BLRBAC Emergency Shutdown Procedure (October 2012)

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October 2012


October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers

Notice and Disclaimer of Liability Concerning Recommended Guidelines and

BLRBAC brings together volunteers from operating companies, manufacturers and
insurance companies representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus
on Guidelines and Recommended Practices for the safe operation of recovery boilers.
While BLRBAC facilitates this process, it does not independently test, evaluate or verify
the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its
Recommended Guidelines and Procedures.
BLRBAC disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other damages of any
nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or
indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance on BLRBAC Guidelines and
Recommended Practices. BLRBAC also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the
accuracy or completeness of any information published herein.
In issuing and making this document available, BLRBAC is not undertaking to render
professional or other services of or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is BLRBAC
undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone
using BLRBAC Guidelines and Recommended Practices should rely on his or her own
independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in
determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstance.
Users of BLRBAC Guidelines and Recommended Practices should consult applicable
federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to the safe manufacture and
operation of recovery boilers. BLRBAC does not, by the publication of its Guidelines and
Recommended Practices intend to urge action that is not in compliance with applicable
laws, and its publications may not be construed as doing so.

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers

Table of Contents
CHANGES .................................................................................................................................................... 4
........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 INITIAL SYSTEM CHECKS ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 ROUTINE OPERATIONAL CHECKS ......................................................................................................... 8
SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE (ESP) ........................................................................................................... 9
3.1 ENDORSEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 LOGIC ................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 PERMISSIVES .......................................................................................................................................10
3.4 INITIATION ...........................................................................................................................................10
3.5 MONITORING .......................................................................................................................................10
3.6 ALL FUEL ............................................................................................................................................10
3.7 REMOTE AUXILIARY FUEL SHUT-OFF .................................................................................................10
3.8 SHUT OFF ALL WATER AND STEAM SOURCES .....................................................................................11
3.9 OPTIONAL ITEMS TO CONSIDER ...........................................................................................................11
3.10 FEED WATER COIL AIR HEATER LEAKS ............................................................................................11
3.11 FANS AND DAMPERS..........................................................................................................................11
3.12 DRAIN TIME TO 8-FOOT LEVEL .........................................................................................................12
3.13 VALVES .............................................................................................................................................12
3.13.1 Valve Local Selector Switch ......................................................................................................12
3.13.2 Alternative Actuation ................................................................................................................12
3.13.3 Alternate Power ........................................................................................................................13
3.13.4 Torque Limits ............................................................................................................................13
3.14 NUMBER OF ESP DRAIN VALVES ......................................................................................................13
3.15 ATMOSPHERIC VENT .........................................................................................................................14
3.16 FINAL PRESSURE REDUCTION ............................................................................................................14
3.17 ECONOMIZER DRAINS ........................................................................................................................14
3.18 ECONOMIZER LEAKS .........................................................................................................................14
3.19 SPOUT LEAKS ....................................................................................................................................15
3.20 ALARM SILENCING ............................................................................................................................15
3.21 SYSTEM RESET ..................................................................................................................................15
3.22 TESTING ESP SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................15
3.23 THERMOCOUPLES ..............................................................................................................................15
3.24 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................15
3.25 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................15
APPENDIX A DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ..............................................................................17

Table of Figures

FIG. 1. ESP LOGIC DIAGRAM. .......................................................................................................................... 9

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers

October 2012
Chapter 1:
Clarified requirements of the Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) System.
Deleted requirement for dedicated, stand alone.
Added DCE dilution water as a specific exception to stopping all water and
steam supplies.
Chapter 3:
Section 3.8, Shut Off All Water and Steam Sources: Added DCE Dilution water as
a specific exception to stopping all water and steam sources.
Section 3.11, Fans and Dampers:
o Deleted phrase or allowing them to seek full flow from Sentence starting
with Restarting the fans, or allowing
o Added allowance for DCE Fire Protection System to override ESP logic.
Deleted definition for Dedicated Stand Alone.
For a summary of prior changes to this document refer to Appendix A, Document
Revision History.

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers


An immediate emergency shutdown must be performed whenever water in any amount is
known or suspected to be entering the furnace and cannot be stopped immediately.
Upon initiation of the Emergency Shutdown Procedure, the system shall perform the
following automated actions:
Activate Alarms
Immediately activate audible and visible alarms to clear the recovery boiler area of
all personnel.
Stop All Fuels
Immediately stop firing all fuels and ensure positive isolation of fuels from boiler.
Shut off the auxiliary fuel supply at a remote location, manually or automatically.
Stop All Water and Steam Supplies
Immediately shut off feedwater and all other water and steam sources to the boiler
except smelt shatter steam, dilution water for direct contact evaporators, and smelt
spout cooling water. (For spout water leaks, see Section 3.19.)
Set Air Flows to Stop Combustion and Smelting
Immediately shut off all primary air flow. Immediately set other air flows to
essentially stop combustion and smelting in the bed while maintaining some level of
purge air flow. Regulate the induced-draft fan(s) speed or damper(s) to maintain a
balanced draft in the furnace.
Drain the Boiler to an 8-Foot Level
Immediately start draining the boiler in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations to a level eight feet above the low point of the furnace floor.
Simultaneously start to drain the economizer.
Reduce Boiler Pressure
After the boiler has drained to the eight-foot level, reduce steam pressure as rapidly
as possible.
The Emergency Shutdown Procedure functions must be energized to activate and
executed either by means of relay technology and hard-wiring or other Recovery Boiler
Safety System as defined in Chapter 4 of the Checklist and Classification Guide for
Instruments and Control Systems.
It must not be possible to alter the system unintentionally or to alter the system during
operation of the boiler. Any time maintenance is done or modifications are made to the

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
system, the system shall be functionally tested prior to putting the unit back on line.
Whatever technology is utilized, the BMS or DCS systems can be used to monitor
operation of the functions.
It is critical that proper and complete execution of the Emergency Shutdown Procedure
should not depend on the performance of a single system. Alternate means to accomplish
all intended functions of the Procedure should be provided. Trained personnel should
remain in the safe recovery boiler control room or other designated safe area to monitor
and ensure completion of the ESP.

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers


2.1 Initial System Checks
The entire ESP system, including the rapid drain portion, should be put through an initial
operational check to assure that the ESP logic system will function properly and safely.
This initial operational check will determine drain time, confirm that rapid drain valves
open, drain lines are clear, emergency feedwater stop valve closes, blowdown system is
adequate, determine blowdown tank pressure, etc. This check should be made prior to
firing black liquor in the kraft recovery unit. If liquor has been fired in the unit prior to
ESP tests, make sure the bed has been burned down completely and the furnace hearth is
free of molten smelt. Considerable experience has shown that the initial system check
will not damage the recovery boiler.
The following test procedure is recommended:
Check out the complete ESP logic system electrically to assure each component is
wired to operate as intended.

Bring the boiler to operating pressure, firing auxiliary fuel.

Stop all auxiliary firing. Check drain lines, one at a time, by manually opening the
motor-operated drain valves fully. If two motor-operated valves are used, open the one
closest to the boiler first and close it last. Maintain drum level during these tests and only
keep the valve(s) open long enough to be sure that the line is clear and adequately
Be sure all motor-operated valves are returned to the closed position and selector
switches are returned to remote or remote/manual position.
Bring the unit back to operating pressure firing auxiliary fuel. Push the emergency
shutdown button(s) to initiate a complete ESP. The first item in the ESP is activating
alarms to clear the recovery area of unnecessary personnel. Abide by this - only those
people necessary to monitor the test from a safe distance should be in the area! From this
initial test, establish the actual drain time curve to the eight-foot level by plotting drum
pressure vs. time. In particular, make note of the time taken to get to the eight-foot level.
This time may be marked by a knee in the curve or a distinctive sound change. Use this
value to establish the required time delay in the ESP logic before the remaining pressure
is automatically relieved.
Following completion of the ESP test, open the superheater vent valves to take
pressure off the unit and facilitate cooling. Do not refill the boiler until the temperature

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
differential between feedwater and drum shell is less than 100F. A hydrostatic test to at
least the operating pressure of the unit should be performed prior to restarting the unit.
2.2 Routine Operational Checks
It is recommended that the motor-operated drain valves be checked at least once per
month to assure that they are still in working order. This can be done by going to each
station, closing the hand-operated valve and individually energizing the motor-operated
drain valves to be sure they will open and close, and the indicator lamps read correctly.
Following the check, and after closing the motor-operated valves, be certain the handoperated valves are locked open. Only one drain line at a time should be isolated for the
monthly motor-operated valve tests; this will allow the remaining drain lines to function
as designed if an ESP is required during the testing period.
It is recommended that the entire ESP sequence, except for draining the boiler, be
checked as opportunity arises, but at least once per year. This may be done from a
reduced pressure. With the hand-operated valves closed, use the ESP buttons to shut the
unit down. This will assure that the rapid drain valves operate properly and are not stuck,
all fuel to the furnace shuts off, the correct dampers close, the preset fan conditions are
achieved, the emergency feedwater stop valve closes, floor and steam drum thermocouple
recorder prints correctly, etc. Also, at least annually verify that the alternate means to
actuate individual ESP elements will transmit a signal to the intended ESP element.
Physical actuation of the ESP element by the alternate means is not necessary during the
test, only verification that a signal is transmitted to the device. Similarly, for those
locations with any remote means to initiate the ESP or actuate individual ESP
elements, verify the remote means will transmit a signal to the intended ESP element(s).

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers


3.1 Endorsement
The ESP write-up should be endorsed by policy-making mill management, giving the
operators the authority to perform an ESP as per BLRBAC guidelines. A signed and
dated copy should be permanently posted at each recovery unit control station.
3.2 Logic
The ESP wording is intended to be implemented according to the following logic

Fig. 1. ESP logic diagram.

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers

3.3 Permissives
It is important that all ESP functions be completed in a timely manner upon initiation. No
permissives whose failure could prevent the successful implementation of an ESP should
be incorporated into the system.
3.4 Initiation
The recommended embodiment for initiation requires only one operator action to initiate
the entire ESP (such as pushing two buttons simultaneously), rather than individual steps.
3.5 Monitoring
Those monitoring the ESP must utilize proper follow-up procedures. Properly trained
operators should be standing by in the safe control room or other designated safe areas,
monitoring the ESP against a check list, and using available alternate means (in most
cases these are normal operating controls) to operate individual steps of the procedure if
they fail to perform automatically.
The general goal is to allow remote-from-unit backup options to make the unit safe.
Under no condition should anyone go out to the boiler to perform a back-up option.
3.6 All Fuel
The system should prove that all fuels, including black liquor, auxiliary fuel, NCG, and
other waste fuels have stopped entering the furnace. Stop all black liquor firing pumps
and any other pumps that tie directly into the liquor firing system such as the indirect
black liquor heater recirculation pump(s) and any macerator (gorator) in the black liquor
firing system. Stop any black liquor pump supplying flush liquor to boiler bank or
economizer hoppers. Divert liquor. Liquor firing systems that recirculate to a pressurized
tank require an automated shutoff valve in the recirculation line.
Obtain positive feedback from motor starters and valve proof-of-closure or position
indicator switches.
3.7 Remote Auxiliary Fuel Shut-Off
The purpose of shutting off auxiliary fuel at a remote location is to protect against fuel
line rupture hazards in the event of an explosion; not just to stop fuel entry into the
furnace. It is not necessary for the remote auxiliary fuel valve to be automated into the
ESP logic, as long as it can be reached by a safe path and is in a designated safe area.

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
3.8 Shut Off All Water and Steam Sources
These include, but are not limited to:
Feedwater Stop Valve (Do not rely upon closure of the feedwater control valve.)
Desuperheater Water Stop Valve except from sweet water condenser (Do not rely
upon closure of the desuperheater control valve.)
Chemical Feed Pump and any Flush Lines connected to unit
Steam Coil Air Heater (prevents condensate leaks into unit; allows cooler air to
Soot Blowers (Steam off, automatically retract)
Steam to Direct Liquor Heaters
Auxiliary Fuel Atomizing Steam (if not closed automatically with fuel trip)
This does NOT include Spout Shatter Steam, Dilution Water for Direct Contact
Evaporators, and Spout Cooling Water.
3.9 Optional Items to Consider
Steam to Indirect Liquor Heaters (so as not to bake the residual liquor)
Isolating soot blower condensate system (as precaution against water backup)
Automatic shut-off of power to precipitator (as precaution against igniting
possible combustible gas mixture)
For boilers with a motorized main steam stop valve, it is considered Good
Practice to close the motorized valve when an ESP is initiated. (Can be through
the DCS.)
3.10 Feed Water Coil Air Heater Leaks
Some configurations may allow water from a ruptured air heater tube to enter the furnace
through combustion air ductwork. The potential for leakage to enter the furnace may be
mitigated by the location of the feed water air heater coil and design of the ductwork. The
configuration may include a system of air duct low points and drains, water detection
alarms, and if necessary air heater waterside isolation or a boiler ESP.
3.11 Fans and Dampers
The shutdown strategy for the FD fans and dampers will depend upon the number of fans
and the number of elevations of combustion air. The preferred (but not the required)
embodiment of this requirement is to shut off all air below the liquor guns as per logic
diagram, except in the case of low load operation described below. Air blowing on the
bed will prolong combustion and smelting, extending cool-down time and increasing the
potential to damage the floor and wall tubes. Purge air should be provided through the
combustion air ports located at elevations above the liquor guns. The appropriate FD

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
fan(s) should remain running to provide purging and cooling air through the upper
furnace zones following an ESP.
Units with alternate operating scenarios, such as extended low load operation with no
tertiary air, may devise alternate air shutdown strategies provided the BLRBAC ESP
intent of minimizing extended heat production and subsequent smelting is addressed.
Units burning NCGs must meet these requirements when NCGs are tripped.
If any fans, including the ID fan(s), trip immediately prior to initiating an ESP or during
an ESP, leave them tripped. Restarting the fans can cause excessive heat release, or cause
a combustibles explosion. The system should be checked to make sure that other control
logic could not override ESP logic except in the event of an actuation of the DCE Fire
Protection System.
3.12 Drain Time to 8-Foot Level
The drain system should be designed to drain to the 8-foot level in approximately 20
minutes starting at normal operating pressure. The actual time should be recorded during
the Initial System Checks described in Recommended Procedure for Testing
Emergency Shutdown System. A nominal acceptable range is from 15 to 25 minutes. If
over 30 minutes, additional drain capacity should be installed. Twenty five years of
experience confirm that the 8-foot level provides sufficient water to protect the lower
furnace tubes while the smelt bed cools. Granted, if a leak existed in that region, water
would still be behind it, but the pressure would be greatly reduced and decreasing rapidly
because of the pressure-relieving step.
3.13 Valves
3.13.1 Valve Local Selector Switch
The actuators on the rapid drain valves and all other valves that operate during an ESP
should be wired to move the valves to the ESP position upon initiation of the ESP system
regardless of the position of the local selector switch on the valve actuators.
3.13.2 Alternative Actuation
The following are acceptable means for complying with the requirement for an
alternative means of actuating rapid drain valves:

A switch or group of switches in the control room;

A boiler control PLC (independent of the ESP system) providing an independent
signal to each rapid drain control relay;
Manual actuation of the individual rapid drain relays; or
Manual actuation of the individual valve operator motor starters.

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
When individual switches are provided in the control room, they can serve the dual
function of testing rapid drain valves as well as the alternate means of actuation. When
manual actuation of the relays or motor starters is chosen, the relays or starters must be in
a location that is designated safe and accessible during an ESP and the boiler operators
must be trained to locate and actuate them.
3.13.3 Alternate Power
Historically, power supply to rapid drain valve operators has been sufficiently reliable
that an alternate power supply is not a recommendation. Care should be taken in selecting
and protecting the reliability of the power source to these valve operators.
3.13.4 Torque Limits
The torque limits should not be included in the motor control open circuit for the rapid
drain valves so that the motor will exert maximum effort to open the valves until the open
position limit is reached. The torque limits may be used in the valve test mode if desired.
3.14 Number of ESP Drain Valves
The ASME code allows the ESP drain valves to be installed with one root valve and one
electric-operated valve in any given series path leaving the boiler. The rapid drain piping
is not considered blowoff piping, per December 6, 1989 ASME finding BC86-316. The
reasons that two electric valves became the industry standard were: the critical and severe
duty required that the stations have minimum out-of-service valves due to maintenance;
valve seat cutting and therefore leakage of such critical valves be minimized (by properly
sequencing the openings); and associated maintenance costs be minimized. Experience
has shown that the valves are not exercised so frequently as to make them vulnerable to
valve seat cutting. The entire system may be more reliable if only half the number of
electric valves are being depended upon to open. Maintenance replacement by change-out
of a single electric valve can be easily accomplished by using the manual root valve for
isolation. If leakage is a concern, a number-one mill-wide priority could be established to
ensure rapid response. The boiler manufacturers current recommendations are to use
only one electric valve. THEREFORE, a design using one manual and one electric valve
on a given path is acceptable. New installations and retrofits may consider this. There is
no intent to require a retrofit to eliminate valves already installed which are
satisfactory. Consideration should be given to permanently locking open one of the
motor-operated drain valves. If an existing system incorporates a time delay between
opening of the two valves, the time delay should be eliminated.
Since there is no longer a blowoff piping requirement, individual valves could be made
larger than 2", with corresponding decrease in number of valve locations required to
meet the drain time. It is recommended that the valve size NOT be increased beyond 3".

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers

3.15 Atmospheric Vent

Experience in North America has demonstrated flash tank systems permit draining of the
boiler even if the ESP is initiated after boiler pressure has been significantly or
completely lost. Provision of a flash tank rapid drain system is recommended for all new
installations. Atmospheric vent (flash-to-the-sky) rapid drain systems may not drain the
boiler as quickly as flash tank systems under reduced pressure conditions and may not
permit any draining in some cases. Existing atmospheric vent systems should have some
means to drain the boiler to the 8 ft. level under low or no pressure conditions (no
specific drain time). This alternate drain does not have to be a part of the automated ESP
system and may be an operator-initiated action.
3.16 Final Pressure Reduction
In order to implement the last (pressure-reducing) step of the ESP, it is intended that only
automated, remote-actuating valves such as Electromatic relief valves, superheater vent
valves, etc., be used. It is not intended nor acceptable for personnel to enter unprotected
areas to operate valves or other equipment.
3.17 Economizer Drains
At least the hot economizer bank should have emergency drain valve(s) to start the
economizer draining. This will help prevent flow of water into the steam drum or furnace
in the event of a feedwater valve leak-by or failure. It will also handle swelling and
burping of water over to the drum as the pressure falls. This is to avoid feeding a furnace
leak any longer than necessary and to prevent undue thermal shock to the drum. It is not
necessary to drain the economizer as fast or as completely as the furnace, as long as the
economizer water level is heading downward during the ESP. This condition is also
favorable if a leak occurs in the upper, hot (front) economizer, facing forward toward the
furnace, as discussed below.
3.18 Economizer Leaks
Some economizer configurations allow certain economizer tube ruptures to direct a water
leak forward into the furnace cavity through the generating bank. This has been verified
by critical incident reports. Also, some hopper sluice systems and refractometer liquor
divert system failures could allow economizer leaks to send water to the furnace via the
black liquor piping. ESPs should be performed except when it is known at that time to
be impossible for water to get to the furnace. If an economizer leak occurs, where water
is known not to be entering the furnace, cease firing liquor and initiate an orderly
shutdown immediately. One can NOT rely on the theoretical installation based on
drawings of baffles to make this determination. One must KNOW that such baffles are in
place and functioning with no damage or disrepair. Case histories exist where leaks have
entered the forward furnace through voids in a baffle less than six months old.

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers

3.19 Spout Leaks

Known smelt spout water leaks do not require an ESP. Shut off the cooling water to the
leaking spout and plug the spout. If the spout is required for operation, conduct an orderly
shutdown to replace the spout.
3.20 Alarm Silencing
There should be a method of silencing/acknowledging the audible alarms (after sounding
a minimum of 15 minutes) that is COMPLETELY independent of the ESP system resets.
Visual alarms are to remain in effect until the ESP system is reset.
3.21 System Reset
The ESP system should not be reset until reentry to the area is permitted. The ESP system
reset logic/procedures may result in automatic movement of controls to undesired
positions. Proper caution should be taken to position controls where intended. Examples
of valves that may need isolation or manual positioning prior to reset include the
feedwater to economizer and the steam to steam coil air heater(s).
3.22 Testing ESP System
When conducting ESP system checks in the Recommended Procedure for Testing, the
ESP is done while firing auxiliary fuel. Added attention must be given to assure that
black liquor functions perform as expected.
When manually opening the motor-operated valves for line blowdown in Step 3 of the
Initial testing, initially open the valves quickly to avoid wire-draw or damage to the seat.
3.23 Thermocouples
Recovery boilers should be equipped with floor thermocouples. The thermocouple
readings should be monitored and recorded during an ESP as a means for evaluating the
potential of floor tube overheating damage.
3.24 Definitions
Designated safe area: means that the mill has responsibly determined that the area is
blast-safe, and therefore has defined it as such for purposes of ESP.
3.25 References
For further information, refer to BLRBAC Recommended Good Practice publications:

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
Safe Firing of Black Liquor in Black Liquor Recovery Boilers; Safe Firing of Auxiliary
Fuel in Black Liquor Recovery Boilers; and Installation Check List and Classification
Guide for Instruments and Control Systems Used in Operation of Black Liquor Recovery

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers


Summary of the February 2012 changes
Notice of Disclaimer of Liability has been added to page 2.
Summary of the October 2009 Changes
Guidance added to Section 2.2, Routine Operational Checks, to recommend only one
drain line be tested at a time.
Summary of the April 2009 Changes
Guidance added to Section 2.2, Routine Operational Checks, to recommend at least
annual testing of the alternative and/or remote means of actuating ESP elements.
Summary of the October 2006 Changes
Chapter 1,
Clarified smelt spout cooling water is not to be isolated as a normal part of an ESP.
Chapter 3,
Revised section 3.6 to conform with the Safe Firing of Black Liquor Recommended
Practice. Also in section 3.9 deleted shutting down the black liquor pumps and
macerators as an optional item to consider.
Revised section 3.8 to clarify smelt spout cooling water is not to be isolated as a
normal part of an ESP.
Revised section 3.9 to add closing the main steam stop valve as an optional good
practice to consider where practical when these valves are present.
Summary of the October 2004 Changes

Chapter 1 reworded the Stop All Fuels section

Chapter 3,

Reworded the 3.6 All Fuel section

Changed title from 3.13 Rapid Drain Valves to 3.13 Valves

Changed title from 3.13.1 Local Selector Switch to 3.13.1 Valve Local
Selector Switch

Reworded the 3.13.1 Valve Local Selector Switch section

Changed title from 3.21 ESP System Reset to 3.21 System Reset

Reworded the 1st sentence of section 3.21 System Reset

Reworded the 3.23 Thermocouples section

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers

Summary of the October 2003 Changes

Added a new section 3.13.4 Torque Limits

Summary of the October 2002 Changes

This document has been revised to provide a consistent format.

Chapter 3,
Changed the heading for section 3.9 from Additional Items to Consider to
Optional Items to Consider.
Added paragraph on Feed Water Coil Air Heater Leaks as Section 3.10 and
renumbered section numbers that follow.
Reformatted section 3.13, Rapid Drain Valves, to create section 3.13.1, Local
Selector Switch, and added a new section 3.13.2, Alternative Actuation, and
3.13.3, Alternative Power.
Provided new guidance in section 3.15, Atmospheric Vent.

Summary of the October 2000 Changes

Chapter 1 reworded the Emergency Shutdown Procedure entire 4th bullet on Air
Chapter 3, Section 3.10 Fans and Dampers reworded the entire paragraph.
Summary of the October 1993 Major Changes
Combined Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) for Black Liquor Boilers
with Recommended Procedure for Testing Emergency Shutdown System into
one document and added Chapter 3 Background and Installation Notes
Regarding the Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP)
Chapter 1 Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) for Black Liquor Recovery
Boilers reworded to include the following:

Elimination of reference to external leaks

Addition of visible alarms
Addition of black liquor divert
Clarification of spout cooling water leaks action
Restriction of total air entering furnace and portion below liquor guns
Addition of economizer drain valves
Requirement for alternate means to be provided
Requirement that personnel monitor and complete the ESP

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October 2012
Recommended Emergency Shutdown Procedure (ESP) & Procedure for Testing ESP
System for Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
Chapter 2 Recommended Procedure for Testing Emergency Shutdown System
reworded to include the following:

Clarification of conditions for Initial System Checks

Clarified steps in the initial test procedure
Identified method to determine time to reach 8-foot level
Changed routine test interval to yearly minimum

Chapter 3 Background and Installation Notes Regarding the Emergency

Shutdown Procedure (ESP) added this new chapter to include the following:

Diagram of intended logic

Clarification of alternative logics requirements
Acknowledgment of some water and steam sources
Suggested drain times
Elimination of requirement for two electric drain valves in series
Discussion of atmospheric vent systems
Specific economizer drain and leak background
Handling of reset

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