Mathematics 2017-2018-Syllabus

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Cambridge International AS and A Level


For examination in June and November 2017 and 2018.
Also available for examination in March 2017 and 2018
for India only.

Cambridge Advanced

Version 2

Changes to syllabus for 2017 and 2018

This syllabus has been updated. The latest syllabus is version 2, published April 2015.
Changes have been made to page 28.
The heading now reads:
6. List of formulae and tables of the normal distribution (MF9)
You are advised to read the whole syllabus before planning your teaching programme.

Cambridge International Examinations retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered Centres are
permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use. However, we cannot give permission
to Centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within a
IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International Examinations 2015

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Why choose Cambridge?
1.2 Why choose Cambridge International AS and A Level?
1.3 Why choose Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics?
1.4 Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) Diploma
1.5 How can I find out more?

2. Teacher support............................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Support materials
2.2 Endorsed resources
2.3 Training

3. Assessment at a glance.................................................................................................. 7
4. Syllabus aims and assessment objectives.................................................................... 10
4.1 Syllabus aims
4.2 Assessment objectives

5. Syllabus content............................................................................................................ 11
6. List of formulae and tables of the normal distribution (MF9)........................................ 28
7. Mathematical notation................................................................................................... 33
8. Other information.......................................................................................................... 37


1. Introduction
1.1 Why choose Cambridge?
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the University of Cambridge. We prepare school students
for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. Our international
qualifications are recognised by the worlds best universities and employers, giving students a wide range of
options in their education and career. As a not-for-profit organisation, we devote our resources to delivering
high-quality educational programmes that can unlock learners potential.
Our programmes set the global standard for international education. They are created by subject experts,
are rooted in academic rigour, and provide a strong platform for progression. Over 10000 schools in 160
countries work with us to prepare nearly a million learners for their future with an international education
from Cambridge.

Cambridge learners
Cambridge programmes and qualifications develop not only subject knowledge but also skills. We
encourage Cambridge learners to be:
confident in working with information and ideas their own and those of others
responsible for themselves, responsive to and respectful of others
reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn
innovative and equipped for new and future challenges
engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference.

Cambridge International AS and A Levels are recognised around the world by schools, universities and
employers. The qualifications are accepted as proof of academic ability for entry to universities worldwide,
although some courses do require specific subjects.
Cambridge AS and A Levels are accepted in all UK universities. University course credit and advanced
standing is often available for Cambridge International AS and A Levels in countries such as the USA and
Learn more at

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


1.2 Why choose Cambridge International AS and A Level?

Cambridge International AS and A Levels are international in outlook, but retain a local relevance. The
syllabuses provide opportunities for contextualised learning and the content has been created to suit a wide
variety of schools, avoid cultural bias and develop essential lifelong skills, including creative thinking and
Our aim is to balance knowledge, understanding and skills in our programmes and qualifications to enable
students to become effective learners and to provide a solid foundation for their continuing educational
journey. Cambridge International AS and A Levels give learners building blocks for an individualised
curriculum that develops their knowledge, understanding and skills.
Schools can offer almost any combination of 60 subjects and learners can specialise or study a range of
subjects, ensuring a breadth of knowledge. Giving learners the power to choose helps motivate them
throughout their studies.
Cambridge International A Levels typically take two years to complete and offer a flexible course of study
that gives learners the freedom to select subjects that are right for them.
Cambridge International AS Levels often represent the first half of an A Level course but may also be taken
as a freestanding qualification. The content and difficulty of a Cambridge International AS Level examination
is equivalent to the first half of a corresponding Cambridge International A Level.
Through our professional development courses and our support materials for Cambridge International
ASand A Levels, we provide the tools to enable teachers to prepare learners to the best of their ability and
work with us in the pursuit of excellence in education.
Cambridge International AS and A Levels have a proven reputation for preparing learners well for university,
employment and life. They help develop the in-depth subject knowledge and understanding which are so
important to universities and employers.
Learners studying Cambridge International AS and A Levels have opportunities to:
acquire an in-depth subject knowledge
develop independent thinking skills
apply knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations
handle and evaluate different types of information sources
think logically and present ordered and coherent arguments
make judgements, recommendations and decisions
present reasoned explanations, understand implications and communicate them clearly and logically
work and communicate in English.

Guided learning hours

Cambridge International A Level syllabuses are designed on the assumption that learners have about
360 guided learning hours per subject over the duration of the course. Cambridge International AS Level
syllabuses are designed on the assumption that learners have about 180 guided learning hours per subject
over the duration of the course. This is for guidance only and the number of hours required to gain the
qualification may vary according to local curricular practice and the learners prior experience of the subject.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


1.3 Why choose Cambridge International AS and A Level

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics is accepted by universities and employers as proof of
mathematical knowledge and understanding. Successful candidates gain lifelong skills, including:
a deeper understanding of mathematical principles
the further development of mathematical skills including the use of applications of mathematics in the
context of everyday situations and in other subjects that they may be studying
the ability to analyse problems logically, recognising when and how a situation may be represented
the use of mathematics as a means of communication
a solid foundation for further study.
The syllabus allows Centres flexibility to choose from three different routes to AS Level Mathematics Pure
Mathematics only or Pure Mathematics and Mechanics or Pure Mathematics and Probability & Statistics.
Centres can choose from three different routes to Cambridge International A Level Mathematics depending
on the choice of Mechanics, or Probability & Statistics, or both, in the broad area of applications.

Prior learning
We recommend that candidates who are beginning this course should have previously completed a
Cambridge OLevel or Cambridge IGCSE course in Mathematics or the equivalent.

Cambridge International A Level Mathematics provides a suitable foundation for the study of Mathematics
or related courses in higher education.
Cambridge International AS Level Mathematics constitutes the first half of the Cambridge International
ALevel course in Mathematics and therefore provides a suitable foundation for the study of Mathematics
at ALevel and thence for related courses in higher education.

1.4 Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of

Education) Diploma
Cambridge AICE Diploma is the group award of the Cambridge International AS and A Level. It gives schools
the opportunity to benefit from offering a broad and balanced curriculum by recognising the achievements of
candidates who pass examinations in different curriculum groups.
Learn more about the Cambridge AICE Diploma at

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


1.5 How can I find out more?

If you are already a Cambridge school
You can make entries for this qualification through your usual channels. If you have any questions, please
contact us at

If you are not yet a Cambridge school

Learn about the benefits of becoming a Cambridge school at Email us at to find out how your organisation can register to become a Cambridge school.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Teacher support


Teacher support

2.1 Support materials

We send Cambridge syllabuses, past question papers and examiner reports to cover the last examination
series to all Cambridge schools.
You can also go to our public website at to download current and future syllabuses
together with specimen papers or past question papers and examiner reports from one series.
For teachers at registered Cambridge schools a range of additional support materials for specific
syllabuses is available from Teacher Support, our secure online support for Cambridge teachers. Go to (username and password required).

2.2 Endorsed resources

We work with publishers providing a range of resources for our syllabuses including print and digital
materials. Resources endorsed by Cambridge go through a detailed quality assurance process to ensure
they provide a high level of support for teachers and learners.
We have resource lists which can be filtered to show all resources, or just those which are endorsed by
Cambridge. The resource lists include further suggestions for resources to support teaching.

2.3 Training
We offer a range of support activities for teachers to ensure they have the relevant knowledge and skills to
deliver our qualifications. See for further information.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Assessment at a glance


Assessment at a glance

The 7 units in the scheme cover the following subject areas:

Pure Mathematics (units P1, P2 and P3);
Mechanics (units M1 and M2);
Probability & Statistics (units S1 and S2).
Centres and candidates may:
take all four Advanced (A) Level components in the same examination series for the full Cambridge
International A Level;
follow a staged assessment route to the Cambridge International A Level by taking two Advanced
Subsidiary (AS) papers (P1 and M1 or P1 and S1) in an earlier examination series;
take the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) qualification only.

Cambridge International AS Level candidates take:

Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (P1)
1 hour 45 minutes
About 10 shorter and longer questions
75 marks weighted at 60% of total
plus one of the following papers:
Paper 2: Pure Mathematics
2 (P2)

Paper 4: Mechanics 1 (M1)

Paper 6: Probability &

Statistics 1 (S1)

1 hour 15 minutes

1 hour 15 minutes

1 hour 15 minutes

About 7 shorter and longer


About 7 shorter and longer


About 7 shorter and longer


50 marks weighted at 40%

of total

50 marks weighted at 40%

of total

50 marks weighted at 40%

of total

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Assessment at a glance

Cambridge International A Level candidates take:

Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (P1)

Paper 3: Pure Mathematics 3 (P3)

1 hour 45 minutes

1 hour 45 minutes

About 10 shorter and longer questions

About 10 shorter and longer questions

75 marks weighted at 30% of total

75 marks weighted at 30% of total

plus one of the following combinations of two papers:

Paper 4: Mechanics 1 (M1)

Paper 6: Probability & Statistics 1 (S1)

1 hour 15 minutes

1 hour 15 minutes

About 7 shorter and longer questions

About 7 shorter and longer questions

50 marks weighted at 20% of total

50 marks weighted at 20% of total

Paper 4: Mechanics 1 (M1)

Paper 5: Mechanics 2 (M2)

1 hour 15 minutes

1 hour 15 minutes

About 7 shorter and longer questions

About 7 shorter and longer questions

50 marks weighted at 20% of total

50 marks weighted at 20% of total

Paper 6: Probability & Statistics 1 (S1)

Paper 7: Probability & Statistics 2 (S2)

1 hour 15 minutes

1 hour 15 minutes

About 7 shorter and longer questions

About 7 shorter and longer questions

50 marks weighted at 20% of total

50 marks weighted at 20% of total



Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Assessment at a glance

Question papers
There is no choice of questions in any of the question papers and questions will be arranged approximately
in order of increasing mark allocations.
It is expected that candidates will have a calculator with standard scientific functions available for use
for all papers in the examination. Computers, graphical calculators and calculators capable of algebraic
manipulation are not permitted.
A list of formulae and tables of the normal distribution (MF9) is supplied for the use of candidates in the
examination. Details of the items in this list are given for reference in Section 6.

Relationships between units

Units P2, M2, S2 are sequential to units P1, M1, S1 respectively, and the later unit in each subject area may
not be used for certification unless the corresponding earlier unit is being (or has already been) used.
Unit P3 is also sequential to unit P1, and may not be used for certification unless P1 is being (or has already
been) used. The subject content of unit P2 is a subset of the subject content of unit P3; otherwise, the
subject content for different units does not overlap, although later units in each subject area assume
knowledge of the earlier units.

This syllabus is examined in the June and November examination series. This syllabus is also available for
examination in March for India only.
This syllabus is available to private candidates.
Detailed timetables are available from

Combining this with other syllabuses

Candidates can combine this syllabus in an examination series with any other Cambridge syllabus, except:
syllabuses with the same title at the same level.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus aims and assessment objectives


Syllabus aims and assessment objectives

4.1 Syllabus aims

The aims of the syllabus are the same for all students. These are set out below and describe the educational
purposes of any course based on the Mathematics units for the Cambridge International AS and A Level
examinations. The aims are not listed in order of priority.
The aims are to enable candidates to:
develop their mathematical knowledge and skills in a way which encourages confidence and provides
satisfaction and enjoyment
develop an understanding of mathematical principles and an appreciation of mathematics as a logical
and coherent subject
acquire a range of mathematical skills, particularly those which will enable them to use applications of
mathematics in the context of everyday situations and of other subjects they may be studying
develop the ability to analyse problems logically, recognise when and how a situation may be
represented mathematically, identify and interpret relevant factors and, where necessary, select an
appropriate mathematical method to solve the problem
use mathematics as a means of communication with emphasis on the use of clear expression
acquire the mathematical background necessary for further study in this or related subjects.

4.2 Assessment objectives

The abilities assessed in the examinations cover a single area: technique with application.
Theexamination will test the ability of candidates to:
understand relevant mathematical concepts, terminology and notation
recall accurately and use successfully appropriate manipulative techniques
recognise the appropriate mathematical procedure for a given situation
apply combinations of mathematical skills and techniques in solving problems
present mathematical work, and communicate conclusions, in a clear and logical way.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content


Syllabus content

The mathematical content for each unit in the scheme is detailed below. The order in which topics are listed
is not intended to imply anything about the order in which they might be taught.
As well as demonstrating skill in the appropriate techniques, candidates will be expected to apply their
knowledge in the solution of problems. Individual questions set may involve ideas and methods from more
than one section of the relevant content list.
For all units, knowledge of the content of Cambridge O Level/Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics is assumed.
Candidates will be expected to be familiar with scientific notation for the expression of compound units,
e.g.5 m s1 for 5metres per second.
Unit P1: Pure Mathematics 1 (Paper 1)
Candidates should be able to:
1. Quadratics

carry out the process of completing the square for a quadratic

polynomial ax 2 + bx + c and use this form, e.g. to locate the vertex of
the graph of y = ax 2 + bx + c or to sketch the graph
find the discriminant of a quadratic polynomial ax 2 + bx + c and use
the discriminant, e.g. to determine the number of real roots of the
equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0
solve quadratic equations, and linear and quadratic inequalities, in one
solve by substitution a pair of simultaneous equations of which one is
linear and one is quadratic
recognise and solve equations in x which are quadratic in some
function of x, e.g. x 4 5x 2 + 4 = 0.

2. Functions

understand the terms function, domain, range, one-one function,

inverse function and composition of functions
identify the range of a given function in simple cases, and find the
composition of two given functions
determine whether or not a given function is one-one, and find the
inverse of a one-one function in simple cases
illustrate in graphical terms the relation between a one-one function
and its inverse.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Syllabus content

3. Coordinate

find the length, gradient and mid-point of a line segment, given the
coordinates of the end-points
find the equation of a straight line given sufficient information (e.g. the
coordinates of two points on it, or one point on it and its gradient)
understand and use the relationships between the gradients of parallel
and perpendicular lines
interpret and use linear equations, particularly the forms y = mx + c
and y y1 = m(x x1)
understand the relationship between a graph and its associated
algebraic equation, and use the relationship between points of
intersection of graphs and solutions of equations (including, in simple
cases, the correspondence between a line being tangent to a curve
and a repeated root of an equation).

4. Circular measure

understand the definition of a radian, and use the relationship

between radians and degrees
use the formulae s = r i and A = 1 r2 i in solving problems concerning
the arc length and sector area of a circle.

5. Trigonometry

sketch and use graphs of the sine, cosine and tangent functions (for
angles of any size, and using either degrees or radians)
use the exact values of the sine, cosine and tangent of 30, 45, 60,
and related angles, e.g. cos 150 = 1 3
use the notations sin1x, cos1x, tan1x to denote the principal values of
the inverse trigonometric relations
sin i
use the identities
/ tan i and sin2 i + cos2 i / 1
cos i
find all the solutions of simple trigonometrical equations lying in a
specified interval (general forms of solution are not included).

6. Vectors

use standard notations for vectors, i.e. , xi + yj,
AB , a


y , xi + yj + zk,

carry out addition and subtraction of vectors and multiplication of a

vector by a scalar, and interpret these operations in geometrical terms
use unit vectors, displacement vectors and position vectors
calculate the magnitude of a vector and the scalar product of two
use the scalar product to determine the angle between two directions
and to solve problems concerning perpendicularity of vectors.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content

7. Series

use the expansion of (a + b)n , where n is a positive integer (knowledge

of the greatest term and properties of the coefficients are not
required, but the notations KKr OO and n! should be known)
recognise arithmetic and geometric progressions
use the formulae for the nth term and for the sum of the first n terms
to solve problems involving arithmetic or geometric progressions
use the condition for the convergence of a geometric progression,
and the formula for the sum to infinity of a convergent geometric

8. Differentiation

understand the idea of the gradient of a curve, and use the notations

(the technique of differentiation from first
principles is not required)

f(x), f(x),

use the derivative of xn (for any rational n), together with constant
multiples, sums, differences of functions, and of composite functions
using the chain rule
apply differentiation to gradients, tangents and normals, increasing
and decreasing functions and rates of change (including connected
rates of change)
locate stationary points, and use information about stationary points
in sketching graphs (the ability to distinguish between maximum
points and minimum points is required, but identification of points of
inflexion is not included).
9. Integration

understand integration as the reverse process of differentiation,

and integrate (ax + b)n (for any rational n except 1), together with
constant multiples, sums and differences
solve problems involving the evaluation of a constant of integration,
e.g. to find the equation of the curve through (1, 2) for which
=2x + 1
evaluate definite integrals (including simple cases of improper
integrals, such as



x- d x and

x- 2 d x )

use definite integration to find:

 area of a region bounded by a curve and lines parallel to the
axes, or between two curves
a volume of revolution about one of the axes.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Syllabus content

Unit P2: Pure Mathematics 2 (Paper 2)

Knowledge of the content of unit P1 is assumed, and candidates may be required to
demonstrate such knowledge in answering questions.
Candidates should be able to:
1. Algebra

understand the meaning of x, and use relations such as

a = b a2 = b2 and x a < b a b < x < a + b in the
course of solving equations and inequalities
divide a polynomial, of degree not exceeding 4, by a linear or quadratic
polynomial, and identify the quotient and remainder (which may be
use the factor theorem and the remainder theorem, e.g. to find
factors, solve polynomial equations or evaluate unknown coefficients.

2. Logarithmic
and exponential

understand the relationship between logarithms and indices, and use

the laws of logarithms (excluding change of base)
understand the definition and properties of ex and In x, including their
relationship as inverse functions and their graphs
use logarithms to solve equations of the form ax = b, and similar
use logarithms to transform a given relationship to linear form, and
hence determine unknown constants by considering the gradient
and/or intercept.

3. Trigonometry

understand the relationship of the secant, cosecant and cotangent

functions to cosine, sine and tangent, and use properties and graphs
of all six trigonometric functions for angles of any magnitude
use trigonometrical identities for the simplification and exact
evaluation of expressions and, in the course of solving equations,
select an identity or identities appropriate to the context, showing
familiarity in particular with the use of:
sec2 i 1 + tan2 i and cosec2 i 1 + cot2 i
the expansions of sin(A B), cos(A B) and tan(A B)
the formulae for sin 2A, cos 2A and tan 2A
the expressions of a sin i + b cos i in the forms R sin ^i ! ah and
Rcos ^i ! ah .

4. Differentiation

use the derivatives of ex, In x, sin x, cos x, tan x, together with constant
multiples, sums, differences and composites
differentiate products and quotients
find and use the first derivative of a function which is defined
parametrically or implicitly.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content

5. Integration

extend the idea of reverse differentiation to include the integration of

1 , sin(ax + b), cos(ax + b) and sec2 (ax + b) (knowledge of

ax + b
the general method of integration by substitution is not required)
eax + b,

use trigonometrical relationships (such as double-angle formulae) to

facilitate the integration of functions such as cos2 x
use the trapezium rule to estimate the value of a definite integral,
and use sketch graphs in simple cases to determine whether the
trapezium rule gives an over-estimate or an under-estimate.
6. Numerical
solution of

locate approximately a root of an equation, by means of graphical

considerations and/or searching for a sign change
understand the idea of, and use the notation for, a sequence of
approximations which converges to a root of an equation
understand how a given simple iterative formula of the form
xn + 1 = F(xn) relates to the equation being solved, and use a given
iteration, or an iteration based on a given rearrangement of an
equation, to determine a root to a prescribed degree of accuracy
(knowledge of the condition for convergence is not included, but
candidates should understand that an iteration may fail to converge).

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Syllabus content

Unit P3: Pure Mathematics 3 (Paper 3)

Knowledge of the content of unit P1 is assumed, and candidates may be required to
demonstrate such knowledge in answering questions.
Candidates should be able to:
1. Algebra

understand the meaning of |x|, and use relations such as

a = b a2 = b2 and x a < b a b < x < a + b in the
course of solving equations and inequalities
divide a polynomial, of degree not exceeding 4, by a linear or quadratic
polynomial, and identify the quotient and remainder (which may be
use the factor theorem and the remainder theorem, e.g. to find
factors, solve polynomial equations or evaluate unknown coefficients
recall an appropriate form for expressing rational functions in partial
fractions, and carry out the decomposition, in cases where the
denominator is no more complicated than:
(ax + b)(cx + d)(ex + f)
(ax + b)(cx + d) 2
(ax + b)(x2 + c2)
and where the degree of the numerator does not exceed that of the
use the expansion of (1 + x)n, where n is a rational number and |x|<1
(finding a general term is not included, but adapting the standard
N- 1
series to expand e.g. KK2 - 1 x OO is included).
2 P

2. Logarithmic
and exponential

understand the relationship between logarithms and indices, and use

the laws of logarithms (excluding change of base)
understand the definition and properties of ex and In x, including their
relationship as inverse functions and their graphs
use logarithms to solve equations of the form ax = b, and similar
use logarithms to transform a given relationship to linear form, and
hence determine unknown constants by considering the gradient
and/or intercept.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content

3. Trigonometry

understand the relationship of the secant, cosecant and cotangent

functions to cosine, sine and tangent, and use properties and graphs
of all six trigonometric functions for angles of any magnitude
use trigonometrical identities for the simplification and exact
evaluation of expressions and, in the course of solving equations,
select an identity or identities appropriate to the context, showing
familiarity in particular with the use of:
sec2 i 1 + tan2 i and cosec2 i 1 + cot2 i
the expansions of sin(A B), cos(A B) and tan(A B)
the formulae for sin 2A, cos 2A and tan 2A
the expressions of a sin i + b cos i in the forms R sin( i ) and
R cos( i ).

4. Differentiation

use the derivatives of ex, In x, sin x, cos x, tan x, together with constant
multiples, sums, differences and composites
differentiate products and quotients
find and use the first derivative of a function which is defined
parametrically or implicitly.

5. Integration

extend the idea of reverse differentiation to include the integration of

eax + b,

1 , sin(ax + b), cos(ax + b) and sec2(ax + b)

ax + b

use trigonometrical relationships (such as double-angle formulae) to

facilitate the integration of functions such as cos2 x
integrate rational functions by means of decomposition into partial
fractions (restricted to the types of partial fractions specified in
paragraph 1 above)
kf( x )
recognise an integrand of the form
, and integrate, for example,
f( x )
or tan x
x +1
recognise when an integrand can usefully be regarded as a product,
and use integration by parts to integrate, for example, x sin 2x, x2 ex or
In x
use a given substitution to simplify and evaluate either a definite or an
indefinite integral
use the trapezium rule to estimate the value of a definite integral,
and use sketch graphs in simple cases to determine whether the
trapezium rule gives an over-estimate or an under-estimate.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Syllabus content

6. Numerical
solution of

locate approximately a root of an equation, by means of graphical

considerations and/or searching for a sign change
understand the idea of, and use the notation for, a sequence of
approximations which converges to a root of an equation
understand how a given simple iterative formula of the form
xn + 1 = F(xn) relates to the equation being solved, and use a given
iteration, or an iteration based on a given rearrangement of an
equation, to determine a root to a prescribed degree of accuracy
(knowledge of the condition for convergence is not included, but
candidates should understand that an iteration may fail to converge).

7. Vectors

understand the significance of all the symbols used when the

equation of a straight line is expressed in the form r = a + tb
determine whether two lines are parallel, intersect or are skew
find the angle between two lines, and the point of intersection of two
lines when it exists
understand the significance of all the symbols used when the
equation of a plane is expressed in either of the forms ax + by + cz = d
or (r a).n = 0
use equations of lines and planes to solve problems concerning
distances, angles and intersections, and in particular:
find the equation of a line or a plane, given sufficient information
determine whether a line lies in a plane, is parallel to a plane, or
intersects a plane, and find the point of intersection of a line and a
plane when it exists
find the line of intersection of two non-parallel planes
find the perpendicular distance from a point to a plane, and from a
point to a line
find the angle between two planes, and the angle between a line
and a plane.

8. Differential

formulate a simple statement involving a rate of change as a

differential equation, including the introduction if necessary of a
constant of proportionality
find by integration a general form of solution for a first order
differential equation in which the variables are separable
use an initial condition to find a particular solution
interpret the solution of a differential equation in the context of a
problem being modelled by the equation.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content

9. Complex

understand the idea of a complex number, recall the meaning of the

terms real part, imaginary part, modulus, argument, conjugate, and
use the fact that two complex numbers are equal if and only if both
real and imaginary parts are equal
carry out operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
of two complex numbers expressed in cartesian form x + iy
use the result that, for a polynomial equation with real coefficients,
any non-real roots occur in conjugate pairs
represent complex numbers geometrically by means of an Argand
carry out operations of multiplication and division of two complex
numbers expressed in polar form r (cos i + i sin i ) r ei
find the two square roots of a complex number
understand in simple terms the geometrical effects of conjugating a
complex number and of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
two complex numbers
illustrate simple equations and inequalities involving complex numbers
by means of loci in an Argand diagram, e.g. z a < k, z a = z b ,
arg(z a) = a .

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Syllabus content

Unit M1: Mechanics 1 (Paper 4)

Questions set will be mainly numerical, and will aim to test mechanical principles without involving
difficult algebra or trigonometry. However, candidates should be familiar in particular with the following
sin i
trigonometrical results: sin ^90c - i h / cos i, cos ^90c - i h / sin i, tan i /
, sin2 i + cos2 i / 1.
cos i
Vector notation will not be used in the question papers, but candidates may use vector methods in their
solutions if they wish.
In the following content list, reference to the equilibrium or motion of a particle is not intended to exclude
questions that involve extended bodies in a realistic context; however, it is to be understood that any such
bodies are to be treated as particles for the purposes of the question.
Unit M1: Mechanics 1 (Paper 4)
Candidates should be able to:
1. Forces and

identify the forces acting in a given situation

understand the vector nature of force, and find and use components
and resultants
use the principle that, when a particle is in equilibrium, the vector
sum of the forces acting is zero or, equivalently, that the sum of the
components in any direction is zero
understand that a contact force between two surfaces can be
represented by two components, the normal component and the
frictional component
use the model of a smooth contact, and understand the limitations of
this model
understand the concepts of limiting friction and limiting equilibrium;
recall the definition of coefficient of friction, and use the relationship
F = n R or F n R , as appropriate
use Newtons third law.

2. Kinematics of
motion in a
straight line

understand the concepts of distance and speed as scalar quantities,

and of displacement, velocity and acceleration as vector quantities (in
one dimension only)
sketch and interpret displacement-time graphs and velocity-time
graphs, and in particular appreciate that:
the area under a velocity-time graph represents displacement
the gradient of a displacement-time graph represents velocity
the gradient of a velocity-time graph represents acceleration
use differentiation and integration with respect to time to solve
simple problems concerning displacement, velocity and acceleration
(restricted to calculus within the scope of unit P1)
use appropriate formulae for motion with constant acceleration in a
straight line.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content

3. Newtons laws
of motion

apply Newtons laws of motion to the linear motion of a particle of

constant mass moving under the action of constant forces, which may
include friction
use the relationship between mass and weight
solve simple problems which may be modelled as the motion of
a particle moving vertically or on an inclined plane with constant
solve simple problems which may be modelled as the motion of two
particles, connected by a light inextensible string which may pass over
a fixed smooth peg or light pulley.

4. Energy, work
and power

understand the concept of the work done by a force, and calculate the
work done by a constant force when its point of application undergoes
a displacement not necessarily parallel to the force (use of the scalar
product is not required)
understand the concepts of gravitational potential energy and kinetic
energy, and use appropriate formulae
understand and use the relationship between the change in energy
of a system and the work done by the external forces, and use in
appropriate cases the principle of conservation of energy
use the definition of power as the rate at which a force does work,
and use the relationship between power, force and velocity for a force
acting in the direction of motion
solve problems involving, for example, the instantaneous acceleration
of a car moving on a hill with resistance.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Syllabus content

Unit M2: Mechanics 2 (Paper 5)

Knowledge of the content of unit M1 is assumed, and candidates may be required to
demonstrate such knowledge in answering questions.
Candidates should be able to:
1. Motion of a

model the motion of a projectile as a particle moving with constant

acceleration and understand any limitations of the model
use horizontal and vertical equations of motion to solve problems
on the motion of projectiles, including finding the magnitude and
direction of the velocity at a given time or position, the range on a
horizontal plane and the greatest height reached
derive and use the cartesian equations of the trajectory of a projectile,
including problems in which the initial speed and/or angle of projection
may be unknown.

2. Equilibrium of a
rigid body

calculate the moment of a force about a point, in two dimensional

situations only (understanding of the vector nature of moments is not
use the result that the effect of gravity on a rigid body is equivalent
to a single force acting at the centre of mass of the body, and
identify the position of the centre of mass of a uniform body using
considerations of symmetry
use given information about the position of the centre of mass of a
triangular lamina and other simple shapes
determine the position of the centre of mass of a composite body by
considering an equivalent system of particles (in simple cases only,
e.g. a uniform L-shaped lamina)
use the principle that if a rigid body is in equilibrium under the action
of coplanar forces then the vector sum of the forces is zero and the
sum of the moments of the forces about any point is zero, and the
converse of this
solve problems involving the equilibrium of a single rigid body under
the action of coplanar forces, including those involving toppling or
sliding (problems set will not involve complicated trigonometry).

3. Uniform motion
in a circle

understand the concept of angular speed for a particle moving in a

circle, and use the relation v = r
understand that the acceleration of a particle moving in a circle with
constant speed is directed towards the centre of the circle, and use
the formulae r2 and vr
solve problems which can be modelled by the motion of a particle
moving in a horizontal circle with constant speed.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content

4. Hookes law

use Hookes law as a model relating the force in an elastic string or

spring to the extension or compression, and understand the term
modulus of elasticity
use the formula for the elastic potential energy stored in a string or
solve problems involving forces due to elastic strings or springs,
including those where considerations of work and energy are needed.

5. Linear motion
under a variable

for velocity, and
or v
for acceleration, as appropriate
solve problems which can be modelled as the linear motion of a
particle under the action of a variable force, by setting up and solving
an appropriate differential equation (restricted to equations in which
the variables are separable).


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Syllabus content

Unit S1: Probability & Statistics 1 (Paper 6)

Candidates should be able to:
1. Representation
of data

select a suitable way of presenting raw statistical data, and discuss

advantages and/or disadvantages that particular representations may
construct and interpret stem-and-leaf diagrams, box-and-whisker
plots, histograms and cumulative frequency graphs
understand and use different measures of central tendency (mean,
median, mode) and variation (range, interquartile range, standard
deviation), e.g. in comparing and contrasting sets of data
use a cumulative frequency graph to estimate the median value, the
quartiles and the interquartile range of a set of data
calculate the mean and standard deviation of a set of data (including
grouped data) either from the data itself or from given totals such as
x and x2, or (x a) and (x a)2.

2. Permutations

understand the terms permutation and combination, and solve simple

problems involving selections
solve problems about arrangements of objects in a line, including
those involving:
repetition (e.g. the number of ways of arranging the letters of the
restriction (e.g. the number of ways several people can stand in a
line if 2 particular people must or must not stand next to each

3. Probability

evaluate probabilities in simple cases by means of enumeration of

equiprobable elementary events (e.g. for the total score when two fair
dice are thrown), or by calculation using permutations or combinations
use addition and multiplication of probabilities, as appropriate, in
simple cases
understand the meaning of exclusive and independent events,
and calculate and use conditional probabilities in simple cases,
e.g.situations that can be represented by means of a tree diagram.

4. D
 iscrete random

construct a probability distribution table relating to a given situation

involving a discrete random variable X, and calculate E(X) and Var(X)
use formulae for probabilities for the binomial distribution, and
recognise practical situations where the binomial distribution is a
suitable model (the notation B(n, p) is included)
use formulae for the expectation and variance of the binomial


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content

5. The normal

understand the use of a normal distribution to model a continuous

random variable, and use normal distribution tables
solve problems concerning a variable X, where X ~ N ^ n, v2h , including:
finding the value of P(X > x1), or a related probability, given the
values of x1, n, v
finding a relationship between x1, n and v given the value of
P(X > x1) or a related probability
recall conditions under which the normal distribution can be used
as an approximation to the binomial distribution (n large enough to
ensure that np > 5 and nq > 5), and use this approximation, with a
continuity correction, in solving problems.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Syllabus content

Unit S2: Probability & Statistics 2 (Paper 7)

Knowledge of the content of unit S1 is assumed, and candidates may be required to
demonstrate such knowledge in answering questions.
Candidates should be able to:
1. The Poisson

calculate probabilities for the distribution Po( n )

use the fact that if X ~ Po( n ) then the mean and variance of X are
each equal to n
understand the relevance of the Poisson distribution to the distribution
of random events, and use the Poisson distribution as a model
use the Poisson distribution as an approximation to the binomial
distribution where appropriate (n > 50 and np < 5, approximately)
use the normal distribution, with continuity correction, as an
approximation to the Poisson distribution where appropriate ( n > 15,

2. Linear
combinations of
random variables

use, in the course of solving problems, the results that:

E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b and Var(aX + b) = a2Var(X)
E(aX + bY) = aE(X) + bE(Y)
Var(aX + bY) = a2Var(X) + b2Var(Y) for independent X and Y
if X has a normal distribution then so does aX + b
if X and Y have independent normal distributions then aX + bY has
a normal distribution
if X and Y have independent Poisson distributions then X + Y has a
Poisson distribution.

3. Continuous
random variables

understand the concept of a continuous random variable, and recall

and use properties of a probability density function (restricted to
functions defined over a single interval)
use a probability density function to solve problems involving
probabilities, and to calculate the mean and variance of a distribution
(explicit knowledge of the cumulative distribution function is not
included, but location of the median, for example, in simple cases by
direct consideration of an area may be required).


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Syllabus content

4. Sampling and

understand the distinction between a sample and a population, and

appreciate the necessity for randomness in choosing samples
explain in simple terms why a given sampling method may be
unsatisfactory (knowledge of particular sampling methods, such as
quota or stratified sampling, is not required, but candidates should
have an elementary understanding of the use of random numbers in
producing random samples)
recognise that a sample mean can be regarded as a random variable,
and use the facts that E ^ X h = n and that Var ^ X h = n
use the fact that X has a normal distribution if X has a normal
use the Central Limit Theorem where appropriate
calculate unbiased estimates of the population mean and variance
from a sample, using either raw or summarised data (only a simple
understanding of the term unbiased is required)
determine a confidence interval for a population mean in cases where
the population is normally distributed with known variance or where a
large sample is used
determine, from a large sample, an approximate confidence interval
for a population proportion.

5. Hypothesis tests

understand the nature of a hypothesis test, the difference between

one-tail and two-tail tests, and the terms null hypothesis, alternative
hypothesis, significance level, rejection region (or critical region),
acceptance region and test statistic
formulate hypotheses and carry out a hypothesis test in the context
of a single observation from a population which has a binomial or
Poisson distribution, using either direct evaluation of probabilities or a
normal approximation, as appropriate
formulate hypotheses and carry out a hypothesis test concerning the
population mean in cases where the population is normally distributed
with known variance or where a large sample is used
understand the terms Type I error and Type II error in relation to
hypothesis tests
calculate the probabilities of making Type I and Type II errors in
specific situations involving tests based on a normal distribution or
direct evaluation of binomial or Poisson probabilities.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


List of formulae and tables of the normal distribution (MF9)

6. List of formulae and tables of the normal distribution



For the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0:


For an arithmetic series:

u n = a + ^n 1h d,

For a geometric series:

u n = arn 1,

b ! : ^b2 4ach
S n = 12 n ^a + l h = 12 n "2a + ^n 1h d ,

a ^1 rnh
S n = 1 r ^r ! l h,

a ^ r < 1h
S3 = 1

Binomial expansion:


and KK OO =
^n r h !
n ^n 1h 2 n ^n 1h^n 2h 3
^1 + xhn = 1 + nx +
x g, where n is rational and x < 1
2! x

Kn O
Kn O
Kn O
^a + bhn = an + KK OO an 1 b + KK OO an 2 b2 + KK OO an 3 b3 + g + bn, where n is a positive integer


Arc length of circle = ri ^i in radiansh

Area of sector of circle = 12 r2 i ^i in radiansh
sin i
cos i
1 + tan2 i / sec2 i,
tan i /

cos2 i + sin2 i / 1.

cot2 i + 1 / cosec2 i

sin ^ A ! Bh / sin A cos B ! cos A sin B

cos ^ A ! Bh / cos A cos B " sin A sin B
A ! tan B
tan ^ A ! Bh / 1tan
" tan A tan B
sin 2A / 2 sin A cos A
cos 2A / cos A sin2 A / 2 cos2 A 1 / 1 2 sin2 A
tan 2A = 2 tan A
1 tan2 A

Principal values:
12 r G sin1 x G 12 r
0 G cos1 x G r
12 r < tan1 x < 12 r


Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

List of formulae and tables of the normal distribution (MF9)


f^ xh

1n x
sin x
cos x
tan x



f l^ x h
cos x
sin x
sec2 x
u ddvx + v ddux
v ddux u ddvx

dy dy
If x f=
(t) and y g (t) then dx = dt ' ddt

f^ xh


n+1 c n ! 1
1n x + c
ex ex + c
sin x
cos x + c
cos x
sin x + c
tan x + c
sec x

y f (x) dx

y u ddvx dx = uv y v ddux dx
y ffl^^xxhh dx = 1n f^ xh + c


If a = a1i + a2j + a3k and b = b1i + b2j + b3k then
a.b = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3 = a b cos i
Numerical integration

Trapezium rule:

y f ^ xhdx .


h " y0 + 2 ^ y1 + y 2 + g + y n 1h + y n ,, where h = b n a

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


List of formulae and tables of the normal distribution (MF9)


Uniformly accelerated motion

v = u + at,

s = 12 ^u + vh t,

s = ut + 12 at2,

v2 = u2 + 2as

Motion of a projectile

Equation of trajectory is:
y = x tan i
Elastic strings and springs

2V cos2 i

T m=

Motion in a circle
For uniform circular motion, the acceleration is directed towards the centre and has magnitude
~2 r or
Centres of mass of uniform bodies



Triangular lamina:

Solid hemisphere of radius r: 83 r from centre

Hemispherical shell of radius r: 12 r from centre

Circular arc of radius r and angle 2a:

Circular sector of radius r and angle 2a:

Solid cone or pyramid of height h: 34 h from vertex

along median from vertex

r sin a
a from centre
2r sin a
3a from centre

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

List of formulae and tables of the normal distribution (MF9)


Summary statistics

For ungrouped data:

x = n ,

standard deviation =

/ ^ x x h2

/ x2

n x2

For grouped data:

/ xf
x = / ,

/ ^ x x h2 f

standard deviation =

Discrete random variables

/ x2 f
/ f x

E ^ X h = / xp
Var ^ X h = / x2 p "E ^ X h, 2

For the binomial distribution B(n, p):

p r = KK OO pr ^1 phn r,

For the Poisson distribution Po(a):

n = np,

v2 = np ^1 ph

p r = ea ar! ,

n = a,

v2 = a

Continuous random variables

E ^ X h = xf ^ x h dx

Var ^ X h = x2 f ^ x h dx "E ^ X h, 2
Sampling and testing

Unbiased estimators:

x= n ,

^/ xh2 ON
s2 = n 1 1 K/ x2 n O

Central Limit Theorem:

X + N ` n, n j

Approximate distribution of sample proportion:

KJ p ^1 phNOO
N K p,
n P

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


List of formulae and tables of the normal distribution (MF9)


If Z has a normal distribution with mean 0 and

variance 1 then, for each value of z, the table gives
the value of U ^ z h , where
U ^ z h = P ^Z G zh .

For negative values of z use U ^ zh = 1 U ^ z h .

Critical values for the normal distribution

If Z has a normal distribution with mean 0 and
variance 1 then, for each value of p, the table
gives the value of z such that
P ^ Z G zh = p.




















Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Mathematical notation


Mathematical notation

Examinations for the syllabus in this booklet may use relevant notation from the following list.
1.Set notation

{x1, x2, ...}
{x :...}


is an element of
is not an element of
the set with elements x1, x2, ...
the set of all x such that
the number of elements in set A
the empty set
the universal set
the complement of the set A
the set of natural numbers, {1, 2, 3, ...}
the set of integers, {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}
the set of positive integers, {1, 2, 3, ...}
the set of integers modulo n, {0, 1, 2, ..., n 1}
the set of rational numbers, $ q : p d Z, q d Z .
the set of positive rational numbers, " x d Q : x 2 0 ,
set of positive rational numbers and zero, " x d Q : x H 0 ,
the set of real numbers
the set of positive real numbers, " x d R : x 2 0 ,
the set of positive real numbers and zero, " x d R : x H 0 ,
the set of complex numbers
(x, y)
the ordered pair x, y
the cartesian product of sets A and B, i.e. A B = "^a, bh : a d A, b d B ,

is a subset of

is a proper subset of
[a, b]
the closed interval " x d R : a G x G b ,
[a, b)
the interval " x d R : a G x 1 b ,
(a, b]
the interval " x d R : a 1 x G b ,
(a, b)
the open interval " x d R : a 1 x 1 b ,
y R x
y is related to x by the relation R
y ~ x
y is equivalent to x, in the context of some equivalence relation

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Mathematical notation

2.Miscellaneous symbols
is equal to

is not equal to

is identical to or is congruent to

is approximately equal to

is isomorphic to

is proportional to
is less than

is less than or equal to, is not greater than
is greater than

is greater than or equal to, is not less than
p q
p and q
p q
p or q (or both)
~ p not p
p q
p implies q (if p then q)
p q
p is implied by q (if q then p)
p q
p implies and is implied by q (p is equivalent to q)

there exists

for all

a + b
a b
a b, ab, a.b
a b, b , a / b

i =1


a plus b
a minus b
a multiplied by b
a divided by b
a1 + a2 + ... + an
a1 a2 ... an

i =1


f : A B
f : x y
lim f(x)


the positive square root of a

the modulus of a
n factorial
the binomial coefficient ________ for n d Z
r! (n r)!
n(n 1)...(n r + 1)
or ________________ for n d Q
the value of the function f at x
f is a function under which each element of set A has an image in set B
the function f maps the element x to the element y
the inverse function of the function f
the composite function of f and g which is defined by gf(x) = g(f(x))
the limit of f(x) as x tends to a

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Mathematical notation

x, x

an increment of x
the derivative of y with respect to x

dn y
the nth derivative of y with respect to x
f (x), f (x), , f (n) (x)

the first, second, ..., nth derivatives of f(x) with respect to x

y y dx
y y dx

the indefinite integral of y with respect to x

the definite integral of y with respect to x between the limits x = a and x = b


the partial derivative of V with respect to x

xo , xp , ...

the first, second, ... derivatives of x with respect to t

5. Exponential and logarithmic functions

base of natural logarithms
e , exp x
exponential function of x
loga x
logarithm to the base a of x
ln x, loge x
natural logarithm of x
lg x, log10 x
logarithm of x to base 10
6. Circular and hyperbolic functions
sin, cos, tan,
cosec, sec, cot

the circular functions

sin 1, cos1, tan 1,

cosec1, sec1, cot 1

the inverse circular functions

sinh, cosh, tanh,

cosech, sech, coth

the hyperbolic functions

sinh 1, cosh 1, tanh 1, the inverse hyperbolic functions

cosech 1, sech 1, coth 1
7.Complex numbers
Re z
Im z
arg z

det or | |

square root of 1
a complex number, z = x + i y = r(cos + i sin )
the real part of z, Re z = x
the imaginary part of z, Im z = y
the modulus of z, z = x 2 + y 2
the argument of z, arg z = , <
the complex conjugate of z, x i y

a matrix
the inverse of the matrix
the transpose of the matrix
the determinant of the square matrix

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


Mathematical notation

a the vector a
the vector represented in magnitude and direction by the directed line
segment AB

a unit vector in the direction of a
i, j, k
unit vectors in the directions of the cartesian coordinate axes
|a|, a
the magnitude of a
| AB |, AB
a . b
a b

the magnitude of AB
the scalar product of a and b
the vector product of a and b

10. Probability and statistics

A, B, C, etc. events
union of the events A and B
intersection of the events A and B
probability of the event A
complement of the event A
probability of the event A conditional on the event B
X, Y, R, etc.
random variables
x, y, r, etc.
values of the random variables X, Y, R, etc.
x1, x2, ... observations
f1, f2, ...
frequencies with which the observations x1, x2, ... occur
probability function P(X = x) of the discrete random variable X
p1, p2, ...
probabilities of the values x1, x2, ... of the discrete random variable X
f(x), g(x), ...
the value of the probability density function of a continuous random variable X
F(x), G(x), ...
the value of the (cumulative) distribution function P(X x) of a continuous
random variable X
expectation of the random variable X
expectation of g(X)
variance of the random variable X
probability generating function for a random variable which takes the values
0,1, 2, ...
B(n, p)
binomial distribution with parameters n and p
Poisson distribution with parameter
N(, )
normal distribution with mean and variance 2

population mean

population variance

population standard deviation
sample mean
x , m
s2, 2 unbiased estimate of population variance from a sample,
s2 = ____ (xi x )2

Cov(X, Y)


probability density function of the standardised normal variable with

distribution N(0, 1)
corresponding cumulative distribution function
product moment correlation coefficient for a population
product moment correlation coefficient for a sample
covariance of X and Y

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.

Other information


Other information

Equality and inclusion

Cambridge International Examinations has taken great care in the preparation of this syllabus and
assessment materials to avoid bias of any kind. To comply with the UK Equality Act (2010), Cambridge has
designed this qualification with the aim of avoiding direct and indirect discrimination.
The standard assessment arrangements may present unnecessary barriers for candidates with disabilities
or learning difficulties. Arrangements can be put in place for these candidates to enable them to access the
assessments and receive recognition of their attainment. Access arrangements will not be agreed if they
give candidates an unfair advantage over others or if they compromise the standards being assessed.
Candidates who are unable to access the assessment of any component may be eligible to receive an
award based on the parts of the assessment they have taken.
Information on access arrangements is found in the Cambridge Handbook which can be downloaded from
the website

This syllabus and the associated assessment materials are available in English only.

Grading and reporting

Cambridge International A Level results are shown by one of the grades A*, A, B, C, D or E, indicating
the standard achieved, A* being the highest and E the lowest. Ungraded indicates that the candidates
performance fell short of the standard required for grade E. Ungraded will be reported on the statement of
results but not on the certificate. The letters Q (result pending), X (no results) and Y (to be issued) may also
appear on the statement of results but not on the certificate.
Cambridge International AS Level results are shown by one of the grades a, b, c, d or e, indicating the
standard achieved, a being the highest and e the lowest. Ungraded indicates that the candidates
performance fell short of the standard required for grade e. Ungraded will be reported on the statement
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also appear on the statement of results but not on the certificate.
If a candidate takes a Cambridge International A Level and fails to achieve grade E or higher, a Cambridge
International AS Level grade will be awarded if both of the following apply:
the components taken for the Cambridge International A Level by the candidate in that series included
all the components making up a Cambridge International AS Level
the candidates performance on these components was sufficient to merit the award of a Cambridge
International AS Level grade.

Entry codes
To maintain the security of our examinations, we produce question papers for different areas of the world,
known as administrative zones. Where the component entry code has two digits, the first digit is the
component number given in the syllabus. The second digit is the location code, specific to an administrative
zone. Information about entry codes for your administrative zone can be found in the Cambridge Guide to
Making Entries.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics 9709. Syllabus for examination in 2017 and 2018.


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Cambridge International Examinations February 2015


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