TMT Hand Book: Storage & Handling

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TMT Hand Book




Storage & Handling


Bend & Rebend


Checking rusted TMT Re-bars at site


Identifying TMT Re-bars


Testing: Yield Stress / 0.2% Proof Stress at Lab


Testing: Tensile Test


Testing: Percentage Elongation


Testing: Procedure of Bend & Rebend


Properties: Chemical


Properties: Surface Characteristic


Properties: Weldability


Guideline: Welding


Guideline: 3rd Party Testing Labortiries


Guideline: Basic Construction Safety





Importance of Proper Handling & Testing of TMT Re-bars

Storage & Handling of TMT Re-bars at Site

In any RCC construction, TMT Re-bar and cement are

to ensure that the steel complies with a material

standard specification.

Handling and storing TMT Re-bars at construction sites

All materials should be bundled and stored in tiers. The

involve diverse operations such as Unloading,

bundled Re-bar should be stacked, interlocked and

Hoisting; Stacking; Cutting; Bending; Fabrication;

blocked from all sides. The stacking height should be

the properties of the Re-bar and Cement. Designers /

Mechanical property data are obtained from a

relatively small number of standard tests and these will

Welding etc. The efficiency of handling and storing of

maintained so that it is stable and secured against

Engineers should accept TMT Re-bars, only after proper

be covered in this article.

TMT Re-bars are vital to the industries. Improper

sliding or collapsing.

The intention of this article is to go beyond the

information given in design codes and material
standards, and give designers and contractors a greater
understanding of Handling and Testing of Reinforced
Steel (TMT Re-bar) at Construction site.

handling and storing of materials often results in

To avoid direct contact with earth, suitable raised

injuries. If the reinforcement in concrete is not of

platform made out of wood blocks should be available

Storage & Handling: It has been found that storage &

handling of Re-bar is a concern at construction sites.
Due to lack of proper storage facility we often end up
using partially damaged steel.

TMT Re-bar therefore plays a vital role in ensuring the

the two most important components. The life span and

safety of these type of structures entirely depends on

testing and verification of the same irrespective of the

name of the manufacturer.
Mechanical testing is carried out to produce data, that
may be used for design purposes or users acceptance
scheme. The most important function may be that of
providing design data since it is essential that the
limiting values that a structure can withstand without
failure are known.
An example of this dual role of mechanical testing is
the tensile test that may be used either to determine the
yield strength of steel for use in design calculations or

The inside chapters have been duly verified by industry


proper quality and / or is not accurately handled /

fabricated, the performance of the structure gets

at site. Each layer of the bundles should be separated

with wooden blocks at suitable interval for uniform
load distribution.

safety, integrity and durability of almost all concrete

structures. It can only perform the role satisfactorily if
the following points are maintained properly at site:

For easy handling & identification, a systematic

housekeeping procedure should be maintained.
Re-bars of different Dia & Grades should be stored
separately. Display boards are placed at the right

Proper Storage, Handling, Cutting and Bending

location to identify required product with least effort.

Quality Checking

The identification tags of the bar manufacturer attached

Proper and accurate Welding / Fixing

with every bundle of Re-bars Indicating Cast No., Lot

Cleaning Re-bar before concreting

No. Grade and Size should be easily visible.

Rough handling, shock loading and dropping of

Stacking & Storing of TMT at Site

Storing TMT Re-bars at construction site in proper way

reinforcement bar from a height should be avoided.

is very important to maintain the quality of the product.

Generally, steel is sensitive to water moisture and dust.
Steel is affected if it comes in direct contact with water,
moisture and dust. Covered shed and provisions for
covering the bars with Polythene sheets should be
available at site to protect the same from moisture attack.
Stacking of TMT Re-bars is very important from quality
point of view. The stacking height should be optimized
for different dia bars. The more the stacking height, the
more load on the bars at the lower layers. Excessive







Longitudinal), which in turn will affect the 'surface

characteristic' of the Re-bars, as a result of which
Tensile Strength and Bond Strength is reduced.



Bend & Rebend


Bending and Re-bending at Site

Testing of Acceptable Limits of Light

Rust & Mill Scaling

TMT may break at site during handling and welding.

In most of the cases it has been found that due to
incorrect bending and handling of the bars by the
fabricators, the Re-bar gets deformed and breakages
So, one must be careful while bending and re-bending
the TMT at construction sites. When bending or
re-bending is done at a construction site, it is to be
ensured that the bend radii are not formed below the
prescribed minimum sizes in the relevant standards.
Incorrect bending can severely affect the performance
of steel reinforcement in service.
Bending a Re-bar should be gradual and slow, not with
a jerk. Bends made on a bar-bending table or block are
usually too sharp, and the bar is some what weakened
and develops cracks at the tension side. Therefore,
certain minimum bend diameters have been
established for different bar sizes.

on site where re-bending is unavoidable. In all such

cases, pre-heating and suitable equipment should
be used.
It is recommended that Cutting, Bending and
Fabricating of Steel Reinforced Re-bar should be
carried out by a specialist reinforcement fabricator, to
achieve consistency and accuracy.
TMT Re-bar should be checked for loose scale, mud
and oil. Mud and dirt should be washed off before the
Re-bars are placed in the forms as they could be
detrimental to bond and to the quality of the concrete.
Light rusting and mill scales should be cleaned by
brush application.

Measuring the loss of cross sectional area and nominal

mass of a Re-bar because of light rusting, can determine
whether the same will be acceptable or not. To measure
the nominal mass of the rusted bar at site, following
steps are to be followed:
1. A minimum of 0.5 m long TMT bar is cut.
2. The sample is cleaned and the loose scales are
removed with the help of a brush.
3. The length (L mm) is measured.
4. The Weight (W gm) of the sample is taken with the
help of an electronic weighing machine.

5. The Mass (Kg.) per Meter run is calculated by

dividing Weight by Length (Lmm).
6. The Cross Sectional area of the sample is calculated
Ae =

0.00785 x L


Where Ae = effective cross section area, W is the weight
of the TMT, L is the length of the TMT.
Compare the result of 5 and 6 for nominal mass and cross
sectional area with Table-1. If the values are within the
tolerance limits then the material is considered to be
acceptable and may be used safely.

Identifying a Sound TMT Re-bar at Site

It is very important to distinguish and identify good quality
quenched & tempered Re-bars. Properly quenched Re-bar
ensures better tensile strength & elongation. To ensure that
the Re-bars have a concentric Tempered Martensite
periphery with a softer Ferrite-Pearlite core structure the
following points are important:

Bending with the aid of a plain pipe and hammer is

not acceptable.
Re-bending of TMT Re-bar at site should be done very
carefully, because improper re-bending may result in
cracks / fracture on the Re-bar. But occasions do arise

a. Quenching Technology used by the manufacturer

should be authorised by competent organisation.
b. Manufacturer of Re-bar should have proper licence for
the specific Quenching Technology.

Checking Rusted Re-bars at Site

Mill Scaling is a common problem and light rusting of
Re-bar at plant and during transportation. In general,
people do not differentiate between light rusting and
corrosion / pitting. Light Rusting / Mill Scaling is
normally a uniformly spread surface phenomenon and
not harmful. Pitting corrosion occurs randomly and is
a highly localized form of attack on a metal surface,
characterized by the fact that the depth of penetration
is much greater than the diameter of the area affected.

Pitting is one of the most destructive forms of

However, if there is too much of scaling then the
weight of the bar is reduced or the height of the
deformations is reduced to below the applicable
standards. This type of rusting is considered harmful.
It is therefore important to measure the weight loss of
Re-bar at site before fabrication.

c. A Licence from B.I.S. ensures good quality.

Testing Process
Macro Etching test ( Ring test)
A random TMT with a cross section of 25 mm / 30 mm is
drawn per lot wise by an abrasive cutter. The ends of TMT
are then polished with emery paper and cloth. The polished
part of TMT is then dipped in nitral solution (10% Nitric acid
with 90% ethyl alchol). The result should show a uniform
tempered martensite periphery with a softer ferrite and
pearlite core. This is also called Etching test or Ring test.

Identifying & Testing

Tensile Test Procedure as Per IS:1608-2005

Ideal Q & T Re-bars

Specimen Preparation:
Sample Cutting and Calculation of Effective
Cross Section
Cutting/preparing and measuring sample length (L)
Re-bars have a UNIFORM
Martensite periphery (1530% of area). Softer ferritepearlite core.

Poor ductility.

> Due to incorrect mill operation.
> Improper quenching system.

ECCENTRIC Periphery.
> "hit & trial".
> Variation in properties
from bar to bar.

Determination of Yield Stress / 0.2% Proof Stress

The yield strength or yield point of a material is defined

and weight (W) is very important for calculation of

effective cross sectional area of a TMT Re-bar. While
cutting a TMT Re-bar for testing, it should be ensured
that both the end surface should be smooth and
perfectly perpendicular to the bar axis as shown in the
fig.2. Inclined or irregular end surface may give wrong

in engineering and material science as the stress at which

a material begins to deform plastically. Prior to the yield
point the material will deform elastically & will return to
its original shape when the applied stress is removed.
Once the yield point is passed some fraction of the
deformation will be permanent & non reversible.
Offset yield point (yield strength/ proof stress) is the stress
at which a non-proportional elongation equal to 0.2% of
the original gauge length takes place.

Fig. 2: Sample cutting for mechanical testing

The yield stress is not very well defined and for this
reason a standard has been developed to determine its

Since the cross sectional area of a TMT Re-bar varies along the length, minimum sample length should be 0.5mt.

value. The standard procedure is to project a line parallel

The effective cross sectional area (Ae ) of a TMT Re-bar may be calculated as follows:

to the initial elastic region starting at 0.002 strain. The

0.002 strain point is often referred to as the 0.2% offset

Ae =

strain point.
The behavior of the material can be broadly classified
into two categories, brittle and ductile. Steel and
aluminum usually fail in the class of ductile materials.
Glass and cast iron fall in the class of brittle materials.

0.00785 x L


The density of steel is to be taken 0.00785 kg/mm2 of the cross sectional area per mt. run as specified in
Where Ae = Effective Cross Section Area, W is the Weight of the TMT, L is the Length of the TMT.

The two categories can be distinguished by comparing the

stress-strain curve.

A Universal Testing Machine is a material testing machine, which is used to test the tensile and compressive
properties of materials.
Determination of 0.2% Proof Stress / Ultimate Tensile Strength / Elongation / TMT Re-bar As Per IS:1786/2008

Determination of Percentage Elongation After Fracture


for all sizes of deformed Re-bars determined on Effective Cross Sectional Area shall be determined in accordance

(a) Universal Testing Machine (600 & 1000 KN)

(d) Slide Caliper (350 mm approx)

(b) Steel scale (1mm div)

(c) Vernier Caliper (LC=0.02 mm)

Elongation (A) is the measure of a steels ability to deform prior to fracture. Percentage Elongation after fracture
with the following point:


In the tensile test, uniform elongation of the test piece is obtained till the tensile force exceeds its maximum
and total elongation is obtained and the specimen fractures.

Determination of the cross section area of TMT Re-bar.

(a) Weight of the Re-bar of 500mm = X mm (b) Length of the Re-bar (Area in mm2 = Weight / Length x 0.00785)

Test sample, the original gauge length of which is related to the original cross sectional area by the equation:
Lo = 5.65So are called proportional test pieces.


Where Lo = Original gauge length.

Ultimate Tensile Load (KN)

Ultimate Tensil Strength =

So = Cross sectional area of the material.

That means, Lo 5D, [D= dia. of the material.]

IS:1786 / 2008 (Clause 6.3.1)


Cross Sectional Area (mm )

Gauge length marking on the test piece to be done very carefully before the tensile test, with metal punch as

in (N / mm2)

shown in Fig. 4. The tension test specimen shall be gauge marked with a center punch near the middle of the
specimen. The purpose of the gauge mark is to provide reference points for determination of the percent of

0.2% Proof Stress =

Applied load at 0.2% elongation on G / L

elongation. Punch marks shall be light, sharp, and accurately spaced.

Cross sectional area

Gauge length marking

[Ref: IS 1608/2005 (Clause 13) for 0.2% Proof Stress]

Elongation% on 5.65So =

(Elongation Length- Gauge Length) x 100

Bar Axis

Gauge length

Lo = 5 x D

Special Note

Fig.-4: Test piece Before tensile test

a) Before testing, M/C should be cleaned and checked

b) At the time of gauge length marking marked point should be checked by vernier caliper

After proper marking, the test is made by gripping the ends of standardized test piece in a tensile test machine

c) The suitable load rate should be established before applying the load.

and then applying a continous increasing uni-axial load until such time as failure occurs. Different phases of

Minimum Yield Stress and Tensile Strength for different grade of TMT Re-bars are mentioned below as per

the test piece under tensile test are shown below,

Yield Stress /
0.2% Proof


Fe 415

Fe 415D

Fe 500

Fe 500D

Fe 550

Fe 550D

Fe 600








10% more
than 0.2%
PS, but not
less than

12% more
than 0.2%
PS, but not
less than

8% more
than 0.2%
PS, but not
less than

10% more
than 0.2%
PS, but not
less than

6% more
than 0.2%
PS, but not
less than

8% more
than 0.2%
PS, but not
less than

6% more
than 0.2%
PS, but not
less than


Different phases of the test piece under tensile test


After the tensile strength testing, the two broken pieces of the test piece are again carefully fitted together so
that their axes lie in a straight line. Then the final gauge length (Lu) is measured with a Vernier Caliper with

Bend Test
(Cl No 9.3 of IS 1786/2008)

maximum accuracy.

Most reinforced steel will require bending, before

being used in a concrete structure. Because they are
relatively high strength steels, and the ribs on the bar
surface act as stress concentrators, reinforcing steels

Lu = Final gauge length

may fracture on bending if the radius of bend is

Two broken pieces placed together after fracture

too tight.

Highest level of perfection should be maintained during marking and measuring the original gauge length

The bend test consists of bending a test sample of TMT

(Lo ) and final gauge length (Lu)

Re-bar through plastic deformation by applying a load

Special precaution shall be taken to ensure proper contact between the broken parts of the test piece when

against a suitable mandrel until a specified angle

measuring the final gauge length. This is particularly important in the case of test pieces of small cross section

(180 ) of bend is reached. Depending on the

and test pieces having low elongation value.

requirements of the material standard such as IS 1786

Measuring & Testing Instruments/Equipments should be properly calibrated

/ 2008; it should be parallel at a specified distance, an

Calculation of Percentage of elongation (A) after fracture,

insert is used to control this distance. Test is usually


carried out at room temperature and the bending

(Lu - Lo)

x 100 %

arrangement with two supports (S1 & S2) and a

Mandrel (M) has been shown below.


Lo = Original gauge length.

Lu = Final gauge length.

Standard minimum elongation percentage on gauge length for different grade of TMT Re-bars are mentioned

The length (L
L1) of the test piece depends on the diameter () of the Re-bar and the Test equipment used. If the
distance (LL2) between the supports are not specified, then L2 can be calculated as follows:

below as per IS-1786/ 2008

L2 = Md + 3 [Md = Mandrel Diameter ]

The mandrel diameter used for different grades of TMT Re-bar for Bend test are given below as per



IS 1786-2008


Fe 415

Fe 415D

Fe 500

Fe 500D

Fe 550

Fe 550D

Fe 600

Nominal Size


18.0 %




14.5 %


Up to &

at Maximum





Fe 415/415D

Fe 500/500D

Fe 550/550D

Fe 600

Including 10 mm

Over 10 mm




Note: Where is the diameter in mm of the test sample.

Remarks: The sample shall be considered to have passed the test if there is no rupture or crack visible at the bend
(tension zone) portion to a person of normal vision.




Re-Bend Test

Chemical Analysis of Re-bar

This test is designed to measure the effect of strain

to cool. The sample should be bent back to have an



ageing on the steel. Strain ageing is an embrittlement

included angle of 157.5o. Test is usually carried out at

The finished TMT Re-bar is tested for various elements

Cross section wise 50mm/60mm length sample cutting

effect, which occurs after cold deformation, by the

room temperature. The mandrel diameter used for

or compositions using Spectrometer. Spectromax using

from TMT Re-bars by abrasives, grinded and polished

diffusion of nitrogen in the steel. The risk of fracture on

different grades of TMT Re-bar is given below.

arc and spark excitation is the preferred method to

determine the chemical composition of metallic

bending is increased as the temperature is decreased,

because these steels have decreasing toughness at lower
temperatures. Hence temperature parameters should be

Re-bend Test of TMT Re-bar

1. Bend to included
angle 135C

2. Re-bend to included
angle 157.5C

samples. This process is widely used in the metal

making industries. Due to its rapid analysis time (10 to

one side is used for chemical composition testing in a

spectrometer. The spectrometer takes 10 to 15 seconds
to give results in printed form of a maximum of 26

15 seconds) and excellent accuracy, CCD (Light

elements in the TMT. The spectrometer mainly gives

sensitive electronic detector converting light into

the results of the percentages of carbon, sulphur, and

The Re-bend test consists of bending a sample of TMT

electric changes) are highly effective in controlling the

phosphorus which are important as per BIS. In case of

Re-bar through plastic deformation by applying a load

composition of metal. These spectrometers are used in

micro alloyed grade TMT, percentages of chromium,

against a suitable mandrel to an included angle of

the quality control of metal processing where a

copper, manganese etc. are also shown by the

followed as per code for correct result.

chemical composition of the metallic material is most

135 . The bend sample should be aged by keeping in

important. The spectrometer should be standardized

boiling water (1
100 C) for 30 minutes and then allowed

The sample which has been used for bend test is not to be used for
Re-bend test

every day before use, with a standard sample. These

The maximum allowable percentages of different

spectrometers are well supported by Certified

elements as mentioned in the IS: 1786-2008 are as

Reference samples CRM.



The specified mandrel diameter used for different grades of TMT Re-bar for Re-bend test are given below as per
IS 1786-2008
Nominal Size

Fe 415 & Fe 500

Fe 415D & Fe 500D Fe 550 & Fe 600

Fe 550D

Including 10 mm

Over 10 mm

# Percent, Maximum
Fe 415/415D

Fe 500/500D

Fe 550/550D

Fe 600


0.30/ 0.25











0.055 /0.040



Sulphur & Phosphorus


0.105 /0.075



While applying load on the sample bar one should ensure that the load is uniform, smooth and vertically
downwards. Impulse load should be avoided.


Up to &

Note: Where is the diameter in mm of the test sample.

Remarks: The sample shall be considered to have passed the test if there is no rupture or crack visible at the bend
(tension zone) portion to a person of normal vision.

# Permissible tolerance as per Standard



Surface Characteristic


Unlike any other performance characteristics, bonding

for better bonding with concrete. These values are as

is a composite characteristic of a Re-bar in any

given below

particular re-enforced concrete. Reinforced steel

0.12 for 10 mm

standards specify bond performance by either

0.15 for 10mm < 16 mm

measurement of rib geometry or by standardized bond

0.17 for > 16 mm

/ pull out test.

Where is the nominal diameter of TMT Re-bar in mm.

Arguably the most important property contributing to

The different parameters required to calculate the mean

a successful reinforced concrete structure is the bond

projected surface area has been

strength between the reinforcing steel Re-bar and the

show in Fig. 11

Weldabilty depends on one or more of five major factors:

concrete. A strong bond must be developed in order

for the concrete to achieve its designed capacity.

d tr

Factors that influence the strength of reinforced

The term weldability has been defined as the capacity of

a metal or alloys to be welded into a specific suitably
designed structure and to perform satisfactorily in a given
service condition. This means, that if a particular metal
is to have good weldability, it must be welded readily so
as to perform satisfactorily in the fabricated structure.
However, the real criterion in deciding the weldbility of
a metal is the weld quality and the ease with which it can
be obtained.

concrete include, but not limited to, are bar diameter,


the absence or presence of bar surface deformations

(ribs), the geometry of the ribs, concrete cover over the
bars, and the orientation in the concrete matrix.

I tr

The minimum value of mean projected surface area

(mm2) per unit length (mm) of the ribs above the core
of the TMT Re-bar has been specified in IS-1786-2008

d lr

Melting point,
 Thermal conductivity,
 Thermal expansion,
 Surface condition, and
 Change in microstructure
If these metallurgical, chemical, physical and thermal
characteristics of a metal are considered undesirable with
respect to weldability, they may be corrected by proper
shielding atmosphere, proper fluxing material, proper
filler metal, proper welding procedure, and in some cases
by proper heat treatment after weld deposition.
Empirically, derived expressions are commonly used to
predict weldability of steel. Carbon equivalent equations
are hardenability type expressions used for predicting
weldability of various parent metal by correlating alloy
content and cracking susceptibility during welding.
A commonly used carbon equivalent equation is given

S tr
CE = C +



Cr+ Mo +V

threatens, its property of weldability. However, in TMT

Re-bars, this problem has been eliminated by restricting
carbon content.
In these Re-bars, the carbon content is maintained 0.2%
in order to attain good weldability and at the same time
the required strength is also obtained. Further, the joints
can be welded by ordinary coated electrodes using
MMAW process and no extra precautions are required.
In case of TMT Re-bar, it is welded with low hydrogen
electrode (E7018). The microstructure of weld deposits
consists of Acicular Ferrite (AF) along with ferrite &
pearlite. The fine grained randomly oriented A.F gives
higher strength (Y.S, UTS) as well as toughness. The
mechanical property of weld deposit of TMT Re-bar is
even better than that of Re-bar itself.
The heat affected zone width is very small. In fact the
tempered martensite of TMT Re-bar (surface portion) is
further coarsened during the heating and cooling cycle.
This overall structure is Tempered Martensite (more
ductile) Acicular Ferrite along with the ferrite & pearlite
in the weld deposit. This type of microstructure produces
best combination of strength and bendability.
Since width of the HAZ is small, the original structure and
property of Re-bar is not affected beyond weld zone.


Alloys with CE > 0.45 % are welded with a preheat.

Transverse Rib

Fig.11 : Sectional Area, Height and Length of a Transverse Rib


Longitudinal Rib

For steel, when alloy are not used with CE 0. 42, the
material can be welded without any defect or
susceptibility to cold cracking. No preheating is required.
The amount of carbon content in steel has been a major
deciding factor for engineers, as a minimum level of
carbon content in steel is essential to achieve the required
strength, At the same time, an excess of carbon content


Guideline fo Re - bar Welding at Site

Cross Joint

Welding of reinforced steel is widespread in the

concrete construction industry. The welding of preassembled reinforced cages requires sufficient tack
welds to ensure that the bars are maintained in proper
position and spacing. Generally, the perimeter bar
intersections are tack welded to ensure that the product
will properly maintain its shape during handling,
placement into the casting mould, and pouring of the
concrete. In addition, the welding codes require that
the work is supervised by a certified weld supervisor
and that all of the work is carried out by trained
certified welders. The way to avoid problems is to use
a weldable grade of Re-bar, correct heat input, and a
low-hydrogen welding process.

Important Points:

Basic Construction Safety Guidelines

Construction sites are extremely dangerous places to

Selection of Welding Rod

Selection of proper Current
Visual Inspection

be in. Because of the kind of work involved, the

construction workers face high risk of getting injured
and are also prone to accidents. Therefore it is essential


that people working in these kinds of sites follow some

basic important guidelines for their safety as well as
safety of others.

the jobsite. When we are conscious about the safety of


to avoid accidents.


THINK safety measures before starting your work

Wear safety shoes or boots, preferably with steel

Wear a hard hat while framing, shingling, or when

required by the supervisor.

Wear safety glasses when working with any power

tool and when recommended by the supervisor.

Wear dust masks when installing sanding, GI

welding or when instructed by a supervisor.

When uncertain about how to do a task or operate

Always CONCENTRATE on the task at hand.

KNOW where the first-aid kit is located and how

Basic Approval Parameters for 3rd Party

Testing Laboratories

a tool, ASK a supervisor.

to get emergency help.

with the safety rules.

at site.

[S = Size of weld / W = Width of weld / L = Effective

length of weld]

or improperly used, or the employee was not trained

ourselves as well as others, we are much more likely

Lap Joint

The testing laboratories must have valid NABL

The testing laboratory shall be competent to
perform the tests concerned
Quality related management system should be
defined in a quality manual under the authority of
the top management
The testing laboratory shall have properly trained
personnel with sound technical knowledge and
experience for their assigned functions in the area
of mechanical testing

personal protective equipments were either not in use

Safety begins with the way we approach our work on

Manual Metal Arc Welding is still the most convenient

process for onsite work. Non-load bearing welds of Rebars are of two types, the lap joint and the cross joint. This
Technical Guidance Note applies to these types of welds.

In 90 percent of the accident cases at construction sites,

toes and shanks.

Mindsets and Awareness

Key Points to Maintain Structural

Integrity in Welded Reinforcing Cages

Before sending TMT samples for testing to any third

party test laboratories, it is recommended to check the
following points regarding that laboratories:

Protective Equipments

The testing laboratory should equipped with all

equipments / instruments required for accurate
performance of the test
Measuring and testing equipment must be
calibrated by any NABL accredited agency before
being put into service
All equipments must be maintained in good
condition. Proper maintenance procedure should
be available and followed
Precautions shall be taken at all stages of storing,
handling and mounting of test samples to avoid
damage of the items

INSPECT all tools, ladders and scaffolding before


INFORM your supervisor immediately of any

unsafe condition.

Effective Supervision
Well-trained supervisors will manage well-planned
jobs and will ultimately produce safe and productive
job sites

Train your supervisors in human relations skills,

behavior-based management, and responsibility
toward safe production.

Make employees accountable for working safely.

Just as productivity is valued, so should safe work
environments. Make safety a part of every
supervisor's performance appraisal.


Shyam Steel Industries Ltd

Shyam Towers, EN 32, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700091
Tel + 91 33 4007 4007 Fax + 91 33 4007 4010

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