Management of Construction Waste in India: A Case of Green Technology
Management of Construction Waste in India: A Case of Green Technology
Management of Construction Waste in India: A Case of Green Technology
Purpose Indian economy is growing on a fast pace and as a
consequence there is considerable rise in construction activities. These
increased construction deeds further causes the trouble of waste
generation on construction sites. The purpose of this paper is bringing
to light major issues related to the execution of effective waste
management practices on construction sites in India.
Design/methodology/approach This paper uses secondary data
based upon results from semi-structured interviews which throw light
on some of the major issues, challenges and drivers associated with the
implementation of waste management practices in construction sector
in India.
Findings The key findings was that client inclination and imposition
of subsisting laws could actually make possible the carrying out of
waste minimisation effective and lack of wakefulness and education
between the construction workforces were regarded as major
challenges connected with the implementation of waste minimisation
practices in India.
Research limitations/implications These secondary data might not
be spokesperson of the whole country. However, the data do provide
important insights and highlight some issues related to the
implementation of effective waste management practices on
construction sites in India. The individuals interviewed had been
alarmed with the green building association in India for a significant
period of time. The tenure of their know-how gave them the aptitude to
remark on state of the construction sector and its green as well as nongreen practices connected with waste management.
Nitish Bagdi et al
Originality/value This paper depicts an investigative study which a
ssesses the execution of waste management ideology and practices in
the Indian construction sector.
Paper Type Observatory study.
Keywords: India, Construction sector, Waste generation, Waste
1. Introduction
Wastes are materials which are discarded after use at the end of their intended life-span
where residuals recycled or reused are excluded from it (Letcher and Vallero,
2011).Construction and demolition waste is as waste which gets life from construction,
restoration and demolition deeds (Shen et al., 2004).India is one of the fastest growing
economies of the world and this growth has resulted in a significant advance in
construction deeds. Its construction sector is one of the biggest in terms of economic
spending. The recent twelve-monthly venture in construction sector is more or less $70
billion, with an identified call for for a supplementary $50 billion and an anticipated
yearly growth tempo of 15 percent (Arif et al., 2009b). It is estimated that following
infrastructure will also require an outlay of around $163 billion over the subsequent ten
years (Syal et al., 2006). There are two main objectives of this study. First one is the
identification of significant source of construction waste. Second is extraction of major
barriers in effective implementation of construction waste management practices. Over
viewing the magnitude of construction activities captivating place in India, the need of
the hour is to assess the amount of construction waste being developed and analysis of
the practices indispensable for proper handling of waste to put forward a greener
construction ideology (Arif et al., 2009a).
1.1 Classification of Construction and Demolition Waste
Construction and Demolition waste is being divided in to three categories such as
material, labour and machinery of which material have been classified as most critical
of the construction and demolition waste as most of it comes from non-renewable
sources (Ekanayake & Ofori, 2000).
1.2 Construction and Demolition Waste Minimisation Strategies
Many researchers have highlighted various strategies for Construction and Demolition
waste reduction. These strategies includes 3Rs i.e reduce, reuse and recycle
(Shekdar,2008; Wang et al.,2008; Kibert & Languell, 2000; Teo & Loosemore,
2001); standardization of design, stock control for minimisation of over ordering,
environmental education to workforce etc.
2. Discussion
The data on semi-structured interviews conducted on professionals related to
construction industry provided supplementary insight into waste minimisation
practices and the drivers and challenges allied with them. The responses of the
interviewees tinted that the wakefulness of waste minimisation is mounting, practices
such as on-site compactors, on-site waste segregation and auditing, the 3R practices
are becoming well-liked but they have a elongated way to go. Practices to be promoted
at dissimilar stages of a assignment to advance waste minimisation were also decorated
through these interviews. However, some drivers that could facilitate the carrying out
of waste minimisation on construction site are appropriate training or site staff, push
from the client, and the enforcement of a variety of laws by the government and
regulatory bodies. Development of construction waste handling laws without an
effective apparatus of execution makes the ideology of construction waste
management a handicap in India.
Nitish Bagdi et al
3. Conclusion
The general approach for this paper is observatory in nature. The paper depicts the
present state of generation of construction waste in India and major hindrances in
effective execution of waste management practices in Indian construction Industry.