Basic Mathematics and Physics For Undergraduate Chemistry Students According To The Eurobachelor Curriculum
Basic Mathematics and Physics For Undergraduate Chemistry Students According To The Eurobachelor Curriculum
Basic Mathematics and Physics For Undergraduate Chemistry Students According To The Eurobachelor Curriculum
School of Chemistry, The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, BT9 5AG, Northern Ireland, UK
Many subjects of mathematics and physics are relevant to teaching analytical chemistry (AC) but a
few key topics are essential preparing students to the master level [1-4]. Mathematics and physics
are important to understand the operation of advanced apparatus and for the interpretation of data.
The overall aim of introducing 10 ECTS credit points of mathematics and 10 ECTS credit points of
physics in addition to 15 ECTS credit points for AC is to maintain the education in AC at a high
level to benefit science and the progress of AC. The European Association for Chemical and
Molecular Science Division of Analytical Chemistry (EuCheMS-DAC) have suggested a
curriculum for the bachelor degree [4].
As the language of science is mathematics, similarly physics promotes the understanding of basic
mechanisms and chemical interactions. AC requires a multidisciplinary approach to understanding
the art of quantifying chemical species in various mixtures and matrices [2]. Thus, students of
chemistry pursuing competence in AC are faced with numerous topics such as physics, computing,
interfacing, electronics etc. at a relatively high level in order to devise new methods of analysis
using advanced apparatus.
Society of Chemistry published guidelines, Mathematics in Chemistry Degree Courses" [5], two
years later after our first course. The content was remarkably similar to our (Burns & Hu) list, thus a
national consensus existed of what was required as prior knowledge or that needed to be imparted
via remedial/revision teaching.
Given the topics, the problem to be solved was how to produce a logical sequence for the items so
as to avoid giving too much on trust and also too many back tracks to items already dealt with.
Reported here are the content sequences that were found to be effective and indications of when and
how to connect the mathematical items to specific aspects of chemistry (details of which are given
in the supplementary material). The content of each section of the proposed mathematics course
was prepared in detail and the flow of concepts through the various possible sequences of sections
examined. The sequence reported here was chosen by consensus as optimum.
Year I module, "Chemical Computation" (see Fig. 1), started with the section on stoichiometry, for
which simple algebra was a sufficient background, this was included to deal with demonstrable
weakness and/or lack of students confidence in basic chemical arithmetic. This was followed by
the basic mathematics section, then by repeated measurements and estimation of uncertainties.
Students were given exercises/problems in stoichiometry, mathematical manipulations, and the
evaluation of analytical data, prior to seminar/discussion classes on each set of topics. The
computing lectures/demonstrations and practice sessions were run in parallel to the mathematical
material and included calculations using spread sheets.
The mathematics section of the course has run with only minor modifications for 18 years. The
lectures are supported by seminars, tutorials, and sets of problems. The items needed for second
year physical chemistry, namely, group theory, vectors, matrix algebra were and are introduced as
needed within the main chemistry syllabus. The mathematics material (lecture text and copy of
slides) have also been used successfully for self-study by individual mature students on ancillary
chemistry courses. The various sections of chemical computation are now not given in a single
block, the section on stoichiometry is now included in laboratory calculations, the statistics section
is incorporated into the second year module, Instrumental Analysis. The recommended text
remains that by Scott [9] or Coclett and Doggett [10].
Teaching physics is a rewarding field of science where demonstrations may be used to demonstrate
complicated principles by relatively simple means. The proposed workload of physics may be
Many thanks are due to Reiner Salzer for his encouragement, fruitful discussions and constructive
comments. The initiative of DAC Delegates for promoting the Eurobachelor Degree is gratefully
[2] Niessner R, Broekaert JA, Bron M, Einax J, Emons H, Haisch C, Huber C, Jakubowski N,
Knopp D, Popp J, Schaferling M. Analytical Chemistry 2008/2009, Nachrichten aus der Chemie
[3] Bologna Process (2005) (November
[4] Salzer R (2009), Master programs in analytical chemistry, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 394:649
[5] R.S.C., "Mathematics in Chemistry Degree Courses", Royal Society of Chemistry, London,
[6] Salzer R (2004) Eurocurriculum II for Analytical Chemistry approved by the Division of
Analytical Chemistry of FECS. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 378:28
[7] Salzer R, Mitchell T, Mimero P et al (2005) Analytical chemistry in the European higher
education area. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 381:33
[8] Jiao P, Jia Q, Randel G, Diehl B, Weaver S and Milligan G, Quantitative (1)H-NMR
Spectrometry Method for Quality Control of Aloe vera Products, J. AOAC Int. (2010) 93:842
[9] Scott SK, "Beginning Mathematics for Chemistry", Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1995).
[10] Cockett M, Doggett G, "Maths for Chemists", 2nd edition. Royal Society of Chemistry,
Cambridge (2012).
Figure 1. Year I module of mathematics for Chemistry represented by four key areas of effort. The
contact hours (black) and credits (grey) includes exercise, seminars and exams. Workload factor = 3
and one ECTS = 25 contact hour per semester week.
Figure 2. The total workload expressed in contact hours (black) and credits (grey) for a 10 point
module (workload factor = 3 and one ECTS = 25 contact hour per semester week) in the bar
diagram expresses the weighting of individual subjects, as recommended by DAC.
Supplementary Material
a) Stoichiometry (3 lectures)
Classification of reactions. Methods of balancing equations. Expression of solution
and of gaseous concentrations. Calculations involving titrations (acid-base, redox,
precipitation and complexometric), gravimetry, elemental analysis and molecular
formulae, gas laws and the Beer-Lambert Law.
Lecture 1
Topics in detail
a) aims
b) Physical Quantities, units, quantity calculus, dimensional analysis
c) definition and use of logarithms
d) definition of factorials
e) tabulation of data, labeling axes of graphs
c) Define a logarithm, show their use for multiplication, division and powers, and
how to change their base.
d) Factorials were introduced as a convenient short hand way of writing down an
item, a number sequence, that occurs quite frequently in physical science.
e) Tabulation appears early, to facilitate the practical course. State the basic rule,
when tabulating data and labeling graphs use the quotient of physical quantity and
unit. Give as example logeP vis 1/T, stress that the slope of the graph = -L/R is a
number, i.e. the units of L and R cancel.
Lastly, to illustrate dimensional analysis, evaluate the gas constant R in a variety of units from
R = PV/nT.
Lecture 2
Topics in detail
a) Some geometrical items
i) use of triangular graphs
ii) definition of circular and solid angles
iii) deduction of the inverse square law
b) Series
i) why needed
ii) geometric seriess
iii) exponential series
iv) binomial series
v) logarithmic series
c) Dependent and independent variables
Lecture 3
Differential Calculus
i) why needed
ii) notations
iii) dy/dx by first principles for y = xn
iv) logarithmic functions
v) derivative of a function of a function
vi) lists of standard forms of derivatives
vii) maxima, minima and points of inflextion
viii) representation of natural laws by differential equations and the
need for integration to compare experiment with theory.
dy/dx, y', y*
Simple examples of y changing with time,
delta(distance)/d time = velocity
iii) - vii) quite fast, single examples.
viii) Give examples with which they will be familiar,
Hookes Law,
Radioactive decay etc.
Lecture 4
Topics in detail
Partial Differentiation
i) demonstration of the concept via changes of the area of a rectangle
ii) symbols and their meaning
iii) exact differential equations in chemical thermodynamics
iv) order of differentiation
v) cross differentiation.
Comments and discussion
In a similar manner to the material in lecture 3. In iii) the main items were Gibb's
eqations and Maxwell's relations.
Lecture 5
Topics in detail
a) Integration
i) limit of a sum or the inverse of differentiation
ii) indefinite and definite integrals
iii) tables of standard forms
b) Partial Fractions
i) factorisation of algebraic functions to match standard forms prior to integation
ii) examples from reaction kinetics
In a similar manner and depth as in lecture 3.
Lecture 6
a) Rearranging equations prior to plotting graphs
b) "Games" with the equations of state for a perfect gas
i) Langmiur's isotherm
ii) Kohlrauch's law
iii) Debye equation for molecular dipoles
iv) conductance of a weak electrolyte
v) osmotic pressure of a solution of macromolecules
vi) viscosity of polymer solutions.
i) If PV = nRT,
show (2P/TV)V = (2P/VT)T.
ii) If f(P,V,T) = 0,
show (dV/dT)P = - (P/T)V/(P/V)T.
iii) For a perfect gas, PV = nRT,
show dP/P = dT/T - dV/V
The mathematics material (lecture text and overheads/Powerpoint) have also been
used successfully for self-study by individual mature students on ancillary chemistry
The various sections of chemical computation are not now given in a single block, the
section on stoichiometry is now included in laboratory calculations, the statistics
section incorporated into the second year module, Instrumental Analysis. The
recommended text remains that by Scott.
Table 1. Overview of subjects divided in two categories of priority with main focus on modeling
for a 3.6 CP module/30 contact hours in Mechanics of the EurobachelorTM in AC.
Newtons laws
Doppler effect
Angular momentum
Moment of inertia
Kinetic energy
Potential energy
Table 2. Overview of subjects with main focus on chromatography for a 1.4 CP module/12 contact
hours in liquid-flow dynamics of the EurobachelorTM in AC.
Ideal liquids
Viscous flow
Bernoullis equation
Boundary layers
Hagen-Poiseuille flow
Surface tension
Table 3. Overview of subjects divided in two categories of priority with main focus on detectors for
a 1.9 CP module/16 contact hours in Electromagnetism of the EurobachelorTM in AC.
Maxwells equations
Dielectric constant
Table 4. List of subjects with main focus on gases and units for a 0.6 CP module/5 contact hours in
thermodynamics of the EurobachelorTM in AC.
Boltzmann statistics
Fermi-dirac statistics
Rotational energy
Vibrational energy
Table 5. List of subjects divided into two categories of priority with main focus on spectrometry for
a 2.4 CP module/20 contact hours in Quantum Mechanics of the EurobachelorTM in AC. Some of
the subjects of lower priority are found in basic courses of AC.
Planck's law
Quantum numbers
Structure of matter
Rydbergs formula
Schrdinger's equation
Wave functions
Periodic table
Compton effect
Millikans experiment
Elementary particles
Franck-Hertz experiment
Fotoelectric effect
Stern-Gerlach's experiment
Nuclear physics
Spin-orbit coupling