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Clinical Features of
Systemic Lupus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem
autoimmune disease characterized by a relapsing-remitting
course and a highly variable prognosis.
It is characterized by the production of a broad array of
autoantibodies, with antinuclear antibodies having the
greatest sensitivity for the diagnosis and antidoublestranded DNA and anti-Smith antibodies having the
greatest specificity.
Women of childbearing age and African-American, Asian,
and Hispanic populations have the highest prevalence
of disease.
Constitutional symptoms, rash, mucosal ulcers, inflammatory
polyarthritis, photosensitivity, and serositis are the most
common clinical features of the disease.
Lupus nephritis is the most common of the potentially
life-threatening manifestations.
Atherosclerosis, a complication of long-standing SLE, requires
aggressive risk factor modification.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the prototypic systemic autoimmune disease characterized by diverse multisystem involvement and the production of an array of
autoantibodies. Clinical features in individual patients can
be quite variable, ranging from mild joint and skin involvement to severe life-threatening internal organ disease. Criteria for the classification of SLE were initially developed
by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) in 1971,
revised in 1982, and revised for a second time in 19971,2
(Table 80-1). A person must fulfill 4 of 11 criteria to be
classified as SLE, all other reasonable diagnoses having been
excluded. A patient does not have to manifest all 4 criteria
simultaneously; the required 4 of 11 criteria can be fulfilled
over a period of weeks or years. The ACR criteria were
developed as a means of classifying patients with SLE for
the purpose of inclusion in clinical and epidemiologic
studies. In clinical practice, these criteria are often cited to
support a diagnosis of SLE. However, it should be emphasized that fulfillment of these classification criteria is not an
absolute requirement for diagnosis. Rather, diagnosis typically rests on the judgment of an experienced clinician who
recognizes a characteristic constellation of symptoms and
signs in the setting of supportive serologic studies, after
exclusion of alternative differential diagnostic possibilities.
Recently, a concerted effort has been made to further revise
the classification criteria, for example, to make lupus nephritis a stand-alone criterion, to increase the weight of

neurologic manifestations, and/or to add a low-complement

criterion. These proposed changes to the classification criteria are currently in development.

Prevalence and incidence rates of SLE vary widely in the
literature. Reported prevalence frequencies range from 20
to 240 per 100,000 persons, and reported incidence rates
range from 1 to 10 per 100,000 person-years.3 This variation
is partly due to methodological differences between studies
(e.g., different case definitions of SLE and methods of case
ascertainment). One study from Rochester, Minnesota,
determined that the incidence of SLE increased almost
fourfold between the time periods of 1950 to 1979 and
1980 to 1992.4 This increase in reported incidence may
reflect a combination of factors, including an actual increase
in disease, changes in population demographics, more widespread case-finding efforts, and detection of milder cases.
Prevalence and incidence of SLE vary across gender,
geographic regions, and racial/ethnic groups. SLE demonstrates a striking female predominance with a peak incidence during reproductive years. The degree of female
predominance varies with age. The female-to-male ratio is
10 to 15:1 in adults, 3:1 in older-onset SLE, and 8:1 in
children.5 The prevalence of SLE is believed to be approximately three- to fourfold higher in African-American,
Asian, and Hispanic populations compared with white
populations.6 SLE is rare among blacks in Africa.
Most SLE patients present with their disease between 15
and 64 years of age.7 Patients with pediatric-onset SLE (<16
years old) are more likely to be African-American than
those with later-onset SLE.7 SLE tends to be more severe in
men and in pediatric patients. Late-onset SLE (>50 years
old) is characterized by a more insidious onset with a higher
occurrence of serositis and pulmonary involvement and a
lower incidence of malar rash, photosensitivity, alopecia,
Raynauds phenomenon, neuropsychiatric disease, and

Systemic lupus erythematosus has protean clinical manifestations that may differ dramatically from patient to patient.
Just as the signs and symptoms of SLE vary widely among
patients, so too does the severity of disease. Some patients
with lupus will have relatively mild disease that never
threatens a life-sustaining organ; other patients will progress
rapidly to life-threatening disease.
The great variability in the expression and severity of
SLE constitutes a major challenge to accurate diagnosis.




Table 80-1 1997 Update of the 1982 Revised American College of Rheumatology Classification Criteria for
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus*


Malar rash
Discoid rash

Fixed erythema, flat or raised, over the malar eminences, sparing the nasolabial folds
Erythematous raised patches with adherent keratotic scale and follicular plugging; atrophic scarring may
occur in older lesions
Skin rash as a result of unusual reaction to sunlight, by patient history or physician observation
Oral or nasopharyngeal ulceration, usually painless, observed by a physician
Nonerosive arthritis involving two or more peripheral joints, characterized by tenderness, swelling, or effusion
a. Pleuritis-convincing history of pleuritic chest pain or rub heard by a physician or evidence of pleural
effusions or
b. Pericarditis-documented by electrocardiogram or rub or evidence of pericardial effusion
a. Persistent proteinuria >0.5g/day, >3+ if quantification not performed or
b. Cellular casts: may be red blood cell, hemoglobin, granular tubular, or mixed
a. Seizures: in the absence of offending drugs or known metabolic derangements (e.g., uremia, acidosis,
electrolyte imbalance) or
b. Psychosis: in the absence of offending drugs or known metabolic derangements (e.g., uremia, acidosis,
electrolyte imbalance)
a. Hemolytic anemia with reticulocytosis or
b. Leukopenia <4000/mm3 or
c. Lymphopenia <1500/mm3 or
d. Thrombocytopenia <100,000/mm3 in the absence of offending drugs
a. Anti-DNA: antibody to native DNA in abnormal titer or
b. Anti-Smith: presence of antibody to Sm nuclear antigen or
c. Positive finding of antiphospholipid antibodies based on (1) abnormal serum concentration of IgG or IgM
anticardiolipin antibodies, (2) positive test result for lupus anticoagulant using a standard method, or (3)
false-positive serologic test for syphilis known to be positive for at least 6mo and confirmed by Treponema
pallidum immobilization or fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
An abnormal titer of antinuclear antibody by immunofluorescence or an equivalent assay at any point in time
and in the absence of drugs known to be associated with drug-induced lupus syndromes

Oral ulcers
Renal disorder
Neurologic disorder

Hematologic disorder

Immunologic disorder

Positive antinuclear antibody

*The presence of four or more criteria is required for systemic lupus erythematosus classification. Exclude all other reasonable diagnoses.

Although it is difficult to pinpoint their precise frequencies,

it is clear that the most common presenting manifestations
are constitutional symptoms (fever, fatigue, and/or weight
loss), cutaneous manifestations (e.g., malar rash), and articular manifestations (arthritis and/or arthralgia). Each of
these manifestations appears to be present in at least 50%
of lupus patients at the time of diagnosis. The other clinical
features of SLE are much less likely to be presenting manifestations, although virtually any of them might be the first
clue to the correct diagnosis. More commonly, these manifestations appear over time as the disease evolves. Taken
together, various descriptive studies in the literature1,8-12
support a cumulative frequency of symptoms and signs that
is summarized in Table 80-2.

Table 80-2 Frequencies of Various Manifestations

of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus*
Constitutional symptoms (fatigue, fever, weight loss)
Mucocutaneous involvement (malar rash, alopecia,
mucosal ulcers, discoid lesions, etc.)
Musculoskeletal involvement (arthritis/arthralgia,
avascular necrosis, myositis, etc.)
Serositis (pleuritis, pericarditis, peritonitis)
Neuropsychiatric involvement (cognitive
impairment, depression, psychosis, seizures,
stroke, demyelinating syndromes, peripheral
neuropathy, etc.)
Autoimmune cytopenia (anemia, thrombocytopenia)


Mucocutaneous Involvement
Mucocutaneous involvement is very common in SLE.
Gilliam and colleagues have categorized cutaneous lupus
erythematosus (LE) lesions as lupus specific or lupus nonspecific based on the histopathologic finding of interface
dermatitis13,14 (Table 80-3). The presence of lupus-specific
lesions confirms the diagnosis of cutaneous LE; lupus nonspecific lesions can occur in diseases other than lupus.
Lupus-specific lesions are further subdivided into acute
lupus erythematosus (ACLE), subacute lupus erythematosus
(SCLE), and chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus
(CCLE) lesions, based on additional clinical and histopathologic information. Discoid lupus is the most common
subtype of CCLE. SCLE and CCLE can occur as distinct
isolated entities or as one of several manifestations of SLE.
The risk of SLE varies with each cutaneous subset. One
study of 161 patients with lupus-specific lesions showed that
the classification criteria for SLE were present in 72% of
patients with ACLE, 58% with SCLE, 28% with any form
of discoid lupus, and 6% with localized discoid lupus confined to head and neck. Patients commonly displayed more
than one type of cutaneous lesion.15


Acute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus


Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (ACLE) lesions can

be localized or generalized. The hallmark feature of ACLE
is localized to the malar region (butterfly rash) and is
characterized by confluent, macular or papular erythema
lasting days to weeks that occurs symmetrically on the
cheeks and bridge of the nose, sparing the nasolabial folds
(Figure 80-1). Induration and scaling may occur. The malar
rash of SLE can be mimicked by a variety of other facial


*Systemic lupus erythematosus is a heterogeneous disease that can affect

virtually any organ system in variable ways.


Table 80-3 Gilliam Classification of Skin Lesions

Associated with Lupus
A. Lupus erythematosus (LE)-specific skin lesions
1. Acute cutaneous LE (ACLE)
Localized ACLE
Generalized ACLE
2. Subacute cutaneous LE (SCLE)
Annular SCLE
Papulosquamous SCLE
3. Chronic cutaneous LE (CCLE)
Classical discoid LE (DLE): (a) localized; (b) generalized
Hypertrophic DLE/verrucous DLE
Lupus panniculitis/profundus
Mucosal DLE
LE tumidus
Chilblain LE
Lichenoid DLE (DLE-lichen planus overlap)
B. LE-nonspecific skin lesions
1. Cutaneous vascular disease
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
Polyarteritis nodosalike
Degos diseaselike
Atrophe blanchelike
Periungal telangiectasia
Livedo reticularis
Raynauds phenomenon
2. Nonscarring alopecia
Lupus hair
Telogen effluvium
Alopecia areata
3. Sclerodactyly
4. Rheumatoid nodules
5. Calcinosis cutis
6. LE-nonspecific bullous lesions
7. Urticaria
8. Papulonodular mucinosis
9. Cutis laxa/anetoderma
10. Acanthosis nigricans (type B insulin resistance)
11. Erythema multiforme (Rowells syndrome)
12. Leg ulcers
13. Lichen planus

Figure 80-1 Localized acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (malar

rash, butterfly rash). This lesion is characterized by macular or papular
erythema in a malar distribution, sparing the nasolabial folds.

Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


rashes, including acne, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, and erysipelas. If the diagnosis remains uncertain after an extensive clinical and
serologic evaluation, biopsy of the rash can aid in distinguishing cutaneous lupus from other dermatologic conditions. It is important to remember that other forms of
lupus-specific skin lesions such as discoid lupus can also
occur in the malar distribution.
The generalized form of ACLE refers to widespread
macular or maculopapular erythema occurring in a photosensitive distribution on any area of the body. The palmar
surfaces, dorsa of the hands, and extensor surfaces of the
fingers are commonly involved. In contrast to Gottrons
papules of dermatomyositis, the erythema of ACLE spares
the metacarpalphalangeal joints and typically is located
between the interphalangeal joints. In severe forms of
ACLE, a widespread bullous eruption similar to toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) can occur. ACLE lesions heal
without scarring, although temporary postinflammatory
hyperpigmentation may be observed.
Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) is characterized by the presence of nonscarring, photosensitive
lesions that can take one of two distinct forms: (1) papulosquamous lesions that resemble psoriasis, or (2) annularpolycyclic lesions with peripheral scale and central clearing
(Figure 80-2). These two forms can occur concurrently in
the same patient. SCLE has a predilection for the back,
neck, shoulders, and extensor surfaces of the arms and usually
spares the face. The lesions typically last for weeks to months
and heal without scarring. Uncommonly, a severe TEN-like
eruption can evolve from SCLE lesions after sun exposure.16
SCLE, particularly the annular subtype, is strongly associated
with the presence of anti-SSA/Ro antibody.17 Several drugs
are known to induce SCLE; angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors, terbinafine, hydrochlorothiazide, and calcium
channel blockers are common culprits. Finally, SCLE has
been implicated as a paraneoplastic syndrome.18

Figure 80-2 Subacute cutaneous lupus (papulosquamous variant).

Lesions typically involve the back, neck, shoulders, and extensor surfaces
of the arms and usually spare the central area of the face. Lesions heal
without scar.




Chronic Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CCLE) refers to a
variety of subtypes of photosensitive lesions that can lead
to skin atrophy and scar and that may persist for several
months. Discoid lupus (DLE) is the most common subtype
of CCLE and is subdivided into localized discoid lupus
(limited to head and neck) and generalized discoid (occurring above and below the neck) (Figures 80-3 and 80-4).
The term discoid refers to the sharply demarcated diskshaped appearance of the lesions. The lesions are raised,
erythematosus plaques with adherent scale that commonly
occur on the scalp, face, and neck. The cheeks, nose, ears,
and upper lip are classic locations. Typically, a raised, erythematous border denotes the actively expanding component. Follicular plugging is a characteristic finding. Left
untreated, DLE can result in permanent alopecia and disfigurement. Squamous cell carcinoma has been described as
a sequela of long-standing DLE; thus, active surveillance of
known lesions and evaluation of changing lesions are critical.19 Other subtypes of DLE include mucosal DLE (described
later) and hypertrophic LE. Hypertrophic LE consists of
chronic, indurated lesions that are covered by hyperkeratotic, multilayered scales. These lesions can be a source of
diagnostic confusion because they may visually and histologically resemble squamous cell carcinoma.20
Other forms of CCLE include lupus panniculitis/
profundus and chilblain lupus. Lupus panniculitis is a lobular
panniculitis that has a predilection for the scalp, face, arms,
buttocks, and thighs. When a cutaneous discoid lesion

Figure 80-4 Discoid lupus erythematosus involving the dorsa of the

hands. The lesions spare the proximal interphalangeal joints, a characteristic feature of lupus-specific rashes.

overlies the panniculitis, the entity is referred to as lupus

profundus.21 Biopsy is often necessary to secure the diagnosis
because reports have described T cell lymphoma mimicking
panniculitis. However, biopsy should be performed carefully
because the lesions have a tendency to break down. Lupus
panniculitis is one of the few panniculitides that can occur
above the waist. Lupus panniculitis is associated with low
risk of concomitant SLE. Chilblain lupus manifests as
tender, erythematous, or violaceous papules occurring on
acral areas, especially fingers, toes, heels, nose, and ears. The
lesions are brought on by cold, damp air.
Other Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Skin Lesions
SLE patients can develop lupus-nonspecific skin lesions
such as cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis, bullous lesions,
periungal erythema, and livedo reticularis. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis most commonly presents as palpable
purpura on the lower extremities. Bullous lupus erythematosus is a rare cutaneous manifestation characterized by
subepidermal vesiculobullous skin changes. It is manifested
by a nonscarring bullous eruption22 (Figure 80-5). SLE may
be associated with other bullous disorders such as bullous
pemphigoid and dermatitis herpetiformis. The physical
examination finding of periungal erythema represents dilation of the capillaries at the base of the nail. These capillaries can be visualized at the bedside with a dermatoscope
or ophthalmoscope. Other disorders associated with periungal erythema include scleroderma and mixed connective
tissue disease (MCTD). Unlike scleroderma and MCTD,
SLE is not associated with capillary dropout. Livedo reticularis is characterized by an erythematous to violaceous
reticular or net-like pattern of the skin. It is highly associated with the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

Figure 80-3 Discoid lupus erythematosus involving the face and scalp.
Discoid lesions are a form of chronic cutaneous lupus and are commonly
found on the scalp, face, and external ears. If untreated, these lesions can
lead to permanent alopecia and disfigurement.

Photosensitivity occurs frequently in SLE. In one study,

photoprovocation testing caused an abnormal skin reaction
to ultraviolet A, ultraviolet B, or visible light in greater than
90% of lupus patients.23 Most abnormal skin reactions


Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


presence of oral lesions and systemic disease activity remains

unclear. Note that oral candidiasis and oral lichen planus
can take on a similar appearance to SLE oral ulcers. The
histopathology and immunopathology of musosal lesions
are similar to the alterations seen in the skin. Vasculitis
is absent.


Figure 80-5 Bullous lupus erythematosus. These lesions are a rare

manifestation of lupus and are characterized by nonscarring bullous

occurred 1 to 2 weeks after exposure to light and persisted

for weeks to months. Photosensitive patients may report
worsening of their systemic disease symptoms such as fatigue
and joint pain following sun exposure. During evaluation
of a photosensitive patient, polymorphous light eruption
(PMLE) and phototoxic medications are important diagnostic considerations.24 Accurate differentiation between PMLE
and lupus is essential because PMLE is treated by ultraviolet
radiation phototherapy, but lupus is worsened by it. PMLE
can occur concomitantly in patients with known SLE.
Scarring alopecia is a common complication of discoid
lupus. Scalp discoid lesions most frequently develop on the
vertex and parietal areas.25 Nonscarring alopecia in SLE
patients can take several forms. Lupus hair is characterized
by short, irregularly sized hair at the frontal hairline and is
associated with active systemic disease.26 Telogen effluvium
manifests as diffuse hair thinning. Lastly, the incidence of
alopecia areata (discrete areas of hair loss) is believed to be
increased in SLE.27
Mucosal Ulcers
SLE patients commonly develop nasal or oral lesions that
represent the mucosal counterparts of cutaneous lupus.28
Acute oral lupus lesions present as red macules, palatal
erythema or petechiae, erosions, or ulcerations. These
lesions are usually painless. Subacute oral lesions are rare,
and are characterized by well-demaracted, round, red
patches. Oral discoid lesions present as painful, welldemarcated, round, red lesions with white radiating hyperkeratotic striae. When the lesions evolve, they may take on
a honeycomb appearance. Oral discoid lupus frequently
involves the lip and spreads from the vermilion border to
the skin of the lip. Lupus oral ulcers have a gradual onset
and can occur anywhere on the oral mucosa, the most
common locations being the hard palate, buccal musosa,
and vermilion border.29 These lesions are most commonly
unilateral or asymmetric. The relationship between the

A skin biopsy is useful in the diagnosis of cutaneous

lupus in the setting of an atypical clinical presentation.
Immunofluorescence should always be performed along
with conventional histology. Lupus-specific skin lesions
are characterized by an interface dermatitis consisting of a
mononuclear cell infiltrate at the dermal-epidermal junction. Other pathologic findings present in lupus skin lesions
include basal layer vasculopathic degeneration of keratinocytes, perivascular and periadnexal inflammation, follicular
plugging, mucin deposition, and hyperkeratosis. These findings occur to different degrees in various lupus-specific skin
lesions, with discoid lesions showing the most profound
changes.30 In contrast, early ACLE lesions may have
minimal histopathologic findings and only a sparse lymphocytic infiltrate.
Immunofluorescence demonstrates granular deposition
of immunoglobulin and complement components along the
dermal-epidermal junction. Immunoglobulin (Ig)G and
IgM are the most common immunoglobulin subtypes deposited. Various complement components including C3, C1q,
and the membrane attack complex have also been identified. Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) of nonlesional, sunexposed skin is called the lupus band test. Although a
positive lupus band test is often seen in patients with SLE,
this may also be seen in patients with other rheumatic diseases, as well as in healthy people. In one study, 20% of
healthy young adults had a positive DIF in sun-exposed
skin.31 It is important to note that serologic testing with
antinuclear antibody (ANA), antidouble-stranded DNA
(anti-dsDNA), and anti-Smith (anti-SM) has largely supplanted use of the lupus band test in confirming the diagnosis of SLE. DIF of nonlesional, sun-protected skin is
believed to be more specific for SLE.

Arthritis and arthralgias are very common manifestations of
SLE, present in up to 90% of patients at some point during
the course of their disease.32 Severity of involvement can
range from mild joint pain to deforming arthritis. Although
any joint can be involved, lupus arthritis is characterized by
a symmetric, inflammatory arthritis predominantly affecting
the knees, wrists, and small joints of the hands.33 Synovial
effusions are typically small and not as inflammatory as
those present in rheumatoid arthritis. Hand deformities can
occur as a result of ligamental and/or joint capsule laxity
and joint subluxation. This manifestation is called Jaccouds-like arthropathy because it resembles the arthropathy that develops in patients with a history of rheumatic
fever (Figure 80-6). Lupus hand deformities are reducible.




Figure 80-6 Jaccouds-like arthropathy. These hand deformities

resemble those that develop in patients with a history of rheumatic fever
and are caused by ligamentous and/or joint capsule laxity. Deformities
in the hands, such as ulnar drift at the metacarpophalangeal joints, swan
neck and boutonnire deformities, and hyperextension at the interphalangeal joint of the thumb, closely resemble the deformities seen in
rheumatoid arthritis. Absence of erosions on radiographs and their
reducibility distinguish this condition from the deforming arthritis of
rheumatoid arthritis. (Courtesy Dr. D. Vassilopoulos.)

Jaccouds-like arthropathy sometimes occurs in the foot as

Although lupus arthritis is not classically associated with
erosions on plain radiography, erosive disease has been
described in a small subset of patients.35 In addition, MRI
studies have shown occasional erosions in some patients
with lupus arthritis.36 Erosive arthritis is more commonly a
feature of MCTD. Some studies have demonstrated an association between lupus erosive arthritis and the presence of
anticyclic citrullinated protein (anti-CCP) antibodies.35 In
addition to arthritis, tendinitis or tenosynovitis is frequently
observed in SLE patients.37 Tendon rupture is a very uncommon occurrence.
Synovial biopsies from lupus arthritis patients have
shown a variety of abnormalities, including deposition of
fibrin-like material, focal or diffuse synovial lining cell proliferation, vascular congestion, perivascular mononuclear
cell infiltration, vasculitis, and obliteration of vessel
lumina.38 Radiographic studies of patients with SLE have
revealed changes such as cystic bone lesions, periarticular
soft tissue swelling, demineralization, acral sclerosis, joint
subluxations, and erosions.39,40
Avascular Necrosis
Avascular necrosis (AVN), also referred to as aseptic necrosis and ischemic necrosis, is a painful and disabling condition that occurs in some SLE patients.41 AVN is the end
result of interruption of the blood supply to bone, leading to
reactive hyperemia of adjacent bone, demineralization, and
then collapse. The most commonly affected sites include
the femoral heads, tibial plateaus, and femoral condyles, but
smaller joints can be involved as well. AVN is often bilateral, and joint effusions may occur. AVN of the femoral
head should be suspected in an SLE patient with groin pain
that is worsened with weight bearing and movement of the
hip. The pain may radiate down the side of the thigh, and
a limp might be evident. Although both plain radiographs
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be helpful in

the diagnosis of AVN, MRI is the more sensitive test. One

prospective MRI study of 45 SLE patients on glucocorticoid
therapy demonstrated that 34% of patients developed silent
osteonecrosis of the femoral head.42 However, MRI studies
may be too sensitive an indicator, in that some lupus patients
with suggestive MRI findings never progress to clinical
symptoms of AVN. Therefore, MRI findings should always
be interpreted in the context of the clinical setting. The use
of high doses of glucocorticoids is a well-known risk factor
for the development of AVN, but AVN has also been
described in SLE patients who have never used glucocorticoids. An MRI study of 72 newly diagnosed SLE patients
demonstrated that AVN typically developed within the first
3 months of initiation of high-dose glucocorticoids.43 Epidemiologic studies have shown that high disease activity as
measured by the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease
Activity Index (SLEDAI) and the use of cytotoxic medications are also associated with AVN.44,45
Although myalgias occur commonly in SLE, true myositis
is relatively rare. One study of SLE patients at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) found a prevalence of myositis
of 8%.46 In most of those patients, myositis was one of the
presenting features of SLE. Myositis usually involves the
proximal upper and lower extremities. Histologic findings
in SLE myositis are often less pronounced than those
observed in polymyositis.
A biopsy study of 55 unselected SLE patients demonstrated that several pathologic changes, including type II
fiber atrophy, lymphocytic vasculitis, and myositis, were
increased in SLE patients compared with control patients.47
It is important to distinguish myositis secondary to SLE
from myopathy caused by glucocorticoids, antimalarial
agents, or statins because the treatment is very different.
Muscle enzymes such as creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
and aldolase are typically normal in patients with both
glucocorticoid- and hydroxychloroquine-induced myopathy. Biopsy specimens usually reveal characteristic findings,
including vacuolar changes in hydroxychloroquine myopathy and type II fiber atrophy in glucocorticoid myopathy in
the absence of inflammation. Finally, it is important to
think broadly about other potential causes of myopathy and
myositis in SLE patients, including thyroid disease, electrolyte abnormalities, and infectious myositis. One must also
consider the possibility of MCTD because myositis can be
a prominent feature of that disorder.

General Considerations
Renal involvement is common in SLE and is a significant
cause of morbidity and mortality.48 It is estimated that up to
90% of SLE patients will have pathologic evidence of renal
involvement on biopsy, but only 50% will develop clinically
significant nephritis. The clinical presentation of lupus
nephritis is highly variable, ranging from asymptomatic
hematuria and/or proteinuria to frank nephrotic syndrome
to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with loss of renal
function. Lupus nephritis typically develops within the first


36 months of the disease, although there are exceptions.

Thus, periodic screening for the presence of nephritis is a
critical component of the ongoing evaluation and management of SLE patients. Routine screening procedures include
inquiring about new-onset polyuria, nocturia, or foamy
urine and looking for the presence of hypertension or lower
extremity edema. It is important to screen at regular intervals for the presence of proteinuria and/or hematuria and a
change in serum creatinine; in active SLE patients, screening at 3-month intervals is prudent.
Types of Renal Involvement in
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Several forms of renal involvement have been noted in SLE,
including immune complexmediated glomerulonephritis
(most common form), tubulointerstitial disease, and vascular disease. Glomerulonephritis is characterized by immune
complex deposition and inflammatory cell infiltration into
the glomerulus. The pattern of glomerular injury is primarily
related to the site of immune complex deposition. Tubulointerstitial and vascular disease can occur with or without
immune complexmediated glomerulonephritis. Tubuloin
terstitial disease has been observed in up to 66% of SLE
renal biopsy specimens49 and is characterized by inflammatory cell infiltrates, tubular damage, and interstitial fibrosis.
The presence of tubulointerstitial disease is a strong predictor of poor long-term renal outcome.50
Renal vascular lesions in SLE include lupus vasculopathy, thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), vasculitis, and
nonspecific vascular sclerosis.51,52 Lupus vasculopathy is
defined as the presence of immunoglobulin and complementcontaining hyaline thrombi within the glomerular capillary
or arteriolar lumina. Inflammatory changes to the vascular
wall are absent. TMA is characterized by the presence of
fibrin thrombi within the glomerular capillary or arteriolar
lumina and may be associated with the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies. The finding of TMA should prompt
consideration of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
nephropathy (APSN). Although exceedingly rare, true vasculitis characterized by leukocyte infiltration and fibrinoid
necrosis of arterial walls can occur. Nonspecific sclerotic
vascular lesions characterized by fibrous intimal thickening
are commonly observed. The presence of such vascular
lesions is associated with decreased renal survival.53 In addition to the lupus-related renal lesions described previously,
SLE patients may develop renal abnormalities that are unrelated to their underlying SLE. Such pathologic lesions
include focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), hypertensive nephrosclerosis, and thin basement membrane
disease.54 In an SLE patient in whom renal disease is suspected, renal biopsy is critical in distinguishing between
these potential causes and in guiding appropriate management decisions.
Laboratory Evaluation
Performance of a urinalysis with microscopy is essential in
the screening and monitoring of lupus nephritis.55 Hematuria, pyuria, dysmorphic red blood cells, red blood cell casts,

Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


and white blood cell casts may all be present. Red blood cell
casts are very specific, but not sensitive, for the diagnosis of
glomerulonephritis. Early morning urine specimens, which
tend to be concentrated and acidic, are ideal for the detection of red blood cell casts. White blood cells, red blood
cells, and white blood cell casts may indicate the presence
of tubulointerstitial involvement. Hematuria in the absence
of proteinuria might be due to urolithiasis, menstrual contamination, or bladder pathology, particularly transitional
cell carcinoma in a patient with previous cyclophosphamide
Accurate measurement of proteinuria is critical because
proteinuria is a very sensitive indicator of glomerular
damage. In addition, studies of chronic kidney disease have
shown that the magnitude of proteinuria is a strong predictor of glomerular filtration rate decline.56 Normal daily
protein excretion is less than 150mg. Although the gold
standard tool is an accurately collected 24-hour urine
protein, this test can be cumbersome for patients and is
prone to errors in undercollection and overcollection. Thus,
many clinicians are currently using the random spot urine
protein-to-creatinine ratio out of convenience. Use of the
spot ratio is controversial because data suggest that the spot
ratio often is not representative of the findings in a timed
collection, especially in the range of 0.5 to 3.0 (the range
of most lupus nephritis flares).57 However, a spot ratio
can be a helpful screening test for the presence of proteinuria and is useful in differentiating nephrotic from nonnephrotic range proteinuria.58 Urine dipstick should not be
used for the quantification of proteinuria because it reflects
protein concentrations and varies depending on the volume
of the sample. Many experts currently recommend calculation of the protein:creatinine ratio from a 12- or 24- hour
urine collection as the gold standard of proteinuria
Measurement of Renal Function
Although easy to measure, serum creatinine is a fairly
insensitive indicator of early decline in glomerular filtration
rate (GFR). Creatinine is freely filtered across the glomerulus and is also secreted by the proximal tubule. As GFR
falls, the rise in serum creatinine is counteracted by
increased tubular creatinine secretion. In addition, hemodynamic changes such as those caused by treatment with
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs are a common cause of changes in
serum creatinine levels in the absence of progression of
underlying renal disease. However, trending serum creatinine over time is a reasonable method by which to follow
a patients renal function. Some clinicians prefer to utilize
equations that estimate GFR, such as the Cockcroft-Gault
and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) study
equations. Whichever method is chosen, the detection of
changes in renal function over time is more important than
the absolute level when following lupus nephritis patients
in clinical practice.
Renal Biopsy
When an SLE patient has clinical or laboratory features that
suggest the presence of nephritis, a renal biopsy should be




performed to confirm the diagnosis, evaluate the degree of

disease activity, and determine an appropriate course of
Before renal biopsy, ultrasonography is recommended
to assess kidney size and structure and to rule out renal
vein thrombosis. Kidney size of less than 75% of normal is
a relative contraindication to biopsy.60 SLE glomerulonephritis is classified by the International Society of
Nephrology/Renal Pathology Society (ISN/RPS) into six
categories based on light microscopic, immunofluores
cent, and electron micrographic findings61 (Table 80-4 and
Figure 80-7).
An individual biopsy might exhibit just one of the ISN/
RPS pathologic classes or a combination of classes. Class I
is characterized by normal appearing glomeruli on light
microscopy and mesangial immune deposits on immunofluorescence. Class II is characterized by mesangial proliferation on light microscopy and mesangial deposits on
immunofluorescence. Class III and IV lupus nephritis lesions
are highly inflammatory and are characterized by immune
complex deposition in the subendothelial space. They have
traditionally been described as proliferative because of the
presence of proliferating endocapillary cells within the
glomeruli. They are believed to be interrelated lesions that
differ in the distribution of endocapillary immune complex
deposition. Class III denotes that less than 50% of glomeruli
are involved, and class IV denotes that 50% or more of
glomeruli are involved. Class IV lesions are subcategorized
according to whether most glomeruli show focal (<50% of
the glomerular tuft) or global (50% of the glomerular tuft)
involvement. These lesions are further described as active

(A), chronic (C), or a mixture of the two (A/C). Thick

subendothelial immune deposits form classic wire loop
lesions. Class V lupus nephritis is characterized by immune
complex deposition in the subepithelial space, resulting in
widespread thickened capillary loops. These findings are
similar to those observed in idiopathic membranous nephritis. However, the presence of concomitant mesangial deposits plus or minus tubuloreticular inclusion bodies would
favor the diagnosis of lupus. This lesion is commonly manifested clinically as nephrotic range proteinuria. Class V
nephritis may occur in a pure histopathologic form or in
combination with features of class III or class IV nephritis.
Class VI nephritis is defined by the presence of more than
90% globally sclerotic glomeruli. In addition to the type of
glomerular pathology, the ISN/RPS classification system
dictates that tubulointerstitial disease and/or vascular
disease should be noted on the diagnostic line.
Immunofluorescence studies are an important supplement to the findings on light microscopy. Immunofluorescence reveals the type and pattern of immune complex
deposition. Lupus nephritis is characterized by a granular
pattern of immunofluorescence along the glomerular basement membrane, mesangium, and/or tubular basement
membranes. The characteristic findings of lupus nephritis
are sometimes referred to as the full-house pattern, because
IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, and C1q are all found in the deposits.
Electron microscopy is useful in more precisely localizing
the sites of immune complex deposition. The finding of
tubuloreticular inclusion bodies within endothelial cells is
strongly suggestive of the diagnosis of lupus nephritis.
However, because tubuloreticular inclusion bodies are

Table 80-4 International Society of Nephrology/Renal Pathology Society Classification of Lupus Nephritis
WHO Type
Class I

Minimal Mesangial Lupus Nephritis

Normal glomeruli by light microscopy, but mesangial immune deposits by immunofluorescence

Class II

Mesangial Proliferative Nephritis

Purely mesangial hypercellularity of any degree or mesangial matrix expansion by light microscopy, with mesangial immune
Few isolated subepithelial or subendothelial deposits may be visible by immunofluorescence or electron microscopy, but not by
light microscopy

Class III

Focal Lupus Nephritis

Active or inactive focal, segmental, or global endocapillary or extracapillary glomerulonephritis involving <50% of all glomeruli,
typically with focal subendothelial immune deposits, with or without mesangial alterations

Class IV

Diffuse Lupus Nephritis

Active or inactive diffuse, segmental, or global endocapillary or extracapillary glomerulonephritis involving 50% of all glomeruli,
typically with diffuse subendothelial immune deposits, with or without mesangial alterations. This class is subdivided into
diffuse segmental (IV-S) lupus nephritis when 50% of the involved glomeruli have segmental lesions, and diffuse global (IV-G)
lupus nephritis when 50% of the involved glomeruli have global lesions. Segmental is defined as a glomerular lesion that
involves less than half of the glomerular tuft. This class includes cases with diffuse wire loop deposits, but with little or no
glomerular proliferation

Class V

Membranous Lupus Nephritis

Global or segmental subepithelial immune deposits or their morphologic sequelae by light microscopy and by
immunofluorescence or electron microscopy, with or without mesangial alterations
Class V nephritis may occur in combination with class III or class IV, in which case both are diagnosed
Class V nephritis may show advanced sclerotic lesions

Class VI

Advanced Sclerotic Lupus Nephritis

90% of glomeruli globally sclerosed without residual activity

WHO, World Health Organization.

Adapted from Weening JJ, et al: The classification of glomerulonephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus revisited, J Am Soc Nephrol 15:241, 2004.


Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Figure 80-7 A through D, World Health Organization types of lupus. (See Table 80-4 for a detailed description of histologic findings.) A, Normal
glomerulus (type I). B, Mesangial proliferative (type II). C, Proliferative nephritis. Dramatic increase in mesangial and endocapillary cellularity produces
a lobular appearance of the glomerular tufts and compromises the patency of most capillary loops. When less than 50% of glomeruli are involved,
nephritis is denoted as focal (type III). When more than 50% of glomeruli are involved, nephritis is denoted as diffuse (type IV). D, Membranous
nephropathy (type V). In membranous lupus nephropathy, the capillary walls of the glomerular tuft are prominent and widely patent, resembling stiff
structures with decreased compliance. E through H, High-risk histologic features suggesting severe nephritis. E, Fibrinoid necrosis with karyorrhexis
in a patient with focal proliferative glomerulonephritis. F and G, Cellular crescents with layers of proliferative endothelial cells and monocytes lining
Bowmans capsule along with a predominantly mononuclear interstitial infiltrate. H, Severe interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy. Note the thickening
of the tubular basement membranes and tubular epithelial degeneration with separation of residual tubules caused by deposition of collagenous
connective tissue among tubules.

associated with increased levels of interferon alpha, chronic

viral infections such as hepatitis B/C and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) must be ruled out.
Renal biopsy is especially important because urinary
parameters such as hematuria and the degree of proteinuria
imperfectly predict the underlying renal pathology.62,63

Hematuria might be absent in patients with severe class IV

nephritis, and proteinuria can be modest in patients with
class V nephritis. A repeat renal biopsy may be indicated in
certain clinical settings (e.g., if a patient is not responding
appropriately to therapy, if a patient unexpectedly worsens
after having achieved a good response to therapy). Repeat




renal biopsy can be useful in detecting class transformation

that occurs in 15% to 50% of lupus nephritis patients during
the course of their disease. Class transformation can occur
spontaneously or as a result of treatment.
Each ISN/RPS histopathologic class portends a distinct
renal prognosis. Patients with class I and class II nephritis
have an excellent renal prognosis and do not require any
specific therapy. In contrast, the long-term renal prognosis
of class III or class IV nephritis is believed to be poor in the
absence of immunosuppressive therapy. Although the longterm renal prognosis of class V nephritis is more favorable
than that of class III or class IV nephritis, class V patients
are more likely to suffer from morbid complications of the
nephrotic syndrome, including cardiovascular disease,
thromboembolic disease, and hyperlipidemia. Several epidemiologic studies have defined demographic, clinical, and
histopathologic factors associated with renal outcome in
patients with lupus nephritis. Studies have shown that
African-Americans and Hispanics/Latinos generally experience a worse renal prognosis than white and Chinese populations. The reasons for this disparity most likely involve a
combination of genetic and socioeconomic factors. A retrospective analysis of 65 patients at the NIH suggested that
age greater than 30 years, African-American race, low
hematocrit, elevated serum creatinine, and low C3 complement were associated with increased probability of renal
failure. The histologic features of cellular crescents and
interstitial fibrosis were also associated with worse renal

Pleuropulmonary manifestations of SLE are diverse and can
involve any aspect of the lung (Table 80-5).

Up to 50% of SLE patients will develop pleuritis. Clinically
apparent pleural effusions are typically small, bilateral, and
exudative.64 Pleuritis is commonly manifested by pleuritic
chest pain, but pleural effusions may be asymptomatic and
detected on routine chest radiography performed for another
purpose. Massive pleural effusions requiring pleurocentesis
and/or pleurodesis are uncommon but have been reported.65
The presence of pleuritis usually corresponds to active SLE
in other organ systems.66 Thoracoscopic evaluation has
demonstrated nodules on the visceral pleura with immunoglobulin deposits detected on immunfluorescence. The differential diagnosis of pleural effusions in an SLE patient
includes infection, malignancy, and heart failure. In addition, pleural effusions are a common feature of drug-induced
lupus. In the absence of infection, high levels of serum
C-reactive protein (CRP) have been found to correlate well
with the presence of pleuritis and other forms of serositis in
SLE.66,67 Thus, serum CRP may be a useful clue to the presence of pleuritis.
Lupus Pneumonitis
Acute lupus pneumonitis is a rare manifestation of SLE
that presents as a severe, acute respiratory illness with
fever, cough, pulmonary infiltrates, and hypoxemia. Chest
radiography usually reveals bilateral, lower lobe, acinar infiltrates that often occur in conjunction with a pleural effusion. Histopathologic findings are nonspecific and include
diffuse alveolar damage, inflammatory cell infiltrates,
hyaline membranes, and alveolar hemorrhage.68 Immunofluorescence studies have demonstrated granular deposits of
IgG and C3 within the alveolar septa.69 Because clinical and
pathologic features of acute lupus pneumonitis are nonspecific, careful evaluation is critical to exclude other potential
pulmonary processes such as infection. If routine blood and
sputum cultures are nondiagnostic, bronchoscopy with

Table 80-5 Pleuropulmonary Manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Key Features


May occur with or without effusion

May correlate with elevated serum C-reactive protein
May be asymptomatic
Usually small, bilateral, exudative
Common feature of drug-induced lupus
Must exclude infection, malignancy, heart failure
Severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, pulmonary infiltrates, hypoxemia
Pleural effusion may be present
High mortality rate
Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage might be necessary to exclude infection
May develop after acute pneumonitis or in a more insidious fashion
Presents as dyspnea on exertion, pleuritic chest pain, nonproductive cough
High-resolution computed tomography more sensitive than chest x-ray in detecting disease
Must exclude infection, pulmonary edema, malignancy
Presents as dyspnea and cough, alveolar infiltrates, fall in blood hemoglobin level
Hemoptysis may not be present
Diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide typically increased
Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage confirms the diagnosis and excludes infection
High mortality rate
Presents as dyspnea on exertion, fatigue, chest pain, nonproductive cough
Diagnosis should be confirmed with right heart catheterization
Exclude secondary causes of pulmonary hypertension, including thromboembolic disease
Dyspnea, low lung volumes, elevation of hemi-diaphragms in absence of lung parenchymal involvement

Pleural effusion

Acute pneumonitis

Chronic interstitial lung disease

Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage

Pulmonary arterial hypertension

Shrinking lung syndrome


bronchoalveolar lavage can be useful in detecting pulmonary pathogens. A tree and bud pattern on high-resolution
computed tomography (HRCT) may suggest the presence
of an atypical pneumonia. Acute lupus pneumonitis is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. One series
of 12 patients reported a mortality rate of 50% with deaths
from respiratory failure, opportunistic infection, and thromboembolic events. Three of the surviving patients progressed to chronic interstitial pneumonitis.70
Chronic Interstitial Lung Disease
Chronic interstitial lung disease is a rare manifestation of
SLE. It occurs more commonly in other connective tissue
diseases such as systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and
polymyositis/dermatomyositis. Interstitial lung disease in
the setting of SLE can develop after one or more episodes
of acute pneumonitis but can also occur in an insidious
fashion.70 Symptoms are similar to those seen in patients
with idiopathic interstitial lung disease and include dyspnea
on exertion, pleuritic chest pain, and chronic, nonproductive cough. The diagnosis of interstitial lung disease is often
made on the basis of clinical-radiologic findings; lung biopsy
is not routinely performed. Chest radiography might be
normal early in the disease but can show reticular opacities.
Pulmonary function studies show a restrictive pattern with
reduction in total lung capacity and reduction in the diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide (DLCO). HRCT is more
sensitive than chest radiography in detecting interstitial
lung disease and in distinguishing reversible lesions (ground
glass opacities) from irreversible fibrotic lesions. Nonspecific
interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) and usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) are the most common patterns detected on
histopathology and HRCT. Before making the diagnosis of
interstitial lung disease, it is important to exclude infection,
pulmonary edema, and malignancy.
Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) is a life-threatening
manifestation of SLE that occurs in less than 2% of patients.
It is characterized by acute or subacute onset of dyspnea and
cough in the setting of new alveolar infiltrates on chest
radiography and a fall in blood hemoglobin level. Similar
to other causes of DAH, hemoptysis is not universally
present. Although most patients are too ill to receive this
test, the DLCO is typically increased in the setting of DAH
owing to the presence of extravascular hemoglobin within
the alveoli. Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage
(BAL) is important in ruling out infection and confirming
the diagnosis. Characteristic findings include visualization
of blood in the airways and serosanguineous BAL fluid that
does not clear with continued lavage. Hemosiderin-laden
macrophages may be seen in the BAL fluid. Various histopathologic patterns have been described in lupus DAH,
including bland pulmonary hemorrhage, capillaritis, diffuse
alveolar damage, and vasculitis of small arterioles and small
muscular pulmonary arteries. DAH usually occurs in the
setting of serologically and clinically active SLE, and lupus
nephritis is the most common concurrent SLE manifestation. However, DAH occasionally may be the initial manifestation of SLE. Mechanical ventilation is often required,71

Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


and infectious complications are common. Despite aggressive therapy, mortality from DAH continues to be 50%.
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare, devastating complication of SLE that is defined as a mean pulmonary artery pressure greater than 25mm Hg at rest on right
heart catheterization. Other key findings on heart catheterization include a normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
and elevated pulmonary capillary resistance. Symptoms of
PAH include dyspnea on exertion, fatigue, chest pain, and
nonproductive cough. Physical examination findings may
include a pronounced second pulmonary heart sound, a left
parasternal lift, and signs of a volume-overloaded state.
Chest radiography and HRCT are important in excluding
lupus pneumonitis. Chest radiography may show cardiomegaly and a prominent pulmonary artery segment. The
electrocardiogram often shows right axis deviation. Pulmonary function studies demonstrate a reduction in DLCO.
Although transthoracic Doppler echocardiography is a
decent screening test for PAH, the diagnosis should be
confirmed by right heart catheterization. Similar to interstitial lung disease, PAH more commonly occurs in association
with scleroderma and mixed connective tissue disease.
In an SLE patient who has been diagnosed with PAH,
an evaluation must be performed for secondary causes of
pulmonary hypertension. Ventilation and perfusion (V/Q)
lung scan and/or helical computed tomography are useful in
excluding chronic thromboembolic disease. Echocardiography can rule out left heart failure and intracardiac shunting.
A sleep study can be useful in ruling out obstructive sleep
apnea. An evaluation for interstitial lung disease is necessary. Some studies suggest that PAH occurs more commonly
in patients with Raynauds phenomenon.
Shrinking lung syndrome occurs in a small subset of SLE
patients and should be considered when evaluating an SLE
patient with unexplained dyspnea and pleuritic chest
pain.72,73 The cause of the disorder remains controversial.
Diaphragmatic myopathy, abnormal chest wall expansion,
phrenic neuropathy, and pleural inflammation/fibrosis have
been reported as possible factors. The prognosis of this syndrome seems to be good, and progressive respiratory failure
is uncommon.
Although symptomatic bronchiolar disease is uncommon in SLE, abnormalities in pulmonary function studies
have been reported in up to two-thirds of SLE patients.74
One study of nonsmoking SLE patients found that 24% of
patients had pulmonary function studies consistent with
small airway disease. Rare case reports of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) in the setting of SLE
have been described.75

Cardiovascular disease is a frequent complication of SLE
and may involve the pericardium, myocardium, valves, and
coronary arteries.




Pericarditis, with or without an effusion, is the most common
cardiac manifestation of SLE, occurring in more than 50%
of SLE patients at some point during the course of their
disease.76 Pericardial effusions are usually small and asymptomatic and typically are detected on echocardiography
performed for another indication. Consistent with this
observation, necropsy studies have shown that histopathologic evidence of pericarditis is much more common than
clinically symptomatic disease during life.77 Symptomatic
pericarditis classically presents as sharp, precordial chest
pain that is improved in the upright position. A pericardial
rub and tachycardia may be detected on cardiac auscultation. The electrocardiogram demonstrates diffuse ST
segment elevation. Similar to pleuritis, pericarditis usually
occurs in the setting of active SLE in other organ systems.
Although rare, SLE pericarditis complicated by large effusions and tamponade physiology have been reported. Purulent effusions necessitating pericardiocentesis have also
been described, but rarely. The differential diagnosis of precordial chest pain in an SLE patient includes costochondritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, pulmonary embolism,
myocardial ischemia, pleuritis, pneumonitis, and pulmonary
Myocarditis, an uncommon manifestation of SLE, should be
suspected in a patient presenting with various combinations
of the following clinical features: unexplained heart failure
or cardiomegaly, unexplained tachycardia, and unexplained
electrocardiographic abnormalities. Echocardiography can
confirm the presence of systolic or diastolic dysfunction and/
or global hypokinesis. If myocarditis is suspected, an endomyocardial biopsy may be helpful in confirming the diagnosis and excluding other causes of cardiomyopathy such as
hydroxychloroquine toxicity. The distinguishing pathologic
finding of hydroxychloroquine toxicity is myocyte vacuolization in the absence of active myocarditis. Histopathologic findings of SLE myocarditis include perivascular and
interstitial mononuclear cell infiltration and sometimes
fibrosis and scar.77
Valvular Abnormalities
Several valvular abnormalities have been described in
patients with SLE, including Libman-Sacks endocarditis
(also known as atypical verrucous endocarditis), valvular
thickening, valvular regurgitation, and valvular stenosis.
One transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) study demonstrated a prevalence of valvular abnormalities of 61% in
SLE patients compared with 9% of controls, with vegetations present in 43% of SLE patients compared with none
of the controls.78 Valvular thickening with a predilection
for the mitral and aortic valves was the most common
abnormality, occurring in 50% of SLE patients. Valvular
regurgitation and stenosis were detected in 25% and 4% of
patients, respectively.78 In this study, the presence and progression of valvular disease were not associated with SLE
disease activity or treatment. Over a follow-up period of up
to 5 years, some valvular abnormalities resolved and some

new lesions occurred. The combined incidence of stroke,

peripheral embolism, congestive heart failure, infective
endocarditis, need for valve replacement, and death was
22% among patients with valvular disease compared with
15% in those without valvular disease.78
Libman-Sacks endocarditis has been recognized in multiple pathologic studies as a characteristic valvular abnormality in SLE. Libman-Sacks verrucae typically appear as
pea-sized, flat or raised, granular lesions that occur most
commonly on the ventricular aspects of the mitral valve
posterior leaflet.77 The verrucae often extend onto the adjacent left ventricular mural endocardium and may lead to
adherence of the leaflet and chordae tendineae to the ventricular mural endocardium, resulting in valvular regurgitation. All four valves may be involved, but recent studies
suggest a predominance of left-sided lesions. The lesions are
frequently clinically silent because they are typically found
on the undersurface of valve leaflets, surrounded by fibrous
tissue. Histologically, two types of verrucae have been
described: (1) active lesions consisting of fibrin clumps with
infiltrating lymphocytes and plasma cells, and (2) healed
lesions consisting of dense vascularized fibrous tissue with
or without calcification.77 Combinations of active and
healed lesions also occur. Verrucae typically do not contain
polymorphonuclear cells; thus, the presence of such cells
should prompt consideration of infectious endocarditis.
Immunopathologic studies have demonstrated immunoglobulin and complement deposition in a granular pattern
at the base of the valve, along the valve leaflet, and within
the verruca itself.79 Cardiac murmurs are frequently heard
in patients with SLE. They may simply result from high-flow
states such as fever and anemia, or they may reflect cardiac
pathology such as mitral valve prolapse or infective endocarditis. When a new murmur is evaluated, a transthoracic
echocardiogram (TTE) is an appropriate first test. However,
TEE should be utilized in the event of a nondiagnostic TTE
or in a patient with suspected thromboembolic events. TEE
has been shown to be superior to TTE for detection of
Libman-Sacks endocarditis.80 Although thromboembolic
events are believed to be rare complications of LibmanSacks endocarditis, one study showed that valvular heart
disease detected on TTE was associated with the presence
of cerebral infarcts on MRI.81 It remains uncertain whether
the incidence of valvular disease is increased in SLE patients
who also have circulating antiphospholipid antibodies.
Coronary Artery Disease
Both intramural and extramural coronary artery disease is
increased in patients with SLE. Necropsy studies have demonstrated fibrous intimal proliferation of small intramural
coronary arteries and obstruction of these arteries with
hyaline material.77 These lesions are similar to those
observed in pathologic studies of renal and central nervous
system tissue in SLE patients. The large epicardial coronary
arteries may be obstructed owing to arterial emboli, in situ
thrombosis, vasculitis, or atherosclerotic disease. True coronary artery vasculitis is exceedingly rare. In contrast, atherosclerotic disease is a well-recognized complication of
long-standing SLE.82 Autopsy studies have demonstrated
atherosclerosis in 25% to 40% of SLE patients.77,83 One
epidemiologic study demonstrated that young women with


SLE have a 50-fold higher risk of myocardial infarction

compared with age-matched controls.84 A multicenter
inception cohort determined that male sex and older age at
SLE diagnosis were significantly associated with the presence of atherosclerotic disease.85 Although patients with
SLE are more likely to have classic atherosclerotic risk
factors such as hypertension and exposure to corticosteroids,
these risk factors alone do not fully account for the increased
risk of atherosclerosis seen in SLE patients.86 Thus, SLE
itself is believed to be an independent risk factor.
The possibility of coronary artery disease must be considered in any SLE patient presenting with chest pain and/
or shortness of breath, and one should have a low threshold
for a functional evaluation with a cardiac stress test. Cardiac
catheterization might also be necessary for diagnosis and
therapeutic intervention. It is important to evaluate these
patients for the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies
because coronary artery thrombosis may be a manifestation
of the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Evaluation for
and treatment of modifiable risk factors such as obesity,
smoking, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia are important
in mitigating the development and progression of atherosclerotic disease.

General Considerations
Neuropsychiatric lupus (NPSLE) consists of a broad range
of neurologic and psychiatric manifestations that can
involve any aspect of the central or peripheral nervous
system. With the intention of improving the terminology
and classification of NPSLE, an American College of Rheumatology (ACR) subcommittee categorized NPSLE into 19
distinct syndromes encompassing the central (CNS) and
peripheral (PNS) nervous system87 (Table 80-6). The extent
of this classification system underscores the complexity of
NPSLE. CNS disorders range from diffuse processes such as
acute confusional state, headache, psychosis, and mood disorders to more focal processes such as seizures, myelopathy,
and chorea. It is notable that the ACR classification system
has removed the cryptic term lupus cerebritis from the
vernacular. Although the ACR case definitions are very
helpful in providing a framework in which to think about

Table 80-6 American College of Rheumatology

Classification of Neuropsychiatric Syndromes in
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Central Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System

Aseptic meningitis
Cerebrovascular disease
Demyelinating syndrome
Movement disorder
Acute confusional state
Anxiety disorder
Cognitive dysfunction
Mood disorder

Guillain-Barr syndrome
Autonomic disorder
Mononeuropathy, single/multiplex
Myasthenia gravis
Cranial neuropathy

Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


and study NPSLE, accurate attribution of neuropsychiatric

manifestations remains challenging. It is often difficult to
distinguish whether neuropsychiatric symptoms are due to
active SLE or to other factors such as infection, metabolic
abnormalities, severe hypertension, adverse effects of medications, or independent neurologic or psychiatric problems.
No laboratory or imaging study is sufficiently sensitive or
specific to confirm the diagnosis of neuropsychiatric SLE.
Instead, the diagnosis is based on a thorough clinical evaluation that is corroborated by findings (or lack thereof) on
brain imaging, serologic testing, lumbar puncture, and neuropsychiatric assessment.
Multiple pathogenic mechanisms are undoubtedly involved
in the various NPSLE syndromes, but in most cases the
precise pathogenesis is unknown. Many of the manifestations can be grouped into two broad categories: primary
vascular injury and primary inflammatory injury. A combination of the two categories can also occur. Vascular injury
includes damage to both large and small vessels via thromboembolic events, often as a consequence of antiphospholipid syndrome. In some patients, vasculopathy of small
vessels may be due to vascular hyalinization, perivascular
inflammation, and endothelial proliferation. In contrast,
inflammatory-mediated injury might result from increased
permeability of the blood-brain barrier, intrathecal production of inflammatory cytokines, and damage from antineuronal antibodies. Histopathologic studies have demonstrated
multiple CNS abnormalities, including large and small multifocal infarctions, hemorrhage, bland small vessel vasculopathy, cortical atrophy, brain edema, and demyelination.
True vasculitis of cerebral vessels is rare. Several autoantibodies have been implicated in the pathogenesis of some
neuropsychiatric manifestations, particularly psychosis,
but they lack sufficient sensitivity or specificity to guide
Approach to Diagnosis
The diagnostic evaluation of a patient with potential
NPSLE is tailored to the presenting neuropsychiatric manifestation. Depending on the manifestation, consultation
with a neurologist and/or a psychiatrist is advised. The most
important first step is exclusion of an alternative explanation for the neuropsychiatric symptoms/signs. Lumbar puncture with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination is useful
for exclusion of an infectious origin. Mild lymphocytic
pleocytosis and elevated CSF protein are sometimes
observed but are not uniformly present. CSF findings are
not sensitive or specific enough to confirm a diagnosis of
neuropsychiatric SLE. It is important to recognize that
infection is a common cause of CNS symptoms in SLE
patients who are hospitalized with altered mental status,89
and must be rigorously ruled out. Progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a rare infection that also
merits consideration in an SLE patient presenting with
symptoms of CNS dysfunction. PML occurs more frequently
in SLE patients than in patients with other rheumatic diseases, even in the absence of significant immunosuppressive
therapy.90 Thus, in an SLE patient with unexplained new




neurologic symptoms, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of

the CSF for the presence of John Cunningham (JC) virus
should be considered. In situations where PCR is negative,
brain biopsy might be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Electromyography and nerve conduction studies are important in the setting of suspected peripheral neuropathy. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is necessary in the evaluation of
seizure. Neuropsychological testing may be helpful in the
setting of suspected cognitive dysfunction.
MRI is the preferred imaging modality in patients with
suspected NPSLE. The most common noted abnormalities
are small, hyperintense, T2-weighted, focal white matter
lesions located in the periventricular and subcortical white
matter of the frontoparietal region of the brain. However,
these findings are nonspecific and can be observed in other
disease processes such as atherosclerotic vascular disease and
multiple sclerosis. Other common MRI findings include cortical atrophy, ventricular dilation, cerebral edema, diffuse
white matter abnormalities, focal atrophy, infarction, leukoencephalopathy, and hemorrhage.91 MRI is especially
useful in detecting the presence of infarcts, hemorrhage, and
myelopathy and sometimes can help to exclude infectious
conditions such as brain abscess.91 MRI is most likely to
show abnormalities in the setting of focal neurologic deficits, seizures, chronic cognitive dysfunction, and antiphospholipid antibodymediated disease and is less likely to
show abnormalities in the setting of headache, acute confusional state, and psychiatric syndromes.
Estimates of the prevalence of NPSLE have varied widely
in the literature, largely depending on the extent to which
headache and/or mild cognitive abnormalities have been
included in the analysis. However, the preponderance of
these studies suggests that CNS manifestations predominate
over PNS manifestations. Several of the more common
syndromes and associated differential diagnoses are described
in the following paragraphs.
Selected Neuropsychiatric Lupus Syndromes
Headaches are reported in more than 50% of SLE patients,
but attribution of the headache to SLE is extremely difficult.
Both migrainous and tension-type headaches have been
described. One meta-analysis92 determined that the prevalence of primary headache syndromes was not different
between SLE and control patients, and that headache was
not related to SLE disease activity. The evaluation of headache in an SLE patient should be similar to that in a
non-SLE patient and should be directed by the presence or
absence of worrisome features such as fever, meningismus,
altered mental status, and focal neurologic signs.
Cognitive dysfunction, manifested primarily by deficits
in thinking, memory, and concentration, is being increasingly recognized in SLE patients. Some have estimated a
prevalence of up to 80%, although serious cognitive impairment is much less common. Some studies suggest that cognitive dysfunction may be associated with the presence of
antiphospholipid antibodies, but a causal relationship has
not been definitively established. Documentation of the
presence and extent of cognitive dysfunction via neuropsychiatric testing can be useful in establishing a baseline in a
particular patient that can be followed over time, particularly when a therapeutic intervention is being considered.

Psychiatric disorders such as psychosis, depression, and

anxiety can occur in SLE, and consultation with a psychiatrist is highly recommended in the evaluation of patients
with these symptoms. An SLE patient presenting with psychosis represents a distinct diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The differential diagnosis includes CNS infection,
primary schizophrenia, systemic metabolic abnormalities,
and psychosis occurring as a side effect of corticosteroid
therapy or illicit drugs. Steroid-induced psychosis is dose
dependent and typically occurs within the first 2 weeks of
treatment initiation.
Although rare, demyelinating syndromes such as optic
neuritis and myelitis can occur as part of the spectrum of
NPSLE. Optic neuritis is characterized by pain with eye
movement, central visual field loss, and a waxing and
waning course.93 Optic neuritis should be differentiated
from ischemic optic neuropathy, which typically presents
with acute, painless loss of vision and lack of significant
improvement in vision over time.94 Myelitis is characterized
by the onset of bilateral lower extremity paresthesia, numbness, and weakness that can rapidly progress to involve the
upper limbs and the muscles of respiration. A sensory level
is usually noted, and autonomic involvement of the bowel
and bladder is common. Band-like pain or discomfort
around the abdomen is a characteristic symptom. It is
important to differentiate myelitis from other causes of
myelopathy, including infection, structural spinal cord
abnormalities, and vascular insult to the spinal cord. Spinal
cord MRI is the critical first test. CSF examination is important to rule out infection.
The combination of optic neuritis and myelitis presents
a special clinical challenge because this combination of
features can occur in the setting of SLE, multiple sclerosis
(MS), or neuromyelitis optica (NMO).95 Complicating
matters, the clinical presentation of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome can mimic demyelinating disease. A thorough clinical history, MRI, CSF analysis, and serologic
testing are helpful in distinguishing these entities. NPSLE
and MS can have identical white matter lesions on brain
MRI. Spinal cord lesions may differ in that MS spinal cord
lesions usually span an area measuring less than two spinal
segments, but SLE lesions are often longitudinally extensive
with involvement of more than three spinal cord segments.
Although oligoclonal bands may be present in the CSF of
both SLE and MS patients, the absence of oligoclonal bands
and the presence of a pleocytosis significantly lessen the
likelihood of MS. Although a positive ANA has been
described in up to 27% of patients with MS,95 more specific
subserologies such as anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm favor the
diagnosis of SLE. NMO is defined as manifested by two of
the following three features: presence of the NMO IgG
antibody (antibody to aquaporin 4), absence of brain lesions
diagnostic of MS, and longitudinally extensive myelitis on
MRI.96 The NMO antibody has a specificity of greater than
90% for the diagnosis of NMO. However, SLE and NMO
may occur concurrently in a given patient.
Patients with SLE are at increased risk of stroke, with
ischemic stroke being more common than intracerebral
hemorrhage.97 Studies have demonstrated an association
between the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL)
and/or valvular heart disease and the risk of stroke.81 Brain
MRI is a critical test in the diagnosis of ischemic or


hemorrhagic stroke, and magnetic resonance angiography

(MRA) can detect vessel aneurysms. Echocardiography,
carotid ultrasound, and electrocardiography are important
diagnostic tests in the setting of suspected thromboembolic
cerebrovascular disease.
Peripheral neuropathy has been observed in up to 20%
of SLE patients and typically is characterized by a symmetric, length-dependent sensory or sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Vasculitis of the vasa nervorum and demyelination are
two well-recognized pathogenic mechanisms. When the
results of nerve conduction studies (NCS) are normal,
small-diameter nerve fibers are likely involved. Small-fiber
involvement frequently presents as fluctuating numbness
and tingling of the upper extremities and hands. A devastating, large-fiber vasculitic neuropathy can also develop in
patients with SLE. Autonomic neuropathies, cranial neuropathies, and abnormalities of the neuromuscular junction
resembling myasthenia gravis have also been described.

SLE can involve any part of the gastrointestinal system.
Dysphagia is noted in up to 13% of patients, and manometric studies have detected abnormalities of esophageal motility.98 Decreased peristalsis is most commonly observed in the
upper one-third of the esophagus. In contrast to scleroderma, involvement of the lower esophageal sphincter is
rare in SLE.99 A variety of potential pathogenic mechanisms
have been described, including muscle atrophy, inflammation of esophageal muscle, and ischemic or vasculitic
damage to the Auerbach plexus.
Abdominal pain, sometimes accompanied by nausea and
vomiting, has been reported in up to 40% of SLE patients
and can be due to SLE-related causes, medication side
effects, and nonSLE-related causes such as infection.98
When evaluating an SLE patient with abdominal pain, it is
critical to rule out non-SLE conditions. It is important to
note that when patients are treated with corticosteroids
and/or other immunosuppressives, clinical signs of an acute
abdomen such as rebound tenderness can be masked. Thus,
delay in diagnosis is common. SLE-related causes of abdominal pain may include peritonitis, pancreatitis, mesenteric
vasculitis, and intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Although
autopsy studies have revealed evidence of peritoneal inflammation in up to 72% of SLE patients,100 the presence of
ascites is rare. If an SLE patient presents with abdominal
pain and ascites, paracentesis is warranted to rule out infection. Peritonitis can also occur in the setting of mesenteric
ischemia, bowel infarction, and pancreatitis. Thus, abdominal imaging is an important part of the initial evaluation.
Pancreatitis due to SLE is uncommon and usually is
associated with active SLE in other organs. When considering the possible diagnosis of pancreatitis, it is important to
note that elevated serum amylase may be misleading in that
it has been observed in SLE patients in the absence of
pancreatitis.101 Although corticosteroids and azathioprine
have been associated with the development of pancreatitis
in non-SLE patients, these medications do not seem to play
a major role in the development of pancreatitis in SLE
patients.102 It is important to rule out non-SLE causes of
pancreatitis such as biliary disease, alcohol consumption,
and hypertriglyceridemia.

Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Mesenteric vasculitis is a very rare manifestation of

SLE that can present with a range of symptoms from
cramping, bloating, and anorexia to an acute abdomen with
diarrhea and gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential to prevent the
potential catastrophic complications of necrotic bowel, perforation, and sepsis. Abdominal radiography may show
distention of bowel loops, thickening and thumbprinting
of the bowel wall, and/or free air in the abdomen. Ultrasonography may be useful in demonstrating bowel wall
edema and thickening. Abdominal CT is thought to be the
most useful imaging modality for the early diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia and can demonstrate prominence of mesenteric vessels with a palisade pattern supplying dilated
bowel loops, ascites, and bowel wall thickening with a
double halo sign.103 Gastroscopy and colonoscopy can sometimes reveal findings of ischemia and ulceration. Because
lupus mesenteric vasculitis typically involves the small
vessels (arterioles and venules) of the bowel submucosa,
mesenteric angiography is usually nondiagnostic. However,
angiography can be helpful in ruling out larger vessel causes
of mesenteric ischemia, such as polyarteritis nodosa, atherosclerotic disease, or thrombosis resulting from anti
phosholipid antibody disease.
Liver test abnormalities have been described in up
to 60% of SLE patients at some point during the course of
their illness, but clinically significant liver disease is rarely
a direct manifestation of SLE.104 For this reason, the
presence of liver disease should prompt a search for nonSLE causes, including medications such as nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, methotrexate, and azathioprine.
Abnormal liver enzymes may be caused by hepatic steatosis
as a result of obesity, concomitant diabetes mellitus, or treatment with corticosteroids. Infections such as viral hepatitis,
cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
must also be excluded. Once medications and infections
have been ruled out as possible culprits, persistent liver test
abnormalities should prompt an investigation with an
abdominal ultrasound and possibly a liver biopsy. Lupus
hepatitis is believed to be a distinct entity from autoimmune
hepatitis.105 Lupus hepatitis is typically characterized by the
presence of lobular inflammation with a paucity of lymphoid
infiltrates. These findings contrast with those of autoimmune hepatitis, in which periportal (interface) inflammation and dense lymphoid infiltrates dominate. Although
ANA is frequently seen in these disorders, antismooth
muscle and anti-LKM antibodies are more frequently noted
in autoimmune hepatitis than in lupus hepatitis. Rarely,
nodular regenerative hyperplasia complicates SLE. This disorder causes diffuse nodularity of the liver with little fibrosis
and can result in portal hypertension. Nodular regenerative
hyperplasia is also associated with the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in some patients.106 Vascular disorders
of the liver such as Budd-Chiari syndrome, hepatic venoocclusive disease, and hepatic infarction have been
described, especially in the setting of antiphospholipid
Other rare gastrointestinal manifestations of SLE include
intestinal pseudo-obstruction and protein-losing enteropathy. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is characterized by
decreased intestinal motility caused by dysfunction of the
visceral smooth muscle or enteric nervous system.107 The




small bowel is more frequently involved than the large

bowel. Presenting symptoms include abdominal pain,
nausea, vomiting, and abdominal distention. Patients with
protein-losing enteropathy experience abdominal pain, profound pitting edema, and diarrhea and are noted to have a
hypoalbuminemia. Other causes of hypoalbuminemia, such
as nephrotic syndrome from renal disease, must be excluded.

SLE can affect the eye in a variety of ways. The most
common ocular manifestation is keratoconjunctivitis sicca
(KCS), which can occur in the presence or absence of secondary Sjgrens syndrome.108 Retinal abnormalities can be
detected on ophthalmoscopic examination as retinal hemorrhages, vasculitic-appearing lesions, cotton wool spots,
and hard exudates. SLE retinopathy is believed to be an
immune complexmediated vasculopathy and/or the result
of microthrombotic events. The presence of retinal abnormalities has been shown to correlate with lupus nephritis,
CNS lupus, and the presence of antiphosholipid antibodies.109 Episcleritis and scleritis can occur in SLE. Uveitis is
extremely rare. Discoid lupus can involve the lower eyelid
and conjunctiva. Glucocorticoids and antimalarial agents,
two medications commonly used for the treatment of SLE,
can affect the eye. Posterior subcapsular cataracts and elevated intraocular pressure are well-described complications
of glucocorticoid therapy, and maculopathy is a rare but
serious complication of the use of hydroxychloroquine and
chloroquine. The risk of retinal toxicity is low if the daily
dose of chloroquine is kept below 3mg/kg of ideal body
weight and the daily dose of hydroxychloroquine is kept at
or below 6.5mg/kg of ideal body weight..

Hematologic involvement is common in SLE; all three
blood cell lines can be affected. When evaluating a patient
with the hematologic abnormalities as described later, it is
always necessary to consider the potential of myelosuppression from medications such as methotrexate, azathioprine,
mycophenolate mofetil, and cyclophosphamide. In addition, corticosteroids are a common cause of lymphopenia
and leukocytosis secondary to neutrophilia.
Anemia of chronic disease (ACD) is the most common
anemia in SLE. It is a normochromic, normocytic anemia
characterized by the presence of low serum iron, low transferrin, and normal to increased serum ferritin. ACD can
coexist with anemias resulting from other processes. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) should be suspected in
the setting of the following laboratory abnormalities:
increased serum unconjugated bilirubin, increased lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH), increased reticulocyte count, and
reduced serum haptoglobin. The direct Coombs test is typically positive and usually is mediated by warm-reacting IgG
anti-erythrocyte antibodies. The peripheral blood smear
demonstrates spherocytosis. Some reports have suggested an
association between AIHA and the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies.110,111 A positive direct Coombs test can

occur without hemolysis. AIHA may be the presenting

manifestation of SLE, or it may predate full-blown SLE by
many years.
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA), characterized by the presence of schistocytes on peripheral
blood smear, should prompt consideration of thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpurahemolytic uremic syndrome
(TTP-HUS). TTP is a syndrome consisting of MAHA,
thrombocytopenia, fever, neurologic symptoms, and renal
involvement, and may be associated with SLE. Because
MAHA, thrombocytopenia, neurologic symptoms, and
renal involvement can also occur in catastrophic antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (CAPS), antiphospholipid
antibodies should always be measured as part of the evaluation. Blood loss, renal insufficiency, pure red cell aplasia,
and medication-induced myelotoxicity are additional
potential causes of anemia in SLE patients.
Leukopenia occurs in approximately 50% of SLE patients
and can occur secondary to lymphopenia and/or neutropenia. One study of 158 newly diagnosed, clinically active SLE
patients demonstrated that 75% of patients had lymphocyte
counts lower than 1500 cells/L, and that lymphopenia
eventually developed in 93% of patients.112 The presence of
lymphocytoxic antibodies in some SLE patients correlates
with lymphopenia and with disease exacerbation.113 Lymphopenia may be a side effect of treatment with glucocorticoids or other immunosuppressive agents. Neutropenia due
to SLE can result from immune-mediated destruction or
marrow suppression.
Mild thrombocytopenia is noted in up to 50% of SLE
patients, but severe thrombocytopenia can also occur.
Thrombocytopenia can be the result of immune-mediated
platelet destruction similar to immune thrombocytopenic
purpura (ITP). The platelet IIb/IIIa antigen is the primary
target. Thrombocytopenia can also be caused by a consumptive process such as TTP or splenomegaly. Antithrombopoietin antibodies have been found in the sera of some SLE
patients and have been correlated with lower platelet
counts.114 Chronic, low-level thrombocytopenia is a characteristic feature of the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Similar to AIHA, isolated ITP may pre-date the
development of complete SLE by several years.115

Lymphadenopathy commonly occurs in association with
active SLE and is characterized by the presence of enlarged,
soft, nontender lymph nodes. Lymphadenopathy can be
focal or generalized; the cervical, axillary, and inguinal
regions are typically involved. Lymph node histopathology
demonstrates reactive hyperplasia and varying degrees of
coagulative necrosis. The presence of hematoxylin bodies is
specific for SLE. Histologic features of Castlemans disease
have been reported.116 The differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy in an SLE patient includes infection and/or a


lymphoproliferative process; lymph node biopsy is sometimes required for diagnosis. Splenomegaly can be observed
in patients with SLE and may be associated with hepatomegaly. Histopathologic studies demonstrate periarterial
fibrosis (onion-skin lesions). Splenic atrophy and functional
asplenism have also been reported.117

Establishing the diagnosis of SLE can be challenging because
of its heterogeneous disease manifestations and waxing and
waning clinical course. No clinical manifestation or laboratory test can serve as a definitive diagnostic test. Instead,
SLE is diagnosed on the basis of a constellation of characteristic symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings in the
appropriate clinical context. Although the ACR classification criteria (see Table 80-1) cannot always be relied upon
for diagnostic purposes in individual patients, they serve as
useful reminders of the wide variety of clinical features that
can be seen in SLE.
Serologic Tests
Serologic tests play an important role in the diagnosis of
SLE. SLE is the prototypic systemic humoral autoimmune
disease. As such, it is characterized by production of a wide
variety of autoantibodies, which often provide important
diagnostic information118 (Table 80-7). The hallmark serologic feature is the presence of ANAs, as reflected by a
positive ANA test. The gold standard method for detecting
ANA is indirect immunofluorescence using a human epithelial cell tumor line (HEp2 cell line). With this method,
the ANA test is highly sensitive in that it is positive in more
than 95% of people with SLE. Because of a desire for automation and cost savings, some laboratories are utilizing the
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as the
method of testing for ANA. However, the ELISA method
is less accurate than the immunofluorescence method,
resulting in a higher false-negative rate. Positive ANA tests
also occur in many other autoimmune diseases, including
rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, polymyositis, and autoimmune thyroiditis, among others. ANAs are also detectable in low titers (<1:80) in many people without
autoimmune disease, especially in the elderly.119 Therefore,
a positive test is not sufficient to establish the diagnosis of
SLE. On the other hand, a negative test can be helpful in

Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


ruling out SLE. Although ANA-negative SLE has been

reported, it is very rare with the immunofluorescence
method of testing. In those rare instances, other tests (e.g.,
anti-Ro/SSA) confirm the presence of lupus-associated
Once it has been established that ANAs are present, it
is important to determine which particular nuclear antigens
may be the target of the autoantibodies, because some of
these antigen-specific responses provide great diagnostic
specificity. The most important of these tests is the test for
antibodies to double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA). AntidsDNA antibodies are present in no more than 50% to 60%
of patients with lupus, so their absence does not exclude the
possibility of SLE. However, the presence of these antibodies is highly specific for SLE and therefore can be very
helpful in establishing a definitive diagnosis. Similarly, antibodies to the Sm antigen have great specificity for SLE, but
these antibodies are present in even fewer SLE patients
(30%). The Sm antigen is a component of extractable
nuclear antigens (ENAs), a term that refers to a heterogeneous mixture of non-DNA nuclear antigens that can be
extracted from cells in the laboratory. These antigens are
primarily ribonucleoproteins that can be divided into two
major subsets based on their susceptibility to digestion by
ribonuclease. The ribonuclease-sensitive antigens are designated RNP. Ribonuclease-resistant antigens are designated
Sm (because these antibodies were first detected in a patient
named Smith). Unlike anti-Sm, anti-RNP is not specific for
SLE. However, high titers of anti-RNP antibodies can be
helpful in supporting the diagnosis of MCTD.121
Numerous other autoantibodies can be found in patients
with SLE. Antibodies to cytoplasmic antigens, such as Ro
and La (SSA and SSB), can be found in some patients with
SLE. Although these autoantibodies lack both sensitivity
and specificity for SLE, they sometimes are associated with
distinct clinical syndromes. The best example of such a
relationship involves the presence of anti-Ro antibodies in
more than 90% of cases of neonatal lupus.122,123 Anti-Ro
antibodies are also seen with increased frequency in patients
with SCLE.124 Other autoantibodies may be directed against
cell surface molecules or against circulating proteins. For
example, antibodies to blood components can be responsible for hemolytic anemia, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia, and antibodies to phospholipids can be detected in
some SLE patients with or without antiphospholipid syndrome (see Chapter 82). It should be noted that rheumatoid

Table 80-7 Autoantibodies and Clinical Significance in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

in SLE

Clinical Significance

Antinuclear Antibody








SCLE, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus.

95% specificity for SLE; fluctuates with disease activity; associated with glomerulonephritis
99% specificity for SLE; associated with anti-U1RNP antibodies
Antibody associated with mixed connective tissue disease and lower frequency of
Associated with Sjgrens syndrome, photosensitivity, SCLE, neonatal lupus, congenital
heart block
Associated with Sjgrens syndrome, SCLE, neonatal lupus, congenital heart block,
Also associated with drug-induced lupus
Associated with arterial and venous thrombosis, pregnancy morbidity




factor (anti-IgG) can be found in 15% to 20% of people

with SLE, whether or not joint disease is present.125 AntiCCP antibodies can also be present.
Complement consumption arising from immune complex
disease may lead to hypocomplementemia in patients with
SLE.126,127 Because hypocomplementemia is rare in other
diseases, its presence in a patient with SLE can provide
valuable supportive evidence for the diagnosis. Moreover,
because hypocomplementemia most likely reflects complement activation by immune complexes, its presence is often
a sign of active disease. However, hereditary complement
deficiencies may be found in patients with SLE (C1q, C2,
C4), so absence of a particular complement component
does not always reflect consumption.128-130 For this reason,
it is often necessary to measure more than one complement
component (e.g., C3 and C4) before concluding that hypocomplementemia is due to active disease.
The utility of serologic tests in assessing disease activity
and predicting disease flares remains a topic of controversy.
In the absence of a hereditary complement deficiency, hypocomplementemia is a reliable indicator that the disease is
active, but normal complement levels do not rule out active
disease. Titers of anti-dsDNA antibodies correlate with
disease activity in some patients, but not in others. One
recent study attempted to resolve the long-standing debate
about the prognostic value of changes in lupus serology.131
In this study, patients with clinically quiescent lupus underwent monthly monitoring for levels of anti-dsDNA, C3a,
C3, C4, and CH50 to identify patients with serologically
active, clinically quiescent disease. These patients were
then randomized to treatment with corticosteroids or
placebo to determine whether treatment of serologically
active disease could prevent impending clinical flares. The
results were equivocal. Some patients with serologically
active disease flared, and some flares were apparently prevented. However, in most control subjects, serologic deterioration was not followed by a clinical flare, and most of
the flares that occurred in the original patient population
that had been monitored were not preceded by serologic
deterioration. Thus, there remains no substitute for knowledge of a particular patients pattern or whether there is an
association between clinical and serologic manifestations in
that patient.

Because of the involvement of multiple organ systems and
the lack of specificity of symptoms and/or signs, many systemic diseases can mimic SLE. Thus, before a diagnosis of
SLE is established, a comprehensive search for infectious,
malignant, and other autoimmune diseases must be
Several viral infections can produce symptoms and signs
that are present in SLE. In addition, many viral illnesses are
associated with the production of autoantibodies. A careful
patient history with serologic testing for the potential
pathogen should help to secure the correct diagnosis. Parvovirus B19 classically presents with fever, rash, symmetric
inflammatory polyarthritis, and cytopenias. Furthermore,
the presence of ANA, anti-dsDNA, and hypocomplemen
temia has been observed in a few cases. Cytomegalovirus
and Epstein-Barr virus can mimic SLE in that patients often

present with fatigue, cytopenias, abdominal pain, and liver

test abnormalities. Acute HIV infection typically presents
with fever, diffuse lymphadenopathy, and oral ulcers.
Patients with hepatitis B and C can develop inflammatory
arthritis and positive autoantibodies.
Malignancy, particularly non-Hodgkins lymphoma, can
manifest with constitutional symptoms, joint pain, cytopenias, lymphadenopathy, rash, and a positive ANA. One
must be particularly alert to the possibility of malignancy in
an older patient presenting with a new lupus-like syndrome.
It is important to ensure that patients undergo appropriate
malignancy screening tests.
Other autoimmune diseases such as RA, dermatomyositis, and Stills disease often share similar clinical features
with SLE. Differentiating between these disorders might be
difficult in early phases of the disease. Patients with RA and
SLE may develop a symmetric inflammatory arthritis with
a predilection for the wrists and small joints of the hands.
ANA and rheumatoid factor (RF) may be elevated in both
disorders, although anti-CCP antibody suggests RA, and
anti-dsDNA or anti-Sm suggests SLE. The photosensitive,
erythematous rashes of dermatomyositis and SLE can appear
clinically and histopathologically identical. A careful
patient history and supporting serologies will aid in making
the correct diagnosis. Mixed connective tissue disease
(MCTD) must also be considered when evaluating a patient
for possible SLE. MCTD is a syndrome characterized by a
high-titer anti-RNP antibody in conjunction with clinical
features that are often present in SLE, scleroderma, and/or
polymyositis. Patients frequently present with puffy, swollen
hands and Raynauds phenomenon. In contrast to SLE,
patients with MCTD can develop an erosive arthritis that
looks very similar to RA.
Careful evaluation for drug-induced lupus should be
undertaken in every new patient in whom the diagnosis of
SLE is suspected. This is especially important in an older
person presenting with a lupus-like syndrome. Arthralgia,
myalgia, fever, and serositis are common manifestations. A
wide variety of drugs have been implicated in the development of drug-induced lupus; minocycline, procainamide,
hydralazine, isoniazid, interferon alpha, and anti-TNF
agents are well-known culprits. Hydrochlorothiazide is associated with SCLE. All of these drugs may cause a positive
ANA. Minocycline is occasionally associated with antidsDNA antibodies and perinuclear-staining antineutrophil
cytoplasmic antibodies (P-ANCA), and anti-TNF agents
can cause positive anti-dsDNA antibodies. Antihistone
antibodies are present in more than 95% of cases of druginduced lupus, with the exception of those cases caused by
minocycline However, antihistone antibodies cannot be
used to confirm a diagnosis of drug-induced lupus because
up to 80% of idiopathic SLE patients will also produce
antihistone antibodies.

Neonatal lupus is a passively acquired autoimmune disease
of neonates that results from transplacental passage of
maternal anti-SSA and/or anti-SSB antibodies.132 It can
occur in mothers with SLE, in those with Sjgrens syndrome, or in patients in whom an autoimmune disease has
not been diagnosed. Neonatal lupus can involve multiple


organ systems, including heart, skin, liver, and the hematologic system; the most severe complications are congenital
complete heart block and cardiomyopathy.133 The term neonatal lupus stems from early observations that the skin
lesions in affected newborns were similar to the lesions of
Congenital complete heart block is associated with a
neonatal mortality rate as high as 20%, and most patients
will eventually require a permanent pacemaker. This complication occurs in up to 2% of babies born to mothers who
are positive for anti-Ro/SSA and/or anti-LA/SSB antibodies. Once a woman has given birth to a baby with complete
heart block, the risk for recurrence in a subsequent pregnancy is approximately 15%. Evidence from in vitro studies
suggests that during fetal development, fetal cardiocytes
undergo apoptosis that results in expression of Ro/SSA and
La/SSB on the cell surface. Binding of anti-Ro/SSA and/or
anti-La/SSB to fetal cardiocytes leads to inflammatory
injury and subsequently to fibrosis of the atrioventricular
(AV) node and surrounding tissue. The sinoatrial (SA)
node may also be involved. Prospective studies have shown
that the vulnerable period for the fetal heart is between 16
and 24 weeks of gestation. Thus, it is recommended that
mothers with anti-Ro/SSA and/or anti-La/SSB antibodies
undergo monitoring with fetal echocardiography beginning
at 16 weeks gestation. The hope has been that detection of
early stages of heart block (first-degree and second-degree
block) might allow for treatment that would prevent progression to third-degree heart block. Currently, the treatment of choice is maternal administration of a fluorinated
glucocorticoid such as dexamethasone. Fluorinated glucocorticoids are preferred because of their ability to cross the
placenta and enter the fetal circulation. However, treatment of incomplete fetal heart block remains controversial
because the benefits have not been clearly delineated, and
glucocorticoids have been associated with several fetal side
effects such as intrauterine growth retardation, oligohydramnios, and adrenal suppression. Complete heart block is
irreversible even with treatment, and first- or second-degree
heart block may or may not reverse with treatment. Complicating matters, complete heart block can occur in the
absence of preceding first- or second-degree block. In addition to conduction blocks, structural cardiac abnormalities
have been observed in the setting of neonatal lupus, including, but not limited to, patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular
septal defect, atrial septal defect, and patent foramen ovale.
Myocarditis and pericarditis have also been described.
Rash, a common manifestation of neonatal lupus, consists of erythematous, annular lesions that resemble the
annular subtype of SCLE. The rash typically occurs on the
scalp, face, trunk, and extremities with a predilection for
the periorbital area; it often develops after exposure of the
newborn to ultraviolet light. Lesions typically occur within
the first 4 to 6 weeks of life but may be present at birth. The
rash is self-limiting and does not necessitate treatment.
Lesions tend to resolve by 6 months of age, at which time
maternal anti-Ro/SSA and/or anti-La/SSB antibodies are
no longer present in the babys circulation. Less common
manifestations of neonatal lupus include hepatic, hematologic, and neurologic involvement.134 Hepatic manifestations include asymptomatic elevation of liver function
tests, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, cholestasis, and cirrhosis.

Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Hematologic manifestations include thrombocytopenia,

autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and leukopenia. Neurologic complications, including myelopathy, seizures, and
aseptic meningitis, have been reported.
Selected References
1. Tan EM, Cohen AS, Fries JF, et al: The 1982 revised classification of
systemic lupus erythematosus, Arthritis Rheum 11:12711277, 1982.
2. Hochberg MC: Updating the American College of Rheumatology
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Arthritis Rheum 40:1725, 1997.
3. Pons-Estel GJ, Alarcon GS, Scofield L, et al: Understanding the
epidemiology and progession of systemic lupus erythematosus, Semin
Arthritis Rheum 39:257268, 2010.
4. Uramoto KM, Michet CJ, Thumboo J, et al: Trends in the incidence
and mortality of systemic lupus erythematosus, 19501992, Arthritis
Rheum 42:4650, 1999.
5. Ballou SP, Khan MA, Kushner I: Clinical features of systemic lupus
erythematosus, Arthritis Rheum 25:5560, 1982.
6. Chakravarty EF, Bush TM, Manzi S, et al: Prevalence of adult systemic lupus erythematosus in California and Pennsylvania in 2000:
estimates obtained using hospitalization data, Arthritis Rheum
56:20922094, 2007.
7. Boddaert J, Huong DL, Amoura Z, et al: Late-onset systemic lupus
erythematosus: a personal series of 47 patients and pooled analysis of
714 cases in the literature, Medicine 83:348359, 2004.
8. Dubois EL, Tuffanelli DL: Clinical manifestations of systemic lupus
erythematosus: computer analysis of 520 cases, JAMA 190:104111,
9. Estes D, Christian CL: The natural history of systemic lupus erythematosus by prospective analysis, Medicine 50:8595, 1971.
10. Hochberg MC, Boyd RE, Ahearn JM, et al: Systemic lupus erythematosus: a review of the clinico-laboratory features and immunopathogenetic markers in 150 patients with emphasis on demographic
subsets, Medicine 64:285295, 1985.
11. Pistiner M, Wallace DJ, Nessim S, et al: Lupus erythematosus in the
1980s: a survey of 570 patients, Semin Arthritis Rheum 21:5564, 1991.
12. Vitali C, Bencivelli W, Isenberg DA, et al;: European Consensus
Study Group for Disease Activity in SLE: Disease activity in systemic
lupus erythematosus: report of the Consensus Study Group of the
European Workshop for Rheumatology Research. I. A descriptive
analysis of 704 European lupus patients, Clin Exp Rheumatol 10:527
539, 1992.
13. Gilliam JN, Sontheimer RD: Distinctive cutaneous subsets in the
spectrum of lupus erythematosus, J Am Acad Dermatol 4:471475,
14. Sontheimer RD: The lexicon of cutaneous lupus erythematosus: a
review and personal perspective on the nomenclature and classification of the cutaneous manifestations of lupus erythematosus, Lupus
6:8495, 1997.
15. Watanabe T, Tsuchida T: Classification of lupus erythematosus based
upon cutaneous manifestations: dermatologic, systemic, and laboratory features in 191 patients, Dermatology 190:277283, 1995.
17. Gilliam JN, Sontheimer RD: Skin manifestations of SLE, Clin Rheum
Dis 8:207218, 1982.
18. Chaudhry SI, Murphy LA, White IR: Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus: a paraneoplastic dermatosis? Clin Exp Dermatol 30:655
658, 2005.
19. Parikh N, Choi J, Li M, et al: Squamous cell carcinoma arising in a
recent plaque of discoid lupus erythematosus, in a sun-protected area,
Lupus 19:210212, 2010.
20. Perniciaro C, Randle HW, Perry HO: Hypertrophic discoid lupus
erythematosus resembling squamous cell carcinoma, Dermatol Surg
21:255257, 1995.
21. Walling HW, Sontheimer RD: Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: issues
in diagnosis and treatment, Am J Clin Dermatol 10:365381, 2009.
22. Vassileva S: Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus, Clin Dermatol
22:129138, 2004.
23. Sanders CJ, Van Weelden H, Kazzaz GA, et al: Photosensitivity in
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study of 100 patients using a prolonged phototest protocol, Br J
Dermatol 149:131137, 2003.
24. Tutrone WD, Spann CT, Scheinfeld N, Deleo VA: Polymorphic light
eruption, Dermatol Ther 16:2839, 2003.




25. Fabbri P, Amato L, Chiarini C, et al: Scarring alopecia in discoid

lupus erythematosus: a clinical, histopathologic and immunopathologic study, Lupus 13:455462, 2004.
26. Alarcon-Segovia D, Cetina JA: Lupus hair, Am J Med Sci 267:241
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21. Walling HW, Sontheimer RD: Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: issues
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24. Tutrone WD, Spann CT, Scheinfeld N, Deleo VA: Polymorphic light
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25. Fabbri P, Amato L, Chiarini C, et al: Scarring alopecia in discoid
lupus erythematosus: a clinical, histopathologic and immunopathologic study, Lupus 13:455462, 2004.

Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


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34. Morley KD, Leung A, Rynes RI: Lupus foot, Br Med J 284:557558,
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36. Ostendorf B, Scherer A, Specker C, et al: Jaccouds arthropathy in
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43. Oinuma K, Harada Y, Nawata Y, et al: Osteonecrosis in patients with
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44. Fialho SC, Bonfa E, Vitule LF, et al: Disease activity as a major risk
factor for osteonecrosis in early systemic lupus erythematosus, Lupus
16:239244, 2007.
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