Digital Bending Machine User Manual - BD Series

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CONTENTS 1 Bracket Thrust 6 Foot Pedal 11 Bending Sleeve
Zero Adjustment
2 Bending Disc 7 12 Retainer
1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………….…1 Pin
1.1. Main Parts of Bending Machine ................................... ……..1 Electric Panel
3 8 Stirrup Pin 13 Adjustment Key
2. MACHINE ASSEMBLY……………………………………………….1 Door
3. MACHINE WORKS………………………………………………….…2
4 Main Switch 9 Center Pin 14 Emergency Stop
3.1. Control Buttons ...............................................................................2
3.2. Thermal flow setting range and motor protection switch ................2 5 Machine Body 10 Pin 15 Digital Screen
4. TECHNICAL DATA……………………………………………………2
5.USING THE MACHINE…………………………………………….….2
5.1. Connection and Placement ..............................................................2
5.1.1.Correct Connection of the Irons on the machine .........................2
5.1.2. Incorrect placement of the irons to be bent on the machine ........3
5.1.3. Incorrect placement of the irons to be bent on the machine ........3 BD36 1 1 5 70,90,110,130,160 1 6 1 1 1
5.2.Digital Panel.....................................................................................3
BD45 1 1 5 60,80,110,150,180 1 6 1 1 1
5.3.Bending Modes ................................................................................4
5.3.1 - 180 degrees bending .................................................................4 BD46 1 1 5 60,80,110,150,200 1 6 1 1 1
5.3.2 - 90 degrees bending ..................................................................4 BD60 1 1 5 70,90,130,200,250 1 6 1 1 1
5.3.3 45 degrees bending: .....................................................................4
5.3.4 Stirrup Bending ...........................................................................4
7.PROTECTORS…………………………………………………………...5 2. MACHINE ASSEMBLY
Protector apparel ....................................................................................5
Work clothes ..........................................................................................5 Machine should be leveled on a solid ground.
8.MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS…………..5 Electricity connection of the machine should be made by competent
9.PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS……………………………………...5 technicians.
10. SAFETY…………………………………………………………….…6
Electricity Connection
For main electricity connection plug should be connected to supply line
Important Warning !!! with a 5x4 mm² isolated cable and then plugged into power outlet.
Grounding connection should be made for safety. Machine shouldn't be
 User's and maintenance manuals must be read. operated without making grounding connection.
 Machine should be operated by instructed workers.
 When adjustments such as controlling, maintaining, lubing are Connection of grounding line
being made electricity of the machine must be cut off. The following procedures should be followed for this system.
 All of the explanations given under user's and maintenance manual Connect one end of the grounding to a copper wire (minimum 16 mm²) as it
must be complied. will enable electrical conductivity. The other end should be either
connected with a pipe that has a conductivity capacity immerged into the
1. INTRODUCTION ground (preferably into a humid ground) or the copper plate should be
Mechanical Rebar Bending Machine is made only with the purpose of buried into the ground as much as deep.
steel material bending. Using other than the indicated purposes are
prohibited. It is possible to mount various apparatuses on the machine WARNING!!! Machine should be moved without any vibration.
optionally for bending in different shapes. Machine shouldn't be run in a wet environment. If there are any lost or
In order to obtain the best yield from the machine it should be in a situation damaged parts during the handling, they should be reported to the
so that it can be worked easily and in a position that more productivity manufacturer.
might be obtained from the operator. Because of this the location where the  When using the lifting and carrying equipment their
machine is operated should be close to the iron stocks. maximum loading capacities should be taken into
 During the lifting equipment's center of gravity should be
1.1. Main Parts of Bending Machine
taken into consideration.
WARNING!!! Warning signs on the carrier equipment should be taken
into consideration.
In order to carry the machine forklift, mobile crane or a hoist should be
used. When lifting the machine steel cable, chain or fiber sling should be
used. When lifting out of the chest lifting lugs on the machine should be
used. During the lifting operations experienced expert staff and
subcontractors should be assigned.

Figure 1. Main Parts


1 Digital Panel Electrical components are in this panel
2 Off Enables machine stops.
3 On Enables machine working.
When pushing on button, system flash
4 Power
Emergency In case of an emergency, it stops the
Stop machine when pushes.
6 Foot Pedal Part that enables to bending flange.

3.2. Thermal flow setting range and motor protection switch

A motor is set by machine manufacturer. It is not appropriate for user to

change settings. Motor protection switch is mounted to the machine in order
to prevent damage on the system by cutting the electricity current when
excessive current is drawn by the system. If the switch is tripped switch
should be turned on by turning the button to position 1. Motor protection
switch should never be disassembled.


BD36 1 1 5 70,90,110,130,160 1 6 1 1 1
BD45 1 1 5 60,80,110,150,180 1 6 1 1 1
BD46 1 1 5 60,80,110,150,200 1 6 1 1 1
BD60 1 1 5 70,90,130,200,250 1 6 1 1 1
Figure 2: Handling the machine

5.1. Connection and Placement

5.1.1.Correct Connection of the Irons on the machine

4a) Fixing the iron to be bent on the machine with the help of
Be sure that the machine is assembled in conformance with the Machine
Assembly procedures.
If there is any object on the machine (including the bending apparatus) they
must be removed.
LEFT-RIGHT switch on the control panel of the machine is turned to LEFT
or RIGHT position, MAN AUTO switch is turned to MAN position and
machine turning direction is confirmed by pressing on the foot pedal.
Rotation direction is approved by taking the front of the machine as
reference (Control pane side) the clockwise as right and counter-clockwise 4b) Fixing the iron to be bent on the machine with the help of
as left. If the machine is rotating reverse of the switch it means phases of
the electricity supply are feeding reversely. This situation doesn't affect the
running system of the machine. In such case LEFT-RIGHT switch might be
turned to the other side or competent electricians might change the
directions of the phases. After fixing the direction of rotation bending
adjustments should start.

4c) Fixing with the help of retainer in multi-iron bending the irons to be
3.1. Control Buttons bent on the machine

4d) Fixing the irons to be bent on the machine with the help of bending
sleeves in multi-iron bending

Figure 1(a,b,c,d): Placing the irons on the machine correctly

Figure 3: Machine control panel and functions

Program Numarası – Program Number
Set Numarası – Set Number
Pedal Man auto
Sol / Sağ – Left / Right
5.1.2. Incorrect placement of the irons to be bent on the machine Set Büküm Değeri – Set Bending Value
Set Adet değeri – Set Piece value
5a) Incorrect placement of a single iron to be bent with bending sleeves Set piston değeri – Set Piston Value
Büküm Değeri – Bending Value
Adet Değeri – Piece Value


 Program number is showing on display constantly.
 Take machine position to stop.
 Press Prog.No. and shows saved number on digital screen.
 New program is saved with using numeric buttons and pushing
5b)Incorrect placement of a single iron to be bent with retainer
 You can out without changing program number If you push ESC
 Machine will back to STOP position if you do not push any
button during 60 seconds


 Set number is always showing on digital screen between 0-9.
Figure 2(a,b): Incorrect connection of the irons on the machine
 Make STOP position to the machine.
 Set number will be adjusting by pushing the numeric buttons.

5.1.3. Incorrect placement of the irons to be bent on the machine PROGRAM ENTRY:
All programs consist of 10 set value. Angle, piece and piston values is
6a) Incorrect connection of multi-irons to be bent on the machine with entering by using program entry. You have to observe following conditions
bending sleeves when entering values, All values has to be enter correctly from the first
entry and set 0 for none usage entries.
How do you make the Program entry
 Make machine as STOP position
 Program number is adjusting with Prog No button for desired
 Programmig is adjusting by pushing Prog Button. .
 Angle ( S ) , Piece ( C ) and Piston ( P ) vales are shown on
6b)Incorrect connection of multi- irons to be bent on the machine with digital screen for all registered sets.
retainer  All program values will be entering by using OK buttons.
 You can out by pushing ESC.
Pedal is using by choosing MAN or AUTO.
 Make machine as STOP position
 AUTO / MAN choose will be change by pushing AUTO MAN
Figure 3(a,b): Wrong placement of the irons on the machine button on digital screen.

5.2.Digital Panel
Using to choose bending way.
 Make machine as STOP position
 LEFT / RIGHT selection position will be change by pushing
Left Right button on digital screen.


Every set value will process the next transaction value automaticly after
each SET value entered on digital screen. After processing the last set value
go back to first set value. Choosen program is processed one time in this
situation and process count value increased as one time. Process count
value is shown constantly on screen. How many pieces will be bend is
shown also on SET COUNT part. .
Set count vales can be entered by user.
 Make machine as STOP position
 Set CNT and push. .
 How many transaction will be made is enable by numeric
DISPLAY FUNCTIONS buttons on screen and out & saved by pushing ESC.

Set Count value starts to flashes when its reaches on Process Count value
Program Numa rası
Set Numarası
SN:0 090.0 mm Büküm değ eri and system does not accepts foot pedal. Process count can be erased by
using CLR button.Process count does not control if set count value is
Pedal Man/Aut o Auto Adet değeri enetered as 0.
Sol/Sağ Sag
5 pc
Set Büküm değeri S:090 SPIRAL ( HELIX )
Set Adet değeri C:01 SC:01000 Set Count Machine becomes Helix mode by pushing SPR button. Bending degree is
Set Pisto n değ eri P:1 PC:00000 Stop Proses Co unt not shown on helix mode. If you want to go out from Helix mode, press
SPR button.


5.3.Bending Modes

5.3.1 - 180 degrees bending

180 degrees bending is materalized by pushing S:180 ( with board
asisstance ) on set bending value in order to make 180 degrees angle.

Figure 7: 180 degrees bending adjustment

5.3.2 - 90 degrees bending

90 degrees bending is materalized by pushing S:090 (with board asisstance)
on set bending value in order to make 90 degrees angle. Figure 10: How to bend stirrup bendings


 When bending no one must stand in front of the machine and

any one standing must be taken away.
 While the machine is running no any other construction
material such as adze, hammer, meter, caliper etc. should be
put between the bending apparatus other than the material
that will be bent.
Figure 8: 90 degrees bending adjustment  Machine mustn't be run when it is wet.
 No any bending must be made other than the measurements,
dimensions and units stated on the capacity plate
 During the multi bending number of irons stated on the
5.3.3 45 degrees bending:
capacity plate should be aligned one on top of the other and
90 degrees bending is materalized by pushing S:045 (with board asisstance)
should be leaned to the retainer or bending rollers.
on set bending value in order to make 45 degrees angle.
 No any other bending should be made other than this.
 Machine mustn't be run when the electricity Board
Cap is open.
 Electrical settings made in the factory shouldn't be
 Machine shouldn't be operated without making grounding
 Machine shouldn't be operated when the housing covers are
 Machine should be operated by instructed workers.
Figure 9: 45 degrees bending adjustment
 Machine never should be run unlubricated.
 Warning plates attached on the machine mustn't be removed.
 No other parts should be mounted to the machine other than
5.3.4 Stirrup Bending the ones manufactured by Göçmaksan company.

 No bending should be made on the machine with bending

In order to make stirrup bendings following values has to be made, apparatus which are deformed, cracked or have an increased
Bending values has to be entered by in order as follows, S :135 ( 1 time ), S
hole diameter.
090 ( 3 times ) and S: 180 ( 1 time ). These angles can be increased or
decreased by using strength of rebar.  No wrong bending should be made on the machine.
 Machine should be cleaned by air
 In cases when electricity board cap should be opened, the cap
mustn't be opened without cutting the power of the machine
from the main switch.

 Irons to be bent should be fixed on the machine correctly.

Fixing with retainer bending sleeve and pins

turn it to the position 1
7.PROTECTORS 4 LEFT STOP RIGHT switch might Check the switch. If it is on stop
be turned off position turn it to right or left
Protector apparel positions
5 Electricity Board Cap might be Check the Electricity Board Cap
 Helmet must be worn.
open or haven't been closed
 Glasses must be worn.
 Boots with steel toe must be put on.
 Gloves must be worn.
The aforementioned protectors will be used. In case of not using these FAULT 2: If bending disk turning continuously
apparels there are risks of injury, cutting and trapping hands.

Work clothes
Inappropriate clothes against snatch or grip while working with the 1 Sensor might be broken down Check whether the sensor is
machine are listed below and in case of not conforming to this list might working or not, if it is out of order
cause risk of injury. replace it.
Long hair, dress with long arms, bracelet, uniform with long skirt, any 2 There might not be Zero Check the pins and if any of them is
ornament leaning out. Adjustment Pin and SWITCH missing, complete it.
pins over the machine flange
3 Direction contactors might be Check the contactors

It is important to make maintenance correctly in order to extend service

life of the machine and to ensure safe bending. We suggest for each user to FAULT3: Motor protection switch is blowing continuously
set up a secure system for control and maintenance of the machine. The DESCRIPTION SOLUTION
following descriptions are given for reference. Number 140 gear oil is used 1 Diode might me broken Check the diode
in machine's reducer unit. 2 Motor might be blown Check the motor
3 If the machine is bending iron Check the bent iron according to the
Daily maintenance of the machine over its bending capacity material type and measurements on
the capacity plate
 Clean dust and scales on the machine with a brush. 4 Missing phase might come to Check the phases on the electricity
 If the machine is running outdoors it must be protected from rain the electric supply system network
water when raining. 5 Transformer might be blown Check the transformer
 Machine should be checked if there is extraordinary voice or 6 There might be short circuit or Check the cable and connections
not. wearing on the cables
Weekly maintenance of the machine
FAULT4: Machine is not running although the foot pedal is pressed
 Parts driving machine bending plates should be cleaned and DESCRIPTION SOLUTION
lubricated. 1 The plug might be displaced Check the plug.
 Machine adjusting lever mechanism should be cleaned and 2 Pedal switch might be out of Check the SWITCH. Change them
lubricated. order if they are out of order
3 Contactors in the electricity Check the contactors
Monthly maintenance of the machine: network might be out of order

 Bending pins and bending plates should be checked and any FAULT5: Emergency Stop is not running
cracked or skewed parts mustn't be used. DESCRIPTION SOLUTION
 Reducer should be checked if there is oil leakage or not. 1 Bearings might be broken down Check the bearings.
 Machine's sensor display should be checked if it has dirt on it or 2 Motor's propeller cap might be rubbing Check the propeller cap
not and also the lamp behind it should be checked if it is 3 Gears might be broken down Check the gears
working or not. 4 There might be no oil in the reducer Check the reducer oil
5 Missing phase might come to the Check the phases in the
electric supply system which the network
Semi-annual maintenance of the machine: machine is connected.
6 Machine might have difficulty over its Check the bent iron
 All the bolt connections of the machine should be checked. capacity. according to the capacity
Annual maintenance of the machine: 7 Brake might not be released or brake Check whether the brakes
lining might scrape after being broken are running or not and the
 Oil of the machine should be changed. down in the electromagneticbraked brake linings
 If it is out of order seals and bearings should be changed. machines.
 Any skewed, cracked, worn parts should be checked and replaced.

9.PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS FAULT 6 : Machine is leaking oil

Any faults those might arise when running the machine, and their causes
1 Reducer ventilation cap might Check whether the plug is mounted
and solutions are given in the table below.
not be mounted. or not.
2 Motor seal might be leaking Check the motor from the propeller
FAULT 1: If machine isn't running
oil. side. If there is oil change the motor
1 Missing phase might come to the Check the phases.
3 Reducer connection bolts might Check the connection bolts and if
electric supply system where the
be loose. loose screw.
machine is connected.
2 Emergency stop button might be Check the button. If it is pressed
pressed open it by turning to the
direction of the arrow on the
3 Motor protection switch might be Check the motor protection
blown switch. If the switch is blown


 This symbol is put before the articles giving warning explanations in

order to draw attention of the trained operator to important functions.

€ This symbol is put before the articles giving warning

explanations in order to draw attention of the trained operator to electrical

This symbol is put before the sentences in order to draw

attention of the trained operator to the master instructions and directive
regarding to handling or safety.


Trademark plate of manufacturer company

Logo plate of manufacturer company

BS26,36,45,50,60 Model name tag of the machine

CE norm conformity tag

Plate on capacity and technical information of

the machine

Machine user's and maintenance manual tag

Handling and carrying hook tag

Electricity panel warning tag

Grounding output tag

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