driver
Recording Engineer
Flight Attendant
Science French
Produce Manager
Cabinet Maker
______ ______
______ ______
______ ______
Court Reporter
Game Show Hostess
Marketing Director
Postal Worker
Copy Writer
Legal Aide
Library Technician
Social Worker
Telephone Operator
Air Traffic Controller
Budget Officer
Instrumentation Technician
Administrative Assistant
Applicance Technician
Consumer Analyst
Laboratory Technologist
Payroll Director
Computer Programmer
Drafting Technician
Sheet Metal Worker
Bank Teller
Building Inspector
Stock Broker
Airline Personnel
Police Officer
Restaurant Manager
Social Worker
Travel Agent
Public Relations Officer
Bank Officer
Hotel Manager
Prison Guard
Telephone Operator
Travel Guide
Aerospace Engineer
Forest Ranger
Computer Operator
Drafting Technician
Home Economist
Food Scientist
Dental Hygeinist
Medical Technician
Oceanographer Technician
Research Assistant
Technical Writer
Forensic Scientist
Fire Fighter
Business Administrator
Consumer Analyst
Day Care Worker
Employment Officer
Personnel Officer
Labour Relations Specialist
Occupational Therapist
Nursing Home Operator
Speech Writer
Travel Agent
Corrections Officer
Urban Planner
Artistic Director
Recording Engineer
Cabinet Maker
Graphic Artist
Theatre Critic
pen or pencil
handout No. 4 "Transferable Skills"
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Transferable Skills
Meeting deadlines
Expressing yourself verbally
Expressing yourself in writing
Working independently
Taking notes
Writing in an organized
8. Organizing
Situations when
used in school
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
9. Making decisions
10. Solving problems
11. Using criticism for growth
12. Being dependable
13. Being responsible
14. Working as part of a team
15. Planning ahead
16. Negotiating
17. Being motivated
18. Leading
19. Arriving on time
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
Awareness of and knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to set goals and to make
appropriate decisions.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
student journal
pencil or pen
handout No. 1 "Occupation Grouping"
pencil or pen
handout No. 2 "Party Groups"
student journals
handout No. 3 "Holland Code Information Sheets"
handout No. 4 "Occupational Map Activities"
handout No. 5 "Data, People, Things Checklist"
2. With student input, develop a list of workers for each category and have
students add these to their lists.
3. Ask students to identify other categories that could be used to group
occupations. Use the following examples to stimulate thought.
(a) occupations requiring shift work,
(b) workers who supervise others,
(c) workers who fix things.
4. Point out that while the previous lesson showed that one must consider onthe-job tasks when looking at occupations, this lesson demonstrates that
occupations can be grouped or clustered. Like a family, jobs can be related to
each other. Have students suggest and record four jobs for each of the
categories suggested in Activity 3.
5. Have students complete the following statement in their journals:
I learned that ...
Session 2 1. Tell students they are at a party and while they know everyone, the people
they usually spend time with have not arrived and so they have no choice but
to join one of the six groups in the room, the one they would feel most
comfortable joining.
Distribute the `Party Groups' handout explaining that the people in each
group are described on it in order to help them choose which group they will
join. Have students read the descriptions and put the Roman Numeral I by
their first choice. Have them indicate a second and then a third choice in the
same manner.
2. Explain that the students have just finished categorizing themselves
according to a system called the Holland Codes. Point out that the system
was developed after several years of studying and talking to people in
hundreds of different jobs.
3. Have students enter the Holland Code for each group in the space provided.
4. Explain that in this system the first letter of the word is used to identify the
code and that each code consists of three letters -- their first, second, and
third choices -- and must be recorded in order of preference. Have students
record their code in the space provided.
5. Use student codes to point out that, while more than one person will have the
same three letters in his/her code, the order in which they occur will be
different because each of them is unique, and their preferences are a
reflection of this.
6. Explain that Canada Employment and others use the Holland Codes to
describe jobs. Add that, in describing jobs, the codes are also in order of
importance in relation to the job.
7. In groups of four or five, have students list five jobs that they think people in
the party groups might have. With student input, develop a master list. As
appropriate, explain why some jobs may be in more than one category.
8. Distribute and allow students to look at the `Holland Code Information'
9. Have students develop a `Job Interests' lists in their notebooks, paying
particular attention to those which match their Holland Codes.
10. Have students complete the `Occupational Map' handout. Determine
whether this verifies their Holland Code preferences and explain the reasons.
Session 3 1. Explain to students that in this class they are going to look at themselves in
terms of their preferences for Data, People, and Things. After determining
that students understand the meaning of these terms, have them think about
which of the three is their preference while distributing the `Data, People,
Things' checklist. Have them indicate their preference in the space provided
and complete the checklist.
2. Have students total the check marks in each column in the space provided.
Explain that column 1 is Data, 2 is People and 3 is Things and have them
indicate this on their sheets. Explain that the column with the highest
number indicates their preference and ask if this matches the preference they
had written at the top of the sheet.
3. Explain that one is never totally a Data, People or Things person, that
preferences may vary -- as in this checklist -- according to the choices
available and the circumstances. Emphasize, however, that it is important for
students to be conscious of the fact that, as they get older, have more
experiences, and work at different jobs, their preferences may become
stronger or change. Point out that there are jobs where working with People,
Data or Things is the main task. Emphasize this point by asking how many
students think they would be quite happy in a job where there were very few
opportunities -except perhaps at coffee break or lunch -- to talk with other people. Ask how
many would be happy if they had to spend their day working on a machine
(e.g., computer, telephone switchboard, automobile).
4. Distribute and go over the Data, People, Things Information handout.
5. Have students examine selected jobs from the Subjects and Careers lesson to
identify them as primarily Data, People, or Things jobs and, as appropriate,
add to the `Job Interests' in their notebook.
Additional Activities:
Have students list all of the activities in which they engaged on the weekend and
determine which is more prominent -- Data, People, or Things. Compare this with
in-class results.
Have students make a collage of occupations in various Holland Code areas or
grouping according to Data, People, or Things.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table
Occupational Groupings
Name: ___________________________________ Grade: __________ Date: __________
A. Workers who wear a special kind of hat.
B. Workers who use a ladder.
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
D. Workers who help others with health problems.
E. Workers who need a special license.
F. Workers who travel a lot.
G. Workers who use a computer.
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
Source: Making career decisions by Collins, Studd and Wallace. Copyright 1984.
Used by permission of Nelson Canada, A Division of Thomson Canada Limited.
___________ These people are the "doers." They're enthusiastic and like to organize
things - dances, winter carnivals, fund raising -- or keep them on track.
They can be especially good at encouraging other people to do things; they
always seem to find the right words. If your school had a chocolate bar
campaign, these would be the top salesperson.
Group 6 _______________
___________ These people can be counted on. Give them a job to do, some direction,
and they won't let you down. They're probably the scorekeepers or
statisticians for the basketball team, or the ones who volunteer to take the
notes at a meeting or in a discussion. If you wanted someone to help you
organize your record collection, you'd probably ask one of these people.
My Code is _________,_________,________
Source: Bolles, Richard Nelson. What color is your parachute: A practical manual for
job-hunters and career changers. Berkeley, CA.: Ten Speed Press, 1986.
Grade 8 Module: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 2 "Party Groups"
jeweller, X-ray technician,
farmer, fisherman,
Persons who 'live' very much in their minds
Unconventional and independent thinkers, intellectually
curious, very insightful, logical, and persistent
Express themselves and achieve primarily through their
minds rather than through association with people or
involvement with things
Like to explore ideas through reading, discussing
Enjoy complex and abstract mental challenges
Solve problems by thinking and analyzing
photographer, set designer,
interior decorator, artist,
musician, actor/actress,
composer, choreographer,
theatre, critic, architect,
cartoonist, illustrator,
journalist, broadcaster,
director, model
Enjoy beauty, variety, the unusual in sight, sound, word,
Need fairly unstructured environment to provide
opportunities for creative expression
Solve problems by creating something new
People persons who 'live' primarily in their feelings
Sensitive to others, genuine, humanistic, supportive,
responsible, tactful, perceptive
Focus on people and their concerns rather than on things
or deep intellectural activity
Enjoy closeness with others, sharing feelings, being in
groups, unstructured settings that allow for flexibility
and humaneness
Solve problems primarily by feeling ad intuition, by
teacher, speech therapist,
social worker, psychologist,
day-care worker, nurse,
personnel, manager,
recreation director, urban
planner, sociologist, dietician,
politican, advertising agent,
sports promoter, salesperson,
television producer, real
estate agent, stock broker,
fashion merchandiser,
business executive, labour
relations officer, purchase
Persons who 'live' primarily in their orderliness
Quiet, careful, accurate, responsible, practical,
perserving, well-organized, and task-oriented
Have strong need to feel secure and certain, to get
things finished, to attend to every detail
secretary, stock room
attendant, bookkepper,
telephone operator,
accountant, executive
secretary, legal assistant,
medical records clerk, court
reporter, bank manager,
payroll clerk, receptionist,
computer operator
Work outside
Design electronic equipment
Work in a photo studio
Study social problems
Work in a real estate firm
Be an accountant
Run a bulldozer
Work in a scientific laboratory
Study drama
Teach children to read
Work with office managers
Be a musician
Work in a day-care centre
Be a Member of Parliament
Run office machines
Be a police officer
Work with artists
Study Chemistry
Be a biologist
Work with teenagers
Study public speaking
Work with farmers
Work outside
Build cabinets
Be a police officer
Run a bulldozer
Work with farmers
Be a musician
Work with artists
Study drama
Source: Making career decisions by Collins, Studd and Wallace. Copyright 1984.
Used by permission of Nelson Canada, A Division of Thomson Canada Limited.
Grade 8 Module: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 4 "Occupational Map Activities"
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Data, People, Things Checklist
Name: ___________________________________ Grade: __________ Date: __________
I believe that my preference would be to work with _______________.
From each of the following groups of activities, place a check mark on the line beside the
one activity in each group that you would choose to do.
1. (a) make a pizza
(b) read a book
(c) talk on the phone
2. (a) fix a bicycle
(b) plan a party
(c) work on a computer
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
My demonstrated preference is
My second preference is
listening to music.
designing (cars, houses, clothes).
In school I like to
work on projects by myself.
do math problems.
write stories.
do science homework.
I have always wanted to be an
I like to be with people, think about people, talk to people and help people. I like to read
about famous people and understand how people feel.
When I was younger I liked to
look after pet or plants.
go to cubs or brownies.
take friends on holidays or have them stay over.
I enjoy
playing charades.
planning a party or things to do for and with my friends.
writing letters.
playing team sports.
showing others how to do things.
meeting new people.
tour guide
veterinarian police officer
I like to work with things such as tools and machines (cameras, scissors, hammers,
typewriters). I like to learn how things work (T.V.s, cars).
When I was young I used to
take apart things to see how they work.
play with toys such as trucks, model railways.
make things like cookies, doll clothes, forts.
I enjoy
fixing things (bicycle, broken toys).
reading craft magazines or mechanic magazines.
riding my bike.
watching people build things.
In school I like to
go to Industrial Arts or Home Economics.
learn how to type or operate other equipment.
I have always wanted to be a(n)
auto mechanic
bus mechanic
cabinet maker
telephone operator
pencil or pen
handout No. 6 "The Future"
poster paper
coloured pencils or markers
Invite an elderly person into the classroom to give a presentation on the changes.
Visit a job site where new technology has radically altered the work people do.
Check out an automated teller and discuss how jobs have been eliminated through
technological change.
Send messages to another class in another part of the city or province via an
electronic carrier (i.e. Bulletin Board System, computer and modem, fax) and do a
cooperative project to demonstrate jobs created and jobs lost and jobs changed.
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The Future
1. Describe the place where you will be living.
2. What kind of home will you be living in? Describe the home and how it differs
from your home today.
3. Describe your family and lifestyles you hope to have.
4. Describe the type of work you will be doing?
5. What type of technology do you see?
2. Describe how you spend your leisure time.
3. What type of skills will you need to do this leisure activity?
student journals
handout No. 7 "Attitudes Toward Sex Roles"
pen or pencil
handout No. 8 "Occupation List"
student journals
Expanding choices: Math and science programs for girls and women (1992)
Saskatchewan Women's Secretariat
Saskatchewan Education, Training, and Employment
Regina, SK
"She's making choices" (video package)
Saskatchewan WITT - Regina
Women in Trades and Technology
3524 Victoria Ave.
Regina, SK S4J 1M1
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Attitudes Toward Sex Roles
Directions: Listed below are 15 common ideas about women's roles in relationship to
men. There are no right or wrong answers, only personal opinions. Respond to every item
by putting a check mark in the appropriate space.
2 3
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
A woman should be the "power behind the
man" and not the one "out in front".
Truly feminine women let men believe they
are the boss even when this is not true.
It is appropriate to divide work into "man's
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
The best way for a woman to show her love
for her family is to dedicate her time to being a
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ TOTALS (PART II)
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
Occupations List
Fire Fighter
Bus Driver
Rock Band Member
6. Police Officer
7. Doctor
8. Musician
9. News Reporter
10. Lawyer
11. Window Cleaner
12. Farmer
13. Athlete
14. Miner
15. Pilot
16. Accountant
17. Banker
18. Barber
19. Dentist
6. Veterinarian
7. Sanitary Worker
8. Mechanical Engineer
9. Nurse
10. Flight Attendant
11. Writer
12. Inventor
13. Ranger
14. Bookkeeper
15. Architect
16. Cook
17. Farmer
18. Trapper
19. Business Person
20. Fishermen/women
pen or pencil
1. Professor
2. Probation officer
3. Teller, cashier
4. Treasurer, accountant
5. Mortician
6. Supervisor of nursing
7. Veterinarian
8. Upholsterer
9. Realtor, real estate agent
10. Farmer
11. Machinist
12. Author
13. Reporter
14. Chiropracter
15. Trapper
16. Publisher
17. Receptionist
18. Switchboard operator
19. Dispatcher
20. Taxi driver
21. Pharmacist
22. Credit manager
23. Personnel manager
24. Architect
Who Am I - Ask a student to act out an occupation. Other students try to guess the
occupation. The person who guesses acts out another occupation.
Related Occupations - Ask students to name one related occupation for each
occupation in the What's My Line? activity.
Spelling Bee - Have students spell the names of various occupations.
Related Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes - Have students tell you some knowledge, a
skill, or attitude the person must have to work in the occupation that is listed.
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What's My Line?
Write the name of the occupation or the term that matches the description.
1. A person who bangs out dented fenders on a car
2. A person who helps construct houses, buildings, and out of
3. A person who helps construct buildings using stone
4. A person who has successfully completed an
5. A name for a learner working with a journeyman
6. A person who cooks meals in a fancy restaurant
7. A profession
8. A trade having to do with glass
9. The member of a medical team who operates
10. The member of a medical team who specializes in illnesses
of the mind
11. A tradesperson who builds heating pipes
12. A lawyer who accuses a person of breaking the law and
then attempts to prove his accusation
13. A lawyer who assists the accused person
14. A person who repairs and maintains the robots used in
production and manufacturing
15. A person in a warehouse who is responsible for receiving
goods and sending them out
16. A skilled worker who examines eyes and prescribes glasses
17. A person who grinds the lenses for glasses
18. A tradesperson who installs sinks and bathtubs
19. Another name for caretaker
20. A person who teaches golf at a golf course
21. A man or woman who draws blueprints
22. The meaning of the letters COP as in cop
Activity 6: Am I an Entrepreneur?
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness of self and knowledge of the value of a positive self-concept.
Awareness and knowledge of different occupations and knowledge, skills, and
attitudes needed to access, understand and use occupational information.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
identify personal interests, abilities, strengths and weaknesses and how they
relate to occupations.
demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between personality and
occupational goals.
pen or pencil
handout No. 10 "Am I an Entrepreneur?"
handout No. 11 "Personal Entrepreneur Inventory"
people they work with. Some entrepreneurs are people with a high energy level who
are willing to work hard. When employed by someone else they receive the same
salary no matter how hard they work. They see owning their own business as a way
of making their earnings equal their effort.
On the surface, entrepreneurs may seem to have a wide variety of different
personalities, but underneath successful entrepreneurs have some basic
characteristics in common. They tend to be hard-working "self-starters". They are
self-disciplined, realistic and comfortable with a moderate degree of risk.
People's ideas for entrepreneurial ventures usually grow out of their experience,
their education or their hobbies.
Most entrepreneurs have some work experience prior to setting up their own
business/ventures. This experience gives them skills and knowledge which they can
apply in other situations. A person who works as a secretary develops typing skills
which can be used to set up a commercial typing service. A person whose work
involves a lot of writing gets many opportunities to polish this skill and is well
equipped for a career as a freelance writer.
Formal education also provides knowledge and skills which can be used in ventures
that grow out of hobbies. Someone who enjoys sewing might offer sewing classes at
home or do custom sewing for others. Someone who is an expert cross-country skier
might recognize the need for a simple ski waxing system, then develop and market
such a system. Someone who enjoys gardening might start a greenhouse or a
landscaping service.
1. Discuss background information with the students.
2. Discuss with students that they are at a stage in their lives where they are
thinking about future careers; entrepreneurship is one career possibility.
Explain to students that just as some people have personality characteristics
which suit them to careers as doctors, teachers, plumbers or whatever, others
have additional characteristics which make them suited to careers as
entrepreneurs. Distribute the handout, "Am I an Entrepreneur?", and give
students time to read it. Then ask each student to complete the rating scale
which appears beside each question. This rating scale will give them an
indication of the extent to which they possess the personality characteristics
of an entrepreneur. The higher the score, the greater the characteristics
suited to entrepreneurship.
3. Explain to students that successful ventures are usually based on their
founder's interests, skills, and knowledge. Distribute the handout
"Entrepreneur's Inventory". This handout asks students to identify and
assess their own personal interests, skills, and knowledge and then to identify
opportunities which use or are based on these personal assets.
Additional Activities:
Students can design a bulletin board relating to "Entrepreneurship".
Students could make "A Business of the Week" poster.
A great deal
entrepreneurial ventures which are based on these interests, skills, and knowledge. An
example is provided in each category.
My interest
_____________________ ________________________________________________
_____________________ ________________________________________________
My skills
Talking to people
Sales/Personal counselling
_____________________ _________________________________________________
_____________________ _________________________________________________
My knowledge
Computer programming
Computer consulting
_____________________ _________________________________________________
_____________________ _________________________________________________
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness and knowledge of different occupations and knowledge, skills and
attitudes needed to access, understand and use occupational information.
Awareness of the value of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to interact
successfully with others.
Awareness of self.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
Handout "Case Study: Enough is Enough"
pen or pencil
1. Read and discuss background information.
2. In small groups distribute Handout "Case Study: Enough is Enough". Read,
discuss, respond to questions, and record answers.
3. Share responses with the entire group.
4. Journal writing exercise:
Working in a worker cooperative I would (like/dislike)....
Additional Activities:
Design a worker cooperative in the classroom.
Write a story of workers who decided to form a workers' cooperative.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of worker
Video "Cooperation Works"
Canadian Cooperative Association
Saskatchewan Region
Telephone: (306) 244-3702
"We'll never let that happen again!" With that vow, five young workers at the Chester Food
Market quit, determined to start their own business.
Andrew, Rosetta, Matt, Carol-Ann, and Jose had worked at the Chester Food Market, a
small food store with a lunch counter. All of them were interested in preparing and selling
food, and they enjoyed working together. There was not just one thing that led to their
mass resignation. There were really a lot of little things. More and more they seemed to
disagree with their boss as to how they did their work and how the store was run.
"Remember the time Matt and I switched shifts and Mr. Coulter had a fit?" Rosetta
laughed. "There I was trying to find a new day care for my three-year old in the middle of
winter, juggling my shifts so I'd be at work on time, and Mr. Coulter tells me I'm
"He said something like that to me once. That I was...Oh, I know," and a slow smile came
across Matt's face. "He said I wasted too much time talking to customers. Hey, it was good
customer relations, I mean, I knew all the products that they wanted. And they always
came back, didn't they?" Matt looked around for support.
Everyone nodded. The customers had liked Matt, and he did have some good suggestions
for new products. He had thought about marketing Mexican food long before other stores
started carrying it and making a fortune in sales. But his suggestions, like everyone else's,
usually fell on deaf ears. Carol-Ann and Jose wanted to re-arrange the check-out area, so it
would not be congested at busy times, but Mr. Coulter said the renovations would be too
expensive. He just made a joke about them working too slowly.
Three weeks later, Mr. Coulter refused to let the employees choose their own vacation
days. This was the last straw and they decided to quit.
They had heard something about a worker cooperative business where the workers owned
and ran the business. Maybe this was the solution for them.
Source: Cooperative Entrepreneurship: Cooperative Outlook Series (1990), Canadian
Cooperative Association, p. 7-9.
1. List the problems for the workers at the Chester Food Market.
2. How might these problems be handled in a worker cooperative?
3. List what you think might be some advantages and disadvantages of being
each of the following:
a) a worker in a traditional model of ownership (one owner and several
b) an owner in a traditional model of ownership
c) a worker-owner in a worker cooperative
describe the effects that societal, economic and technological change have on
handout No. 12 "World of Work Trends"
pen or pencil
Jobs Created
Assemblyline Workers
Miners (for steel)
Shipping (for rubbers)
Service Station Attendants
Harness Makers
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World or Work Trends - True or False
Name: ___________________________________ Grade: _____ Date: ____________
The world and nature of work is changing. Read each of the following statements and
indicate whether it is true or false.
12. For every dollar a working man made in 1985 a working woman received
approximately 63 cents.
13. Specialization and mechanization in business and industry have resulted in
many jobs becoming repetitive and boring for the workers.
14. People should not expect to have more than one job in their working lives.
15. The nature of our work affects the way we spend our leisure time.
16. Most people find jobs through ads in the newspaper and job postings at
Canada Employment Centres.
handout No. 13 "What You Should Know About Career Development and
pen or pencilCareer Decision-making"
What You Should Know About Career Development and Career Decision Making
Many factors influence when and how people make decisions about their future lives and
occupations. Career choice is a lifelong process involving a series of decisions about
yourself and what you want to do. Understanding the career development and decisionmaking process can help you plan your future. A career decision is the result of
information about yourself and information about the world of work.
Career decisions should be made after you gather:
1. Realistic information about yourself, your abilities, your interests, and your experiences.
2. Accurate career and job information (see library for books and booklets about jobs and
Developing ideas about careers takes place in various stages. Individuals who have studied
career development have identified four stages through which people progress:
1. Fantasy
1. Tentative
1. Realistic
1. Implementation
I'd like to be ...
In the Fantasy Stage, people speculate about various careers without a realistic
frame of reference. They dream about careers without taking into consideration all
of the factors that should enter in decision making. For example, they may want to
be a movie star or a famous writer, but they do not think about whether they have
any talent. This stage generally occurs between the ages of six and ten ... but not
I think I can be ...
During the Tentative Stage, people take into consideration their interests, their
capabilities and their values when they think about a career. For example, they may
want to be a doctor because they are good in science and are interested in helping
people. The activities of both of these stages are exploratory in nature. People
explore all areas of possibility, but only when they enter the Tentative Stage do
they begin being realistic about their future and thinking about it in terms of
themselves and their potential for achieving a particular career.
I know I can ...
During the Realistic Stage, people study the options available considering both
their own needs and the realistic chances they have of achieving their goals.
(a)They learn about the requirements for different fields.
(b)They begin to broaden and then to narrow down their choices.
(c)At the very end of this stage, they arrive at a decision about the direction in
which they are heading. The major activity during this stage is understanding -the understanding of both themselves and the world of work.
IV. I am going to ...
Implementation is the final stage when people begin to act upon their decisions.
Action here can mean a variety of different activities -- taking required courses in
school, applying for a training program, entering a particular program looking for a
job, or working.
It may seem that everyone passes through these stages in exactly the same order.
The truth is that career development rarely progresses so logically and evenly for
most people. The stage at which you find yourself often has nothing to do with
your age. Sometimes people skip stages, and sometimes they can be in more than
one stage at the same time. To complicate things even further, some people go
through the entire process more than once. For example, you can be working
(Implementation) and at the same time fantasize about other jobs. Many adults
have gone through the process but are now considering a career change and are
exploring other possibilities.
pen or pencil
handout No. 14 "Career Development Record"
Grade 7 Career Development Record (if available)
Additional Activities:
Share Career Development Records in small groups.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table
Career Development Record - Grade 8
Student's Name: ________________________________
Date: _______________
Both ___
Active ___
Sedentary ___
Average ___
A. Personal Characteristics
1. Three words that best describe me are
____________________, ____________________, ____________________.
2. Circle the answer which best applies to you.
(a) I enjoy being with people.
Yes No
(b) I get along easily with people.
Yes No
(c) I am understanding of others.
Yes No
(d) I am able to make good decisions. Yes No
(e) I like pressure.
Yes No
3. I would prefer to work with
(a) people. (c) things.
(b) data.
(d) ideas.
4. I would like to work for
(b) grouchy.
3. In the following list, check the characteristics that apply to you.
I like:
(a) having plenty of change and variety.
(b) having a routine.
(c) being closely supervised when I work.
(d) directing others.
(e) dealing with people.
(f) working alone.
(g) trying to convince others.
(h) working under pressure.
(i) using my own judgment.
(j) being scientific and objective.
(k) dealing with my feelings.
(l) being precise.
F. Physical Health
Which subjects (and occupations) might not be good ones to choose because of
health hazards?
G. Work Experience
List the various jobs (part-time, summer, etc.) that you have held. For each, outline:
Complete this statement. At this point in my life, my career goal is:
Complete this statement. From this personal inventory I have learned that I:
Career Guidance
Activity Guide
Table of Contents
Module 1: Self-Awareness
Activity 1: My Life Career Journey
Foundational Objective: Awareness and understanding of the life career concept.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
pen or pencil
overhead "My Life Career"
student journals
coloured pencil
Additional Activities:
Have students design a personal "Life Career" poster.
Have students construct a collage of their lives.
Students will have developed a greater understanding of the life career concept by
constructing a personal and future life career models. A self-assessment rating scale could
be used as an evaluation tool. See Appendix C for sample forms.
My Life Career
handout No. 1 "General Assessment"
pen or pencil
handout No. 2 "Good Features"
student journals
handout No. 3 "Success Analysis"
Discuss the importance of feeling good about oneself ... at school and on the job.
Have students fill out the "General Assessment" activity handout.
Form small groups and have students discuss their activity sheets.
What discoveries did they make? Which strengths seem to enhance a personal
career interest?
5. Distribute the "Good Features" activity handout and ask students to circle the
features they feel they have and write in their journals why they believe they have
this feature. Students can add other "good features" they think they have.
6. Distribute a second copy of the "Good Features" activity handout and ask each
student to write down the name of a member of the group that they think has each
of the features listed on the activity sheet and give a reason why they think the
person has this feature. Each student should remain anonymous when filling out
the second activity sheet.
7. Collect the second activity sheet and read aloud the names only of the persons
named to have certain features. Each student can make a checkmark next to that
characteristic each time he/she is named as having it. Share with peer or in a small
8. Have students discuss if they checked a given feature and how they feel about
having had others attribute a certain feature to them.
9. Have students fill out the "Success Analysis" activity sheet. (Be sure to have them
fill out the section for why they were successful.) Have students discuss their
successes in small groups. Feedback can be given by group members as to why
they feel others have been successful.
10. Have students develop a plan as to how they can improve their self confidence
and help other members of the class improve theirs. Plans may be shared in small
groups on a volunteer basis.
11. Based on the "Assessment", "Good Features" and "Success Analysis" activities,
what conclusions did you arrive at about yourself? How might your values and
traits relate to an occupation? Have students respond to these questions in their
Additional Activities:
Other activities which may be used to emphasize the importance of self-confidence or to
boost self-confidence include:
Have students start a personal list of the things they like about themselves. The
list could include personality characteristics, physical attributes, and skills and
Ask students to keep track over a 24-hour period of all the positive comments
they receive from others.
Lead students in a guided imagery activity in which they visualize themselves as
capable, effective, successful. Students should focus on every detail of how they
look and act.
Have students rehearse acting the way that a self-confident person acts. They
should stand tall, use appropriate eye contact, speak clearly and with conviction,
and walk with a spring in their step. The rehearsals can be videotaped if desired.
See Appendix C for sample group work assessment forms.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
General Assessment
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________
A Little
Not Like
Like Me
1. Get along well with boys.
2. Get along well with girls.
3. Get along well with teachers.
4. Get school work done on time.
5. Am funny or comical.
6. Enjoy science projects.
7. Remember what's learned.
8. Control temper.
9. Am willing to help others.
10. Am confident, sure of self.
11. Enjoy art work.
12. Am neat and clean in appearance.
13. Am able to take orders from teachers.
14. Am able to concentrate.
15. Am courteous, have good manners.
16. Get a lot of fun out of life.
17. Enjoy arithmetic work.
18. Am a leader.
19. Study hard, do not waste time.
20. Sometimes allow others to have their way.
21. Do not expect everything to be perfect.
22. Am good at physical education.
23. Have new, original ideas.
24. Am not too tall, not too short.
25. Am able to talk to teachers easily.
26. Spend time constructively.
27. Make other people feel at ease.
28. Have lots of pep and energy.
29. Enjoy doing independent projects.
30. Enjoy the outdoors.
Very Much
Like Me
Good Features
1. Nice
2. Considerate
3. Very nice
4. Kind
5. Helpful
6. Friendly
7. Cheerful
8. Courteous
9. Doesn't get angry easily
10. Fun to be around
11. Funny
12. Honest
13. Brave
14. Clean
15. I like him/her
16. Nice smile
17. Willing to help others
18. Easy to get to know
19. Smart
20. Good runner
21. Good at baseball
22. Good at football
23. Good at basketball
24. Good at swimming
25. Good at penmanship
26. Good at art
1. Is happy a lot
2. Good sense of humour
3. O.K.
4. Talkative
5. Good listener
6. Easy going
7. Responsible
8. Adventurous
9. Hard worker
10. Team player
11. Gentle
12. Energetic
13. Independent
14. Creative
15. Respectful
16. Self-confident
17. Humble
18. Courageous
19. Leader
20. Good friend
21. Environmentally concerned
22. Good trapper
23. Good farmer
24. Love animals
25. Good at fishing
26. Good at gardening
Success Analysis
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
List Three Successes
Age 1 - 7
Age 7 - 12
Age 12 - Present
Reasons Why
student journals
handout No. 4 "Ranking Values"
pen or pencil
Background Information:
A major step in successful career planning is identifying personal values and goals -understanding what is important to you, where you want to go and what you want to be in
life. Individuals with a clear idea of their own values and goals will be more able to
pursue careers which reflect those values and lead to their goals. With this understanding,
there is a greater chance that they will select jobs that are meaningful and relevant to
Values may be defined as those qualities that the individual, society, or both consider
important as guides for living. They are basic to decision making, important in
interpersonal relations, and vital in the formation of life goals.
The home has the primary responsibility for the development of values in children.
However, teachers and counsellors can also help students develop an appropriate system
of values which will enhance their well-being and the well-being of society.
1. Discuss the meaning and importance of values.
2. Distribute handout No. 4 "Ranking Values". In small groups, share the responses.
3. Discuss how values relate to school and future occupational plans. Have students
make a list of values that are important at school and on the job. Share responses
with a peer or the class.
4. Have students complete the following statements in their journals:
I learned that ...
I was surprised that ...
I think that I understand my values better because ...
Understanding the common essential learnings: A handbook for teachers, Chapter 6:
Personal and Social Values and Skills, Saskatchewan Education, Training and
Employment, 1988.
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Ranking Values
A. Rank these values in the order of their importance to you. If any values that you consider
important are missing from this list, you may add them and rank them.
Rank Order
(1 to ..)
1. To be brave
2. To share
3. To show good judgment
4. To show self-control
5. To be dependable
6. To be easy to get along with
7. To work hard towards my goals ____________________________________
8. To make full use of my
potential and capabilities
9. To be honest
10. To make my own decisions
11. To treat others as I would want
to be treated
12. To understand myself and
13. To be kind to others
14. To get the things I enjoy most
15. To be happy
16. To be accepted
17. _________________________ ____________________________________
18. _________________________
19. _________________________
20. _________________________
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Grade 9 Module: Self-Awareness
Handout No. 4 "Ranking Values"
pen or pencil
handout No. 1 "Study Habits Checklist"
handout No. 2 "Work Habits Inventory"
5. Have each student develop a plan for improving a selected study skill. Develop a
contract with the student.
6. Brainstorm with students some of the personal habits necessary to get along with
others on the job. Discuss the meaning of the various ideas presented.
7. Distribute the "Work Habits Inventory" (review the content so that students know
all terms used). Have students complete the "Work Habits Inventory" handout.
8. Discuss how they felt about their self-evaluation. What areas would they like to
9. In small groups, have students make a list (on poster paper) of "Strategies for
School Success" to be displayed around the classroom.
Additional Activities:
Participate in a Job Shadowing or Work Experience Program.
Have students identify qualities from their "Work Habits Inventory" handout that need
the most improvement. Have students select one personal work habit that needs
improving and develop a plan of action.
Discussion and activity related to intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
Student evaluation: A teacher's handbook, learning contracts (p. 54-58), Saskatchewan
Education, Training, and Employment, 1991.
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Study Habits Checklist
Sometimes Often/Always
Sometimes Often/Always
___ I waste time and need to be prodded along
___ I waste time and need some supervision
___ I waste time occasionally but am usually reliable
___ I seldom waste time and am reliable
___ I am industrious and concentrate very well
___ I can't adjust to change
___ I have difficulty adapting to new situations
___ I adjust to change after instruction
___ I adjust to change readily
___ I find it pleasant to adapt and meet changes
4. PERSONAL APPEARANCE (neatness and personal care)
___ I am careless about my appearance
___ I sometimes neglect my appearance
___ I make an effort to improve my appearance
___ I care about my appearance; I look neat most of the time
___ I am extremely careful about my appearance; I look very neat all of the time
5. ATTENDANCE (school work, or organizations to which I belong)
___ I am frequently absent
___ I am not regular enough in attendance
___ I am average in my attendance
___ I am almost always in attendance
___ I am never absent except for an unavoidable emergency
___ I am frequently tardy
___ I am very often tardy
___ I could improve my punctuality
___ I am seldom tardy
___ I am never tardy except for an unavoidable emergency
Awareness of and knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to make appropriate decisions.
Awareness and understanding of the occupational planning process.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
pen or pencil
handout No. 3 "Influences on Decisions"
student journals
handout No. 4 "Identifying My Own Obstacles"
Time: Two - three class periods. You may choose to break these activities into two
distinct sessions: Session 1 (#1-4) and Session 2 (#5-7).
1. Have students form groups and discuss the following questions in regard to
situations in Step No. 2.
(a) How will this decision affect my happiness and well-being?
(b) How will this decision affect my occupational choice?
(c) How will this decision affect the lives of my family or other significant
people in my life?
(d) How will this decision affect me in my current situation?
2. Have students discuss the following situations:
3. (a) Personal/Social
o Should I get married?
o Should I leave home after graduation?
o Should I be thinking of the future now?
(b) Educational/Career
(c) Health/Safety
Additional Activities:
Explore decision-making models and processes.
Students could create a dance or piece of music which illustrates:
(a)a decision that went well/poorly.
(b)the tensions/pressures/stresses involved in the decision to stay in school/leave school
Succeeding in the world of work, Kimbrell & Vineyard, Glenco Publishing Co., 1986.
Influences on Decisions
Most people experience obstacles when making decisions. Identifying the particular
obstacles that you face is the first step to overcoming those obstacles.
Decision-making does not happen in a vacuum. Your decisions have an impact on your
life; likewise, your life situation influences what decisions you make and how you make
The society in which you grow up, your family background, your present family, your
peers, and the way you feel about yourself all influence the decisions that you make.
Sometimes these factors make decision-making easier. For instance, a friend who
encourages you may help build your confidence and, therefore, make the final decision
less difficult.
However, society, family, peers, and feelings about yourself also act as obstacles to
decision-making. For example, many girls would like to pursue careers that are
traditionally considered to be a male occupation such as law, engineering, etc. Rather than
giving it very serious thought, they tend to dismiss the idea. This might be due to family
and peer pressure, and feelings about themselves such as, lack of self-confidence, fear of
failure, and age, race and sex role stereotyping.
"I would like to change jobs, but I have my family to think about."
"The reason I haven't made a decision is because I'm afraid and I know it."
"What I would really like to be is a lawyer, but I've given up on that because I know it's so
hard for women to succeed in law."
"I do not know whether I'm going to apply for that job or not. Besides, they're not going to
choose a black person."
"I'm not really qualified to do that kind of job and I'm too old to get more training."
Many of the preceding statements describe something you have heard people say or maybe
even something you have said or felt. It is likely that you identify with a number of these
statements. They represent some of the most common obstacles that people face when
making career-related decisions.
An obstacle to a satisfying decision is anything or anyone that prevents you from
adequately considering all of the alternatives. For example, one of the persons said, "I'm to
old to start something new". When looking for a job, this person might not even consider
some positions for which he or she is well qualified. Age stereotyping prevents this person
from considering all the possible alternatives.
Obstacles can be divided into two general categories: internal and external. Internal
obstacles may include some of your feelings. For example, in one of the quotes above, the
person was afraid to make a decision. For this individual, fear was an internal obstacle.
External obstacles are those that originate in the person's environment, such as family
responsibilities, and age, race and sex discrimination. While these external obstacles are
sometimes very real, they are often used as excuses. Thus, individuals put off making a
decision to avoid taking risks. However, putting off making a decision is actually a
decision not to make a decision even though individuals may avoid recognizing the fact.
that, I
___ Family expectations and responsibilities (e.g., pay the bills, cook the meals, pressure
to go
into a specific career, etc.)
___ Societal stereotyping with respect to age, race and sex (e.g., you can't do that, you're
old! or you're black or you're a woman or you're a man)
___ Other societal expectations (e.g., to conform, to make increasingly more money, to be
successful, to be a good parent, etc.)
pen or pencil
student journal
A panel discussion/forum may be planned and organized by the students. Guests may
include representatives from businesses, parents, teachers, students who were early
school leavers, students who completed high school, school administration, and students.
Possible questions to explore:
In what ways might school respond to needs of students who may be potential
How does the role of the school compliment/interfere with student needs?
pen or pencil
chart paper
student journal
felt pens
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Do not follow where the path may lead - instead go where there is no path
and leave a trail.
o Act as though it were impossible to fail.
o The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
7. Discuss the quote and determine the meaning. Design a poster on the quote (be as
creative as possible).
8. Share the meaning of the poster with the rest of the class.
Additional Activities:
Write Haiku poetry about change. Illustrate on a poster.
Collect articles about change from the newspaper. Divide the class into groups. Each
member of the group is given a different article to read and present to the rest of the
group. (Follow a jigsaw strategy.)
Research - Write a report on Changing Labour Market Trends.
Adapted from: Choices you make, Canada Employment and Immigration, Regina, SK,
Educational Planning
Activity 1: Occupations Contribute to the Community
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness and understanding of the relationship between work and learning.
Awareness and knowledge about changing gender roles.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
pen or pencil
handout No. 1 "Definitions Match"
collection of hats representing different occupations (they can be made
5. After telling students that, while everyone appreciates the money they receive
from working, even people who probably have earned lots of money -- for
example, professional athletes, rock stars, T.V. and movie stars -- keep on
working. Other examples would include people in oil refining, natural gas
exploration, mining, and publishing. Ask students to give reasons why these
people would continue to work.
Reasons should include such things as meeting challenges, the sense of
accomplishment, meeting/working with people, accepting responsibility,
contributing to society, making life better for others, personal satisfaction, and
feeling involved.
Additional Activities:
Students might enjoy coming to school dressed like people in various occupations.
Have each student interview three adults who have worked for five or more years to find
out why they work. Discuss the findings in class.
Have students interview some one who is recently unemployed.
Invite a person into the classroom to discuss his/her occupation. Try to include a male or
a female from a non-traditional occupation. Include individuals of various ages, cultures,
with disabilities, etc.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
Definitions Match
Name: __________________________________ Grade: __________ Date: __________
A. Abilities
B. Leisure
C. Career
E. Trade
G. Values
I. Skills
K. Stereotyping
M. Application
O. Attitude
D. Degree
F. Personality
H. Apprenticeship
J. Occupation
L. Interests
N. Goal
P. Lifestyle
Source: Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of Education,
Grade 9 Module: Educational Planning
Handout No. 1 "Definitions Match"
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
identify skills and traits that employers expect in the world of work.
identify skills and traits that are transferable from school to the world of work.
pen or pencil
handout No. 2 "Common Traits Employers Are Seeking in Employees"
handout No. 3 "Job Seeking/Keeping Skills"
Students who are seeking part-time employment could design a rsum and research
interviewing skills.
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Common Traits Employers are Seeking in Employees
Employers say that they are looking for the following traits in potential employees. Rate
yourself on these traits.
Below Average Good Out- Unknown
1. Works accurately.
2. Does neat work.
3. Sees the job through (does not
quit because it gets difficult).
4. Always proceeds in an orderly
5. Able to work well under
6. Willing to do those parts of the
job that one may not really want
7. Able to work with- out
supervision if necessary.
8. Cooperates with others.
9. Keeps busy.
10. Behaves well.
11. Gets along well with others.
Source: Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of Education,
Grade 9 Module: Educational Planning
Handout No. 2 "Common Traits Employers are Seeking in Employees"
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Postsecondary Research Form
8. Other: availability of
calendar, program
brochure, on- site tour,
scholarships, special events
1. Name of program
2. Length: start date,
completion date, duration
3. Admission Requirements:
grade and school subjects,
age, interview, other
special prerequisites
4. Costs: tuition, books,
supplies, uniforms
5. Description:
o class/courses
o options
o method of
o special features
6. Graduate Employment:
number of graduates, type
of jobs, starting salaries
7. Certification: degree,
diploma certificate, outside
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
Awareness of and knowledge and skills needed to access, understand and use
occupational information.
Knowledge and skills to prepare for the transition from high school.
Learning Objective:
The student will:
What do people DO on the job? What are their duties and responsibilities? Would
any of your interests, hobbies or skills help you on the job?
What other occupations/hobbies are related to this one?
What hours, travel or work environment does this job involve?
What are the basic entrance requirements? What knowledge, abilities, aptitudes,
or skills are needed?
What level of education is needed to enter the job? Are certain high school
courses especially valuable as prerequisites?
Is there on-the-job training?
Do you have to own a driver's license? Are there physical restrictions?
What type of job can you reasonably expect to start with?
(d) Students should be encouraged to seek information from local libraries, people
employed on the
job, the school guidance office, Saskatchewan Education, Training
and Employment, and the
local Canada Employment Centre.
(e) Reporting can take place through written submissions to the teacher and a
summarized oral
Additional Activities:
Design a bulletin board on an occupation.
Construct an "Occupation Collage" or mobile.
See Appendix C for sample forms to assess written submissions.
Stats Canada CD-ROM
Adapted from: Junior high health and personal life skills, Alberta Education, 1987.
pen or pencil
handout No. 5 "Educational Profile Sheet"
high school handbooks
course requirement pamphlets from universities, colleges, etc.
Many students are not familiar with the credit requirement for Grade 12
graduation nor with the combination of courses which must make up this
total. (Check the high school handbooks for information charts.
Information is also available from Saskatchewan Education, Training and
Discuss with students that high schools often offer specialized programs
which meet the different educational, occupational, and personal needs of
Have students review what they have learned about the vocational
programs, arts education programs, business education, technical courses,
work experience possibilities, and various academic programs that are
available locally.
If possible, arrange for a tour of a high school, or inform students of open
houses being held at local high schools.
(d) Have students explore the various course requirements for entrance to
colleges, etc.
4. A three-year plan:
Students need to be aware of the nature of high school and postsecondary
planning, the need to consider pre-requisites, and high school registration
Students should also begin to be aware of the notion of "closing doors" on their
(a) Some students close doors on themselves by failing to live up to their
potential in junior
high school, thereby losing the chance to take courses of
their own choice in senior high
(b) Some students who are eligible to take higher level courses choose not to do
so "just
because it's easier not to", without realizing that not all courses will
take them to the same
postsecondary goals.
(c) Some students look up the course requirements for the postsecondary program
of their
choice and select only the courses necessary to get into that specific
program. This can
cause several problems:
The requirements change in the three years that they are in high school
(e.g., a course which is merely recommended becomes required).
o Their career or occupational goals change, and they find themselves in the
wrong program, or short of the necessary courses.
o Although postsecondary institutions list minimum requirements, some
faculties must limit enrolments for a number of reasons -- lack of facilities
or market requirements. Consequently, very few applicants who have
minimum entrance requirements may be accepted.
5. Have students complete the "Educational Profile Sheet" handout. Emphasize that
this plan is not carved in stone and may be changed in the future.
Additional Activities:
Interview high school students about various subjects and high school programs.
Participate in a Job Shadowing and/or Work Experience Program.
Design your future
Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment
Adapted from: Junior high health and personal life skills, Alberta Education, 1987.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
List below the courses you have taken, are taking, or will take which will help you enter
this field if you choose to continue in this direction. List all courses for past, present, and
future. (Remember that some grades have certain requirements and that certain courses
must be taken in order to graduate.)
Grade 10
pen or pencil
handout No. 1 "What is Important to Me?"
handout No. 2 "Job Satisfiers"
1. Have each student write a definition of "work" and list five reasons why people
2. Create four groups and have each group compile a definition of work and as many
reasons for working as possible. Have groups post definitions and reasons on
large chart paper.
3. Groups can walk around to examine and discuss each group's definition of work.
4. Consider, with students, whether volunteering, unemployment and homemaking
are accounted for in the definitions of work.
5. Create a class list of the reasons for working.
6. Consider the reasons for working in relation to marital status, sex, and age.
7. Using the class-created list of reasons for working and definitions of work, have
students survey others -- male and female, young and old, employed, unemployed
and retired -- about reasons for working and a definition of work. Compare the
results of the survey with the class-generated list of definitions.
8. Introduce the concept of job satisfiers and how it can help students determine
their likes and dislikes in what they will do at work. Ask students to complete the
"What Is Important to Me?" and then discuss some of their responses and reasons
for their responses in pairs. Each pair might try to decide which satisfiers are the
most important. However, it should be made clear that the purpose of the exercise
is to stimulate thinking through discussion, not to strive for a "correct" response.
Teacher Note - An informal survey revealed that a majority of workers surveyed
ranked the items on the worksheet "What Is Important to Me?" as follows: 1-h, 2j, 3-i, 4-b, 5-a, 6-e, 7-c, 8-f, 9-d, 10-g.
It needs to be emphasized that there are no right or wrong answers. Students may,
however, wish to compare their evaluation with that of the survey.
9. Ask students to complete the "Job Satisfiers" handout. Ask them to suggest
occupations that might meet their needs and desires.
Additional Activities:
Debate - Students might debate the following topics related to satisfaction in a job.
(a) Being happy with your work is more important than earning a large salary.
(b) Working for yourself is more satisfying than working for someone else.
Working Conditions - Ask students to list the ideal working conditions for an occupation
of their choice. They might share their answers with the class. They might also discuss
how or why an individual could overcome or accept poor working conditions in an
Watch and discuss the video "Get Ready" which explores northern career opportunities in
science and technological fields.
"Get ready" (video)
"Choices you make" (video)
Canada Employment and Immigration
Regina, SK
Adapted from: Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of
Education, 1988.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
What Is Important to Me?
Rank the following general job satisfiers in order of their importance to you. When you have
decided which one is the most important to you, write "1" in the column entitled Importance
to Me. Write "2" beside the second most important, and so on. Write down the reasons for
your answers. For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the
table title)
Job Satisfiers
Good wages
Job security
Good working conditions
Interesting work
Personal loyalty to workers
Tactful discipline
Full appreciation of work done
Sympathetic help with personal problems
Importance Group
to Me
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Grade 9 Module: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 1 "What Is Important to Me?"
Job Satisfiers
A list of the satisfiers that people may seek in their jobs or as a result of their jobs are given
below. Which of these satisfiers are important to you? Check the appropriate column for
each statement. When you have completed the list, write down the five most important job
satisfiers, in order of their importance to you, and the five that are least important to you. If
some of the satisfiers you might expect from a job are not here, you may include them on
your final list.
Important Important Importantly
I would like a job in which I will be
able to:
- help other people;
- invent new things, design new
products, or develop new ideas;
- travel;
- think of myself;
- obtain status and respect;
- plan work for others;
- earn a good salary and satisfy my
material needs;
- work outdoors;
- feel secure, even in time of high
- work in pleasant surroundings;
- have a supervisor who is fair and with
whom I get along well;
- work with other people;
- do a variety of job activities;
- do light physical work;
- work with machines.
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Grade 9 Module: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 2 "Job Satisfiers"
describe the various roles an individual may have as part of his/her life career.
pen or pencil
handout No. 3 "Lifestyles Questionnaire"
handout No. 4 "Leisure Time Questionnaire"
time free from required work when a person may amuse himself/herself or may
rest and enjoy some pleasant activity.
time at one's disposal.
Discussion of both lifestyles and leisure should consider the following points:
1. (a) Define leisure. The main concept to consider is time free from work and
to amuse oneself, rest, and enjoy an activity.
(b) Brainstorm a list of leisure activities currently enjoyed by students. Consider
the time
available to devote to leisure related to the roles and responsibilities
of being a student,
someone's daughter, a part-time worker, and someone's
brother or sister.
2. (a) Have students imagine ten years into the future, assume they are all married,
live in
apartments and have no children. How will this affect leisure activities
and time available
for leisure?
(b) In addition to being married, the students all have jobs which -- like teaching
-- require at
least an hour's work at home each night. How does this affect
available leisure time and
activities and the time spent with one's spouse?
(c) In addition to the above, students now own their own homes and have one
six-month old
child. How does this affect available leisure time and activities
and time spent with one's
3. Ask students to identify other factors and changes in their lives which would
affect time available for leisure, leisure activity, and relationships. Such factor
changes would include additional children, a working/non-working spouse, shift
work, a move to a new community, major purchases (e.g., car, new house),
starting your own business.
4. Explain that while the previous activities/discussions focused attention on leisure,
students were also considering lifestyle. Discuss the meaning of lifestyle.
Concepts to consider include participation in the economic life of society; family
and home roles, membership and responsibilities; involvement in community and
religious activities, groups and associations; and changes resulting from
technological, societal, and economic change.
5. Complete and discuss the `Lifestyle and Leisure' questionnaire handouts.
6. Consider the importance of lifestyle and leisure in relation to planning for the
7. Write a few paragraphs on the changes in leisure time, activities, and relationships
that would result when a spouse leaves the home, when children are 16 or 17,
when children are away from home, or at retirement.
8. A lifestyle is the way you decide to live 24 hours a day. For example a couple
with five children lives in the log house they built in British Columbia and fishes
for salmon three months a year to get needed money. A 33-year old person is
selling school materials around the province and lives over half the time in
motels. These persons decided on a particular lifestyle. They may not do it all
their life, but they want to now.
Describe people with different lifestyles. Tell about the way they get money, the
degree of luxury (or lack of), recreation and hobbies, housing, cars, etc.
Lifestyle No. 1
Lifestyle No. 2
Lifestyle No. 3
Lifestyle No. 4
9. Share your responses in small groups.
10. In small groups, discuss the important of lifestyle and leisure in planning for the
Additional Activities:
Choices - Ask students to list several possible careers for themselves, based on their
desired lifestyle and use of leisure time. Ask them to compare these choices with their
earlier choices based on their interests.
Planning for Leisure Time - Ask students to use a decision-making model to make a plan
for leisure time; for example, to answer the question "How can I spend a half day?"
Research - Have students do research on occupations related to leisure time, such as hotel
administration, travel, sports, recreation, photography, coin collecting, stamp collecting,
crafts. Students should be encouraged to use career computer resources, if available.
Imagine your lifestyle 100 years ago and 100 years in the future. Write an imaginative
story to share with the class.
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
Lifestyle Questionnaire
A. For each of the following descriptions of jobs, give two examples.
1. Some occupations allow an individual a great deal of leisure time.
2. Some occupations allow very little leisure time.
3. In some occupations, employees earn well over $50 000 per year.
4. In some occupations, employees earn between $15 000 and $20 000 per year.
5. Many jobs directly involve helping people with their personal needs and worries.
6. Some jobs make it very difficult for the employees to spend time with their families.
7. Some jobs provide the first step to bigger and better positions (job advancement).
8. Very few jobs involve adventure, that is exciting, risk taking, or hazardous activities.
9. In certain occupations you would be able to own your business or be self-employed.
10. Certain occupations do not allow you to ever own your business.
11. Some occupations allow you to get to know other people very well and develop
close relationships with them.
3. Some people love to be inventive, original, or creative in anything they do, but in
certain occupations creative experiences would probably not be present.
4. In the future, certain jobs might be done by robots.
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Grade 9 Module: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 3 "Lifestyle Questionnaire"
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
Leisure Time Questionnaire
1. Choose three words to best describe what leisure means to you. Explain why you
picked those words.
2. What do you commonly do when you have a half hour or an hour free? List three
3. What are your leisure activities when you have a half day or a full day free? List
three activities.
4. What do other people want you to do during your leisure time (your parents,
teachers, friends)?
5. Why do people have vacations? What, for you, is the ideal vacation? What does
this tell you about yourself?
6. When does leisure time become work? Consider these examples: gardening vs
farming; partying vs entertaining for business; cooking vs being a chef; tinkering
with cars vs being a mechanic; sewing vs working as a seamstress or tailor.
7. List leisure time facilities available to you in your community and school (e.g.,
YMCA and YWCA, recreation centre, arena, etc.).
8. Which of the following benefits does leisure time provide for you? Place a check
mark next to them.
___ relaxation
___ recreation
___ variety
___ enjoyment
___ spiritual growth
9. What are you looking for in your leisure time experiences?
Source: One step at a time, Educational and Career Explorations, Intermediate Division,
Ministry of Education, Ontario, 1984.
Grade 9 Module: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 4 "Leisure Time Questionnaire"
Activity 3: My Future
Foundational Objectives:
Awareness and understanding of the career planning process.
Awareness of change and knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for life career
Awareness and understanding of the life career concept.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
handout No. 5 "My Future"
pencil or pen
student journals
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
My Future
Name: ___________________________________ Grade: __________ Date: __________
1. How old are you? ______
2. Are you married? _____ For how long? _____ Do you have children? _____ How
many? _____ Ages? _____
3. What time do you get up on work days? _____
4. What do you usually wear to work? ____________________
5. What do you eat for breakfast? ____________________ Do you eat at home?
6. Do you live in a house? _____ an apartment? _____ a flat? _____ or a mobile
home? _____ Is it in the city? _____ suburbs? _____ town? _____ a village? _____
or the country? _____
7. What time do you leave for work? _____
8. What time do you have to be at work? _____ Do you have to be there at the same
time every day? _____ If no, why not? ____________________
9. What time do you leave work? _____ Do you go straight home on most days?
_____ If not, what do you do before going home? ____________________
10. What kind of work do you do? ___________________ Who is your employer?
Source: Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of Education,
Grade 9 Module: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 5 "My Fantasy Future"
pen or pencil
handout No. 6 "Occupational Information Resources"
handout No. 7 "Occupational Search"
occupational information resources
look under "careers" in the card catalogue (or other data bank)
look under career areas you find most interesting (i.e., agriculture, science, etc.)
look in reference section (i.e., Dictionary of occupational titles, Canadian
classification and dictionary of occupations, occupational outlook handbook)
talk to the librarian
newspaper (want ads)
Source: Connect: A career planning workshop for adolescents and their parents, Lauri
Briltz, Unpublished document, University of Saskatchewan, 1993.
Grade 9 Module Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 6 "Occupational Information Resources"
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
Occupational Search
Job Title
Person Interviewed
Date of Interview
1. Job Requirements
What education and/or training is needed?
2. List any Special Abilities needed (verbal, numerical, mechanical, etc.)
Do you need a license or special certificate to do this work?
List any other requirements for this occupation.
3. Job Description
What are the duties? responsibilities?
4. Interests
Check the kinds of interests that are related to this occupation. (This question may
be omitted if the information is not available.)
___ arts
___ mathematics
___ literary
___ music
___ science
Does the occupation have any other special working conditions? Describe them.
2. What personal qualities are required (appearance, strength, math ability, working
with people)?
3. What is the pay range for this occupation?
4. Job Future
What are the chances for advancement within this occupation?
What are the chances of staying employed in this occupation (employment
5. In Your Opinion
What are the major advantages of this occupation?
What are the major disadvantages of this occupation?
4. What personal interests are associated with your job?
5. What related work experiences have you had?
6. What advice would you give to someone planning to enter this occupation?
(b) abilities
(c) work values
(d) educational plans
(e) desired working conditions
(f) desired salary
(g) lifestyle/leisure
2. What would I like about this job?
3. What wouldn't I like about this job?
4. Do you need to explore more careers? Why?
5. Has your search affected your educational plans? If so, how?
Source: Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of Education,
pen or pencil
handout No. 8 "The Profile of An Entrepreneur"
student notebook
chalk, chalkboard
Did you know that: In 1986, almost one out of every seven workers in Canada
was self-employed (1,556,000 out of 11,634,000).
Between 1975 and 1986, the number of self-employed workers increased more
than twice as fast as the number of paid workers: 54.0% compared with 22.6%.
Self-employment is more prevalent among men than among women: 17.1% of all
employed men were self-employed in 1986 compared with only 8.3% of all
employed women.
Since 1975, however, the number of self-employed women has been rising three
times as fast as the number of self-employed men: 117.6% compared with 39.1%.
Women's share of total self-employment rose from 19% in 1975 to 27% in 1986;
during this period, their share of paid worker employment advanced from 38% to
The prevalence of self-employment increases rapidly with age: in 1986, only
5.6% of workers aged 15-24 were self-employed compared with 15.3% of
workers aged 35-44 and 46.8% of those 65 years and over.
Self-employment is most prevalent in Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island: it
makes up 23.8% of total employment in the former and 18.3% in the latter. If
agriculture is excluded, however, British Columbia has the highest proportion of
self-employment (15.6%). Self-employment is least prevalent in Ontario and
Self-employment is more prevalent among workers engaged in fishing and in
farming occupations; it is also prominent among persons in the artistic, literary,
and recreational field; in sales occupations; and in the construction trades.
Self-employment workers generally stay at their job longer than paid workers. In
1986, almost 18% of the self-employed had worked at their job more than 20
years compared with only 8% of paid workers.
1. Review what the students have already learned about entrepreneurship. You may
also wish to ask a student belonging to Junior Achievement to give a presentation
in the classroom and/or a local entrepreneur. Ensure a range of occupations,
cultures, ages, disabilities, and both genders when considering potential
entrepreneurs for classroom speakers.
2. Brainstorm ideas or facts ... write them on the chalkboard.
3. Go over the background information with the students.
4. Explain the "Profile of An Entrepreneur" assignment. Distribute the handout and
have students go over each section for discussion and clarification. If students live
in a small community, perhaps they can make a list of the business people in the
community and who they plan on interviewing.
5. Students should report back to the class about their entrepreneur. The students
should be encouraged to set up an appointment with the entrepreneur and to write
a thank you letter after the interview.
6. Students should discuss the contributions made by the entrepreneurs.
Additional Activities:
Invite a representative from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Chamber
of Commerce, or Saskatchewan Economic Development to give a class presentation. If
the Grade 12 Entrepreneurship course is offered at the school or a neighbouring high
school, invite students from that class to share their entrepreneurial projects.
Bulletin Board - Have students design a bulletin board about entrepreneurship.
Establish A Business - Students may wish to research and develop a plan for establishing
a business.
Write newspaper articles for the school newspaper highlighting entrepreneurs in the area.
Canadian Council for Native Business
Box 7626
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2B6
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
950 - 1783 Hamilton St.
Regina, SK S4P 2B6
Junior Achievement
Bayside Centre, 222 - 255 2nd Ave. North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2B7
Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce
1630 Chateau Towers, 1920 Broad Street
Regina, SK S4P 3V2
Saskatchewan Economic Development
1919 Saskatchewan Drive
7th Floor, Ramada Inn
Regina, SK S4P 3V7
The Saskatchewan entrepreneur revisited in 1989 by E. Weymes
Saskatchewan Economic Development and Tourism
Regina, SK
pen or pencil
chalk, chalkboard
poster paper
retail cooperatives
fishing cooperatives
livestock producer purchasing cooperatives
funeral cooperatives
grain marketing cooperatives
daycare cooperatives
housing cooperatives
credit unions
water and firefighting cooperatives
health care cooperatives
employment cooperatives
radio cooperatives
taxi cooperatives
4. Journal writing:
From this activity I have learned....
Additional Activities:
Invite a representative from a cooperative to give a presentation to the class.
Job shadowing experience in a cooperative.
Write a report on cooperatives.
The students will describe Maslow's hierarchy of needs and how cooperatives satisfy
each of the needs.
The students will identify cooperatives in their area, province and country.
The students will identify various occupations within the cooperatives.
Have students develop a classroom cooperative.
Canadian Cooperative Association
Saskatchewan Region Office, 333 Third Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H9
Telephone: (306) 244-3702
describe the changing life roles of men and women in work and family.
describe stereotypes and biases that limit opportunities for men and women to
pursue certain occupations.
pen or pencil
coloured pencils or markers
student journals
poster paper
Background Information:
Until the 1960s, society held rigid expectations regarding the work that women and men
should do. Most women worked only until they married. After marriage they were
expected to leave the paid labour force and devote themselves to the care of their homes
and families. Because it was assumed that most women would work only a few years,
many did not go to university, choosing to work at clerical and sales jobs. Those women
who did take postsecondary training were usually tracked into traditionally "female"
fields such as nursing, library work, or elementary school teaching. Highly trained and
highly paid professionals such as doctors, lawyers, veterinarians, pilots, dentists, etc.
were almost always men. Similarly, there were few if any women in the skilled trades
such as carpentry and plumbing.
In the mid 1950s this began to change. Over the years occupational stereotypes have
become less rigid and increasing numbers of women are entering occupations once
dominated by males. There is still a long way to go. However, a number of studies have
shown that many teenage girls still limit themselves to traditionally female occupational
choices. By doing this, they reduce their earning power and their opportunities for job
satisfaction. Introducing students to the broadest possible range of career options and
emphasizing that both males and females can enter any field they choose are ways to
break down occupational stereotypes.
1. Review with the students what they already know about gender roles.
2. Share and discuss the background information. Discuss the changing roles of
women and men in the work force.
3. Divide the students into small groups to:
(a) develop a list of traditional occupations for both males and females and
discuss changes.
(b) develop a list of myths about males/females in the work place, at school or
home, and
discuss them (e.g., woman's place should be in the home; the man
should be the
breadwinner in the family).
(c) share the myths with the rest of the class.
4. Individually design a poster, promoting males and females to enter non-traditional
5. Have the students complete the following statement in their journals:
I learned that ...
Additional Activities:
1. Invite a woman or a man employed in a job which is not traditional for his or her
gender to speak to the class. The speaker might discuss:
o why she/he selected that career
o the satisfactions associated with this particular career
"She's making choices" (video package)
Saskatchewan WITT - Regina
Women in Trades and Technology
3524 Victoria Ave.
Regina, SK S4J 1M1
The idea book: A resource for improving the participation and success of female students
in math, science or technology (1988)
Canadian Teachers' Federation
Ottawa, ON
Adapted from: Project real world module IV, Federal/Provincial Publication,
Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment, 1986.
Between 1980 and 1988 the number of people in the Canadian labour force
increased by 14.7%. This rate of growth is only half what it was during the 1970s.
Two forces played a significant role in shaping the Canadian labour force during
the 1980s: a rapid decline in the number of young people entering the labour force
and strong growth of the number of women between the ages of 25 and 54 in the
labour force.
The decline in young workers is a result of the declining birthrates. The increase
of female workers is the result of social and economic factors which encourage
women to enter the labour force.
where you live
your career choice
goal in life
favourite leisure time activity
2. Have students then turn card over and supply some information in the present.
3. In small groups have students discuss their findings. Ask the following question:
What changes do you expect over the next four years?
4. Ask students how these changes have affected their lifestyle.
5. Ask students what they could have done to avoid undesirable changes and/or their
reactions to these changes.
6. Discuss the background information with the students. Discuss the current
economic climate in Saskatchewan, Canada, and the world. What changes are
occurring in the work places?
7. In small groups have students make the following lists:
o jobs which exist today that did not exist 20 years ago
o jobs from the past and present that will probably exist in the future
o jobs that will probably not exist in the future
Discuss these lists and share with the large group.
8. Distribute handout "Unexpected Changes". Have students in small groups discuss
the case studies and to try and identify as many career options as possible for each
group of workers.
9. Share responses with the large group.
10. Have students complete the following statements in their journals:
I may not be able to control the future but ...
I found out that I need to ...
The best way to cope with change is ...
I'm looking forward to the future ...
Additional Activities:
Have students survey their community (or province) to identify all the training and
educational opportunities available to adults who want to upgrade their education or get
training in a different field.
Unexpected Changes
Some people choose to change occupations, others have no choice. Plant closures,
corporate mergers and technological change sometimes mean that people's old jobs
Below are a number of case studies. Work in small groups and imagine that you are the
workers described. Try to identify as many career options as possible for each group of
Group 1
You are a group of accountants working for a big company. Your company has just been
bought out by another big company. The new company has a number of accountants on
staff and has given you termination notices because they prefer to keep their own people
on staff.
Group 2
You are a group of workers in a cookie factory. As the cookies come down the assembly
line you remove the broken ones and pack the cookies in boxes. The company has bought
new equipment that sorts the cookies and boxes them automatically. You have all received
termination notices.
Group 3
You are a group of people working in a grocery store owned by a large chain. The chain
has just announced that they plan to close your store six months from now because it does
not make enough profit.
Group 4
You work in a plant that manufactures kitchen appliances. Your job has been to assemble
the appliances. The owners of the factory announce that automated equipment will be
introduced to assemble the appliances, but no one will lose their jobs. Some people will be
retrained to run the automated equipment and the rest will be transferred to another plant in
another province.
Group 5
You are a group of government workers. You all work in the same office, some in clerical
jobs and some as consultants or managers. The government has just announced that your
entire department is moving to a small community 300 kilometres north in order to boost
the economy of that part of the province. People who are unwilling to move will be put on
a waiting list but cannot be guaranteed another government job.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
pen or pencil
handout No. 10 "Career Development Record"
Grade 8 Career Development Record (if available)
For printing and copying this template Requires Acrobat Reader (click on the table title)
Date: _______________
Both ___
Active ___
Sedentary ___
Average ___
A. Personal Characteristics
1. Three words that best describe me are
____________________, ____________________, ____________________.
2. Circle the answer which best applies to you.
(a) I enjoy being with people.
Yes No
(b) I get along easily with people.
Yes No
(c) I am understanding of others.
Yes No
(d) I am able to make good decisions. Yes No
(e) I like pressure.
Yes No
3. I would prefer to work with
(a) people. (c) things.
(b) data.
(d) ideas.
4. I would like to work for
(a) a large business. (c) myself.
(b) a small business.
5. I would prefer to work
(b) as part of a team.
(a) alone.
6. I would enjoy
(b) daily routine.
(a) constant change.
B. Values
Remember that educational and career goals are influenced by what you want out of life
and by the things that are truly important to you. Complete the following sentences:
1. I have the following interests (consider interests both in school and outside
2. I find the following things boring:
F. Physical Health
Which subjects (and occupations) might not be good ones to choose because of
health hazards?
G. Work Experience
List the various jobs (part-time, summer, etc.) that you have held. For each, outline:
Complete this statement. At this point in my life, my career goal is:
Complete this statement. From this personal inventory I have learned that I:
Source: Junior high school career guidance, New Brunswick Department of Education,
Grade 9 Module Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning
Handout No. 10 "Career Development Record"
Appendix A
Glossary of Terms
ability - the power to do something, either intellectual or physical.
apprentice - a person who learns to perform a certain job through the guidance and
experience of a skilled worker.
aptitude - person's natural ability or potential to learn in areas such as technology, music,
athletics, art, communications, science, etc.; potential, or knack, for learning certain
attitude - a certain disposition, perspective, or belief that affects a person's behaviour; a
person's basic outlook on life (the world and the people in it).
career/life career - the roles you play in your life, the settings in which they occur, and
the major events of your life; the total series of roles and work experiences a person
occupies throughout life. Life career includes schooling, continuing education,
employment, leisure time activities, volunteer work, homemaking, and retirement.
career cluster - a group of jobs that require similar abilities and skills.
entrepreneur - a person who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business or
other financial venture.
gender equity - the provision of equality of opportunity and the realization of equality of
results for all students based on individual aptitudes, abilities and interests, regardless of
global economy - the production, purchase, and sale of goods in a world-wide market.
interests - the likes and dislikes of a person that affect the choices he/she makes.
job - the tasks or duties a person performs at the workplace.
leisure - time free from work or duties.
life career development - self-development over the life span through the roles, settings,
and events in a person's life.
life career planning - the decision-making process by which you identify the
alternativesopen to you in occupational, educational, and leisure areas of your life.
life skills - skills that enable a person to cope with the stresses and challenges of life; for
example, communication skills, decision-making skills, resource and time-management
skills, and planning skills.
lifestyle - the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour associated with a person or group; a way of
myth - an opinion, belief, or ideal that has little or no basis in truth or fact.
needs - things or events that you desire and which push you to reach for goals you want
to achieve.
occupation - a group of similar jobs found in various organizations.
personality traits - the qualities and characteristics that shape a person's unique character
and identity.
profession - a career that requires specialized training and academic preparation.
self-actualization - the need to achieve one's potential.
self-concept - the way in which a person sees himself or herself; one's own evaluation of
one's personal abilities and worth.
skill - the ability to do something as a result of training, practice, or knowledge.
stereotyped - preconceived views or ideas about what is appropriate behaviour for one
gender or the other.
temperament - a quality of personality that shows up in the way a person thinks, acts, or
responds to people or situations.
trade - an occupation that requires manual or mechanical skill; the buying and selling of
goods and services between parties.
Appendix B
Inviting Elders
All cultures are enriched by certain valuable and unique individuals. Such individuals
possess a wide range of knowledge that can expand students' insight beyond the
perspectives of the teacher and classroom resources.
Indian and Mtis Elders are integral to the revival, maintenance, and preservation of
Aboriginal cultures. Their participation can help develop the positive identity of Indian
and Mtis students and enhance self-esteem. All students may acquire a heightened
awareness and sensitivity that inevitably promotes positive human relations. It is
important to note that the title "Elder" does not necessarily indicate age. In Aboriginal
societies, one is designated an Elder after acquiring significant wisdom and experience.
There is a protocol used in approaching Elders when requesting their guidance or
assistance. This varies from community to community. The district chiefs' office, tribal
council office, or a reserve's band council or education committee may be able to assist
you. Prior to the Elder's visit, it is essential that you and your students enter a cycle of
giving and receiving through an appropriate offering. This offering represents respect and
appreciation for knowledge shared by an Elder. One must ascertain the type of offering
prior to an Elder's visit as traditions differ throughout Aboriginal communities. In
addition, it is appropriate to offer honoraria and/or expense reimbursement to a visiting
To begin the process, a letter should be sent to the local band council requesting Elder
participation and indicating the role the Elder would have within the program. The band
council may then be able to provide the names of persons who have the recognized
knowledge and skills that would meet your specific needs. It is recommended that prior
consultation occur with the Elder to share expectations for learning outcomes.
Friendship Centres across the province are active at the community level and often
present cultural workshops and activities in cooperation with Elders and other recognized
resource people.
Teachers and schools may wish to contact the following to initiate discussions.
Director of Education
Meadow Lake Tribal Council
Box 1360
Meadow Lake, S0M 1V0
Director of Education
Yorkton Tribal Council Education Centre
21 Bradbooke Drive North
Yorkton, S3N 3R1
Director of Education
Prince Albert Tribal Council
2nd Floor, 1004 1st Avenue West
Prince Albert, S6V 4Y4
Director of Education
Saskatoon District Tribal Council
226 Cardinal Crescent
Saskatoon, S7L 6H8
Director of Education
Battlefords Tribal Council
691 - 109th Street
North Battleford, S9A 2C5
Education Coordinator
Confederation of Tribal Nations
91 - 23rd Street West
Battleford, S0M 0E0
Director of Education
Touchwood/File Hills/Qu'Appelle Tribal Council
Box 178, Lebret, S0G 2Y0
Director of Education
Agency Chiefs Tribal Council
Box 550, Debden, S0J 0S0
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research, 121 Broadway Avenue
Regina, S4N 0Z6
48 - 12th Street East
Prince Albert, S6V 1B2
Saskatchewan Indian Federated College
Room 127, College West
University of Regina
Regina, S4S 0A2
Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre
401 Packham Place
Saskatoon, S4N 2T7
Appendix C
Sample Evaluation Forms
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Date: ________________
Topic/Issue: ________________________________________________________
Check (_) applicable criteria.
_____ (a) read the material
(b) watched the video
of the background information on the issue.
Student defended position on the issue regardless of how much others disagreed.
Source: Choices you make (1991), Employment and Immigration Canada, Regina, SK.
Reprinted with permission.
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I listened to others share their ideas
I contributed my ideas
I helped others in my group understand
I followed directions
I improved in ____________________ (skill)
I did my best
I did a good job
My project is interesting/creative
I plan to learn more about ____________________
Source: Choices you make (1991), Employment and Immigration Canada, Regina, SK.
Reprinted with permission.
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Project Evaluation
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Description: __________________________________________________________
Rating Scale:
Worked collaboratively with others
Worked efficiently
Managed time well
Carried out group responsibilities
Found/used resource materials effectively
Asked for help when needed
Completed project on time
Clear, complete and well-organized
Demonstrates creativity and initiative
Source: Choices you make (1991), Employment and Immigration Canada, Regina, SK.
Reprinted with permission.
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Self-Assessment Checklist/Rating Scale
Name: ________________________________________
Date: _____________________
I contributed my ideas
ALWAYS ............... SOMETIMES ............... NEVER
Source: Choices you make (1991), Employment and Immigration Canada, Regina, SK.
Reprinted with permission.
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Group Assessment
How well did we work together?
1 ......................................................................................10
Give reason(s) for the above rating.
What could our group do differently the next time we work together?
Source: Choices you make (1991), Employment and Immigration Canada, Regina, SK.
Reprinted with permission.
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My Group Skills/Performance
Please circle the number that best represents your skills/performance in group activities.
Rating Scale
4 = All the time
3 = Most of the time
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The student works with a wide range of peers, not just 1
with close friends.
The student willingly shares materials and ideas with
In group work the student shows respect for others by
listening and considering other points of view.
The student follows group work rules as established
for the activity.
The student fulfils his/her work responsibilities in the 1
The student exhibits appropriate work behaviours
during time set aside for group work.
The student participates in discussions during the time
set aside for group work.
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Cooperative Group Skills Checklist
1 = hardly ever
Scale 2 = some of the time
3 = most of the time
4 = all of the time
Date: __________________________________________
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Date of
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A. Organizational Features
1. Student understood the objectives of the
Yes No
2. Student understood the specific
terms/requirements of the
3. Student understood the timeline and due
date for the
4. Student understood the
method/procedure/criteria by
assignment would be marked.
which the
B.Student Learning
1. Student formulated his/her own questions
and found
answers to them.
2. Student showed evidence of individual
3. Student exchanged ideas with other
students in developing
the assignments.
4. Student brought in references to learning
prior to this
experience or from other
areas that relate to this
Yes No
sentence structure
grammar and punctuation
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Report Assessment
Type of Report:
Date of Assessment:
Yes No
1. Completeness (Content)
correct capitalization?
internal spacing?
typographical errors?
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The group
members were
prepared and
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4
2 3 4
2 3 4
2 3 4
2 3 4
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Assessing Application (Process) Skills
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Yes No
Student is able to formulate a
describes/defines the
primary components
describes relationships
describes the more specific
structure or
describes how specific
components relate to
an overall whole
is able to group specific
data under each
component, relationship, or
Yes No
From Accounting 16, 26, 36 curriculum (1992), Saskatchewan Education, Training and
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Feedback to Student Volunteer
Where you have made observations, provide feedback to the student volunteer on the
following items. Use the rating scale below.
4 = Always
Rating Scale 3 = Usually
2 = Seldom
1 = Never
Name of Student:
Name of staff advisor:
Organization, agency: