Jet Grouting For Soil Improvement
Jet Grouting For Soil Improvement
Jet Grouting For Soil Improvement
1 Introduction
Jet Grouting
Typical Uses
Health and Safety Issues
Design Considerations
The success of ground improvement is due to good design, appropriate techniques and
most importantly experience and skill on site.
Jet Grouting
Jet grouting differs from permeation grouting in that the intent with the latter is not to
disturb the fabric/structure of the soil whereas with the former this has to be the case
for successful application.
Typical Uses
Because the product of jet grouting tends to be more structural in nature, it has a great
range of application.
When installed beneath buildings it can extend foundations through poor ground or
support them while excavations, often unsupported, are carried out next to them.
It can provide support underground where openings are necessary such as for TBM
break out or break in or cross passages or equally to support tunnel faces. Because it
does not rely on passage through the ground its product usually is more predictable
and significantly less dependent on ground strength or composition.
It can provide ground water control at the base of excavation and prop retaining walls
at the same time. It can truly be a multi-application tool dealing with support,
groundwater control and increasing efficiency of site usage simultaneously.
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Jet grouting consists of drilling down with a small diameter rod system, typically 90130mm in diameter and then injecting a high pressure fluid while rotating and
withdrawing the rod.
There are three basic systems available:(a) Single System
(b) Double system
(c) Triple System
The single system as the name implies, is the injection of grout only at high pressure.
This was the first system to be used and gives limited column diameter and the
borehole has a tendency to become blocked often resulting in ground heave. Column
sizes are small usually up to 1m in diameter.
The double system is effectively the single system with the addition of an air shroud
to the nozzle. The addition of the air shroud increases jetting efficiently dramatically
giving typically 30% or more increase in diameter for the same jetting energy. This
system is very common currently and a number of specialists operate similar systems
of variable power. Typically column diameters being designed and used with the
double system are now approaching 3m due to the advent of more powerful high
pressure pumps.
There are other company specific systems. These are very versatile and powerful
systems with column diameter capability of up to 4-5m in most soils.
The triple system differs from the single and double systems in that the erosion of the
ground is carried out by a high pressure water jet shrouded with air with an additional
low pressure grout line. The column diameters achieved with this system are greater
than those of the single system but the energy is relatively low compared to the double
systems. Columns are usually only up to 1.7m to 2m (in exceptional ground) in
diameter. Some companies have recently increased the power of the triple system to
match that of the double system giving diameter capabilities of 2-3m.
The Xjet system is unique in that it consists of a pair of intersecting air-shrouded
water jets with separate grout jets and is designed to cut a nominal 2m diameter
column in any ground. The figure below shows the concept.
Jet Grout
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It is most applicable in variable weak ground such as soft clays and peat where
overcutting of the design diameter can be a problem.
The ranges of applications for the systems are similar and the selection is a site
specific requirement. The single system is rarely used unless there are concerns about
the air usage and loss of strength so the choice normally rests between the use of the
double or triple system.
Generally the triple system can produce more spoil but is it usually less viscous and
hence offers less risk for blockage and potential structural or ground movement.
Jet grouting historically has been considered as a risky ground improvement process
due to the high pressures involved and the spoil generation. With good experience,
site operatives, site control and proper design the system can be no risky than other
The main risks associated with the process are the use of high pressures and the
potential generation of movement. When jet grouting is carried out beneath buildings
care must be taken to ensure that heave of the walls or floors is maintained within
agreed limits. It is absolutely critical that the construction of the floors and walls can
withstand the potential effect of jet grouting. Where floor construction is poor and
non sealed then it is advisable to maintain a visual inspection and potentially
monitoring during jet grouting. Wall movement during jet grouting can be controlled
in the long term by precise levelling and in the short term by the use of rotating laser
targets fixed to the wall.
Sequence is extremely important during underpinning operations as there is the
possibility of loss of support if too large an area is jetted at the same time. Where
structural foundation condition is poor i.e. poorly cemented masonry or brick then a
pregrouting exercise using lancing or end of casing can be considered with the intent
to reinforce the available bonding and reduce the risk of partial wall collapse into a
freshly completed column. For underpinning work it is usual to restrict the jetting of
adjacent columns to intervals of at least 12 hours. For isolated foundations, the
sequence must be designed to prevent loss of support and in extreme cases temporary
load transfer should be provided during the jet grouting operation.
There is usually excellent bonding between the foundation and the jet grout columns
as subsequent adjacent columns always treat this zone and ensure perfect contact.
Careful attention to the location of any service or underground structure is needed as
grout can end up in services, especially old sewers where the lining is not competent.
It is essential to identify such services prior to grouting and consider the effects of the
scheme on the service. In particular for sensitive services (i.e. gas or chemical
pipelines) additional monitoring and control will be required. For grouting adjacent to
tunnels, due consideration to the effects of the injection pressure needs to be taken
especially in the case of segmental construction.
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When jet grouting, care must be taken to control the spoil return as any blockages are
detrimentaland can cause ground movements if uncontrolled.
Health and Safety Issues
Apart from the H&S issues arising out of adopting this solution in situations where
failure could impact on safety, the technique requires grout to be pumped at high
pressure. Potential failure of grout hoses in this situation needs to be addressed as
escaping grout can impact on a wide area and cause serious injuries through the high
pressure fluid or whiplash of hoses.
Grouting close to underground structures needs careful consideration and any
grouting carried out within 3-5m of any underground structure will require a specific
risk assessment. Wherever possible, consultation with the original designer is
advisable to understand the specifics of the ground improvement.
The use of jet grouting for remedial ground improvement for dams or other water
retaining structures needs careful consideration due to the additional risk of spoil
blockage and subsequent ground fracture creating leakage paths which could
ultimately cause serious problems with the safety of the structure.
Design Considerations
Because of the ability of jet grouting to bond soil particles and create relatively strong
bodies (UCS range 2-10Mpa), the design process is similar to the design of brick or
Strength of treated ground is usually assessed on the basis of unconfined compressive
strength tests of samples obtained by insitu wet sampling or coring. The histograms
shown in the Figure below demonstrate experimental unconfined compressive
strengths in sandy and cohesive soils. The Japan Jet Grouting Association has
adopted these distribution charts, defining the unconfined compressive strength used
for design to be the minimum safe values which range between 1 to 5 percent from
the least values in the whole group.
X (Average) = 12.7
N(Number) = 133
N(Number) = 542
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Unconfined compressive strength
in sandy soil
X (Average) = 2.8
Unconfined compressive strength
in cohesive soil
This definition gives the standard unconfined compressive strengths as follows (where
the Water/Cement ratio of the grout is typically 1)
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Jet grout column layout is designed based upon the two factors:(a) Hole Deviation
(b) Column Diameter
When drilling holes for most operations, hole verticality tolerance is unlikely to be
better than 1 in 100 and is typically specified at 1 in 75. For shallow holes this does
not create an issue but as depth increases it becomes a more important influence on
the design of the jet grout layout.
When creating a jet grout base slab, the design is normally based on a triangular grid.
No Deviation
With Deviation
This figure shows the effect when a single column deviates from the design position.
The solution is to reduce the column spacing. This has a significant influence on cost
as column diameter and spacing determine the quantity of columns.
Validation is as described above. Because jet grouting generally is structurally more
sound, coring can be more successful if care is taken. In addition the process lends
itself to trial exposure whereby a number of initial columns are jetted on site and then
exposed after 24-48 hours to determine size and uniformity. With jet grouting, the
column diameter tends to be the more important parameter for validation as this is
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