Computational Physics With Python: Rubin H. Landau, Cristian C. Bordeianu Manuel J. Paez

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The key takeaways are that computational skills like problem solving, synthesizing information and mathematical skills are very important for physics graduates. Knowledge of physics itself is the least important.

Some main reasons for using Python are that it provides a nice balance between practical and conceptual learning, it has a large library of modules, it is freely available and easy to use.

The main tools used for creating visualizations in Python are Matplotlib for 2D and 3D plotting, Visual (Vpython) for 3D demonstrations and animations, and Tkinter for graphical user interfaces.

Computational Physics with Python

Rubin H. Landau1, Cristian C. Bordeianu2* , Manuel J. Paez3

Oregon State University, Physics Department, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest-Mgurele, P.O. Box MG 11,
077125, Romania
University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia

A coherent set of material for upper-division university education in computational
physics/science has been developed at Oregon State University, USA. It contains an
introductory course in scientific computing, a course in Computational Physics, and
a coordinated collection of multimedia interactive animations which enhance the
book and the courses. Computational Physics programs using Python programming
language are presented and displayed. It is proposed that presentation using Python
is a more effective and efficient way to teach physics than the traditional one.

1 The Need for Computational Education

We start by looking at the results of a survey of physics bachelors conducted by the
American Institute of Physics that determined which aspects of their education are most
valuable in their current employment five years after graduation (AIP, 1995). The results,
shown in Figure 1, indicate that for graduates whose primary field of employment is
engineering, mathematics and science, the three most important skills are scientific
problem solving, synthesizing information, and mathematical skills. These skills are also
highly important for graduates who find employment related to software. While it is to be
expected that knowledge of software and programming are most important for graduates
in software development, notice how, otherwise, synthesizing information is the most
important skill for both groups, and that knowledge of physics is essentially the least

2 Framework for Teaching Physics with Computation

Figure 2 illustrates the scientific problem - solving paradigm that is at the core of
computational research. Although such diagrams have been shown often enough to
become visual clichs, they remain relevant to the focus of this paper since they provide
the general structure for computational education. In fact, we believe that the
commonality of tools across the computational sciences combined with the common
problem-solving mindset is a truly liberating and attractive aspect of computational
science because it permits its practitioners to understand and participate in a much wider
set of problems than occurs otherwise in the sub specialization of science.
The 4th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2009 113

Figure 1. Importance of knowledge areas for physics bachelors 5 - 7 years

after graduation.

In general, we recommend that computational educational materials be structured

around the scientific problem-solving paradigm in Figure 2. This demonstrates where the
multiples disciplines are relevant, provides concrete examples that assist in understanding
the abstract concepts, and stresses the importance of assessment of the various
components through visualization. From a pedagogical perspective, we believe that a
Computational Physics education following the problem-solving paradigm is a more
efficient approach to undergraduate education than a pure Physics education. Although
students may take fewer Physics classes, they tend to learn Physics, Computer Science,
and math better when placed in context, and thus get more out of their courses. So even if
the number of Physics courses needs to be reduced to make room for teaching
computation, this is compensated for by the increased efficiency of the pedagogy.
Furthermore, this approach has been shown to be appealing to a more diverse group than
those presently attracted to computer science or physics.
The materials and classes weve built along the way reflect our own rules of
education, which are personal observations gleaned from decades of teaching:
Most of education is learning what the words mean; the concepts are usually simple
if only you can understand what is being said.
Confusion is the first step to understanding.
Traumatic experiences tend to be educational.
Scholarly and pedagogical presentations are often designed to either impress the
audience with the presenters brilliance and depth or to make the materials appear simple
and logical (we opt for the latter).
114 University of Bucharest and Gh. Asachi Tehnical University of Iasi

Figure 2. The scientific

problem-solving paradigm. A
problem is set, the tools from
multiple disciplines are
employed within context, and
the continual assessment aides
debugging and steering.

A key component of many computational programs is having students get actively

engaged with projects as if each were an original scientific investigation, and having
projects in a large number of areas. In this way students experience the excitement of
their personal research, get familiar with a large number of approaches, acquire
confidence in making a complex system work for them, and continually build upon their
accomplishments. We have found the project approach to be flexible and to encourage
students to take pride in their work and their creativity. It also works well for independent
study or distant learning. In order to teach a Projects-based course, we employ a
combination of lectures and over the shoulder labs. The students work on and discuss
their projects with an instructor, and then write them up as an executive summary
containing sections for
Problem Algorithm Visualization Equations employed Code Discussion &
The emphasis is professional, much like reporting to manager in a workplace.
Visualizations are important for all the classes, and we teach the use of Maple/
Mathematica, PtPlot, gnuplot, AceGr, and OpenDX (Figure 3) for 2D, 3D, and animated
plots. Taken together, this approach produces significant learning, even though we may
be teaching with our mouths shut''. Also we teach modern digital signal processing
techniques as wavelet analyses (Bordeianu, 2009).
Figure 3. Example
produced with
OpenDX. (a) The 3D
state of hydrogen, (b)
an equipotential
surface for a toroidal
capacitor with the
resulting electric field,
and (c) the visual
program that
produced the
The 4th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2009 115

3 What to teach
In Figure 4 we present a concept map for our Computational Physics course and text
(Landau et al, 2008). After two years in administrative processing, in October 2001 the
Oregon State Board of Higher Education approved a Bachelor degree in Computational
Physics (Landau, 2004). The first students entered in fall 2002, the first graduate left in
June 2003, and 3-5 students typically graduate each year. Although these numbers are
small, the classes are well attended by physics majors, graduate students, and engineering
students. A sample of the Computational Physics curriculum is given in Table 1. It is an
example of how a complete package of computation classes can be fit into a four-year
curriculum that is still strong in its mother discipline.

Table 1. A sample Computational Physics for Undergraduates (CPUG) curriculum

This curriculum has been built up course by course since 1989 as we proposed,
developed, taught, and modified new courses. The computer classes (bold) are seen to be
116 University of Bucharest and Gh. Asachi Tehnical University of Iasi

distributed throughout all years of study. In total, the curriculum is a mix of existing
applied math and CS classes, with the new computation classes acting as the glue that
holds it together.
There is another way to answer the questions What to teach? and How to teach it?
That way is to provide computation-based textbooks that help define which topics
constitute proper computational education, and provide a coherent presentation of the
subject. The OSU Computational Physics Education group has been trying to do that for
the last 15 years. Lists of more than 50 texts and other resources are to be found in a
recent resource letter (Landau, 2008). Although most of those resources and most of this
paper focus on more specialized computational topics, there is still very much an open
question on what and how to teach computation to beginning college science students,
and who should be doing the teaching. Our attempt takes the form of an Introductory
Scientific Computing course designed to provide first and second year students with the
computational tools needed throughout their undergraduate careers, and its associated
text, A First Course in Scientific Computing (Landau, 2005). In recognition of the
widespread disagreement over which computing tools lower division college students
should learn, the paper text covers Maple and Java, while the accompanying CD
contained essentially identical texts in Mathematica and Fortran90, as well as the
associated notebooks, worksheets, programs, and data sets. The combination of A First
Course in Scientific Computing and A Survey of Computational Physics (Landau et al,
2008) pave a continuous computational path throughout the undergraduate curriculum.

Figure 4. Concept map. Shows hardware and software components from computer
science, applied mathematics algorithms, and physics applications.
The 4th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2009 117

4 Online Courses and Digital Books

In addition to publishing text books, another way of encouraging the inclusion of more
computation into curricula is to make at least the basic elements of computation courses
available to faculty. As part of a demonstration project for establishing a national
repository of computational science courses (EPIC), we have produced video based
modules for our Introductory Computational Science course (Video, 2008). We already
used them with good results in our teaching, while we are told that faculty and students at
other schools are also finding them useful. In light of the previously documented large
overlap among different computational classes, the plan is to have modules cover
individual topics which then can be assembled and used in a variety of classes and in a
variety of schools. (A full course would require problem sets, quizzes, assessment
exercises, and possibly supplementary materials in a specific discipline.) Although we do
not view the web as a good teaching medium for general education, or for students with
weak self discipline or limited motivation, it is appropriate for computational science
where the best way to learn it is while sitting at a computer in a trial and error mode.
Actually, the web is essentially ideal for computational science (it was invented for
particle physics analysis): projects are always in a centralized place for students and
faculty to observe, codes and data are there to run or modify, and interactive
visualizations can be striking with 3D, color, sound, and animation.

5 Using Python
Python is a popular programming language used for both standalone programs and
scripting applications in a wide variety of domains. It is free, portable, powerful, and
remarkably easy to use.
One of the reasons why we decided to migrate to Python in our CP books and courses
is that it provides a really nice balance between the practical and the conceptual (Downey
et al, 2008). Since Python is interpreted, beginners can pick up the language and start
doing neat things almost immediately without getting lost in the problems of compilation
and linking. Furthermore, Python comes with a large library of modules that can be used
to do all sorts of tasks ranging from web-programming to graphics. Having such a
practical focus is a great way to engage students and it allows them to complete
significant projects. However, Python can also serve as an excellent foundation for
introducing important computer science concepts. Since Python fully supports procedures
and classes, students can be gradually introduced to topics such as procedural abstraction,
data structures, and object-oriented programming.
Another reason is the fact that Python is freely available for download. Versions are
available for almost every operating system, including UNIX, Windows, Macintosh, and
Java. In addition, the Python website includes links to documentation, how-to guides, and
a wide assortment of third-party software.
The tools we have used in preparing the visualizations are:
Matplotlib: Matplotlib is a very powerful library of plotting functions callable from
within Python that is capable of producing publication quality figures in a number of
output formats. It is, by design, similar to the plotting packages with Matlab, and is made
118 University of Bucharest and Gh. Asachi Tehnical University of Iasi

more powerful by its use of the numpy package for numerical work. In addition to 2-D
plots, Matplotlib can also create interactive, 3-D visualizations of data.
Visual (VPython): The programming language Python is so often employed with
the Visual graphics module and the IDLE interface that the combination is often referred
to as Vpython. Much of the use of the Visual extension has been to create 3-D
demonstrations and animations for education, which are surprisingly easy to make and
Tkinter: Python also contains a graphical user interface (GUI) programming module
called Tkinter or Tk.

6 Conclusions
We think that only time will judge the viability of computational physics programs such
as ours. However they do appear to attract new students and to provide them with broad
preparation for future career choices. Also the use of Python programming language
seems to be a good choice judging by the feedback of the students.


AIP (1995): Skills Used Frequently by Physics Bachelors in Selected Employment

Sectors. Technical report: American Institute of Physics Education and Employment Statistics Division.
BORDEIANU, C. C., LANDAU, R. H. and PAEZ, M. J. (2009): Wavelet analyses and applications.
European Journal of Physics 30, 1049-1062.
DOWNEY, A., ELKNER, J and MEYERS, C. (2008): How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.Learning with
Python. Green Tea Press.
EPIC: Engaging People in Cyberinfrastructure,
LANDAU, R. H. (2004): Computational Physics for Undergraduates, the CPUG Degree Program at Oregon
State University. Computing in Science and Engineering. 6.
LANDAU, R.H. (2005): A First Course in Scientific Computing. Princeton University
LANDAU, R. H., PAEZ, M. J. and BORDEIANU, C. C. (2007): Computational Physics. Problem Solving
with Computers, 2nd, Wiley VCH.
LANDAU, R. H., PAEZ, M. J. and BORDEIANU, C. C. (2008): A Survey of Computational Physics.
Introductory Computational Science. Princeton University Press.
LANDAU, R. H. (2008), Resource Letter CP-2: Computational Physics, American Journal of Physics 76,
VIDEO (2008): Video Lectures in Intro Computational Science,

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