B1 91 Production Enhancement
B1 91 Production Enhancement
B1 91 Production Enhancement
Update multiple BOMs simultaneously
Please note that the pre-requisite for this topic is a familiarity with the
In version 9.1 a new resource module is introduced. In this module you can define
different types of resources and manage their capacities. You now have the ability
to define the cost components for machines, labor and other resources used in
production. Furthermore, you can link this information to fixed assets and
employee data.
Defining resources at this level gives visibility of available capacity, allowing you to
avoid bottlenecks and to optimize your production plan. Additionally, you can now
see resource costs included in the final product cost.
Resource Master Data can be found on menu path Resources > Resource Master
The first step is to set up your resource master data. Resources are categorized
by type and group. Here we see a turning machine that is used in producing OC
WoodTrends wood products.
Each resource has a defined unit of measure which will be used to manage
scheduling and calculate costs during production. This machine unit of measure is
A key component of resource definition is the resource standard cost which can
include different types of costs like: amortization, maintenance, overhead and so
There are three predefined types of resources: machine, labor and other. You can
select the relevant type in the Resource Type field in the header of the Resource
Master Data.
When selecting Machine as the Resource Type, the Fixed Assets tab is activated in
the master data record. One or more fixed assets can be selected for a machine.
When selecting Labor as the Resource Type, the Employees tab is activated
(instead of the Fixed Assets tab)and you can select associate employees with this
Other type is used for resources that are not fixed assets or employees.
Each resource type can have a number of resource groups. The resource groups
are used to group together machines, employees or other resources used in
production that have similar types of costs.
In the Resource Group you have the option to set up the standard resource cost
components for that group. You can define up to 10 user-defined cost
components. The name of each cost component is defined on the Resource
Group level.
You can set default values for these cost components at the group level, but also
set different costs at the resource level.
In our business example, OC WoodTrends has five lathe machines that they use
in production. Since they have similar types of costs they have been grouped
together in the same resource group.
Next we will discuss how each of the cost component can be linked to a different
Cost Expense account in G/L Account determination. The sum of the cost
A new Resources tab has been added to the G/L Account Determination window.
Here you can setup cost allocation for resource cost components, by linking a G/L
account to the standard cost components that you have defined in your resource
If you are using standard G/L account determination, there are only ten available
standard cost expenses, each of which is tied to a G/L Account. Although they
may have different names in the different resource groups, the cost components in
the groups are linked directly by number to the cost expense fields in the G/L
account definition. In other words, although you may give the name Amortization
to Resource Standard Cost 1 in Resource A and give the Lease to Resource
Standard Cost 1 in Resource B, both are mapped to the same Standard Cost
Expense 1 and therefore always map to the same account.
You can plan capacities for your resources on the Planning Data tab of each Resource
Master Data record. These standard capacities are defined daily. You can enter the daily
capacity directly or use the Daily Capacity Factors. There are four factors available for
each day. These factors allow easier definition of capacities of specific resource. A factor
can be used, for example, to represent the number of working hours in one shift, the
number of shifts in the specific day, or the number of employees that can perform the
task. The amounts in these four factors are simply multiplied and the result is stored as
the daily capacity for the specific day in the week.
The next step is to generate daily internal capacities for a specific time period. This step is
done in the Set Daily Internal Capacities window in the Resources menu. Here you can
generate capacity values either by copying the standard daily capacities defined in the
Resource Master Data or by entering the capacity manually.
The generated internal capacities can be then viewed in the Resource Capacity window
and also in the Capacity Data tab on the Resource Master data. Note that the time frame
in the Capacity Data tab in the Resource Master Data and in the Resource Capacity
window is defaulted from Resources tab in General Settings. For details, please refer to
the Resources How-to Guide.
The Resource Capacity window provides a complete capacity overview of selected
resources within a selected time period. A user can select Internal, Committed,
Consumed or Available views. In these views you can see the relevant amount of
capacities on a specific calendar day. The meaning of the different views is further
discussed in the next slide.
Capacity of the specific resource can be also viewed in the Capacity Data tab on the
Resource Master data. In this case the capacities are summarized for the capacity period
selected at the top of this Tab. The capacities are displayed as Internal, Committed,
Consumed and Available.
Internal capacity is the full resource capacity in the selected time period.
Committed capacity is the capacity which was allocated to specific Production Order in
the selected time period, but was not issued to production yet (open quantity).
Consumed capacity is the capacity, which was consumed in the selected time period,
for example issued for production in the selected time period.
Available capacity = Internal Committed Consumed
Note: The Committed resource capacity related to the specific Production Order, is
allocated according to the due date of that Production Order.
Note: The capacity is presented on a per warehouse basis. In the Resource Master data,
in the Capacity Data tab, the user can maintain the list of warehouses and assign only the
relevant ones to the selected resource. At least one warehouse must be assigned.
The relevant defaults can be defined in the General Settings > Resources tab.
Please refer to the appendix to learn more about the Resource Capacity window.
Capacity for a resource is measured in the resource units of measure. This UoM
can be a time type unit of measure, like hours or minutes, but it can also be any
other type of unit, such as a cycle, turn and so on. This resource unit is used when
planning and consuming the capacity in bills of materials and in production orders,
including all related transactions, such as the Issue for Production.
In order to translate the quantity in this unit of measure into time, a user has to define the specific
time period it represents. This is defined in the Time per Resource Units field that represents the
quantity in the resource unit of measure and the Resource Units per Time Period
field that represents the number of run times possible for the resource in the time per
resource defined.
The run time of the specific resource is an estimated time required for the
production run and is calculated as follow:
(parent planned Qty x base Qty) x the Time Per Resource Units / Resource
Units Per Time Period values.
The Additional Time is an Additional Qty converted to time and is calculated
as follow:
Additional Qty x the Time Per Resource Units / Resource Units Per Time
The Total Time = Run Time + Additional Time.
Note: Additional quantity will be explained in more details later in this presentation.
Resources are consumed using the Issue for Production document along with items
used in production.
When the Manual issue method is used for a resource component, the consumed
resource quantity can be manually adjusted on the Issue for Production document.
However, when the Backflush issue method is used for resource component, the
consumed resource quantity is derived from received quantity of the final product on
the Receipt from Production document and the Issue for Production document is
created automatically in the background. No adjustments to the quantity are
In the example, we can see an Issue for Production with an item component on the
first row and resource component on the second row.
So What is a by-product?
In the production process, one or more by-products can be produced along with the
main final product within a single production order.
These by-products are then stored in the warehouse as separate items and later are
sold or used again as a component in production.
In our business example, production of window and door frames involves cuts that leave
wood remains that can be re-used for producing smaller sized items. Other examples
Production of chemicals, where beside the main chemical also some side chemicals
can be produced.
Production of food, where also side products can be produced.
Metal plate cutting, where the remains are re-used for production.
By-products are defined in bill of materials and production orders as items, but with
negative quantity.
Both Manual and Backflush issue method are supported for by-product.
By-products are received to warehouse by Receipt from Production, like the main
final product.
Here we see a by-product item with a negative quantity of 1 entered on a production
order row. Since the planned quantity for the finished product is 20, the total of byproducts produced during manufacturing will be -20. Because we know that this
quantity is always produced when making this finished product, we choose to
backflush the by-product.
By-products are received from production into the warehouse by a Receipt from
Production, along with the main final product.
When the Manual issue method is used, then quantities can by manually adjusted.
However, when the Backflush issue method is used then the quantity is derived from
the quantity of the main final product.
The unit price (item cost) of the receipt is defaulted from the selected pricelist, but
can be manually adjusted.
By-products automatically appear on the document.
By-products with Backflush issue method are added or removed together with the
parent item, they are bound together.
By-products with Manual issue method can be added or removed from the document
as independent lines.
The transaction type can also be set for by-product, though it has no direct effect on
stock or accounting. It is recommended to receive rejected by-products into a
different warehouse with different accounts
A new column is available in the Form Setting window called By-Product that
indicates if the item is a by-product or not.
Examples include:
Machine startup time (Resource)
A lead component used to adjust the machine (Item)
The Planned Quantity of Component in Production Order is calculated using this formula:
Planned Quantity = (Parent Planned Qty x Base Qty) + Additional Qty
This rule applies for both items and resources
The new row type field that we mentioned previously when discussing resources
is also very useful for simulating routings on bills of material. Because the three
types of rows are supported (items, resources and text), you can put the bill of
material components in the correct order to simulate routings. The buttons on the
right give you the option to move items up or down within the bill of materials so
that the order of the rows simulates the basic routing.
Here we see an example of a bill of material that has simulated a routing by the
order of the rows. The fourth row has a text field that gives instructions for making
the finished product.
The WIP (Work in Process) account can be added on the bill of material and/or
production order row level.
The WIP account on the row level can be used if you want to manually specify a WIP
account for specific item or resource component.
By default this field is empty and the WIP account from the standard G/L account
determination rules is used.
When specific WIP account is entered then it has a higher priority than other G/L
account determination rules.
One of the enhancements for backflush is that the Issue for Production document
is now generated automatically for backflush components.
Reporting the completion of the final product via Receipt from Production document
generates an Issue for Production in the background for item and resource
components with the backflush issue method.
This enhancement improves the transparency and traceability of the consumption of
components with backflush issue method.
For more information on topics discussed in this lesson, see the How-To Guide on
how to work with resources.
This appendix provides detailed explanations and scenarios for using the
Resource Capacity window.
This Resource Capacity window displays the capacity of the Lathe machine.
In the Capacity Type field we can choose to view the Internal, Committed,
Consumed or Available resource quantity.
In addition to these options, we can also choose to view all types of capacities at
the same time. To do that, we choose the option All and then expand the view as
shown in the image.
Note that in the Committed and Consumed rows, cells that contain values appear
as push buttons. When clicking these buttons, the Resource Capacity Quantity
Details window appears, showing the source documents that generated these
In our example, we see that the committed quantity of 20 cycles is originated from
two production orders, due on 10.11. The consumed quantity of 10 cycles comes
from an Issue for Production document that was posted the same day.
The production manager uses this window to plan and manage the capacity of the
Lathe machine.
He sees that on the 13th the machine will not be able to fulfill the entire
Using the All capacity type view he can also see that on the 12th and 11th , no
work is currently planned for the machine.
To balance the workload of the machine he decides to change the due date of the
production orders from the 13th to the 12th and 11th .
We can see the affect of this action in the lower image. After changing the
production due date, there are no negative quantities in the available capacity row.
Note that the internal capacity is editable. Therefore, the production manager
could also change the internal capacity. For example, he could add more shifts
on the 13th to increase internal capacity. This would increase the resource
availability for the machine on that day.
In the Resource Capacity window we saw in the former slides, the committed
quantity was allocated according to the due date of the production order. However,
another option is to have the system allocate committed quantity also according to
the internal quantity defined for the resource. This means that the committed
quantity of a certain day can be spread automatically over several days when the
commitment is higher than the internal capacity.
For each resource we can define if it is allocated according to the production order
due date or automatically. This is done in the Resource Master Data
Resource Allocation field. We can, however, also change the allocation
method in each row of the production order as shown in the image.
available capacity on the previous two days, he can quickly reallocate the work to those
When working with the Automatic resource allocation, a similar action is done automatically by the
system. When the committed quantity of a production order is higher than the internal quantity, the
system allocates only a partial quantity on the original due date and the rest is allocated to the prior
day. The system continues to allocate the resource quantity and move any remaining quantity to
the prior day as long as the committed quantity of the production order is higher than the internal
Note that the system does not check the total committed quantity of the day but only the committed
quantity of each production order.
In our scenario we have an internal quantity of 36 cycles for the machine. Therefore when
the system plans for a production order with a committed quantity of 40 cycles, it will
schedule 36 for the original due date and 4 cycles for the preceding day. When there are
two production orders for the same date, the system will do the same for both orders. We
see this in the graphic. The system allocated 72 cycles on the 13th (36 cycles from each
order) and the 4 remaining cycles from each order are allocated to the 12th.
It is also important to know that the system checks only the internal and committed quantity and not
the consumed quantity. This means that if the internal quantity is already fully or partially
consumed, the available quantity can still be negative.
We can conclude by saying that when the resource allocation method is On Due Date,
negative available quantity does not necessarily indicate a problem with the resource