Lost in Cyberspace: Harnessing The Internet, International Relations, and Global Security

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Lost in cyberspace:
Harnessing the Internet,
international relations,
and global security

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

68(2) 7077
! The Author(s) 2012
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0096340212438696

Nazli Choucri and Daniel Goldsmith

International relations theory, analysis, policy, and strategy were derived from experiences in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries and, therefore, were built on the assumptions that states are the relevant entities in
world politics, and agreements among states will reduce the potential for conflict and violence. This traditional view respects national borders and territorial integrity and assumes that cross-border transgressions
are exceptions. But some critical features of cyberspace do not correspond with this traditional view of the
state system and the usual ways that nations engage in politics and conflict. Cyberspace has created new ways
to aggravate global tensions and new opportunities for avoiding conflict. Already, new patterns of cyberbased conflict have been exposed, from transnational crime and espionage to cyberwar that could disrupt
military systems, shut down government servers, or damage critical infrastructure. While there is some
emergent cooperation in regard to cyberspace, such as cyber-crime treaties, these efforts are just beginning.
An understanding of how the cyber domain influences international relations theory and practiceincluding
its implications for power, politics, conflict, and waris crucial to the expansion and success of such efforts.

cyber espionage, cyber security, cyberwar, Harvard, international relations, Iran, MIT, Stuxnet

arly in the twenty-first century,

new, cyber-based threats to the
well-being of individuals, economies, and societies added a new dimension to the well-understood threats of
the twentieth century. For the first time
in human history, advances in information and communications technologies

are potentially accessible to much of

the worlds population. These Internetbased advances allow almost anyone to
disseminate messages, meaning that a
wide range of actors, state and nonstate, have the potential to disrupt networks and commerce with relatively
little fear of discovery. In cyberspace, it

Choucri and Goldsmith

is hard to know with certainty what is

behind a particular actionand actions
in one place can have effects around the
A powerful example of how advances
in cyberspace have changed the national
security environment is the deployment
of Stuxnet, a complex piece of malicious
software that reportedly damaged the
uranium enrichment facilities of Irans
nuclear program (Broad and Sanger,
2010). Both Israel and the United States
have been blamed as creators of the
virus, but in part because of the nature
of cyberspace, the origin of the software
remains in dispute.1 Another apparent
case of international relations conducted in cyberspace were the 2007
cyber attacks that overwhelmed the
websites of prominent Estonian organizations, including public-sector agencies, banks, and media firms. Some
Estonian officials blamed Russia for the
attacks, but responsibility was never
proved. Similarly, in 2010 Google
announced that it and a variety of hightech, security, and defense firms had
been targeted in an attempt, apparently
originating in China, to gain access to
and steal valuable digitized information.
The episode resulted in a temporary
shutdown of Googles China site.
This new, cyber dimension of international affairs presents great challenges
to deterrence, a cornerstone of national
security policy since the end of World
War II. In the traditional, pre-Internet
deterrence context of the twentieth century, the United States and the Soviet
Unionstate actors with symmetrical
capabilities, known identities, and
shared aversions to the escalation of tensionspresided over a bipolar international system. International relations in
the twenty-first century, by contrast,


involve a large number of new states

created at the end of the Cold War, as
well as a wide range of non-state actors
that inhabit a complex environment
characterized by asymmetries, obscured
identities, few shared aversions, and
diverse, often unknown goals and
objectives (Choucri, forthcoming).
Cyber threats are serious, growing,
and destabilizing. The deterrence theories and strategies created and employed
during the Cold War are not easily portable to the cyber domain. Some prominent research groups are attempting to
understand the cyber revolution in
international affairs, and governments
have made a few efforts to cooperate in
cyber matters, notably in the area of
Internet-based crime and the creation
of Computer Emergency Response
Teams (CERT). In general, though,
policy responses lag far behind developments in the virtual realm. In large part
because of the evolving characteristics
of cyberspace, the full range and effects
of cyber interactions and the potential
scale and scope of cyber threats simply
are not well understood. A relatively
new joint effort of Harvard and
MITthe Explorations in Cyber
International Relations projectaims
to create a new research discipline that
integrates cyberspace into the fabric of
international affairs, in all of its manifestations, such as to eliminate the current
tendency to consider cyberspace and
international affairs as two distinct parallel arenas or areas of interaction. This
new initiative seeks to provide the theories, data, and analytic tools tailored to
the complexities of the twenty-first century and necessary for governments to
make sense of, and successfully
manage, their international relations in
the cyber era.


Emerging attention to cyber

In his recent book on cyberwar,
Richard Clarke, the former US counterterrorism czar, concludes that the
develop cooperative strategies for dealing with the new state of international
cyber affairs (Clarke and Knacke,
2010). While he highlights treaty making, the broader issues are of bringing
order into the chaotic cyber environment. Cyber governance at national
and international levels consists of
mechanisms designed to institutionalize support for stable and robust
cyberspace and cyber-based interactions, to enhance cyber security, to
damage, and to deploy cyber venues
that enhance human well-being.
The Convention on Cybercrime,
adopted by the Council of Europe on
November 8, 2001, stands out as a
formal initiative in this arena. The convention focused on copyright infringement, violations of network security,
and Internet espionage (Council of
Europe, 2001) and tried to foster international cooperation by harmonizing criminal laws and investigative and
prosecutorial procedures around the
world. By 2012, 32 states had ratified the
States, where the convention went into
effect in 2007and another 15 countries
had signed but not yet ratified the
accord. Importantly, though, China,
Russia, and many Eastern European
countries have not signed. Despite its
incomplete membership, the convention
does represent a level of formal
cooperation on cyber crime that had
not previously existed.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(2)

At the same time, however, rivalry

among the major powers and contentions over the principles that should
govern cyber-based interactions prevent the development of worldwide
governance structures for managing
cyber crime, as well as many other
deleterious activities. For example,
China and Russia recently offered the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization as
a replacement for the Convention on
Cybercrime. Founded in 2001, the
organizations membership consists
of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan
(Scheineson, 2009); on many diplomatic
and strategic issues, the organization is
more closely aligned to China and
Russia than to the United States,
Europe, and Japan. But it would be
futile to look for internal consistency
on all matters of politicsnational or
internationalor to expect consensus
on the definition of the problems or on
agreement over the priorities for global
action. Russia, for example, has a formal
policy to focus on the information
wardefined as actions by a state to
undermine another states political,
economic, and social systemsand
not on agreements to stop cyber crime.
In the United States, there has been
increased talk on the need for a policy
to deal with international cyber threats.
In 2009, the US government completed a
review of its cyber-security policy and
Command, which unifies the Army, Air
Force, Navy, and Marines. The Obama
administration subsequently appointed
Howard Schmidt as the White House
cyber-security coordinator, and, in 2011,
the US Defense Department developed
its own cyber strategy (Department of
Defense, 2011).

Choucri and Goldsmith

The public version of this strategy

document emphasized five strategic
initiatives: treating cyberspace as an
operational military domain, employing
new defense operating concepts, partnering with other US government agencies and the private sector, building
relationships with allies and partners to
strengthen collective cyber security, and
leveraging the nations workforce for
technological innovation. Nonetheless,
some observers have argued that the
strategy is insufficient, because it lacks
a unified approach, specific details and
timetables, and funding sources (Clarke,
2011; Nakashima, 2011).
At the international level, new institutional mechanisms were designed to
support global cyber security, most
notably the CERT. Originally developed
by the US Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, the CERT
Coordination Center was established at
November 1988. Since then, the CERT
system has expanded worldwide, with
more than 250 organizations that deal
with Internet security problems.2 The
core functions of the teamsas defined
by the coordination centerinvolve
response to security emergencies, promotion of valid security technology,
and protection of network continuity.
The usual problems of coordination
persist, most notably in the collection
of data on cyber threats where there is
little agreement on definition or
measurement practices. Effective coordination will evolve over time, probably
at a slower rate than actual threat
There is widespread recognition of
the rapidly changing nature of cyber
interactions, the diversity of cyber
threats, and the growing potential for


response strategies. Existing research

initiatives that focus on global cyber
Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of
Excellence in Estonia and the
Information Warfare Monitor, a publicprivate venture between the Citizen
Lab at the Munk School of Global
Affairs, University of Toronto, and the
SecDev Group, an Ottawa-based think
tank. The Information Warfare Monitor
recently issued reports on cyber espionagethe theft of national and corporate information from networksand
Chinese cyber-surveillance activities.
The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense
Center, established in response to the
2007 Estonia cyber attacks, focuses on
expanding capability, cooperation, and
information sharing among NATO

A new cyber initiative

The above-mentioned organizations are
venues in which some cooperation and
research can occur, but there are no
programs that have a central mission to
provide a theoretical framework as well
as the data and analytical tools for
understanding and responding to the
international cyber reality of the
twenty-first century. The joint MIT
and Harvard Explorations in Cyber
International Relations (ECIR) project,
launched in 2009, hopes to change that
by creating an integrated view of cyber
and real international relations.3 It is
designed to realign the foundations of
international relations theory and
policy with the new realities of cyberspace by establishing a new multidisciplinary field of study. To educate a new
generation of researchers, scholars, and
analysts and to equip them with the


necessary tools for this century, the

project aims to clarify threats and
opportunities in cyberspace in regard
to national security, national welfare,
and national influence and to provide
analytical tools that can help governments understand and manage the
cyber domain as it evolves over time.
Housed at MIT, the joint project consists of 15 faculty members and senior
researchers (political science, business
and management, and computer science) at MIT and at Harvard
Government and its Law School. There
are currently 13 post-doctoral associates
or fellows, as well as graduate researchers and undergraduate students. The
project activities consist of research,
educational initiatives, and outreach initiativesin addition to the usual scholarly production of publications, policy
briefs, and advisory activities, nationally
and internationally.
From a theory perspective, the project
seeks to understand the opportunities
and vulnerabilities created as nations
and non-state actors interact in cyberspacewhere, how, and with what
effects. This interaction is clear in the
real world, but there is very little systematic knowledge about this in the
cyber world. For example, it is unknown
who or what holds the reins of power in
the cyber worldthat is, exactly what
entities, and under what mandate,
enable the flow of information (and
how they enable this flow at various
points in the process). This information
must be garnered if basic features of the
cyber domain are to be understood.
From a technological perspective,
the project explores, for example, the
extent to which existing methodologies
in analysis of international relations are

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(2)

portable to the cyber arena, and to adjust

these as needed, or, alternatively, to customize methods to the cyber domain.
There are several key questions that
must be answered. Among them: Who
will steer the technological evolution of
the cyber domain and how? Is the
Internet today a model for the future?
Is it changing? If so, how? If not, why not?
The policy challenge is to render the
toolkit of policy responses more consistent with the complexities of cyber realities. So far, cyberspace has been
an open arena. But this is changing.
In the United States, lawmakers are
struggling with how to manage competing interests, currently illustrated
by the 2012 proposed anti-piracy bill.
Almost everywhere, there are contentions over regimes for regulating
interactions in the cyber domain.
China and like-minded states focus on
uses of the state-based International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) and
the IGF (Internet Governance Forum),
for example, while the United States
and other like-minded states prefer to
rely on the private-sector arrangements
customized to the cyber domain, such as
the Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
among others. From a diplomatic perspective, the challenge is to frame new
modes and instruments of negotiation to
manage the interactions of the real
world and cyberspace. Internationally,
the World Summit on Information
Society (Geneva, 2003; Tunis, 2005) and
other similar projects seek to formulate
common principles, practices, and priorities for the cyber domain. And the 2011
London Conference on Cyberspace
launchedwith little apparent successan

Choucri and Goldsmith

dialogue to help guide the behavior in



international institutions are seeking to

extend sovereign authority over the
cyber domain.

New research initiative

If ECIR is to achieve its missionnotably to improve the understanding and management of cyber
interactions, reduce conflict, and
enhance efforts to contain or prevent
the deployment of cyber weapons of
large-scale destruction and large-scale,
cyber-driven disruptionit must effectively reduce, if not entirely eliminate,
three critical disconnects or gaps in current understandings and practices.

The cybertheory gap

There is an enormous disconnect
between the cyber realities of today
and the theories of the twentieth century, which continue to guide national
policy and international relations. For
example, the emphasis on the statebased system of international relations
is increasingly tested more by a wide
range of new actorsfrom Wikileaks
Julian Assange to the jihadist webmasters of Al Qaedawith new cyberenabled modes of interaction. To close
the cyber-theory gap, the collaboration
between one of the authors of this article, political scientist Nazli Choucri, and
computer scientist David D. Clark, who
in the 1980s led development of the
Internets architecture, created a framework for integrating cyberspace into the
fabric of twenty-first-century international relations. One of the most significant insights gained so far from this
mapping effort involves the large
degree to which the entire cyber
system is run and controlled by the private sector in a world where state-based

The empiricaldata gap

Well-recognized, there is a powerful disconnect between cyber activities on the
one hand and the quality, integration,
and consistency of the data about these
activities on the other. To close these
gaps, ECIR set out to identify, collect,
and reconcile (where possible) existing
data sets relevant to cyber international
relations and propose new uses and integration of data into theory and policy. It
must also find ways of facilitating analysis of large-scale datasuch as statistics
on cyber access by countryfrom
diverse perspectives and for different
An example of research to close the
empiricaldata gap is the construction of
the cyber-data dashboarddeveloped
by the ECIR team and led by MIT computer scientist Stuart Madnickto
harness and, to the extent possible, reconcile diverse cyber-data sources,
including CERT data. The dashboard
functions as a simple, easy-to-use
source for global and nation-level data,
with specific emphasis on cyber-security threat data and high-profile events.
Its first version focuses on the data generated by CERT to provide a coherent
overview of cyber-threat incidents

The policyanalysis gap

This disconnect is between traditional
modes of policy analysis and the realities that focus largely on states and
threats through the cyber domain that
involve non-state actors, isolated


individuals, or groups whose identity is

not known, for example. Generally,
national leaders turn to past policiesbased on past realitieswhen
responding to new challenges. In some
arenas, this can be a wise practice, and
one supported by institutional and
bureaucratic logic, but there are no precedents for cyberspace as a domain of
international interaction.
Closing the policyanalysis gap is
perhaps best illustrated by one of
ECIRs research activities. It involves
modeling the cyber politics surrounding
the Arab Spring, which highlighted the
fragility of regimes worldwide and the
ability of coordinated dissidents to challenge or topple governments with the
help of cyber organizing tools. Political
revolts in seven countries were triggered by the events in Tunisia in
December 2010, followed by a similar
but more far-reaching initiative in
Egypt. A modeling effort led by Daniel
Goldsmith and Michael Siegel, both at
the MIT Sloan School of Management,
is a dynamic simulation project that
investigates how cyber venues are used
in the pursuit of regime change. The
analysis shows how cyber interventions
both enable dissidents, via faster and
more widespread messaging capability,
and enable regimes, via the ability to
block content on, block access to, and
Internet. The nature of the race between
them was powerfully influenced by the
dissidents use of social networks and,
when the Internet was shut down, the
use of traditional phone lines.

If the ECIR mission is to be successful, it
must integrate the real and the cyber

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(2)

into a unified framework to help steer

policy makers and practitioners through
the twenty-first centuryand, of course,
provide a new generation with a relevant
education buttressed by methods of
inquiry, educational capabilities, and
tools of analysis for current realities.
The remarkable growth of cyber
access worldwide has brought with it
an increasing diversity of actors and
entities. Englishlong the dominant
language on the Internetis now used
by less than 30 percent of the Internet
population. All countries, and a large
fraction of the worlds population, are
engaged in the cyber domain. And
these shifts in the cyber demography
and ecology have real-world ramifications that have few precedents if any.
Time is most certainly of the essence:
What we see, know, and understand
today in the cyber domain may not be
the same realities of tomorrow.
This work is funded by the Office of Naval Research
under award number N00014-09-1-0597. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this publication are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of
the Office of Naval Research.

1. Stuxnet infects Windows systems in its
search for industrial control systems, called
supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) systems. The target systems
include code that automates industrial
machinery (Falliere, 2010). A majority of the
infected computers worldwide were located
in Iran, with uranium enrichment factories as
the supposed target of the Stuxnet worm
(Fildes, 2010). Stuxnet was first observed
and spread in early 2010, but the roots were
traced back roughly to June 2009. The
Russian cyber-security company Kaspersky
Lab claimed that the attack could only be

Choucri and Goldsmith

conducted with nation-state support (Fildes,
2010). The most likely origin of the virus
seems to be either Israel or the United
States, though the origin remains disputed
(Keizer, 2010). Israeli officials have hinted
that their country may be involved (Broad
et al., 2011). Irans top nuclear negotiator
blamed the United States and claimed that
an investigation found that the United
States was the source of the attack.
2. These programs use CERT or a similar name
3. The project is rooted in the Minerva
Initiative, a Defense Department-sponsored,
university-based, social science research
program. Former Defense Secretary Robert
Gates launched Minerva in 2008 with the
goal of improving the departments basic
understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions
of the world of strategic importance to the
United States (Department of Defense,

Broad WJ and Sanger DE (2010) Worm was perfect
for sabotaging centrifuges. New York Times,
November 18, p. A1.
Broad WJ, Markoff J, and Sanger DE (2011) Israel tests
on worm called crucial in Iran nuclear delay. New
York Times, January 15, p. A1.
Choucri N (forthcoming) Cyberpolitics in International
Relations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Clarke R (2011) The coming cyber wars: Obamas
cyber strategy is missing the point. Boston
Globe, July 31, Op-Ed.
Clarke R and Knacke R (2010) Cyberwar: The Next
Threat to National Security and What to Do
About It. New York: Ecco.
Council of Europe (2001) Convention on Cybercrime.
Available at: conventions.coe.int/Treaty/en/

Department of Defense (2008) The Minerva
Initiative. Available at: http://minerva.dtic.mil/
Department of Defense (2011) Department of Defense
Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace. July.
Available at: http://www.defense.gov/news/
Falliere N (2010) Stuxnet introduces the first known
rootkit for industrial control systems. Symantec
blog, August 19. Available at: http://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/stuxnet-introduces-firstknown-rootkit-scada-devices.
Fildes J (2010) Stuxnet worm targeted high-value
Iranian assets. BBC News, September 23.
Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-11388018.
Keizer G (2010) Is Stuxnet the best malware ever?
Infoworld, September 16. Available at: http://
Nakashima E (2011) US cyber approach too predictable for one top general. Washington Post, July 14.
Available at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/
Scheineson A (2009) The Shanghai Cooperation
Organization. Council on Foreign Relations,
March 24. Available at: www.cfr.org/international-peace-and-security/shanghai-cooperationorganization/p10883.

Author biographies
Nazli Choucri is professor of political science at MIT and principal investigator for
the Project on Explorations in Cyber
International Relations (ECIR) of the Minerva
Daniel Goldsmith is an affiliated researcher at
the MIT Sloan School of Management and a
principal consultant at the PA Consulting

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