P 192.629 Purging of Pipeline Revisions

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Gas Operations
and Maintenance


Purging of Pipeline

This procedure establishes the guidelines for purging air from new or modified
gas pipelines by using natural gas prior to placing them in service or when
purging of natural gas prior to maintenance, testing or abandonment.

Regulated Transmission Pipelines

Regulated Gathering Pipelines (Type A)
Regulated Gathering Pipelines (Type B)
Regulated Distribution Pipelines


As required


49 CFR 192.629
Purging of Pipelines
LA Title 43 Part XIII 2729 Purging of Pipelines

Forms / Record




OQ Covered


Purging, Abandonment, or Inactivation of Facilities

(In order to perform the tasks listed above, personnel must be qualified in accordance
with West Texas Gass Operator Qualification program or directly supervised by a
qualified individual

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Revised: December 2013

Gas Operations
and Maintenance

Purging of Pipeline

Procedure Steps
Note: The following precautions should be taken while conducting this procedure:
Safety precautions should be observed during the purging operations. These precautions should
include, but not limited to:
i. Prohibit smoking and open flames in the area.

Prohibit operation of spark producing equipment such as internal

combustion engines, electric motors or switches, etc.


Post warning signs and/or barricade area to control public access.


Purge only thru a vent stack that is at least 6 feet above ground, with secured fittings.


Each venting areas must be supervised by qualified company employees

during purging.


Provide a fire extinguisher of appropriate type and size at the purging area.

Precautions should also be taken to prevent static electrical sparks from igniting escaping gas vapors
on plastic pipe.
NOTE: When the pipeline is being purged of air using natural gas, the gas must be released into
the pipeline at a moderately rapid and continuous flow. If the gas cannot be supplied in enough
quantity to prevent the formation of a hazardous mixture of gas and air, a slug of inert gas must be
placed into the line before the gas. The same is true of air being used to purge gas from the
1. Conduct a tailgate meeting prior to purging the pipeline. Discuss the following:
a) Blowdown and purging safety and possible hazards
b) Location of personnel involved and their duties
c) Description, use, and location of each piece of work equipment
d) Flow of the purge gas
e) Location of firefighting equipment

Pressure of the gas used to purge the pipeline

g) Time required
h) Method to check air/gas mixture concentration

Sequence of valve operations


Presence of liquids or other special conditions

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Revised: December 2013

Gas Operations
and Maintenance

Purging of Pipeline

k) Use of personal protective equipment

2. Determine the blow off size, pipeline size, and length of section to be purged.
3. Determine the inlet control pressure (see table below).
4. Calculate the purging time period (2 minutes per mile).
5. Before purging is completed, a 100% natural gas must be achieved and verified with a CGI.
6. Install a pressure gauge at the inlet of the section to be purged.
7. Have local law enforcement control traffic as necessary.
8. Establish communications with all personnel involved in purging of the pipeline..
9. Open the blow off valve at the downstream end of the section to be purged.
10. Inject nitrogen into the inlet end of the pipeline to rapidly displace at least 2 miles of pipe, if
necessary in order to prevent a hazardous mixture of gas and air.
11. Open the inlet valve far enough to quickly obtain the determined control pressure and maintain
this pressure for the necessary purging time.
12. At the end of the purging time, close the inlet gas flow valve and continue to vent through the
downstream blow off valve for an additional minute per mile of pipe being purged.
13. Close the downstream blow off valve.
14. Open the inlet valve and slowly bring the pipeline to operating pressure.
15. Ensure all valves on the system are open to the proper operating position.

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Revised: December 2013

Gas Operations and

Maintenance Manual

Purging of Pipeline

Minimum Purge Gas Control Pressure (PSIG) Required for a 2 Minute/Mile Purge Rate

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Revised: March, 2011

Gas Operations and

Maintenance Manual

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Purging of Pipeline

Revised: March, 2011

Gas Operations and

Maintenance Manual

Purging of Pipeline

*Source: AGA Purging Principles and Practice Third Edition 2001*

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Revised: March, 2011

Gas Operations and

Maintenance Manual

Purging of Pipeline

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Revised: March, 2011

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