Yr6 Transition Evening Booklet

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Primary to Secondary School: Students views

Welcome from the Headteacher and Head of Year 7

The Transition Timeline

A Guide to the Year 6 Transition Evening

What to expect on Induction Day

Getting ready for September: Useful contact information and Twitter

Term Dates and The School Day


What will I be studying? and Homework


School Lunch information


Buying school uniform


Expectations of school uniform and Basic school equipment


PE Kit and Expectations of the PE department


Documents to complete and return to school

Free School Meals, Pupil Premium and Home to School
Transport information


Bewerley Park Residential letter and payment form


Cashless Catering letter, Frequently asked questions and Consent form


Keal Teamwear order form


Archbishop Holgates School Association


200 Club information


Uniform and equipment check list


Thinking about transport to and from school


Bus service information


Helpful tips using public or school bus services


School Life: Rewards Creating a positive working environment


Outstanding behaviour


Extra Curricular Activities and Tutor Programme


Other Expectations: E-Safety Policy, Use of social media and

Rules about mobile phones


Attendance at school


What do I do if?



The move from primary school to secondary school can be scary, and many of you might be feeling
a bit nervous about September. But do you really need to be? Heres what some of our current
KS3 students have to say
Former Badger Hill pupil
Before I started at Archies I was worried about
Being bullied!
The lessons being hard!
The older kids would they be nice to me?
But when I arrived in Year 7
I realised that the teachers were nice. I really enjoyed my Maths lessons with Mr Hunt (hes
funny!) and my PE lessons with Miss Nicol (she sometimes brings Ripley!!!). I made lots of new
friends easily and didnt have to worry about being bullied, or whether the older kids would be
nice to me or not. I enjoyed the food in the canteen! Its always really nice! They serve all sorts of
deliciousness! And they also have International Food days, where you get to experience food
from other countries.
Gabriella (Form 7Kx)
What subjects do you like?
I am enjoying Science because its very different and I also like
Product Design and Food Technology because those lessons are
new to me and its interesting to learn something new. But my
favourite subject is Music!
What has been the most enjoyable experience youve had so
Ive enjoyed making new friends and joining clubs (there are over
50!). At Science Club, I dissected a heart and got to blow stuff up
and at Drama Club, we were looking at stereotypes and I found
that fun.
Former Stamford Bridge Pupil
Before I started at Archies I was worried about
Getting lost!
Making new friends!
Managing more homework!
Whether or not Id like the teachers!
But when I arrived in Year 7
There were Year 8 Buddies who were attached to my form to help us find our way around school
and stop us from getting lost! Older students and teachers also stopped and asked us if we needed any help if we looked confused
We went to Bewerley Park in the Autumn term and had an amazing time!!! It was a good way to
get to know people in my form and other pupils in my year better. I also really liked the food sold
in the canteen and still do!
Owen (Form 7Kx)
What subjects do you like?
I really like RE, English, Science, History, Art and PE!
What do you like about your Head of Year, Mrs Edmondson,
and your Form Tutor, Mr Knox?
Mrs Edmondson is a really inspiring person and is easy to talk to.
Mr Knox is really funny! Hes my History teacher, as well as my
Form Tutor, so I see him lots!

Welcome to our Year 6 Transition Evening

Dear Parent or Carer,
Welcome to Archbishop Holgates School and thank you for entrusting us with the
care of your child, hopefully for the next seven years. I hope that your child will be
happy here and that they will enjoy the experience of learning with us in all kinds
of ways.
There are many reasons why schools are regarded as successful, but one of the main elements is
through the collaboration and relationships between student, parent and school. I would like to
reassure you that my colleagues and I will always be available to discuss the education and
personal development of your child and as part of this commitment I personally make it a priority
to send out a Newsletter to parents each and every week.
As a school community we promise to do everything possible to help your child make the most of
their individual gifts and talents. Over the next few weeks we look forward to continuing to work
closely with all our new students and their families in order to ensure that the move to secondary
education is as effective as possible. As such, this booklet is designed to explain both the
Induction Days and activities which are to follow and provide a variety of useful information to
assist you in supporting your childs transition to secondary education.
Archbishop Holgates is a flourishing school signified by examination results, sporting and musical
achievements, a wide and varied programme of extra-curricular opportunities and whole school
celebrations, both for students at the end of each term and for the entire school community on
occasions like the Christmas Minster Service. We are a school committed to ensuring that our
students develop in all ways and at the heart of all we do is a commitment to Values, Care and

Christian values that underpin all we do

Outstanding pastoral care that sees each student as an individual

Maximum achievement for all students, at all levels

May I finish by saying how much I am looking forward to meeting you and your child and working
together in the years ahead. The future for Archbishop Holgates is an exciting one and I am
confident that collectively we can support your child to reach their potential in everything they
Mr Daly, Headteacher
My role, along with the team of Year 7 Form Tutors, is to make sure your child is
happy, settled and confident. Personally, I aim to ensure that every child enjoys
their first year here at Archbishop Holgates School. It is an exciting time, but also
an opportunity for a fresh start; an opportunity to create a positive impression;
an opportunity to embark on a new adventure and to be a successful individual
within our community.
Form Tutors will help your child to feel secure and to make new friends within their class and
across the year group. They will encourage your child to take advantage of the many clubs,
activities and social events over the course of the year. As a pastoral team, we will also be there
to guide your child and solve any problems they encounter. This is an important time in your
childs life and we will strive to ensure it is positive and memorable.

Mrs Edmondson, Head of Year 7


Year 6 Transition Evening

Monday 4 July 2016


Welcome Mr Daly (Headteacher)

Settling into Secondary School Mrs Edmondson (Head of Year 7)

A review of Year 7 at Archbishop Holgates Year 7 student
Presentation of school uniform Mrs Sylph (Assistant Head:
Pastoral Care, Inclusion and Transition)

Group A

Opportunity to sign-up for Bewerley Park Residential,

buy/view uniform and PE kit, refreshments, ask any
Questionsin the Sixth Form building


Group B

Form Tutor presentation in Form Room

Group A

Opportunity to sign-up for Bewerley Park Residential,

buy/view uniform and PE kit, refreshments, ask any
Questionsin the Sixth Form building

Group B


Form Tutor presentation in Form Room


The Headteacher, Senior Staff and SENCo will be pleased to answer

any questions that parents may have.

What to expect on the Induction Days

Wednesday 6 and 13 July 2016, 9.00am-3.00pm
This is a chance for students to experience a day at Archbishop Holgates School before starting
in September they will spend some time with their Form Tutor, meet new friends, start finding
their way around the building, try a school lunch and sample some lessons. Students will have
time to ask questions about anything that is worrying them and find out everything they will
need to know for starting in September. Hopefully these days will put their minds at rest and
stop any concerns over the holidays.

9.00 -9.25

Assembly in the Main Hall - Meet Mr Daly (Headteacher) and

Mrs Edmondson (Head of Year 7)


Session 1


Session 2




Session 3




Tutor Time News/Thought for the Day


Session 4


Session 5


Assembly in the Main Hall with YoYo/Mrs Edmondson


Time to go home students can wait for older brothers/sisters if needed

The sessions on each day will be on a carousel basis and will consist of time with Form Tutors, a
tour of the school, getting their biometric print taken and some exciting taster lessons. The
sessions will all take place with their Tutor Group.
Please arrive for 9.00am and go straight to the Main Hall (staff will be at the Main Reception as
guides). Students will need to wear comfortable clothes, such as tracksuit bottoms, jeans and
trainers. There is no need to bring any money as a school lunch will be provided on these days.

Getting ready for September

Useful contact information
Key pastoral staff at Archbishop Holgates:
Mrs Edmondson

Head of Year 7

Mrs Sylph

Assistant Head: Pastoral Care,

Transition and Inclusion

Miss Nicol

Special Educational Needs

Mrs Stainsby

Pastoral Care Safeguarding

and Attendance

Ms Bhogal

Form Tutor7Bl

Miss Balmer

Form Tutor7Bm

Mr Bryan

Form Tutor7By

Miss Gray

Form Tutor7Gr

Mr Goldsmith

Form tutor7Gs

Mrs Harvey

Form Tutor7Hv

Mr Knox

Form Tutor7Kx

Mr OBrien

Form tutor7Ob

Mrs Shaw /
Miss Kady

Form Tutor7Sa

Mrs Weston /

Contact details:
Archbishop Holgates School
Hull Road
YO10 5ZA

Tel: 01904 411341

Email staff via:



Form Tutor7Ws

Mrs Stead

Pastoral Support Worker

Miss Robinson

Attendance Administrator

Other ways to stay in touch with the school include our whole school Twitter account and weekly
Newsletters which are sent electronically.
Please follow us on Twitter @AHSYork to keep up to date with the latest news and events.

Term Dates 2016-2017

Staff Training Day
Students restart
Staff Training Day
Half Term
Term Ends

Monday 5 September 2016 (School closed to students)

Tuesday 6 September 2016
Thursday 29 September 2016
24-28 October 2016 (inclusive)
Friday 16 December 2016


Students restart
Half Term
Term Ends

Tuesday 3 January 2017

20-24 February 2017 (inclusive)
Friday 7 April 2017


Staff Training Day
Students restart
May Bank Holiday
Half Term
Term Ends
Staff Training Days

Monday 24 April 2017 (School closed to students)

Tuesday 25 April 2017
Monday 1 May 2017
29 May 2 June 2017 (inclusive)
Friday 21 July 2017
24-26 July 2017 (School closed to students)

The School Day


Registration tutor time

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Registration tutor time
Period 5
End of school

What will I be studying

Each week is broken down into 25 periods of study. The table below tells you which subjects you
will study and for how many lessons each week you will study them in Year 7.

Number of Hours

Tutor Group
Tutor Group
Tutor Group
Tutor Group

French or German
Product Design
Food or Textiles


Tutor Group
Mixed F/M

You will receive a homework timetable telling you which subjects will set homework on each
night. There will be at least two subjects allocated to each day. Homework should take between
20 and 30 minutes per subject per night in Year 7. If you find it taking you much longer or shorter
than this speak to your Form Tutor. Make sure you have a safe place to store your books at home
even if this is just a strong cardboard box under you bed. When doing homework ensure you are
away from distractions, always complete homework early to allow for time to ask for help at
school if you need it.

Subjects that have only one hour per week set homework fortnightly.
Subjects that have more than one hour per week will set homework weekly.
Make sure you write all homework into your planner as soon as it is set, parents are expected to
sign the planner each week to confirm that work has been completed.
Detentions will be given for students who do not complete their homework without a valid reason.
If students are struggling with their homework, they need to see their class teacher, who will be
more than happy to help them, or go to Homework Club in the ICT Hub which runs every evening
until 4.15pm.


School Lunches
A flavour of what we offer..







Chicken Stir

Italian Beef

Slow Roast
Pork &



Side Option


Side Salad



Potatoes &


with Goats


Broccoli &




Pudding &


Tropical Fruit

Down Cake
& Custard

Sponge Cake

Curry of the

Thai Green


Tikka Masala



Mr Richardson, Catering Manager, and the Kitchen staff at Archbishop Holgates pride themselves
on providing and excellent well-rounded menu whilst encapsulating food and cultures from
around the world. Hopefully introducing students to new ideas about food which is reflected in
our menu cycle, this is brand new for this year.
We also work very closely with staff and students, a good example
of this is using fresh produce from the schools allotment in as
many dishes as possible. We look forward to seeing your child in
the dinner queue in September.


Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

These eight practical tips cover the basics of healthy eating and can help you make healthier choices.
Base your meals on starchy carbohydrates
Eat lots of fruit and veg
Eat more fish including a portion of oily fish
Cut down on saturated fat and sugar
Eat less salt
Get active and be a healthy weight
Drink lots of water
Don't skip breakfast
And remember to:
Eat the right amount of calories for how active you are, so that you balance the energy you consume
with the energy you use. If you eat or drink too much, you'll put on weight.
Eat a wide range of foods to ensure that you're getting a balanced diet and that your body is receiving
all the nutrients it needs.
Dont forget to exercise!

As someone who is still growing, and to maintain a basic level of health, you need to:
Do at least 60 minutes of physical activity every daythis should range from moderate activity,
such as cycling and playground activities, to vigorous activity, such as running and tennis.
On three days a week, these activities should involve exercises for strong muscles, such as pushups, and exercises for strong bones, like jumping and running.
Vigorous activities can help you build strong muscles and bones, including anything involving
running and jumping, such as gymnastics, martial arts and football.
You should try to reduce the time you spend sitting watching TV, playing computer games and
travelling by car. Why not walk or cycle to school instead.

At Archbishop Holgates, we have a whole range of

extra-curricular clubs designed to help you stay fit and
healthyget involved!


Buying school uniform

Polo shirt


Boys trousers

Girls trousers

Girls skirt

All students are expected to follow the schools guidelines on uniform. We ask parents to ensure
that students are dressed as follows:
Your appearance is very important. As a student at Archbishop Holgates school you should take
pride in your uniform and ensure as a member of the school community you reflect through your
appearance our values as a highly successful 11 to 18 school. Your uniform should be:
Lower School (Years 7-8)

Claret sweatshirt * (with school logo)

White polo shirt * (with school logo)
Black or navy blue skirt (knee length) or trousers
Plain dark shoes (these have to be suitable for Design Technology and
Science, no boots, trainers or canvas shoes)
Plain black, navy blue or white socks
Plain school bag

* Branded clothing with the school logo is only available from Keal Teamwear, 105 Walmgate,
York YO1 9UA; www.kealteamwear.com or Tel: 01904 624497. Appropriate school trousers
(pictured above) for boys and girls are also available to purchase from Keal Teamwear.
As a school community we would not find the following acceptable:

Wearing nail polish or make-up.

Dyeing hair in unnatural colours.
Haircuts that are not professional or appropriate for a professional work or school
environment. No large hair accessories.
Wearing wrist bands, jewellery, leggings or coloured socks.
Wearing a jacket or hoody rather than a jumper in school.
Wearing a diamond studded earring only plain gold or silver studs (maximum size of 3mm)
are permitted.
Wearing earphones or carrying a mobile phone in your pocket.
Using a handbag rather than a school bag.
Wearing leggings or tight trousers with fashion accessories such as zips.
Wearing skirts that are above the knee in length.

These items are not appropriate as they are fashion garments and this is a professional school
environment where students need to focus on learning.
Students will be asked to remove any items which are not appropriate. They will be confiscated
and students will be given a code in their Planner. Items will be handed into Reception and
returned to the student at the end of the day.

Expectations of school uniform

School trousers/skirts
Trousers must be school trousers, not fashion or fitted/legging type trousers. They should have no
motifs, branding, coloured stitching or zips. Denim or linen trousers are not permitted. Trousers
should be black or navy blue. School skirts must be plain, navy blue or black and below the knee.
Appropriate school trousers are available from our preferred supplier, Keal Teamwear in Walmgate.
These trousers will meet our uniform expectations if you are unsure about others you have seen.
School shoes
All students must wear plain black shoes that have no logos or
white/coloured decorative elements. Boots are not allowed as part
of school uniform. The red line on the images above indicate how
the top edge of the shoe should fit under the ankle bone.
Trainers, sandals, backless or cloth footwear are totally inappropriate and can be a health and safety
hazard when using the many staircases in school or when working in some classroom environments,
such as Science or Technology.
Socks must be plain black, white or blue. Tights can be flesh coloured, black or navy blue.
School bags
A students main school bag must be large enough to properly carry an A4 ring
binder. Smaller bags are not appropriate as a main school bag. Handbag or purse
style bags for girls are not appropriate as a main school bag.
Students who arrive with the incorrect uniform will be given the opportunity to change into correct
uniform. If they refuse to do so they will be escorted to isolation. If there is a particular reason why
your child is not in the correct uniform, please contact school in personwe will not accept notes or
messages written in the Planner.

Basic school equipment students must have

Students must have the following equipment (shown above):

A pencil case; 2 black or blue ball-point pens; 2 HB pencils; an eraser; a pencil sharpener; a
compass; a protractor and a 30 cm ruler. Students will also need a scientific calculator and an
apron for Food Technology.



PE Kit
Boys and Girls both need:

Specific to boys:

Specific to girls:

Sports Kit
Football boots
Trainers (non-Marking soles)
Navy blue T-shirt with logo
(round or polo neck) *
Navy blue reversible games top with logo *
Navy blue shorts with logo *
Navy blue long football socks
Short white ankle socks
Swimming trunks/shorts
Optional: Tracksuit Pants navy blue with logo*


Football boots
Trainers (non-Marking soles)
Navy blue T-shirt with logo
(round or polo neck) *
Navy blue sweatshirt with logo *
Navy blue shorts with logo *
Navy blue long football socks
Short white ankle socks
Swimming costume
Optional: Tracksuit Pants navy blue with logo *
Navy blue games skirt

* Branded kit with school logo is only available from Keal Teamwear

Expectations of the PE department

Students must always bring their PE kit. A valid note will be required if a student is excused
from taking part physically. Students will still get changed and be engaged in the learning of the
lesson. Support and sanctions are in place when students forget items of kit as required. If
students forget their PE kit, they are expected to wear a spare kit provided by school. The
correct PE kit must always be brought to every lesson. Any students with long hair are
expected to bring a hair bobble to every lesson to tie their hair back. All jewellery must be
removed for every lesson.
There will be an opportunity to purchase and/or order items of school uniform at the Year 6
Transition Evening on Monday 4 July. Alternatively, Archbishop Holgates PE kit can be
purchased from Keal Teamwear, 105 Walmgate, York YO1 9UA or via website:
www.kealteamwear.com, Tel: 01904 624497.

Documents to complete and return to the school

Bewerley Park residential information and form
Cashless Catering information and form (if not already returned)
Keal Teamwear order form
Archbishop Holgates School Association and form
200 Club information and form

Free School Meals, Pupil Premium and

Home to School Transport information
If parents wish to check their entitlement to Free School Meals,
Pupil Premium payments and Home to School Transport,
information is available at www.york.gov.uk / School Services or
01904 551554.



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Year 7 three-day Residential Experience
Bewerley Park Centre for Outdoor Education, near Pateley Bridge
Wed Fri 9-11 / 16-18 / 23-25 November 2016

Name of Student:




Tel No:


I enclose a payment of 100 for a place on the Year 7 three-day Residential Experience at
Bewerley Park for my son / daughter.
I understand that the balance of 80 is due by Friday 30 September.
I also understand that places which are not fully paid for by then may not be secured.
Signature of parent/carer: ____________________________________
Cheques should be made payable to Archbishop Holgates School and handed in on the
evening of Monday 4 July or to the Sixth Form Reception by Friday 22 July.
If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium Support please see our Pupil Premium staff on the
evening of Monday 4 July in the sixth Form building or contact Mrs Mennell at the school
(01904 411341 or mmennell@archbishopholgates.org).



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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Cashless System?

A cashless catering system is a solution, which is purpose designed to meet the ever evolving needs and demands of the catering
provision that is required by todays schools and academies. The Trust-e Cashless Solution allows schools to be better able to
provide their students with a faster, more efficient and more appealing meal service.
What is Biometric?
Biometric is simply a method of identifying an individual person. We will be using an algorithm based scan, which reads between
50 & 130 points on the finger/thumb. It is not a fingerprint in any way, shape or form and is of use only in the cashless system.
How does a Biometric System work?
The information of a student or staff member, who has been biometrically registered, is stored on a secure Biometric Controller
within the school, which only our provider, Nationwide Retail Systems Ltd, can access. Once an account is credited the student or
staff member places their finger/thumb on the EPOS Terminal, which looks up their account details and allows them to purchase
items using only this method of identification.
How does my child register on the Biometric System?
Students will be registered at the registration terminal by Finance staff at Sixth Form Reception where they will be required to
place their finger/thumb on a Biometric sensor twice to obtain a matching template, which only takes a few seconds. If you have
chosen to Opt Out of this procedure or not completed a form, your child will be presented with a 4 digit PIN Code.
What methods of payment can be used to credit an account?
Any amount can be credited to an account by way of any of the following methods. Once an account has been credited the monies
cannot be withdrawn and must be spent on the school meal/break services.
Cash at the Revaluation Units
Revaluation units will be sited at different locations within the school. These can be used to top up accounts by the student/member of
staff placing their finger/thumb on the sensor or by entering their 4 digit PIN Code followed by inserting the accepted tender
20, 10, 5
Coins: 2, 1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p (Please note copper coins are not accepted)
On-Line Payments
The school has an On-Line Payments System (WisePay). To access this please go to the school website and use the Wisepay tab on the
homepage to make an electronic payment. Many parents will already be using this system, as it is used to pay for trips and other
items; if you have not used this system or need to know your login details, please contact lwaudby@archbishopholgates.org or
speak to a member of the Finance Team.
How can I check the credit on an account?
This can be done by the account holder placing their finger/thumb on to the revaluation machine or by entering a 4 digit PIN Code.
The current balance will then be displayed. Alternatively, this can be accessed via the On-Line Payment System (WisePay).
Can I change the daily Spend Limit?
Yes The daily Spend Limit has a default of 5, but this may be changed by written request to the Finance department.
What happens if my childs account is not in credit?
A Lend can be processed at the EPOS Terminal, which will then allow up to one meal to be taken, i.e. an overdraft on the childs
How do free meal entitlements work?
All free meal entitlements will be entered on to the system. The Cashless Catering System will, on a daily basis, automatically
allocate the appropriate account(s) with the free meal amounts, currently 2.35. Students with free meal entitlements are
anonymous at all times as all account types are accessed in the exact same manner regardless as to whether paid for or not. NB:
Any monies not spent from the daily free meal allocation will not be carried over to the next day.
Can anyone else use my childs account?
No Due to the extensive security on Biometric templates no-one will be able to access your childs account. As a secondary
precaution a photo image is allocated to each student. If your child is using a 4 digit PIN Code, which someone obtains and
attempts to use, the photograph shown on the EPOS Terminal will alert the operator that a fraudulent sale was taking place.
My child has an allergy, how will this be monitored
All allergy records registered with the school will be entered on to the Cashless System. When students attempt to purchase an
item, which has ingredients that they are allergic to, the system will alert the operator and prevent them from selling the chosen
Can I dictate my childs dietary requirements?
The system will allow you to register any items that your child is not allowed due to dietary needs or religious beliefs. Any such
items must be confirmed in writing by the parent/guardian to the Finance department.
Can I request a printed report of my childs meal intake?
Yes The Cashless Catering System allows numerous reporting facilities, which includes Dietary Habits. These may be requested
by contacting the Finance department.

Benefits of the Cashless Catering System

Increased speed of service reducing queuing times
Increased uptake on Free School Meals
Anonymity for Free School Meals
Facility to pay On-Line
No need to carry cash
Automatic alerts to stop students purchasing allergy trigger items
Students learn about important lifestyle control by monitoring their own accounts
Reporting facilities help decrease wastage and improve the overall efficiency of the meal service



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Archbishop Holgates School Association

The Archbishop Holgates School Association (AHSA) is a group of staff and parents whose aim is
to raise funds to put back into the school, supporting the events and activities that make a
difference to our students.
This year we have focused our fundraising on renovations for the School Chapel having
successfully completed our project to contribute to the new school minibus and its branding. In
previous years we have supported department and extra curricula events and purchases
including the light batons used in the fantastic school production of Return to the Forbidden
Planet and a significant contribution towards the Spiritual Garden Project. Additional resource
support has included funding video cameras, digital cameras and cases, music keyboards,
equipment for textiles, freezers, display stands, sound speakers and mixers, Duke of Edinburgh
replacement kit, PE team kits, radio microphones, calculators, scanners, competition entrance
fees and donations to help support the work of the students who travel to South Africa.
In addition to fundraising we also act as a support at school events. This maybe by providing tea
and coffee at Open Evenings, to running a bar and refreshments at the School Show, School Play
and Summer Concert or being an additional supporting adult on school trips.
Our biggest commitment is to maintain our school minibuses. We are very fortunate to have
two now and they are used regularly. In addition to frequent PE department trips to sporting
events they are also used for a variety of outings by our Work Skills students, Business Studies
visits, Student Open Days and Work Placements as well as transporting students to competitions
for different subjects and extracurricular clubs. The AHSA help to support this vital asset by
running the 200 Club; the profit from which goes straight back into covering the costs of running
and maintaining the minibuses. Being able to provide this support means that there are no
transportation costs for these events, a huge benefit to all involved.
Our Committee meets approximately six times a year to feedback updates on the schools
strategic direction, develop fundraising ideas and decide on fund allocations, as well as creating
a point of contact between parents, businesses and the school. We have been fortunate in
benefitting from charitable donations from Aviva through their matched fundraising scheme
which has allowed us to increase our charitable donations considerably. We would welcome
similar support from other organisations and have now achieved our registered charity status.
If you would like to join the 200 Club please complete and return the form provided. If you
would like any further information or be involved in any of the AHSA activities mentioned above
please complete and return the slip overleaf to the main school Reception. Please tick all boxes
that apply the more volunteers we have, the more work the School Association can do and the
more our students will benefit.

Miss F Hopkinson and Mrs K Robinson




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Are you able to help?

I am interested in supporting the Archbishop Holgates School Association and would like more
information. My contact details are:

Name: ________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________
Email address: __________________________________


I would like to support the School Associations events and activities by:

Being part of the regular School Association Committee meetings.

Being on the contact list to support events.

Providing contact details for a business to develop Circular Economy connections.

Name: ________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________
Email address: __________________________________
Business name and contact details (if applicable): __________________________________



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Uniform and equipment check list


Tick when


School claret

Football boots and


White polo

Swimming trunks or
shorts/costume and

Black or navy blue

school trousers/

Pencil case

Socksblack, navy
blue or white

2 black or blue
Ballpoint pens

Plain dark shoes

2 HB pencils

School bag


PE T-shirt/
polo shirt

Pencil sharpener

Reversible Games
top (boys)


sweatshirt (girls)


Navy blue shorts

(Optional tracksuit

30cm ruler

Games skirt

Pocket English

Navy blue football

socks, white ankle
socks and shinpads

Scientific calculator
(available from

Tick when


Thinking about transport to and from school

Archbishop Holgates School has a wide catchment area with students attending from York and
further afield, including North Yorkshire and East Riding. There are many different ways to travel
to school to make sure that you arrive safely and on time. The table below is designed to help you
with some of the different transport methods available and the following pages provide details
about school transport.
Many of our students live within a mile of Archbishop Holgates and use
this to their advantage by taking the healthy option and walking to
On foot school. Being aware of the dangers associated with busy road networks
like the Hull Road/Tang Hall Lane and practicing good road safety is key
to enjoying this practical transport method.


A growing number of children cycle to school, taking advantage of the

secure and well-covered bicycle sheds at the front of school. Students in
Years 7 will also have opportunity for Cycle Proficiency training by York
Council road safety team, who will educate students in safer road use as
cyclists. Students who cycle to school must ensure they have a suitable
lock to secure their cycle in the bicycle sheds.

By car

Parents and carers may drop their children off at school by parking near
Badger Hill shops in Yarburgh Road. Please do not use the main school
driveway to drop children off as this becomes a health and safety risk.

By bus

If the service buses listed on the following pages do not serve your area,
a normal public bus may be the best option. For information on bus
services please visit www.arrivabus.co.uk/yorkshire (Tel 0871 2002233)
or York Pullman via www.yorkpullmanbus.co.uk/school-transport/hometo-school-transport-city-of-york/archbishop-holgates-school (Tel 01904

Students are expected to arrive at school by 8.40am at the very latest. If they arrive after 8.45am
they will be given a late code and marked as late on the register. Three codes will lead to a
lunchtime detention. If a student is persistently late they will be given a lunchtime detention on
each day they are late.
The main school doors open at 8.40am. However, Breakfast Club in the LSC is open to all students
from 7.45am, the Library and main Hall are open from 8.00am. Students are able to access any of
the above from these times.


Bus service information

Please find below information about bus routes to Archbishop Holgates School. These are correct
as of 6 June 2016, however we suggest you contact the relevant bus company to confirm the timings
of your route.

First York
East Yorkshire/Wicstun Express
York Pullman

Tel: 01904 883000

Tel: 0871 2002233
Tel: 01482 327142/592929
Tel: 01904 622992


627 via Heworth (Arriva)

Heworth Post Office
Heworth Village
Ashley Park
Hull Road, Garrow Hill (AHS)


Archbishop Holgates School

Ashley Park
Heworth Village
Heworth Glen Gardens


637 via Heworth (Arriva)

York, Stonebow
Heworth Post Office
Heworth Village
Ashley Park Bridge
Archbishop Holgates School


Archbishop Holgates School

Ashley Park Bridge
Heworth Village
Heworth Church
York, Stonebow


748 Stamford Bridge to York to Stamford Bridge (York Pullman)

Gold Cup Inn, Low Catton
Archbishop Holgate School
Telephone Box, High Catton
Stamford Bridge, Roman Avenue
Stamford Bridge, Roman Avenue
Telephone Box, High Catton
Archbishop Holgate School
Gold Cup Inn, Low Catton


10 Stamford Bridge to York to Stamford Bridge (First York)

Stamford Bridge (Roman Avenue)
Hull Road (Black Bull)
Stamford Bridge (The Square)
Gate Helmsley
Gate Helmsley
Stamford Bridge (The Square)
Hull Road (Black Bull)
Stamford Bridge (Roman Avenue)



Bus service information (continued)

10 Nether Poppleton to Hull Road to Nether Poppleton (First York)
York Piccadilly
Hull Road (Black Bull)
Hull Road (Black Bull)
York Piccadilly


747 Pocklington to York to Pocklington (East Yorkshire)

Black Bull
Stamford Bridge
Full Sutton
Full Sutton
Stamford Bridge
Black Bull


Other bus routes that maybe helpful:

York to Grimston Bar to York Park & Ride (First York)
Hull to York to Hull (Wicstun Express)
Pocklington to York (East Yorkshire)
York to Pocklington (East Yorkshire)
Clifton Moor to University to Clifton Moor (First York)

A41 School Service Route (Transport by Archbishop Holgates and York Pullman)
Bus 1:
Starting at Bishop Wilton following the A166, including Yapham, Fangfoss, Full Sutton.
Final route and times will be confirmed.
Bus 2:
Starting at Pocklington following the A1079, including Barmby Moor, Wilberfoss, Newton on
Derwent, Sutton on Derwent, Elvington.
Final route and times will be confirmed.


Helpful tips using public or school bus services

Getting on the bus...
If you are new to public transport, its a good idea to find the stop you will be using so you are
confident you know where to go on your first day.
Make sure you have the correct pass and or money.
Remember to signal to the bus by putting your arm out as soon as you see the correct busif
you dont signal to the driver they will not stop.

Please note, when using a school bus you will have to adhere to the following code of conduct:
Remember to show your pass to the driver (where applicable).
Find a seat and stay seated for the journey. If there are no seats, hold onto the rail (where
standing is permitted).
If the bus has seatbelts, they must be worn.
Do not distract the driver unless in an emergency.
Do not damage the bus or interfere with the cctv or any other safety equipment.
Photos should not be taken without the prior consent of the person(s) concerned.
Always behave sensibly throughout your journey.
Students causing concern on school buses will be placed on a Transport Contract or may be
banned from using the buses altogether.


When your stop is next, ring the bell once. If it has already been rung, you do not need to ring
it again.
If you have to cross the road after you get off the bus, wait until the bus has moved off and you
can see the road clearly in both directions, or go to the nearest available crossing.


You are respectfully reminded that when registering to use the service you undertake to accept the
terms and conditions of travel. This includes sanctions, which would be applied if the required
standards of behaviour are not met. Parents need to be aware that if their child causes any damage
or does not meet the required standard of behaviour on the bus they could:
Have their pass withdrawn.
Be banned from the bus.
Be prosecuted by the police.
Be required to pay for any damage they have caused.


School Life
Rewards Creating a positive working environment
At Archbishop Holgates School we aim to create a positive and motivated atmosphere, within
which students can take pride in what they do. We believe that through formal recognition of
achievement, hard work or community mindedness students will work harder and take more pride
in themselves and their community. Rewards include:

certificates and electronic merits



recognition of effort

positive written comments (in planners and exercise books)

the display of work

work shown to Form Tutor, Head of Year, Head of Department or Headteacher

mentions in Assemblies and Newsletters

subject specific certificates and awards

sporting colours

special commendations letters

school prizes

certificates, postcards

Headteacher rewards

rewards trips

entry to prize draws

Merits are awarded in class or around school in the following categories:

performance beyond expectation

improved performance in lesson

positive attitude to learning

superb effort this lesson

sustained effort over time

exceptional piece of homework

social mindedness

contribution to school community

Merits are also awarded as part of the ongoing tracking and monitoring processes within school for:

excellent attendance

improved attendance

excellent academic performance

improved academic performance

Merits count towards Special Awards, such as certificates, postcards, letters home, entry to prize
draws, reward trips and end of year celebrations, such as the Prom.
By working hard in every lesson and doing the right thing, it means that every student maximises
their time at Archbishop Holgates School as well as every other students.


Outstanding behaviour
...is the only accepted behaviour in AHS and it is non-negotiable
This behaviour stems from collective responsibility and mutual respect and is based on our four
Christian Values. All relationships in school are based on these values.

Before entering the classroom I must always

Throughout the school day, inspired by the example of Jesus life, I must always live these four
Christian Values into being and be kind, polite, respectful and understanding of the needs of


Extra Curricular Activities

Below is a selection of some of the fantastic extra curricular activities on offer
for KS3 students at Archbishop Holgates. This programme evolves
throughout the year and there are already new clubs planned for next year
(just in time for your arrival!), so get involved! Whatever your passion, youll
find a club thats right for you
Super 7s Club Challenge
Each term Year 7 students are given a Super 7s Club Challenge sheet to record
their attendance at any of the schools extra curricular clubs. This is a fun
competition where the student who visits the most clubs receives a prize from
the Head of Year in assemblyHow many clubs can you attend?
Just some of the extra curricular activities on offer include:
Art; Basketball; Boys Aloud (choir); Chess; Cricket; Drama; Football (for boys and girls!); Gymnastics;
History; Hockey; Jazz Band; MFL Cinema; Music Tech; Retro Gaming; Rugby (for boys and girls!);
Student Council; Science; Sign Language; Soul Band; Swimming and Tennis.
Enrichment Days
In addition to this, youll also experience Enrichment Days. During these days, normal lessons are
suspended, and instead, you get to experience a range of activities that are designed to go beyond
the curriculum. Check out the images below of the most recent Year 7 STEM Day (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Maths), which saw them get to grips with a turtle, tarantula and a

Tutor Programme
We are very proud of our tutor programme which we consider to be the sixth lesson of the daythis
is an excellent opportunity for you to spend time with your Form Tutor and members of your form
engaging in a variety of activities, designed to unite, excite and inspire you!
Morning Registration:
Each morning
Thought for the Day/Messages
Whole School Assembly (in Main Hall)
Chapel Rota (in School Chapel)
Afternoon Registration:
Thought for the Day
News/School Council
DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)
Planner Signing/Quiet Reading


Other Expectations
E-Safety Policy
When students join the school you are all asked to sign our school ICT Policy. This is in place to
safeguard our students, staff and the equipment in school.
You are signing up to the following

Students must act responsibly and make use of the schools computers, electronic
devices and the Internet for school-related work only.
Each student has an individual user name and password. This allows each student a
secure way of keeping work on the network. Each student is responsible for the files
kept in his or her area of the network. Students should not let any other student know
their password or allow their area on the network to be shared.
Students must respect computer software copyright and not steal others work or
interfere with work belonging to another student.
Students must be prepared to give permission for members of staff to check personal
storage for viruses and unsuitable material.
Students must not access nor attempt to access any kind of unsuitable material (e.g.
pornography). Students are reminded that the possession of certain types of
unsuitable material may lead to prosecution by the police.
Students must not create or try to run executable scripts on the school network.
Violation of the agreed user policy will result in the suspension of the student
concerned from using the computer network, and parents will be informed. For serious
violations, including any use of computers on or off site to intimidate or bully members
of the school community, students may be excluded from school and the police may
become involved.

This policy applies to all computer use (including the schools WiFi), in ICT lessons, other lessons,
lunchtimes and after school. It also covers any piece of IT equipment used in school, whether owned
by the school or not.

Use of social media

We would ask parents to discourage the use of social media and remind parents that there are age
restrictions for the use of many social media sites. We will take any issues of bullying or name calling
through social media very seriously and deal with appropriately.

Rules about mobile phones

We recognise that mobile phones may be necessary before and after school for some of our students,
but students must have phones turned off and in their bags from 8.45am until 3.10pm. All contact with
and by students during the school day, should be made through the school switchboard 01904
If a mobile phone is seen or heard at any time between 8.50am and 3.10pm it will be confiscated and
returned at the end of the school day. On the third occasion of a students phone being confiscated,
parents will be required to come to school to collect the phone.


Attendance at school
Attending regularly
Good attendance is at the heart of good progress. Children only get one chance at school, and your
childs chances of a successful future may be significantly affected by not attending school regularly.
Parents want their children to get on well in life. Poor attendance will not only cause your child to
fall behind in his or her school work, but will also affect his or her social skills. Please support your
child in doing everything you can to ensure he or she attends school regularly and on time. If your
childs attendance falls below 90% they are considered to have a persistent absence by the
Absence reporting procedures
All absences need to be reported to the Office on the first day of absence. Please ring school (01904
411341) before 9.00am. Please leave a message on the answer machine if we are unable to take
your call.
If your child is going to be away longer than a week, then please ring the school Office to give us an
update on your childs progress.
A letter from a parent or carer is required on return to school, even if you have previously
telephoned the school with a reason for your childs absence.
We cannot always authorise your childs absence, even when an explanation has been given.
Being on time
Being on time is also vital to your childs education. Arriving late at school not only interrupts
learning and causes your child to miss out on their education, but is also disruptive for the teacher
and other students in the class.
Students are expected to arrive at school by 8.40am at the very latest. If they arrive after 8.45am
they will be given a late code and marked as late on the register. Three codes will lead to a
lunchtime detention. If a student is persistently late they will be given a lunchtime detention on
each day they are late.
Parents are asked to arrange all holidays during school holiday periods. You should not expect the
school to agree to an absence for a holiday during term time. Holidays or other absences during
term time mean that your child misses out on important school time both educationally and
socially. It will then cause problems when they return from their holiday, in catching up on the work
that they have missed out on.
A letter must be submitted to the school. Each application will be considered individually. No
holiday requests will be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.
All other requests for an authorised absence should be put in writing and addressed to the
Attendance Administrator, stating clearly why the absence from school is being requested.
Other Authorised Absences
Doctor/Dentist/Hospital appointmentsPlease try to avoid making any appointments for the
doctor/dentist during the school day.
Students leaving the premises during the day must sign out at Reception and sign in again before
retuning to their classes.
Planned absences please make routine medical appointments after school or during the school
holidays eg. dental, hospital. These absences are covered by:
A telephone call from parents, and/or
A letter confirming details of the appointment to be given to Reception prior to the appointment.
On collecting and dropping off your child, please come to the school Reception where your child can
be signed out and signed back in.

What do I do if.
What do I do if I dont like the Tutor Group I
am in?

Speak to Mrs Edmondson or Mrs Stead straight

away. We explained at transition visits that we
would try our best to put you with one of your
friends from your list. This, however, is not
always possible and is also dependent on
language choice.

Where do I go on my first day?

Go to Main Reception where Mrs Sylph and Mrs

Edmondson will be waiting to greet you.

How do I get a locker?

Your Form Tutor will tell you when they are ready
and how much money you need to bring in to
purchase a lock and two keys (keep a spare at

What if I cant do my homework?

See your subject teacher straight away or go to

Homework Club, open every evening in the IT
Hub until 4.00pm.

What if I am late to school?

Go to Main Reception and sign in.

What if I lose something?

Go to Main Reception at either breaktime or

lunchtime. If your property is marked with your
name, staff will return it to you.

What if I forget my packed lunch, PE kit or

books or if I have to contact home in an

Ask the Main Reception staff for permission to

use the phone to call home.

What if I have problems?

See your Form tutor, Head of Year, the nearest

teacher as soon as possible.

What if I am absent?

Your parent/carer needs to telephone school on

the first, and each day thereafter, that you are
absent and explain why.

What if I forget my network password?

See the IT Technician or your ICT teacher.

What do I do if my family contact details


It is important that you let us know of any

changes of circumstance that occur in the future,
including changes of address, changes of
telephone numbers (including your own, your
named Emergency Contacts and your Doctor), or
any other personal changes. Please write a note
or contact Reception with the new details.

What if I bring money or valuables to school? You are advised not to bring valuables into
school. You are responsible for all valuables.


What if I bring my bike to school?

Leave it in the bike shedsLOCKED UP.

What if I am not very happy?

Talk to your Form Tutor, Head of Year or Mrs


What if I lose my locker key?

Go to Main Reception and they will be able to

help you.

What if I feel I am being bullied?

Tell a teacher straight away and they will be able

to sort it out for you.

What if I have no credit on my Cashless Cater- Go to Main Reception and they will be able to
ing account?
ring home and arrange for you to have some
What if I forget my Planner?

See your Form Tutor straight away and they will

give you a temporary Planner sheet.

How will my progress be reviewed?

There are a number of ways throughout the

school year that your progress will be reviewed
(please see below).

How will Year 7 progress be reviewed?

All work will be marked regularly and there will be opportunity for student and parental
feedback throughout this process.
A Cheese and Wine Evening, Thursday 22 September, parents will have the opportunity to
discuss how their child has settled with Form Tutors in an informal setting.
Year 7 Form Tutor Evening, Wednesday 19 October, a chance for parents and students to
discuss progress and settling-in in a more formal situation.
Parents will receive Interim Reports every term.
Year 7 Parents Evening with Form Tutors and Subject Teachers, Wednesday 12 July. An
opportunity for parents and students to discuss social and academic progress during their first
year at Archbishop Holgates School.

Attendance at Parents Evenings

Parents evenings are the most important communication opportunities that we have and as such,
attendance at them is very important. Parents evenings at Archbishop Holgates have been
arranged in a way that makes them as accessible as possible, running from 4.00-7.00pm.
It is an expectation at Archbishop Holgates that all parents and students will attend Parents
Evenings. It is a great opportunity to hear about all the good things your child has been doing and
pick up tips and advice on how they can continue to improve. Your child will receive an
appointment sheet about a week beforehand and they will be required to make appointments with
the staff you would like to meet. You will also receive a copy of your childs full report a few days
before the Parents Evening. It is important to bring both these documents with you.




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