HEDO Project Report

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No .lBe-UB Na Ri, is: Octorber 1999



Na Ri is a upland district which adjacent to
r , the North with Ngan Son district
- the South with Thai Nguyen province
- the East with Lang Son province
the West with Bach Thong and Cho Moi districts
It has total areas of 86,450 ha of which 5,319 ha for food plant (2,113 ha for rice)
, 55,214 ha for forest; there are total 21 communes and one town in which 22
communes include in 1,715 poor communes in the whole country. The population
is 36,,l58 with 7,423 households and average density of 41 people/krrr'. There are
4 major ethnic groups: Tay ethnic 48%, Nung ethnic 30,8%, Kinh 8,8% and other
ethnic groups living co-existence. The intellect level is still low especially in
remote and isolated areas; travelling meets a lot of difficulties, in rainy reason car
can not enter communes. The income per capita is still low , the number of hunger
and poor household is the biggest comparing with the rest of remote and isolation
areas (due to lack of capital, land, food and backward cultivation techniques ...)
The socio-economic development of district depends mainly on Agriculture -
Forestry . Industry and Service in which Agriculture and Forestry are majority;
Total Food Production of 1998 is 13,l59,7 tons, total number of buffaloes is
17,682; bulls of 1,975; pigs of 14,680. Industry and handicraft develop slowly
with main .production of brick, lime, stone, and sand ... to meet the local need.
Service focuses on commerce and small-scale service
Health - Culture - Education development has made considerable progress
comparing with the previous years. The district has 2 regional general health
centers, one provincial hospital. Each commune has one primary school,
secondary school. The district has one Ethnic Boarding School and one high
school. At present, there are 3 television stations in Con Minh, Lang San
communes and Yen Lac town.
1. Implementation progress:
Thanks to the interest and support from HEDO with the aim of poverty
reduction, making full use of land potential and creating job for people, DT
84 soybean was grown in pilot program in 2 communes: Cuong Loi and
Kim Lu on the total area of 16.2 ha. It is a credit progra~ in kinds: DT 84
seeds, specialized fertilizer, insecticide and training workshops for farmers.
After the harvest, farmers will repay the loan to HEDO without interest.
To promote the results of spring crop 1998 and creat favorable condition to
increase income for poverty abolition,HEDO continue to fund for Nari
farmers to cultivate DT84 with larger scale in the whole district.
On 26th May 1999, Nari District People's Committee has signed. the
contract with HEDO to cultivate DT 84 soybean on the area of 61.45 ha in
the whole district. During the project process, the training courses were
held for farmers of seven communes such as Yen Lac, Kim Lu, Lam Son,
ell Le, Van Minh, Huu Thac, Hao Nghia. HEDO provided 3,227.6 kg of
DT 84 soybean, 58,920 kg of fertilizers and 40 bottles of insecticide, 120
bottles of Ofatox, 1,800 packets of leave fertilizer which cost totally
10L625,000 VND.
The Project Management Board of district delivered seeds, fertilizer to the
farmer in time. During delivering, the district requested HEDO to rechange
147 kg of bad-qualified soybean seeds but ensure the seasonal period.
2. Results of implementation:
The total of communes in the project is 13 out of 22 communes with 80
villages, 600 households and total area of 61.8 ha (attached table)

.. in communes
Table of output
Order Commune Area (ha) Number of village Number of households
1 Luong Thanh 0.10 1 1
2 Van hoc 2.40 7 - 62
3 Yen Lac town 6.27 6 .:.
4 KimLu 7.07 8 64
5 Lam Son 2.00 1 17
6 CuLe 2.47 6 33
7 Van Minh 3.55 5 43
8 Huu Thac 14.17 14 129
9 Hao Nghia 14.17 13 ,. 137
10 XuanDuong 4.10 9 24
11 Liem Thuy 0.20 1 2
12 Quang Phong 3.80 3 30
13' Cuong Loi 1.50 6
Total 61.80 80 596
Cultivation progress: households took the initiative in season, land
reservation because of preparation. However, the soybean season
coincident with summer rice crop and some household have to wait for
picking maize before making beds for soybean cultivation. Therefore, the
seed spreading are from 1Sl June to 30th July.
Development situation:
+ The cultivation area which were cultivated from 1st June to 20th June, in
general it rained a lot in this period so some soybean areas were spoiled, re-

grown therefore soybean plants developed unevenly.

+ The cultivation area where were cultivated from 21 st June to 30th July, the
soybean develop well in this period.
Besides, some household plant soybean after harvesting until 15th August,
these areas are developing but the output will be not very high.
- Regarding cultivation technique: Most of farmers cultivated soybean
according to trained techniques. However some households did not follow
these techniques, plant soybean with big spacing, did not use fertilizers,
insecticide so the output was not high.
At present, the farmers had not finished harvesting but we could estimate
through 31.15 ha having checked:
+ Soybean area with output of under 1,000 kg per ha is 17,37 (equivalent to
50.8% of checked area)
+ Soybean area with output of from 1,000 to 1,400 kg per ha is 7.95
(equivalent to 23.2% of checked area).
+ Soybean area with output of from 1,500 to 1,900 kg per ha is 4.56 ha
(equivalent to 13.3% of checked area.)
+ Soybean area with out put of from 20,000 to 24,000 kg per ha is 0.21 ha
(equivalent to 0.61 % of checked area.)
+ Soybean area which were spoiled and will be exempted is 10.76 ha
(equivalent to 17.4% of total area).
+ Estimated total output: 14,000 kg/ha X 51.04 ha = 71.456 kg.
+ Turnover: 7,140,000 kg x 5,000 VND per kg = 357,000,000 VND
+ Expenditure: 51.04 ha x 1,700,000 VND per ha = 86,768,000 VND
+ Income = Turnover - Expenditure
357,000,000 VND - 86,768,000 VND = 270,232,000 VND
So in the summer crop, 600 households of 13 communes have produced over
71 tons of soybean which is worth of 357 millions dong, get the profit of over
270 millions dong (including labor fee, tool fees and other expenses).
Although the products is not big but the farmers can access the new
technology such as new breed, fertilizers, cultivation techniques, increase
number of crops, make full use of idle labor, increase land nutrition. In
addition, DT 84 soybean has advantages comparing with local soybean such as
short growth period (90 days) comparing with 120 days of local breed, five or
six time higher output than local breed, strong tree.
3. A number of experience drawn from project implementation:
Crop time: it is necessary to grow soybean from beginning of June to
the middle of July.
It is necessary to make land planning in order to manage and supervise
the implementation easily.
We should manage and supervise closely land making, cultivation
techniques, development and growth of tree in order to have suitable
actions such as spraying insecticide, using fertilizer.
We should supervise change of weather in order to avoid cultivation
'when it rains.
It is not suitable to cultivate soybean on the high hilly"and barren land.
The soybean must be in good qualify, and we have to check sprouting
level before cultivation.
4. Conclusion:
DT 84 soybean cultivation project has succeeded, initially is momentum
serving for the aim of hunger eradication and poverty reduction, provide
chances for farmers to access new science and technology, increase land
circulation and nutrition. The project gained these good results thanks to
the support of REDO, agricultural scientists . We hope that REDO and
scientists will continue giving supports for the developments of local
The success of DT 84 soybean cultivation project has built the creditability
and happiness in the cause of hunger eradication and poverty reduction to
improve living standard. Ethnic minority people in Nari district hope that
HEDO will continue to support them to grow soybean with larger scale in
the year 2000 and subsequent years. On the other hand, we also hope that
HEDO will pay attention and support us on other aspects such as Public
Health, Education, planting fruit trees, agricultural and forest product
processing in order to promote socio-economic development, enhance
living standard of people in the district.
Thank you for the participation of REDO representatives, leaders of
Provincial People's Committee, representative of agencies and
representatives at district and communal levels at this review meeting.
Wish all of you good health, success and happiness.
Thank you for your attention.
For Chairman of People's Committee
Vice Chairman of People's Committee


Huyen Na r1 D()c l~lp- TV do - llunh pluic
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,-,0.11. r) IBC -UB N a RI', ngily 15 tluing J 0 ndm J 999
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Dtl\\~) (~1\\~~
Ket qui'l tlurc !ti~n rhr ~n tr()ng eft)' dt) urong DT 84 V1,lhe thu
nam 1999 tai huycn Na HI do '1'[; clurc I-IEDO gitlp (lef.

1. KllA] (lUi\T CJJUNCl vt: I]UY(~N NA Rl.

Na Rl1a mot huyen mitn nlli \lll11g cao.
- Phia BAc gi6p Huye» Ng~lll son.
- Phia N8m gi6p Tlnh Tha: nguyen.
- Phia Dung giap Tinh Lang SO'I1.
_ Phia Tay giap Huyen Bach thong V?I l-luyen Cho maio

C6 dien nch tv nhien 1?!86.450 ha trong c16 c6 5.319 ha trong cay luong thuc
( eo 2, J 13 11a t rclng lua), 55.2J i'f 11a (1St lam nghiep; loan huyen e6 21 X8. va 1 thi
!r;II1. co 22 xa ihuoc 1715 xa nahco cua canucc. D:\!1 so 36.158 kh~u v6i 7.423 ho
m0t d9 drill s6 trung blnh 41 ngtroi/kn}, roan huyen co 4 dan toe chinh : Tay 48%',
Nimg 30,8%, Kinh 8,8°/c' llgoai 1'8 con co C{IC cl:\l1 toe khac song xen lee. cimg nhau
0' hriu he! de x11 1 rong huyen. M(tt btl11S dfll1 1 rl con th:lp d(\c bi(~t Ja 6 nhiing noi
Vllllg sau. vllllg :,<,,;1; gino thong di l;~i kho khan mira mua c1i xuong c.ic xa xe 0 t.O
h;ll1 nhu !zhong c1i duoc. Till! nhap binh ClL1{\1i c1~u ng,ll'oi thflP, s6 h(, c16i, ngheo C01\
llhi~ll nhflt 1?1nhiing xfi Vllng sau, vimg x a (do thieu von sai1 xuat, thieu oat san xuat
luong tlnrc, trinh 09 tham canh iilap, san xurlt chu yeu phu thuoc vao thien nhien ... )

Tiuh hlnh pha! (ri~ll k inh te' xfi hQi cua Hl1y~l1 chu yell dun VaG Nong - Lfl111 -
C(l11g nghj~p va dich V~I trong (16 chtl yell la Nong - Lam nghiep; T6ng san hrong
luong tlnrc qui thoc.narn 1998 l1;:tt 13,159,7 tttl1 trong do ricng thoq dat 8.797,6 Utn,
t(~ng c1an trnll 17 Ji82 can, dan bo J .97-5 con, dan lcn 14.680 can. \Ie cong nghiep,
li~lI tl1i'1 coug llghi~p ph~lt !rj~n cham chu y611 1:1 : gach (1;\1 nung, V6i, c1a, cat, sui ...
(lei phl,lC V~I ('.'i dia phuong. Dich V\l chu ye\1 I~ thuong nghiep, dich V':I qui mo nho.

S~r nghj~p y Ie V[l11hO;1 gi{io due (1;1co nhiing buoc ti~Jl b() so v6i nhu'ng nam
truce: V(~ Y te - Toan huyen co 2 phong kh;lrn U8. khan khu vue, 1 B?nh vi911 huyen
',1ui qu: m() 60 gil.l'CYng benh. Cric x:i cl6u co trucng titu h9C, PTTH cO' so, c6 1
truong PTDTNT,l truong PTTH. Hi~n t0i co 3 c1?1iph~t l~,litruyen hinh Trung uong
t~i cum X:1 Cclil minh, C~1ll1xfl L01lg sari, Thi tr{tn Yen 1:.i.c ( (rung Ulm huyen). .

11. K(T (-.)UA TllUC. lllLN .

1- Qua trInh trien khui tlurc hicn:
DLrC1CSlY qurm !ftm '.';1 gillp cia eel" T6 clnrc J-lEDO nhfun muc tieu x ori, cloi
gii'llll 112,I1CO, l~h(\i rhric t iC:11l11;1Ji g; (1;\\ (1;) i, t~IO vice nm cho nhnn clan 1:10 ch)ng. Nam

1998 (C~ chuc HEOO c1Zidua cay c1~u nrong §iung OT 84 vao trong thir nghiern tai :2
xii: Cuong 19'j va Kim Ill' lOng dien tich 16,2 ha voi hinh tlnrc T6 clnrc HEDO cho
vay vcn bang hi~n vat gorn: Giang dau tirong DT84;, phan bon dac chung, thucc bao
\'~ tl11YCvat; t(lr huan ki (hl1~t cho nong clan; Salt klii' tbu hoach nong dan hoan tra lai
vcn cho To chirc HEDO khong tinh Eli.

Phat huy ket qua V~Ihe thu narn 1998 va tao r1i~ll k ien eho nhftn dan tai dia
plurong tang till! nhap gap phtin xori doi , f'.iii.m ngheo. Vu he thu nam 1999. 1'6
chirc HEDO I iep t\IC cho nhiln dnn huyen Na Ri phrit tritin cay e1~1l1 tuong gi6ng
DT84 \16i qui 1110 Ion hen va dia b;l1l khap c.ic x~ trong huyen.

Ng?ly 26/5/1999 UBND huyen Na Ri eEi tien hanh 1-:)'hop dong vci T6 chirc
HEDO vc lr(lllg cay c1(IU urong giong OT84 tai huyen Na Rl voi t(~ng dicn tich la
61,45 ha. Trong qua trlnh tri~ll khai du an e1Zi 16 clute t(l[1 hunn eho ho nong dan
duoc 7 xa gorn: Thi.trau Yen IZlC\ Kim lu, L~11ll SO'I1, en I~, Vflll minh, HUll tluic,
Hao nghia, TcS clnrc HEDO el5 cling Clip cho Huyen 3.227,6 kg giang dO tuong
DT8d, 58.920 kg phnn bon cac loai 40 chili thuric BVTV loai Bi - 58, 120 chai
thu6c ora tox , J .800 gioi thuoc phfl1l phun lri, t6ng than], ti~n la J 01.625.000,c1.

Ball Dieu hanh du :1n cua Hl1y~n cJ~ 16 clurc giao giong, ph1\n eho cac h¢
nong elfin (Em b~'10 c1l1 \'6 Sll hrong, chIng thai gian. Trong qua trlnh clip phat Huyen
cJa c1c ngh! Tc) chirc HEDO e16i 10i 147 kg giong khong e1l1 tieu churin nhirng vnn
di1m bao diinc'- thlJ'i vu..
2- Kef quit tlurc hien:
- T()ng s6 xa tham gitl dir an 1;1 13/22 xii v6'i 80 then, grtn 600 ho, tdng dien
Hell tlurc hi~n 1;1 61,8 ha ( ('() hif?I' 1(('111{11(,o).

Bi~u tCing hop ket qua tlurc hien cac xa.

STT I Ten xfi I Uien tich (ha) I S6 them I S6 h()
Luong!-... thanh 0, , ..................................................................................•...•••.•.......••..•....•••.••••.........
10 I 1 '
Van hoc t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
2,40 7
, ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
3 Thi tran Yen lac 6,27 6 54
\;..:.: { :::·:!<i.i~·~.::i.~r·.:·::.:·:.::
..::·::·.:··.:·:·..:: •.··:·····::·:..:::7..,9·7,'·········:··::·:::· :::::::::::::::::::::$. : ::::::::.:. ::..::::::~:.:::::.::::~.~~::::: ..'.
;. 5
!'···· ..···6···· Lam
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· ···· ··2:47"·· ..···..···· · ·..····..· I ·
·6·.. · , 17
'3'3 .
!.....••••.••••.•.•••••••.•••......•••.•.•••.•••••••••.......•.•...............................•.•.•.............................••........ " .........••...........•....•...•••••..••.•••••. ,'••.•.•••••...••.••••••.••..•••..•.•••.••..

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~ C(mg
- -------
._ .. _. so-- 596
- Ticn c1e) gieo trong: Do duoc chutin b] uuoc nen mot s~ hO nong dan cia
• chu dong v~ thai V1;1, du trfr CJUl da't, cllufll1 b] dflt'c1~ (rang dung thoi vu. Nhung do
Vl.1 irong cay c1(IUnrong trung v6'i thai ginn cflY lua mua sorn, m~t khac mot s6 ho

110ng dan phai cho thu hoach V\I ngo xong mai co c1tlt c1~tr6ng cay c10 tuong do v~y
lien c1e)trang diroc J'(li c1~u tll" J/6 den 3U/7.

- Tinh hinh phat trien:

+ Dien tlch gieo tir 1/6 den 20/6. Nhln chung.}rong thai gian nay mira
nhieu lien t\IC nen 11191 s6 dien t ich trang bi th6i, troiB~t df11 phai trcSng lai, s6
khong trong 10i phrit tri0n khong (10u.

+ Di~11 tich gieo trong tiT 21/6_den 30/7 nhln chung thai gian nay thai tiet
thuan lei nen cay pluit tri~n urong c16i t6t.

Ngoai rn mot s6 h(l nong clan salt khi thu hoach V~Ingo con t0n dung c1flt
trang den 15/8 s() nay 11111"C c1<)ph.it tri~n binh thirong hien nay rnoi ra hoa k6t trfti
nhung k11a nang v~ nangsuat se thflp.

- V~ Ki thll~t gieo trClng : D0i da s6 trang theo qui trlnh eEi duoc huong dfln,
bon va phun phfm bon la c1ung thai gian sinh mrong cua cay. Tuy nhien can 1 s6 he)
chua tuan thll thco qui trlnh eEi huong diin nlnr tr6ng tlnra, khong b6n 16t,
khongphun thuoc bao vc, thuc v~t k ip thoi c1i\n c1en ni'ing sutlt clnra Cl1O.
- S;'1\l hrong:
Thuc t6 hi~1l nay nong dan chua thu ho •.ich xong, qua thOng ke ki611l tra HOC
tich nang sunt 34,15 ha cluoc kiem tra.

+ Dien tich co nang suat duo: 10 ta/ha In 17,37 ha = 50,8% dien tich kiem
+ Dien tfeh co nnng sunt tir 10 - J 4 ta/ha In 7,95 = 23,2 %"dj~n tich kiem tra.
+ Dien tich co nang suat tir 15- 19 t.t! 1 ha IiI 4,56 ha = 13,3% dien tich kiem
+ Dien tich eo nang "sua't tir 20 - 24 t'.1 Iha Ja 0,2] ha = 0,61 % dien tich kiem
t ra.
+ O"i~l1 tich bi thie: hai c1~ngh] xe: m;0n giiilTI HI 10,76 ha = ] 7,4% t6ng dien
rich gieo t~Mng ( do khong 1119C)
+ T6ng san luoug HOC tfnh trung blah 14t~/ha x 51,04 ha = 71.456 kg
Thu nhnp : 71,4 (fIn x 5.000,c1kg = 357.000.000,d
Chi phf 51 ,04 x 1.700.000,(1 = 86.768.000,d
Hi011 qua : ( thu nJl(lp - Chi phi ) r,

357.000.000,d - 86.768.000,c1 = 270.232.000,c1

Nhir vay qua 1 V~Inrong he thu gi6ng DT 8<,-n6ng dan cua 13 xa grtn 600 ho
c1a tao ra tren 7 J (an d;~u tuong vai gin tr! 357 trieu c16ng, (11l1 nhap tren 270 trieu
c16ng ( clnra IrLr chi phi con lao c1C)ng va chi phi v~ c6ng cu lao dong V~l111Qt s6 chi
phi khac). f\l~c elLI san rhflm 1:10 ra chua 11hi~u ';0 voi mat b;~l11gchung, nhirng bircc
c1<'\u da cho nong dan lic'p c011 diroc khon h9C ki thuat moi ( gicng, phan b6n, kl
Ihu(11 gieo trong, cham soc), lang V~I, I{ln dung lao dong hie n6ng nhan, dong thai c6
uic d~1I1gcai I<:lO Mil, tang c19 mau. M~lt kh.ic cfly clau nrcng DT8.:J so voi gi6ng 0 dia
.plmang co nil diem: Sinh tnrong ngflll n~~y ~ 90 ngay) can gi6ng dia phuong ( 120
ll~~}ly) nang sua: cao gflp .5~6 Inn gi6ng t1ja phirong ( gicng dia phucng dat 1-3
a ) cflY et'rllp, khong bj (16,

3- J\I(lt S(j kinh nghiem rut ru tir thuc te tri~n k hai:

- Vt:. Ihai V~I: Can t;l[1 trung chi c1;~o_tron~lflng 6 den giLfii thang 7 l?t phu
he;'11, -. -. -.. -------.--.... .
..-_... - - Can co qui hoach vLlIlg (1;'tt t(11' truug c1~ thU(111 li~n cho viec chi c100, theo
c16i gi;llll sat din can b(l k'i Ihu0t.
- Chi clao gi;11l1 sfll chnt che k hru: lam d{\t, k'i thll:lI gleo trong, theo diii thuong
\lI:- ell SLYph"t tri~n V;I sinh tnrt'mg cua c;'ly . d~ e6 bien phrip cham sac kip thai nlur

phun thuoc hi'tO v~ thuc V(lt, bon )1h{\nCj\l;l 1;1,

- Theo clui cli~n bic'n thoi tiel Ilk gico (r6ng c1~ tr.inh trung vao hie nnra VI
sc g{~Llc6.i~lw, '" .. - .
- Khong n611 tr6ng 0 nhfrng noi c6 (19 clOe lon, kh6 dn anh huong den cham
s6c va ni'lIlg suttt.
- C~n cling li'ng giollg clung ti011c1l11;~;n chftl luong, truce khi gieo din nen II
thu c1~ xem ty I~ n[IY m.irn. . I'.., " =r: "
t'.-., (h/ " •.
-, 1, ~
v ••~'( \.'-4.l.- •....'I..-
,- "1:.(
L.' t"..
,.L,-.-- . ( c '.. " -, r -\,.'.
- V"'-", r .....
~- [._I'·-""lt '\"., -) ." L
4- Ket lil[\'I1: "

Du' an phat tri~n cay c10u urong DT84 tai huyen Na Ri th~tlh cong, buoc dau
c1i1 1\l0 c1a cho 1ll~IClieu XO;l doi, gi;\m llgheo, I icp crill khoa hoc ki thl1(lt moi, tilng
. c19 CjU8)' vong v~ di 100 c1;'\t. Co duoc nhirng ket qua nlur \';~ly 1:1 pho S\T git.'ir d6 cua
Tt~ clnrc HEl)O, cua c.ic llh~ khon 11(,)C nong llghi~p t16i voi sL.Tpha: tri~n cua cay dO
tuong. Cluing t6i lllong dU\J"C SLYgiL'lp dCi hem niia cun T6 chirc HEDO v;\ c.ic nil;\
khoa h9C dai voi su nghicp phar Irj~n kinh Ie cua dia plnrong.

11II Vl(rr SU Y Kl(N Ii,: N\ ill!:

Thanh cong cua du an tr()llg cay C1<~lU urong DT84 to i huyen Na R} da tao ra
chl"C.)\'SLYtin tHong va phan khoi trong viec x ori c16i, giam ngheo nang cao rmrc song
cua nhan clan. V6i nlurng ket qua nlur v0Y nhan dan cric dim t6e hUy¢1l Na Rl morig
!11U6n T:; chile HEDO tiep !l.IC gillp c1o'tili !1~~-:-(flc-[\~~1:~I-tl-tlr()"ng'-phattrit~lv6Cqlli -;"6
rQnf: hon '111~'il-fi:olfg n:1111-'~-gnq-v~- 111'liIlg 110m i i0'p thee. M0t khiLe iihfm ofirl"cung
·l,llong c1l"0'C sl.r-ciu<l'ri-tAili cua T6 cl;t'I~c}jEbo uoug de Til1h v~rc-khac i1hi.r-Y-te, 'giac)
cI ~I c. ,I r<,ll1g C~"ty fiii "q lia-,-'chC: b ic'i,- n ongEill1's ;\i1n hain t i,-Lie -(J"fl); ph;1t t ri~n ki n h te X:1
.iic)~C'i'l~ h~I~;~i,'-(ffilf~~-cnh1 i~),~~,-s(;niCLI;1 i~l{I'll'drill,

Xin [1'[\11 thanh cnm on s~r'co 111(lt cua cac Cluj vi dai bien cua SCr quan Anh, T!S
chuc I-lED °, cac ban nganh a Trung Hong, lfinh O<;iO UBND Tlnh va ban ng.rll1h <1
Tillh cimg c.ic vi dai bieu a
Huyen, xfi - Xin chiic cric c10ng chi luon manh khoe,
Ih:-lI111(101. hrnh plnic.

Xin C:1111 on./.

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