Vini Yogv1

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The Viniyog of each Mantra has following components

(1) The first component is Rishi. In our Ved it is said that " Rishayo
Mantra Drishtarah " means they have experienced and discovered the
Mantra but they have not created the Mantra. Since they have compiled
and mastered completely that particular mantra, so recalling the name of
the Rishi shows revered devotion of devotee. It is believed that worship
of that Rishi before the Jap of Mantra can give early results.
(2) Second component is Chhand. Different Mantras can be practiced with
different combination of Swar and Gati like Maansik, Vaachik, Upaanshu
So Chhand are rhythmic composition of chanting the Mantras.
(3) Third is Devtaa The cosmic power to whom we are worshipping to get
the desired result.
(4) Fourth - Beej Mantra is the Tattwa (gist)of the Mantra. The Jap of
Beej Mantra generates energy that is essential for activation the power
of main Mantra.
(5) Fifth is Keelakam. It is considered as key to unlock the secret of the
Example- Let us see the example of Viniyog of Bagalaamukhee Kavach Om Asya Shriee Bagalamukhee Kavachasya Naarad Rishih Anushtup
Chhandah Bagalamukhee Devataa Lam Beejam Aim Keelakam Purushaarth
Chatushtaye Jape Viniyogah
Here Rishi is Naarad, Chhand is Anushtup, Devtaa is Bagalaamukhee, Beej
is Lam, Keelak is Aim, Sixth component is Prayojan, means for which we
are doing the recitation of Kavach. That is Purushaarth Chatushtaye Dharm, Arth, Kam , and Moksh.

Since the Rishi are authorities of the Mantra and here Rishi is Naarad. So
before reciting Bagalaamukhee Kavach worship of Naarad is advised.
Some Mantra Need Initiation
Also in some Mantra initiation is very important part. Since we can not
meet Rishi in person, but we can seek the guidance of the person who has
spent his major part of life in chanting that Mantra. So initiation can
bring early result in fructification of the Mantra.
For example if I am reciting the Stotra 27 times, do I have to read the
"Jape Viniyogah" lines every single time?
--No, you need to do Viniyog only once. Do the Viniyog, then recite the
Stotra and on second repetition only recite the Stotra. Every time when
you start the Stotra, you have to do the Viniyog, but not for repetitions.
Some Stotra do not have Viniyog lines, this does not mean that that
Stotra does not have any Viniyog, it is just that they are not written in
your Stotra, but definitely some Rishi has compiled that Stotra. It's Ok
to read the Stotra as it is, in case Viniyog lines are not available in the
book. But sometimes you can find the Viniyog of the same Stotra in some
books. For example in some other books I have not found Viniyog of
"Aaditya Hridaya Stotra" but I found Viniyog of the same in the book of
Geetaa Press (two rupees price), so I started reciting the Viniyog also.
One more thing, Rishi (in Viniyog) should not be misunderstood as common
meaning - sage, like Vishwaamitra, or Vashishth.
This example of Viniyog of Hanumat Vadavaanal Stotra will clarify"Om Asya Shree Hanumat Vadavaanal Stotra Mantrasya Shree
Raamchandra Rishih Shree Vadavaanal Hanumaan Devtaa Mam Samast Rog
Prashamanartham Aayu Aarogya Aishwarayabhi Vridhyartham Samast
Paap Chhayartham Shree Seetaa Raamchandra Preetyartham Cha
Hanumat Vadavaanal Stotra Japam Aham Karishye"
Here Rishi is Lord Raam and Devtaa is Hanumaan. Raam has discovered
and mastered this Stotra so he is the authority of this Stotra that is why

he is Rishi. Here Chhand, Beej and Keelak are not given after Devtaa, all
the other things are only Prayojan.
Use of Water With Stotra
It is always advisable that some water must be taken in right palm and
after reading Viniyog must be released slowly on the ground. Take the
example of Hanumat Vadavaanal Stotra, the last three words Japam
Aham Karishye. Means you will do the Jap of that Stotra and by taking
water in right hand and saying those words means you have firm will to
recite the Stotra and water is the witness.
Sankalp is also taken like this, but there is a difference between Sankalp
and Viniyog. Aashwin Nava Raatri will start from 19th of this month.
Suppose a person is going to start the Paath of Durgaa Sapt Shatee, then
first he will have to take the Sankalp of recitation of whole Saptashatee
(this will include his name, Gotra, month, Paksha, Tithi, planetary position
of that time... etc). This is Sankalp. While Viniyog is included in the
There are 13 Adhyaaya in Saptashatee. First Adhyaaya is Pratham Charit
and the Devtaa of Pratham Charit is Mahaakaalee and Rishi is Brahmaa.
So before the recitation of Pratham Charit, Viniyoga of Pratham Charit is
a must. Second, third and fourth Adhyaaya is Madhyam Charit. Devtaa of
Madhyam Charit is Mahaalakshmee and Rishi is Vishnu, so just after the
completion of Pratham Charit do the Viniyog of Madhyam Charit. From
5th to 13th Adhyaaya is called Uttar Charit, Devtaa of Uttar Charit is
Mahaa Saraswatee and Rishi is Rudra. So just before the start of Uttar
Charit ie 5th Adhyaaya do the Viniyoga of Uttar Charit only.
----------------------------------------------------------->>Is it absolutely essential to release water whilst doing Viniyog?
** Yes, It is suggested.
>>Should we always recite the Stotra while sitting? Or can we do it while
walking around while mentally repeating a Stotra?
** No. You can do mental repetition (without the movement of tongue) at

any time, in any posture. eg while traveling, or doing any work, even you
can repeat it without having a bath.
>>If we were to repeat the Viniyog lines every single time, it should not be
a problem?
** No problem.
>>Do I also need initiation for Stotra? I thought initiation was only for
the Mantra which have Beej.
**You are right. But some Stotra also need initiation. For example
Lakshmee Naaraayan Hridayam needs initiation. Since it is described in
Rahasya Bhaag of Atharv Ved. Such secret Stotra should not be recited
without initiation.

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